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12 posters

    The SAFARI Team


    Age : 26
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:58 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Safari Zone, Dusk (7)

    Just before the little Zorua answered me, someone interrupted him: I was slightly disappointed, but...hey! We had two new friends in the group! A Glaceon...and the Banette of before...

    "My,my,my! New friends! The group is getting bigger and bigger!" I chuckled, saluting the new two survivors who just joined the group.

    The Banette, though, wanted to apologize...in a more or less weird manner.

    "Riiiight. I accept yer apologizes and all, I guess. Hey, it wasn't a big deal, ghostie." I suddendly rush towards her, whispering: "But, next time, use a less rude tone about bug guts...there are children here!" I said, pointing towards the little white Eevee. "But, I'm happy as ever! New friends, a cool place to stay...there's nothing that can go wrong!"

    Posts : 9

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Carnivine Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:19 pm

    Carnivine was alone again.

    Where were his friends? Why did everyone choose to abandon him when he was so eager to help?

    To play.

    To love…

    Crawling along the ground as tattered, bloodstained tentacles writhed like restless serpents reached out to propel him onwards; the Harbinger was feeling characteristically lonely. A look of melancholy was etched across his gore-stained face as he sighed wistfully, longing for company. Then, voices. His eyes widening with excitement, hope, the bloodthirsty plant crawled onwards, tearing lumps of earth out in his desperate scrambling to find a friend.

    He was blessed. There were so many to choose from – oh, how he wanted to befriend them all!

    A twisted smile brightening his face, the limbs of past victims still hanging from his gaping jaws, Carnivine’s attention honed in on the glaceon. The red scarf around his neck was so pretty, almost welcoming, as the Harbinger emitted a jovial screech.

    “My friends!”

    Vines leaping forward with new energy, they coiled around the screaming glaceon and slowly dragged him towards Carnivine’s open arms. Deaf to the cries of terror, a broad smile cracking the skin about his face, the Harbinger embraced the fox in leafy arms. His tentacles snaked around to crush the struggling canine into the hug, the creature giving feeble cries as the intensity of his attacker’s grasp provoked the audible snapping of bones. His ribs burst through his skin, the tentacles continuing to constrict the glaceon as its breathing grew ragged and desperate at the puncturing of his delicate little lungs.

    All too soon, he fell limp.

    Frowning, confused to why the creature had fallen so silent, Carnivine held the creature away from him, eyes scanning its lifeless corpse.
    “Friend?” There was a sorrow in his voice which was soon swamped by fury at the realisation the creature was unable to handle such intense friendship. A savage hiss escaping him, furious at the glaceon’s fragility, he lunged forward to tear the canine’s head clean off. Taking several fierce chews of the crunchy substance, he eventually spat it out to throw it alongside its mutilated body. A single, burst eye dripped down one of his large fangs.

    “More friends…”

    Snarling, he turned from the scene. These creatures were too weak to know the meaning of true friendship…

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:46 pm

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    Safari Zone || Dusk

    Kide waited for a reply from the Glaceon, though what happened next he wasn't prepared for.
    Large tentacles shot forward, grasping the Glaceon and dragging it away from them. The Zorua's eyes wide, and his ears flattened to his head to try and block out the screams the ice type was making as it was dragged away.
    Kide was helpless, so stricken by fear to even lift a paw to help save it. Another death had happened before him. So much death, so much death has taken place in this Safari Zone. It wasn't safe here anymore.

    Backing away from the cliff, not wanted to see what had happened to the Glaceon after it was taking, he turned to look at the others. His ears still flat against his head and his eye's wide with terror. He hadn't fell horror like that since he witnessed the Zoroark awhile ago.
    Kide had been the closest to the ice type before it was dragged away, and he couldn't do anything to save it.
    "We... We should rest up, then try and leave this place." Kide said as he looked at the others. "This place isn't safe, not anymore." He added, in an low, fear filled voice. They had to try and get out of the Safari Zone.

    Kide still realized he hadn't introduced himself to the newer pokemon to the group. Turning his attention back to the Weavile, he gave his name. "I'm, Kide." His voice was still a little shaky, but he would soon get over it like he did with all the others.
    Though he had seen a lot of death, in this area, that was probably the first time he had seen another die before his eyes. Though he didn't witness the actual death.

