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    The MOON Team


    Age : 28
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    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:17 pm

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    Mt. Moon Square || Morning [26][30]

    “I…Can’t. I need to get out of here, I just….I just don’t belong, you know?”

    Pink came to a halt, his fur bristling in anger at another failed attempt at persuading Typhus. Mentally preparing a snappy retort, tail lashing bitterly as he gave up on his estranged sibling, he paused when he spotted the youth’s eyes. Tears were pricking the saddened orbs, but no sooner had he caught glimpse of Ty’s sorrow had the Eevee disguised the sight with his sunglasses. His heart aching despite his natural instinct to dismiss such a pathetic display, Pink sighed in defeat, body visibly slumping.

    “Its just better if I just get out of here as soon as possible.”

    As the fox slipped out of vision, disappearing into the gloom of the next cave, Pink was left standing alone. He was running out of time. He couldn’t let his last chance at embracing his family go off and get himself killed, could he? And yet, he was so unhinged by the foreign emotions that the burden of preserving the youngster’s happiness. Perhaps it would be better to be rid of the brat after all? Get on with his normal life, abandon chivalry and re-familiarize himself with good old cowardice?
    “Fuck it,” He hissed, wincing away from the heaviness in his chest - realizing emotion had finally wrestled him into submission. Clearing his throat, he trotted forward a few steps, lingering just ahead of the shadows and straining through the darkness. He couldn’t see Ty, but surely, the kid hadn’t got that far?

    “Ty!” He shouted, loudly in a bid to grasp his brother’s attention for one last time. “I… I knew your family, y’know?” The Espeon spoke quieter now, images of his youth flashing before his eyes with the mention of a topic particularly taboo in his mind. Still, he persevered. “I can name all your siblings…. Your mom’s Kidrana. Dad, Plague,”


    "Name's Ripley,"

    Garland bowed his head politely to the spunky fire-type, pleasantly surprised that he had found a fellow criminal in this nightmarish world. Then again, it seemed their kind would be the most likely to survive this mess. Criminals didn’t know the meaning of loyalty – they strived for survival every day, evasiveness in their blood. Only this time, the undead had taken the place of authorities to become their enemies. Garland smiled to himself at the thought, fond memories of getaways flickering in the recesses of his mind. Still, he reminded himself he was a changed man. He had to find something more to life, as Vito insisted.

    "This is Ripley!"

    Pro-B’s reiteration brought the Swanna out of his reverie, a good-natured chuckle leaving his hooked beak.
    “That is Ripley! You’re Prophet Blade and I’m Garland!” He repeated with exaggerated excitement, yet not unkindly in his words. “Over there’s Pink and Pint-Size,” The Eevee’s name could wait; the swan didn’t think it wise to dwell any further on introductions in fear of having to break into song. Still, they were a charming array of personalities that he intended to get to know better. Smiling, jostling the Leavanny with a pink wing to let him know his mockery had been in good humour, Garland could hear shouting somewhere in the distance. It wasn’t fearful or angry, just loud and belonging to Mr. Pink. Strange – last time Garland had checked, the scraggly psychic didn’t give two shits about anyone but himself. Clearly the epidemic did odd things to people.
    “So, where are we headed?” His ocean-blue gaze volleyed between Ripley and Pro-B, unsure who had adopted leadership. “Something tells me it’s after them, right?”

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:09 pm

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    Mt. Moon| Morning (22)

    Ty was happy about the decision he had made, he felt like crap about doing it, and wished he could have his cake and eat it too, but in the end it was for the best. He had made a promise, and he would stick with it, because he needed to. Typhus had his first true step towards getting his life together again, something real to hold onto in this imaginary world full of confusion. And it felt fairly good. When he finally woke up, he would be able to rest easily knowing he had made the right decision.

    But his evil mind had other plans for Ty.

    He was honestly surprised this did not come up before hand, and he had thought he would have steeled himself beforehand for when it finally came out. But still, it managed to shatter a little part of Ty inside. The core of all his problems being shoved down his throat, by the figment that meant the most to Ty, and with it the another false hope being flaunted at Ty.

    “Ty! I… I knew your family, y’know?”

    That alone stopped Ty in his tracks, he had thought he had resolved everything with Pink, and at the very most he would have a grumpy Pink tagging along as Ty made his way to the exit to escape this place. But those words carried too much to allow Ty’s paws to keep going, so he was stuck turning around. Ty’s uncovered and darkness adjusted eyes just barely making out Pink’s silhouette near the entrance.

    “I can name all your siblings…. Your mom’s Kidrana. Dad, Plague,”

    It has been forever since he had last heard his mother’s name….even longer since he had heard the name of his father. His mother had gone to great lengths to keep as much about their father a secret as possible, but Ty remembered everything that she ever said about the Umbreon, everything.

    And now Pink was using that against Ty to keep the eevee from leaving this place. Making himself appear as a close family friend to get Ty more attached. It just made Ty mad. Any sadness he was feeling was quickly put off his mind at the moment.

    Of course Pink would know those names, he was a figment of Ty’s imagination, if Typhus knew it, the others would too. But the fact that his mind would go to such lengths, that it would bring up those sort of feelings inside this place, which was supposed to be created as a safe haven, it was just wrong. Wrong on so many levels. It made it even worse knowing Pink was made as an eevee evolution; Ty could already predict what sort of plans his mind had in store what those facts….

