Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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Background art was made by Fox. The Banner was made by Silverishness. Show them some love, yeah?

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20 posters

    Fakemon Suggestions


    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Fox Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:59 am

    *wants the poisony Eevee* I'll take it.~

    Last edited by Anathema on Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:04 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 4j0L6

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:25 pm

    >:V I demand that someone puts this awesome eeveelution up for approval.

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:46 am

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Dunsparce

    Name- Dunespare

    Genders possible- Male and Female

    Signature Moves- None

    Ability- Wonder Guard

    National Dex No./Species- Dunespare, the Guardian Angel Pokemon

    Types- Normal/Ground

    Height- 11' 07"

    Weight- 586.2 lbs.

    Pokédex Entry- Dunespare will never take life. It only fights to protect the innocent. Never engages in evil. This Pokemon will remain righteous if it means dying.

    Egg type- Field and Flying

    Evolution line- Dunsparce- Dunspare

    Evolution Method- It must choose to die rather than abandon somebody and save itself. The selfless grants it the power to save the one it's protecting

    Origin of name- Dune + Spare (I.E.: To spare a life)

    Mirro Coat(Start)
    Magic Coat(Start)
    Take Down(40)
    Iron Defense/Amnesia(56)
    Endure/Heal Bell(64)

    Stat Build:

    Health: 125
    Attack: 80
    Defense: 125
    Sp. Attack: 70
    Sp. Defense: 125
    Speed: 65

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:07 pm

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Dunsparce_EPIC_POKEMON-s610x572-126934

    Name- Dunespite

    Genders possible- Male and Female

    Signature Moves- None

    Ability- Levitate

    National Dex No./Species- Dunespite, the Punishing Pokemon

    Types- Normal/Dark

    Height- 11' 07"

    Weight- 586.2 lbs.

    Pokédex Entry- Dunespite is a relentless hunter, killing prey by spraying them with foul gas from its mouth. It constantly hunts for Dunspare, attempting to wipe out its counterparts righteousness

    Egg type- Field and Flying

    Evolution line- Dunsparce- Dunspite

    Evolution Method- It must choose to kill another who has committed a crime out of punishment. The act makes it bloodthirsty and brings out evil

    Origin of name- Dune + Spite
    Poison Gas(24)
    Take Down(32)

    Stat Build:

    Health: 125
    Attack: 125
    Defense: 80
    Sp. Attack: 125
    Sp. Defense: 70
    Speed: 65

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:11 pm

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Onitomb-1

    Name: Onitomb

    Genders Possible: Female/Male
    Signiture Move: N/A

    Ability: Pressure

    Dex Number: #???, Onitomb, the Demon Pokemon

    Types: Ghost/Dark

    Height: 5'03"

    Weight: 22 lbs,

    Dex Entry: Spiritomb broke free of its binding stone... run.

    Egg Type: Amorphous

    Evolution Line: Spiritomb- Onitomb

    Evo Method: It must free itself with its own power. Or it must level at night with a Cursed Fragment

    Origin of Name: Oni(Japanese Demon) + Tomb

    Stat Build:
    Health: 100
    Sp. Atk:108
    Sp. Def:101

    Attacks: Same as Spiritomb.


    Age : 31
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    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Storm Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:00 am



    Name- Furantler

    Genders possible- Male and Female

    Signature Moves- None

    Ability- Intimidate, Frisk

    National Dex No./Species- Furantler, The Psychic Deer Pokemon

    Type/s- Normal/Psychic

    Height- 5'09"

    Weight- 169.0lbs

    Pokédex Entry- Its believed that it can see into the future using the psychic energy hidden deep within its horns.

    Egg type- Field

    Evolution line- Stantler to Furantler

    Item for evolution (if any)- Use a Psy Stone. (Item I made up equivalent to the evolutonary stones. Its Pink in colour with a white swirl in it.)

    Origin of name- Future-Antler

    - Tackle
    3 Leer
    7 Astonish
    10 Hypnosis
    13 Stomp
    16 Sand-attack
    21 Take Down
    23 Confusion
    27 Calm Mind
    33 Role Play
    38 Zen Headbutt
    43 Jump Kick
    49 Psychic
    53 Captivate
    55 Future Sight

    User Notes-
    -Males have larger antlers then the females.

