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    (ACE) The MARSH Team


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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 37 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu May 23, 2019 6:22 pm

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    Great Marsh [Terminal] || Afternoon [Storming]
    Eleroo 125 || Seek 115

    Tension weighed heavy on Seek's shoulders. She sat stiffly, digging her claws into the floor as she tried desperately to weigh and reassess their options. It.. did not look good. As Shenron helped Felix down his medicine she could see the ease working its way into the Sylveon already. It wasn't long before he was out, already drowsed by the potent drug. Hopefully that's a good sign. Eleroo was always pretty sluggish after his meds. Maybe adults were worse off or something.

    Taking in a deep breathe the Aiveon felt the stress within her muscles. With an exasperated sigh she got back to her paws and started padding closer to the others. What do we do? The weather was still too bad to safely leave- the mudslide could have easily been fatal! If Shenron had to carry Felix would he of been able to avoid it and protect his flame? No.. Even Shenron has limits. Clenching her teeth the child could feel her stomach knotting up. Maybe.. we should fortify this place? If they were forced to stay even longer they could get it locked up tight. Or lock ourselves in..

    It was the strangest sensation. Her pelt was crawling with ants yet heavy with water, her stomach twisting yet hallow as she struggled to breathe and keep her mouth moist. I don't know what to do.. How could she? How was she supposed to know all the answers? "Shenron," she started, forcing her voice not to shake. "Do you think we're safe here?" Her turned, flashing her worried blue eyes toward the much larger Pokemon. "Do we have any chance of making it out?"

    Eleroo's hot breath started to fog up the window. He saw nothing, still, and the sound of Seek's steps were really making him anxious. Following in her steps he hopped down to the floor and kept low to the ground as he walked. She seemed so stressed, and while he would have given anything to soothe her nerves no words came to mind. We're sitting Ducklets and she knows it.. The sound of his heartbeat began to echo in his ears. Surely, there had to be another way. They got back here without planning it after all.

    Tapping his claws on the floorboards Eleroo realized that could be it. Uxie. Maybe the legend could port them all out? He seemed reluctant to do so but if they had no other options then he couldn't say no, right? Slinking forward the Radeon moved quietly, not wanting to attract attention and bother Seek anymore than she already was. Rounding far to Felix's otherside he could see the pixie there, except he was on the floor? Eleroo froze, unsure of what that meant, before moving with even slower steps. He had never seem the legend grounded before.
    "Are you alright?" He asked quietly, his voice filled with concern. He had been acting odd since their encounter but he had failed to notice him lose his levitation. Was he wounded?

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    Post by Baloo Fri May 24, 2019 3:30 am

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    Great Marsh|Afternoon (90)

    Shenron watched Felix drift into sleep and exhaled. Drowsy is good. Drowsy is to be expected. He sat watching the kit for a moment before realizing he was being addressed by Seek. Asking him if they were safe here. If there was a chance of them making it out. He kept his expression simple and indifferent to not let it betray how he felt. How he didn't know. A Pokemon can plan but the Legends will laugh. Yes the undead were highly predictable. They messed up. Boy did they mess up at times... "I would say we have a high chance of making it. Lest we are careful and observant. Panic and recklessness are the enemy of staying alive" It was easy for him to say that. So easy fr them to. They flew. Most undead lacked the capacity of flight if they once had it. Shenron did not suggest abandonment of course. He would take Felix and Eleroo in his arms to beat a hasty escape if need be. "Why do you ask? Is something on your mind?"

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    Post by Uxie Tue May 28, 2019 4:44 pm

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    ❖ Pastoria City + Terminal Building Floor 1 + Afternoon + 51 ❖

    "Are you alright?"

    Uxie was in a daze, memories swirling within his mind that should not belong to him. In a relative sense this was a small incident, but it was no less debilitating as his numb body rested lightly upon the cold floor. The factors were against him- exhaustion, suddenness, and hasty teleportation. It would pass, as it always did, but the legend would never learn to enjoy the feeling of vulnerability.


    The word mimicked Eleroo's softness as the legend regained focus on that that was around him. The mental infestation was residing, no matter how slight or slowly, and his attention could move back to the other Pokemon. "Twas just a side effect." Offering no further explanation Uxie moved his long tails around, a motion for the Radeon to back away and allow him room to breathe. With quiet between them he could resume listening to Felix's inhalations and noticed a stark improvement post medication. "He has improved." He commented, the transition in topic being thorny and obvious, perfect for getting away from their prior subject.


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    Post by Dandelion Sat Jun 01, 2019 4:35 pm

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    Great Marsh [Terminal] || Afternoon [Storming]
    Eleroo 126 || Seek 116

    The dragon was thoughtful, seeming at ease as he considered the question. How could he be so calm with all that had happened? "I would say we have a high chance of making it. Lest we are careful and observant. Panic and recklessness are the enemy of staying alive." Though the Charizard had no way of knowing about her shameful actions Seek couldn't help but feel that was a jab at her. A single bird had completely derailed her, and in that panic she had been reckless. Biting her lip she pushed her paws in closer to her body. She had been careless. "Why do you ask? Is something on your mind?"

