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8 posters

    The MOON Team

    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Mon May 21, 2012 1:59 am

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    Mt. Moon || Last Known Time; Midnight [3]

    Fortunately, Charlie had missed the Ninjask’s disapproving mutter of his alias – it was probably for the best. Despite his mainly easy-going attitude to life, the Espeon’s nickname was something that he had grown to love over the years and would not tolerate mockery. It was his last solid gift from the guys in the gang, now that many of them were likely to have perished in the attacks from rivals and undead alike. Of course it was girly, feminine, the last name you’d expect from a common crook - but it was him. Pink was a persona that Charlie could never have dreamed of living up to. He’d always been the scruffy, stick-in-the-mud amongst his siblings, but now, he was a scruffy, stick-in-the-mud gangster.

    He’d caught word of ‘Mt. Moon’ from the insect as she’d tried to offer an answer, but had continued rambling on nevertheless. Well that cleared everything up... He sighed irritably, still totally lost to his current location. He’d never heard of such a place. The Espeon had visited every corner of the Johto region in his time and never had he come across a Mt. Moon. His face fell dramatically in realization. He was in a whole other region. Glancing to the Ninjask, a genuine hurt at the news in his eyes, his nodded his head lightly in thanks.

    “Having a little party here I see, guess I didn’t get the invite.”

    Pink froze at the sound of the voice. There was a faint familiarity to the tone, and in his line of work, familiarity was never a good thing. As the newcomer was revealed to be an Eevee, the psychic-type’s blue gaze quickly fell onto the creature. He was younger than he’d expected, one of his ears goofily flopping forward as he practically gawped at him. Okay... That wasn’t the most reassuring sign. Shuffling uncomfortably on the spot as the Eevee’s eyes remained fixed onto his form, the faces of all manner of friends and foes began flashing through the Espeon’s mind. There was something about this youngster – he was sure he’d met him before, but where? It could be anyone – the son avenging the death of a father, an innocent that became mixed up in one of the gang’s disputes, an illegitimate child of one of his past girls... Oh God, please don’t be my son...

    Charlie’s moustache tuffs twitched, a sudden panic in the creature’s eyes as the Eevee finally went to speak. Well, it had looked like he was going to speak. Peering closer to the youngster, frowning at having missed the near enough silent introduction, the feline’s body relaxed slightly. This kit wasn’t a threat to him. Hell! He probably didn’t even know him. His confidence flooding back, Pink flashed the kid a crooked smile.
    “Take a picture why don’cha?” He chuckled mockingly, unusually pleasant – maybe it was just the Eevee’s age. He’d been the eldest of his siblings and there’d been a handful of youngsters back in the gang. Whilst he wasn’t the best example, a scrawny, sleazy git, he’d had a natural connection with the children; for some reason, they just loved him.

    "Hello dear, I am afraid that I missed your name. My own is Vani,"

    The Ninjask, Vani, had misheard the Eevee too, offering her own name as she sought out the kit’s. Charlie flashed his signature grin at the Ninjask, inclining his head slightly in a bid to show some gentlemanly qualities he clearly didn’t possess. As he opened his mouth to speak, another voice had emerged. His body tensed slightly – this didn’t seem right. He’d been lost in that damn cave for days, and suddenly he was being bombarded with living pokemon. Maybe it was some kind of set up? The kid seemed familiar, maybe he’d met the insects and the approaching Swellow somewhere before too? Growing ever uncomfortable, Pink took a few steps back, giving himself some distance between the strangers in the event he had to make a quick getaway. Of course, his movements weren’t subtle at all – Charlie hardly knew what the word meant, but he wasn’t about to change his ways for the sake of manners.
    “So... uh, what’cha all doin’ at this Moon place?” The Espeon asked slyly. It was a simple, acceptable enough question, but Charlie saw it an opportunity to confirm or deny his suspicions. Eyeing each of the survivors in turn, the psychic-type eventually managed his signature crooked smile – forced to say the least, but an attempt at civility. With a final glance to the Eevee, his tail flicked nervously behind him. “Seems a little odd to uh... gather round here, eh?”

    (( Sorry, I didn’t realize Negative10 was away! Dx ))

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 7:00 pm

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    In Mt. Moon | Last Known Time: Midnight (2)

    Not only was this eeveelution bigger, stronger and cooler looking than him, but he was quick with a witty remark too, coming at him with ‘Take a picture why don’cha?’ This espeon had basically beaten him in all the categories he had been trying to perfect since his eyesight affected, and the other wasn’t even trying, that was what bothered Typhus the most. He had to work on his demeanor, to think about what to say before actually saying it, while this pink guy did it naturally. He had half a mind to leave while his dignity was still intact.

    But, Arceaus has heard his woes and managed to give him a do-over in his intro. He wouldn’t have to live with that sorry excuse for a introduction, he make a cool one that would make his Father proud.

    Focus Ty, don’t fuck up this second chance, you’re not going to get another one. He opened his mouth to speak up but quickly closed it before he let out something stupid.

