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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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9 posters

    The VICTORY team


    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:39 am


    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:24 pm

    (Damnit, Blitz.)

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:48 pm

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    Mt.Silver| Night (12)

    Little Scarlet was moaning for food, and the rest of the party looked to be getting tired and tired as the seconds ticked away. She wanted to feed her, but it would be very difficult doing it on the run, she wished for a least a few seconds of rest, not for her, but for the young’uns…. Though luck seemed to finally be in their favor, Pyth caught a scent, though it seemed that his nose was just as bad as hers, the nose is really only needed to find food, and there was never any reason to find food on a farm, it was always given to them on a regularly schedule. And she was starting to respect this tauros, he was nice to the young’uns and managed to make Oliver beam with joy from a mere complement, though his question about humans brought a sour mood for her.

    She loved the farmers in her farm, not as much as her miltank young’uns of course, but they never treated them badly in any way. She shook her head to say no, the last human she had seen was the truck driver driving her out to a different ranch. Though hearing Oliver’s cute lisp when pronouncing ‘humans’, normally she would kindly correct someone, but it was enjoyable to hear it, made her want to scoop him up into her hooves and hug him for retaining some amount of innocence in these dreary times.

    Relief took over her when Oliver found the makeshift camp some humans, “We would have been lost in those mountains for sure if it was not for your sniffer Oliver.” At the sight of blood she made sure to position herself while carrying Scarlet so that the little Ralts would not be troubled by the sight. They were dead, it was a very sad thing, but the things they had could prove of use. Lola made her way to the tent, the sight of a knapsack caught her eye, maybe with luck they could find food for Oliver and Scarlet, though no luck in there, maybe with further investigation they could find more, but for now the Canteen inside was what she needed. It was empty of course, but it smelled clean, most likely just used for water by the humans.

    Lola sprayed some milk into it, rinsed it out, poured it onto the ground, before filling it up to the brim. Only then did she offer it up to Scarlet. “Drink up sweetie, I could practically hear your tummy rumbling. It’s not good for young’uns to put off eating.” It probably won’t completely fill her, but it would help get her strength up and keep her sated. Once she had her fill, it would be the passed on to the others, but Scarlet, the youngest, came first.

    Last edited by Tryvex on Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Fox Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:06 pm

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    Outside Mt. Silver| Night (8)

    As they reached the bottom of the cliff, Pyth breathed heavily. The cold, fresh air of the outside was crisp and helped the Tauros clear his mind. He didn't like closed in spaces, or anywhere that at least a breeze wasn't able to pass. He belonged on the grasslands and plains; a rank cave was no place for his kind.
    A pang of sadness ran through the bulls' heart as his thoughts fleeted to happier times, on the beautiful green grasslands of the Safari Zone. When he could hear the rumble of a hundred hooves against the soft earth, like a thunderstorm approaching. Pyth quickly banished those thoughts as he caught the metallic scent of blood in the air.
    He raised his head with a renewed caution as the small Growlithe ran behind him with a terrified expression on his face.

    "Stay here with Madam Lola, kid." He muttered as he went forward to investigate the bloodied tent. He first walked up to it, checking the inside, then around it, to make sure whatever was once there isn't still around. As he came around the other side, he gave them all a nod, suggesting it was safe. Pyth searched the ground for any clues as to where the creature went. He lowered his head, his eyes searching the frozen earth for prints, his hooves sinking into the soil under his weight. Behind the tent, he saw a trail of bloodied paw prints lead away from them, heading towards where the sun would set.
    We should try and avoid this thing...he thought, looking in that direction with a frown. Looking towards the east, he saw a large patch of forest, but it didn't seem too thick. With a little luck, it'll thin out into plains, where at least the majority of them would have the advantage in battle.
    Trotting slowly up to the others, he breathed heavily and gazed at the group.
    "We should head that way. It's easier terrain, and it's away from whatever did this." He said, nodding first towards the east, then towards the tent.
    He paused. "I don't know where you all were headed before I joined ya, but I can guarantee you the way I came is pretty bad. I wouldn't suggest heading that way."