    For the first time her helmet felt like a weight upon her head. A heavy, forgettable weight that the others didn't think to realize. With a rough swallow the Aiveon dug her claws into the floor and could not bring her eyes up to meet Shenron's as she answered. "I.. wasn't thinking." Her breath caught in her throat, and though she her pelt was burning with shame dared to lift a paw to show the other Pokemon. "I just wanted inside. I forgot, I mean, I didn't even think about the mud." Her paws shook as she brought the other up. Beneath the grime she could see her pads once more, precious pink peaking out from all the brown that had decreased in thickness. Looking behind her Seek could see faint paw prints within the room where she had walked, but they were nothing compared to Eleroo's dirty marks.

    "..I- I left a trail for them." She confessed, tears daring to ooze from her eyes. With a sharp flick of her head toward the Charizard the child made hard eye contact as she barked. "My prints are all over their store!" Mud, water, possibly blood.. she had made her presence clear. Seek's breath hitched, growing fast as the alarm returned. "I was in a panic, okay!? I didn't know where I was; I was just trying to get away!" She was a terrible leader, a failure even, running away from a single enemy. "Maybe they would have left us alone, but not now. Not when they have an obvious trail." Hanging her head low she gave Felix a quick glance before staring at the floor once again. "I've put us all in jeopardy.. all cause I couldn't bother to wipe my paws."

    "Yes. Twas just a side effect." Eleroo felt no ease from the response. The Legend was not acting normal, and as he pushed him away the Radeon felt no closer to the truth. The bird acted odd too. It was like nothing he had ever seen and just thinking about it felt a sour taste in his mouth. But why? What had happened..? "Of what..?" He pressed curiously. He was no stranger to side effects, he had taken more than enough medication for a lifetime, but never did it effect more than one Pokemon life this. But it didn't matter. When the child backed away Uxie made no intention of answering him. It's focus hit that of the Pokemon beyond them, and a positive observation was made. "He has improved."

    Tipping his head toward the resting Sylveon Eleroo could not prevent himself from frowning. "Yes, he has. Thank goodness." Even with an occasional cough the improvement in his breathing was drastic and Eleroo felt with great confidence that he would made a good recovery. If the stars aligned Felix would be up and at 'em when once the storm lightened up, and they could leave this place peacefully, but Seek's stressed voice said otherwise. "You left a trail?" He Chatoted, eyes going wide as the implications hit him. Was that why she wanted to know about others, about a way out? What have you done...?

    Age : 30
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    Post by Baloo Sun Jun 02, 2019 7:46 am

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    Great Marsh|Afternoon (91)

    Shenron wished Seek had just said it was a kit worry. Just anxiety. He could deal with an anxious kit. Not what she said. A trail... Evidence... Reason to come looking..! Even if the medicine they took served them no purpose or they had an excess, uninfected Pokemon do revenge for much less. Shenron sputtered trying to formulate a response that wouldn't scare her or show the rage bubbling under his scales. Remain calm. In and out. Nice and easy. "As much as I hate to say, that must be an issue to deal with it when it comes... Unless you'd prefer we leave before they come. If they do" He personally wouldn't leave until they came looking. If they even did... But that was from his times of travelling alone. Where his missteps were his problem alone. Shenron shook his head gazing out the window. "However either way someone should be keeping watch... Just to be safe" His voice trailed off a bit but he didn't quite look back at Seek either. Maybe afraid his feelings would show on his face. Concern. Fear. Disappointment. So many feelings.

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    Post by Uxie Thu Jun 06, 2019 4:44 pm

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    ❖ Pastoria City + Terminal Building Floor 1 + Afternoon + 52 ❖

    With a fluid, seamless heave, the legend reclaimed his place in the air with his tails dragging behind as though they were a springboard. Uxie would not have it on his record that he showed weakness or took pity from a mere mortal, and pushed the incident away as though it had never happened. Hovering over the drowsing Sylveon he tested for high thermals and was pleased at the progress being made. It would take time for him to recover but Uxie was confident that the human innovation had done its intention.

    However, he could investigate it no further before Seek confessed something crucial to Shenron. Uxie had thought it peculiar that she had obtained the medication after defecting them to the undead, but he hadn't given it any thought with the dizziness he had felt. Foolish girl. If this was truly their storage or claimed property then it would be prudent to believe it would be patrolled regularly, especially after spotting the intruders within the city.

    "What's done is done." He spoke firmly as tension escalated within the room. "We must prepare for a when and not if. There is still a chance for diplomacy, but if they label us as thieves on top of intruders we must be ready to take action." Angling his head toward Felix he wondered if the sick creature would be ready to run. Could Shenron fly with him in tow, through the storm no less? The future was uncertain, and Uxie ignored it for the present.