    Holy Crap, a fully evolved flying type! He was beaming, he loved flying types, the ability to fly to their hearts desire, above everyone who would judge them or ignore them…

    But its appearance brought him to the realization that he was the only one so far that wasn’t evolved, and the rest where most likely fully evolved. He was the runt of the group….it was bad enough when he was one of the youngest of his siblings, but now he was most likely THE youngest in this group. Ty sighed; it meant he would have to work twice as hard as the rest, at just about everything he did…He might as well start by working twice as hard on the introductions.

    “Yeah, join the party, looks like things are just starting to get lively. My name’s Typhus.” No, that wasn’t enough….what would Father do…

    So he let out a charming smile at them, “But you can call me Ty.” Though his smile did dull a bit when the espeon asked his question. If he told them the truth they would know he was cowering in fear as those rabid monsters ran amuck, and who knows, maybe these pokemon were the ones being bothered by them. No, he would have to lie, lie so that he would not turn back into that shy cowardly eevee who would always hide from his problems. But telling a complete lie would be too hard to remember…

    What would Father do……Got it, a half-truth!

    “I came here because it seemed like the best place for me, me and the light don’t really see….eye to eye…” Good, leave a hint of mysteriousness to leave them wondering.

    ((OOC: In case it gets confusing, the words in italics are the thoughts |D))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Jay Thu May 24, 2012 6:58 pm

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    In Mt. Moon || Last Known Time : Midnight || 2

    "Hey there sweetie. Why not join us?" The Ninjask asked calmly to Magic, her voice soothing and reassuring. A good sign, indeed! The Swellow gave a smile as she ruffled her wings, tilting her body to the left to gain balance as she almost fell clumsily to the ground. She scanned the Pokemon in front of her, an Espeon, who seemed like a rather go with the flow type. An Eevee stood near him, his ear floppily hanging downwards, and black sunglasses rested on top of his face, he was obviously trying to be cool, and Magic understood that feeling.

    She jumped up and flapped her wings twice, gliding skillfully over to the group and landing. She waved her wing. "Hello~!" Magic sung, her voice smooth and pretty.

    (ooc: Sorry for the short post, and the wait, which is the cause of the short post. >.<)

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 26, 2012 5:29 pm

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    In Mt. Moon || Last Known Time : Midnight || 1

    It was dark and the small dragon looked about. Hmm....... The dragon was lost, but he didn't mind. He liked to be alone, it gave him a chance to think things over and have peace and quite. Then as he walked around a corner he heard voices and ran in the other direction. He wasn't ready to meet other pokemon. So he continued to wonder the cave by himself. He thought about him mother and the he had left her.

    He was still sad and worried about his mother. He hadn't seen her in a long time. As his mind thought of his mother, his mind drifted to his trainer Grace. She was so nice to him and she really cared for him. He gripped the Dragon Fang around his tusk's. It was the last thing he had to remember Grace and the others. He missed them dearly.

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 27, 2012 11:34 am

    [Floating here]

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    Above Mt. Moon / Night [1]

    The Charizard flew in the skies of Kanto, looking for food. She was looking for food. Fresh, juicy meat- not like those that were left on the ground to rot. The last time she had eaten was such a long time ago. There. A mountain in the distance. She would find what she wanted there. She glided to the mountain in the distance, and landed. She felt the earth against her feet. Finally, she was here, on the ground. Food was near. She would have what she wanted soon enough.

    Last edited by tastybob on Tue May 29, 2012 10:53 am; edited 1 time in total
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Negative10 Sun May 27, 2012 6:08 pm

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    Mt. Moon | Last Known Time ; Midnight

    The commotion of such a large group reminded Pro-B... why, none other than those Justice League comics he loved looking at outside of city shop windows! A graceful Swellow had too come into their posse, with a friendly grin and a surefire spirit. Spleeeeendid! Noticing that Mr. Pink - it was like his superhero name! - had retreated just a bit awkwardly, the Leavanny swung his cape in great excitement and followed after the Espeon. "Now, now, like little Typhus said, this is a paaaaaarty! You can't dare miss it!"

    Grinning at his own words, Prophet Blade waved a bladed arm towards the newest avian. "And you, my dear miss, may call me Proooooophet Blade - a rather fantastic superhero!" Taking a dramatic bow, he rose his arms and allowed the fake applause to come. Silly, he was a modest fellow, he didn't expect any sort of exalting in his name! Not wanting to take up too much of the conversation, the Nurturing Pokemon settled down, crossing his arms in content as Vani floated by him once again.

    "We are going to be heading through the mountain in a few minutes, right after my friend catches up. Any of you are welcome to come if you want." Oh giggity! He nodded in enthusiasm, taking a huge salute towards the group at their calling to this mission. They were all brought together here by fate, he was positive of this! If he looked at each of their strengths, he knew that they would be able to cover each others weaknesses; they'd be an unstoppable enigma that could conquer any and all evils. Oh, the excitemeeeeent!

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Mon May 28, 2012 1:16 am

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    Mt. Moon || Last Known Time; Midnight [4]

    “Yeah, join the party, looks like things are just starting to get lively. My name’s Typhus. But you can call me Ty.”