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:50 pm

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    Ib/Garry – Safari Zone – Forest Area/Entrance || Dusk
    --- -- -7 || 7- -- ---

    Garry had spent a while in flight; he recently dispatched himself from the group in search of food despite Kide's intentions of wanting the Honchkrow to stick around. Though he wished he had never left Ib alone, he supposed a group of four would be enough. Mary -- on the otherhand -- made him quite uneasy, but he shouldn't jump to such conclusions at such an early time. Hell, he could never get the uneasiness he gets from Mary out of his mind, especially when leaving the Eevee alone with her. His sixth sense is even telling him that something is up between them! It could just be that regular girl relationship, but this feeling is telling him that it's far more different, perhaps even affect him later on.

    On the other note, even in the mist of his thoughts did he grab a variety of berries; gathering it in a leaf to act as it's baggage. Possibly ten minutes have passed; not too shabby for someone looking for food. The Big Boss Pokemon heard a distant sound of birds escaping the trees; a sign of death. Even the Murkrows -- alive and undead -- began to caw like mad. This death was murder. Not the kind of murder that was to satisfy one's hunger, but to the one that did nothing. Garry gulped, pausing just a bit before snatching the leaf baggage in his talons and rushing off in fear that whatever just killed would soon be after the group.

    Ib was quiet throughout the whole conversation, not even replying to Mary. She didn't like it when Garry wasn't around, it made her seem isolated and confused. The Shiny Eevee stared blankly at the group as they discussed; so far, she only liked Mary and Kide. The rest seemed off -- off in a way where she should be cautious around them. Possibly because so far their actions just proved how absolute insane they were, or just they never had such an interesting personality; most likely it's the first one.

    Even so, the death of the most recent newcomer left her gaped and awestruck -- to the point where she didn't even weep a single word. She had regretted finally making a decision to take action, she should have stayed with Garry, or perhaps just stick with Mary. Ib had seen so much blood, she had smelled it, heard screams that would make her heart stop for a second, but never had she thought that she would have to witness yet another death. It was as if the world stood still; Ib just stared at the supposed presence of the Glaceon and the tentacles that suddenly wrapped around it.

    It was then did the Eevee finally fell. She fell to the ground uttering not a single word. Her eyes gave the message that fear and anxiety engulfed her, she began to fidget -- shaking even though the evening was warm. Ib needed comfort, not just a pat on the back; someone to act as Garry. Someone that she knew wouldn't break her in half and die without her. If the Evolution Pokemon could pick what she wanted, she would have been long gone, and if she did pick it, she would've never been here to see the day where Pokemon around her die one by one.

    Garry didn't even come to her rescue, he didn't arrive, and there were no signs of him coming.

    [Ooc: Since I was in SH earlier I'm assuming that Garry wasn't around to witness the death and Garry went to get food, but Ib stuck with the group rather quietly, but decided to follow Kide and thenthisshithappened and yeah C:]

    Posts : 9

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Carnivine Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:51 am

    It hadn’t taken long for Carnivine to realize what a splendid opportunity he’d passed up. There had been a whole group of friends ready for the taking! What did it matter that they were a little below par?

    All too soon, the Harbinger was making his return.

    They hadn’t moved.

    Attention lingering on the decapitated glaceon who had proven insufficient for the monstrous plant’s demands for love, Carnivine gave a rumbling whine. A sickly, purple mist surrounded the Harbinger, wafting towards the group of survivors in a Sweet Scent attack. Sweet wasn’t the word. It was the stench of death, rot and decay; swirling about the potential friends before collecting entirely about the jolteon’s vulnerable form.


    The electric-type was left in almost a trance, its eyelids heavy as its movements became sluggish. Carnivine was advancing fast, rotted tentacles propelling him onwards as he reached his target, suffocating in the perfume of the undead. But why did it continue to struggle? Why did she fight Carnivine’s overwhelming love?

