Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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6 posters

    The S.S. ANNE Team


    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 27, 2012 8:34 pm

    ((Skip please.))

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu May 31, 2012 12:06 am

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    SS Anne | Morning(3)

    "Hi.... I'm Chex. I saw you earlier but we never really had a proper greeting." One of the avian's, a very interesting Swellow had said.

    Tiana smiled as someone finally spoke to her. Having long since dropped the illusion she was holding up."I'm Tiana, I'm very glad to meet you Chex." Tiana spoke, her voice bubbly and excited. Though Tiana always spoke in a happy manner, this time was different because she was faking the happy tone. It had been quite a while since she had been in the presence of another living and speaking to one made her remember how much fun it was to kill them. Of course with the infected around she would never try.

    However that did not stop Tiana from thinking on ways to kill Chex dead. So the Illusion Pokemon simply smiled and pretended all was right with the world. Or at least pretended that what could be right was. Tiana also made a motion to greet Ruffles and the other pokemon within her view. She would leave the next action up to them.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:33 am

    (OoC: Skip please. I have nothing good and short of time.)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:33 pm

    [Ooc: Skip, I'm tired, and I don't want to be the one always putting down the action xD;;]

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:04 am

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    SS Anne | Morning (2)

    Anger swelled in Rakuen's eyes as the Wartortle readied an attack at him. Jumping into the air, Rakuen's wings again began to glow and he flew down quickly and sliced half of the Wartortle's head off. Jumping back into the air, he began to ready another attack but strange energy pushed him through the sky and when he opened his eyes, he was somewhere over the Region of Orre. Not knowing what happened or where he was, Rakuen began his trek to find other living.

    (OOC: By everyone! He's gonna be a dual profile now with Aryea in Orre. It was fun while it lasted(: )

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:39 pm

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    S.S. Anne||Morning(4)

    It seemed all was calm now minus the few undead corpses that littered the boat. Tiana was uncomfortable with this however. For a moment the Zoroark stood contemplating. She had just eaten not to long ago so there was no point having a picnic. It was also too early in the day for having a mini rave. She was left with one idea. Running up to Ruffles, Tiana placed her hand on the Undead's wing and quickly removed it. Running off she shouted "TAG YOUR IT!"

    Tiana bolted, running as fast as she could on four legs. Her neon mane waving in the slight breeze. She darted around a corner, vanishing into the inside of the ship. "Out there, the birds have the upper hand."Tiana said, halting at a door. However here inside the ship, everyone had equal advantage and disadvantage, at least from her point of view.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Catalyst Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:27 pm

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    | SS. Anne // Morning |

    Chex looked around, on the other side of the boat and not noticing the fight. She flew over to Ruffles, who had just finished killing a Wartortle. Chex was taken aback that she had just missed a fight. Ruffles turned to her.

    "Chex! Pay attention! Ruffles will be sad if Chex disappears!"

    Chex grinned. "Don't worry, I'm not leaving!" she chirped prettily, looking at the newly bloodied bird. Chex looked around then, seeing the Zoroark come up to Ruffles.

    "TAG YOU'RE IT!"

    Chex jumped in surprise. "Tag?" The Swellow suddenly grinned. "Why not?~" Chex had been too stunned to see where Tiana went. Chex chuckled, flapping her wings as she stayed on the path of the deck. She called back to Ruffles. "C'mon Ruffles!" Chex giggled, flying to the other side of the boat to try to find Tiana.


    (OoC: You, Scarlett, are a genius. TAG IS THE ANSWER YES. B3 lol)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:50 pm

    (Skip please)
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 28
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:22 am

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    SS Anne | Morning (5)

    Inside the ship alone Tiana decided to check out some of the rooms. Or rather one room in particular something glittering caught her eye. So she decided to go and examine it. Walking on all fours through the corridor until she reached the room at which point she stood up on her hind legs. Ducking under the door Tiana stepped inside the room. Forgetting about her game of tag for the moment.