    Now that was a far smoother introduction on the Eevee’s part. Pink found himself smirking at the kit’s determination to uphold his reputation – though whether he had one to uphold or not was another matter. But that name... It wasn’t common, yet the Espeon remained convinced he knew it.
    “Typhus...” He muttered quietly to himself, rolling the name about on his tongue in a vain bid to evoke a visual image to accompany it. “Tyyyyyphus. Typhusss,” He frowned, looking into the distance as the world continued moving around him. He hardly noticed the Swellow’s movements to join the little gathering, nor Prophet Blade’s second, equally as extravagant introduction. Pink’s mind was totally engrossed with this single name.

    Realization hit him with the force of a bus.

    “Typhus?!” The words had emerged at a higher volume than he’d intended, the utter shock significantly increasing the feline’s tone to one of panic. His blue eyes were practically bulging out his skull, fixed onto the Eevee as Charlie lost himself to a mental, emotional turmoil. That was his brother’s name. He stared, open-mouthed at the youngster for a moment, taking in every aspect of the creature’s appearance – ticking off all he could remember of his youngest sibling. The floppy ear, the voice, the nickname; Charlie felt physically winded by this revelation, knowing full well that this Eevee was family. Family he’d abandoned.

    Whilst there was some joy at knowing one of his siblings had survived this hideous world, the fear of the creature’s reaction and an immense guilt had begun to arise in the feline’s mind. What the hell would he think of the brother that ran away? Biting his tongue, the Espeon was becoming increasingly aware that his behaviour may be considered somewhat unusual. Ushering a false chuckle, Pink quickly covered his tracks.
    “Hehe... I had a friend called Typhus,” Whilst it was a likely, albeit completely irrelevant, possibility, Pink had managed to completely tarnish his lying ability with his previous outcry and unmoving gaze from Ty. “Uh.... it’s a cool name, eh?” Offering his crooked grin, obviously flustered, he hurriedly looked away as the panic began to seep back into his being. Ty couldn’t know. The Eevee didn’t need to know that his brother had turned out a sleazy, fast-talking crook. It would be better for both of them if he simply remained oblivious. Charlie found a smile on his face regardless, though. He was ashamed to admit it, but it was nice to see the kid again.

    "We are going to be heading through the mountain in a few minutes, right after my friend catches up. Any of you are welcome to come if you want."

    “What?!” Mr. Pink spluttered, surprised at Vani’s intentions. “Ya wanna go through it?” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It was pitch black in there, he’d been lost in the gloom for god knows how long and they intended to trudge back into it? Frowning, his gaze fell onto everyone but Typhus, looking to see if they had suffered a similar reaction. Surely, he wasn’t the only one aghast to such an idea? “What’s on the other side?” The psychic-type asked, significantly calmer as he permitted himself a moment to breathe. He wasn’t sure whether he wanted to go along with these guys or not, especially knowing he was related to one of them and thus obliged to look out for the youngster. He had no loyalties – the idea of endangering himself for another was ludicrous, but with Ty standing there, right as rain, his heart told him otherwise. Permitting a glance down to his sibling, Charlie sighed, defeated. “A’right, I’ll come along,” A smile appeared on his unkempt face, blue eyes softening at the prospect he wasn’t alone. He was with what could become good friends and his family. Damn it Pink, you're getting soft...

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 29, 2012 7:05 pm

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    In Mt. Moon | Last Known Time: Midnight (3)

    Everyone was competition for him, except for the bug type Vani, she was cheerful and easy to like, but the flying type had its natural grace, the so called Prophet Blade already had a kick ass name, with a amazing introduction to boot, and the espeon was his most dreaded rival, having all the qualities he wanted without any perfect work. At least, that was what he thought, but in reality the Espeon also had his blundering side.

    For some strange reason the espeon kept repeating his name, over and over again in an odd mumble. Even staring off into space as he kept repeating it, as if Typhus’s name held some key of knowledge that was just out of its grasp. And after a bit of thinking, he had the perfect comeback for his name being used so much That’s my name don’t wear it out but alas, he was never allowed to use it for the next second his name was practically shouted out by the pink fox.

    First intense staring then avoiding all eye contact, that espeon really needed to make up its mind, it was bad enough that he made Ty slightly depressed. Apparently the espeon had meet another pokemon with the same name as him, and here he was thinking he had a totally unique and original name. “Oh….really? What kind of pokemon was this other Typhus?” He wanted to know, no, he needed to know about this other Typhus, so that he could know what he was up against, if he wasn’t the best Typhus out there, how could he ever live up to his father’s name?

    The others where talking about going through the cave, and as much as he didn’t want to face any of those monsters he had hid from before, and as much as he wanted to stay in this dark cave away from the light, he would need to go out eventually for food. So Ty ignored Prophet Blade’s remark about him being small and agrred to go along with them. Sure, I’ve got nothing better to do” Nice Ty, now bring it home “Plus, I’d love to see how a Super Hero is in Action.” Half-Truth it to the end Ty!