    The Harbinger’s scowl was fearsome, furious eyes regarding the creature feebly scrambling away whilst the intense odour worked to null its erratic movements. However, it was quickly becoming an annoyance. Snarling, Carnivine had lost his patience. Angered at the continuous rejection of his kindly, innocent intentions, the Harbinger attacked.

    Powerful fangs clamped onto the small vulpine with Crunch, effortlessly piercing the tender flesh as the blood flew in a macabre explosion. Deaf to his victim’s cries of agony, the bones cracking beneath the monumental pressure and bursting through the delicate skin, silence fell as the creature’s jaws slammed shut. Smiling at his audience, blood continuing to trickle down his chin, Carnivine spat the gory remains out at the onlookers’ paws.

    The jolteon was hardly recognisable. Several gory lumps were left, the head split in half as the brain matter oozed out to curdle with the pooling blood. Bones protruded awkwardly from each mass, the occasionally flash of yellow the only sign of the creature that had once been.

    The Harbinger was satisfied.

    Nodding his head, jaws agape to reveal an ear added to his collection of bloody trophies, Carnivine made his exit.

    Who needs friends?
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:38 am

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    Safari Team||Dusk ((10))

    Twilight was in shock at seeing two Pokemon murdered before her eyes without warning. Shortly after the Harbringer left, she came to her senses. You failed again, you ruined rag doll. She stood there quietly, head bowed for several minutes. Breaking the silence she said 'We have to take care of the bodies...' She looked around. I doubt anyone here knows how to make a decent grave. She sighed, before speaking again 'I'll take care of them...after all I, most likely have the most experience with these matters.' With great care, she picked up the Glaceon's corpse first and marched down the cliff. After setting the Ice type down onto the ground she lept back up to the cave. Now comes the messy part...
    The now bloody Banette, after burying the Eeveelutions walked back up the cliff after engraving the make-shift tombstones and setting them in their place. She said nothing, she just watched alertly for any movement at the mouth of the cave. After waiting for awhile she saw something, Red eyes glowing with hatred from the tree tops. Twilight scowled, The rotting Bastard must have smelled the blood, I hope he enjoys his own!
    Twilight let out a blood curdling screech, and leaped towards the infected, Shadow Ball in hand. She hurled it at the Undead Kadabra, it impacted it straight in it's chest, sending it tumbling towards the ground. Twilight Landed near the Infected Psychic type, and as soon as her feet touched the ground she leapt to the Kadabra. It tried to knock her off with a Psychic attack, but as expected it did little to halt the ghost type's assault. Using a Night shade to stun the Kadabra she took the time to charge another Shadow Ball. When it had reached a the size of a Soft Ball, she compressed it, shrinking it to the size of a plum, and fired. The explosion caused the Kadabra to split in half, sending the lower torso and legs flying. Starting to giggle slightly, Twilight stomped the Kadabra's rib cage crushing it's Rotted Innards. Coagulated blood oozed all over the ground and Twilight, Deciding that this had gone on long enough, she grasped the Kadabra's head and pulled sharply, decapitating it. Holding it over her head she started to hurl it to the ground, intending to shatter it. The Kadabra's eyes started to glow, and all Twilight had to say before she was teleported was 'Die! You Zombie Mother F-' And she disappeared in a burst of light along with the Head.

    Last edited by Twilit Banette on Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:23 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 26
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:18 am

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    Safari Zone/Dusk (8)

    Saying that things were happening fast was nothing.
    A zombie came, and in a pretty damn stealthy fashion, too. He took away the Glaceon so quickly that I almost didn't realized that...he was gone. I didn't even had the chance of knowing him. That alone didn't made me feel sorry about his death.
    The second one, though...that hit me pretty harshly.
    The zombie came DIRECTLY in the cave: it was a Carnivine, and unleashed from his roots a terribly bad smell, like a thousands of corpses in decaying. That made me feel terribly dizzy, and I couldn't even try to react to his assault.
    "Uhn...hey! You...you leave us alone..." with that patethic intimidation, I launched myself towards the Infected with Ice Punch, but I completely missed. And in a moment, even the second Eevelution was gone. After that, the Carnivine seemed to have lost his interest in us and disappeared...but for how long?
    "Arceus-dammit...you let the group down, Jinzo..."
    After recovering from the horrible scent, the ghostie (Twilight, was it?) offered to bury the bodies.
    "W-what? Ghostie, you'll lose time! What if something bad happens to y-" but she was already gone with the bodies. Rude-ish, but I couldn't blame her.

