![Legendary: Deoxys 386](https://2img.net/h/media.pldh.net/dreamworld/386.png)
Text Color | DEOXYS #E60000 Masculine #00CFCF Feminine #9325B8 Mixed |
Theme | The Rabid World We will survive. The tranquil mind of us, without self. The Alien Combatant |
Item | None |
Gender | Unknown (They, their, you, your) |
Age | Unknown |
Species | #386, Deoxys, The D.N.A Pokémon. |
Height | 5′7″ (1.70m) |
Weight | 134 lbs (60.8 kg) |
Pokédex Entry | The DNA of a space virus underwent a sudden mutation upon exposure to a laser beam and resulted in DEOXYS. |
Level | Unknown |
Ability | Pressure: Raises foes’ PP usage. |
Nature | Docile (Neutral) |
Characteristic | Alert to sounds (+Speed) |
Moves | -Psycho Boost (Level) -Psychic (Level) -Recover (Level) -Focus Blast (TM) |
History | Deoxys began its life as a semi-sentient Virus, travelling between planets and throughout space in search of life, and in search of companionship even. During its travels it found another living organism, trapped within a meteorite and hurtling through space. This was a natural choice, as the meteor travelled quickly. Not only had the Virus maintained its nomadic lifestyle, but it had found a host to bond with. At first, the Organism was nothing but a Shell, alive, but unconscious. And Deoxys, was fine with that. They were simply a symbiotic pair when the Meteorite first entered Earths Orbit, and was immediately shot down. The human’s laser, created to protect their world, as a preemptive measure, impacted the asteroid and destroyed it. The extreme amounts of unnatural energy altered the virus’ DNA, and in turn, that of its host. As a result, Deoxys came to existence. The organism became the body, and the virus became the mind. The new form plummeted to the planet, unconscious. Upon awaking nearly 4 months later, Deoxys found it was not the lone inhabitant of this world. Other pokemon bustled about, many on the riverbanks of Unova near route 3 paying the creature no mind save for a confused glance. Deoxys studied its form. It knew innately how to perform certain actions… moves, so to speak. It learned to move, to train, and in its own manner, to speak. It was not a social creature- far from it. It was an alien on a new world, and knew not what to do with itself. Its body had four natural shapes that could be taken, but whenever Deoxys attempted to create a new shape, it simply found itself becoming confused. Before Deoxys had much time to develop a true sense of self in the world, the Epidemic began. The creatures that would look at him but keep moving gradually grew hostile and cruel, and Deoxys kept its distance. As it observed, it realized that the creatures around him were no longer truly living- another virus had taken hold, this one moving corpses somehow. Deoxys thought itself immune. After all, it had started as a virus, and evolved past the stage this thing was still stuck in. As logic progressed over a short period of time, however, Deoxys came to acknowledge that this new form was susceptible to the virus just like any other creature, only resistant to in thanks to the origins of Deoxys. Deoxys had little grasp on emotion was. Fear, however, was clear as a diamond to the creature. Fear, it feared the end of its existence and life. Deoxys wished only one thing- to survive. It fled, using its speed forme to simply get away from this monstrous new virus. But everywhere Deoxys went, the infection was already present. Its survival instinct, combined with his developing full sentience and logic, told him how to survive: End the epidemic. Deoxys began to travel, and observed what various typings meant, how the effeciveness of moves worked. Deoxys felt its own typing as a psychic pokemon, and most of its moves were of the same typing. It needed a new move, somehow. It did not know how to attain one though. It wandered rather aimlessly, for now all it could do was learn. It was completly by fortune that along its travels, within Wellspring Cave, Deoxys found a rust-hued disc. Upon touching it, Deoxys felt as though it could exchange information it already had for knowledge held on this disk. Remembering that it needed to add some variety to its moves, Deoxys chose to do so, and learned the move Focus Blast. This goal having been realized, Deoxys no longer had a next step for the endgame of ending the Epidemic. Deoxys has no foothold, no grasp on what is truly happening. It was like throwing a human toddler into a pit of rabid creatures. The only factor on Deoxys’ side was its advanced physical capabilities. It set out, intent on one thing alone. Survive. |
Appearance | Deoxys is an alien-like bipedal Pokémon that has four formes, each focused on a different stat. The main components that are constant for all four formes are a dominant reddish orange color, a bluish-green face, and three bluish-green dots on its back arranged in a triangle. Typically, there is a purple stripe running down the center of its face and a purple, crystalline organ in its chest. Its white, circular eyes are set inside rectangular, black eye sockets. Deoxys has no mouth, but can still eat; rather, take in nutrients. The purple line down the center of Deoxys' face acts as a sort of absorption vacuum, taking in food it comes in contact with. Deoxys can taste as well, just like everyone else. |
Personality | Deoxys is distant, far removed from the world it now inhabits. It feels pity for the inhabitants, but is unsure where it falls on the topic of "inhabitant." It is also very fearful of the infection, no matter how powerful it was the infection would best it, no doubt. As such, Deoxys does not go out of his way to help others, as its own priority is survival for itself. As such, the end of the Infection is the only way to all but guarantee its survival. If others will be useful allies, so be it. Deoxys will abandon them, however, if it means it will live. It does so not out of cold-bloodedness, but out of fear. Deoxys is also well aware that its origins are of two separate entities, and refers to itself as “we.” SYNOPSIS: Deoxys is fearful, and has difficulty sympathizing with other pokemon aside from on the level that they live and die. Deoxys' own survival is a top priority, and until Deoxys comprehends emotion and develops a more comprehensive sense of self, this is unlikely to change. |
Speech | Deoxys speaks telepathically. It can do so in two ways- directly to the mind of its conversation partner, or as a somewhat ominous voice. The latter works as follows: With no distinguishable source of the sound, Deoxys transmits its thoughts into audible sound. Deoxys' words are naturally understood by all who hear it, as their minds perceive it as their native tongue. Deoxys' "Speech" flucuates between three tones: Masculine, Feminine, and a eerie combination thereof. |
User Notes | -The appearance that is typed in italics is Bulbapedia's description of Canon Deoxys. -Plans to slowly develop Deoxys’ personality as it comprehends emotion. -Deoxys' capability to eat has been confirmed by Amie by more than one source, including a user on EJ. They also witnessed the distinct lack of a mouth on Deoxys. The purple line being the intake is my own interpretation of how Deoxys "eats." -Deoxys has an odd affinity for sweets, but displays an especially elated behavior it does not understand for Gummi Candies. -Thanks to Duma for the color mixer/fader! -IMPORTANT LINK, PLEASE CLICK! Example of Deoxys' tone range, and amazing example of the eerie combined tone. |
Last edited by Deoxys on Mon Aug 29, 2016 5:41 pm; edited 24 times in total (Reason for editing : Finalizing, added themes section)