    He did want to see what this Superhero Named Prophet Blade could do, but that wasn’t the only thing he wanted to see, the bug and grass type seemed the most flashy and wondrous of the group so far, and if he can pick up a few things from him, then maybe he can stop acting and actually become cool.


    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Jay Tue May 29, 2012 7:31 pm

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    In Mt. Moon || Last Known Time : Midnight || 3
    "We are going to be heading through the mountain in a few minutes, right after my friend catches up. Any of you are welcome to come if you want." Magic's first was a little bit confused, who was her friend? Probably some pokemon native to this area, but who knows. She ruffled her wings, and rolled her head slightly, enough so no one would notice, but enough to get that irritable feeling off it. "Alright," She began, "I think I shall join you on this journey, but if I get killed by an undead, it's... well, probably my fault." She laughed, lifting her right leg and putting it back down, she could never sit still. "Sorry for my 'always moving' thing, I get blabbered on about that a lot." Her eyes nudge together, showing off the she was embarrassed.

    She turned to the Espeon, who was naming off the Eevee's name over and over, until finally he seemed to almost scream the name in surprise; had he met the Eevee before, or maybe a pokemon named Typhus? Then that reminded her, her name! She had completely forgotten to mention her name to the group... But, should she? Magic hadn't really "bonded" with the group enough to trust them, but then again, why not? "Before I forget, my name is Magic, feel free to nickname me anything you want... as long as it isn't, well, mean. I hate mean comments." She spoke the truth, she hated fighting, and that has been the same since the attack happened, she shivered from the thought.

    The whole group had decided to go, but what, she though, what would happen to us? Would infected get us? This mountain was very dangerous, and still is. She spoke her concerns, "What if we get attacked by a infected pokemon, though, what would we do? I'm not that much of a fighter, and personally, I can't fight at all. What about sharp rocks and ridges, plus holes in the ground..." She stopped her rambling. "Sorry for my rambling... I'm just concerned..."

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:14 pm

    (I'm so sorry guys, please skip and say Laoch went deeper into the cave on his search for any undead)

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:11 pm

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    Near Mt. Moon | Midnight (2)

    The mountain was the only thing around for nearly a mile. There must be someone here. There, a cave in the side of the mountain. It smelled like something- or somethings had just gone inside recently. She opened her mouth and growled.
    She crept inside, and hid behind some stones. They had to be here somewhere. They couldn't have gotten far. But that wasn't the point. It was dark. None of them would be able to see anything in here. She turned her head so she could see the end of her tail. She missed the times it used to glow with bright orange flames. It made her happy, and she was never alone.
    Now, without its flame, it was dark and lonely-even though she could tell some others were here. She stared into the darkness. She inhaled deeply and then exhaled, making fire rush out of her jaws and light up the area. That would do for now. She walked on, continuing in her search.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Negative10 Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:00 pm

    [ooc: @-@ I'm sorry I haven't posted for this team sooner]
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    Mt. Moon | Last Known Time ; Midnight

    "Before I forget, my name is Magic."

    "Zowow!" Prophet Blade squealed, kneeling down to the Swellow's height. "I daresay, your name is so woooonderful! You," he paused for a moment to twirl upward once again, pointing to the roof of the mountain extravagantly. "shall be my sidekiiiiick!" The Leavanny patted the head of the bird, grinning broadly while the others assessed the mission they were about to take.

    Typhus and Pinkie were discussing about how there were other Typhuses in the grand world, how that Other Typhus was like. Hm... but there's only one Prophet Blaaaaade! Chuckling at his own joke, the bug took in check their surroundings. Whether the superhero liked it or not, the world they lived in wasn't at all very happy (like himself). Indeed, it was the opposite of undying monsters and villains around every corner! He hopped from one foot to another, looking at each crevice and anticipating a battle.

    Until Prophet Blade actually found the villain. Off in the near distance the light of a fire was coming nearer, and he tensed at the prospect of a fire-powered opponent. There's noooothing else like it! It was in his blood to instinctively avoid fire - especially since he was extra sensitive to the ethereal glow - but he had trained himself to fight in extreme conditions! The Nurturing Pokemon glanced back to the others, wondering if he should warn them of the danger or take the initiative before the villain found them first.

    Friends before foes. Friends before foes. Yes, he wouldn't charge head first despite wanting to. He would stick with his fellow companions, and guard them as if they were chicks out of the nest for the first time. Who knows, it could simply be another friendly face! Prophet Blade took great comfort in knowing that he had others who had his back, and in return he hoped they knew he had theirs also. UNSTOOOOOOOPPABLE, WE ARE!" He exclaimed for all to hear, his loud voice echoing into the dark mountain.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:53 am

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    Mt. Moon || Last Known Time; Midnight [5]

    “Oh….really? What kind of pokemon was this other Typhus?”