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    Post by Dandelion Mon Jun 10, 2019 4:43 pm

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    Great Marsh [Terminal] || Afternoon [Storming]
    Eleroo 127 || Seek 117

    He didn't need to say it. Even with her eyes downcast to the floor Seek could feel the emotions within the dragon. She had messed up, messed up real bad, and the other Pokemon had every right to be furious with her. She expected a lot worse, yelling, fuming, screaming.. but aside from the tense quiet that followed there was only Eleroo's pitiful fear. It was enough to break her heart had Shenron not contemplated a response. "As much as I hate to say, that must be an issue to deal with it when it comes... Unless you'd prefer we leave before they come. If they do." Nodding to the first part Seek followed up with a shake of her head. Throwing it back to look at Felix she felt herself sink deeper into her paws at how tired the guy was after his drugging. How would moving effect him, or the chill from the rain? We should wait.. if at all possible." It wasn't optimal, none of this was optimal, but what choice did they really have?

    "However either way someone should be keeping watch... Just to be safe." "I'll do it." Eleroo offered almost immediately. With a quick glance at Uxie he turned on his heels, claws clicking against the floor as made his way to the couch under the window. With a careful hop the child made his way onto its back and settled in with his blanket across his spine. If there was anything he was confident in it was his ability to watch and listen. "What's done is done." Uxie said, choosing to add to the discussion. "We must prepare for a when and not if. There is still a chance for diplomacy, but if they label us as thieves on top of intruders we must be ready to take action."

    Diplomacy.. Could they really try that? We have nothing to offer. The food they had was technically not theirs, the shelter was not theirs either, and the medicine was clearly taken without permission. With a rough swallow Seek got back to her paws. "If they come before we leave let's try being civil." The words shook as they came off her tongue. What if the others had no intentions of talking things out..? "We should have an escape plan ready though." With running through the mud-ridden ground being impractical flight was the obvious choice. She could, Shenron, and Uxie, but the other boys.. "Shenron, how much can you carry when flying?" One passenger was understandable, but two, when speed was a factor no less? I wonder if I could carry him.. She wasn't very big, and holding a Pokemon of similar size would be a struggle to say the least.

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    Post by Baloo Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:07 pm

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    Great Marsh|Afternoon (92)

    Shenron watched Eleroo stake out on top of the couch and hummed softly. He almost missed Seek's question as he was thinking. "Hmm, I carried my trainer with ease. I doubt either kit weighs as much as she did" His mind however posed a different dilemma. The rain. He could survive the rain assuming he flew quickly and burned hot. He couldn't do that with passengers. Not unless they could tolerate his temperature climbing. He was burning a bit hotter to keep everyone inside warm but his tail would be burning hot enough to steam rain before it reached the heart of his tail flame... "Have you a destination in mind? Veilstone and Sunyshore are not ideal due to their size but they are close..." There was a lot of space to go but Shenron feared he would never get too far without resting.

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    Post by Uxie Sat Jun 15, 2019 5:53 pm

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    ❖ Pastoria City + Terminal Building Floor 1 + Afternoon + 53 ❖

    "We should have an escape plan ready though."

    The motion was no more than a slight tip of his head but Uxie gave a nod of approval nonetheless. The young one was thinking ahead, cautious yet thoughtful compared to the bold and hasty attitude she shown upon their meeting. Yet he couldn't help but find her disregard of his psychic abilities uncanny. Had a reluctance for them been displayed and noticed by the youth, enough so that she would not consider him in their efforts to escape? It was rather peculiar.

    "Have you a destination in mind? Veilstone and Sunyshore are not ideal due to their size but they are close..."

    The legend had never been one to recall the names humans placed upon their villages. It offered him little, though the knowledge did come after years of hearing those words. Even without a confirmation of the places and names he knew being one in the same the legend could assume as much as he mapped out the locations within his mind. Should they seek to run a new hideout of closer proximity was being overlooked.

    "If you triangulate those human settlements mine brother's lake should rest within the center. Though it is no doubt overrun by the undead I do recall a small outpost to its south."


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    Post by Dandelion Wed Jun 19, 2019 4:12 pm

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    Great Marsh [Terminal] || Afternoon [Storming]
    Eleroo 128 || Seek 118

    "Hmm, I carried my trainer with ease. I doubt either kit weighs as much as she did." The dragon seemed thoughtful, and though he did not say directly that it'd be easy he seemed confident with his ability to carry them. "Well, there's that." Though it aided her some relief the child could not shake the stress from her shoulders. Distance, speed, rain, weight, darkness... were there any factors in their favor? Scuffing her paw across the floor the Aiveon started to doubt her own ability to fly out of this safely. Afterall, she wasn't able to fly off the rooftop earlier so how would she justify ascending in a panic?

    More so, where would they go? "Have you a destination in mind? Veilstone and Sunyshore are not ideal due to their size but they are close..." Her memory was fuzzy of anything prior to the horror she faced within the Marsh. Though individuals and stops on their journey stood out the Aiveon couldn't really remember how she got to this city, or even what connected to it. "No, I don't." She admitted, digging her claws anxiously into the floor. "But close is better than nothing. We can camp in some trees or on a roof if we have to." Undead were a predictable lot in the sense they went after the living. If they could keep them away they'd be fine, but you couldn't say the same to strategizing, intelligent Pokemon. What if these Pokemon give chase? How far would they have to run?