    “Really now….Out of all the time we spent together, you 'miraculously' remember you know them, know of my past? Nuh-Uh, I tried to leave on good terms, to keep everyone’s image in my heart before I go, to end this story on a happy note, but nope. This shit just has to happen….

    What next? You're going to tell me you’re my uncle? Or better yet, you happen to be one of my brothers?”

    Typhus just sighed, he wasn’t mad at Pink, not at all. He was mad at his own twisted little head for making him go through with all of this. For not giving Ty a break for once…For not letting Ty end things on his own terms. Most of all, he was just tired of it all; of going through the ups and downs of the emotional rollercoaster ride his mind had set up for him.

    “Fuck it, I’m tired, and I just....I want this all to end, where are those zombie clefairy when you need them….”

    Typhus was already turning his back to Pink, he had had enough games, and he was too tired to keep playing. If his mind was going to try so hard to stop him, Ty would just have to try even harder to end it, like finding an undead clefairy, or the nearest highest ledge. Anything to end this madness.

    ((WHOOT! Sick + Headache while writing this |D))

    Age : 36
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    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:05 am

    Post 17

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    Mt. Moon Square | Morning

    She'd forgotten the obnoxious bug-thing was there, and instantly regretted revealing her name at long last. "This is Ripley!" he announced, causing the named quilava to flinch with just how loud the guy was. Shooting him a very unnapreciative glare that would likely go unnoticed, she flattened her ears against her skull to further protect her from Pro-B's voice. But Garland, the swan, seemed to be able to roll with the punches with the best of them.

    “That is Ripley! You’re Prophet Blade and I’m Garland!” the swan repeated with matching excitement, causing Ripley's expression to shift from volitile to just plain confused. “Over there’s Pink and Pint-Size.” She vaguely recalled Pink calling the Eevee "Ty", but really, she thought of the Eevee as "Lunch". She glanced over to the pair, her ears not nearly sensitive enough to pick out the words being said.

    “So, where are we headed?” Garland asked, bringing her attention back to him. “Something tells me it’s after them, right?”

    Ripley shrugged, glancing back over to Pro-B before replying. "I dunno," she replied honestly. "I've been tagging along since I found them in the caves. I think he leads--" she gave a nod to the leavanny, "But the Eevee's kinda taken a turn toward 'Emo Little Git'. I don't know what the hell's going on."

    [[Bitter, we're all out in the open, out of the caves. Ty and Pink are close to the cave's entrance, so your zangoose will probably come across them first. Hope it helps!]]


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    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Bitterblue Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:42 am

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    Mt. Moon Square | Morning | 2

    As she walked along, the voices got louder, ringing in her ears as though rocks were pounding in her brain. One high pitched, shrill, the other less so.

    "Family... siblings... Plague..." she heard one of the voices murmur, and her fur stood on end. The plague? These two Pokemon must be talking about the plague! I bet there was a big family and one of them got infected and now they're all dead except for these two... she thought. Or maybe... they have the plague! And they're going to spread it to me!

    The hot-headed Pokemon let out a low growl. She wasn't going to let them get away with that! She ran through the caves, closing the distance between them. From where she was standing, she was covered in shadows, but she could see the two of them quite clearly; an eevee and espeon. She could not tell if they were infected or not, so she stayed where she was, waiting for the right moment to strike.

    [Thanks, Silv. I hope this makes sense! uwu]

    Age : 27
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    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Drago Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:49 pm

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    Mt. Moon Square | Morning (33)

    Prophet Blade smiled when Garland repeated everyone's names. This guy sure was fun! Pro-B was perfectly happy having the bird in the company, both for his skills as a fighter and his personality. His followup question caused him pause, however, and he was forced to think for a moment. They did need to decide what to do, and with Vani gone, who was left to make that decision? When Ripley pointed out that he seemed, in fact, to be in charge, he beamed. Why, of course! Who better to lead such a group than a brave hero? Nodding, he tried to plan what to do next.

    Ripley was right. Good ol' Ty was having some issues, which separated him and Pinkie from the rest of the group. If they were to survive, they needed to stay together. He couldn't save everyone if they were so spread out, after all! "We should follow them!" He announced, pointing in the direction of the two feline. Pink was obviously yelling, and Ty seemed to be pretty out of it too. Lowering his hand slightly, his smile lessened. "However..." He added. "Maybe we should go up quietly, and slowly. Let them do their thing." There were some kinds of situations that needed a different kind of hero, after all.

    Age : 28
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    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:33 am

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    Mt. Moon Square || Morning [27][31]

    “Really now….Out of all the time we spent together, you 'miraculously' remember you know them, know of my past? Nuh-Uh, I tried to leave on good terms, to keep everyone’s image in my heart before I go, to end this story on a happy note, but nope. This shit just has to happen….

    What next? You're going to tell me you’re my uncle? Or better yet, you happen to be one of my brothers?”

