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8 posters

    The MOON Team

    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 27
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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Drago Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:33 pm

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    Mt. Moon | Sunrise (23)

    Prophet Blade froze mid stride as Typhus began to rage. The Leavanny's fake-happy was wiped away, and his smile slowly morphed into a frown. Turning around, shoulders slumped, he walked back to the group, just as Ty was finishing."You didn't see them..." He said softly, his voice completely out of character. Distorted by his own fanciful memories, his mind's eye replayed the attack, twenty giant Clefairys covered in blood, swooping down from teh cieling and ripping chunks of flesh as they ran away. Pro-B gave a shudder, forcing the images out of his head. He would remember Magic, but he accepted that there was nothing he could do. He had to move on.

    Turning back around, he muttered something else, just loud enough for the others to hear. "The sooner we get out of here, the faster we can get to Vani." It was a measure of how the events had affected him, that he included no bright mannerisms into his speech. He was hurt deeply by the event, and the followup words, and it showed. He couldn't let it affect for long though, as he knew very well. This group needed their hero, and he needed his friend.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:18 am

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    Mt. Moon || Early Morning [16]

    "Would you shut the hell up, you little RAT?! She's FUCKING gone. Get over it. At least you're still alive to complain about it."

    Although Pink wholeheartedly agreed with the loud-mouth Quilava who seemed to have welcomed herself in the group with an unusual, but blatant reluctance, he felt a pang of guilt at her snappy words. Ty was just a kid after all. His hostile stature significantly weakening at the reminder he had allied with a hot-headed bitch against his own brother, Charlie swiftly let the matter drop. Typhus would learn to get over the tragedy, especially now that Pro-B was voicing his own sorrows on the hopeless situation, and then everything would be right as fucking rain.

    Still, Pink was still pretty pissed at the whole incident.

    “The sooner we get out of here, the faster we can get to Vani."

    Vani? Ashamedly, it took Pink several seconds to remember that the group was missing their buzzing leader, but upon realization, he gave a nod of his head in agreement. It figured she’d be the one to dodge all the unnecessary drama. Scoffing at the thought, Pink remained uncharacteristically quiet as he stalked out into the soft, morning light. Damn, it was good to be out of that cave. But as his bulging, blue eyes surveyed the area, no familiar insect came into his line of vision.
    “Where the fuck did she go?” He muttered aloud, irritated the bug-type had the audacity to abandon the group – although admittedly, she had never struck him as the type to betray. Pink tended to recognise their kind instantly, himself being a firm supporter of their beliefs.

    Movement within the foliage was quick to snatch away the Espeon’s attention. A Mightyena stood a distance away, powerful and proud in his build. Pink disliked him instantly. Wondering whether this was some over-protective partner of the mouthy Quilava or simply a less friendly companion, the feline’s tail flicked irritably behind him. He’d been wandering the gloom of the mountain for weeks – why the hell hadn’t these guys shown up sooner? Frowning at the dark-type, the cat remained too much of a coward to express any further aversion to the stranger’s presence.
    “The fuck you looking at?” Pink snapped, scraggly whiskers quivering as he subtly sniffed the air. Whilst he couldn’t place the species, he was convinced that the canine wasn’t alone.

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:51 pm

    ((Really hate to do this, i love this team, and I love Ty. But i honestly have no clue where the group is location wise, tried asking but got no clear answer. So I'mma skip and sadly most likely leave Ciana and her Vani all by their lonesome....))

    Age : 36
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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:25 am

    ((As said on the team sheet, I'l edit if I need to :3))

    Post 8

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    Mt. Moon Square | Early Morning

    Ripley wasn't surprised as the espeon scurried past her, her own gait hindered by her swollen, aching wrist. Her hate still directed at the eevee for not only putting her in such an embarrassing and dangerous situation, but for being so unaware of it. And of course, for wailing about spilled milk. Still, even with the dark cloud of fury over her head, even with her preference for the dark, it would be a lie to say she didn't feel a bit of relief when fresh air lapped at her fur and light graced her form.

    They'd made it out.