    He noticed that the Miltank had given the young one some milk from a human...thing.
    Pyth sniffed at the odd-looking object, confused.
    "What's that you got there?.."
    Humans and their contraptions...!


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:39 am

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    Outside Mt. Silver | Night (14)

    Yoru stopped at the top of the cliff to watch the others pass down. His eyes flicked at every sound and he was careful to watch his friends. Oliver was doing such a great job of scouting out everything. Yoru smiled at the small Growlithe who was sniffing at the ground. Far away down the cliff Yoru spotted black in the distance that he hoped to be a forest. Forests meant food and he knew that everyone was hungry even if they didn't say it. Flicking his tail, he dulled his bands as best he could and made his way down after everyone to the bottom of the cliff.

    The first thing Yoru did when he reached the others was to go to Oliver and nudge him softly. "You did great Oliver! I'm so glad we have you to keep us going." Yoru's red eyes glinted as he praised the young Growlithe. Turning back to the tent, Yoru ventured inside despite the smell and blood. Humans meant items and he was hoping for something that could be useful to the group. A bag placed on the inside sprung Yoru's curiosity and he gently opened it to find a few broken things. He shook his head and sighed, thinking that these humans had nothing to aid the group until he found it. A stone nestled in the snow. Smiling, Yoru padded out of the tent and deposited the stone on the ground by the group. It was covered in dirt and grime but it would hopefully provide some help in the future. Padding to where Pyth was, Yoru saw the trees in the distance. "When we get there, I can find us all some berries if there are any." Yoru addressed everyone. "Pyth is right, it's the best thing for us right now. We can find some shelter and let the younger ones get some rest. Arceus knows they need it." Yoru's voice was sad when he said that they needed rest. He hated how this world had become but he wanted with all of his heart to protect Oliver and Scarlet. Looking to Lola he smiled at what she had for Scarlet. "Great thinking Lola. My trainer had one of these she carried around often." Padding over to the knapsack, he pushed out the useless things inside and pushed in the stone. Slinging it over his shoulder the best he could he went back to the others. "We could use this for food when we find some." He offered to the group.

    (OOC: When Saphira comes back, if she accepts it, the stone is a fire stone.)

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:21 pm

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    Outside Mt.Silver/Night (19)

    Oliver tucked himself behind Lola as Pyth went to investigate. He certainly didn't intend to get any closer to the tent than this; the disgusting smell of rotting flesh was making him feel so ill that even the milk that Lola had produced for Scarlet didn't appeal to him in the slightest, despite the constant roaring of his stomach. He'd leave it for later - Scarlet was younger than him and he would last longer than her without it.

    But a strange feeling gripped him as Yoru began searching through a knapsack that a human had left behind. The dirty, oval-shaped stone that he had deposited behind him emitted an aura of wonder and longing for the little Growlithe. His limbs moved even though he wanted them to stop. Creeping out from behind Lola, he padded through the snow towards it, stopping dead in his track as he realised what it was even though he couldn't see it.

    A Fire Stone. A clear, beautifully crafted stone that would allow him to evolve into an Arcanine whenever he wanted to. The very idea of evolving and changing his appearance baffled him. He wasn't even a year old yet - the idea of being a big, powerful Arcanine while still retaining the mind and innocence of a child confused him. Somehow, it just didn't seem right. He liked the way he was.

    But the aura that the stone was drawing him nearer to it all the time. He was about to lower his head and brush some of the dirt off when Yoru slid it back inside the knapsack and started to carry it. He wondered if the Umbreon even knew what it was. Should he say anything?

    No. He'd keep quiet. What if the others wanted him to evolve so that he could be more useful to them in a more powerful form? He certainly didn't want to be forced into it, although he then began to doubt whether they would ever be so heartless to him. The young Growlithe scolded himself for thinking such nasty thoughts about his dear friends.

    Now that the stone was out of sight, Oliver calmed down a little, although he couldn't help but walk alongside Yoru while keeping an eye on the bag. Maybe ... one day ... he could look at his reflection and see his father staring back at him.

