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    The NEW BARK Team


    Age : 26
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    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:05 am

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    New Bark/Late Afternoon (27)

    Mirror was half-asleep for the energy spent countering the Tyranitar: he couldn't see as his eyes were closed, but he could vaguely hear Taki and Javolt, who suddendly returned.

    He would've smiled, but he just wasn't able to.

    "Ungh...I...I need healing...please..."

    Last edited by Thunderform on Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:15 pm

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    Outside New Bark Pokecenter \ Afternoon \ [44]

    "Keep your distance Prisoner." Javolt growls deeply as he positions himself between Taki and Mirror. The blue fur around his ankles has risen with irritation and already there are the bright sparks of a Thunder Fang starting to play around his teeth.
    It was obvious from the Dewott's near heroic acts that whatever madness of the infection that possessed him had left and Taki was as sane (and useful an ally) as on the day they had met but Inspector Javolt had not reached his lofty post with a forgive and forget attitude. Criminals could not be trusted and Taki was still a criminal. In the Manectric's eyes the infected Dewott still has to be disposed of as soon as possible.
    In his town there would be order.
    Showing his black gums in a threatening snarl the Electric type keeps his one good eye on Taki as he tries to lift the Wobuffet onto his shoulders and carry him back into the pokecentre

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:53 am

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    New Bark|Afternoon(42)

    What the hell? Taki had functioning hands! He could easily carry Mirror back with no problem at all but this pup was going to just condescend him like that? Hell no... Forget that noise! The water in his belly started churning and getting hotter with the infection making it come to a boil. Pure unadulterated anger was rising in his stomach and every instinct in his brain with the infection said to kill the Manectric. Taki bared his fangs and inched closer to Javolt but there was something holding him back... When he was just an Oshawott pup before Juniper took him and even after he escaped his trainer, Taki was taught by his mother to never harm another living creature out of anger. Then infection told him to tear into that Manectric like an insane beast. Taki wasn't sure who to listen to... Kill or be killed... Life or undeath...

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:06 am

    ((hmh, I really hate to do this, but skip me: until Mirror gets healed or recovers by himself he can't really do much.))

    Age : 29
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    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:27 pm

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    Outside New Bark Pokecenter \ Afternoon \ [45]

    The Electric Type growls back, sensing the anger in Taki. If the time has come he welcomes it. If it is kill or be killed he will be the one to deliver justice.
    "Keep your distance Prisoner." He repeats menacingly, managing to heft Mirror onto his shoulders.
    The sparks playing across his teeth become fully fledged bursts of lightning as he prepares to sink a Thunder Fang into his insolent water-type should he make a move towards the Wobuffet.
    His ice cold eyes are cold with killing intent, not the bright red flames of an undead's bloodlust but the cool indifference of the self righteous.

    ((OOC: Hope it's o.k. to pick Mirror up, he's got to get to the pokecentre somehow))

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:09 am

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    New Bark|Afternoon (43)

    Taki glared at Javolt's back where his injured leg was. One quick swipe of the scalchop and Taki would have that leg. He stretched and yawned before looking up to the sky. "Its almost time to call it a day guys" Taki said as he paced quietly behind Javolt. He glanced at the dead Tyranitar before looking around a bit. His mother would beat him if she saw all this sand but she wasn't here...

    Age : 26
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    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:27 pm

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    Outside the Pokecenter, New Bark/Afternoon (28)

    Mirror yawned, feeling the warmth of the sun pervade his body: it was sure nice of Mr.Javolt to carry him to the Pokecenter.

    He could sense the anger between his two companions, though, and this didn't really made him comfortable. The Psychic type "tail" slowly opened his eyes, as he looked towards Taki, who apparently calmed down.

    "I just want to tell you guys that you're the best buds I ever had...no matter what will happen next. Thank you for warning me about the Infected, Taki." and then, the tail turned towards the Manectric, as Mirror continued to talk. "And you too, mister Inspector, sir. Thank you for protecting me when I was scared. Really, I didn't felt this...happy for a while. Thank you all."