    Looking around the room to wear she saw the glittering object she found a strange silver box. It didn't appear to be locked so she opened the box and looked inside. Tiana nearly fell over when she saw the precious object within the box. A single rainbow colored feather rest upon a soft lining within the box.

    "There's no way this is real..."Tiana whispered staring in awe at the feather. She only recognized it because of the tales she heard often after performing. Usually stories told by the assistants and other human performers at the camp. Unable to believe it Tiana just sat and stared at the item in the box trying to comprehend why she found it and why it was on the ship in the first place.

    ((OOC-I was given permission from Ho-Oh a while back in the chat box to have Tiana find a feather of his. The means were not specified so I came up with my own. I hope it is acceptable. If not I can change it))

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:35 pm

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    SS Anne||Morning

    "Oohh my wings.... My poor wings.... I have to land there's--There's just got to be somewhere I can land! Please...." Archie looked down at the sea below him and saw the same school of strange shark Pokemon swimming eagerly after him. They wreaked of the scent of the infected and every time he lost altitude, one would leap up and try to grab him out of the air.

    He had been flying for almost 4 days straight, no food, no water, and fatigue was getting the best of him. He started to loose altitude once again and his eyes began to droop. Something in the distance shot them open. A ship. A ship! He was going to live!

    A new strength surged through him and he flapped his wings desperately to keep himself up long enough to get over the boat. He found an open window, flew in and collapsed onto the floor, crying and laughing with sheer

    "I'M ALIVE! AHAHAH! Oh I thought for sure I was dead.... Oh thank Arceus...."

    Once he had composed himself, he stood up and walked out of the room. Not even ten seconds out, and he spotted.... A very oddly-colored Zoroark walking through the corridors. He didn't even care if it was hostile, he flapped his wings and chirped for attention.

    "E-Excuse me! Excuse me, um.... Would you help me out please?"

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:48 pm

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    SS Anne | Morning

    Venonat blinked his big eyes. No one was even paying attention to the poor bug. He clicked his mandibles together and simply watched. The undead had vanished and the other pokemon were gone. He was all alone again. He clenched the medallion in his stubby arms and slowly rocked his body back and forth. Then he heard something. He turned and found a living Kadabra watching him.

    Hello little Venonat. Why are you so sad? Veno blinked his big red eyes at the living in front of him. The psychic type nodded as if reading his mind. I see. You've been through alot little one. If it'll help, I can can't you to another place. A place where you will have better friends. That is, if you want to leave these pokemon. Venonat looked at the Kadabra with a questioning look, but then looked at the surrounding area.

    He could hear the other pokemon laughing and chasing each other, but all he was doing was talking to a new living. He really looked heartbroken, but he turned to the Kadabra and nodded as he held on to the medallion. The psychic type nodded sadly and looked around the area one last time. Alright then. Anything you want to leave for these pokemon before we leave? Veno thought for a moment, then nodded. Alright, then i'll wait for you.

    Venonat nodded as he got to his feet. He went back over to where he first met Ruffles and stuck his paw in the royal blue paint and started to scribble on the wood. To my new friends, I'm sorry to say but i'm leaving. I may came back one day, but I have no reason to stay here, but i'd like Ruffles to keep my medallion I found. I'm sorry for leaving,
    The bug tilted his head then added something to the message. AKA Fluffy. The he placed the medallion next to the message and nodded at the Kadabra and he nodded back. Alright then. Let us be off. And with that the two pokemon vanished into a pink light as they headed for a new destination.

    (Alright, well Veno's going to Safari. Nice rping with you guys.)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:44 pm

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    | S.S. Anne // Morning |

    Chex saw the huge eagle pokemon fly up next to her. He spoke to her.

    "Chex won't poof like pretty bird, will she? Ruffles would be very sad."

    "Of course I won't Ruffles." she gave him a sincere look, but then suddenly he flew off. "W--Wait! Did she say something wrong? He looked to his stomach while he circled the air above the ship. She started to fly up to try to catch the huge bird.