    "We... We should rest up, then try and leave this place." Kide said as he looked at the others. "This place isn't safe, not anymore. I'm Kide." I turned to the Zorua, nodding.
    "Right. Now where to? The place is big, so we have some safe possibilities, right?"
    It was then that I heard a weak sound...a "thump" like sound, to be more precise. I quickly turned around, to see the little white Eevee to the ground, shaking. "Wow, wow, hold on foxie-boy...we have something more important here." I quickly moved to the little fur-ball, who had a terrified expression on her eyes.
    It was then that I noticed that the bird that was with her before wasn't in the cave. Odd, but he didn't seemed the type to abandon a little Pokemon like the Normal type in that.
    I crouched near the Eevee, giving the most gentle smile I could: it was pretty damn hard, after two deaths by the same Harbinger. "Hey, missy, you ok there?" chuckling, I continued. "Hey, I know that times are pretty hard here, and I'm not telling you to get over it right here, right now: are you scared because your companion isn't here? Heh, don't worry. He'll come back. He sure wouldn't abandon a little princess like you in this big bad forest, right? Don't worry, uncle Jinzo will protect you until he comes back. You just need to answer me:" after that, I handed over my clawed hand to the Evolution Pokemon, keeping my most relaxed look. "Do you trust me?"

    Age : 31
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:26 pm

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    Safari Zone || Night

    First the new Glaceon, and now Mary, just like before, everyone he meets just keeps dying. Kide just looked in horror at what was left of the Jolteon in front of him. His eye's wide in horror, his legs not moving as he looked from the undead to the body.
    Everyone he meats dies. Why? Was he cursed? Where all his friends destined to die on meeting him? If that was true, then these pokemon weren't safe with him, but he really didn't want to leave them either.
    "Right. Now where to? The place is big, so we have some safe possibilities, right?" The weavile has said, though he must not have gotten what Kide was implying. Though he was unable to say anything for his voice was caught in his throat.

    "Wow, wow, hold on foxie-boy...we have something more important here." The Weavile was right, Ib looked as terrified as Kide was, and he was sure the Honchkrow wouldn't want to see her like this.
    "Don't be scared Ib." Kide said as he walked over to her, forcing his legs to move. "We will make it through this. I promise I wont let anything bad happen to you." Kide tried to reassure her with a smile, though it took a lot not to make his voice shudder.
    But what if he was cursed, then what? What would happen to Ib, or Gary, or even this Weavile. He really hoped no one else would die, or leave. If that happened, then he really would start to believe he was cursed.

    He once again turned his gaze to the Weavile, answering his question on where they where to go. "You didn't really get what I meant. We have to leave the Safari Zone. It's not safe here, not anymore." Kide said, his face serious, though his eyes still betrayed some fear.
    "I have probably been here the longest, and I have seen a lot of death. We need to leave this place, and find someplace else to hide out. As soon as Gary get's back, where leaving."
    Kide wasn't much of the leading type, but someone had to get these pokemon out of here, and being here the longest, he knew almost every part of the Safari Zone, though he really didn't know if that would be enough.

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:10 pm

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    Ib – Safari Zone – Kide's Den/Near Entrance
    Garry – Safari Zone – Forest Area/Entrance
    --- -- -8 || 8- -- ---

    Everything around Ib seemed to be like muffled voices. She felt terrified. What was going on with her? Was she finally losing her mind? Mary; she was one of the few Pokemon that Ib felt connected to, as if they were family. Alas, they weren't, but to see someone she considered a family member die in such a gruesome way; she felt sickened to the core. She shuddered in what seemed to be like the darkness, the green vines of the Carnivine slithering away with its trophy. The Eevee wanted to run after it, check to see if Mary was actually alright.

    But that seemed more like some sick joke rather than reality. After what she just saw, Ib was assured that the Jolteon was dead.