    Charlie’s head snapped back to the eevee as he spoke, a bead of sweat travelling down his scruffy face. He managed a crooked smile, shuffling on the spot as his mind desperately began clawing for a pokémon species, knowing that his lie had to emerge fluent in order to seem legitimate.
    “Oh, he was just a mankey,” The espeon’s tone was unfaltering, his natural demeanour recovered following his previous outburst. Of course, he was still utterly flabbergasted at the revelation his estranged brother was standing before him, but ultimately, Pink had nothing to fear. Ty wasn’t a threat – he wasn’t some lunatic desperate for bloodshed, he was just a kid, a seemingly placid one at that. The psychic-type smiled to himself, his ear twitching as he remained contempt with his current situation. It was better to keep Ty in the dark than risk any chance of a negative, possibly emotional reaction, and Pink was decided that he was going to keep it that way. “Bit of a twat really, but eh, he weren’t a bad fella,” Pink added, thinking of a certain gang member named Corky. The memory brought a warm smile to his face; however, his reminiscing was soon interrupted by the bird’s rambling.

    "Before I forget, my name is Magic, feel free to nickname me anything you want... as long as it isn't, well, mean. I hate mean comments."

    Mr. Pink emitted a chortle despite himself at the swellow’s remark concerning ‘mean comments’. She was obviously going to be a barrel of laughs. Tempted to bestow her with a most unflattering nickname, Charlie held his tongue, guessing that against the majority, he would be deemed insensitive and could risk abandonment. Whilst he had no quarrel with isolation, he didn’t fancy losing this group just yet. It seemed that they knew where they were going and of course, there was safety in numbers. Pink never underestimated the value of travelling in a group. The bigger the group, the greater chance of disappearing unnoticed in the event of a disaster.

    Observing Prophet Blade and Magic’s conversation for a moment, Pink’s blue eyes flickered about the surroundings at the mention of the undead. Resilient little bastards – if they wouldn’t go down with the first few hits, then it wasn’t worth trying. The espeon was almost religious in his belief that in the face of danger, it was most definitely every man for himself. Forget valour, bravery and all that malarkey – Pink embraced his cowardice. Though maybe it wasn’t the best time to confess just yet...

    "Sorry for my rambling... I'm just concerned..."

    “No shit,” Pink muttered with a lazy smirk directed at the talkative swellow. He strolled over the bird’s side, his natural scent of blood and dirt following, as he neglected all personal barriers to sling an arm lazily over Magic’s shoulder. “Y’know my motto, doll? Go with the flow,” A grin surfaced on his face, his round blue eyes searching for the bird’s own. “Just relax, eh? No point stressing over the future when it ain’t even ‘appened,” Pink’s words of wisdom weren’t the most eloquent or intelligible pieces of advice, but it was something he strongly lived by.


    The insect’s startlingly loud voice scared the living daylights out of the psychic-type. His body visibly jumped at the outcry, his arm slipped from its perch on Magic’s shoulder and he only narrowly avoided greeting the ground flat on his face. Fortunately, his reactions were quick enough to save him the embarrassment.
    “Geez, what the fuck are you doing?!” Charlie snapped at the leavanny, his ears flicked back in annoyance. It was uncalled for, totally out of the blue and incredibly noisy. “We don’t want no more bloody company,” His voice was softer now, though a frown still hung over his large eyes. Hurriedly glancing around, certain that such an announcement couldn’t have gone unheard, Pink’s glare soon fell onto a warm, reddish light in the gloom of the cave. He tensed, watching the sight uneasily as realization kicked in. That was fire. Fire from what, he could not say – but fire was rarely considered a good thing.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Jay Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:57 pm

    (( Oh how much I love Prophet Blade, Nega! XD ))
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    Mt. Moon || Last Known Time : Midnight || 4

    The Leavanny shouted, quite literally, and kneeled down the the Swellows height, exclaiming excitedly, "I daresay, your name is so woooonderful! You," he looked up into the mountain roof, twirled around, and finished his statement, "shall be my sidekiiiiick!" The Leavanny seemed to almost always expand his words with delight, and due to the cape, Magic wasn't surprised that this pokemon was quite the silly one. She looked up at the pokemon, and stood on one leg and twirled around, "I am glad to be your loyal sidekick, sir!" She laughed.

    Suddenly, the Espeon put a lazy arm over her shoulder and spoke to her, saying in her ear, searching for her eyes,“Y’know my motto, doll? Go with the flow,” He said, “Just relax, eh? No point stressing over the future when it ain’t even ‘appened,” Magic's worries eased a bit, he did have a point. Magic glanced at the Espeon, and quickly replied.

    "You have a point, thank you, you kinda helped me there! Heheee..." The Swellow kindly, and most calmly(doing her best to not let her nervousness get to her) said. Her eyes darted to the Leavanny, who swiftly, and most loudly, yelled, “UNSTOOOOOOOPPABLE, WE ARE!” Magic chuckled, she liked this guy. She also liked Vani, and the Eevee seemed nice, though he obviously tried to act cool, and the Espeon --

    "Geez, what the fuck are you doing?! We don’t want no more bloody company." The Espeon had jumped , also interrupting her thoughts, moving his arm off her shoulder and yelling back the the Leavanny, though his words got softer and more calm as they went. The Espeon, who's glare had moved towards the darkness of the cave, had seemed to calm down, and Magic liked that better then when he jumped, it scared her a bit.