    Pink could do little more than stand there, staring open-mouthed as Typhus poured his heart out. Surprised at the depth and intensity of the youngster’s thoughts, not to mention the increasingly strengthening dash of anger clinging to his words, the Espeon soon found himself frowning. End the story? Half of it didn’t make sense, either that or the scraggly feline was too dim to grasp such philosophical concepts that seemed to have ensnared his sibling. He’d thought talk of family would be the trump card, but he seemed sadly mistaken. Something had happened to Typhus that he was now helpless to change.
    “Uh…” He was speechless, uncomfortable even, as he watched the youth in a whole new light. “That’s… that’s ludicrous, kid,” It was a big word for Mr. Pink, used awkwardly after a few seconds of silence shared. He managed a weak, lopsided smile in a vain bid to make light of the situation, accompanied with a short, nasally chuckle.

    “Fuck it, I’m tired, and I just....I want this all to end, where are those zombie clefairy when you need them….”

    Catching the Eevee’s darker ramblings, Pink abandoned his confusion as a more serious expression overcame him.
    “What?” He repeated aloud, the demand akin to a parent’s scolding. Eyes narrowed as Ty turned from him, the creature’s intentions to pursue death had finally pieced together in his frazzled mind. Thoroughly appalled by the idea of suicide, particularly when it came to a kid he did give two shits about, the Espeon stormed forward with new purpose.

    He slipped in front of the normal-type, effectively blocking his path with his own, scruffy form. “What’re you saying?” There was a rare intensity in the question, which he struggled to shake away. “You don’t mean… Surely?” Half-disbelieving, he looked away and took a deep breath, unfamiliar with the fear suddenly coursing through his veins. “Ty, please. I really did know your family and I know they’re still out there, somewhere. And you just wanna… off yourself? For what? What the fuck’s happened to you, kid?” Charlie sighed, looking down disappointedly.

    “What would your dad say?”


    "I dunno. I've been tagging along since I found them in the caves. I think he leads-- But the Eevee's kinda taken a turn toward 'Emo Little Git'. I don't know what the hell's going on."

    Garland smiled along as Ripley explained the situation, giving a quieted laugh at her choice of vocabulary. Granted, the youngster hadn’t seem particularly cheery when he’d passed but maybe ‘Emo Little Git’ was a slight exaggeration. Extending his slender neck, he strained to catch glimpse of the duo in the distance, surprised at the usually aloof Pink’s close proximity. Last time the avian had checked, his colleague hadn’t been one for friendship, loyalty a foreign word and yet, this was a true anomaly in his record. He shuffled on the spot, watching the pair a moment in amused curiosity before turning as the unlikely leader, the eccentric mantis, spoke.

    "We should follow them! However... Maybe we should go up quietly, and slowly. Let them do their thing.”

    The Swanna smiled at Pro-B’s consideration for the duo. Although the insect’s approach was significantly gentler than his own, the avian wasn’t going to argue quite yet. He was a newcomer amongst this group and thought it only appropriate to respect the leader’s orders. Restraint would be taken. Garland would instead resist the urge to send a Water Pulse their way, although a quick shower never hurt anyone. In fact, it would probably do Charlie-boy good.
    “Of course,” He responded graciously, though the words came tinted with a natural sarcasm. “Lead the way. If they’re not finished bickering by the time I reach them, I’ll make sure there’s no more arguing,” Garland smiled, giving a light chuckle as he motioned for Pro-B and Ripley to go on ahead. He would follow a few paces behind.

    (( EDIT. I was given permission to carry out the harbinger attack on Roxy the Zangoose. ))

    However, Garland’s initial intentions at hanging back were soon jeopardised by a shadowy figure lurking nearby. Approaching the bickering canines, the Swanna’s pace had quickened to overtake his company despite his better intentions and yet he paid them no mind. His attention was wholly ensnared by the dark silhouette apparently stalking Pink and his new friend, the creature’s aloofness enough evidence for the bird of its sinister intentions. Garland had spent enough time in the darkness himself to know that those who chose to habit it were little more than monsters. There was no doubt in his mind that this stranger was trouble.

    The desire to protect and help these new survivors, Garland had glided swiftly past Pink and Short-Stuff, two strong beats of his wings soon propelling him directly towards the lurking stranger. The bird’s talons made contact with the Zangoose’s chest, gripping the fur as his body weight slammed the unsuspecting female into the wall. Her cry of shock was abruptly silenced by a sickening crack as her delicate body collided with the jagged surface, the Swanna pinning the surprisingly limp creature to the wall with an outstretched wing.
    “What do you – “ Garland stopped himself. The Zangoose wasn’t moving; her eyes still locked open in terror despite the unnatural drooping of her head. There was a new wound at the back of her neck, the rocky surface behind her now slicked with the same rich, oozing blood that had formed streaks over her lifeless face. Garland knew she was dead.

    He should have felt burning guilt, an utter detestation at the murder he’d just committed, but Garland was numb. He gave a disappointed sigh, dipping his head in a silent apology for the accidental loss life. Allowing the corpse to drop to the ground, wing recoiling close to his body, Garland could see now that it had been a matter of unfortunate circumstance to end her life. The blood-smeared wall was jutting out with sharp, jagged points – the back of the female’s head littered with fresh wounds alongside the unsightly aftermath of a snapped neck.