    There was little time to bask in the relief, though, as the espeon began yowling at something ahead. Her attention on the other pokemon, a mightyena, her fire flared on instinct in case the other proved aggressive. 'Of course there'd be something out here, waiting for us...' While the mutty espeon questioned the dog, Ripley's ears flicked in a different direction, picking up something a little more unsettling. Fairly alarmed, her eyes followed the direction her ears had picked up the sounds, trying to figure out their source. Gaze narrowing, she quickly recognized the sounds of a struggle, of battle.

    "...We have a problem."


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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:10 pm

    ((I am still keeping my area vague until we all come to a consensus on location. Gonna go with Sil's idea for now about the square being a bit bigger. ^_^))
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    Mt. Moon|Early Morning

    “The fuck you looking at?” The Mightyena was a little taken aback by the strange looking Espeon and his already flowering personality. This didn't seem like a group they would be comfortable being around. In response Dremus just lifted his lips in a snarl and turned away, intent on heading back to his Companion, but instead he was greeted with her retreating form dashing into the dark of the trees. What the...“Amalas!”

    Amalas had watched as Dremus confronted the bedraggled Espeon that crawled out of the hole in the mountain. It seemed almost mangy, trudging along with hunched shoulders and fur that stuck out in odd places. The young woman's eyes moved across each creature as it emerged before a strange sound caught her focus. It sounded like a fight and whoever was in the middle of it didn't come across as winning. Shooting one last glance at Dremus she opted to dart off into the trees to see if she could locate the soul in distress.

    She heard Dremus's howl but did not turn back, her senses more focused on getting to whoever needed help. Her hand flew to her quiver and pulled out a deep red arrow, brining it to her her bow in full extension. As she leapt over rocks and brush she came across a stray Clefairy feasting upon one of its own fallen kin. Her aim was quick and true, the arrow zinging through the air with incredible speed and striking the foul decaying creature right through its left eye socket. It fell with a dull thud and Amalas realized she was near the fight. Racing towards it she took a leap over the Clefairy she had just felled and snatched her arrow as she ran, bringing it to full draw once more as she searched.

    Dremus was in a panic, howling for his Companion and trying his best to figure out what she was thinking. He had never seen her act so rashly before, even with the sounds of undead massing in the direction she traveled. He could smell their stench as if they were right in front of him and he skidded to a halt as he saw a pair of dead pink fairy Pokemon lying in front of him. Sniffing around he caught Amalas's scent and it drew him to a Clefairy that had a hole through its eye and leading back out of the other side of its skull. “Amalas's work for sure...” he muttered, putting his nose to the air and tracking her. Suddenly his head cocked to the side and his ears perked as high as they could go, the sound of another arrow loosing catching his attention. “That way...” The words were said more to reassure himself that she was out there than anything else, but they made him feel better as his powerful legs sprang in that direction, bringing him ever closer to his Companion.

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Drago Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:50 pm

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    Mt. Moon | Sunrise (24)

    When Pinkie-Pie asked after Vani, Prophet Blade's grin nearly split his face in half. Poor Pink had no idea what he had gotten himself into. Spinning around in tight circles, Pro-B let his cape flap in the artificial wind. Stopping himself on a dime, he pointed the way that Ty had come, and the way he had been walking a moment before. "She went, that waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" He called cheerily, voice echoing off surroundings of their enviornment. Pro-B was feeling more and more like himself, the incendents of the past left behind him.

    Pro-B's smile slid off his face, however, when others began showing up. Standing up straight, he looked around. There was another near them, a dark wolf. He didn't stay long, however, and ran away from them shouting something that Pro-B didn't catch. What was that all about? Turning around, he looked to the others. He could read nothing from their faces, and he didn't know how to go forward. Boy, he would be happy when Vani was back to help him out.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:11 am

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    Mt. Moon || Early Morning [17]

    Watching the canine snarl and then run off shouting something Pink couldn't be bothered to try and understand, the Espeon gave an amused chortle. Coward, he smirked to himself, impressed at his own abilities of intimidation. In all honesty, he hadn't been expecting the situation to run so smoothly. The psychic-type was more than accustomed to tense, difficult situations, but a creature of the Mightyena’s stature and appearance didn't usually bound away without a word. Still, Pink wasn't going to complain. Good fucking riddance…

    "...We have a problem."