    "Oh! Ruffles is hungry! Ruffles has not eaten all day! Ruffles will be right back! Ruffles is hungry and Ruffles does not wanna eat new friends!"

    Eat... new friends? Chex's eyes went wide for a moment. "Well he is a... zombie thing.... But... he's really nice.... He's just a big lovable eagle." Chex smiled to herself, but then looked to Tiana, who had just run into the ship and she saw Ruffles dive into the water to catch something. She didn't want to know what Ruffles was eating. She slightly shuddered, diving for the room where Tiana had just walked in. She then saw as a little grey bird started to tumble from the sky. She barely heard it mumble.

    "Oohh my wings.... My poor wings.... I have to land there's--There's just got to be somewhere I can land! Please...."

    Chex wanted to dive to help the bird, but then all of a sudden, it flew below her and through the window of the ship. She dove towards the window, right above it when it yelled in triumph.

    "I'M ALIVE! AHAHAH! Oh I thought for sure I was dead.... Oh thank Arceus...."

    Chex sighed with relief, then flying right to the windowsill and sitting. It walked out into the hall.

    "E-Excuse me! Excuse me, um.... Would you help me out please?"

    It sounded male. Chex saw Tiana in the hall, so he was safe for the moment. Chex looked back to look for Ruffles, who she saw flying back from eating. She waved a wing at him.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:20 am

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    S.S. Anne||Morning(6)

    "E-Excuse me! Excuse me, um.... Would you help me out please?"

    Tiana turned around at the sound of the voice, after carefully placing the silver box in her bag. She looked around confused seeing as how she could not see the owner of the voice. Tiana thought her mind was playing tricks on her until she looked down and saw a rather small pokemon. "Are you lost of something little bird?" She asked, although her voice was a little raspy she sounded calm enough.

    Inside however her emotions were twisting at her mind. Tiana was feeling the need to kill something, or someone. At this point it didn't matter if the target was living or undead. "This is not good..." Tiana said to herself, holding her head, as if she were about to split apart. It had been a while since she last had a ft like this, a spell of instability one might say.

    Either way she was about to become a threat to everyone here, unless of course she could pull herself together. However by the second that was becoming more and more of a challenge for the neon-green creature. Shaking her head she nearly screamed, as she stood there in the hall staring at the Pidove with an insane expression on her face.

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:14 pm

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    SS Anne||Morning

    As the Zoroark's sanity began to slip, Archimedes pulled his feathers close and shrank down. He backed up and tripped over... A Syringe? It seemed to be filled with some sort of clear liquid.

    He picked it up in his talons and flutter-hopped his way away from the Zoroark, brandishing the needle as it it were a mighty sword. He also spotted the gigantic bird down the hallway hold up a wing at him. He pointed at her too, switching between the Zoroark and the large Bird.

    He was panicking and trembling with fear. If the Zoroark didn't kill him, then the bigger bird would surely chase him out of it's territory.

    "You lot stay back, STAY BACK! I MEAN IT! I've got a... Very sharp, pointy object, and I am NOT afraid to-- well, actually, I'm terrified right now. BUT I WILL HURT YOU! Probably. If you don't kill me first."

    But a growl behind him brought the needle slashing into an undead Ratatta, unintentionally killing it. he dropped the needle and laid on the ground, horror-struck, and shut his eyes. He wasn't used to killing, but on the way over, he bravely fought vicious schools of undead goldfish that, actually were very easily beat.

    This death seemed to put his level at a peak, as he started to glow and change form, growing just a foot shorter than the larger bird. The container of paper on his back stretched out and eventually, broke due to his sudden growth. He didn't realize it, even after the glowing faded away.

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    "Please.... I-If you're going to kill me..... Don't make it last.... And eat me afterwards so I don't become undead..... But if you're not, please just.... Leave me alone...."

    ((OOC: I dunno how Evolution works here, but HERE WE GO.))