    The Swanna was hardly conscious of the fact he had an audience. His oceanic gaze torn away from the murder scene, Garland turned, composed, to the rest of the group. Whilst the bird had never been ashamed of his capacity to kill, his illicit occupation and an indifference to his victims’ plight, Garland was quietly hurting. He’d made Vito a promise; a promise to change his ways and to abandon such cruel pastimes in favour of life as a Good Samaritan. He had already failed.
    “I’m sorry,” He addressed the group, yet spoke only to the Houndoom he’d let down. Shuffling on the spot, Garland simply began trudging away. There was nothing more to be said. They hadn’t known the Zangoose, clueless to her motives or reasons for such misleading behaviour and so now came the time to simply move on.

    Last edited by Snitch on Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 10, 2013 2:08 pm

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    Mt. Moon| Morning (23)

    Figures Pink wouldn’t believe Ty said that last bit as a joke, he didn’t know why he was trying to fool himself into hoping that Pink would think otherwise. Pink was part of his mind of course, so there was no hiding it. Didn’t even bother to try to tackle the other problems Ty had mentioned, nope, just focused on the finding the undead bit, as if that part was the most important thing right now. There where obviously more important matters, such as Pink’s obvious avoidance of facts….

    It was just getting annoying how the Espeon choose to only address the things he wanted, never what anyone else wanted. He did however find it especially annoying that Pink would even dare to ask Ty what his father would do in this specific situation. This was just crossing the line! That was what Ty did, that was his line, his identity. And his mind was just using it against him as another ploy to get him to stay. No, his mind had no right to try to make Ty’s image of his father be sullied right now. His father has nothing to do with this, with anything actually. Pink knew him as much as Ty knew him, and that meant he knew nothing.

    “….There is really nothing real about you is there Pink?” He could do nothing but chuckle through his annoyance and leave it at that. The espeon didn’t know about his family, didn’t know the situation, didn’t know anything in fact. It just seemed that he was saying anything to keep Ty here, and that was fine, cause it still wasn’t going to stop Ty. But Ty saw no reason to explain himself, because really, what was the point? If anything it would just be counterproductive and make Pink even more deadest on stopping Ty no matter what, maybe even incapacitating him.

    And surprise, surprise. The others have all joined into one big group and were now coming towards the both of them. Which was perfect, because Ty had grown tired of this conversation; a conversation that should have just ended with Ty walking into the cave like he planned. And it was no surprise that Pro-B had made it back to the group unscathed, all cheerful and ready to help as if he was never left alone with that human and the hound. He was right about that, and he was right about this. “It seems we’ve got company, Better not keep them waiting.”

    Back to his search he went, either the cave exit or an enemy was his goal, the rest didn’t matter, not even the naggings of a figment trying to keep a delusion alive.

    ((Left that last line semi open, since i know we have a new member watching Ty and Pink, so maybe that could be where she comes in or something, dunno |D))

    ((OOC:And really, really sorry this post is pure crap & is late, just have a shit load on my plate right now, I’ll get that all sorted out and do better on the next one >.< Sorry.))

    Age : 36
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    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:22 am

    Post 18

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    Mt. Moon Square | Morning

    Ripley had been slowly limping her way over to the others, eyes focused on the two eevees. She only half-listened to Pink's rambling -which was a little shocking that he was, to say the least- as she made her way to them, but paused when Garland rushed past her. Staring in blank shock, she could only watch as he flew and turned an abrupt corner into the cavge's entrance once more, then vanished behind the rock wall. Obviously, he'd seen something she hadn't. Gimping a little faster toward the entrance, she dismissed the two bickering women and turned her attention to whatever had Garland so spooked. Upon reaching the entrance, panting from the excursion, she looked within and saw the bird already calmly emerging, walking away from a freshly killed body. "I'm sorry," he spoke, and Ripley only cast him a sideward glance as she went to look over the body herself.

    "...Well," she began as she poked the body a little, analyzing just how much it weighed, "...we could eat it. Doesn't look sick and I'm starving." She looked back to the others, wondering if they'd partake in the meal as well. If not, she'd eat the damn thing. "Waste not, want not, right?"


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    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:32 am

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    Mt. Moon Square || Morning [28][32]

    "...Well ...we could eat it. Doesn't look sick and I'm starving. Waste not, want not, right?"

    Garland could have guessed that out of all the creatures around him, the Quilava would remain aloof to the plight of the unfortunate victim. Whilst he appreciated the company of someone from his own neck of the woods, the Swanna knew the damage had been done. He was by no means a religious individual, but couldn’t shake the feeling that Vito was looking down upon him, shaking his head disapprovingly at such reckless behaviour. Still, he would achieve little more by dwelling on his mistake. It just meant he’d have to try especially hard not to see a repeat.

    “Garland! What the FUCK?!”

    Pink had jumped out of his skin at the passing of the feathery bullet, more shocked than anything when the bird’s target – an unfortunate, living stranger – toppled, dead to the ground. It wasn’t the death, the brutal murder that had caused the feline’s outburst, but rather the inconspicuousness of such behaviour. Garland was undeniably a proud individual, often completely out of tune with the ‘real’ world, but even Pink hadn’t expected him to destroy his reputation amongst the group in one fell swoop. Admitting his past occupation as an assassin was enough, but to actually kill someone within ten minutes of the group’s meeting was simply ridiculous.