    Mirror smiled as he said these words, but he wasn't too happy: with the Infection slowly taking over his friend Dewott, he knew that this friendship couldn't last long.

    Age : 29
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    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:41 pm

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    Outside New Bark Pokecenter \ Afternoon \ [46]

    Snorting in distaste Javolt lets the sparks fade from his jaws and shakes his head as he carefully carries the Wobuffet back through the pokecentre doors.
    Although he plainly no longer wishes to force a confrontation with the Dewott his body language plainly says that he doesn't trust the Water Type at all.
    At all times he keeps his good eye watching Taki motions, twisting his head to be able to see.
    He can tell that his actions are irritating the Dewott but the Inspector's trust was never forthcoming.
    His ears twitch at Mirror's words, the Psychic Type's declaration of friendship between them. Javolt had no time for friends, all that was certain was the law. That was all you could trust in.
    "We'll have you healed soon." He says to reassure the Wobuffet, his tone gruff as usual.

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:32 am

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    New Bark|Afternoon(44)

    Taki was glad to be back inside. He grabbed up a couch cushion and a curtain before returning to his cell. The Dewott closed the door and sighed softly before looking at a pipe in the corner. Taki tore the pipe a bit and bent the end into a bowl. He dropped a sizable Water Pulse in it before freezing the wall in front of him. Taki winked at his reflection before he began washing up for bed. His mother taught him manners so he knew what he was doing was proper. He un-clipped the harmonica from his scalchop spot before dropping it in the water bowl. Taki cleaned the sand and grime from it before taking it out to dry it off. He played a quick little jig on it before smirking. "Good as new" he said before settling on his couch cushion bed and wrapping the curtain around himself.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:37 am

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    New Bark/Afternoon (29)

    Mirror smiled as he and Javolt entered in the Pokecenter. He couldn't wait for being healed: he hopped down from the Manectric's back, as he thought he didn't need his help anymore. "Th-thank you Mister Javolt, but I think I can do it myself from here..." but, as soon as the Psychic type said those words, he fell to the ground, due to his legs being too weak.

    "OUF!" the Patient Pokemon massaged his back, turning shyly towards the group. "E-err...where do I go for the healing?"

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:19 pm

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    New Bark|Afternoon (45)

    Taki grinned at the Wobbuffet before taking out a few Oran and Sitrus berries. "Without Javolt to power the machine we can't do anything... So I fix you up like my ma used to do" he said cheerfully. Taki diced up the berries and dropped them in his bowl before stirring them up. "Here drink up it'll help" he said before holding the bowl out to Mirror.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:54 am

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    New BarkAfternoon (30)

    Mirror smiled as Taki handed over him the juice. He tried to smell it, but it didn't had any odor. When he drank it, though...boy, was it sour.
    Whew! Thanks, Taki! It's really energizing. Mirror felt a lot better thanks to the injection of sugar, but there was something he wanted to ask to the Dewott. Taki...let me ask you something...m-maybe it's the Virus, but...weren't you scared when fighting the Tyranitar? I don't know much about you...while w-we wait for something to happen...what's your story?

    Age : 29
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    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:40 pm

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    Outside New Bark Pokecenter \ Late Afternoon \ [47]

    "The machines, I can do." The grizzled Manectric says gruffly, small sparks flickering over his mane.
    His blinded ice blue eye glares down at the Dewott dismissively, still ready to strike if need be as he builds up the Electrical power in his mane until each faded golden hair practically glowed with the charge of Thunder Shock.
    Stepping forwards authoritatively he brushes his mane against the walls the charge snaps to the wires buried inside.
    The dusty lightbulb flickers and turns on as the weak electric charge nevertheless jump starts the short circuited mechanisms.
    While admittedly it would take more time and more charge to actually restart the healing machines the Discharge pokemon disapproves of how friendly the Wobuffet is getting with Taki. Had Mirror really forgotten how not to long ago the Water Type had tried to kill him?
    Even if he had fought off the Tyranitar the Water Type was still a criminal, beyond redemption until he had repaid his debt to society.