    Suddenly, a bright light seemed to come in the distance of the cave, only one thing; fire. "Oh, gosh! Fire! Oh how much I hate fire, It gives me the chills -- well, figuratively, I mean, it doesn't really give me the chills but -- I'll just shut up now..." She hung her head, and glancing back to the Leavanny, she smiled, what will he do next? I can bet cha it's going to be crazy from here on out. I like these pokemon, they're really friendly, maybe we can be friends for a long time!
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    Age : 28
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    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:16 am

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    Mt. Moon || Last Known Time; Midnight [6]

    “Oh, gosh! Fire! Oh how much I hate fire, It gives me the chills -- well, figuratively, I mean, it doesn't really give me the chills but -- I'll just shut up now..."

    Charlie only half-listened to Magic’s rambling, his ears irritably flattened against his scruffy head as he squinted over at the light source. Whatever it was, there was no way in hell he was going to investigate. He could never consider fire as a good thing and the idea of waltzing up to an unseen, flaming threat seemed ludicrous, practically another word for suicide. His body tensed as he took a few steps back. However, as he retreated, Vani suddenly rocketed past him. Pink’s jaw fell open in shock, a fearful confusion sweeping over his expression as he watched the plucky little bug dart towards the flames.
    “What the fu- “ He cut himself off, suddenly finding himself uncharacteristically running after her. His instincts were screaming at him, demanding some sort of explanation for this suddenly chivalrous behaviour, but by the time Pink had rationalized the situation, he was in the midst of the scene. This never happened. Pink was a self-proclaimed coward, always one to run from the danger rather than to it – but something had clicked inside him, spurring him onwards to help a woman he’d just met. Hell, maybe there was a bit of honour left in the rat after all.

    The source of fire – although the flames now extinguished - had been a charizard the colour of blood. Littered with open wounds, a portion of which Vani had recently bestowed, the espeon watched the battle with fur stood on end. In only a few short seconds, the ninjask had succeeded in badly wounding the dragon, although now sobbing furiously as the beast began to stir. Acting quickly, Charlie’s lack of respect for a ‘fair fight’ quickly became apparent. He prepared to aim a concentrated psybeam at the undead’s head, but the emotional insect beat him to it, decapitating the monster with a well-aimed slash.

    Mr. Pink heaved a sigh of relief, completely at ease now that the threat was rendered immobile, dead to the world. His panic however, still clung devotedly to his unkempt features.
    “Geez, Vani!” He exclaimed wildly, trotting forward to the ninjask, tears streaming down her face. Before he could provide a bitter scolding, the feline quickly held his tongue, the female’s emotional state suddenly dawning on him. He wasn’t the most sincere of creatures – empathy was usually absent from his understanding, but now Charlie felt a knot growing in his chest. Goddamnit, Pink. His face softening, he placed a paw comfortingly on the insect’s shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay, love. It’s gone, dead. Just calm down, eh?” Charlie’s lack of experience in this field was evident, though his attempts were admirable. He managed a weak smile, his large blue eyes searching for Vani’s own teary pair.

    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:37 am

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    In Mt. Moon | Last Known Time: Midnight (4)

    Great, out of the hundreds of pokemon and the dozens of types, this other Typhus just happens to be a Mankey. Fighting types are renowned for their strength, so it meant the other Typhus was naturally strong, meaning it can take down opponents with ease….so it was naturally cooler just by that alone. Even if this espeon downplayed the mankey’s personality, it was natural to do that when comparing a pokemon to their face as to spare their feelings.

    He would now have to work harder so that he can be better than all the other Typhus’s in anyone’s memories. What’s the point of working to be cooler if he was just going to be forgotten by someone that shares his name…

    The ‘superhero’ gave a loud shout which echoed through the cave, and the suddenness made Ty long for the quiet serenity of a hole to duck into. But he had to nowhere to hide, and if have had he would have exposed himself as the weak pitiful coward he was.

    Yet he still kind of exposed himself. He couldn’t suppress the “Meep!”, that escaped him at the site and mention of fire. He paws instantly going to his head to lower his shades. For after being in this cave and in the darkness so long, even that semi-far off fire was a bit too much.

    Even as he marveled at the site of the seemingly harmless female bug of the group as she killed a dragon multiple times her size, he kept his shades on.

    Vani, the bug who he thought would be least stunning of them all just showed them all just what bug types.

    The longer I stay with them the more I see I have to compete with….
    It was disheartening to say the least, to know that you are the lowest on the rank in a group. And it kind of made him want to leave already, but maybe, just maybe if he stayed with them, he may learn a thing or two first hand.

    But for now, What would father do…

    He would have taken care of that thing himself instead of going for the safety of the shades….but even he would be able to praise such power in others.

    So that’s what he did, “Wow Vani, that was amazing! You were so fast it was like you disappeared for a while there.”