    Seek shook that thought away. No, no they will stay here at their base. Looking at Eleroo she wanted reassurance that they weren't coming, that for now at least they were still safe. The Radeon's gaze was sliding across the glass, but whether it was her stare boring into him or her reflection in the window something told him turn around. With big red eyes he blinked at her before realizing what her expression said, and quietly muttered, "Nothing yet. It's still clear." As he turned back around Seek's ears drooped. But for how long? Even her planning wasn't going fast enough.

    Suddenly Uxie spoke up with an odd suggestion. "If you triangulate those human settlements mine brother's lake should rest within the center. Though it is no doubt overrun by the undead I do recall a small outpost to its south." Triangulate? The Aiveon pushed half of what he said aside and instead latched on to one key thing- a destination. "You're saying there is a place that's close? Would it be owned by these Pokemon?" If they could make it to an outpost maybe they could wait out the rain, night, or panic.
    "If it's tiny would it still be standing?" Eleroo asked anxiously. Most the big cities were in disarray and looked awful, but the small ones had so little leeway to give. A visual formed in his mind of a pair of collapsed buildings with no where to shelter and no energy to press on. "Are you sure your.. brother, was it?- lake wouldn't be safe.?"

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    Post by Baloo Thu Jun 20, 2019 10:07 pm

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    Great Marsh|Afternoon (93)

    Shenron was observing out the window as well. Still listening as was proper and thinking. Yet watching the leaves and branches bend and tremble beneath the wind and rain calmed him. His mind almost wanted him to sleep as if the cold pangs of anxiety were nothing. His attention was drawn away slowly as Uxie spoke. "You speak of Valor Lakefront don't you? The resort there?" There wasn't anything to say it was safe but plenty of things to say it wasn't. Shenron could recall that the resort was spaced with many small dwellings and typical resort amenities. It had been too fancy for his master to indulge outside of an overnight stay but he remembered the large communal area's kitchen and the security building. It was small like this building but had bullet and shatter proof glass windows and a massive deadbolt to the doors controlled by an electric switch. However they could be forced with enough strength. Was that why Uxie wanted to go there? Was it out of the territory range of these Pokemon?
    Shenron wasn't sure...

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    Post by Uxie Mon Jun 24, 2019 2:53 pm

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    ❖ Pastoria City + Terminal Building Floor 1 + Afternoon + 54 ❖

    "You're saying there is a place that's close? Would it be owned by these Pokemon?"

    A lesser being would have snapped back at the child. The former he had already stated, and the latter would be brazen to claim he knew outside of assumptions. Though the answers or clarity she sought were rightful they had already been divulged. "Close relative to the other locations mentioned. The distance could place it in the realms of an outpost, but a foot journey in this weather would prove tedious in the least." Traveling between the locations would take time, and giving chase so far from their base seemed unlikely.

    "You speak of Valor Lakefront don't you? The resort there?" Shenron knew the name of this place; that made things simpler. With a slight nod the legend acknowledged the being. "Yes. Choosing it is a mere suggestion, but small chances must not be overlooked." If the group or Seek decided to go for a larger destination the travel would be much harsher and exhausting. A midpoint respite was almost assured, and the hour would be late and dangerous when and wherever they ended up downing for those hours.

    "If it's tiny would it still be standing Are you sure your.. brother, was it?- lake wouldn't be safe.?"

    Uxie paused, his mind wandering to times long past. Azelf's lake had taken severe damage at humans hands, and now it continued to do so by that of others. Their last meeting, when was that now? He had not returned to his own home in some time and it was no doubt overrun in his absence. He could only assume that, with Azelf astray, his was no different.

    "Without mine brother there to keep it pure the lake would be as all other places. The undead have no reservations about trampling upon sacred ground, and their presence is all but assured within those woods."


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    Post by Dandelion Fri Jun 28, 2019 1:48 am

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    Great Marsh [Terminal] || Night [Storming]
    Eleroo 129 || Seek 119

    Though the legend answered he was not as clear as the Aiveon would have liked. "Possibly" was as close of a synonym as she could grab from him and it gave her no assurance. Her jaw tensed, practically grinding her teeth as she tried to think of different scenarios. As the others prattled on Seek was forced to sigh and let the list of possibilities go. The more she thought on it the more obvious it was that they didn't have enough to go on, and no matter what they would be heading out blind. With a deep breath she let her shoulders relax and carefully readjusted her warm yet cooling towel. "It's in the center of those cities, yes?" She asked, trying to hide the fact she forgot the city's names despite listening. "If it's too dangerous we'd still be heading in the right direction. It's a good thing to keep in mind."