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:35 pm

    (Skip me please I threw the cycle out of whack and now I'm confused)

    Age : 26
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    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:33 am

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    New Bark/Late Afternoon (31)

    Mirror waited for a response by Taki, but he turned when Javolt spoke: "The machines, I can do." said the Manectric, with his emotionless tone.
    The Psychic type smiled, and raised himself as he walked near the Inspector. "Oh, thank you sir! How are we gonna activate the... machine, you said?" Mirror asked this with a puzzled tone. Afterall, he didn't knew anything about humans and their technology. Although, this thought created another question:"...It's not gonna hurt, r-right?"

    Age : 29
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    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:26 pm

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    Outside New Bark Pokecenter \ Late Afternoon \ [48]

    "They worked fine on me. Stung a little bit like a static charge spark off metal but they'll patch you up fine." The grizzled Manectric tells the Wobuffet as he turns so that the deep gash marks on his hindquarters, sealed by the healing machines but still livid and healing, can be seen.
    There is a faint limp in his step as one of his legs reacts slower than the other. If it had been left untreated no doubt the limb would have to be amputated but instead it had been healed and was making a swift recovery.
    Mirror's injuries were more mental that physical, the machine should be able to heal them far more swiftly.
    "This way." Javolt practically orders, gesturing he wants the Psychic type to lean on him while they walk down the corridor.
    He does not stop his suspicious glaring at Taki.

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:38 am

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    New Bark|Afternoon(46)

    Taki blinked at the Wobbuffet and grinned. "Don't worry Mirror when I was still a Oshawott pup I got healed a lot and it tickles a bit but only hurts if you're really badly hurt" he said before slapping his tail on the ground. Taki saluted Javolt as he walked by and waited til his back was fully to him before sticking his tongue out at the Manectric.

    Age : 26
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    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:45 am

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    Outside New Bark Pokecenter/Late Afternoon (32)

    Mirror immediately followed Javolt at his orders: he sweated a bit when he talked about stings, but it was the only choice the Psychic Type had.
    Shaking his head, the Wobbuffet walked near the Manectric, thinking about the machine. "I wonder if the humans are smart like everyone says. I've heard a lot about these machines..."

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:40 am

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    ((Temporary Image))
    New Bark/Late Afternoon (1)

    Kori wore the goggles on his eyes and skipped through the twids. ...I... hate this situation... Damn it... my paw... It hurts... He had to dodge branches and brambles continuously and it was terrible to walk through the bushes, but he was weak, and a lot of Pokemon can kill a small, wounded Natu. He quickly got out from that tangle of plants and saw something incredible. A town, a small town, with strange cubic houses. And "house" means "food". Old and smelly food, perhaps even rotten, but food. And even something to heal his wounds, maybe. But, after few steps, he heard something. Voices. Damn... That was obvious! Where there is food there are Pokemon ready to eat it, or that have arleady eaten it! The risk they're hostile is too high, but maybe I can get something without leaving my corpse here... But, in the right middle of this thought, he stepped on a broken branch and fell with a loud noise. He tried to skip away, but he absolutely needed food. So, after a quick reflection, he decided to jump into the Pokecenter,hide there, for a while, and look for something. But... after having turned, he stopped. Woah... What is this place? Everything is so... cold. A huge heap of metal and glass. What are these things? He looked at the machines with curiosity, and suspicion. What am i supposed to do with this? This is not food, and certainly nothing edible. But something other caught his attention. Those voices. They were just outside the Pokecenter.