    ((was a little bit longer cause i missed the last round |D))

    Age : 25
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    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Jay Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:49 pm

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    Inside Mt. Moon || Last Known Time : Midnight || [5]

    Vani darted forwards towards the fire, and Magic breathlessly stared as the bug type pokemon as she demolished the soon to be seen Charizard. Charlie, quickly running after her, seemed to be thinking and he went towards the now crying Vani. He placed a paw on her shoulder, and said something to the bug, though Magic couldn’t here, she knew it was something comforting. For a pokemon like him, she was surprised, and she liked that. The feeling of happiness always warmed her heart.

    “Wow Vani, that was amazing! You were so fast it was like you disappeared for a while there.”

    Magic looked towards the Eevee, and said softly, ”Though that was quite the show, she could have been hurt! Or even worse, dead! But right now, she is very upset… I think I’ll be over there, if you would like to come!” Magic jumped up and glided towards Vani. She stood in front of her and stared into her eyes with a small, comfortable smile. Magic looked at the Espeon, and smiled at him too. ”Vani, what’s bothering you? I’m sure we can help you! Just say you wish, Vani!” Magic stated, happily patting Vani on the back away from her wings(she knew how much it hurt when that happened).
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    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:32 pm

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    In Mt. Moon || Last Known Time : Midnight || 2

    The young Axew crawled his way into a hole and layed down. It had been a long day and he was tired from traveling and running from the voices. Arceus, what is up with those living? He was tired of these pokemon and he was tired of this cave. Yes he was born in a cave, but this just keep going and going and Laoch was getting tired of wondering around. He sighed and scrapped his tusk on the rock and made a star. Then he tilted his head. I wonder...

    The Axew started to scrap his tusks on the rock and soon a picture started to unfold. It was of a Fraxure and an unknown father. In the middle of the two dragons was there son. An Axew named Laoch stud in the middle with a big grin on his face. The Axew stopped and looked at his dream family. His moms smiling face, his dads identity reveal and Laoch, in the middle of the two powerful dragons. His dream of one day finding his father and asking his why he left Laoch's mother and before he was even hatched. He placed his paw on the image and started to cry.

    The young Axew missed his mother and wondered if she was even alive anymore. Laoch made a fist and slammed it on the rock. He continued to cry, then stopped and stud up. I'm coming for you mom. Just you wait. You'll see how much stronger i've gotten. The Axew nodded at the drawing and walked further into the cave, in search of those living. HEY!! IS THERE ANY LIVING IN HERE?!

    (Ciana please don't skip me and yall can react anyway you want Laoch and if you guys want, someone can see his drawing.)

    Age : 26
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    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:22 pm

    [ooc: I'm sorry! @-@ I didn't know it was my turn dfkalsjf;ads]
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    Mt. Moon | Last Known Time ; Midnight

    "I am f-fine, kiddies." Throughout the ruthless (and one-sided) fight between Vani and the Charizard, to the aftermath with the other Pokemon comforting the bug, Prophet Blade had stayed oddly silent. It wasn't that Vani was incredibly swift and strong, or that she had annihilated that fire lizard; it was the fact of why she had killed it. She had yelled for Pectus... It had been a long time since the Leavanny had felt hollow inside, as if... something were bothering him. Looking down, Pro-B was mildly surprised to find that his bladed arms were shaking! A friend had died. It was hard to register this occurrence in his mind, a frown actually appearing on his face. Pectus...

    Knowing how sensitive the little Ninjask was when they were outside of Mount Moon, the Nurturing Pokemon could guess that Vani wasn't taking much better than he was. "Vaaani," he called to her quietly, bending his head solemnly. "I... I'm sorry I couldn't protect him." Prophet Blade turned around abruptly, wanting to deny the fact that he couldn't save everyone, that he couldn't protect everyone like he had longed to believe. But what am I if I'm not worthy of being Prophet Blade? Walking further away from the group, his conflicting emotions and thoughts didn't help as he tried to cope with this. Despite how emotionless the Shedinja had been, Pro-B had enjoyed the bug's company, seeing him as a teammate and someone he could trust. Guilt began to gnaw in his belly, knowing how much Vani had loved Pectus - they were one and the same, and now only one half still stood. It's all my faaaault!

    "HEY! IS THERE ANY LIVING IN HERE?!" The shouting brought the attention to the Leavanny, breaking him out of his sullen mood. Perhaps if this new voice came along with them, perhaps if he helped him and guarded him along with all the rest, and brought them all to safety, Pro-B could redeem himself. He could truly deserve being called a superhero, someone whom had triumphed over weaknesses and came out even stronger. He could. With a grin soon plastered on his face, Prophet Blade began to race towards the noise with intent, wanting to meet this new friend as soon as possible. I'll never forget you, Pectus. There was a gleam in his eye, as if he were forcing himself to be more cheerful than normal as he rounded a corner to find himself with an Axew.

    "Why heeeeeeello, Other Living Pokemon! What might you be named?" Prophet Blade looked down at the small dragon and gave a huge smile, swinging his cape around himself dramatically. I won't fail again. "I am Prooooophet Blade, and I have come with my fellow sidekicks... whom are back there, but that's compleeeetely besides the point!" Giving a small peppy jump, the bug type crouched down next to the Axew, his large grin dying down to a gentle smile. "Let's be friends, right?" Deep down in the hero's heart, he was ashamed of himself; he had wronged a friend by not being there when they needed him most, and it cost him his life. A shiver ran down his spine as the guilt slowly ate away at his conscience. I'm sorry, friend.