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:12 am

    (OoC: Skip because Ruffles and Chex have not yet been combined lulz. I wanna post with them combined.
    And Seren skipped me. lol)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:23 pm

    ((OOC: I posted because according to the Team sheet, it was my turn... So sorry! ^^; ))

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:34 pm

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    Ciel/Sebastian - SS Anne-Below Deck/Hallways || Late Morning
    --- -- -1 || 1- -- ---

    How were they going to get out of a ship without drowning in the endless see? Sebastian didn't know the answer. A vein popped on his young master's head, his eyes constantly twitching at the sky. Just earlier had a giant bird come flying towards them, grabbing them both and ended up dropping them in an Abandoned ship. It looked regal, formal, it was sophisticated, yet now in ruins. It amazed Sebastian how it was still standing. Humans and their technology, they have greatly improved over the years no? Nonetheless the Houndoom suppressed a sigh, scanning the area with his eyes. Perhaps the only way out was to somehow find a bird strong enough to hold them all?... Improbable. Most Pokemon Ciel and Sebastian have come across have been undead or just a simple corpse. The Dark Pokemon waltz over to Ciel, his breath amazingly cool despite being a Fire-type, "Perhaps we shall explore the area my lord?"

    Ciel stopped twitching, but his eyes still giving a cold icy glare as he moved it from the sky to the servant. "What good do you think that'll bring us?" He huffed, his feet tapping against the floorboards. Sebastian narrowed his eyes, but gave a sly grin, "We may fine clues in this ship, it's possible. We may also find survivors no?" The Bug Pokemon rose his brow at this, "True, but if we haven't spotted survivors in several cities. You expect us to find some on an abandoned ship?" Ciel waved his small claws, dismissing it, "But fine, let's go."

    "As you wish young master," Sebastian bowed, he lead Ciel over to the archway that lead to the lower deck, the Venonat taking the first steps down. The lamps that hung along the side of the mahogany walls were faintly lit, cob webs and dust cover it. The red carpet that covered the floor was ripped here and there along the sides. Nonetheless, rather good condition for a place that's been abandoned for who-knows-how-long. "Sebastian..." Ciel began, as he gazed his surroundings, "You check that room, I'll check over here in case some undea-"

    "You lot stay back, STAY BACK! I MEAN IT! I've got a... Very sharp, pointy object, and I am NOT afraid to-- well, actually, I'm terrified right now. BUT I WILL HURT YOU! Probably. If you don't kill me first." What. In. The. Name. Of. The. Devil. Is. That. Sebastian thought wide-eyed as he tore his eyes off his master and towards the source. It was just behind the corner from where they were, and it sounded like some young child was getting attacked by Undead. The Houndoom grabbed Ciel by the scruff [whom shouted curses at Sebastian for such sudden actions] as he raced down the hall, skidding to a halt as a bright flash of white light covered his eyes. The Houndoom turned away from it, slowly looking back as he felt the brightness fade. It was only that in front of them was bird that was from the unknown. Was it from Unova? It was the only region that Ciel and Sebastian have yet to explore.

    "Please.... I-If you're going to kill me..... Don't make it last.... And eat me afterwards so I don't become undead..... But if you're not, please just.... Leave me alone...." The bird was speaking to another figure, one that was right in front of the bird and whom Sebastian and Ciel couldn't tell what it was either, another Unovian? This one seemed off though, neon lights covered the Pokemon, are Undead into fashion now? Ciel smirked at the idea, but immediately dismissed it, the thought of seeing blood right in front of him was going to make him puke. The Venonat attempted to release Sebastian's grips on him, but failed as the Houndoom snarled, "Be patient young master, this Pokemon doesn't appear to have an open wounds. The stench of blood is not coming from there." "Then where is it coming fro-?!" Ciel was cut off as Sebastian dropped him, the Houndoom making his way out of the corner [as the Shiny Pokemon growled and mumbled to himself on how much that hurts] and appearing before the other Pokemon, "If I may ask, what is going on here?" His tone was polite... or rather amused, in Ciel's eyes. It couldn't be... that Sebastian wanted to play around with them? He couldn't, he's under the Venonat's command, perhaps he as just going to swipe some information off of them? Ciel honestly doesn't know what goes on through that damn dog's head.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:36 am

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    | S.S. Anne // Morning |

    Chex saw the bird about to get attacked by Tiana. Suddenly there was a light, the Pidove evolving. Chex flew into the window, hurriedly rushing forward. She landed on the ground next to the other bird.
    "Tiana, are you alright?" the Swellow asked, seeing the wild look in her eyes. She wasn't going to let either of these pokemon get hurt.

