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10 posters

    The NEW BARK Team


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:27 pm

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    New Bark Pokecenter \ Late Afternoon \ [50]

    Crouching low against the ground in a desperate but ultimately pointless attempt to curb his fear instincts the Manectric turns his icy blue gaze upon the Natu and Wobuffet.
    His pupils are vibrating pinpoints of pure tension, a thunderstorm's worth of sparks playing across his long yellow teeth as glares at them with all the authority his aged body can muster.
    "Run you damn fools!" He barks at the pair with a surprising wrath, the sparks on his jaws giving a warning crackle. "You think you can stop this thing?!"
    His faded blue and golden fur stands on end as the electrical charge running through it stiffens it like a coat of needles, a sign of the Manectric's apprehension as he raises himself up to his fullest and most intimidating.
    Snapping his spark dripping jaws at the pair to get them to flee into the safety of the surrounding forest the Manectric turns to confront the massive fire lizard as it almost casually bats aside Taki's foolish charge. The sound its tail makes as it hits the Dewott makes the Inspector wince.
    This thing dripped death from every part of its scarred and charred body, the hot drops of lava that rolled from its blackened jaws falling onto the dry grasses below and causing them to burst into flames.

    To get a better idea of what weaknesses, if any, the thing had the Electric Type uses Odor Sleuth and immediately regrets it as the foul rotting scent of the creature's body, a foul mixture of rot and burning rock, permeates the air.
    Its eye sockets are empty but the precision of its deflection of Taki's attack shows that it is far from incapable.
    Javolt growls, his Thunder Fang attack growing greater and greater until the stray sparks are re-burying themselves in fur and his defenses burn before him.
    To reinstate a bit order, to cultivate a tiny patch of sanity in this harsh human-less world was his only desire and not it was all literally going up in flames.
    The barricades of twisted metal gleam dully in the firelight before melting under the heat of the blazing roof.
    No more will it provide a shelter for them and it is only some strange whim of the creature's mind that prevents it from turning that wild uncontrolled flame on them.
    Javolt shuffles from foot to foot, shifting his weight ready for the speed he knows he is going to need to avoid that scorching lance of fire and fixes his eyes on the great dragon still roaring out its challenge.
    For him running is not an option. He was an officer of the law.

    Dropping into a run only slowed by the still fresh wounds on his hind-legs the Electric Type starts his charge against the fire dragon.
    "Criminal, I am Inspector Javolt, a police officer. You are guilty of one recorded account of arson causing the destruction of human property and possible previous accounts to be investigated pending trial. Surrender or be bought in by force." He snarls at the flame spewing reptile, aware of the futility of the proclaimation as electricity starts boiling in his faded yellow-furred mane, it is an attempt to distract the thing from the other pokemon and what is hopefully their flight away from harm.
    No doubt the creature would not care for the law and, if he is lucky, he might be able to teach it the error of its ways before it tears him limb from limb.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:57 pm

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    New Bark|Afternoon(48)

    Taki hissed and placed a paw on his side as he forced himself up. He dropped on all fours putting on an intense burst of speed chasing down the dragon. "Hey you glorified lizard! Take this" Taki yelled before rolling completely over, forming a basketball sized Water Pulse and throwing it. He shot Ice Beam at it freezing the Water Pulse and greatly increasing its power. Taki had aimed for the body but the trajectory was all off and it was going straight for the wing. One sharp turn however would make it miss and Taki would be left open for an attack. He dropped to one knee still grasping his side fearing something may be broken

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:59 am

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    New Bark Pokecenter/Late Afternoon (34)