    With Shenron watching as well Eleroo felt comfortable enough to take his eyes away from the window for a moment. Seek's voice was so firm, so confident, but he could see from her posture and face she did not feel the same. His anxiety was a constant bubbling lake but to see her upset was a new low. Sure, they were okay, they'd been in worse, but there was something about this struggle for her that really made the tod's heart break. She's trying so hard. This wasn't about her; she genuinely was trying help them as a group. "I like that idea." He mewed gently, hoping to lift her spirits. "And, and we don't know if that'll even happen! It's getting late, and it'd be hard to check on a dark building, let alone see small prints."

    With a small, nervous laugh, a tiny smile crept onto Seek's face. "Thanks. Hopefully you're right. It is getting late after all." For a few moments the kits' eyes met, and both were smiling as they turned away. The dying light coming from the windows was struggling to brighten the corners of the room, dwarfed now by the glow of Shenron's tail flame. The thought of another dark night reminded the kit of how tired she was. The last few days remained with her, pain and suffering still fresh in her bones. She could only hope getting away from this place would take away that. This place.. To think she was an Eevee still just the day before, and that such a horrible place spurred her change.  "Should we try to rest while we have a chance?" She asked absently, trying to push her thoughts away. They hadn't many for shifts, and Felix properly wouldn't stay awake through one if they asked, but if they had a chance for dry, warm rest they should take it.

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    Post by Baloo Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:04 am

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    Great Marsh|Night (94)

    Shenron nodded stiffly at Uxie's words. "Yes, I heard even the sacred temple to the winter-y North was defiled by the undead... Despite its rather unpleasant reputation" He spoke of course of old tales of a monstrous titan in the temple who killed anything that went inside. Shenron turned back to the window staring at the darkening skies. Eleroo was right. Those prints might even be unidentifiable come morning assuming they purposely didn't go looking for anything. It was unlikely. "It would be wise... There is no telling when we may need to move. If we must at all..." He said that part as softly as possible not wanting to give false hope. That was nearly as dangerous as real hope sometimes...

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    Post by Uxie Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:40 pm

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    ❖ Pastoria City + Terminal Building Floor 1 + Night + 55 ❖

    "Yes, I heard even the sacred temple to the winter-y North was defiled by the undead... Despite its rather unpleasant reputation."

    The Legend bid not a response but a moment of silence. While Snowpoint was man's settlement and not under his care in times of crisis he was but bound to name it his charge. As the resting ground for a fellow legend, albeit one of lower status, it was his duty to ensure nothing catastrophic occurred within its walls. Man protected the temple as its wardens but their primitive strength could only do so much.  

    "Pray, even the harshness of mine frigid home can not prevent the undead's ceaseless prowl."

    When the secrets of this disease were revealed to him Uxie swore the lands around his home would be the first he would deal with. But that was neither her or now, as the others made comments toward finding rest within the night's embrace. "Should we try to rest while we have a chance?" Rest, a commodity he yet longed for. But for all his wanting he had not centuries to spare for a peaceful slumber, not with the threat facing the world at present. With a time schedule to keep he had no choice but to forgo such a lacking respite once again.

    "I shall keep watch. With any luck it shall prove to be a quiet night."


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    Post by Dandelion Tue Jul 16, 2019 4:43 pm

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    Pastoria City [Terminal] || Night [Storming]
    Eleroo 130 || Seek 120

    Seek blinked her eyes wearily. The thought of sleep wasn't settling with her well. Her body screamed in protest, the abuse of the days' strain coming back to haunt her, but her mind was still too rattled to relax. If something came would they be able to respond fast enough? What if the watch fell asleep, or didn't notice? Her paws felt heavy like stones, their trek through the Marsh still fresh within her muscles. What if I fall asleep, or can't get up fast enough? Stress weighed heavy on her shoulders as the spiral tightened in her mind.

    But Shenron agreed with the idea nonetheless. They should rest while they had the chance, whether her body liked it or not. "Alright," She reluctantly concurred, "That settles it then."
    Eleroo was surprised by her words, by how quickly she give in to the idea. Maybe it was the situation, or the quiet around them, but it seemed so unlike her or the bravado she was putting on. His floppy ears pushed even tighter to his head. It's getting to her. Even now her eyes were locked on the floor, downcast as she padded sluggishly about. Moving from the back of the couch to its seats the vulpine again wanted nothing more than to comfort her, but no words came to relieve her.

    "I shall keep watch. With any luck it shall prove to be a quiet night." Eleroo's head tilted, surprised by the legends offer but even more so by the next voice. "I can go next," Seek responded quickly. As much as she ached nothing about this place screamed 'good nights rest' and she doubted she could sleep throughout it. With wide eyes the male chirped, "No no, I-I can watch. You should rest." He was exhausted, physically and emotionally, but if he could do that for her.. maybe.. "No, you should sleep."

    With a deep frown the Radeon tried to take his thoughts away from his companion. If he fretted over her all night neither of them would get any rest. Kneading anxiously at the couch cushion the male realized that, if the others were willing to cuddle, they could theoretically all fit on one couch. Sure, there was another couch, but after all the cold, wet, and hard things they had done today it just sounded so nice.. "I bet we could all fit on this one," he mused absently, not daring to say his suggestion alloud. The heat from his towel had already faded but a fellow body would keep him warm all night. Suddenly, he remembered their other companion, or more so his current condition. "Should we wake Felix? He probably wouldn't want to stay on the floor all night.."