    Out of the corner of her eye did she notice the Weavile mumbling something to her, even holding out his claw. Ib didn't like him, he was annoying, but what he said seemed reassuring. However, she did not dare move her paw, she just simple stared for a few moments before shifting her gaze over to Kide. It was strange. Everything seemed oh-so-strange. Unlike the Weavile; his words were clear, and able to run through her head like sand; "Don't be scared Ib." The Zorua said, reassuring the Eevee further than the Ice/Dark dual-type; "We will make it through this. I promise I wont let anything bad happen to you."

    The Eevee gulped, her throat dry and sore. She hadn't had water in a long time, yet hearing those words made it seem like she finally quenched her thirst after a long run in the sun. She nodded wearily at the Dark-type, but it seems like he didn't notice as her turned to Jinzo to discuss. Muffled words, but Ib needed to gather herself. She forced herself up. Shaky, but she was able to get up as she gave a blank stare towards the duo, obviously tired and not aware of anything going on. Where was Garry? Where had he gone? She padded over to Kide, the questions whirling around in her head. She just stayed behind him, as if scared of anything in front of the Evolution Pokemon.

    The group was unaware that Garry the Honchkrow was flapping his wings like mad no less than a mile away. He was fighting off rogue Murkrows that wanted to steal their food. Some were Undead, some were living, but strangely enough they were working together. The Honchkrow glared at them as his talons held in a position to make an easy kill. He disliked how he could always hold that position so easily. Nonetheless, it was weird for him to face the threats of his fellow kin, as they were usually followers. Yet, it seems like these Murkrow belonged to a different family, as if for once did they only listen to one leader rather than Honchkrows in general.

    Garry must hurry back to Ib, but what could he do in a situation where it's just only one of him fighting several Murkrow?

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:51 am

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    Safari Zone/Night (9)

    I kept looking at the little Eeeve, lowering my paw: I never saw a more terrified creature than her...so small, defenceless...she seemed completely off.
    I raised myself from my crouching position, one of my ears twitching at the words of Kide. "You didn't really get what I meant. We have to leave the Safari Zone. It's not safe here, not anymore. I have probably been here the longest, and I have seen a lot of death. We need to leave this place, and find someplace else to hide out. As soon as Gary get's back, where leaving." I brushed my feathers, walking away from Ib. "Alright, fair enough! Even though...I wonder where Birdy is right now. Hopefully not chased by a swarm of Infected." I squeezed my eyes at the thought, who was for some reason terribly funny.
    "Eeesh, let's not make a figure like this in such a drastic moment." Walking near the exit of the cave, I looked in the sky: something wasn't quite right...but what? My hunter-sense was alarmed...even if I wasn't really sure to have one. "Alright...I could go search for the Honchkrow, If you want. Afterall, I AM pretty fast. Waddya think?" I quickly turned around, bouncing near the fellow Dark type. "I jump away from here, I do a quick exploration just to be safe, and then I come back! Easy as pie!" I looked once more in the sky. The night was still young, and some kick-ass ninja jumps wouldn't be half bad.

    Age : 31
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:26 pm

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    Safari Zone || Night

    Gary was sure taking his sweet time in getting back to the others, which started to make Kide worry a little bit. He was sure Ib wouldn't leave without the Honchkrow regardless of what the Zorua said.
    "I'm sure he'll be back soon." Kide said as he sat down next to Ib to try and give her a sense of security. "He probably just has a lot to carry."
    Kide didn't believe a word he said, and Ib probably didn't either, he just wished he could do something that could make her not worry so much.

    "Alright...I could go search for the Honchkrow, If you want. Afterall, I AM pretty fast. Waddya think?" The Weavile said, who's name he couldn't remember, he wasn't even sure he got it's name.
    If the Weavile left, then it would just be Ib and Kide left here. So many pokemon leaving. It was only a matter of time before they did as well.
    "Sound good." Kide said. The Zorua wanted nothing more then to use his illusions and make this cliff look like it wasn't even there, but if he did that then there was a good chance Gary wouldn't be able to find them, and he couldn't risk it.