    Uncomfortable, the Espeon had hardly noticed he’d taken almost a protective stance in front of Typhus, shaking off his stress as he nervously eyed Pro-B and the kid. The Quilava had already piped in the suggestion of eating the Zangoose, but Pink was more concerned with the reaction of his suicidal sibling and the heroic mantis. Although docile, the psychic-type had already come to understand how impressionable they were. Turning to the creatures in question, Mr. Pink forced an awkward smile – unable to find words of explanation – hoping instead that they were stronger than he gave them credit.

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:47 pm

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    Mt. Moon| Morning (24)

    It was strange, the sudden flight of the white bird and the instant gruesome kill of a random pokemon didn’t really even seem to affect Ty. Maybe because he still knew this was all fake and just in his head, or maybe because it all didn’t really seem to matter to him anymore. If anything that kill was sort of a lifesaver, helped distract Pink from the current situation and change the subject. Though he couldn’t say that he was surprised from the sheer suddenness of it all.

    Typhus hadn’t even noticed another being in the cave, and judging by Pink’s reaction, neither had he. But there was one thing for certain, this kill just meant that the bird could not be of help to Ty also….Obviously that kill was dangerous to Ty, why else would Pink take up a defensive stance against it? And that bird just went up and killed it in one fell swoop. And Ty knew by now that there was always another meaning to the shit that goes down in here. He was just too tired to look deeper than the simple explanation of ‘keep Ty alive’….Just a bit odd that the bird, apparently Garland, was ridden with guilt afterwards.

    "...Well ...we could eat it. Doesn't look sick and I'm starving. Waste not, want not, right?"

    His psyche was indeed darker than he thought. Ty could go on and on into what every little aspect of what they all said and did could mean about himself, but he had tried that before, it just left him in a foul mood, and lead nowhere. Nothing had changed, Ty still wanted out of this place, dwelling on the situation right now would just prove a distraction.

    “If you get sick it’s your own fault, just try to eat quick.”

    Denying the Bi-…the Quilava would just slow them down, and just walking off would cause Pink to go into rant mode again, only slowing him down even further. Typhus had done the stupid mistake of letting his plans be known, and now it was costing him. Pink was going to keep a wary eye on Ty, and with his bird friend over there, Ty wouldn’t be able to find any undead to do the deed without them stepping in and killing it first. So unless he could distract that stubborn espeon long enough to go off, getting out of the cave was his best bet….and he knew how well that plan has been going so far….

    ((The person who decided that assigning big tests right before spring break was a good idea, needs to be punished :\))

    Age : 36
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    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:25 pm

    Post 19

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    Mt. Moon Square | Morning

    “If you get sick it’s your own fault, just try to eat quick.”

    Huh. She hadn't expected such a blunt, cold reply from the kid of all pokemon, but whatever. She had wanted that stupid eevee to be her meal, but now wasn't the best of times and again, she was fucking starving. Her stomach growled in protest to the hideously long time it was taking her to chow down on the downed zangoose so, shrugging, she took Ty's aloof as a blessing.

    She tore mercilessly into the corpse, relishing in the warmth the body still had. She ripped into the best spots first-- the back, the legs, the gut, releiving the body of much of its blood and meat within minutes. Disregarding tact or restraint, Ripley took her fill of the body within mere minutes, even cracking into bones to suckle at the precious marrow. Licking her chops -which was absolutely useless considering her entire head and neck was covered in fresh blood- she let out a content belch and rejoined the others, already forgetting her rather atrocious appearance. "So what now?" she asked, mood considerably better now that her empty stomach had been filled.


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    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Drago Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:12 am

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    Mt. Moon Square | Morning (34)

    Prophet Blade cheerily lead the way, smile splitting his face in two. He felt so heroic, being in charge. It did his heart good, after all, to be able to help others through leadership and example. They were getting closer to the two fighting companions, and from here he could hear their shouting without trouble. He didn't slow his pace, however. Birdy would take care of their fighting if they weren't done anyways. Sounds of sudden movement from behind him, however, caused him to whip around. By the time he did, however, it was too late.

    The scene was already bloody. A white-furred creature lay limp in Garland's talons. Dead. In shock, Pro-B tried to find any signs of infection on the corpse. Nothing. It was alive. Was. Thoughts reeled in Prophet Blade's mind. He killed her unprovoked... But, it was an accident! He couldn't decide how to react. His smile, no longer the main focus of his mind, slowly slipped. His eyes never wavered from the corpse. Garland's apology hurt even more. He knew he had done wrong. He had to. It was an accident. Not everyone can be saved... The thought came quickly, and was quelled just as fast. He couldn't afford to think like that. He was a hero! It was just... unfortunate. There was nothing anyone could have done.

    He swallowed hard when Ripley suggested eating the poor thing. He could not, however, find the words to protest. He quietly turned his back as she dug into her feast, not wanting the witness the deed.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:50 am

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    Mt. Moon Square || Morning [29][34]

    Whilst Mr. Pink wasn’t wholly horrified at the murder and eventual proposition to eat its body, he was surprised at how barbaric his company were quickly revealing themselves to be. Jaw hanging agape, his attention volleyed disbelievingly between the Quilava and Ty, somewhat unnerved by the sudden callousness of his estranged brother. He didn’t particularly care for the victim, only shocked at the response it triggered from seemingly normal people. Obviously he had severely misjudged his company.