    Mirror immediately snapped from his confusion as he heard the angry barking of Javolt, who started to attack the Harbinger along Taki.
    What Mirror didn't understand was that the Manectric talked to two Pokemon: when the Wobbuffet turned around, he didn't saw anyone, but as he lowered his gaze he jumped when he made eye-contact with the Natu, who was so small he didn't even noticed he was there. "O-oh, hey little guy! This is not the good time for presentations, s-so let's go to--" but he was interrupted by the heavy noises of the battle, raging worse than a completely angry Gyarados. Javolt and Taki were attacking the Charizard, but their attacks didn't seem to affect the beast at all: this made Mirror way scared than before, but he reached full-panic mode when the flames of the Fire/Flying type reached the Pokecenter's roof, engulfing even the inside of the building.
    This wasn't good. At all.
    "Q-quick! Let's go! Maybe we c-can still reach t-the Lab!" the Patient Pokemon started running away only when he was sure that the Natu started following him, but he couldn't run very fast. The flames were shattered all over the place, burning the grass: it was only a matter of time before Mirror ran through a cloud of smoke. "H-huh! I can't see anything!" with those words, the Psychic type started slamming his face versus some trees, mumbling apologizes to non-existent Pokemon.
    "O-okay! Let's stop and clear my eyes so I can see...where...I...am." he raised his head as Mirror saw a gigantic shadow covering his body: he was under the Charizard, who was flying above him. He didn't need much before understanding that he just walked in the middle of the battle, taking the worst position possible.

    [Charizard, you have the permission to attack Mirror, but please don't kill him :3]

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:48 am

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    Late Afternoon/New Bark (3)

    A damn giant dragon. Perfect. Kori began to run after the strange blue Pokemon, without saying a word. It was an absurd situation, and the others were sacrificed to defend something. But what? Maybe they had nothing to lose, perhaps they were waiting to kick the bucket, or maybe they were just stupid. A cloud of smoke filled the area in a few minutes, but the Natu kept running, and running. That attack was a suicide. It was patently obvious that nothing could kill that ... thing. He looked at the Wobbuffet that stopped.A Giant shadow loomed over them. Don't stop! We have to get out of here! while yelling these words to the Psychic Pokèmon, he made a black copy of himself using Night Shade. He would be able to distract the Charizard with the Night Shade long enough to be able to walk away with Mirror, just outside the range of the fire attacks. He put on his glasses to cover his eyes from the dust, andby guiding Mirror, he jumped into some bushes, to cover their tracks. He took off his glasses, and check that the Wobbuffet was really there with him.

    Posts : 31

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Charizard Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:25 pm

    With another roar, the Harbinger was actually pleased with how it turned out. The little worms crawling under his godlike frame were actually trying to fight back. His gaping maw for once did not twist with sadisic fury, but instead a grin that was almost impossible to decipher. "That's more LIKE it!" The massive dragon barked out with a deep laugh, almost gleeful in his ecstasy. It had been too long since he slaughtered a group like that all at once.

    Much too long.

    Once again hearing the irritating sound of the damned water type, the scent of clean water was all too clear to the Harb. With a roar of vengence, Charizard snapped his tail again as he maneuvered himself closer to the ground. As the icy cold wet of the weak attack touched the skin on his wing, the beast roared in fury. It did not hurt -- the Harb NEVER hurt! -- but it was an annoyance. The feel of the moisture rolling off of his membraned wing. Despite not being able to see, the dragon knew that the infuriating jet of water had washed off a mayjority, if not all, of the gore on his wing tip, and exposing the decayed skin on it. The thought made him rage.


    That was his trophy, the blood of his victims.

    With a furious bellow, the Charizard was unawear that the two psychic smells had moved, or more he did not give a damn, but as he lashed his mighty tail, it connected with a body. It was strangely squishy and odd, but Charizard did not even care enough to think about how even a good slam from his tail was in no way a killing blow to the Wobbuffet. He roared his rage into the air, lashing wings in his fit of anger as his massive talons touched down on the ground. "I ....HATE... water," was what he ended up growling, his tone nothing short of heart stopping, the liquid fire dropping from his bloodstained teeth and hitting the ground around him.

    "Criminal, I am Inspector Javolt, a police officer. You are guilty of one recorded account of arson causing the destruction of human property and possible previous accounts to be investigated pending trial. Surrender or be bought in by force." The voice took him off gaurd, even going as far as to do the rare deed of catching the Harbinger by suprise as he reared his head back, eye sockets widening as he stared in the direction the voice had come from.

    Then he laughed.

