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2 posters

    The SAFARI Team


    Age : 30
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    The SAFARI Team Empty The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:19 pm

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    Safari Zone|Afternoon (1)

    Thunder rolled casually overhead as Sparky moved through the area. His large round ears twitched almost aggravated before he turned his head seeing a Floatzel stalking him. A bolt of lightning tore open the sky frying the large sea weasel making him smirk in satisfaction. Sparky shook the sparks from his long black mane and carried on with his walk. These infected beasts knew to stay very far away from him unless they wanted to die. But it was futile. Sparky always found them... The large Luxray entered the Safari's front building and sat staring out at the route leading up to it. His yellow eyes held an unseen malice that not even the living would cross. Nothing escaped Sparky's watchful eye.

    A deep growl formed in the pit of his gut begging to roar but he quieted himself only to continue watching. Anything that moved was to be questioned in case of life or executed if not... That was the way of Sparky now...


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:09 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (1)

    The ground was littered with bloody beaten bodies and among them was a great terracotta crocodile. His sharp claws dripped sheer killing force and his face bared a mask of rage. A deep gasping breath broke from him and he shuddered. That makes 70... Next? The Infected who had been hoping to leap in when exhaustion overtook him shied away seeing Intimidate clear in his eyes. Bino nodded at the rustling foliage signaling their retreat to find easier prey. He cleaned the blood and muck from his claws on his periwinkle belly before stomping off to find shelter. Far off a dangerous thunderclap was heard. Bino quirked whatever eyebrow he had at the sound. That was not thunder that fell from Zapdos's wings or even Thundurus's cloud... It was from something more primordial... More beast-like in many types of ways... Bino feared no Electric type. As a matter of fact, he looked down his long snout to them. They were at a serious disadvantage against him so there was never a need for one to be a pompous ass against him...

    The Safari Zone Gate looked worse for wear... While it was generally untouched the last desperate attempts at fortifying it had been the downfall. Boxed in was never a good thing. Even before the world turned into a zombie infested hell hole... Bino sniffed a nearby patch of grass and scoffed. A scent marker? The laws of territory no longer exist here... Come out now... He realized the easiest way to get the dumb bastard to come out was to erase his scent and replace it with his own. Bino stomped the patch of grass out and brushed his tail over it with an almost justified look on his face. Now he waits...


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:58 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon|Dark Clouds Everywhere (1)

    Crunch... Crunch... Crunch... Rocket Paws hated himself for picking a route made by dead leaves... Dead everything... Except the not so dead Pokemon following him. He collided with a tree and shimmied straight up to the lowest branch before slipping and dangling like a confused Slakoth. He blinked his bright blue eyes and looked around to spot any change in scenery. The was a reddish crocodile over there but the blood and all manners of gross covering its round stomach discouraged him from approaching it. Rocket dropped to his paws and stomped in a circle to steady himself before meeting the face of a Hippowdon. Haa... Hajaba... Oh no... He broke out into a run trying to escape the much larger and quite possibly stronger Pokemon sliding on his raw unprotected stomach under the crocodile and covering his head.


    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:59 am

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    Safari Zone Gate|Afternoon (2)

    Sparky growled at the offending Krookodile. How dare it stomp out his scent marker?! This was his territory and those who entered it were punished despite their advantages. He stepped out of his domain and stared with what little patience he had blowing away like dry topsoil in the wind. How dare y- His sentence was interrupted by a Linoone sprinting straight under the Krookodile away from a Hippowdon. Outside of the Safari Zone was not Sparky's territory so he had no jurisdiction here... But the Krookodile would have to be dealt with should it pose a problem... But for now he would rid the world of a single infected just so it didn't enter his own territory and try anything dumb there... Sparky pounced in front of the behemoth and growled. His eyes started to glow until they were at the point of being unbearable to look at effectively blinding the Hippowdon leaving it to roar and stomp around to regain its senses.