    Last edited by Saphira on Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:11 pm

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    Outside Mt.Silver/ Night

    When they finally got out of those caves the little ralts was so happy she gave a squeal. Before she had stayed in panic because of the confusing feelings that seemed to fill the cave to the brim and make her twist and turn in fear, confusion, anger and then her own feelings of the same kind. She didn't fully understand it but when Oliver had been praised she had sensed his little burt of 'joy' or at least she was pretty sure it was from him. In the caves there hadn't been any room for her own thoughts but now that they where out it felt like the emotions could spread elsewhere and they weren't as crushing. Though she couldn't have figured out any emotions with her stomach roaring like it had been. Even now her never fed belly was begging for attention, but the strange things they came to rest at caught her attention as well. She remembered something that Oliver had said in the caves and looked over at him.
    "What are hoomins, Oliver?" she asked.
    Lola for some reason shifted Scarlet's position so she couldn't see, the ralts didn't complain instead soaking in all the rest with her large eyes staring around. The pink pokemon then put milk in to a strange silver thing then offered it to a very confused looking Scarlet.
    “Drink up sweetie, I could practically hear your tummy rumbling. It’s not good for young’uns to put off eating.”
    Scarlet blushed slightly at the rumbling part, she guessed that was her stomach that had been growling. She still looked confused at the canteen, and from the way it been formed and Lola held it to her she put her lips on it. Instinct took over and she began to suckle as it, drinking up the delicous milk and taking in as much as possible. She seemed to realize that good things like this would happen rarely and was taking it for all that it was worth. She was a bit of a sloppy eater, some milk dripping from her mouth as she drank but she didn't seem to notice or care. Her eyes for the first time weren't filled with fear or tears. And she might've just smiled.

    Last edited by Echocave on Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:12 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : (had to center))

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:37 am

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    Outside Mt. Silver | Night (13)

    Lola kept waiting for Oliver to answer Scarlet’s question. But his attention was totally preoccupied by the items that Yoru had shown everyone. She didn’t know why, there was nothing particularly interesting in there. Though for some reason Yoru had separated a dirty looking stone from the rest of the items. It was unsightly looking to say the least, from her position of trying to spare Scarlet from the view she could see nothing important of it. When the red umbreon finally stored the items, it was then that he seemed to snap out of it, Lola figured he was remembering something from his past, something terribly sad, so she chose to not question him. The noisy drinking of the infant Ralts brought her attention away from the growlithe.

    Judging by the way she was drinking up the milk, Lola would have sworn it was her first time drinking anything other than water, though judging by her age, it was most likely so. She giggled as she wiped some of the milk that was dripping down the corners from the messy drinking, trying her best to keep the Ralts as dry as possible, worried that if she got too wet she might catch a cold this late at night. She also steddied the canteen, forcing it leveled a bit so that it would prevent her from drinking too fast, if that were to happen it could result in a stomach ache. Having the smiling child in her arms, who was practically brimming from joy at mere milk brought Lola back into her full on motherly mode, she would have answered the question herself about the ‘hoomans’ but it is proper etiquette for the one being asked to answer the question. So she left it for Oliver to answer.

    Speaking of questions, one of the ones asked were directed at her about the canteen, leading her to believe that this tauros has had little human interaction. Making sure Scarlett did not drench herself in milk took up most of her attention, so when she looked to see that Yoru and Olliver had started walking she followed along as she answered. “It’s a canteen. The humans use it tah keep water in it when they get too far from bodies of water, or are too lazy tah go fetch more.” It was a wonderful item to have, but she could not help but laugh at the measures humans took to promote laziness. The picture box a wonderful example of such inventions.

    Last edited by Tryvex on Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:00 pm

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    Underground, Night
    The sound of cracking stone and tearing flesh, accompanied by proper screams of horror and pain, echoed through deep tunnels. His energy drained, the great iron serpent had surrendered his proper hunt and tore his way back into his tunnels, where he had easily caught and devoured a decent-sized onix. His hunger finally sated, he coiled up in a den far beneath the earth, dropping into a deep sleep, waiting, until once more his hunger would awaken..

    ((It's been fun, guys, but I've run outta ideas for Ferrox. So, I'm putting him to sleep and deactivating 'im. ^^;))

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Fox Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:22 pm

    (Ooc-Please skip Pyth for now)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:46 pm

    (OOC: Skip Yoru too, I am not really sure what to do or say so just say that he asked Oliver if he would scout ahead with him for the best path into the Forest.)