    Charizard pulled back his upper lips and tossed his head to the sky, letting out a bellowing sound of near maniacal way. "Brought by FORCE, you say?" The mocking tone was clear in the deep, gravely sound of the fire dragon's rarely used voice. He much prefered to roar his words. Speaking in an almost civil tone seemed alein to him. But then the corners of his ripped mouth turned upward in a absolutely terrifying grin of madness. "Then fucking bring it. I'm waiting." Not waiting long enough to let the electric beast reply, the Harbinger let loos another unsteady jet of flames int he Manectric's direction.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:15 pm

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    New Bark Pokecenter \ Late Afternoon \ [51]

    Crouched low and wary against the dry dirt with the bloody red light of the fire playing across his back the grizzled and elderly Manectric holds his ground even as the crouching figure of the rotting skinned lizard is hit by the Water Pulse attack, it doing nothing more than to clean some of the gory smears of red from its wing to expose the stinking orange scales and delicate folds of membrane the green of a diseased leaf.
    The thing, eyes sunken pits of nothingness, seemed more enraged than injured, though from what the Inspector had learnt in his long battles the bursting water should have been enough to damage the animate corpse.
    Black gums drawing back from knife-like yellowing fangs that already spark with a thunderstorm's worth of bright blue sparks Javolt growls in responce to how useless the Dewott's efforts would be in this fight ahead.
    "Retreat criminal, you live for now." He growls to the Water Type. "Take the others with you."
    At those words the Charizard's powerul tail comes around, smacking firmly into the stunned Mirror's gelatinous blue body with a wet splatting sound.
    The Manectric winces.
    Though from what he could see the Wobuffet's black 'tail' took none of the blow but it was impossible to say if the Psychic Type would recover as swiftly as Taki had. In fact the longer the eyeless dragon lingered here the more likely it would be that its fiery destructive nature would kill a civilian. As the commanding officer in this town security of civilians was his first priority, even if it chaffed him to place others in the care of the diseased Dewott in front of him.

    The Manectric takes his stand before the fire lizard, on the ground a graceless pile of savage might. Electrictiy crackles all over his fur, replacing the hot unpleasant scent of the molten rock and rotten meat that oozes from the Charizard's jaws with every roar it directs at the sky with the equally harsh but cleaner scent of ozone.
    The bright blue sparks of electricity play across his faded blue and gold fur, drawn by his ability to nestle close against his skin.
    The flaming pokecentre spreads wavering tendrils of black smoke into the growing turbulence of the skies, the black smoke columns that writhe like pythons mimicing the growing black clouds of an approaching storm.
    Those clouds are mimiced in minature in the tiny patches of blackness that start to broil around Javolt's mane as he fixes both eyes, one good and one scarred beyond sight, at the Fire Type behemoth that laughs at the suggestion he could do anything to it. Unwillingly the Charizard is mimicing the human criminals, caught with bloodied hands and long knives, that thought themselves equally above the law until Javolt fixed his sparking teeth to the bone in their legs and dragged them to justice.
    What his opponent thought mattered nothing to him, the law was the shining light of the one thing that remained true and pure in this corrupted world and, though he is nowhere near the Manectric he used to be in his younger years Javolt would defend it to his very last breath.

    Ignoring the rictus of madness that contorted the lava-dripping jaws in a mocking smile Inspector Javolt sees the tiniest warning of glowing flame spark inside the creatures throat and starts to run.
    The burning, expanding cloud of flames socrches the ground behind him black, the few straggly dry grasses bursting into flames in an instant and leaving a hairfine shadow of ash in the blaze before all that is left is the fire.
    The deep gashed wound the claws of the Dragonite has gouged in his hindquarters, only recently sewn back together by the human device, splits open under the extertion and starts to bleed sluggishly.
    Javolt's paws skitter on the dry ground, feeling it warm underfoot, as he struggles to outrun the powerful searing hot blast.
    A few bright embers broken free from the main body of the blaze land on his faded blue hindquarters an scorch the hair there down to a charcoal black stubble but as the Manectric, sparks singing in his and fur with the tip of his tail aflame, leaps towards the Charizard with intent to kill in his ice blue eyes the main body of the fire has just passed him buy.
    Opening his jaws so wide he could hear them crack the canine pokemon struggled to tighten them around the Charizard's wing.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:36 pm

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    New Bark|Afternoon (49)

    Taki nodded to Javolt and sprinted after Mirror and the little bird. He placed his paw on Mirror's side and looked around. "Come my den is nearby" Taki said quickly. He used Water Pulse to kill some of the smaller fires before glaring at the Charizard. Taki placed an Oran berry at the Natu's feet before leaping into a tree. He split an Aspear berry and hissed as some of the sour juices leaked into his cuts. "Even if it doesn't have any eyes this will still sting like hell" Taki yelled before running a long the branch and leaping off hoping to land on the Charizard's back.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:26 am

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    New Bark Pokecenter/Late Afternoon (35)

    The whole body of Mirror shaked as the giant Charizard slammed his head against him, slightly burning the Psychic Type. "Oooof!" Luckily, his kind was good at taking hits, and he managed to get up without too many problems.