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:11 am

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    Route 48|Afternoon (2)

    Ok what the hell... First a frick-a frackin' Linoone sprints under him successfully giving him a furry crotch burn. Which would be a lot more uncomfortable if his legs were close together but the burn subsides however his anger does not. Before Bino can give the streaky bastard a well deserved thrashing, a Hippowdon comes stomping onto the scene. And because it would help so f*cking much, the Luxray uses Flash! Bright lights never really bothered Bino but for Reshiram's sake he was staring right at them bitches when they lit up! Bino growled in frustration and rubbed the spots of bleachy purple and grey from his vision before turning on one foot. His tail turned white and collided with the behemoth's side effectively knocking it into the metal fence surrounding the Safari Zone. Bino shook his head finally re-blessed with perfect vision before turning back to the cowering Linoone.

    ((OoC: So much rage and swearing))


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:43 am

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    Route 48|Afternoon|Gonna rain (2)

    Rocket Paws looked up and gulped at the terracotta croc. His blue eyes were wide with the fear of being eaten. Please don't eat m-me sir... I'm not a very filling meal... Linoones were prey to everything since the were only fast in a straight line so blind siding them was a way to get them quickly. However they ran so much that their meat was thin and tough so it was like eating wet beef jerky. Rocket shook his head and gulped visibly. He couldn't just get eaten not that he met two tough guys who could be capable of helping him survive. Today was and would not be the day he died...


    Age : 30
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    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:48 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (3)

    Sparky looked at the cowering Linoone begging to not be a meal with a scowl. Of course he never ate other living at this critical period in time but before he had eaten a Linoone once and the meat wasn't exactly choice... Enough... You are subject to questioning as of now... Sparky dropped a lightning bolt from the sky hitting the metal fence the Hippowdon was on. While it never affected the type, the metal and its blood stained hide sure helped to reach it's brain. It's eyes burst with a sickening squelch and smoke rose from the ports on its back. Sparky snorted and glared at the two other living. Inside... Now. As i the lightning bird Zapdos himself agreed, lightning ripped open the sky illuminating Sparky's dark fur.


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:50 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (3)

    Bino was not about to take that... Oh no sir... Tauros shiat was what that was. He took orders from no one who wasn't his trainer.Look here kitten... I can stomp you more black and blue then you already are so I say you think before throwing your high and mighty step off my territory bro act around like you're tough shit or something... He turned to the Linoone adjusting his posture so the sneaky weasel could see right up his snout into his eyes. If you ever I mean EVER do your Crotch Nose Dive technique again I'll kill you and wear you as a scarf like its no one's business! Capiche? Feeling as if he got his point across at last, Bino sat ready to accommodate the backlash and approaching rain.

    ((OoC: Rage over))


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:17 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon|Drizzling (3)

    Rocket thought he wet his fur at that sight. The croc's eyes told him exactly what he heard and more. They said I will skin you alive and shred your bare muscle mass you little rat. Rocket Paws gulped visibly before hopping to the front door of the Safari Zone and flopping on his belly. He wasn't about to frustrate something that fried a Hippowdon like it was child's play no sir! Rocket Paws had never been one to put a claw out of line even if it was needed. He agreed to disagree and happily went on to accept the effect of the cause. No need to get on anyone's bad side now.


    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Wed May 01, 2013 5:09 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (4)

    Sparky loved leniency. It was a lot smarter then attempting to oppose him. He growled at the Krookodile before his fur stood on end. The air itself seemed to reverberate. His paws felt vibrations through the ground. Something was moving under them. Sparky growled and pushed the uncooperative male. He had to move something was coming! Like now! Before Sparky knew it he was flying through the air. A roar rang in his ears just as he hit the ground hard on his side. He winced and pulled himself up with his shoulder and side throbbing in pain. Another Hippowdon stood but it looked terrible. More so then its dead friend. They just pop up like sores... Damn it all my shoulder... Sparky roared and half limped half charged at the beast with a snarl. He was gonna make Route 48 his territory and mark it with infected blood.


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 03, 2013 3:10 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (4)

    Bino was about to rip the Luxray's ears off for pushing on him when it hit him. 600+ pounds of raging infection is what. It attempted to grab his tail but Bino remembered a technique from battling one of the Sinnoh Elite 4's Hippowdon. When it reared up to bite at him, Bino bent forward and grabbed his tail rolling over and over descending at high speed. He let go at the last second releasing Dragon Tail right on it's head. A surge of pain ran up his tail making him lose his sense of direction and fall on his belly. Bino looked up and gaped. On the Hippowdon's head albeit a bit clumsily was a Rocky Helmet. He forced himself to his feet and shook his head. You were once a trainer's Pokemon... Bino frowned and looked at the blood on the Hippowdon's toes. He opened his mouth wide charging up Dragon Pulse. I'll end your suffering...