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:20 pm

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    Outside Mt.Silver/Night (20)

    "What are hoomins, Oliver?"

    The tentative question came from little Scarlet as she finished her share of Lola's milk. Oliver didn't really know how to answer her. He knew what humans were, of course, but he wasn't sure how to relay what he knew to the baby Ralts. He'd never had to before.

    "Hoomins ... Hoomins sometimes look after Pokemon like us. They don't have any special powers, but most of them are kind to Pokemon and some of us help hoomins by fighting for them, um ... they're really nice."

    He felt a little stupid at not having anything else to say, but decided to leave it there; hopefully the Ralts's curiosity had been satisfied. He couldn't help but feel a little guilty about how he and his brothers had viewed humans as little more than refrigerators to steal food from whenever they couldn't find it themselves. Humans certainly weren't evil creatures, and the ones who had died here hadn't deserved it...

    Yoru asked Oliver if he would scout ahead with him for a path that led off the mountain into the forest. Oliver nodded eagerly, feeling more grown-up and important than ever. He immediately lowered his head and got to work, sniffing at the ground for any clues. He wriggled his nose at a rather musky scent that led down another path just behind the destroyed tent. In the distance was an immense forest of coniferous trees sprinkled with a thin layer of snow. The path leading down to it hosted a jumbled set of footprints, the snow around it stained red in some patches. A second scent hit Oliver's sensitive nose as he approached and he recoiled, whimpering, at the scent of blood.

    "Whoever killed the hoomins went this way," he explained to the group. "But ... this is the only way into the forest. If we go this way then they might find us too! What shall we do?" he asked, looking up at his older friends in turn.

    Last edited by Saphira on Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:51 am; edited 1 time in total

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:46 pm

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    Outside Mt.Silver| Night

    The baby pokemon continued to drink until her stomach was satisfied and the bottle was nearly empty anyway. She yawned, letting go of the bottle and rested her head on Lola. The monster's anger and hunger where gone and she could finally relax and feel the tugs of sleep. She could barley remember her last rest.
    Scarlet tilted her head at Oliver's answer, it just left her a bit more confused on humans and she wanted to hear more. But the fire type left it at that and Yoru told him to scout ahead. But she wanted to know more on these 'hoomins.' Oliver said they where kind. Maybe they where the voice.
    Before she could ask some more another yawn broke her concentration and she closed her eyes and in a few seconds had drifted off to sleep.

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:45 pm

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    Outside Mt.Silver| Night (14)

    Lola smiled at Oliver’s description of humans, it was crude to say the least, but to tell the truth she had no real way of explaining them in general. She could only really describe specific humans, like the ranch people who took care of them, or the truck driver who would hull the bottles of milk out. It would be like trying to explain pokemon in general, possible, but difficult, especially since she had yet to meet one to compare to…..it was sad, but it was hard to tell if it was a bad thing or not, there were not any humans around nowadays, so getting used to the idea of them with the possibility of never seeing them was rather silly in her mind.

    Lola smiled on as the little pokemon in her arms slowly started to fall asleep, apparently the milk had done much more than sate her appetite, seeing as it was now practically empty. Her being asleep meant she would need to carry her all night if they continued on walking, but she did not mind, if it meant this young ralts can get a good night sleep in this nightmare of a world, then she would gladly do at least this much.

    She refilled the canteen and quietly passed it to Oliver, ready to hold it for him if his paws could not hold onto it properly. It seemed he was able to successfully follow the tracks into the woods, the same tracks that probably killed the humans while they stayed in their camp, leaving the question on what to do next….

    Not going through the woods meant going backwards, or staying here, both of which she did not want to do. That large steel snake was dangerous, they were lucky enough to get away before, but she doubted that would last. And the camp reeked of blood, so unless they moved the bodies away from the area, it would just attract more undead. “I think we should go ahead, I don’t know what kinda dangers are in tah forest, but it must be better than that steel snake….”