    Posts : 31

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Charizard Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:55 pm

    The atmosphere changed almost immediately. As the heat of the afternoon gave way to evening, the heat of the day faded slowly away as the shadow blocked out the sun above. The stifling pressure of terror would cripple any of those unlucky enough to be found within the pitiful town of New Bark. The shape came into veiw slowly, his massive wingspan stretching to cover what seemed to be the entire sky. The long and powerful tail behind him whipped back and forth, no flame dancing on the end but instead scortch marks of the life giving fire he once had. The same went for his forearms, burned and bloody stumps ending with more black burns and protruding burns. Green puss and sickly purple goo oozed out, the infection dripping where ever it fell and turning any Pokemon unfortunate enough to come to contact with it.

    Charizard's face was contorted with rage, the empty ashen eye sockets feirce despite no glowing orbs showing from within. The burns among his face were the worst and in places the flesh dropped off to show pure bone. The Harbinger's bottom jaw was gone, ripped away to leave flapping skin riddled with disease and infection. Massive fangs glinted in the dying sunlight and foot long talons on his hind legs flashed when he kicked midair, as if begging for something to dig into.

    With darkness slowly taking oved the town, a roar vibrated from deep within Charizard to rip through the air. As the monsterous dragon circled closer to the ground, another feral sound came from his chest. "Who... WHO is worthy to fight me?" Moving slowly over the rooftops and smashed in buildings, he breathed deep. He could scent living. He could scent his next meal. Growling, molten rock and lava began to form at his lips as he prepared to dig into whatever he first came into contact with.

    (Here for a contract)

    Age : 29
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    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:36 pm

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    New Bark Pokecenter \ Late Afternoon \ [49]

    The Manectric paused in front of one of the larger machines that hadn't ended up as part of the twisted metal barricade in the front of the pokecenter and charges up an electrical attack.
    The sparks crackling in his coat, torn between his Lightning Rod ability and the metal in front of him, reluctantly sink into the human machine as Javolt charges it up with consecutive Thunder Wave attacks, being carefully not to overload the circuits.
    Slowly fans inside the machine start to whir and with a dull humming the massive human device revives and begins to light up.
    The Manectric inclines his scarred head towards the human contraption.
    Like the one that healed him it has a metal plate large enough to fit most pokemon.
    "Get on." He tells Mirror, inclining his head as he thinks he tears the sound of a branch snapping.
    Growling with distrust the Inspector drops down onto all fours, his eyes fixing on the front of the pokemon center, towards the noise he just heard.
    What has Taki done now?
    "Wait here, I'm going to investigate." He tells the Wobuffet as he pricks up his ears.
    The mighty roar that follows makes him shrink back defensively and start the sparks of a Thunder Fang twisting across his jaws as the Manectric takes an aggressive step forwards.

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:43 am

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    New Bark|Afternoon (47)

    Taki's fur bristled and he rushed outside. "Sweet mother of Kyurem" he gaped. An undead Charizard with no eyes, no arms and staring down at them. Taki hissed and brought out his scalchops. He refused to let this beast zone in on his kill and Mirror! "Come at me bro" Taki yelled obviously in over his head but willing to fight to the death for his friends.

    ((Permission to knock Taki out given))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Thunderform Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:01 pm

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    New Bark Pokecenter/Late Afternoon (33)
    Mirror patiently waited as Javolt charged up the machine: he was fascinated by the complexity of the structure, but the only thing he could recognize was a sort of metal plate.
    "Get on." That's the only thing the Manectric says, and he doesn't need to repeat it twice. Unsure at first, the Wobbuffet walks towards the platform, sitting on it. "So, err...do I press a button or...?" but the Patient Pokemon is interrupted by a quick session of sparks: he starts to feel immediately better, but he's still unnerved by the electricity, who started stinging at him. "Ow! Ow! Stop!" and then, immediately after the Psychic Type complaints, the machine stops, as if it heard the order.
    Slightly hesitant, Mirror jumps off the Pokecenter's gimmick, stretching. "Wow...I...I actually feel a lot better! Thanks, mister--" once again, though, the Wobbuffet is interrupted by another noise, this time much stronger and violent. The Electric dog immediately goes investigating, but Mirror isn't so sure: for the first time, he disobeys the Manectric's orders, and starts walking towards the exit. "M-maybe it's just the weather? W-what else could it be?"
    After leaving the building, the Psychic Type immediately regretted those words. He saw it. The Charizard, in his mighty posture, obscuring the sky: the Infected Fire type started launching attacks towards the buildings, roaring for a challenge.
    Mirror saw many Infected before...but...but this...this was much different.
    "Eee...eeep." the terrorized squeak is the only sound that the blue Pokemon makes, pointing towards the Charizard, shaking like a thousands leaves.
    It wasn't like the Tyranitar. There was no chance he could've beaten-or touched-that monster alone.