    He only attacked my body...thank Arceus. Lady luck was with Mirror this time, as his protuberance didn't received any kind of damage.
    Quickly following Taki in a safer place (even though there was nowhere to hide) the Wobbuffet trembled, unsure of what to do...the Manectric and the Dewott were giving their lives for saving the group, and he couldn't do nothing...but watch.

    Hell, he did not even tried to Counter back the Harbinger's blow: he was useless. ...Why...why am I so cowardly?" the Patient Pokemon kept watching the flames burning the grass, creating more smoke.
    He couldn't understand: why was that creature attacking them? Why was it so powerful? It was like he slept for a long time and woke up years later...

    Everything was too different. It was almost too much to bear, but he stayed there: he was a coward, but not a betrayer. He would've stayed with his companions, even if that meant dying.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:06 am

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    New Bark/Afternoon (4)
    ((Temporary Image))

    The battle was clearly at a disadvantage. Due to the noise caused by the attacks of the great flying lizard, Kori could not understand what the Pokemon were saying, but after a while he saw the Dewott coming.He Told him to go to a den, or whatever, and gave him a berry that Natu speared on the claws. In fact, the water Pokemon intrigued him a lot, almost more of that kind of turquoise egg. Those Pokemon were really strange, big, and probably much stronger than he was. -What was that? How can such a thing be defeated? And who are you? - He probably would eat the berry, but had many questions bouncing in the head. -And- the doubt pierced his mind like a flash -That giant lizard ... can see?- In the meantime he tried to skip as fast as possible, but the acrid smell of burnt grass and berry kept him stunned. He stared for a long time at the turquoise Pokemon. A shot like that hit him, but it seemed that this did not cause him any problem. - W-Who are these guys? -

    Posts : 31

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Charizard Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:13 pm

    Charizard could hear the steps of his newest prey as it fled. The jet of flames coming from his jaws haulted and the Harbinger was pleased to scent blood in the air. Fresh, untainted blood. Licking his lips as he imagined the warm liquid running down his throat, Charizard let loose another booming laugh. "Run fool, run!" The Manectric would run itself right into the claws of death- judging from the smell of blood, Charizard could easily tell that he himself had not inflicted the wound, meaning the mutt had already been hurt before the Charizard had showed up. Smirking at this realization, the Harbinger knew then that it would only be a matter of time before the creature felled under his own weakness.

    Standing there in an almost leisure pose, you would almost think Charizard was not even a part of the fight, but a mere spectator. His demenor snapped back to focus as soon as he heard the Manectric coming back, though. Holding his head up, Charizard could hear the heavy foot falls of running and spread his wings out behind him in preperation. The crackle of electricity was easily identified and the Harb's head whipped around to give the illusion of staring at the electric type. With an effortless flick of the massive wing, he swatted the Manectric like a fly. There was no real power behind the blow, but it got the job done regaurdless. Letting loose a low chuckle, Charizard taunted. "Got to be faster than that, nave." He was not paying attention to the otter behind him, his whole body focused on the Manectric.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:09 pm

    [center][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    New Bark Pokecenter \ Late Afternoon \ [52]

    The elderly Manectric's growl is cut off mid-air by the lash of the mighty tail smacking firmly into his ribs. The sparks in his fur discharge as the contact is made. The sparks free from his teeth but with no target to burrow into they fall to the ground like the still glowing specks of lava that fall from Charizard's jaws. His growl turns into a puppy's yelp of surprise as he feels a rib crack.
    Smacked down mid-leap the fading furred Discharge Pokemon skids across the bare ground, a smear of dark red from his torn open wounds marking where he has slide across it.

    His icy blue eyes fur of rage the Electric Type struggles to stand.
    Rivulets of dark red blood ooze down from his more injured leg to drip onto the ground. Already the limb is starting to tingle with a pins-and-needles sensation that means it is in danger of going numb. He may lose the limb after all. A wry smile twists the faded blue furred lips at the thought.