    As Ripley took her cue and greedily tucked into the fallen Zangoose, the Espeon’s gaze soon wandered to Pro-B, noticing how quiet the mantis had grown. Sighing, the insect’s expression speaking volumes, Pink turned to lightly pat the guy on the back in an act of reassurance. Whilst not common with such a concept as comforting another, he did his best considering the bug would find no such help from the psychopaths around him.
    “Sooner we get outta here the better,” He muttered, looking over his shoulder at the Quilava’s inelegant belching. At least someone was happy. The kid was suicidal, the insect no doubt horrified at the fire-type’s appetite and even Garland had adopted a more melancholy air.

    "So what now?"

    Garland had watched Ripley feast with a sense of guilt weighing on his shoulders, masking his natural humour at the female’s hunger. In any other circumstance he would have laughed at her bloodied appearance, the satisfied belch that had followed the meal – but he knew that had been a little less impulsive, they might have found another ally. There was no use dwelling on the mistake, but it was a deed that hit the Swanna harder than he’d anticipated. To think he’d been so good until now. He’d only killed undead and the occasional child for sustenance – he liked to justify it as a mercy killing for no one would wish to grow up in this hellish world.
    “Carry on, I suppose,” He answered tiredly, working to restore his typical pep. Wiping the blood from his talons as he looked onwards into the gloom of the cave, Garland turned to Ripley with an old grin. “You’re practically a walking beacon, darling. Care to lead the way?”

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:50 pm

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    Mt. Moon| Morning (25)

    He knew it was going to be bloody, and messy, and just plain awful, but he didn’t expect it to be that gruesome and revolting. Long sharp teeth where ripping into flesh and getting blood everywhere, and the organs…..He tried to keep from looking, but morbid curiosity made him sneak a glance, and he immediately regretted it.

    He had keep repeating to himself that this was all just a dream to keep himself calm. Which didn’t have as much of an effect now that he was about it, didn’t make it any better knowing that it was figment of said dream devour a fresh body right in front of him… But she was a fast eater, and Ty managed to keep his eyes averted for the remainder of the ‘feast’, and he somehow managed to keep his calm and appear unaffected about the whole thing after the first glance.

    A loud burp signaled the end of the ‘feast’ and Ty looked back only to see a now bloody Bit-…Quilava appearing rather satisfied with herself. Her satisfied and full demeanor only reminded Typhus that he had not eaten in a while. But he quickly disregarded that notion. If anything that would just waste time, and while he may become full here, his own body would probably be out there somewhere starving with each passing second, who knows how long it has gone without real food to nourish it.

    "So what now?"

    And now the whole discussion about what to do would begin…. And a lot of back and forth would ensue about what the best course of action would be, maybe even throw in a little back-story as to why said person was going to said location and possibly find said pokemon. Which was all fun and games except for the fact that Ty did not care anymore about any of that at this point. He was an eevee on a mission, a mission that just kept being delayed.

    He had already started walking ahead when the killer bird was pitching his opinion on the situation. Something about beacons or something…. He wasn’t really paying attention. It didn’t matter to him really, he could see just fine now that the Bi-....Quilava was behind him and the light from her fire wasn’t assaulting his sensitive eyes.

    Pink can fill them in the situation if he wanted to, and knowing how talkative he has been lately…. that Espeon would make sure everyone knew to keep an eye on Ty, ‘for his own safety’ or something. Ty was already rolling his eyes thinking how the others would react to Pink’s assumptions. But he did not let up, if they wanted to gossip they can do so while on the move, that or stay behind, either works.


    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Drago Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:02 pm

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    Mt. Moon | Morning (35)

    Prophet Blade swallowed hard when he noticed Pinkie trying to console him. That wasn't right, heroes were supposed to be the ones who comforted others, not the other way around. Ripley seemed to be finishing up her... meal, anyways, so Pro-B turned back around. He smiled sheepishly at Pinkie though, to show some gratitude. When the others began to decide their plans, he nodded in agreement. "We need to get going!" He said, motioning in a random direction. The longer they stayed in here, the more likely they were to run into trouble. That, of course, wouldn't be a problem for him, but for the others... There were quite a lot of them to protect at once, of course.

    Ignoring what the others aid about letting Ripley lead, Prophet Blade puffed out his chest, threw his shoulders back, and marched forward in the random direction he had pointed, completely unaware that it was the way they had just come from. He was just happy to lead.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:43 am

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    Mt. Moon Square || Morning [30][35]

    "We need to get going!"

    Pink was half-pleased to find that Pro-B had managed to regain his usual optimism, brushing away the stranger’s murder with a determination the feline could only describe as admirable – but his insufferable volume was always going to prove a burden. Still, the psychic-type managed a weak smile past the initial flinching. Watching as the mantis began prancing in the own direction, Typhus skulking in the other, the scruffy cat could only give a huff of defeat.
    “Hey!” He called out to Prophet Blade, waiting to catch his attention before gesturing in the opposite direction, into the gloom of the cave. “This way,” Whilst he had no real desire to lose himself in another godforsaken enclosure of darkness and undead, Pink could see no other alternative – it was one cave or another. He was only thankful that the monsters would have to fight their way through a whole brigade before reaching him – he would, at least, be marginally safer here than in his previous escapades. Safer if the kid wasn’t quite as hell-bent on killing himself.