    “Huh?” Turning at the Quilava’s observation with his common look of bewilderment, Pink’s overly large eyes darted about the surroundings in search of this ‘problem’. The place looked calm, harmless enough to him – what was the problem. But in the silence that followed, the feline’s scruffy ears twitched as sounds of battle came to his attention. Following the fire-type’s gaze, the female apparently trying to work out the exact source too, Pink was dismayed to find that source particularly close to the cave. Uh-uh, no way. No fucking way. Mr. Pink was fairly convinced he would not be returning to the damned gloom of the mountain.

    But, it was Vani.

    Hissing, annoyed at his own new-found sense of heroism, Pink shot a glare at Pro-B. Damn superhero mantis.
    “This is your fault,” The feline muttered, half-annoyed as he reluctantly went stalking after the sounds of struggle. “C’mon, that’s probably Vani,” Tail lashing irritably behind his small, bedraggled form, Pink was not impressed at this turn of events. Of all the people to get wound up with, it had to be his estranged brother, a superhero and an insect he couldn't face leaving behind. The fiery bitch he could deal with, not to mention the gruff, silent Mightyena from before, but the original three… At this rate, he’d be putty in their hands by the end of the day.

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:19 am

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    Mt. Moon Square| Early Morning (14)

    Typhus had been busy brooding and being in a foul mood the rest of the journey to the outside. He felt bad that he had lashed out on Pink, mainly because he was the closest to him at the moment, but also….for some reason he was silently hoping that the older pokemon who shared a species with him would be someone he could look up to, someone maybe like his father….But now…..that was just a pipe dream he figured….

    Ty would have apologized after stewing in his own depression after a bit, but the others just kept piling up the shit on him. Pink telling him that he would not lift a finger to help Magic, that she meant nothing to him. And that bitchy Fire type adding in her bit, as if she had been here long enough to have the right to do that. After that there was no apologizing for Ty, they had made it extremely clear that to them, it was every man for themselves, that this group was not even a group, never was, just a bunch of singular beings that happen to be going in the same direction.

    Maybe I should just abandon them all right here and now…cause in the end they’ll just do that to me…Just forget about the world again and go crawl into a hole for the rest of my life, just watch everything go down in flames from my safe hole, and go back to not giving a crap about everyone else like before, like these pokemon are doing.

    Crap, but Vani….

    Some part of him wanted to view Vani in the same category as the rest, that the epidemic had made everyone into selfish bastards. But…..she had been the nicest out of everyone, the one that at least looked like she cared. If anything she kinda reminder him about his mother, or at least the way she acted. Wanted desperately to believe that she was not like them, that the news of Magic being gone would affect her as much as it did him.

    He was brought out of his brooding in time to notice that some mightyena came and left, but that wasn’t what made him come out of his deep thinking, apparently life wanted to pile more crap on top of him and introduce another threat…..Great….He wanted nothing more than to just silently make his way to the back and vanish into the shadows, adopting the ‘Every Man for themselves rule’ like the rest of the group. But…

    “C’mon, that’s probably Vani,”

    He bit back his retort, because apparently now of all times the scraggy Espeon decided to care about others. NOW he chose to help. The only reason he didn’t was cause of the mention of Vani. If he had said that and let his emotions get to the espeon, then they would just end up killing time arguing, instead of helping Vani. And dammit, some part of him still wanted to believe in Vani at least.

    He wasn’t so sure how his father would act towards the others, but his father would go help someone he believed in…right?

    Whatever, Typhus would find out immediately, for he went in running towards the commotion, his strongest move, Shadow Ball, ready to be launched. He was not even bothering to see what the others did, for he figured they’d just ditch the scene when it got rough anyways.

    ((OOC:Gawd i missed posting as Ty |D))

    Age : 36
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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:47 am

    Post 9

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    Mt. Moon Square | Early Morning

    One by one, each pokemon, even the new mightyena, broke off to run in the direction of where the battle sounds were, eventually leaving Ripley by herself. She watched, fangs slightly bared in an expression of irritation; she hadn't expected to be invited along, but she was faced once more with the decision to either stay or go. Glancing down to her wounded wrist, her gut instincts told her to leave these morons behind-- let the bleeding hearts bleed. But without help, without protection until she healed... there was little she could do on her own.