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    Post by Baloo Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:26 am

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    Great Marsh|Night (95)

    Shenron lowered his head fearing he upset the Legend by mentioning the state of things. He would rather not know what became of his lands but... Knowing would put him at ease. Even a bit. He perked up at Seek's question and came over observing Felix. It would be better to let him lay still and sleep. "Perhaps but as medicine works faster when you sleep, it would be effective to let him sleep until he decides to awaken to get comfortable" Shenron carefully kneaded the carpeted floor around Felix letting his heat soak in from his palms before sitting down. He couldn't afford much warmth now since his flame might be spotted from outside but he certainly could with direct contact. Keeping the ill kit warm would be crucial so even though he had no intentions on sleeping yet... Shenron would stay nearby to keep him warm.

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    Post by Uxie Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:48 pm

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    ❖ Pastoria City + Terminal Building Floor 1 + Night + 56 ❖

    There was no need for distance but the legend felt the desire to place some between himself and the others. Hovering toward the forgotten couch he moved to its far end, staying out of direct view of the window and away from the grousing children. Though he did not place himself upon the soft surface he short feet could nearly touch it as he alighted above it. From this perch he would watch.

    "I can go next," Seek volunteered, though her companion negated the offer with one of his own. Uxie could hear how spent their voices were, and how neither were in a condition to properly keep watch. Children had not the luxury to live and learn in this new world as normal, though this situation was not necessarily within that same vein. The days tribulations had doubtless taken a toll on them both, and withholding sleep would delay recovery.

    "No, children, it is quite alright. Take this opportunity while its available."

    His own body called for rest, to allow his overworked mind reprieve, but such a opulence would wait. Tomorrow, perhaps, would offer him such splendor.


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    Post by Dandelion Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:42 pm

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    Pastoria City [Terminal] || Night [Storming]
    Eleroo 131 || Seek 121

    "No, children, it is quite alright. Take this opportunity while its available." Seek's brow narrowed. Despite all the times she had heard it, this time, being called child struck a nerve in a most unpleasant way. Perhaps it was the implication she was being talked down on, or that she 'needed' it because she was young, but the stung nonetheless. She was trying, just the same if not more than everyone else, and if they were to suffer little sleep then so should she. "Alright." She breathed tensely, struggling to hold back the venom in her mouth.

    "Perhaps but as medicine works faster when you sleep, it would be effective to let him sleep until he decides to awaken to get comfortable." Staring longingly at the sleeping Pokemon Eleroo could only nod and blink. Hopefully he'd feel better by morning, and that frightful cough would be just a memory. Pawing lightly at the towels that remained stacked up the kit thought to grab one for the Sylveon, but stopped as he watched Shenron warm his sleeping area. Smiling, he took his paw back and started to circle upon the couch. "If you get tired feel free to wake me." He called out to the pixie as he settled in a small ball. Even if the legend seemed willing to watch now exhaustion would certainly set in during a somber night.

    Shifting around until he was comfortable and pushing his towel across his body the Radeon let out a long breath. He was tired, so very tired, and had no doubt he'd fall asleep in an instant. Even as he placed his head down and struggled against the heaviness of his eyelids however, Eleroo knew himself to be a light sleeper and that the storm outside could easily be enough to wake him. Rest while I can, like Uxie said. The heat had long since left the soft fabric, but maybe the covering could keep the chill from his short fur. Letting his heavy eyes close Eleroo forced himself to relax, and seemed to fall asleep within an instant.

    Seek could not say the same for herself. While she had hopped up on the couch she had positioned herself on the opposite end. Pushing her helm off to rest upon the top of the back cushion the Aiveon struggled to settle. Sure, she gotten used to sleeping in gross and hard places after all this time, but there was something different about this. Being within a human dwelling after so long was bringing up memories- her human, her bed, plush cushions and blankets. This couch was by no means as plush or clean, and the addition of her wings was making it difficult to find a perfectly comfortable position.

    At some point she just gave up, flopping onto her side and curling her legs in while ignoring any aches. She wanted to whine, to cry even, and felt the anguish welling inside her. How long had she been struggling, been trying to sleep? Any light left outside had died back and only the hum of the rain and roar of thunder foretold of anything out there. Unable to hold still the child let her back legs slide out and pushed her head into the armrest. This is pointless. With a sigh Seek contemplated switching with Uxie, but before she could stand a shuffle brushed her ears. Though she didn't move her head she saw Eleroo crawling toward her, his eyes closed and face still peaceful with sleep.

    He didn't stop, crawling right up on top of her and wrapping his head behind hers. Seek gave a small yelp of surprise but not displeasure, and shuffled beneath the weight of companion. He said nothing, utterly asleep but clearly more relaxed as he snuggled against her. Though she fought for a few moments Seek's own muscles quickly gave in, finding deep comfort in the warmth of her friend and touch of his fur. Within minutes her struggles seemed to melt away, and as she pressed her muzzle into his neck she felt the allure of sleep finally find her.