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:53 pm

    [Ooc: Skip I honestly have nothing to say xD]

    Age : 26
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:41 am

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    Safari Zone/Night (10)

    The Zorua's approval was all I needed: smiling, I nodded and started to walk near the grotto's entrance, saluting my companions. "Very well! I'll try to come back with birdy as soon as I can! Jinzo's away!" after climbing down the wall, I ran across the cliff, doing the route backwards: hopefully, I'd manage to remember everything...somehow.
    When I came across some trees, I stopped: a big and tall tree could've been perfect to watch everything from above. I ran and placed my claws in the wood, starting climbing up my arboreal friend to the very top. "Damn. It's pretty high from here...I swear, if an Infected finds me here..." but it wasn't time for bad thoughts. I smelled the air, trying to find any tracks to follow, but nothing...did Honchkrows had such a bland smell? "Meh, nothing here...might as well come back. Oh, I can see the scene: I reach the cavern, I find them dead and--wait...what's that?" squeezing my eyes to my very best, I saw a very small shadow moving to the horizon: thank Arceus for my hunting training. Of course, I couldn't know if it was the Flying Pokemon or anything like that, but it was a beginning.
    "Alright, here goes nothing." I quickly climbed down the tree, and when I got to the ground, I activated my Agility move for three times, just like a couple of hours ago: I tried to think were the shadow could've been by now, and started running to a blazing speed towards it, jumping from tree to tree, uncaring of the noise I produced.
    I kept moving and moving, and suddendly...I heard the flapping of a terrible amount of wings, followed by violent cawing: I raised my head, and smiled with glee when I saw the dear Honchkrow, followed by an angry bevy of Murkrows.
    "HEY! Turns out you were followed by a group of Infected, huh?" I immediately regretted saying that.
    Some of the Murkrows noticed me, and started gliding...of course, they didn't stop their awful noises. Thanks to my greater speed, I managed to break some beaks with a handful of Ice Punches, but they started to violenty sting me with what seemed to be a Peck attack. While counter-attacking, I kept talking to the Big Boss Pokemon.
    "Ow! Ow! Ow! Err, a little help, please? Hey, not in the eye!"

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Wed Nov 21, 2012 4:41 pm

    ((Skip, there is not much for Kide to do at the moment.))

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:11 pm

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    Ib – Safari Zone – Kide's Den/Near Entrance
    Garry – Safari Zone – Forest Area/Entrance
    --- -- -9 || 9- -- ---

    "HEY! Turns out you were followed by a group of Infected, huh?" The familiar, yet infuriating voice calls out. Garry glanced over to the side to see the Weavile jump into the fight, only to bring a flock of Murkrows upon him. The Honchkrow scrunched his eyebrows in irritation; how could he not notice that a few were living? As strange as it sounds, it looks like the living Murkrows were working with the Undead, as if they were following one leader. As the Big Boss Pokemon, Garry was respected by other Murkrows, but upon the arrival with the Epidemic, it's as if a majority of them are just following one leader than Honchkrows in general. "We can't take them all down," he grunted as he painfully took a Murkrow's life with a messy slash across the neck, "But we can't attract them to the cave Ib and Kide are staying at; what do you suppose we do? Run until they tire out?"

    The idea sounded terrifying now that he thought about it, if they tire out, they would be waiting for a still target. If Kide and Ib were to be found while he and Jinzo were away, what is he to do then? He felt a surge of regret to search off for food alone, he dropped the leaf filled with colorful berries safely in the midst of trees. Now was no time for chit-chat, he shook his head madly, whatever idea the Weavile has in mind, he hoped didn't endanger Ib's safety.

    "I'm sure he'll be back soon." Kide said as he sat next to the shivering Eevee, "He probably just has a lot to carry." Ib frowned, but wasn't in the state of fear as earlier, she felt herself calm in the Zorua's presence. Nonetheless, she was still worried about Garry, though he was an adult and could cope with Undead just fine, he is a scaredy-Skitty. Very jumpy, when they first met, he got scared of trees crackling against the wind; which was pretty pathetic in her opinion, but that what makes Garry admirable. At least he doesn't pretend to be brave, he's very open. "G-garry's pretty jumpy..." She croaked in a quiet voice, "I think Jinzo would help him out..." However, she trailed off, what could have possibly happened to the Honchkrow? Did he get eaten by Undead? A terrible accident?