    Last edited by Tryvex on Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Fox Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:54 am

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    Outside Mt. Silver| Night (9)

    “I think we should go ahead, I don’t know what kinda dangers are in tah forest, but it must be better than that steel snake….” Lola said, her eyes growing dark as she recalled the infected Steelix.

    Pyth nodded as he trotted to the front of the herd.
    "I have to agree with the lady- we have a much better chance at surviving the woods than in a cavern. We aren't as easily trapped in the open, and there's much more food for all of us in a forest." He looked around the group. He knew that all of them could at least eat some sort of vegetation.

    "We best get down as fast as we could. We'll stop for a rest once we hit the bottom of the mountain, where it's safer." He said, eyeing the bloodied footprints.
    He paused and gazed at the nodding Ralts in Lolas' arms.
    I bet they haven't slept. The pups will no doubt be tired by now...he thought as his eyes turned to the young Oliver.
    Can't do much for Yoru or Lola...but they should be strong enough to make it down alright...

    "Hey kid, you've been a real champ. We couldn't have made it out of those caves without ya." He said in a raspy voice, kneeling down in front of the pup. "But I bet you're real tired after all that fine work. Would you like a ride? We wouldn't want our top sniffer getting tuckered out." Pyth said with a grin, motioning up towards the furry hump on his back.

    "Come on, jump on." He said, tossing his horned head playfully.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:16 pm

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    Mt. Silver| Night

    The night was lit by the full moon as Mt. Silver crawled with the undead. The pup lay hidden in his little hole, while undead wonder the mountain side looking for the flesh of the pup. The pup's eyes are covered and his other sense were heighten. His ears and nose twitch in impatient. The undead draw closer and closer to his hidden hole. Then he heard them...


    The pup could hear something not far from where he was located. He turned his ears back to the undead. From the way they were moving they had heard the voices too. He had to do something, but what? He thought for a moment and only one plan come to mind. He had to go through with it to the end or he and, whoever those voice belong to, are goners.

    The pup ran out in the open and used Howl. All the undead growled as the smell of the pup's flesh brought them closer then ever. He was ready and when the undead were just about to attack, he bolted. He ran as fast as his legs could take him. Soon the voices got closer and closer as he ran. The undead were behind him and he was running blind. He could hear the voices were right in front of him and as the undead were right behind him. He turned his head so he could hear the undead better, but ran into something or someone.

    (OOC: Hello everyone, Stav has made his big entrance and he's brought some friends. So anyway, I'll let you guys decide who Stav ran into. It is a pleasure to be on Victory and I hope this works out well.)

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:25 pm

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    Mt. Silver | Night (15)

    Yoru's ears perked as he scouted out the area with Oliver. He sighed as he noticed that the young pup was right about the creature going the way they needed to go but he agreed with Lola and Pyth.

    "I agree. It's much better down there than anything we had in that cave. We'll all rest when we set up camp down in the forest and I can run ahead to make sure everything is safe."

    Yoru looked to the others and wanted to say more but right as he was going to, a small bundle of gray ran smack into him knocking him down and the pup on his stomach. It was a Poocheyena and a scared one at that. Looking the way he came from, Yoru picked up the scent of the undead coming their way. Narrowing his eyes, Yoru gently grabbed the pup on his scruff and placed him upright off of him.

    "Hello little one. I'll give you proper introductions later but right now we need to get down this mountainside. Don't worry, you're safe with us."

    He alarmingly realized that the pup's eyes were covered and he gently nudged him down a safe area of the mountainside. He only prayed everyone would be alright. Looking back over his shoulder, Yoru could see that the undead were still a ways off and if they hurried they would get away.

    "Come one everyone we need to get down quickly." His voice rang with worry and alarm as he looked to the pup, Oliver, and Scarlet.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:00 pm

    ((OOC: Welcome, Eve! ^^))

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    Mt.Silver/Night (21)

    Oliver's fluffy tail wagged as he gratefully accepted the canteen from Lola and took several large gulps of her milk. The cool liquid caressed his dry throat as it went down, filling his empty stomach.

    "Thank you, Miss Lola," he beamed when he had finished, jumping up and giving her face a quick, milky lick. He ran his tongue over his damp mouth just as Pyth approached him and knelt down.