    Free to change anything to fit to your liking.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Storm Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:46 am

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 2wdakcx

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 2e2jcjq

    Sketch of it with its wings open.

    Name- Archedactyl

    Genders possible- Male and Female

    Signature Moves- None

    Ability- Defeatist

    National Dex No./Species- Archedactyl, The First Bird Pokemon

    Type/s- Rock/Flying

    Height- 5’07”

    Weight- 80.5lbs

    Pokédex Entry- Very few fossils have been found of this mysterious pokemon. Its believed to have lived on high mountain tops thanks to the newfound strength in its wings after evolution.

    Egg type- Flying/Water 3

    Evolution line- Archen to Archeops to Archedactyl

    Item for evolution (if any)- Save a life while holding a Dragon Fang.

    Origin of name- Arch-Pterodactyl

    - Quick Attack
    - Leer
    - Wing Attack
    - Rock Throw
    5 Rock Throw
    8 Double Team
    11 Scary Face
    15 Pluck
    18 Ancientpower
    21 Agility
    25 Quick Guard
    28 Acrobatics
    31 Dragonbreath
    35 Crunch
    40 Endeavor
    45 U-turn
    51 Rock Slide
    56 Dragon Claw
    61 Thrash
    75 Dragon Pulse

    User Notes-
    -It walks using both its back legs and wing fingers due to its wings becoming larger.
    -When its not flying it can retract its wings so the feathers don't drag on the ground.

    Free to change anything to fit to your liking.

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Fox Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:11 pm

    I gusta all over this.~
    I'll take it and suggest it as a fakemon.~


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 4j0L6

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:33 pm

    Can anyone suggest a Fakemon or is it just for special members?

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Suicune Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:35 pm

    The first post in this thread goes into detail about them.
    Anyone can submit suggestions for our artists.


    Founding Admin


    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:36 pm

    Oh cool thanks Suicune ^^

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:45 pm

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 523406_191689450964068_1182753075_n
    If I ever made a Fakemon this would be it :D

    Name-Gutseon! (Cause I suck at names)
    Genders possible-Male and Female
    Signature Moves- Gatling Punch Kinda like Doubleslap but with the Fighting type
    National Dex No./Species-???/Fighting Fox Pokemon
    Type/s- Fighting
    Pokédex Entry-Gutseon is the Fighting evolution of Eevee and has a high Attack stat :D
    Egg type- Field group (I think)
    Evolution line-Eevee->Gutseon
    Item for evolution (if any)- Eevee holds a Black Belt and levels up to get Gutseon
    Origin of name- Guts+Eon
    Attacks- (Leveling Up)
    Leer (Start)
    Quick Attack(Start)
    Double Kick
    Hone Claws
    Bulk Up
    User Notes-Just a thought for a Fighting Eeveelution and I don't expect anyone to use it either but it'd be cool to see it used :D

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:24 pm

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 30t0wf6
    Normal (Needs to be more Transparent)

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 2cruii8

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Rbxi87
    Shiny (Needs Resize and be more transparent)

    Name of Fakemon- Drakeon

    Genders possible- Male and Female

    Signature Moves- None

    Ability- Multiscale

    Type/s- Dragon

    Height- 3'07"

    Weight- 105 Lbs.

    National dex # /Pokemon Species- ???/Western Dragon Pokémon

    Pokédex Entry- Guards the mountain it lives on. All those stranded or injured will ifnd themselves carried to safety.

    Egg field- Field

    Evolution line- Eevee --> Drakeon

    Evolution Method- Make a blood pact with a dragon Pokemon and shakes hands/paws with them. (Has to be fully evolve dragons but it can't be with an infected)

    Origin of name- Dragon species it is name after but less violent.