    Or was it that same Undead that took down the Glaceon and Mary?

    Her heart continually thumped against her chest, holding back some tears. No, she shouldn't think like this, those very thoughts were killing her composure. Throughout the Epidemic, all she did was stand behind the Honchkrow's back and followed him lead her into safety, isn't it about time that Ib returns the favor? Garry could have abandoned her at any point, and the Eevee would have been long gone, so why did he even bother? Especially since death seemed such a bliss in this world? Was it because that Ib was a child that he took pity on her and decided to take her in? Even if that were the case, she was grateful for him. She met several Pokemon along the path, Mary was shortlived, but she felt a special connection with her. Jinzo was like the Uncle; annoying, but attempts to be lovable. The Glaceon seemed like a nice guy, and Kide... She glanced over at the Zorua before looking away, he went through the trouble of comforting her in her worse state.

    "A-and thanks for that Kide," She said even louder than her previous statements, "I wouldn't really get out of that state if it wasn't for you..."

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:46 am

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    Safari Zone/Night (11)

    Those stupid birds were really getting on my nerves. Their constant bickering and their pecks on my head were really annoying.
    In the middle of the fight, Garry managed to talk...finally! "We can't take them all down, "But we can't attract them to the cave Ib and Kide are staying at; what do you suppose we do? Run until they tire out?"

    I wanted to stop for think over his words, but it wasn't the right moment. He had a point, yes...what to do? "Oi, I think I have an idea: I know something about yer minions, and apparently they take their chasers to mountains!" I chuckled at the word "minions", and crushed a Murkrow's head with Ice Punch. "Anyhoo, they cannot fly inside peaks very well. If--ugh--if we manage to reach the Mountain Zone and place them inside the caverns, they'll be fishes in a barrel!

    I was satisfied with my idea, I just wanted Honchy's approval. "He IS a member of the same family of these guys, though...maybe it will backfire on us." While thinking this, one the Infected pushed me away with a Wing Attack. Arceus, it burned.
    I raised from the ground, shaking my head. "Other...otherwise, share your plans, Don."

    Age : 31
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:52 pm

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    Safari Zone || Night

    “G-garry's pretty jumpy… I think Jinzo would help him out…” Kide didn’t know the Honchkrow long enough to really know what he was like, but he really hadn’t struck the Zorua as the fighting type, but who was he to judge right?
    If what Ib said was true, he was sure the Weavile, Jinzo, would be able to save him. If not, then well, he really didn’t want to think about that right now. He wanted to keep Ib’s spirit up, not bring it down, though he felt he was doing good with that, she didn’t seem as upset, though she still looked sad. Obviously worried for Gary.
    “A-and thanks for that Kide, I wouldn't really get out of that state if it wasn't for you…” Ib said, and Kide really didn’t know what to say to that. He just smiled at her, happy to know that he was able to make feel a little happy.

    “So Ib, how did you and Gary meat?” Kide asked, trying to find something to talk about to pass the time. He hoped that Gary and Jinzo would get back soon, he really wasn’t good at keeping company. And he didn’t have an exciting story to tell.

    ((Crappy post I know, but I didn’t want to skip again.))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:22 am

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    Safari Zone/Night (12)

    Well, this just sucked: the Murkrows were just too many, obscuring my sight: Garry was nowhere to be seen...and heard. Those damn crows kept schreeching so hard it was a torment. I started running, dodging the birds' pecks. I killed a few, yes, but it was useless.

    The only thing I could do was running away: with my full-powered Agility still active, I jumped from tree to tree, while those stupid Flying types lost me: luckily, the plants were obscuring the forest, otherwise they would've found me from above. "Sucks to leave him like that, but he DID ignored me." without losing any other time in useless chit-chats, I sprinted back in the cave, doing the same route once more.

