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    Katniss the Luxray and Snow the Serperior [Inactive]


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    Katniss the Luxray and Snow the Serperior [Inactive] Empty Katniss the Luxray and Snow the Serperior [Inactive]

    Post by Silverishness Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:39 pm

    Katniss the Luxray and Snow the Serperior [Inactive] Katandsnow

    Katniss and Snow
    Hex Color Katniss (#f28b0c)
    Snow (#a1ceff)
    Item None
    Gender Female
    Age Young Adult
    Aged Adult
    Species #405/ Luxray, the Gleam Eyes Pokemon
    #497/ Serperior, the Regal Pokemon
    Height 4'7"
    Weight 92.6 lbs
    138.6 lbs
    Pokédex Entry It has eyes which can see through anything. It spots and captures prey hiding behind objects.
    It only gives its all fighting against strong opponents who are not fazed by the glare from Serperior's noble eyes.
    Level 60
    Ability Intimidate
    Nature Adamant
    Characteristic Strongly Defiant
    Strong Willed
    -Thunderbolt [TM]
    -Hidden Power [TM]

    -Giga Drain
    -Toxic [TM]
    -Leaf Blade
    -Swords Dance[TM]
    History Katniss was born wild to a family of Luxray, a small pride in the wilds of Sinnoh. Though hunting was tough in their sparsely populated area, her father did the best he could, providing for his small, growing family while her mother cared for her and eventually her younger sister, Prim. He taught Katniss much of the world around them, warning her of poisonous berries and plants, as well as certain pokemon and humans. She adored her father, and for a time, was perfectly happy living in the small tribe.

    Unfortunately, this peace did not last. When she was still only a Shinx, her father was killed during a hunt, never making it back home. She turned to her mother to keep them going, to now take over the duty left by her deceased father. Instead, her mother reclused, falling so into her own mind that she became catatonic, a waking mannequin. Furious that her own mother abandoned her and Prim in such a time of need, Katniss took the responsibility herself, foraging and hunting the woods for game and food. Eventaully, she even moved them to a small community of wild pokemon to aid in her taking care of both her mother and little sister. She couldn't let Prim be robbed of her childhood like she herself had.

    Times were hard for a very long time. She pushed herself to evolution twice, enabling her to hunt and forage more easily. Unfortunately, even with her added newfound strength, Prim was starving, as well as she. Things were rough, and were it not for a good friend, they would have likely died. For a long time, Katniss took on her mother's role, caring for Prim as her guardian. When her mother finally came out of herself, tensions were high and there were fights nearly every other day between the two conflicting for control of the household.

    Things continued like this until one day, during a routine hunt, she was captured. Wild Luxray were difficult to come by in her area, and so a rogue trainer scouted her out immediately. She was ripped away from her family and friends, flushing out her anger full-force.

    She couldn't be tamed. She nearly killed her new trainer and wounded several others, but not before catching the interest of a traveling millionaire. When they were about to euthanize her, he stopped them, offering to buy her off of them. Ignoring their warnings, he carefully took Katniss back with him to his home of Orre, where she was suddenly thrust into hard training.

    She hated it at first, always having to obey orders. But soon, she found that the trainers didn't care what she did, as long as she won. While she didn't fancy the idea of killing other pokemon for sport, she did what she was told to make the grueling process go faster. To add to what little drive she had to obey orders, the man who bought her promised her family safe and sound. However, even with this promise of safety, her rage and resentment built to incredible heights, and just when she was about to strike, she plummeted into a world of death and money.

    The Games.

    She understood little about them, only that they'd happened before and that there was usually only one winner. She fought hard, using her Thunderbolts like arrows, sniping her opponents from afar, blowing up supplies, and still hunting for food. She teamed up with a pokemon from her community, Peeta, and with him, managed to kill all of their opposition. Not wanting to kill him or herself, she opted for them to both eat poisonous berries. One of the staff, a zoroark, appeared and stopped them, announcing them both as winners.

    Relieved, Katniss thought she was now free, as the human had promised her freedom should she win. But no. She had cheated the system and thus, she was to pay for it. Dumped unceremoniously on the ground of her home, she was made to witness the brutal death of not only her mother and sister, but of her entire community, all at the "hands" of the man's right-hand pokemon, a serperior.

    Hate, rage and a sick need for revenge filled her. There was nothing left in the world, nothing. The only surviving friend she had was Peeta, and Legends only know where he was. Bereft of anything to hold onto, her mind degraded into that of a rabid beast, a demon searching for that one soul to take. She lunged, nearly killing the snake herself before an idea occurred to her; keep the snake alive to find the man. She took him prisoner, if not to have him be her bloodhound, but to have some sort of body to vent her anger on. Even when the epidemic began to swarm, she did not stop her search, her only goal to find that man and kill him.

