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10 posters

    The NEW BARK Team


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:11 pm

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    New Bark Pokecenter \ Afternoon \ [38]

    The Manectric drops to his fore paws, resting his head against the cool metal door to try and better hear the distorted echoing of the taps.
    The sound definitely has some rhythm to it but whatever deeper meaning the sequence of taps has is escaping him.
    Under his breath Javolt growls.
    What is Taki playing at?
    "Knock it off prisoner!" He growls aloud, smashing the door heavily with his paws as a warning.
    That Dewott was nothing but trouble.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:44 pm

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    New Bark|Afternoon(32)

    Taki stopped tapping as soon as his stomach growled. He whined and beat his paws on the door. "Hungry" Taki yelled. His stomach growled loudly making him groan. "Feeeeed meeee" Taki cried before shooting Water Pulse after Water Pulse around the room. He slammed himself down on his chest and moved around the room using only his back legs. "Fooooood" Taki cried before beating his face on the door.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:19 am

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    New Bark/Afternoon (18)

    "Yikes!" mirror squeeked, looking at the door: the presence of the Infection was more present than ever for Taki, as he was turning into a savage.

    "I-I don't know..." said the Psychic type, turning towards Javolt.

    "Should we give him food? I-I mean, what if he jumps on us o-or worse?"

    Mirror was worried, but he knew that Taki was somehow still a Pokemon, and that he didn't want to become like this. But, there was no choice...

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:42 pm

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    New Bark Pokecenter \ Afternoon \ [39]

    "Relax, I've got this." Javolt says as he back away from the deranged Dewott's loud pounding punctuated by the loud splashing sounds of the multiple water pulse attacks.
    The electric type stands, fixing Mirror with a serious icy blue glare.
    "Do not under any circumstances open that door while I am gone." He orders, making sure his full authority is in the statement.
    The Wobuffet seemed to be a bundle of nerves as evidenced by his tendency to stutter but the Inpsector wanted to know the Psychic type would obey his command.
    Without an explanation as to where he is going the Discharge Pokemon strides off down the corridor to the part of the pokecenter he knew the human's kept their food.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 10, 2012 7:49 pm

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    New Bark|Afternoon(33)

    Taki skated around on the now frozen floor clearly out of his mind. He held his paws up making an O above his head before skating in a circle. "I'm FABULOUS" Taki yelled before colliding with some boxes. He clapped his paws together. "I am gonna make a fort" Taki said delightfully before stacking up the boxes to look like a fort of some kind. He tore the pieces and held up a what appeared to be a cardboard sword. "I am King Taki! Lord of the refrigerator" Taki said losing the control of his body and mind to the infection. He jumped on top of the fort and swung his cardboard sword around and laughed maniacally.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:02 am

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    New Bark/Afternoon (19)

    Mirror immediately froze as Javolt said to him to stay still...and to not open the door.

    "Well, I wouldn't do that anyway!" as soon as the Manectric was gone, Taki started yelling and laughing from the other side of the cell, causing Mirror to squeak in fear.

    He sat on the floor, looking at the door, repeating to himself:

    "Ok, don't panic...he will be back soon...nothing to fear...c-calm down...h-he can't escape..."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:39 am

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    New Bark Pokecenter \ Afternoon \ [40]

    With a growl Javolt nudges his way through the human sized door to the darkened room where the food was kept.
    A few knocked over boxes and marks in the dust are proof of where the Dewott had been before to retrieve the berries.
    Javolt sniffs around, using his Odor Slueth to seek out what he is lloking for in the gloom.
    The power in here was spotty at best but in an innoculous brown paper sack he found what he was looking for.
    The Manectric's jaws easily cut through the flimsy paper and the dried pokemon food spills out.
    He sniffs at the spilt food before taking a bite himself.
    It is dry and obviously made of some form of replacement meat but Taki isn't going to worry about lack of water.
    Javolt's main concern now is getting the pokefood to him without Taki escaping.
    Bracing his paws against the cold stone he takes a grip on the bag and tugs hard. It slides across the ground but it is still too heavy.
    The Inspector jumps up on a pile of stacked boxes, snuffling around until he finds what he needs. An old tin can.
    Shaking the can to make sure its empty the electric type dips it into the bag and tightens his jaws around it, carrying the container in his teeth as he drags it along the the corridors back to the sounds of unfolding madness from the fridge.
    "He alright?" He asks the Wobufffet rather muffledly.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:26 am

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    New Bark|Afternoon(34)

    Taki heard voices outside his kingdom. He held up his sword and pointed it at the door. "Who goes there" he yelled. Taki held one of his paws behind his back and charged up Water Pulse in it. "All will perish who dare trespass on Taki's territory" he yelled. The Dewott was going insane very slowly but didn't notice. He thought he was a pup still playing with his brothers and friends.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:53 am

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    New Bark/Afternoon (20)

    "Y-yes, he's alright...well...he's alright a-as an Infected can be..." the Wobbuffet kept shaking to the creepy noises coming from Taki's cell.