    Javolt growls at the eyeless beast, still perched on the ground with an air of amusement around its soot blackened jaws. It is playing with him and it was right.
    Perhaps years ago his attack would have been swift enough to harm the beast before it took him down but it had been years since he had been on active duty.

    Laboriously Javolt hauls himself to his feet and keeps his good eye on the creature as he carefully licks his blood matted fur in a vain attempt to slow the sluggishly bleeding wounds. Without the machinery in the pokecentre the wounds would need months without disturbance to heal naturally and even if he was allowed such a luxury the limb may still have to be amputated.
    The Manectric, jaws now speckled red with his own blood, growls deeply once again and fixes his icy blue eyes back on the Charizard still squatting on the ground like some obscene mockery of a lizard.

    Once again his jaws start to spark with the miniature electrical storm of a fully charged Thunder Fang attack.
    A falling spark casts bright light across his beaten Nugget badge, the shining metal proudly embossed with his precinct, ID number and the address of his handler. He would not muddy what it represented by giving up now.
    Javolt, blood slowly flowing down his hind legs, snaps his jaws together and once again starts to run towards the hulking orang-scaled lizard. This pain...it was NOTHING!
    The deep howling cry that breaks free from the grizzled officer's throat mimics the boom of thunder in the distance as the dark clouds boil and twist in the distance.

    His black padded paws with their short claws scrabble on the ground as he start another attack, zigzagging to try and avoid the burst of searingly hot flame that he knows is forthcoming. His fading fur crackles with sparks as tiny thunderheads billow around his yellow mane.
    "Cease and desist!" He growls at the bloodied Fire Type as he charges again from the other side.

    His blue fur crawls with sparks and his time as he leaps towards the eyeless beast he clicks his jaws and cuts off his Thunder Fang attack, diverting the electricity to crawl across his fur as he gets close enough to smell the hot rot and molten rock stench of the grisly animate corpse.

    Still keeping both eyes on his target he makes to snap at the Charizard's other wing, hoping it will bat him from the air once again so the electric charge running through his entire body in a Thunder Wave attack drives it to muscle spasms of temporary and unpredictable paralysis.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:08 pm

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    New Bark|Late Afternoon(50)

    Taki felt the brunt of the Charizard's tail on his gut. "Haha ya don't get rid of Taki that easily" he said with a sneer on his face. Taki flipped backwards with his belly and chest numb with pain. His strength felt like it was increasing with each battered down hit. "I will fight to win and protect Mirror, Inspector Javolt and the little hopping bird" Taki yelled. He pulled out both scalchops and rushed the fire dragon. "Carve its brain out son... Nothing can live without a brain telling it to breathe and live" Taki imagined his father saying. He shot forward with Aqua Jet aiming for the Charizard's head. "Don't worry bro I'm only taking a little off the top" Taki yelled.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:29 am

    [[skip please, Mirror can't do much.]]

    Posts : 31

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Charizard Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:34 pm

    He was pleased with how the mutt was put in his place. The cry of shock and pain nothing but music to his sensetive ears. His tounge flickered out of his jaws, running along the roof of his mouth in a disturbing display as he grinned maliciously. Bellowing out in laughter cold enough to freeze death itself, the Charizard spread out his wings at his side, tail straight out behind him. The charred and bloody tip flickered from side to side, mimicking that of a feline, ready to pounce on its prey. "Must be swifter of foot than that, fucker," the Harbinger sneered, his teeth tossing the light of the fading afternoon sun.

    "Cease and desist!" the still stubborn Manectric spat back, the sound of foot falls and heavy breathing giving away his intentions. The scent of blood was so thick on the air, sweet like honey and candy to the dragon. His bottomless eyes shown with a lust for food. There were sounds behind him of the water type and the Charizard smirked, ignoring his words. He was in his domain. The dumb ass was stupider than he acted if he really thought there was a way for him to harm the Harbinger, let alone kill him.

    But then the timing was all too perfect.

    The grunt from the otter and the labored breathing from the dog told him more than he needed to know as they both executed what they thought were clever advances. Letting out a booming laughter, he snapped his body close to the ground before shoving down wings with such force that Charizard shot straight int the air in miliseconds. The two fools were left to collide with eachother in the absence of his massive body. He rocked with laughter from the air. "Ain't as fucking clever as you THOUGHT! HA!" Filled with dark amusement at the pitiful state of those daring to think they were worthy of fighting himself, Charizard's had snapped around in the direction of the two other scents. The Harbinger curled his lip, no longer laughing.