    [ooc: in which Pro-B undergoes Character Development. It's super-effective!]

    Age : 28
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    The MOON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:21 am

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    Mt. Moon || Last Known Time; Midnight [7]

    "Thank you, Pink,”

    Charlie’s crooked smile exploded over his scruffy face, his demeanour suddenly brightening from the dirtied, violent creature he truly was. It was nice to know that his efforts hadn’t gone entirely wasted; perhaps he was a master of words at heart after all. Satisfied, he let his paw fall from Vani’s shoulder as he turned to regard the rest of the group, naturally shuffling away from the limelight to fit the role of a spectator, a good distance between himself and the small group. He hoped they hadn’t caught him comforting the insect. Mr. Pink wasn’t like that. Gangsters couldn’t reveal their empathy, he wasn’t a softie. Had any of the guys seen that marvellous spectacle, he would’ve never seen the end of it - god knows what other nickname they might’ve come up with. He smirked lightly to himself at the thought, bulging eyes drifting back to observe the dysfunctional gathering before him. It was a far cry from his days in the gang, but for now at least, it would do. Hell, his brother was there! He couldn’t leave without trying to get to know the tyke a little better; he couldn’t abandon him again.

    Still keeping his distance, his thoughtful expression quickly snapped back to normal, his lazy grin surfacing over a grimy maw at Vani’s words, a sudden eagerness to get going. He wholeheartedly agreed, convinced that the longer they spent dwelling on their decision to travel through the mountain, the more the idea would seem akin to a death sentence. The feline eyed the cave entrance, concerned, when a voice suddenly erupted from within.


    The sheer volume made the espeon jump; his scrawny body jerking, ears flattened against his small head. Why was everyone so damn loud these days?! A slight frown emerged, a headache already beginning to develop in his temples as he watched Prophet Blade trot towards the outcry’s source. Whoever it was was quite frankly an idiot. If the screeching didn’t attract undead, then there was always the risk of causing a rock slide within natural structure. Looking to the pokémon remaining, he flashed a crooked smile at Vani and Magic.
    “Ladies first,” Charlie gestured with a paw and a cheeky bow, eyes flicking back to Typhus as he ushered him over with a quick flick of his head. His brother had to learn manners from somewhere, even though Pink wasn’t exactly the best example. Smiling, Pink followed the group quietly to catch the end of Pro-B’s latest introduction.

    Watching the mantis crouched beside the stranger, a green, dragon-like creature, a smirk stretched across Pink’s bloodstained mug.
    “Aw, I missed your entrance,” Charlie chuckled, mocking despair in a light-hearted manner. He trotted forward, nodding his head lightly at the stranger with a quick “A’right, mate?”. However, his attention was soon distracted by an unusual rock. Curious, he peered at the engraving to discover a quaint drawing of a family of dragon-like creatures. He eyed the newcomer; the cogs in his brain ticking as he slowly put two and two together. Ah, poor kid. Seemingly it was rough times for everybody.

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    Post by Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:44 pm

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    In Mt. Moon | Last Known Time: Midnight (5)

    Damn, even she knows amazing one lined comebacks….I need to step up may game…

    Everyone in this group was amazingly cool and surprisingly suave, well except for maybe Prophet Blade, but that pokemon was in a whole different category, a superhero category to be exact. He was starting to think that he would never be able to match them all, and he was forever destined to be the youngest and most naïve of the group.


    Typhus flinched slightly at the suddenness of the loud yelling. It was another new pokemon, and this one sounded young, maybe even younger then he was. He was going to go happily down there and see the newcomer but Mr. Pink stopped him. “Ladies First”

    Right…What’s the point of being cool if you just end up being rude to everyone…gotta remember manners Ty

    Seemed weird though that Pink would be the one to remember manners in that situation….It also seemed weird that the pink Espeon kept stealing glances at him. Why though….Sure it could be cause he was reminded about the other Typhus mankey, but would Mr. Pink be stealing so many glances if it was just that?

    Typhus put it in the back of his mind for now, making sure to remember to ask Mr. Pink about all the staring later, sure it’d be a bit awkward telling someone you’ve seen them stealing glances, but he wanted to know. It was almost like he needed to know why the older espeon was acting like he was.

    The new pokemon turned out to be an Axew, a young one at that, maybe a child by the looks of it. It was sad to imagine why this one was here alone in this cave, but a part of him could not help but feel a bit happy.

    Finally, I’m not the youngest here. Now what would Father do….Be an active role model I guess!

    But first….What was it that Mr. Pink was staring at… With a closer look he saw what the espeon was looking at, what seemed to be a hand drawn family picture. He would have asked the Axew About it, but judging by the small round drops of wet dirt on the ground right I front of the carvings, it would make the pokemon sad again. And his father would surely look down on making kids cry, so best not to bring it up…

    “Hey little guy, I’m Typhus, what’s your name?” He said, finally taking off his shades after that last fire light scare.

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