    Snow began life in the poorer regions of Unova, out in the outer regions of civilization. His first trainer was a poor breeder, and when she spotted the shiny hatchling, she nearly rejoiced and sold him as soon as she could for as high as she could. Though the initial separation from the closest thing he could call a mother was somewhat traumatizing, he soon got over it, as it soon became the norm to have a new owner every month or so.

    The first trainer that actually stuck was a young boy who was the one that gave him his name. Not a terribly creative human, but he knew his things when it came to battling. Quickly, the now more mature snivy grew and evolved, becoming quite the battler himself. The two lived happily together until Snow was spirited away by rogue theives, looking for a quick buck. Snow never saw the boy again.

    He escaped his captives to find himself in a new land, a desolate region of sand and more sand: Orre. Unfamiliar with such terrain, it wasn't long till Snow had to venture into the cities to find food and water, as the wilds were too harsh for his knowledge. He was happened by a particular human, one who thrived for battle and victory and soon adopted. The man saw a liking to the snake, even without their names coincidentally the same. While the man never believed in Fate, he wasn't about to let such an opportunity pass him by, and so he trained Snow like his own starter.

    With the snake's training came an idea to the man, a sort of competition, an all-out Battle Royale in Orre's cutthroat style. The region was notorious for gambling and illegal fighting, why not celebrate it? After all, it was what made Orre, Orre. In spirit of the tournament, which the man called the Games, he even placed in Snow, sure that he would win the fight and be a beacon of success and victory. That he would be the figurehead of the hopefully annual Games, a trophy for victories won and to be won.

    Unfortunately for Snow, it wasn't all that easy.

    He had underestimated the calibur of pokemon he would be facing, and thus nearly lost several times. Thankfully, his quick thinking led him to a steady strategy of poison and quick, precise blows. Being weak to poison, using Toxic was always a tricky move, often building the attack and then having to wait for the best moment to strike. This caused a lot of self-poisoning, accidently ingesting the poison himself. Nearly constantly sick, it was a miracle when he advanced into the final two, the fight between a tyranitar and himself. It was a brutal battle, but eventually, he won out and was immediately rushed to the Pokemon Center.

    While his extranneous wounds were taken care of for the most part, much internal damage remained. His organs were soft, weak, and were prone to weeping, causing him to cough up blood occasionally. But even though it was a bittersweet win, Snow was praised and admired and did exactly what his owner wanted: fuel the want for another round of Games. Since his first debut, Snow had been present for each Games, watching all the tributes go through the same hell he had. There was no pity for the losers, only respect for the winners. His coworkers, some other pokemon his owner made use of, were of little priority to him. As long as they did their job correctly, he paid them no heed. His focus was on the poor bastards in the arena and the one that came out the victor.

    The last Games was by far the worst, a luxray and persian duo scraping their way to the top. While Snow didn't care much for the lovesick tomcat, he knew the luxray -as soon as he'd laid eyes on her- was trouble. Knowing better than to try and counsel his owner, however, it was all he could do but watch as the pinnacle of the Games unfurled into a draw.

    The zoroark responsible was dealt with, the Illusion pokemon the one that ran into the middle of the arena to anonuce two victors. The duo was properly separated and the luxray was scheduled to be thouroughly punished. However, instead of punishing her himself, Snow's owner had him do it, and frankly, at the time, Snow was all for it. He had come to take as much pride and joy in the Games as his owner, and this little wretch had ruined it in one fell swoop. However, when the family and friends of the girl was killed, she did something he did not expect: fight back.

    In a flurry of fire and teeth and claws, Katniss retaliated, infuriated by her tragic loss. Before landing the final blow, however, she paused, eyes alight with an idea. She told him he would lead her to his owner, so that she could properly kill the both of them. Taking the chance of keeping his life for a little while longer, he begrudgingly agreed, waiting for his chance to end her. Even when the Infected began breaking loose, it did not stop her drive, pushing them onward to find his now rather elusive owner.

    Appearance An almost homely luxray, Katniss has only ever boasted to be a plain beauty; the sort of pokemon that's appealing because there's really nothing wrong with it. Her frame is lean, but not terribly muscular, adding femininity to her otherwise somewhat masculine frame. Her mane is generally tamed, one of the few vain features she indulges in. Her eyes are possibly the most fearsome aspect of her, glaring at any opponent foolish enough to stand in her way. Though she is young, her presence demands respect, and she is all too willing to enforce it.