    Time to show them what they were facing.

    In a dashing show of aerial power, Charizard zoomed through the air. With his size and seemingly crippling disability, the great dragon showed how skilled he really was in the skies despite no sight as he flew right over the heads of the Natu and the blob. His left leg shot out, spearing into the smaller of the two and he circled back with almost no effort. The peircing scream of the bird was falling on deaf ears, the Harbinger grinning like a mad cat. Two massive talons struck into the bird's round body, it flailed for dear life, flapping wings and crying out in a frenzied terror. Charizard whipped his wings up, then snapped them up, letting his body fall right to the ground, landing heavily on his feet, and effectively smashing the Natu beneath his weight.

    There was only a pile of gush and gore, blood splattered all over the Harbinger once more . He chucked darkly, licking up some of the sweet nectary liquid from the gruesome remains. "So who will be next?" The threat was clear in his tone. No longer was he merely playing.

    Age : 29
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    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:07 pm

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    New Bark Pokecenter \ Late Afternoon \ [53]

    The growling ball of sparking fur that is Javolt is surprised to see the rotting orange scaled beast leap straight up into the air, away from the crackling electricity in his fur.
    Too late to check his jump the Electric type barely manages to disperse the electricity crawling across his coat before he collides roughly with the Dewott in mid-air.
    The wind is nearly knocked from Javolt as he is send roughly into the ground for the second time in so many minutes.
    Thick dribbles of dark red blood are matting his furry legs as he struggles to get to his feet.
    His breaths are coming in ragged gasps of exhaustion yet still the Manectric pulls himself to his feet with determination.
    He snaps his still Thunder Fang sparking jaws at the fallen Water Type viciously, his icy blue eyes filled with no mercy.
    "Stay out of my way!" He snaps his jaws by the Water Type's leg threateningly as he bares his teeth.

    His side dripping blood it takes the aged Manectric a lot of effort to actually stand up. His flanks shiver as he loses blood through the open wound.
    His light blue furred snout points towards the bloodied figure of the Charizard, mocking in its gory triumph. Not only was there power in its coiled muscles but also speed.
    Javolt's tongue hangs out as he pants for air.
    How could he defeat something as well honed as that?
    His legs shake as he tries to stand.
    The Fire Type was right, there was no way he was fast enough to catch it.
    His only hope was to buy time for Mirror to escape.
    After his foolish solo attacks there is no point in caring about Taki's safety. If the thick-headed criminal wants to die too than it'll just save him the effort later.

    Javolt gasps for air as he drops into another shaky run towards the Charizard, trailing droplets of blood behind him.
    His curved yellow teeth grit against the pain as, once again, the Electric Type tries to do some damage to the powerfully built animate corpse in front of him.
    It was too late for the little Natu, its tiny body crushed and torn to a red paste before Javolt could warn him of the approaching danger.
    The Manectric's jaw sets itself determinedly, adding murder to the list of charges.
    He could not give up now...

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:19 am

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    New Bark|Late Afternoon(51)

    Taki growled at the Manectric. "I'm trying to help you dammit" he said before smacking his tail viciously on the ground. His paws were becoming dull and numb with pain but haha that never stopped Taki before! His scalchops were placed at his sides and a Water Pulse built up just to be launched almost like a bullet aiming for the Charizard. Taki snapped up a Sitrus berry and bounded after Javolt to give it to him. There was quite possibly no chance of living through this but Taki was already dying...

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:58 am

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    New Bark/Late Afternoon (36)

    Noise, noise, noise...

    There was so much noise, caused by the furious match between the two Pokemon versus the Harbinger. They were fighting, they were brave...and Mirror was there. He could do nothing, as his nature was the biggest obstacle he could face.

    "Eh...don't worry little guy...I'm...I'm sure we'll be able to survive against that thing!" the cyan blob smiled to the little Natu, but those words were as fake as a Sudowoodo.
    Suddendly, the Charizard turned against the Psychic types. Mirror gasped: did the creature found them?