    (OoC: Posted cuz I had to. |c Bluh tireddd....)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 21, 2012 8:08 am

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    SS Anne|| Late Morning

    "Tiana, are you alright?" was all that the Large bird had said. Although to Archimedes, she didn't look all that big anymore. He stood up, thankful that he had been forgotten and started to walk out of the hallway. Before two more unknown pokemon revealed themselves, one of them having a strange sheen to it's coat, and the other obviously predatory in physique.

    "If I may ask, what is going on here?" the Dog-like pokemon asked politely. Archie wasn't about to answer him, so he simply continued on his way.

    That Zoroark was going to snap at any moment, he could tell. And he sure as HELL wouldn't be there for it. He was on the brink of sanity himself from fear; it seemed like everywhere he went, fear followed him. He needed rest. He needed calm.

    As he walked, he started plucking some of his feathers from his chest. It was the only thing that kept him calm, kept him sure he was still alive and well. He kept plucking until the red spot on his chest really WAS blood.

    'Not like anyone would care' he thought sadly to himself.

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:24 pm

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    Ciel/Sebastian - SS Anne-Below Deck/Hallways || Late Morning
    --- -- -2 || 2- -- ---

    Sebastian felt himself pout on the inside as the bird ignored him, turning around and heading down the hallway. He was rather... timid, plucking his chest feathers that were covered with blood. It amused the Houndoom, what a strange bird wallowing in self-pity. He turned his attention towards the Swellow and the neon-colored Pokemon, "Tiana, are you alright?" the Hoenn Pokemon asked the Unovian, sounding worried. She must be the mother of the group. Tiana must be the name of the neon-colored Pokemon. The Dark Pokemon bowed at the Swellow despite her not technically looking in his direction, "Hello mistress," The Houndoom began, his words like honey, "Could you please tell us what is going on?"

    The Venonat felt disgust come about as he watched his servant bow to the Swellow and 'Tiana'. Sebastian's ways of sucking up made Ciel want to point and laugh at the servant for going such ways and possibly slap him for being such an embarrassment. But then again, it brings them greater good as they profit from the information they receive. Hopefully Sebastian may convince them to aid them in their escape. Remembering the map of Hoenn region, they should be near Mossdeep city... or was it Dewford and Slateport? Ciel felt cursed mildly at himself, Hoenn, you and your motherfucking boats that are practically scattered everywhere. Nonetheless, this ship was near a city, and as long as there's land, there's bound to be food.

    Clearing his throat, Ciel got out from the corner and revealed himself, "Sebastian, how rude, at least give an introduction," The Venonat gazed at the Swellow, odd she is. The edges of her feathers were blanketed with light blue paint, was she trying to make herself a different color? He shook that off nodding, "I'm Ciel, and the Houndoom is Sebastian, a pleasure to meet you."

    The Houndoom scrunched up his nose as his master appeared from the corner, already making a fool out of Sebastian. Well that brat young master does like to make a fool out of everyone anyways, not like it mattered... Then again, the Dark Pokemon is attempting to squeeze some information out of them while his master already made a bad impression of him. 'Nice way of getting us out of this situation young master' He thought rolling his eyes. Though the Bug Pokemon caught him and gave an icy glare, Sebastian just shrugging it off.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:26 am

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    S.S. Anne||Late Morning(7)

    Tiana looked around, staring in the eyes of all of those around her. ' Which one, which one.' Her ind clouded with anger and she began to tremble. Her eyes moving rapidly as she looked between the faces; a Swellow, a Venonant, and a Houndoom. The other bird was walking away. A perfect opportunity to strike, while it wasn't looking.