    Snow is aptly named, for his entire body is covered in the softest of pale blue hues, as if he were a spirit of winter itself. However, the delicate and almost ethereal appearance hides a more brutal nature, only exposed when he is placed in dangerous situations. There are a few scars on his scaly hide, betraying his rather rowdy past. His lips are stained pink with years of spitting blood, and his scent reflects that.
    Personality Rebellious| Stubborn| Spiteful| Vengeful| Feral| Protective| Distant| Indecisive| Resourceful| Ruthless| Paranoid

    Katniss is not one to take orders without question. She is not a soldier, nor a follower of any kind. She has her own mind, her own set of rules and dogma, and they are they only things she is going to answer to, fuck anyone else. Her stubbornness and rebellious nature add to this frame of mind, making her a very difficult person to sway or intimidate. There is little that will make her back down, especially now that there is nothing to restrain herself for.

    Before the Epidemic, before the Games, she was protective of her little sister and her friends. They were all that mattered to her, regardless of her own personal well-being. However, since all of them have been ripped away from her, there is nothing left for her to protect, leaving her a dangerous enemy. With nothing to lose, any fight she participates in has the possibility of it being her last, with the way she throws herself into the blaze of battle.

    Her thirst for revenge is possibly the only thing that has kept her going, the blood of everyone she held dear resting on one man. She searches for him still, if only to die at his hands while she slits his throat with her claws. This is her drive, the entire reason she continues to move. It is slowly driving her mad, as well as the nightmarish visions of the Games and her friends and family being slaughtered. These leave her intensely paranoid, questioning any other pokemon's motives to outlandish extremes. She is hard to come to trust. She will sometimes hallucinate images, scents, voices, or even words from other pokemon as they speak.

    Strangely enough, even as feral as she is, there is some normalcy to her. Even though she lives by her own rules and regulations, it's difficult for her to make certain decisions that involve other people, and so, if given the choice, would step down from a leadership role. She feels unsuited for that sort of work and prefers to work alone.

    "Feral" is a good term for her now, her wild aspects of her personality having taken hold of her civility. She never had much restraint before, so it was easy to lose herself to her more wild instincts. She is ravenous, ruthless and worst off, cunning and resourceful. She has an incredible knowledge of plants and berries, as well as many pokemon species to aid her in battle and out. Unfortunately, human trinkets still elude her, even after having an owner.

    Calm| Cold| Ruthless| Indifferent| Unsympathetic| Control Freak| Domninant| Level-Headed| Prideful| Vengeful| Resourceful| Determined| Ambitious| Sadistic| Intelligent|

    Snow is not a pokemon easily roused to anger or any other emotion, all situations taken in a cold, level-headed light. Very rarely does he let things like emotions sway his analysis or reasoning and is therefore quite reliable should a crisis occur. Cold, calculating, and despite his lack of being able to connect with people, this puts him in a mindset that would be fit for leadership, the needs of the many always outweighing the needs of the few. Unfortunately, his views are skewed as to what those needs might be, as well as in what priority.

    Being used to having a position of power, Snow is not one that likes to be bossed about, nor in a subservient position in life, which makes traveling with Katniss difficult to stomach. To any other pokemon, his presence alone commands respect, his species known for its haughty nature. He is a pokemon that has a need for control, to hold the reins, and is thus losing his calm around his angry cat companion.

    There are many things he and his feline comrade share: determination, ruthlessness, stubbornness, resourcefulness-- all useful traits. However, the biggest trait they share is their spite and vengeful natures. He will hold onto grudges until he feels they are rightfully appeased, usually with the victim's death. Because of his patient nature, his grudges tend to last years, and it doesn't help any who cross him that he never forgets a face.

    Highly intelligent, it is easy to scheme and plot for Snow, to come up with elaborate plans and to think on the spot. Again, he is useful in a crisis, usually already devolping a plan to emerge victorious.
    User Notes -Named after and loosely based on Katniss from "The Hunger Games".

    -Named after and very loosely based on President Snow from "The Hunger Games".

    Last edited by Silverishness on Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:36 pm; edited 8 times in total


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    Post by Silverishness Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:46 pm

    Move to Inactive, please~


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    Post by Silverishness Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:25 pm

    Actually, I don't have plans for Peeta XD


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    Post by Negative10 Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:15 pm

    If there's a Katniss, and then there's a Peeta, you obviously can't be complete without a Gale either LOL

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    Post by Snitch Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:00 pm

    I really want dibs on Gale now, lol. :B

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    Post by Zapdos Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:47 am

    You madman, Sil B]
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    Post by Snitch Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:06 am

    You already know how happy this makes me, lol. xD

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    Post by Silverishness Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:36 pm

    Dat picture is FINALLY done. |D


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