    The Dewott was becoming crazier and crazier, and Mirror's fear of him breaking out of the cell was becoming stronger.

    "P-please, tell me you have the food, sir..." he said, looking towards the Manectric with hope.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:58 pm

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    New Bark Pokecenter \ Afternoon \ [41]

    In response to the Wobuffet's inquiry the Manectric drops the can down a fraction to show the Psychic type the dry meal inside. A thin stream of the pinkish hue food trickles onto the ground.
    "Get ready..." He says, putting a paw on the doorframe. With one swift moment he pulls open the door and swiftly tosses the can inside.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:57 pm

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    New Bark|Afternoon(35)

    Taki picked up the can and dropped a small Water Pulse in it. He tipped it up and let the contents fall in his mouth. Taki burped in satisfaction before pressing his cheek against the door. He tapped it before clearing his throat. "Mirror? Are you there" Taki asked. "I was wondering if you could talk to me" he said softly.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:05 pm

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    New Bark/Afternoon (21)

    Mirror started feeling calm once again, hoping that Taki would calm down after the food.

    But of course, fear kept hunting him: Taki started talking to him from the other side of the door. He wanted to talk with the Psychic type...why?

    "Eeeeep!" the Wobbuffet squeeked in fear, shivering, while looking at the wall. "W-What is is? Oh please don't eat me! U-us Wobbuffets are di-different, I-I assure you!"

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:05 am

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    New Bark Pokecenter \ Afternoon \ [42]

    Pulling back his furred lip to show his black gums the Electric Type near silently moves to the Wobuffet's side.
    Should the Dewott try to attack he would immediately be put back on the offensive.
    As it was he was being exceedingly accomidating by his standards by not simply tearing the infected Water Type limb from limb right now.
    Without a word to the blue Psychic type he sits beside Mirror, hoping his muscled and scarred bulk would be a comfort to the nervous Wobuffet.
    "Speak then..." Javolt barks, starting to groom.

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:57 pm

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    New Bark|Afternoon(36)

    Taki looked down. "Well it's just... Before all this started, I was a good Pokemon... I had a trainer but I was causing her problems so I left her... Then I found my mom and brother and my youngest brother was about to hatch but I had ran off and someone stole the egg... I felt so bad I couldn't go back.... So I'm asking you a favor inspector... If you ever come across a Samurott with three long scars on her right eye. Tell her I'm sorry" he said before slumping to the floor on his belly. "So very sorry..." Taki whimpered before a few tears began falling from his eyes.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:03 am

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    New Bark/Afternoon (22)

    The Wobbuffet listened quietly at Taki's story. He felt his heart sank, as he realized how much was painful to him to "live", if one could call that story "life".

    "I-I'm sorry for this, Taki. I'm honest." Mirror said, walking towards the wall. "I wish I could help you...but I can't..." suddendly, the Wobbuffet realized something: the Dewott was acting completely different from a few moments ago. It was like he kept changing from Infected to Survivor, and vice versa.

    "W-why are you telling us this?"

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:25 pm

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    New Bark|Afternoon(37)

    Taki's ears twitched. He heard an infected in the distance. And it was big. Mirror... Taki beat his paws on the door. "MIRROR! Something huge is coming! Go hide somewhere" he yelled. Taki grasped at his sides for his scalchops. "Oh for the love Kyurem" he growled. Taki snarled and punched the door repeatedly. "Come on you bastard! Open or break" he growled. Taki couldn't let Mirror and Javolt die out there! They were his friends and Taki was a Dewott of his word when he said he didn't let friends die! "If there is an Arceus! He will help me" Taki yelled.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:30 am

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    New Bark/Afternoon (23)

    "MIRROR! Something huge is coming! Go hide somewhere!"

    Taki didn't need to say it twice: the Wobbuffet immediately ran away, making sure that Javolt followed him: there was a closet. Not exactly the most original place to hide, but it seemed safe to the Psychic Type.

    "T-Taki, if it's that big you can't fight him! He'll kill you!"

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:33 pm

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    New Bark|Afternoon(38)

    Taki finally forced his way out of his prison and outside. He twitched his ears trying to hear what it was. Taki looked up to see a few Fearow soaring overhead. "Damn it all" he yelled before rolling out of the way of their Fury Attacks. The Dewott had forgotten his scalchops and was defenseless. Taki winced as one of the lethal beaks split his shoulder open. He laid on his belly and covered his head. "I'm a D.I.D! Dewott in Distress" Taki cried. He needed help...

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:31 am

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    New Bark/Late Afternoon (24)

    Mirror listened quietly, holding his breath: he didn't felt Taki anymore, but he heard noises outside.
    "What to do, what to do..." the thoughts of the Psychic type were abruptly disturbed, as he heard the screams of Taki. He was in danger!