    Climbing the wall of rock with much more fatigue, when I reached the Zorua's den once more I fell to the ground, exausted: I started murmuring to the other Pokemon inside the grotto, not even sure if they were listening to me. "Murkrow...too...many...Murkrow..."

    Age : 31
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:32 pm

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    Safari Zone || Night

    Ib didn’t have much time to answer his question before Jinzo appeared, alone, and without Gary. He hoped that the Weavile hadn’t found him dead, or worse, left him for dead. He hoped nether had happened, the Eevee probably wouldn’t be able to handle knowing that her travel companion for so long had died.
    “Murkrow...too...many...Murkrow…” He said, revealing that he did in deed, leave the Honchkrow for dead.
    Kide looked at the dual type as his anger grew. How could he just leave him to die? “You just left him!” Kide growled, anger flaring in his eyes. He didn’t want another one to die, so many died in this zone, so many innocent pokemon, that he didn’t want to add to the bodies with that of someone close to Ib. He really liked Ib, and he didn’t want to see her cry for the death of her travel companion. “How could you just leave him!? So there where many Murkrow, you should have still tried to help him!”

    Kide would have stayed, if it meant he could help, and reduce the number of casualties, though, if he knew it was to later for the other, then he would have just fled. “Your lucky I don’t chase you away.” He added before turning to Ib. “Ib, we need to go help Gary, do you think you can find a safe place to hide once he locate him? I would go by myself but I don’t want to leave you alone with him.” He said that last part with malice in his tone as he turned to gesture to the dual type. He didn’t trust leaving Ib alone with Jinzo, for he may fun out on her as well if something attacked them here.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 26
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:48 am

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    Safari Zone/Night (13)

    I kept panting, listening to the Zorua scolding me. Well, my breath was pretty noisy, so I didn't COMPLETELY heard him. He looked mad though, and he started to leave the cave along the Eevee. "W-wa...wait!" I said, keeping my confusing speech pattern. "At...at least l-let me guide you! I...I found him, afterall."
    Looking at the cliff, I slowly began to follow my old track, grunting. Oooh boy, here we go again...

    After leaving the cave, I started to smell the air, looking for my old scent. "My my, can you sense it! There's a piece of me all over the air! I think I know the route to follow!" Running through the woods, I smiled when I found the big, old tree that I used for climbing before...now it was all about running in the direction of the fight. "Alright fellows! Our avian friend is supposed to be...there!" pointing at the direction of the last time I saw Garry, I sprinted away, making sure to be followed by the others.
    "C'mon! I'm sure we can make it an a couple minutes!"

    Age : 31
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Sun Dec 23, 2012 2:21 pm

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    Safari Zone || Night

    "Let's go find Garry." Ib said, and Kide smiled at her before nodding. The Honchkrow couldn't have been very far from them.
    "W-wa...wait!" The Weavile said, his tone sounding somewhat confused, though Kide just shot him a stair that just read, 'I don't trust you.' "At...at least l-let me guide you! I...I found him, afterall."
    "And why should we trust you to lead us to where he is and not someplace else?" Kide growled, though he didn't hear an answer as Jinzo ran off, as though expecting them to follow.

    Kide let out a small growl before smiling and turning to Ib. "We'll follow him for now, but, if he doesn't lead us to Garry, the undead won't be the only thing he needs to worry about." He said before running after the Weavile.

    Kide ran behind Jinzo, as he led them to where Garry was, and it was only a matter of time before the Zorua could hear the battle between the Honchkrow and Murkrow.
    "C'mon! I'm sure we can make it an a couple minutes!" Jinzo said, though it didn't look like he was picking him his pace, which Kide had done the moment he heard the battle.
    Kide dashed up the trees till he could see the battle raging forth. Now all he had to do was think of a plan to get rid of the Murkrow.

    ((Ciana, would it be all right for Kide to use his illusions on Garry to make him look like he has dissipated like smoke?))

    Age : 26
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:55 am

    ((Er, skip me please :/ I can't write a decent post now))

    Age : 31
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    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Storm Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:34 pm

    ((I can't do anything without Ciana, so skip me as well.))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 170

    The SAFARI Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Thunderform Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:42 am

    ((Nope, skip me again please.))

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