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 05, 2013 1:55 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon|Drizzling (4)

    Rocket Paws's pupils shrank to the point of his eyes becoming completely blue. What could HE do? Rocket was a pup... A mere child! Not just that but he couldn't keep his balance and pace for the little hair of a Lillipup! But he didn't want to be useless... He didn't want to be weak... Most of all, Rocket did not want to run and hide. In a round world, there was no longer a corner to run to. Rocket raised his front paws and growled kicking off with his back legs into a run. He put his paw on the terracotta crocodile's side and used Helping Hand. "I'm gonna double your attack's power Mister!" Rocket Paws arched his back making his fur stand up until strands came flying out in the form of Pin Missile. Rocket could help... He could be useful!


    Age : 30
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    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Tue May 07, 2013 10:30 am

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    Route 48|Afternoon (5)

    Sparky realized just how bad his limp was in that moment. He jumped intending to land upon the behemoth's back only to stop short managing to hold onto its snout. Sparky growled scraping his back paws desperately against the beast's leathery hide barely able to flip up on top of its head. Perfect. Sparky again summoned Thunder with a growl forming in his throat. Wicked bolts of lightning dropped all around them signalling that 50/50 chance that he had missed his target. Sparky growled. He did not like failure... His fur started sparking with Wild Charge but the attack itself did not release. It was simply a beacon for the next Thunder attack. The clouds gave way letting a lightning bolt drop straight down attracted to the sparks of Wild Charge. Sparky hissed feeling the weight and pain on his shoulder increase but her pushed through it feeling the Hippowdon under his paws panic from the assault from the Luxray and Linoone. The supercharged Dragon Pulse coming also might contribute to its outburst.


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 08, 2013 5:22 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (5)

    Bino cracked his knuckles at the surge of power from Helping Hand. The pup was useful. A bit too useful. Bino struggled to close his wide open jaws only for the Dragon Pulse to burst forth in a wide arc. He gulped unable to draw back and keep it from getting so big. Bino doubled over from the exertion keeping one eye shut from the pain. Watch it kitten! He struggled to his feet and stomped starting up Bulldoze to open a fissure for the large Pokemon to fall into. If the Luxray had the sense Arceus gave toothpaste, it would roll off to the side after that impact. Bino jumped seeing a flash of cream and brown fur rushing towards the Hippowdon outrunning the crater in an attempt to beat it to the punch. His eyes widened and he reached out to stop it. No pup! Stop!


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 11, 2013 1:17 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon|Drizzling (5)

    Rocket Paws didn't know why he got up and ran but he did. His small spindly legs cutting the distance between them in half quickly before he jumped. The blast not two feet from him was gaining hard but for a moment it seemed as if it slowed down. He wrapped his front legs around the Luxray's neck and kicked off of the Hippowdon's wide open jaws. Then the slow stopped and came back to reality.

    Where did the time go?

    The attack singed his entire lower half as he fell completely engulfing the Hippowdon. Rocket rolled off of the Luxray and struggled to twitch his back legs. They were hurting and shaking so uncontrollably. He started to hyperventilate and his darted around desperate to find the cause but he couldn't! His mind was getting oxygen starved and Rocket couldn't think! Finally his body just made him pass out and there he laid.


    Age : 30
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    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Mon May 13, 2013 1:13 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (6)

    Sparky blinked and suddenly he was on his side. The Hippowdon was engulfed by the attack and was more then likely dead permanently. He shakily got to his paws and picked the pup up by his scruff. Sparky motioned to the entrance building of the Safari Zone before getting there himself.He laid the pup on a cushion and began to busy himself with digging out berries. It took a lot to rush out in front of a Dragon Pulse just to save someone else. Sparky's pride wouldn't let this sacrifice go unnoticed especially if one so young and strangely handicapped could do this... There may be no surface damage to him but even a calm rain over the ocean could be hiding Kyogre's wrath...