    ((A jump will happen next round.))

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    Post by Baloo Sat Jul 27, 2019 3:32 am

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    Great Marsh|Night (96)

    Shenron rested his chin on his tail watching the window through half-lidded eyes. Not really sleeping but not fully awake. He felt the faint memory ghost of his trainer patting his neck and back while humming. Hush now my darling, close your eyes and sleep... Cresselia comes to lull you to dream. The Temple in the North and islands to the East... Don't cry I'll see you by and by~ Shenron hummed a bit still staring unseeing to the window casting his gaze over his companions before affording himself a long, slow blink. Mesprit weaves, Azelf breathes and Uxie why Uxie dreams~ Bless the mind, aid the dreams... Close your eyes and sleep... The longer the lullaby hummed in his head the more drowsy he felt. Would it be wrong to sleep..? Shenron shook his head looking at Uxie and crossed his front paws over each other. They weren't in real danger. The rain was still heavy but he was a terrifying light sleeper. If anything happened...
    He'd wake up.

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    Post by Uxie Tue Jul 30, 2019 4:17 pm

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    ❖ Pastoria City + Terminal Building Floor 1 + Night + 57 ❖

    The lingering dark grew, engulfing what remained of the light in a blanket of shadow. It had taken some time for the others to settle, but now the inside of their small abode was quieter than without. The rain continued to fall, a constant lullaby from the sleeping beings and backup notes for Shenron's song. Were it not for the tension that plagued the small group it the peace would have been uncanny.

    Uxie watched the world pass by like a statue, silent and still. As the hours ticked by the meager distance between him and the top of the couch decreased until finally his feet made a connection. Breaks in the clouds allowed for thin beams of moonlight to reach the ground, and though the legend swore to his guard the tranquil passing of time would be enough to break anyones focus. As the sky dared to lighten and bring about the call of dawn Uxie could see the town was, in a large scale, unchanged. Within the small scale however, all seemed different after the downpour, wiped clean and ready to start anew.


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    Post by Dandelion Sat Aug 03, 2019 4:22 pm

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    Pastoria City [Terminal] || Dawn [Storming]
    Eleroo 132 || Seek 122

    Dawn's light barely breached the layer of clouds and made it to the ground below. The wind had let up, letting the rain fall in a calm sheet. Though the ambient light of the room was hardly enough to be called bright it was enough that Eleroo's eyes blearily blinked open. He was warm, far warmer than he could remember being over the last couple days. His vision wasn't clear enough to see in the low light but when the kit tried to move he felt nothing but restrictions. He blinked, trying to clear his gaze but couldn't, and felt the panic rising in his chest. For a moment he wished to cry out but instead stayed silent when he heard the tiniest of sounds; a gentle, rhythmic draw of sleeping breath.

    Forcing his heartbeat to calm the stressed kit continued to blink his eyes as he recalled the night before and his current situation. As his conscious surfaced he could feel that he was bound not by restraints but other limbs, and that the warmth came from shared body heat. As his vision cleared he could see how wrapped Seek was around him, but also how peaceful her visage looked. The soft breaths only assured him how at ease the slumber had put her, and a shame started to wash over him that he may have disturbed her. What he wouldn't give to stay there, safe in her embrace. But it would not be, as his limbs ached, desperate to move and stretch after being trapped all night. Though it was obvious Seek wasn't ready to wake he could stay beside her no longer.

    Like a serpent the Radeon started to shuffle and squirm backwards. Slowly, carefully, he drew himself away from the Aiveon, enough so that the movement, heat loss, and pressure difference would not be too startling. It felt like an entirety before he could say he was away from her grasp, though his eyes lingered on her sleeping form. The was something about this side of her. The calm, peaceful side, not chasing ambition or trying to prove anything. Something that was so nostalgic and out of reach. He smiled, enjoying the peace for a moment longer when her paws started to shuffle. Worried she might brush him and awaken the kit tried to move back and felt instant panic as his paws slipped off the couch. The yelp died in his throat as he hit the floor with his flank. It was a cold, harsh change from the couch, and though he now felt awake from the shock his spinning vision could see the Aiveon was not.

    Seek shuffled, her dreams suddenly feeling faint and unclear. What was she thinking, dreaming? Even within the scene of her imagination the image was faded and lost, as though something was disturbing the reception of the picture. She called out, crying for whoever was there to remain with her. It was too soon, too soon to lose this calm. The bright yet peaceful colors started to bleed into one another, sharp corners becoming fuzzy and blended in a mental water color. The Avieon's paws flexed, her pads and claws digging into the surface of the couch as her legs tucked themselves closer to her body. A faint voice spoke sweetly but Seek could no longer hear the words. Chasing it down she didn't want to leave yet, but already could feel the dream falling apart.