    "Hey kid, you've been a real champ. We couldn't have made it out of those caves without ya." Oliver felt his heart flutter at the compliment, and from such a big, strong Pokemon like Pyth as well! "But I bet you're real tired after all that fine work. Would you like a ride? We wouldn't want our top sniffer getting tuckered out. Come on, jump on."

    The Growlithe hesitated at first and opened his mouth to tell Pyth that he was all right and that he was old enough and strong enough to keep going on foot. But his legs told him otherwise; he had been on his feet for many hours now, not to mention the long journey he had taken to even get to Mt.Silver beforehand. The milk that Lola had given him was already starting to boost his strength, but he didn't want to end up too tired to walk. He didn't want to be useless, he wanted to help. Maybe a rest was what he needed...

    Nodding, Oliver hopped up onto the Tauros's back. "Thank you, Mr Pyth," he giggled, wobbling as the Tauros got back to his feet. Looking out at the forest ahead, Oliver took a deep breath. They would be all right and they would survive, he knew it. Especially with big, tough Pokemon like Pyth and Yoru to protect them. What could go wrong?

    The answer came to him far too early. Yoru was knocked to the ground by a canine Pokemon similar to Oliver. The Pokemon was wearing a blindfold, but before Oliver could begin to wonder why on earth he was wearing it, he spotted a large group of Infected emerging from the shadows, apparently chasing the newcomer.

    Oliver yelped in fright and nuzzled his head into Pyth's furry hump. Run away, he thought. Don't stay behind to fight them. Run away!

    But ... if they do, then ... then I'll help! I'll fight back! That's what Daddy would want me to do!

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:30 pm

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    Mt. Silver| Night

    Scarlet slept peacefully in Lola's arms. The first real sleep she'd had, and she dreamnt.

    It was peaceful, the voice was singing to her and she slightly hummed in her sleep. A gentle rocking made her happy and the world seemed weightless. Everything was light colored and beautiful, it was perfect as she flew over this world. A world just for her to retreat to, she spun in the air and giggled. The song continued.

    Outside the dream: The undead came near and the child shivered suddenly feeling their hate and hunger seep into her skin.

    As she played in this world their was a sound from behind, the music slowed and grew dark. Scarlet turned and screamed. Demons, demons where here. The figureless creatures with their glowing yellow eyes snarled and drooled hungrily. She ran away as fast as possible, trying to glide away from them as they chased her through her world.

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:21 pm

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    Mt. Silver| Night (15)

    The politeness from the young growlithe never ceased to amaze her, he always said thank you after anything, even calling people older than him Miss or Mr. And then there was the Tauros, all the tauros she ever meet were the ones that would try to sneak into her farm and try to have their way with some of the younger bovines, so to see one honorable and that worried about the young’uns was a pleasure, and it seemed he was wiser than he looked, thinking about the future about supplies and survival. And young Scarlet here had the most innocent expression written on her face as she dozed off in her arms.

    Lola had meant to only stay around with the group to make sure the young’uns stayed safe and got out of the cave fine, then continue her search for her miltank family, but it was getting harder and harder to even think of abandoning these pokemon. She kept telling herself, ‘Just a little while longer, I just wanna make sure they are safe before I leave’ but the problem was, in this time, safety was never permanent.

    Lola expected some cool down time after all that fleeing for their life, yet life had other plans. A new Pokemon entered the group, but she barely had time to catch a good look at it, all she saw was that he was dark in color, and canine in appearance, for as soon as he came, Yuro shouted for all to run. A mess of undead were on the new one’s tail, whether they had all ganged up on it, or if the pup aggravated them did not matter.

    It was difficult running while carrying someone, Lola had transferred Scarlet over to her left hand so she may use a wake-up slap on an infected if they got close enough. But not even in sleep was Scarlet safe. It was obvious she was having a nightmare, Lola wasn’t sure if the undead chasing them had anything to do with it, but she still found time in her running to try to soothe the sleeping pokemon. “Don’t yah worry honey, it’s all going to be okay.” She said in whispering tones, damned if she was going to let some undead bother this young’un’s rest.