    The answer came immediately. The giant Dragon flew straight over them, grinning like the monster it was.
    The Fire type kicked the small Natu, and jumped over him, squashing the bird like a Caterpie.
    Mirror didn't even knew his name...

    The Patient Pokemon was so close to the dragon, and the fear was even stronger: the sensation of doom was coming stronger and stronger...Javolt and Taki were exausted and almost fighting eachother, and the newcomer of the group was already dead.

    "No...no, no, nooo!" instinctively running away from the Charizard, he looked around...what could he do? Trying to clear his mind, he slapped his forehead with his limbs, focusing.
    His race wasn't an offensive one...maybe he would've need to fight in a more passive way?

    Using Safeguard, he covered the group of survivors (and Taki): if the beast would've tried to burn them, it would've failed.
    "M-Mister Javolt!" the Psychic type yelled, trying to draw the Manectric's attention, "I can try to immobilize the Charizard with Shadow Tag! So he can't fly everywhere like he's doing now!"

    Hoping that the Electric type understood him, the Wobbuffet waited for orders.

    Posts : 31

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Charizard Wed Dec 19, 2012 6:44 am

    ( Skip me. I have no time for a proper post. )

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:48 pm

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    New Bark|Afternoon(52)

    Taki growled and stood up to his full height. His ribs and part of the cervical disk in his neck creaked in response. Taki grinned and cracked his neck loud enough for the Charizard to hear...

    Show me how to lie
    You're getting better all the time

    Taki ran at the Charizard and jumped for it. He intended to sink his tiny fangs into the great lizard's neck!

    Dance fucker DANCE!


    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:49 am

    ((Oh boy, skip me please. I'm kinda ill right now, and I don't think I'm able to do a decent post :I))

    Posts : 31

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Charizard Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:59 pm

    (Skip... for now. I blame the holidays.)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:23 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    New Bark Pokecenter \ Late Afternoon \ [54]

    "You..." Javolt growls, his ruff of faded golden fur standing on end in spikes as the electricity runs through it.
    He does not wince as large crimson drops of his blood roll from his flanks and hit the ground.
    "I have given you a task to do." The Manectric growls at the Dewott as he pants for air. "Get the others to safety and then stay out of my way!"
    Amongst the pain of the laceration his injured leg is starting to go numb as the flesh tingles with the sensation of pins-and-needles. Soon it may cease to respond to him at all as the muscle is further split by physical exertion. His paws burn with pain and his bones ache. He can feel his breath coming in shuddering gasps as it wheezes from his lungs.
    He is too old for his but in his ice blue eyes he can see the darkness of the storm clouds starting to press in. He is too old for this fight but he will never be too old for his duty. He will die here, for a distraction, nothing more.
    "It is not your duty to die beside me..." Javolt says under his breath, his voice so soft he doubts that Taki will be able to pick up on the words.

    Tiny thunderclouds sparking around his mane discharge minute bolts of static electricity into the aged Manectric's faded fur as he shakily manages to rise to his feet.
    With the mingled metallic tastes of blood and electricity in his jaws flickering sparks once again start to play across the Inspector's long yellow fangs as he grits them so tightly a droplet of blood oozes from his gums.
    His ice blue eyes focus once again on the hulking figure of the mocking fire type still bloodied with the remains of the Natu.
    "Hey Monster, I don't think we're quite done here!" He calls out to the Charizard, hoping to divert it from its current path of destruction.
    Despite knowing the futility of such an action the elderly Manectric starts to run again. His paws skitter on the dry ground as he zigzags to avoid being strafed by a burst of searing fire. His jaws drip with the sparks of a Thunder Fang and his ice blue eyes are full of the same foolhardy determination.
    If he can land one blow, one scratch on the orange scaled hide, he can rest in peace.
    Like the trail of a leaking pen drops of blood mark his footsteps as he sees the foolish criminal dart ahead of him, humming an inane little tune as he charges the Charizard at the Inspector's side.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:16 am

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    New Bark|Afternoon(53)

    Taki's eyes narrowed as he zoned in on the Charizard. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembered his tiny egg brother he never got to meet... His undead heart clenched in his chest at the thought. He looked at the Charizard's death dealing claws and then at Javolt... His injured friend whom he met and helped only wishing to be comrades until Taki's death and even after he would watch over his comrades in the hall of Arceus. Taki knew if he could distract the beast Javolt might have a chance... He rushed at the Charizard and willingly stuck his head out to meet his claws. No pain... No fear...