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    Post by Baloo Sun Aug 04, 2019 3:24 am

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    Great Marsh|Night (97)

    Shenron did not typically dream. Usually just sleeping and feeling as if he had only momentarily closed his eyes just to be woken seconds later. He honestly wasn't sure what it was. However a distant light thud poked at the back of his mind. It didn't sound dangerous. Not even a little. But now he was thinking about it and his mind was pulling him awake. His tail flame started to burn hotter warming his scales and making his muscles start to ache to stretch. Shenron yawned widely curling his tongue out past his teeth before smacking his lips softly. He raised his backside up some stretching and shaking all the way down to the ends of his claws. Still Shenron flopped on his stomach and closed his eyes cracking his neck. Not quite awake yet. Just a bit more. He licked the back of his paw and rubbed it over his cheek before gnawing on his wings. As he did so, his tail fire continued warming the room having completely warmed Shenron's body by this point. Not uncomfortable heat but a soft soothing warmth.


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    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Aug 08, 2019 8:28 am

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    Great Marsh|Dawn

    Felix woke up feeling a lot more better. While everyone was either asleep or not paying much attention, the Sylveon decided to take a little walk around the place. He was surprised they didn't have to move anywhere. Though one thing on his mind was how long was he asleep? How much time has passed since? The Sylveon would have to ask later on, but right now it was time to take it easy. Though looking at how many berries they collected, it was enough to give them a morning meal though pancakes would have sounded good for breakfast. As for bowls or anything of the sort he would have to check the pantry or anything that has bowls for them to use as feeding dishes. So he wandered into the kitchen which was quite a mess. Food was all gone but the smell of unwashed dishes was quite strong. Whoever owned the place must have left in a hurry or was forced out as they forgot a lot of things. Felix then rummaged through the drawers and cabinets. Pots and pans being pulled out and making noise as Felix rummaged through the bottom cabinets. In the end there was nothing on the bottom they could use for dishes.

    The Sylveon could have guessed that the next place was the cabinets above. It looked a little high from where he was standing. Looking around though there was a step stool that was tall enough for him to jump up to it and jump onto the counter. From there it would be an easy reach. Felix jumped onto the stool and then onto the counter though the counter was quite dirty. Dust on the counter had accumulated from not being used in years and upon stepping on the dust it made some paw prints from Felix walking on it. With the feelers though he opened the cabinet and felt around to see if anything felt like a bowl. At the side he started first he felt plates neatly stacked and in very close proximity of each other in layers. Moving slowly to the left he felt some small bowls but not big enough for them. Eventually as he reached the end of the cabinet he found the exact bowls they would need. Very carefully he took one of them to bring it into view. It had a looked like a fancy restaurant bowl with the lip looking very decorative. This is exactly something they'll use for a food dish.

    Felix placed the bowl back up and cleaned a spot off on the counter. With each sweep of his feelers the dust flew off and onto the floor. While he did that he whistled a song that was a classic. After cleaning off the spot he cleaned his feelers off before grabbing the bowls. The fairy type needed one for him, Uxie, Shenron, Seek, and Eleroo. Grabbing a total of five bowls, Felix had to carefully bring the bowls down from the counter. From what it looked like though, he would have to bring them down one by one. Knowing if he tried to bring them down all at once would risk the chance of some of them breaking or coming loose and hitting the ground. Grabbing one, he jumped down off the counter onto the stool then from there, onto the floor. Felix repeated this four more times until he got all five bowls safely onto the ground. Now to bring them down and set them by the food.

    Taking the bowls downstairs was more easier than from the counter as he could set them one step at a time. Felix came down the steps slowly until he reached the bottom step where he could then set everything up. Luckily because the berries had been kept in a cool environment, they was still good to eat. So at that point he set the five bowls around and placed an equal amount of berries in each one. Then there was one more thing, some chips for anyone who wanted them. However thinking back to it only Seek has a joy for chips so its best to try to remember which ones she likes.
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    Post by Uxie Mon Aug 12, 2019 2:30 pm

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    ❖ Pastoria City + Terminal Building Floor 1 + Dawn + 58 ❖

    Uxie fell into a daze, his mind gently slipping into neutral as a new day dawned around them. The night passed slowly, a creeping motion that neither moved nor stopped as it now started to fade.
    He would define this moment as first light as the outlines of buildings and clouds started to come to life against the dark sky. Behind him the murmurs of conscious began to stir, each Pokemon rousing to their own drum as they woke one another.

    Felix was the first, rising early and heartily in the dim morning. The legend let his other senses acknowledge his fellow Pokemon and felt satisfaction at his swift recovery.
    By sound alone, regardless of how quiet he was being, the Sylveon had recovered; with confident steps and motions he moved about the building and not a cough was to be heard. Human medicine was truly a marvel to be seen.

    The others were slow to stir, moving clumsily or merely shuffling about. The day had only just started after all, and waking so early was not every creatures forte.

    Uxie wanted to say as much for the other Pokemon occupying this town. Though they remained at a distance and gave no notion of coming closer he had seen them wandering several times. Across the main roads, into the woods and back, always with air of certainty. These Pokemon were doing as they always did, patrols perhaps, or dawn hunting and foraging. He did not claim to know, but he had observed as much.


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