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:00 am

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    ((Temporary image))
    New Bark Pokecenter/Late Afternoon (2)

    A loud noise coming from the electric supply, and a powerful echo in the distance. Then powerful shots from outside. He hid in a corner, and saw three Pokemon head towards the exit. One of them, that Kori had never seen, was there. That's strange... To see him you would say that is quite clever, but also seems to hurt and not just at the peak of its strength ... Maybe I can ... Uhm... Sorry... Who are you? Are you an infected? What is going on here? he asked to the strange pokémon.Please don't kill me, i just need something to eat... As he thought this, he went out of the corner

    Posts : 31

    The NEW BARK Team - Page 16 Empty Re: The NEW BARK Team

    Post by Charizard Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:25 pm

    There was prey there. Yes ... there was prey alright. As Charizard roared out his challange, different scents were beginning to be distinguished to him. There was a psychic type, fear around this scent the strongest, as well as an avian coated in terror as well. But the two that peaked his intrest was the electric type he could small and the fishy scent of a water type. The Harbinger's upper lips pulled back in a sneer.

    Oh how he hated water and electric types.

    The lava formed at his jaws dropped the many feet to hit the ground, sizzling and burning where it landed as it scortched the ground. Grass that was dying and overgrown easily caught fire from the burning substance that landed too close.

    Despite being at a real disadvantage with no eye sight, Charizard was not afraid. He had never been. What reason did he have to be? He was a monster of the New World and had never lost a fight. His senses had long since grown to fit his so called disability, and as a result could hear and taste the air better than any canine. The smallest vibrations of the air gave away the position of the Dewott, leaping up with the foolish intent to harm, and Charizard was more than prepared for it. Even before the creature called out a snarky battlecry, the reptilian Harbinger was turning with a dangerous expression on his burned and scarred face.

    It was almost too easy to hault the attack in it's tracks. Opening his monsterous wingspan only to snap them shut, flipped the dragon's body around in an aerial display of power. As Charizard manuvered through the air, he whipped his tail. Waving it sharply, the degree of strength in the limb was staggering, and there was a sound to be heard when it impacted on the infected otter's body. As the foolish Pokemon was smacked harshly into the ground, Charizard gave another roar as he righted himself in the air. "Is no one man enough to fight ME?! SHOW YOURSELVES!" Charizard bellowed with rage.

    The weaklings were doing nothing for him. Nothing but pawns in his game. No -- pawns was too good of a term for them. They were not even playthings for him. Disgust rolling within the blind dragon's head, he snarled wrathfully. The fire spilling over his maw increased, burning his own scales and flesh as it made it's way out. With no warning, suddenly a stream of thick flame spewed from his jaws, the flamethrower attack seeming almost wild and untamed as it poured from his body. The fire coated the roof of the healing center they were all perched by, and the building was melting and burning at an alarmingly fast rate for the so called survivors.

    "FIGHT ME!" the Harbinger bellowed, tossing his head to roar again. But of course it would be of no use. Not one of them could take him on and win. Not a single one of them.

    (Be specific for if you do or do not wish harm upon your character. You are all free to attack me, but do not expect to do much damage.)

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