    Ears flattened against her head, her firm gaze glanced back up to the others' retreating backs. She'd need to do this... 'Don't fall behind...'

    Soon adapting to only three usable legs, she ran, her lengthy body scurrying quickly across the terrain to catch up with the others. Hopefully, this wouldn't be a mistake... but if that cowardly espeon deemed it safe enough, then maybe there wasn't all that much of a chance of winding up dead because of this...


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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:28 am

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    Mt. Moon Square|Early Morning


    Zing. Zing.

    Arrows flew quickly, seeking their targets and burying themselves deeply into the heads of the Undead Clefairy as they swarmed her. Amalas frowned deeply as the swarm kept coming, encroaching on her after a bug flew off into the distance to keep safe from the putrid creatures. She let fly a few more arrows before her hand reached down and froze, gripping at nothing. Her quiver was empty. Not willing to allow herself to fall to these beast she slipped her hand behind her quiver and unsheathed her hunting knife from her leg. She could be just as deadly at close range as she could from afar.

    A loud howl pierced the air as Dremus charged onto the scene, snapping at the Clefairy and crushing several of them in his jaws. He didn't have to fight hard to not swallow, their awful scent and taste causing his gag reflex to go crazy. It was almost like throwing up but nothing ever came out. He didn't care that it seemed others had followed him, all he cared about was getting his Companion out of this fight. She had run dry of arrows and was currently using an old hunting dagger to carve into the selfish bastards. He saw one of them heading for Amalas from behind and quickly barked a warning before diving in front with a Protect. His Companion reacted quickly and in an instant her dagger was buried hear hilt in the monster's head.

    No one could say they didn't work well together.

    ((OOC: If anyone didn't read my idea in the Team Sheet, I wanted to let you guys know that since Vani is gone and didn't do a leaving post that you can all blame Amalas. It will add drama and let the plot continue. <3))

    Age : 27
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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Drago Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:46 pm

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    Mt. Moon | Early Morning (25)

    Prophet Blade tilted his head slightly in confusion. What was his fault? Happy to be going to retrieve Vani, however, he followed Pinkie-Pie, completely oblivious. Sounds caught his ears rather quickly, crushing and piercing sounds, like a string snapping against a tree. His pace quickened a bit at the sound of that. Whatever it was, he didn't like it. Vani was still out there somewhere. Dashing after the others, he stopped when he could see the cause of the commotion clearly. More of those monsters from before, the ones that had taken Magic. He could see two others fighting them, but they'd be in trouble on their own.

    Looking at the others, he noticed they were getting ready to run in too. He didn't stop to think for very long. Throwing his arms back, the sharp leaves grew out farther to a point, becoming true Leaf Blades. For once, Pro-B didn't call a battle cry as he followed the others, however. He was still worried for Vani, who had to be around here somewhere. However, for the moment, he needed to help get rid of these monsters. For Magic and Vani both.

    ((Still a little confused on how we're going about this, but I think I got it right. If I messed anything up, lemme know. >.<))

    Age : 28
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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:58 am

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    Mt. Moon || Early Morning [18]

    As Pink trotted on ahead, his laziness quick to hinder what should have been a frenzied pace, he couldn’t help but notice a certain tension lingering stubbornly in the air. Glancing over his shoulder, the sight of the grouchy, but hot Quilava and his irritated sibling left the Espeon thinking he wasn’t in the best company. Least Pro-B was always happy enough. Pink never thought he’d admit that the eccentric mantis was the most bearable in a situation such as this. Still, it could always be worse.

    As an eerie howl pierced through and disrupted the quieted panting of the rescue party, the Espeon was suddenly cursing his newfound chivalry. As he stumbled onto the scene, the murderous Clefairys seemed to have made an early return. Stopping dead in his tracks at the number of the scampering undead, the feline gave an audible groan, annoyed that when he’d had the opportunity to be completely normal and run the fuck away, he’d gone trotting back into battle. Fucking. Idiot.