    A near silent warning growl escaped her lips. Tiana's pained, slightly frightened expression turning into a twisted grin. Ice slowly crept to her claws as she prepared her ice type Hidden Power. 'One chance, a quick blow....painless....' Her mind filled with thoughts of how to end them. Cracking her neck, Tiana snarled loudly and leaped at Archimedes, her claws freezing over from the Hidden Power as she aimed to attack.

    (Yes, she went nuts. Why? Because I have no idea what else to post)

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:00 pm

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    SS Anne|| Late Morning

    He screamed as the Hidden Power struck a direct hit on his wing. Tumbling a few feet away, he stopped down a corridor and hastily got back up. She'd torn some of his flight feathers, and blood was dripping freely down his wing.

    He lost it. He started screeching and screaming at the top of his lungs; Uproar. He limped down the hallway, his wing resting limply by his side, still screaming like a banshee. He needed a place to hide, somewhere, ANYWHERE.

    A hole in the floor provided him solace. He dove in, fell on the floor below him and kept limping away. He need to find the deck, he needed to get away from this place. But he was weakening. The energy it had taken for him to fly all the way out here mixed with starvation and dehydration made him collapse.

    'So this is how I die...' he thought to himself, looking around the vacant hall. 'Maybe.... dying isn't so bad. At least I won't be afraid anymore.' His screeches died down a bit as his eyesight became fuzzy. He then began to smile, then chuckle and eventually, burst out laughing.

    'Yes! Yes, dying is a marvelous idea! I won't have to suffer from this constant fear, this maddening solitude! Oh she's done enough, I just need to lay here until death wraps me in it's forgiving arms...'

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:08 pm

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    Ciel/Sebastian - SS Anne-Below Deck/Hallways || Late Morning
    --- -- -3 || 3- -- ---

    Before the Swellow could reply, Tiana [aka, the neon-colored Pokemon] snarled, cracking her neck. The Houndoom protectively put himself in front of the Venonat with a hardened stare, watching the neon-colored Pokemon use a sickeningly strong Hidden Power on the other bird from earlier. What came from the bird was stronger than expected as a screech filled the halls, Sebastian's ears felt like they were bleeding [surprisingly enough, it's not]. He glanced over at the young Bug Pokemon, whom was easily tuning it out. Oh how this brat gets on Sebastian's nerves with his bug powers smart his young master is. As long as he can protect himself, things seemed to be fine.

    Ciel -- on the other hand -- had a bored look on his face as the bird screeched and dove into the hole in the floorboards. How predic- wait... Is that... laughing? Awestruck and shock came to Sebastian's and Ciel's faces, this bird was mad. Hell, he is mad. Laughing at death? He must be asking for a death wish. The Houndoom cleared his throat, the Bug Pokemon turning his attention at his servant as he saw a glint in his eyes; 'Let me deal with this young master'. Ciel felt the edge of his lips curl into a smile, waving his paw that signaled the Dark Pokemon to do his job.

    He had his lord's approval, the Fire/Dark duel-type tapped the Neon Pokemon's shoulder as he cleared his throat, bowing his head politely at Tiana, "Excuse me mistress, but you'll have to retire for the rest of the evening," with that said, the Houndoom smacked the Zoroark right in the back of the neck where the pressure point was, stunning the neon-colored Pokemon, of course he was tired of dealing with madmen nowadays, the best thing to do is be calm in such a situation. He stared down the hole, watching the bird laugh at himself. Sebastian gave a polite smile and a bow like he usually does, but his words had several hints of irritation, "Sir, do return back up here for an appropriate chat instead off giggling like a madman."

    Well nice way to deal with the situation Sebastian, the Venonat rose a brow at the Swellow nearby, "You're strangely quiet in such a situation," the Bug Pokemon suppressed a sigh, shrugging, "Oh well, so am I."

    [Ooc: Permission granted on stunning Tiana C: ]

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