    “Anyone got a plan, or are we just running around like hyperactive zigzagoons.”

    Last edited by Tryvex on Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 37
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    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Fox Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:18 pm

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    Outside Mt. Silver| Night (10)

    Pyth stood up carefully, the young Growlithe giggling lightly. The Tauros smiled as he heard the pups' laughter echo.
    It's been much too long since that sound has been around...
    Suddenly, a small gray fluffball bounded right into Yoru, followed by sounds and scents of the undead.
    "Come on, don't look back!" He shouted over his shoulder, as he headed up the herd. He could feel the Growlithe on his back bury his muzzle into his fur.
    He must have a better view of what's chasing us...

    “Anyone got a plan, or are we just running around like hyperactive zigzagoons.” Lola shouted over all the noise. Pyth growled under his breath as he trotted as fast as he could down the mountain path, his hooves stirring up heavy dust.
    "Just keep moving, and don't slow down!" He growled to the others.
    Moving targets aren't necessarily dead ones. He thought grimly, keeping his eye on the narrow pathway to the bottom of the mountain.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:51 pm

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    Outside Mt. Silver| Night

    "Hello little one. I'll give you proper introductions later but right now we need to get down this mountainside. Don't worry, you're safe with us." The pup listened to the voice and sniffed the air and found he what he heard earlier. Voices, I found the voices. The pup said happily as his tail waged back and forth. Then the pup felt the Umbreon start to nudge him down the mountain. The pup just huffed.

    I know where i'm going. Just because I have a blindfold on doesn't mean I can't see. The pup said as he started to dart past tree's and bushes. Then he heard one of the other pokemon speak. “Anyone got a plan, or are we just running around like hyperactive zigzagoons.” The one who just spoke smelled like a Miltank, but before the pup could answer another one spoke. "Just keep moving, and don't slow down!" The one who spoke next smelled like a Tauros, but there was something in the mix of smells. Along with the Tauros, a Growlithe was on the back of the bull.

    The pup sniffed the air and come up next to the Miltank, who was having trouble running. He sniffed the air and it smelled like the Miltank was carrying a Ralts. The pup ran next to the Miltank. Would you like some help? I'll be happy to carry the Ralts for you miss Miltank. The pup said as he ran around a tree and kept running. He could hear the undead behind them but they seemed to have slowed down. He jumped over a bush as he turned his head so he could get a better hearing of the undead. He huffed a few curse words as someone else started to speak. Come now Stavros. Do you really think you can live to see your trainer again? Considering that you just meet these pokemon. The shadow said as he appeared next to the pup.

    The pup growled at the shadow. This is not a good time Six. You could really wait until this is over you know. The blindfolded pup spoke in a sharp tongue for his age. Now Stavros, is that any way to say hello to a old friend? The shadow named Six grinned as his eyes glowed blood red. The pup just huffed and ran around a few more tree's and jumped over a bush. Six turned to the other pokemon and nodded as he smirked. Stavros, you know things are never as they seem, so why not accept my offer already. The pup ignored Six as the shadow slowly vanished.

    (OOC: Six has enter the area and yes everyone can hear and see him. So have fun with the demon being here.)

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:11 pm

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    Outside Mt. Silver | Midnight (16)

    Yoru felt a chill shiver across his spine as he watched Stavros huff about Yoru trying to help him down the mountain. Before he could say anything to the pup though, he cast a glance over his shoulder to the advancing undead and then looked up to the sky as dark puffy clouds began stretching over the night landscape. The clouds themselves gave a foreboding feeling to Yoru in the pit of his stomach but it pushed it away and focused on his team and keeping them safe as the wind began picking up.

    “Anyone got a plan, or are we just running around like hyperactive zigzagoons.” Called Lola to the others as they scrambled down the mountain. Right away Pyth called back to her. "Just keep moving, and don't slow down!"

    Yoru watched the others advancing down the mountain and knew then what he himself had to do. Glancing back to everyone he called out, his voice ringing clear in the cold air. "You all go down. I'll stay behind to make sure it's safe." He silently prayed to Arceus they would all be fine as he turned around, facing the advancing undead but before he launched into fighting, Yoru heard the voice of another more sinister Pokemon and when he turned back to the group he caught sight of Six slowly vanishing. A growl came from Yoru's throat but he shook his head and turned his attention back to his enemies. He would find out what was up with Stavros and his "friend" later.