    ((OoC: Charizard you can scratch up Taki's facefor defying you))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:51 am

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    New Bark/Late Afternoon (37)

    Mirror frowned. The Inspector Javolt did not seemed to have understood the Psychic type...he lost some time, but oh well.
    Since Taki and Javolt assaulted once again the Fire beast, the Wobbuffet acted as the supporter of the team, using Safe Guard to protect the others.

    But that wasn't enough: he needed to act both in defense and offence, so he took action.
    The Charizard couldn't dodge the attacks if he couldn't move, right? Taking a quick breath, Mirror jumped in a half-burned bush, activating his Shadow Tag ability to block the Charizard...maybe they could really do it!

    He was just supposed to hide, while looking at the dual type...what could go wrong?

    (Permission to spot Mirror and slash him away, just don't do permanent damage :3)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 17 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:55 pm

    [center][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Route 27 \ Late Afternoon / (1)

    A dark shape cut through the waters of Route 27. The notched dorsal fin and the top part of the thick skulled head with two rounded horns were all that protruded above the water, bright yellow eyes the same shade as the large star like marking at the center of the streamlined snout.
    Under the surface the long tail twitched side to side in powerful strokes, cutting through the water. The forearms with their triangular fins pushed the water out and behind as the steel blue scaled dragon cut through the water.
    Her body was thick with tough muscles, her spikes long with a vicious hooked curve to them and her sharp-fanged jaws were strong enough to snap bones like twigs.
    Bright red scales, less rough than those on her back, lined her stomach and the underside of her jaw in warning colors.
    Calm steady breaths were taken in through the concealed nostrils sunken into her angular snout.
    Her bright yellow eyes set in dark sockets fixate on the tiny patch of land ahead.
    Long has she been swimming without rest and her arms are starting to ache with the effort of keeping herself afloat.
    With a deep throated rumble of thunder storm clouds are starting to form, their black bellies already beginning to crackle with electricity. The swimming Garchomp pays them no heed, her deep blue skin proof against the bolts of the sky.

    Taking a deep breath she dives, her bright yellow eyes now shifting their focus to the world of churned water around her as she dives downwards. The route's foamy waves in the approaching storm obscure her vision above the water but under it the only distortion is from the twisting currents.
    Thunder booms again, the sound muted by the water as the Garchomp opens her blunt jaw wide.
    The darting shapes of water type's fill the water, thrashing up foam as they back away from the strange savage intruder in their midst.
    All are thin from hunger and pale of flesh, they met her burning yellow gaze with looks of fear but the Garchomp sees no redness in their eyes.
    She snaps her jaws shut, a tiny bubble breaking free and floating to the surface before she resumes swimming towards the spur of land.
    Slowly the ground starts to slope beneath her as the land slopes downwards into the water.
    The sharp clawed feet plant themselves in mud, taking steady steps instead of swimming.
    The Garchomp rises from the spread out position of a swimmer to an almost humanoid bipedeal gait. Her legs tense with each step, coiled power lying in the springs of her muscles. Her finned arms come to rest in front of her, the razor claws at their tips pointing upwards.
    The notched fin subsides into the water as the nubby horned head rises up, water coursing down the blue scaled hide. The long tail twitches once then is still as the clawed foot pulls intself from the clinging mud and takes a grip on dry loose soil.

    Terrar tilts her head towards the horizon, sniffing at the air as her acid yellow eyes detect a shimmer of head haze and the scent of charring wood and plastic meets her nose.
    The shark-like dragon raises a lip in disgust at the scent.
    Water pools at her feet as it slides from her slick scales, leaving the steel blue scales completely dry. The Garchomp waits a moment for the last trickles of water to drip off her long tail before she sets course for the scent of burning, extending her finned forearms and holding straight her finned tail.
    At a speed swift enough to rival a human air plane she flies into the nearby tree cover, the tough edges of her wings cutting through vines and branches either side of her.
    She looks around carefully, moving her head from side to side in an attempt to take in all she can of the unfamiliar environment as she flies freely for the feeling of the wind rushing over her scales, choosing to avoid the flaming scent of the human settlement in order to take advantage of her new freedoms.

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