    STAT build- High SPD, High SP ATK, Mod ATK


    -By level:
    START: Tackle
    START: Tail Whip
    START: Helping Hand
    Lvl. 8: Sand-Attack
    Lvl. 15: Dragon Breath
    Lvl. 29: Bite
    Lvl. 36: Ember/ Wing Attack
    Lvl. 43: Fire Fang
    Lvl. 50: Aeroblast
    Lvl. 57: Dragon Pulse
    Lvl. 64: Dragon Dance
    Lvl. 71: Flamethrower
    Lvl. 78: Draco Meteor

    -Moves learnt by TM:
    -TM 01| Hone Claws
    -TM 02| Dragon Claw
    -TM 04| Calm Mind
    -TM 05| Roar
    -TM 06| Toxic
    -TM 10| Hidden Power
    -TM 11| Sunny Day
    -TM 13| Ice Beam
    -TM 15| Hyper Beam
    -TM 17| Protect
    -TM 18| Rain Dance
    -TM 21| Frustration
    -TM 27| Return
    -TM 28| Dig
    -TM 30| Shadow Ball
    -TM 32| Double Team
    -TM 35| Flamethrower
    -TM 38| Fire Blast
    -TM 39| Rock Tomb
    -TM 40| Aerial Ace
    -TM 42| Facade
    -TM 44| Rest
    -TM 45| Attract
    -TM 46| Thief
    -TM 48| Round
    -TM 58| Sky Drop
    -TM 59| Incinerate
    -TM 67| Retaliate
    -TM 68| Giga Impact
    -TM 79| Frost Breath
    -TM 82| Dragon Tail
    -TM 88| Pluck
    -TM 90| Substitute
    -TM 94| Rock Smash
    -HM 02| Fly
    -HM 04| Strength

    -Egg moves:
    - Charm
    - Covet
    - Curse
    - Detect
    - Endure
    - Fake Tears
    - Flail
    - Natural Gift
    - Stored Power
    - Synchronoise
    - Tickle
    - Wish
    - Yawn

    User Note-
    - I did the sketch but for the Normal the coloring credit goes to Jay but I colored the shiny version.
    - Also can someone get the image to be more transparet then it already is and resize the shiny version image.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Starbits Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:01 pm

    I read through the rules and noticed that you said nothing of completely brand new Pokémon. You spoke of pre-evos and evolutions, but nothing about Pokémon that don't come from a pre-existing Pokémon, are neither a pre-evo or an evolution. Would such a Pokémon be allowed? I have two in the works (which are very SLOWLY being completed) but I'd like to know if they're permissible before I continue working on them.

    And I hope my question is clear enough. I suddenly had a brain fart with this and had no idea how to say what I wanted to say. ^^;


    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 280
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Starbits Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:57 pm

    Aw. =( Oh, well. Thank you, Ceecee.


    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 280

    Age : 31
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    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Storm Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:02 pm

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Fkv6mx

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Vvqqh

    Name- Huskary

    Genders possible- M/F

    Signature Moves- N/A

    Ability- Intimidate, Flash Fire

    National Dex No./Species- Huskary - The Husky Pokemon

    Type/s- Fire/Ice

    Height- 5'03"

    Weight- 175.2lbs

    Pokédex Entry- A very loyal pokemon. It will follow its trainers orders without question.

    Egg type- Field

    Evolution line- Growlithe to Huskary

    Item for evolution (if any)- Must consume a NeverMeltIce.

    Origin of name- Husky-Ary

    - Ice Fang
    - Bite
    - Roar
    - Fire Fang
    - Odor Sleuth
    8 Ember
    20 Ice Shard
    39 Extremespeed
    47 Crunch
    62 Flamethrower
    78 Blizzard

    User Notes-
    -Huskary are known to live in very cold places.
    -Growlithe will evolve into Huskary when it lives in a place that is prone to snow a lot.
    -They are commonly used to pull sleds through the snow.

    Free to change anything to fit to your liking.

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:19 pm

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 302875_225310094268670_1524729112_n

    Name of Fakemon- Vulcantoise

    Genders possible- M/F

    Signature Moves-Diamond Edge: Same effect as
    Stone Edge but with heavier damage

    Ability- White Smoke

    Type/s- Fire/Rock

    Height- 2'08"

    Weight- 302llbs

    National dex # /Pokemon Species-
    ??? Vulcantoise the Diamondback Turtle Pokemon

    Pokédex Entry-
    Vulcantoise evolve from Torkoals that live deep
    in the Earth under heat and pressure. Parts of it's
    shell are hairline cracked in places from the

    Egg field- Field Group

    Evolution line- Torkoal to Vulcantoise

    Evolution Method-
    Torkoal naturally combusts coal
    but in an area with lava or pressure causing
    the coal to pressurize and force up from within its
    body as diamonds or...