    Last edited by Baloo on Sat May 18, 2013 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 15, 2013 4:29 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (6)

    Bino hastily followed the Luxray. The pang of guilt and weakness he felt in his chest was not unfamiliar. It made his whole chest hurt and if the pup got hurt it would be a 50/50 share of blame. Bino had fired the attack but the pup rushed out in front of it... Why? What was he to gain doing that? Sure Death seemed better then goin' around eating your species but he was burned pretty bad by that attack. Not killed... Not even close. Bino watched the Luxray gather items to speed up the healing process but only time and Arceus's good fortune could help here... He smiled at the pup before sitting and putting his hands together in prayer. Evn if it would never be heard it was still good to try and plea with the gods...


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 17, 2013 12:48 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon(6)

    Rocket did not recall being moved. As a matter of fact, he didn't recall anything... His back legs still felt warm so he assumed they were there and his tail twitched repeatedly as if it was in some kind of pain. Rocket Paws imagined it was. Dragon Pulse burned despite its type not even being remotely close to a Fire move. The impact and energy of motion it had projecting from the reptilian's gut surely made it more harm then normal. And the Helping Hand he threw in only aided to it... The rushing sound in his ears reminded him of the bad weather to come and the damage to his inner ear that could've have been worsened by falling so uncouthly on his side and the Luxray. Rocket couldn't forgive himself if he hurt the Luxray by falling on him. But then he was reminded of the size difference between them. That Luxray was roughly the size of a legendary beast at the shoulder and despite the unfortunate contact had pure thick muscle under his flesh and fur. Rocket gulped and scratched his neck nervously. The great cat could rid his shoulders of his head with one swipe if he wished to... He carefully raised his head and was reminded of the burning tingle going up his spine and forced his head back down. Rocket would be out of commission for a while...


    Age : 30
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    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Sat May 18, 2013 4:49 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (7)

    Sparky looked over at the Linoone and quirked an eyebrow. He was up pretty fast... Sparks in his mane tingled at the thought of the pup actually being more durable then he appeared. But somewhere under the surface was an unintended injury. Sparky knew. He had seen injuries of such that had happened to his teammates but never thought too much into it. But this pup was not hindered at all by it when he rushed out to move him. Sparky approached the pup with his head held up natural move of dominance and placed a few berries at his feet. He sat and never broke eye contact waiting to spot some other not so obvious weakness. Some underlying Achilles heel that Sparky could hold over his head. To be on even ground or higher to feel not so in debt to the pup. Sparky's honor begged that all debts be repaid...


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 19, 2013 5:21 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon (7)

    At first Bino's mind begged to think the Luxray would want to kill the small Linoone and even felt a small growl rumble in his throat but that was quieted by the sight of refreshing berries the cat had. He started to feel the awkward in their silence and quickly formulated a plot to banish the quiet and hopefully any malice they held from the get-go. So umm... I'm Bino! Short for binoculars. What do you guys call yourself? Bino facepalmed at that. He just straight out with it! Now they knew his name and would assume he was an eager little whore-a-dile or something... Bino had no intention of them suspecting bad thoughts of him but might have just ran in between them and said he guess what! I'm an eager little bastard and most know your life stories so I can try to sympathize and we can have a huge sexy party hahahahaha HA! Bino clicked his tongue and looked out at the falling rain. Yep...


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 21, 2013 1:16 pm

    ((Skip: I'm too distraught to post atm just say Rocket accepted the berries with a smile))

    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 22, 2013 5:42 am

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    Route 48|Afternoon(1)
    Rictus watched intently from within the shadow of a nearby tree at the scene before him. First, two massive predators had saved a Linoone from being eaten by an infected. Although they look just as likely to eat him as the raging monster. Yet despite this sign of benevolence, harsh words were tossed about by the Krookodile and a Luxray. Threats and all sorts of nasty things that made the Gengar chuckle darkly.
    Was that a rumbling in the earth he felt? His curiosity was quickly satisfied as another infected burst from the soil with a roar. But it too was destroyed after a brief struggle and a powerful blast from the reptile that narrowly missed the cat.
    "Interesting." Murmured Rictus as he slid silently from the shadow of the tree to slip into the shadow of the great lizard as it and the others moved quickly into the safari zone. The rain and thunder masking his voice.