    Receiving no answer, Garland merely shrugged and turned to saunter after the miserable youth. He had never really had opportunity to converse with the Eevee, hardly knew the boy’s name and yet the negativity radiating off him was near-impossible to miss. Whilst the Swanna had no fear, he was curious to what could have ailed him so. From the group’s earlier bickering, he hadn’t been down-hearted all that long.
    “You know, I never did catch your name,” Garland started as he caught up with the fox, tone mainly friendly. “Mind if I walk with you? You seem qu-“
    “Garland,” The urgent hiss interrupted him, the avian turning to find Pink rapidly approaching, apparently shaken by conversation he could not control. Frowning, the Swanna dipped his head with a quick apology before falling back to match the cat’s pace.

    Pink was puffing, scowling up at the swan as the duo trotted halfway between Typhus and the others.
    “Something wrong?” Garland asked dryly, smirk playing on his features. To think he’d almost forgotten that disgruntled expression of his colleague’s was laughable, it practically defined Pink.
    “What did you say to him?”
    “What does it matter?”
    “Urgh… fuck you,”
    “Ooh, language, Charles,”
    “And stop calling me that!” Pink’s expression had soured to an almost dangerous level, the bird raising a brow in response. He knew the cat was a grouch, paranoid, but this was something else entirely. Garland stopped, looking down at the feline quizzically.
    “The kid?”
    “He’s my brother,” Pink sighed, standing alongside the bird as the Eevee continued on ahead. Conscious of the duo approaching at the rear of the group, he hastened to explain. “He can’t know – I want to y’know, keep an eye on ‘im but… he doesn’t need to know who I am. It’ll only fuck up his head even more than already it is – not that he’d believe it. Seriously, Garl, he’s got problems,” The Swanna had listened attentively, gaze wandering between the siblings before eventually nodding his head in understanding. Remaining silent on the matter, Garland instead turned to grin over at Ripley and Prophet-Blade, making a note to counsel the feline at a later date.

    Pink, unsatisfied with the lack of interest, snorted loudly before trudging moodily away.

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 02, 2013 4:04 pm

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    Mt. Moon| Morning

    “You’re practically a walking beacon, darling. Care to lead the way?”

    Ripley wasn’t too excited about taking the lead, she liked to always have her target within view. Even if she wasn’t hungry right now, she still needed to plan ahead for future meals. She enjoyed her food, especially ones that where freshly killed, so she would much rather be behind the Emotional little Eevee to make sure it didn’t go wandering off again. That little snack was becoming more trouble than it was worth lately.

    Especially since the little git didn’t even wait for her response, just started walking off into the dark, brooding like the drama queen he was as he did. She had wanted it this way, with him taking the lead and her keeping her ever watchful eye from the back. But that eevee didn’t even wait for her response or anything, just arrogantly took the lead, and her pride would just not allow that so easily.

    Ripley hastily limped to catch up to the eevee, then made sure to slightly shove past him. Allowing herself a look at his stunned face, and enjoying the pain in those uncovered eyes at the sudden change in light for only a moment before going ahead and taking the lead. Ripley did enjoy playing with her food every now and then.

    “You heard him, Lady’s first.”

    ....Well, that was…unexpected. Ty had absolutely no clue what that bit-….quilava was talking about, but he figured it didn’t really matter. From the look in her limping form ahead, that pokemon was set on taking the lead, so all Ty could do was squint and put up with the bright glow of her flames; knowing that his shades would only make his sight even worse being so deep in the cave right now.

    “You know, I never did catch your name, Mind if I walk with you? You seem qu-“

    And yet another session of 'poke-chat' is underway. Ty had still not figured out why all these figments where so talkative, especially since he himself was not normally so chatty….He could only find it strange that someone who had just killed a living pokemon, then apologized about it immediately afterwards, would be so deadest on having idol conversations the next instant. Typhus did not want to contemplate what that all meant, nor did he want to dwell on the obvious mood swings that he saw in the bird.


    And luckily it seems he did not have to, for Pink still considered it his mission to mettle in everyone’s affairs by pulling the killer bird away. And the obvious show of distancing himself and the bird from the group before even beginning to talk only made his motive the more obvious. Pink was most likely telling the killer bird about Ty….Exactly what Ty needed, to have the whole group find out and have them start the witch hunt.

    It made things harder yes, but Ty will be damned if he’d let the meddling of that scraggy espeon prevent him from getting back.

    ((not much happening sadly....getting used to RP as Ripley. Trying to keep her relatively the same as Silverishness left her |D But, question! What next? Should we have them leave the cave soon, or prolong that a bit?))

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Drago Sun May 05, 2013 8:56 pm

    ((Well, I had a post written out, but accidentally clicked a link before posting it, and lost it all. I don't have time to rewrite anything, so please skip. Sorry))

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Snitch Fri May 10, 2013 10:19 am

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    Mt. Moon Square || Morning [31][36]

    As the group trotted on ahead, Ripley now happily adopting a role of leadership, Pink’s pace slowed to leave him trailing; a lone figure amidst the ensnaring darkness. He paid no mind however to his environment, his mind instead still lost within his own tangled thoughts, desperate to remedy this darkening situation. He was out of his depth. He didn’t know what to do, how to act – every possibility led to a dead end, each scenario working out worse than the last to leave him irate. He’d hardly noticed the distance expanding between himself and his companions, nor the quieted chatter that flowed naturally from his mouth. He was oblivious to the strengthening scent of decay tingeing the air.