    The Wobbuffet slowly looked around, getting out of the closet: it didn't seemed a trap of the Dewott.
    After taking the scalops of the Water-type, Mirror ran outside, gasping at the sight of Taki, who was getting overpowered by some Fearows. Infected Fearows.

    Mirror didn't know what to do: was it worth risking his life for saving an Infected? The monsters who hunted him down, completely changing him?

    "SKREEEEE!" Mirror snapped out of his trance, as one of the Flying types hitted him with an Aerial Ace, throwing away Taki's scalops.

    "Oh...oh no you didn't!" becoming completely red from the anger, the Patient Pokemon ran towards the Fearow, using Counter: he quickly smashed the bird's head, breaking his neck: he killed him.
    "W-what happened?"

    He, Mirror, the cowardly Wobbuffet, killed an Infected.


    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:42 am

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    New Bark|Afternoon(39)

    Taki applauded Mirror for killing the bird and helping him. He jumped on one of the Fearows' backs and laughed as it took flight trying to get him off. The Dewott steered it towards a lone building and jumped off just before it made impact. Taki laughed and clapped his paws together before returning to Mirror's side. "Not bad Mirror not b-" he started but was interrupted by the arrival of the big Infected he had heard. It was a Tyranitar. Taki knew the landscape and Tyranitar usually stayed up on Mt. Silver ut they were just a... He looked over at the Fearow. The birds were a warning! Taki stepped in front of Mirror and bared his fangs at the Tyranitar. "Mirror can you quietly go hide before this thing notices you" he asked.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:00 am

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    New Bark/Late Afternoon (25)

    Mirror watched happily as Taki defeated the Infected: truly, the Water type had a great ability.

    When the Dewott came back, the Psychic type wasn't so sure how to act: afterall, he was still an Infected.
    But, it wasn't time for thoughts. As Mirror raised his gaze, he shaked, looking at the Tyranitar, who was coming nearer and nearer.

    Once again, the Wobbuffet quickly followed the orders, and ran towards a bush: now, everything was in Taki's hands.

    "W-what's a Tyranitar doing here, anyway?"

    Suddendly, the Sandstream ability of the Rock type activated: everything was wrapped in a sandstorm. The battle was on.

    ((woot, 25th post!))

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:22 pm

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    New Bark|Afternoon(40)

    Taki gulped and backed up. His paw hit something slippery sending him backwards. He was about to swear when a thought hit him. Taki froze the ground in front of the Tyranitar before getting up. He smirked when it stumbled but swore heavily when it regained its footing and charged up Hyper Beam. Taki held up his scalchops thinking they would save his miserable hide but deep in his heart he knew that he would die if the Hyper Beam hit him.

    ((OoC:Thunder bro! Can Mirror save him? Its up to you))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:44 am

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    New Bark/Late Afternoon (26)

    Well, crap. Things weren't looking very bright: Taki slipped and only managed to freeze the legs of the Tyranitar, but he managed to charge Hyper Beam anyways.

    Mirror didn't need to wait for anything else.

    He rushed away from his bush, standing in front of the Rock/Dark type, arms wide open. He was sweating and shaking like a leaf, the only sight of the rock titan creating pure terror.

    "T-Taki!", the Psychic type merely managed to say. "G-go away befo--"


    It was too late. Mirror was struck by Hyper Beam: the pain he felt was enormous, as the Wobbuffet started shrieking in pain, feeling his skin burning.

    "G-GO...AWAY!" soon after these words, the Patien Pokemon counter-attacked with Mirror Coat, as a shock wave crushed the Dark Pokemon, sending him flying away. Hopefully dead.

    "Y-yaaay..." the Wobbuffet cheered, only for falling to the ground, unconscious.


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:01 am

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    New Bark Pokecenter \ Afternoon \ [43]

    The blinding stream of whirling sand that had completely blinded the Electric Type receeds with the defeat of the undead that had bought it, leaving Javolt to blink the dry gritty grains from his eyes and try and make sense of his surroundings. The piles of sand crunched under his paws as the Inspector loped towards the Wobuffet and Dewott as swiftly as his aging body could take him.
    The attack of the undead invaders had torn away the Dewott's holding cell, leaving the water type free and although Taki seemed to have regained his sanity, if only temporarily distrust was Javolt's first responce.
    Mirror was passed out from the force of countering the massive ground/dark type and in seconds the Manectric was crouching over the blue Psychic Type, carefully sniffing to make sure Mirror had not died.
    "You're still under arrest prisoner." Javolt growls at Taki.

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:02 am

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    New Bark|Afternoon(41)

    Taki placed his paw on Mirror's back carefully. "Mirror brother are you alright" he asked in a soft tone he wasn't sue he had. The Tyranitar had been crushed under the rebounded attack but Mirror had to have taken a little damage. "I'll carry you back to the center if you need me to" Taki said completely ignoring his own lack of energy. He didn't want his friend to die or be permanently injured... If his mother was here well Mirror wouldn't have even needed to go into battle and Taki would've gotten a smack on the head for fighting that monster and endangering his friends.

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