    Silent as smoke, The Shadow Pokemon followed the trio, keeping himself completely submerged within the shadow of the Krookodile as the Luxray stopped to dig up a cluster of fresh-looking berries. Some of which he placed in front of the obviously injured Linoone.
    The crocodile said something. It was hard to hear over the shadows that whispered to him. But a name, he heard it's name, 'Bino'. This was good, names had power.
    The whispering grew louder as he remained hidden in shadow. The voices where the reason so many of his kind went insane. The voices, whispering and muttering every time he used The Shadow.
    "Kill them. Kill them all..." They murmured. "Gouge....slice...so crunchy sweet...to snap the bones...to drink the veins...blood... the blood... so tasty..."
    Rictus snapped roughly back to himself, mentally forcing The Shadows back. He wouldn't be able to stay hidden much longer, he had already Used far to much recently. Over thirty-six hours in Shadow. To much Shadow was dangerous, especially went he hadn't eaten a Dream in a while. It made the whispering start.
    He'd have to show himself soon, before the reptile's cold-blood noticed the drop in temperature that heralded his presence. He didn't like that. If things turned ugly, the Linoone would be no problem, wounded as it was. But the other two... Despite a visible limp, the Luxray was obviously formidable and the Krookodile had a type-advantage. He wouldn't be able to take them both without feeding on blood and he wasn't going to that. Not after last time.

    ((Ooc: By "Use" it means, hiding or manipulating shadows. The more he "Uses" the more the shadows whisper. A little gibbering insanity anyone? :P))

    Age : 30
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    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Baloo Thu May 23, 2013 1:24 pm

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    Route 48 (Safari Zone Entrance)|Afternoon (8)

    Sparky felt the corners of his mouth twitch in an attempt to smile. Sparky did not smile... He used to but that was before everything was trying to eat him. His attention was thankfully stolen by the croc who gave his name a bit too eagerly. Sparky didn't really mind the eager tone but in an instant like this one his name could be used against him. My name is Sparky... My trainer was never good with names as you can tell. His train of thought ran clear and strong in that simple sentence never once sounding too eager or need for them to know his name. That was it. Good relationships start with trust and he trusted them to not abuse the privilege of knowing him. Sparky sat back and winced feeling his still sore back seize up at the relax attempt. He would enjoy a nice back rub like the one he used to get from Resort Area in Sinnoh. Those were nice. Nothing better then a big breasted human rubbing you down with sweet smelling stuff on her hands.

    ((OoC: Welcome Cheshire :D))

    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 24, 2013 7:54 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon(8)

    Bino chuckled at the cat's name before slamming his tail against the wall behind him. A terrified squeak and a deafening crack was all he heard before smelling blood. Bino looked at his tail and grimaced. A plump Rattata with his broken mouth wide open leaking blood hung limply on his tail. Bino had no taste for vermin... He flung the ratlike Pokemon to the opposite wall where it landed with a splat. Bino thought he was a bit cold but brushed it off as a chill from the rain and lowered his guard being in the building. Silently he wondered what the cat held to such a value here that he would leave his intimidating scent marks all over the place. Was it a mate? A few kits maybe? Or even supreme safety... There was a chain link fence hidden in the shrubbery and trees that only a flying infected could really get over and flying types were obviously not a problem for the Luxray and anything left within the Safari Zone would soon share the fate of the Hippowdons outside if they crossed the cat. Maybe it was safe here...

    ((OoC: Bino couldn't feel Rictus he's just being paranoid))


    The SAFARI Team Empty Re: The SAFARI Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 25, 2013 9:25 pm

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    Route 48|Afternoon|Raining(7)

    Rocket Paws grinned as a tiny bit of his hunger was sated for the moment. He looked at the terracotta croc who had presented himself as Bino. The big Luxray also gave his name as Sparky. My name's RRRRRRocket Paws! Tha's how you're asposed to say it or it sounds boring... Now that he had openly said his own name, Rocket had to admit his name sounded pretty lame and childish. B-But you can just call me Rocket if ya want! He raised one of his front paws to tap his ear. When I was younger I hurt my head real bad and now I can't really run, sit up or stand without falling over... Rocket Paws openly stated this because 1. It was an important handicap and 2. He was foolish and childish and did not know he gave away his Achilles heel like it was a piece of candy...

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