    Garland waddled on, finding conversation lacking, quite dead in fact; and too sought refuge in his own thoughts. Pink’s predicament had caught his curiosity; the Swanna’s attention constantly wandering to and from the problem in question, a miserable Eevee. It seemed a lot of drama over nothing, but he hadn’t known the kid like the others had – let alone look upon him as a relative. The Espeon was in a truly unique situation and as loathsome as Charlie had often proved, Garland had already caught glimpse of a real change. He saw empathy, guilt, in the coward’s eyes – alien to his character and at the same time promising. Garland wanted to help.

    But now wasn’t the time.

    A distinct half-yelp half-curse resounded off the walls, the sound of a muted struggle soon following somewhere in the distance. The Swanna whipped around, wings flared in preparation for a battle and yet he was met with only darkness. Pink was gone.
    “Charlie?” He called, concern tingeing his tone – the feline’s desire for anonymity forgotten. Garland looked over to the others, a frown hanging over his blood-splattered face as he strained to listen. It was muffled, but it was definitely Pink – and he did not sound happy. “Keep moving,” The bird snapped urgently, confident that whatever had claimed his colleague wasn’t alone. “I’ll find him – just go,”

    Without another word, Garland took off. Graceful in flight, a final glimpse of the rose-tinted feathers and he was lost in the darkness. The scent of rot was intensifying, screeches of both friend and foe heard somewhere in the distance before silence fell completely.

    (( I’m sorry but I think getting a death warrant is evidence enough that I seriously need to cut down on my characters. I can’t thank the admins enough and want to show my respect and gratitude by at least making these two inactive. It’s been a pleasure writing with you all! <3 ))

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:33 pm

    ((Shoot, shoot, double Shoot >.< Honestly thought this team was empty. But plan on placing Ty & Ripley in inactive, but have no time today to write a leaving post. Not gonna be back home till late at night >.< Sorry Skip for now))

    The MOON Team - Page 8 Empty Re: The MOON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:22 pm

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    Mt. Moon| Morning

    Typhus had encountered a lot of things inside this cave, a lot of unexpected things. But it baffled him that all at once, everyone of the group would up and leave as if they all decided that they no longer needed in this dark corner of Ty’s mind. As if their work was done, or they simply got fed up with the hidden agendas. Even the flame up ahead seemed to disappear, one may even doubt it existed in the first place with its sudden absence.
    In some way, it was exactly what Ty wanted, to be done with all the distractions and finally do what needs to be done; get out of here and return to reality. But….for some reason, one of those pokemon’s departure left him feeling uneasy more than the others. He really did not expect Pink to suddenly disappear. That espeon was the biggest nuisance to his plan, but that strange psychic type was most dedicated to sticking to Ty. And now that he was gone……Ty would honestly miss that strange fellow. Mr. Pink held the most mysterious out of all of them, and now they will go unanswered. Yet even beyond the mysterious, if that espeon wasn’t trying to stop Ty all the time, he might have honestly been able to say that he liked Pink. In a ‘weird friend you do not know why you hang around with, but would stick up without a doubt’ way. Too bad they where both too busy butting heads in order to properly get to know each other….
    Out of all the figments of his imagination, and of his mind, Pink would be the one he would miss the most. Him and Vani…Ty wouldn’t forget about her. Not about any of them, even the overexcited Prophet Blade, and the yes, maybe even the Bi-….Quilava.
    But it was for the best, he would have to part with them soon anyways, it just came slightly sooner than he thought it would.
    And she had been hoping for this. It was so unexpected for the group to suddenly disband, this particular group of pokemon was so adamant on inviting stray orphans to follow along; so this was a pleasant surprise. Ripley even took the chance to make herself appear as if she disappeared, extinguishing her light, leaving her target, the eevee alone in the dark.
    She wasn’t simply limping around doing nothing, no, she was good at what she did, she kept watch. And while the eevee appeared to have a good vision while in the dark, it always took him a while to make the transition from light to dark. Finally, after that humiliating failure of a first attempt, She will make a meal out of the small fox. She may have just eaten, but the fox was so small, it could be considered dessert, and she always had room for dessert.
    Ripley swiftly snuck up on the eevee, her presence only made known to the prey until the very last second, when she re-lit the flames on her back.
    There was no fear in the eevee’s eyes, just surprise from the sudden bright lights, which was odd. But the eevee has shown to be oblivious to its surroundings at time.
    “Bi-….er, Quilava? Thought you left also….”
    She didn’t even bother to contain her chuckle. Oh course he would think that, he was so far up in his own little world, he didn’t even learn her name all this time. Which didn’t bother her, it wouldn’t matter in a second anyways.
    “Its Ripley, and I just came to say…Good Night”
    No fear, no outburst, nothing you’d expect one to do after hearing that grim sentence. If anything, Ripley could have sworn that she saw a hint of a smile in the eevee’s face right before she doused her flames.
    But it didn’t matter, because
    Everything Went dark.[/color]

    ((This team was really fun, I truly loved MOON Team. It was mainly the diverse group of characters that shaped this team, and I'm going to miss it. ))

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