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3 posters

    Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive)


    Age : 30
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    Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive) Empty Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive)

    Post by Nightfall Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:47 pm

    Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive) Request___genshin_for_nightfall_by_danielle995-d5jj93h
    Image by ShadowGoth

    Text Color #CD0000
    Item None at present
    Gender Male
    Age Aging adult
    Species #229 Houndoom, the Dark Pokemon
    Time of infection One month after the outbreak
    Height 4'07"
    Weight 48.3lbs (very underweight)
    Pokédex Entry "The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins. If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever."
    Level 52
    Ability Flash Fire (powers up Fire-type moves if hit by one)
    Nature Naughty (+Attack, -Sp.Def)
    Characteristic Likes to fight (+Attack)
    Moves Flamethrower
    Thunder Fang (egg move)
    Sludge Bomb (TM)
    History Right from the moment that Genshin was born, violence, death and abuse was all he ever knew. He had barely opened his eyes when he was whisked away from his mother and thrown into a tiny cage where he was fed only once a day ... if the Team Rocket Grunts remembered too. Every night he howled in despair, wanting his mother to come back to him. But she never did.

    When he was just a month old, he was given to one of the Grunts to train to become an assassin. Whenever he disobeyed he was whipped and beaten by the stronger Pokemon. As his understanding of the world he lived in began to broaden, he became more obedient, often being commanded to attack and kill random Pokemon out in the wilds. His mind, twisted and corrupted by Team Rocket's cruelty and abuse, started to become accustomed to this lifestyle. Killing other Pokemon eventually became an everyday activity that he was used to ... and always enjoyed. Whenever he killed he received praise and recognition from his master, which was exactly what he craved when being beaten.

    When Genshin was about a year old, one winter's day he lay in his cage eating a piece of raw meat from a Dewgong when a small Poochyena puppy was tossed into the cage beside him. They called him Shadow. Why on earth they'd brought in such a little coward was beyond him. The pup made the nights hell with his constant howling and scratching. He had to put up with this for a whole two weeks, then his training began. To Genshin's disappointment, he was assigned by one of the Executives (he had learnt by then to never disobey them) to mentor Shadow to become an assassin like himself. The little one was terrified of him, but after Genshin grabbed him by the tail and swung him round the room a few times, he didn't dare disobey. He hated having to be the teacher of such a small pup, but as Shadow grew older his strength and determination began to rival his own. Genshin was relieved when Shadow evolved and got old enough to be given to one of the Grunts, but later found out that both their teams had been assigned to a mission at the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town.

    Genshin never took his eye off Shadow for a second while they were there. Both of them tore through the tower, killing every Cubone or Marowak that dared to fight back. They were now viewing one another as rivals, and worked very hard to make as many brutal, professional kills as possible. However, by the time they'd completed their mission, Shadow was getting almost all of the attention. Furious at being ignored, Genshin lost his temper and tried to attack Shadow, only to be quickly restrained by the Grunts. They took him back to HQ, tied him to a bed and sawed off the tops of his horns as punishment.

    Genshin hated Shadow so much he couldn't wait for an opportunity to kill him and end the Mightyena's superiority over him. The Houndoom bided his time, waiting for the perfect moment. That moment came a few years later when the alarms started going off and he was let out of his cage. "Shadow is escaping," his Trainer told him. "Stop him." Finally, the moment had come. Not only could he kill Shadow but he could do with without being punished. He sped through the facility in search of his rival, and eventually found him gnawing at the throat of his fallen master.

    Knowing that Genshin was there to stop him, Shadow attacked and a massive fight broke out between them. They tore chunks out of one another while the nervous Grunts stood aside and let them get on with it. Both dogs eventually stopped to catch their breaths and started to circle each other. Without warning, Shadow darted around him and made for the door, but not before Genshin took a swipe at his face. He chased the Mightyena down the hallways but Shadow eventually escaped through an air vent that Genshin was too big to fit inside.

    After his failure, Genshin was treated worse than ever. The Houndoom's twisted, violent mind worked overtime, trying to figure out ways that he could escape and set out to find and kill Shadow. That time came when he was let out of his cage to be given another chance, but without warning he launched a Flamethrower into his Trainer's face and ripped out his throat while he screamed in agony. Undetected, he slipped out of the door and began his search for his rival.

    A few months later, the epidemic struck. Genshin saw it as a blessing, battling the undead to practice his skills and become stronger. Eventually he grew tired of sustaining injuries, feeling pain and naturally fearing death. After he had managed to kill an undead Fearow, he fed on its flesh. The infection took over his body quickly and, when he knew it was time to die, he lay down and fell asleep. When he woke up he felt more alive than ever, and hungry for blood. Shadow's blood. He is currently making his way to Hoenn, where his gut instinct tells him that Shadow is hiding...
    Appearance The top halves of both of his horns have been sawed off. The fur around his mouth has decayed, leaving pink, fleshy skin and gums laden with sharp teeth underneath. Fur and skin from other parts of his body have decayed as well, revealing bone and muscle tissue underneath. These areas include his left side (revealing the ribs) and the bottom of his left hind leg. He is very underweight and has an emaciated appeareance. Around his neck he wears a collar with a short piece of broken chain attached.
    Personality In his days with Team Rocket, Genshin was nicknamed 'Hell's Spawn' ... a name that fits him well, especially to this day. He is violent, cruel, sadistic and extremely dangerous. Domineering and manipulative, he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, and will mercilessly kill those who have the guts to stand up to him. He must feel superior to others and will stop at nothing to achieve this, using his aggression and violent temper to force others to obey. He wants nothing but to rule and have dominance, and will attempt to achieve this wherever he goes by frightening other Pokemon into submission to him ... He is ruthlessly cannibalistic and will feed on the flesh of almost any Pokemon he kills whether it is living or not. Now that he has the virus within him, his violent temper and bloodlust are becoming increasingly worse...
    User Notes ----Shadow the Mightyena's profile
    --He has managed to retain most of his speech, but struggles with long sentences and sometimes forgets certain words.

    Last edited by Nightfall on Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive) Empty Re: Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive)

    Post by Nightfall Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:31 pm

    Please move to inactive for now. :3
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 30
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    Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive) Empty Re: Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive)

    Post by Nightfall Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:32 pm

    He will eventually. All hell will break loose. >:]

    Age : 30
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    Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive) Empty Re: Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive)

    Post by Nightfall Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:02 pm

    I'd like to move Genshin to the Profile Computer for approval! :DDDD

    Posts : 3650

    Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive) Empty Re: Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive)

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:15 pm



    Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive) 3Br5nS6

    Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotGenshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive) UugYyDK

    Age : 30
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    Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive) Empty Re: Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive)

    Post by Nightfall Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:31 pm

    Please move this to dead profiles - as mentioned in Shadow's history he has been killed.

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    Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive) Empty Re: Genshin the Undead Houndoom (inactive)

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