    But as his eyes followed the furious attacks of the dark-type, an unusual physique fell into his line of vision. Bulging eyes narrowing, scraggly head tilted in confusion, a human was the last thing Mr. Pink had expected to see. Last time he’d checked, their whole miserable race had died out months ago – still, this one seemed to have wriggled through the net. And where was Vani…? Lip curling in distaste causing his moustache-tuffs to twitch, disgruntled, the psychic-cat was about to turn and ditch the entire situation when one of the rats leapt, claws digging into his leg.
    “Little bastard!” The feline hissed, shaking the rotting creature from his skinny limb, a frown plastered over his weasel-like face. Couldn’t let the sod get away with that, he had a reputation to defend after all. Besides, what could a few little Clefairy do? They were fucking fairy pokémon! Keeping the immediate threats at bay with a Sand-Attack to leave them momentarily struggling for vision, Pink took the opportunity to dart forward with a Swift. Limbs fell in a spurt of blood, the attack flying through the blinded undead as Pink tiptoed out of the worst of the battle, eyeing up any potential escape routes.

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:54 pm

    ((Gonna end up having to skip, don't want to, but not much time to write it, and don't want to write a crappy post on this team .n.))

    Age : 36
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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Silverishness Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:33 pm

    Post 10

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    Mt. Moon Square | Early Morning

    There was no end to these little demonic puff balls. Ripley tore through them, kicking, biting and setting the majority of the unfortunate lamebrains that made the mistake of coming near her. She immersed herself into the battles, her enthusiasm for being caught in this terrible conundrum of stupidity escalating with each victorious blow she dealt. Soon, she was waiting for her next foe, excited to get back in the fray, despite her now-not-so-painful wrist.

    In her excitement, she spotted a new form, one that wasn't a clefairy or its evolution. Curious as to what this new foe might be, she watched and saw thin, pale arms, hands clasping a foreign weapon she'd yet seen. Eyes widening in realization, her teeth bared in not eager malice but in hateful spite, her mood considerably dropped as she realized just waht had entered the fray.

    "HUMAN!" she roared, charging at the girl.


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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:09 am

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    Mt. Moon Square|Early Morning

    Amalas cut through the horde as the pressed on her, feeling Dremus at her back. He was biting and clawing through anything that tried to get to her and together they kept each other's back, never allowing the foe to get in a sneak attack. It was something they had long since perfected, during their early days together as children, and was the one thing they never lost even as Dremus changed. But what neither of them expected was for some of the living that followed to turn their focus on the pair as well.


    Dremus was the first to act, jumping in front of the Quilava and taking the full force of her charge. Amalas braced him so the impact didn't push him too far, but he did feel his ribs greatly protest the action. [color=#284942]"The hell is wrong with you?!"[color] he growled, guarding his Companion from the rabid female. "She is helping to get rid of these freaks! Why don't you keep your focus until after the Undead are taken care of?" While he didn't particularly like the idea of anyone bearing malice near his Companion, he knew they needed all the firepower they could get against the Clefairy. Arguments could wait until later.

    ((Sil's got the right idea guys! Since we were the last to show up it is simple panic logic to blame the new ones for a friend's disappearance! Anyone can feel free to attack my pair, Dremus will take most of the hits.))

    Age : 27
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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Drago Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:30 pm

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    Mt. Moon | Early Morning (26)

    Before running into the fight, Prophet Blade stopped while the others ran in. Eyes glowing a fierce orange, he jumped high in the air, twirling as he came down. When his eyes stopped glowing, the light in the area increased from his Sunny Day. Feeling his sore limbs become more limber, he shot forward with twice as much speed as before, using the sun's rays as energy. Dancing to Pinkie-Pie's side, Pro-B slashed at the oncoming torrent of fairies with his long leaves. As he fought, however, something felt wrong. Where was Vani? She should have been here... There didn't seem to be any corpse around, Arceus forbid, but... Where could she have gone?