    A Torkoal with Eruption will use it and
    the heat will aid evolution

    Origin of name- Vulcan+Tortoise

    STAT build-
    HP: 70
    Attack: 85
    Defense: 140
    Sp.Atk: 85
    Sp.Def: 70

    Speed: 20


    -By level:
    Start Ember
    4 Smog
    7 Withdraw
    12 Curse
    17 Fire Spin
    20 SmokeScreen
    23 Rapid Spin
    28 Flamethrower
    33 Body Slam
    36 Protect
    39 Lava Plume
    44 Iron Defense
    49 Amnesia
    52 Flail
    55 Heat Wave
    56 Diamond Edge
    60 Inferno
    65 Shell Smash

    -Moves learnt by TM:
    Same as Torkoal

    -Egg moves:
    Same as Torkoal

    User Note-
    Its darker colors are from cooled magma or lava (forgot which one) and rock

    Ain't it cool?

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Kaze Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:07 pm

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 112 (Note: The image provided is just a rough sketch and is open for revision)
    Name of Fakemon-Gallokrow
    Genders possible- Male and Female
    Signature Moves- Death Warning
    Type: Dark
    Special Attack.
    Power: 100
    Accuracy: 100
    PP: 10
    Description: Two turns after this attack is used a burst of bad luck causes the target to injure themselves.
    Ability-Big Pecks or Super Luck
    National dex # /Pokemon Species- Gallokrow, #???, The Haunting pokemon
    Gender Differences- Females have slightly shorter beaks.
    Pokédex Entry- It has no solid form. Will-o-wisps have replaced the MURKROW followers it once had in life. The white tie around its neck prevents it from moving on to the spirit world.
    Alt. Dex entry-Seeing one is bad luck because it may mean you're the one it is targetting. Because it cannot rest in peace until the one the white tie around its neck is bound to joins it, it will never rest or land until it has found the one it searches for. Will-o-wisps do its bidding.
    Egg field- Bird
    Evolution line- Murkrow --> Honchkrow --> Gallokrow
    Evolution Method-A Honchkrow that has a strong emotional attachment to a living pokemon/human at the time of its death and dies slowly can become this pokemon through sheer will power, however it is incredibly rare and very few examples were seen before the infection.
    Origin of name- Gallows combined with –krow suffix
    STAT build- Very strong Special Attack, moderate speed, poor attack and health, poor special defence and defense.
    Moveset--By level:
    Start: Astonish
    Start: Pursuit
    Start: Haze
    Start: Wing Attack
    25: Swagger
    30: Nasty Plot
    35: Confuse Ray
    40: Will-o-Wisp
    45: Shadow Ball
    50: Curse
    55: Death Warning
    60: Sky Attack
    -Moves learnt by TM:
    TM04 Calm Mind
    TM06 Toxic
    TM10 Hidden Power
    TM11 Sunny Day
    TM12 Taunt
    TM15 Hyper Beam
    TM17 Protect
    TM18 Rain Dance
    TM21 Frustration
    TM27 Return
    TM29 Psychic
    TM30 Shadow Ball
    TM32 Double Team
    TM40 Aerial Ace
    TM41 Torment
    TM42 Façade
    TM44 Rest
    TM45 Attract
    TM46 Thief
    TM48 Round
    TM59 Incinerate
    TM66 Payback
    TM67 Retaliate
    TM68 Giga Impact
    TM73 Thunder Wave
    TM77 Psych up
    TM85 Dream Eater
    TM87 Swagger
    TM90 Substitute
    HM02 Fly
    -Egg moves:
    Assurance-Father Spearow, Fearow, Murkrow, Honchkrow, Swoobat or Woobat
    Brave Bird- Father Farfetchd, Starly, Staravia, Staraptor, Ducklett, Swanna, Rufflet or Braviary
    Drill Peck-Father Spearow, Fearow, Doduo or Dotrio
    Faint Attack-Father Murkrow or Honchkrow
    Feather Dance-Father Pidgey, Pidgeot, Pidgeotto, Chatot, Pidove, Tranquil, Uzefeasant, Ducklett or Swanna
    Mirror Move- Father Pidgey, Pidgeot, Pidgeotto, Spearow, Fearow, Swablue, Altaria, Chatot or Sigilyph.
    Perish Song-Father Swablu or Altaria
    Psycho cut- Father Hoothoot, Noctowl, Natu or Xatu
    Roost-Father Pidgey, Pidgeot, Pidgeotto, Spearow, Fearow, Noctowl, Hoothoot, Wingull, Pelliper, Chatot, Pidove, Tranquill, Uzefeasant, Ducklett or Swanna
    Screech-Father Golbat or Crobat
    Sky Attack- Father Noctowl, Altaria, Togekiss, Pidove, Tranquill, Uzefeasant or Sigilyph
    Whirlwind- Father Pidgey, Pidgeot, Pidgeotto, Starly, Staravia, Staraptor, Sigilyph, Rufflet or Braviary
    Wing Attack-Father Pidgey, Pidgeot, Pidgeotto, Zubat, Golbat, Crobat, Aerodactyl, Murkrow, Honchkrow, Taillow, Swellow, Wingull, Pelliper, Starly, Staravia, Staraptor, Archens or Archeops
    User Note- Because a Honchkrow becoming a Gallokrow depends on the emotional state of the pokemon it is possible for both an infected and undead to evolve in this way. However because it is the spirit not the body that forms this pokemon they would not carry the infection (but would still suffer from side effects of former infection such as insanity ect)
    It lacks legs and so cannot land. It's broom-like tail has dissolved into a red tiped swirl of mist much like a Ghost's Tail. It's wings are very large compared to the rest of its body.
    Most are very intelligent.
    It can chose to be invisible for short amounts of time but cannot appear as invisible to the one it is targeting. When it dies it evapourates.
    Some are motivated by revenge or violence, some are simply content to wait for their loved ones to join them. Some do not know the one they seek has already died and must find put before they move on/die.
    It's Ghost/Dark Typing is conteracted by its inability to take a hit, however it is a very powerful special attacker.