    His bands glowed even brighter in the light of the moon as the first undead came closer to him. Taking a quick count he noted there were five of them, some too mangled to make out what they once were but the one closest to his firing range was a disturbing looking Raticate. Its jaw gaping open in a gargled scream as it lunged for Yoru. Jumping up, he blasted a powerful Shadow Ball at the back of its head causing it to thrust forward and land to the ground with a jerk. Getting up slowly, it barely had time to turn around before Yoru aimed a close-range Swift that sliced through the top of its head and, with a sickening thud, the Raticate fell to the ground and died for the second and final time. With a glint in his eye, Yoru turned back to the four advancing undead and didn't hesitate before he launched Swift into the fray, scattering them and slicing an appendage off of the closest one. With a growl he slashed his tail through the windy air ready to pounce on his next target.

    "Come and get me." Yoru's voice echoed around the mountain terrain.

    Age : 30
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    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:14 pm

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    Outside Mt.Silver/Midnight (22)

    Oliver kept his eyes shut and his nuzzle in Pyth's fur as he bounced up and down on the Tauros's back. They were there; the undead monsters that had once been Pokemon like himself were following them, intent on tearing them to pieces. The little Growlithe almost wanted to kick Pyth's side and order him to run faster. Looking up slightly he gasped; the forest was very close now, he could smell the trees.

    Just a little longer, he thought, and we'll be safe. We'll be able to hide from them in there.

    Oliver clung tightly onto Pyth and slowly lifted his head and turned round. While he couldn't see directly behind him, he could see Lola following them with Scarlet in her arms. He only managed to see the left side of the newcomer's head and could've sworn that he heard a chilling voice, but was quickly distracted from that when he saw Yoru turn back towards the oncoming horde while saying: "You all go down. I'll stay behind to make sure it's safe."

    "Mr Yoru!" Oliver cried, wobbling precariously on Pyth's back as he tried to stand up and turn around at the same time. He clutched tightly onto the Tauros's back and tried not to fall off. "Mr Yoru, come back! You can't fight them all by yourself!"

    Although the Umbreon had managed to take two of the Infected down, Oliver wasn't sure if he could manage the other three. They were large Pokemon and Oliver vaguely recognised one of them as a Pinsir. Throughout his travels, Oliver had tried to teach himself about type advantages and was pretty sure that Dark types like Yoru were weak against Bug type moves. But what were Bug-types weak against...?

    As soon as Oliver figured out the answer, he leapt off of Pyth's back and began bounding back up the path towards Yoru. No way was he about to let his friend get hurt while he could've done something about it. He wasn't very good at battling and was deeply terrified of the undead, but the young Growlithe was driven on by his determination to help his friend, to overcome his fears, to show his friends that he could do it!

    He caught up to Yoru just as the huge and very angry-looking Pinsir was about to lunge at Yoru from the side, it's enormous jaws opened and drooling in anticipation. Without delay, Oliver cloaked his entire body in flames and delivered a Flame Wheel attack directly into the top of the Pinsir's head, being very careful not to go too close to its jaws. The Pokemon screeched in pain and fell backwards. While Oliver knew that that one attack wasn't enough to defeat it, he knew that it would keep it on the ground for enough time for him and Yoru to deal with the others.

    "Are you all right, Mr Yoru?" Oliver asked, standing next to the Umbreon and facing the two remaining Infected. His body trembled from head to tail, only this time it wasn't from fear. Of course he was terrified, but he also felt more powerful than he had ever been before. He stood his ground next to Yoru and prepared to boost the power of his next attack with a Helping Hand.

    See, Daddy? I told you I could do it!

    ((OOC: Long post is long! o_o Also, I can totally imagine Oliver zooming towards the undead in a Superman outfit. =P))

    The VICTORY team - Page 5 Empty Re: The VICTORY team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:47 pm

    (Skip, Scarlet's dreams are still being invaded and she's whimpering in Lola's arms)

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