    A sudden cry caught his attention. Human?! The word brought back a sense of anger and embarrassment, though why that was he couldn't quite remember. But a human... here? Why would it come here? Unless... Panic forcing the Leavanny's thoughts to move faster than they ever should have, he caught sight of the new girl beginning to attack the human, who he just now saw for the first time. She was tall with green hair, and a weapon in her hands. At any other time, he might have said she was pretty.

    But right now, for some inexpressable reason, he hated her.

    Dashing forward, speed causing him to outrun even the fire girl, who had a head start on him, he jumped in the air, bringing his right arm back. Moving forward with momentum, he puched forward, trying to hit the human, to cause it pain. And he had barely an idea why.

    ((Sorry guys, Pro-B's got some human issues. XD))

    Age : 28
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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:30 am

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    Mt. Moon || Early Morning [19]


    Apparently, Pink wasn’t the only one adverse to the company of the gangly fleshy creatures he’d now thought extinct. Whilst he hadn’t the guts to take on such a creature, that strange weapon proving rather apt at disposing the Clefairy, Ripley and more surprisingly Pro-B had turned their attention to the female. Did they know something he didn’t? Frowning, stood a distance away, grimy fur stood on end as the battle slowed to what was essentially the group against the human and her protective mutt, Pink took a moment to rationalize the situation.

    It took a few minutes, but he eventually put two and two together. Vani was gone. A human and her rabid mutt had appeared where Vani had should have been.
    “Wait a second…” He muttered to himself, frowning as a rare expression of concentration sculpted his bedraggled face. “She… killed Vani?” Hesitant, he spoke to himself, knowing the others were far too engrossed in slaughtering the woman and few remaining undead. But it made sense. “She killed Vani!” Louder this time, an accusation.

    Forever a coward, Pink had no intentions of getting close to the bow-wielding woman or his enraged companions. But, obliged to demonstrate where his unpredictable loyalties currently lied, the feline launched a Psybeam in the human’s general direction.

    (( Sorry, short. :B ))

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:02 pm

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    Mt. Moon Square| Morning (15)


    He had never seen an actual human, his mother had always kept him and his siblings away from unwanted eyes, and he was never adventurous to wander off like some of the others, so seeing a living human was…..strange. He had only recently seen them while dead, all decaying and having limbs missing. This one was so pink, and really only had hair in one area. Humans looked weird.

    But he didn’t really have time to marvel at the strangeness of humans, because his first impression of them was immediately sullied by Pink’s remark. And as much as he didn’t want to believe it, the possibility of it was too apparent to cast off.

    “Wait a second… She… killed Vani? She killed Vani!”


    No, he didn’t want to believe that, he couldn’t. Vani was the last one that he actually had hope in, he had seriously thought things would be different with her. That she wouldn’t run off, or abandon him, or…..or….die on him.

    She couldn’t die, not yet, she didn’t even hear about Magic dammit!

    But no matter what he thought, the facts were still there. Vani was not here, and this human and its pokemon were. Yeah the zombie clefairy were also there, but if that had happened, Vani’s body would at least be found. No body meant that those two had to have done something. There was no other explanation!

    Crap, Crap, Crap. What would father do??? Find her body? Figure things out calmly? Ugh, fuck it.

    “What the hell did you bastards do to her!?”

    Ty quickly fired off off a shadow ball, in polar opposite to Pink’s Psybeam at the strange looking human. Doing so wouldn’t bring Vani back, he knew that, he wasn’t trying to delude himself, but something had to be done. He couldn’t just let those bastards get away with just killing his friend.

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:11 pm

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    Mt. Moon Square|Morning

    As Dremus and Amalas saw the three attacks coming dead on for the female they were left with little option. Between the three Amalas had only a chance against the physical attack of the Leavanny forcing the pair to come to a quick decision. Knowing his Companion as well as he knew himself Dremus quickly threw himself in front of the Psybeam and allowed his dark body to absorb it with no damage before quickly pulling out his Protect the deflect the Shadow Ball riding the beams tail. But this left Amalas wide open.