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:42 pm

    Im planing on making a fakemon. Ill get a picture of it soon. Im not sure to put a text color.

    Name: Wollrun (pronounced woal-rune)

    Type: Fighting/Dark
    Male-90% Female-10%

    Hieght: 3'08"

    Wieght: 80.5 lbs.

    Wollrun trains and trains untill its body can't move anymore. It
    challenges an opponent at least 3 times its size.

    Ability: Guts, Intimidate. Hidden Ability: Sturdy
    Moves: Lv.1-Tackle, Growl Lv.4-DoubleKick Lv.9-Bite Lv.15-FocusEnergy Lv.20-Howl Lv.24-MachPunch. I didn't put anymore moves because I was planning to evolve it at 26.
    I'm not sure whether to put anything else on for a fakemon. So let me know if I need anything else.

    Posts : 2653

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Lugia Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:40 am

    Pure fakemon are not accepted here.


    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:15 pm

    What do you mean by "Pure Fakemon"?

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Dandelion Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:17 pm

    A Pokemon that doesn't evolve from or into a previously existing Pokemon, is a pure Fakemon.

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:27 pm

    But im making a fakemon evolotion for it. I wasnt gonna have it evolve into an existing pokemon.

    Fakemon Suggestions - Page 2 Empty Re: Fakemon Suggestions

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:44 pm

    Correction Jolt;

    What they mean by Pure Fakemon is a Fakemon that's purely has no relationship with the original Pokemon whatsoever. The Fakemon we seek in Epidemic Johto are Fakemon that evolve, or evolved from the original Pokemon games. As such an example could be;

    Eevee (From Generation 1) evolves into Aiveon (Silverishness's Fakemon).

    Whereas Wollrun would not be accepted as it hints no relationship with the original Pokemon.

    If you want to make a Fakemon for the site, please read this to make sure it follows the rules and follow the correct format. For images, I suggest making it similar to the prior evolution so it's obvious it's from that Pokemon's family.

    Last edited by Clefhanger on Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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