    Seeing the leaf-bug coming at her with his bladed arm ready to lash out at her the human female grabbed her empty quiver to let the leather deflect the blow. Unfortunately it only glanced the attack and caused the blade to cut open her right arm as she rolled out of the way. This put her face to face with an Undead Clefairy which quickly saw her dagger between it's eyes before Amalas was once again on her feet. "Dremus!" she called, wincing as she put her thumb and fore finger in her mouth to let out a high pitched whistle. "To me!"

    The Mightyena's ears perked to his Companion's call and turned to run towards her, pausing at her feet and turning to face the rest of the group that had attacked her. "Have you all lost your minds?! Wouldn't you prefer another blade between you and the horde? Or the lending of another set of fangs?" He paused his speech long enough to knock away on of the irritating faeries as it tried to lunge for him. "What is the matter with all of you?" Dremus lowered his head and bore his fangs as ice began forming around the glistening razors, warning anyone that attacked her once more would meet them. Painfully.

    He would die before he let them touch his Companion.

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Drago Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:55 pm

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    Mt. Moon Square | Morning (27)

    Prophet Blade almost laughed when the human tried to hold up the piece of leather to protect her. Did she really thing something like that could stop a hero? Twisting his arm slightly, he managed to cut her along the arm before being forced to dance backwards slightly. A sudden voice behind him caught his ear. Pink. When he registered what the Espeon said, his eyes grew even wider with hatred. This... Human... Killed Vani? Everything- his fears, his repressed memories, his hatred, everything was compressed into one word. Vani... Vani... Vani...

    Paralyzed with the sudden realization, the loss of yet another one of his friends, another life he could not save, angry tears fell down his face. Hunched over, he pulled one scythe-leaf-arm against the other, in a threatening stance. He made no continuous move, however. He would let the others take the next hit. His eyes bore into the human's evil, twisted head. Oh yes, he would take the next hit for sure.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:30 am

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    Mt. Moon || Early Morning [20]

    Whilst Pro-B had produced a generous gash on the human’s arm, her canine companion had leapt to her rescue, unfazed by the psychic-attack and effortlessly deflecting Ty’s Shadow Ball. Pink, alarmed at the strength this duo was demonstrating, was growing increasingly uncomfortable. If they’d killed Vani, well the human at least, surely they wouldn’t hesitate in butchering the others. Stifling a gulp, ragged form hunched as his bulging eyes feverishly followed the strangers’ actions, the Espeon was thinking it was about time to leave.

    “What is the matter with all of you?"

    Pink saw that Ice Beam building around the mutt’s jaws, convinced that now was most definitely the time to leave. Swiftly dodging a couple of rampaging undead, the odd Confusion attack distracting the creatures enough for him to produce a relatively pleasant escape route, the feline’s attention constantly volleyed between Ty and his escape. The kid wanted blood – he’d probably get it, though most likely streaming from his own body were he not careful. Despite the orders for his legs to move, to forget about the pipsqueak and move on, Pink found himself rooted to the spot. Ty was his brother. He couldn’t leave him to die in a mass of rampaging faeries, nor at the hands of some miscreant human.
    “Ty!” He called over the ruckus, kicking up a Sand-Attack and batting away the staggering enemies before him. “We should go, kid,” Although it wasn’t the brightest plan, the feline having effectively angered the youngster not five minutes earlier, it was worth a try.

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:44 pm

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    Mt. Moon Square| Morning (16)

    Of all the things to have done, those two had the addosity to try to offer to team up in hopes of stopping them from attacking. Teaming up! Did they offer to team up with Vani also? No! They just did away with her with no care in the word he bet. Didn't even care that she was not infected, that she was healthy, that she was a kind and caring bug......Or....maybe they did offer to team up with her also....It's what they did. Make an offer of peace, and try to join a group, and then back stab the pokemon the first moment they got.

    Those bastards....

    They most likely tricked poor Vani, made themselves seem all nice and peaceful, and Vani being herself would have trusted them almost instantly. Ty could only imagine the devilish smirks they would cast towards each other whenever Vani's back was turned. And instantly go back to nonchalant smiles to mask their evil intents whenever Vani looked.

    It was just....just...unforgivable.

    He wanted nothing more than to take these two down, to make them pay for taking her away. It wouldn't change anything, that was certain, but not doing anything would change anything either, least the first option would give him satisfaction.

    “Ty! We should go, kid,"

    Yeah, Of course YOU would want to run the first chance you got.

    He so desperately wanted to say that, to remind the espeon that when push came to shove, he turned tail every time.

    ...But....Ty wasn't an idiot. These two, they were strong, and not only that, they where coordinated. They knew how to work together and cover each others weaknesses. Something he secretly always wanted in companions. If Pink left, that would leave Ty all alone to fight them, and he he'd be easily outnumbered and overpowered. Pink would run off no matter what, and that bitch of a fire type wouldn't even bother to lift a finger also. As for Pro-B....Ty would have thought before that the hero would stay and fight also, but after the Magic Incident....he wasn't so certain....


    Typhus made a note of what those two looked like, and tried his hardest to remember how they smelled, which wasn't so lucky considered all the kicked up sand. But he wouldn't forget them, the ones who took Vani away, not even as he ran off in Pink's lead.

    (( New laptop, writing without Microsoft word, so....expect mistakes i've overlooked >.<

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:06 pm

    Post 11

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    Mt. Moon Square | Early Morning

    "Have you all lost your minds?! Wouldn't you prefer another blade between you and the horde? Or the lending of another set of fangs? What is the matter with all of you?"

    Ripley snarled, fire blazing furiously against the canine, her glare unwavering. Like some spoiled mutt was going to deceive her. Humans were malicious, sneaky, underhanded... Not like she wasn't these herself, but because of her intimate knowledge of those types of personalities, she knew they couldn't be trusted. Even now, the only reason she hadn't killed and eaten the little brat of an eevee was because one, she was injured and two, he was safe within numbers. Otherwise, she would have torn his innards out of his cute little belly when she'd had the chance.

    "Yeah-- a helpful blade and set of fangs placed neatly in our backs!" she snarled, her vicious expression still on full. Her fire burned hotter, its color gradually growing more and more white with her anger. "Why don't you and that naked mole rat of yours go off and die like her kind's supposed to, eh, Puppy?"

    Her eyes soon caught movement, and she saw the little rat running off with his cowardly psychic kin. Glancing back to the puppy, then to the clefairy, she turned and limped off after them. There was no way she was going to let that brat keep his life... She'd have it, one way or another. It wasn't a matter of food or pride... It was principle. She was an assassin, a killer; and killers get their targets.

    ((Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitchbitchbitchbitch XD))


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    The MOON Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:17 pm

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    Mt. Moon Square|Morning

    Dremus couldn't understand their ire, nor their point of logic. They were acting like Amalas was the enemy. "Yeah-- a helpful blade and set of fangs placed neatly in our backs!" Well that certainly didn't put things in any better perspective. "Why don't you and that naked mole rat of yours go off and die like her kind's supposed to, eh, Puppy?" Dremus growled at the Quilava and Amalas was left wondering just what their growls and hisses meant in regards to her being attacked. The human noticed the dwindling number of faeries in their midst but they weren't out of danger yet, something needed to happen and fast.

    Dremus thought they might catch a break when he saw the psychic and his lesser counterpart run off, the bitchy Quilava turning tail to follow, but one stayed. The bug and his wicked blades looked as deadly as any Scyther and while Dremus had never seen its kind before he was sure they weren't just for show. Backing up closer to Amalas he stared down the bug, waiting to see what it would do, but it was actually Amalas who moved first. Her leg shifted back and he felt her whole body weight go into a single thrust, so when he looked up and saw her dagger leave her hand and go sailing towards the leaf bug he was shocked.

    Amalas had never been one to attack unless it was out of self defense or hunting. Never.

    But Dremus hadn't seen what she had seen. Creeping up behind the Leavanny had been a Clefable, body tore and dripping, and just as it had been about to grab for it her poisoned blade found the center of its forehead. It went down quickly, body twitching and going into spasms as its brain was destroyed. But it left Amalas without a weapon to defend herself, out of arrows and now minus her dagger. All that was left between her, the undead, and the bug was Dremus. And he planned to keep it that way.

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