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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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13 posters

    The CINNABAR Team


    Age : 37
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Fox Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:44 pm

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    Cinnabar Volcano| Early Noon(15)

    "...I know who you are... pet." the dragon hissed in his ear. Boss' fur bristled as his eyes grew wide.

    He...he knows! the Persian thought with a pang of horror.
    He sat as still as he could, his tail fluffing up instinctively as he expected the dragon to attack at any moment.
    But as he expected to feel teeth on his flank, a shriek came from the sky, attacking the two smaller pokemon next to them.

    The Persian yowled as he leaped back, his feline reflexes serving him well. But he could do nothing as he watched the bird carry off the two, the Dragonite quickly taking wing to follow.
    His gaze turned back to the golden Salamence, his eyes steeled and plotting. He remained in a defensive position until the Dragonite came back, hurriedly speaking.

    "Come with me, I've found the basement from the Pokemon Mansion." Boss' gaze turned back to the Salamence.
    Well I suppose it's time to turn on the charm. I don't think that Dragonite would let him attack me. Besides...how does he know who I am...unless he was part of the syndicate?...I don't remember the master ever battling with a Salamence that looked like that...I would remember that...
    The Persian grinned mischievously as he got up and padded up to the Salamence.
    "Yes, dragon, let's go." He sneered, his voice like liquid silver as he leaped on his back and sat down elegantly, as if he were royalty atop a golden throne.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:22 am

    Post 18

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    Cinnabar Volcano| Early Noon

    Drecht turned to the sound of screeching, and suddenly, the two little ones, the treeko and newly evolved cascoon, were just whisked away by the talons of a hungry pidgeot. It was difficult to say whether or not the thing was infected, but there was little hope either way...

    Drago returned to the den, a little more excited than Drecht thought he'd be after losing two survivors to some anonymous bird. "Come with me," he said breathlessly, "I've found the basement from the Pokemon Mansion."

    The Pokemon Mansion? He remembered something about it... something about it being burnt to a crisp. Before the eruption. With the volcano and now the apocalypse, he was surprised any building stood now. In fact, he hadn't seen any upon arriving... Maybe the lad was delusional? As Drecht pondered all of these things, it began to rain, and "Boss" attracted his attention again.

    "Yes, dragon, let's go," the little cat sneered, hopping onto Drecht like some steed. Drecht's lip curled as the rain began to truly pour.

    "You and I will have a lovely time in the sky... cat," he snarled back. "Your owner seems to have, why can't you?" He did wait for the little ferret to get on, but his golden gaze was still upon Boss. Little twat.

    ((OOC: I love that freaking Persian.))


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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:59 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning
    - -- -2- -- -

    Saiki glanced up at the sky by the sound of screeching, only to catch the sight of a Pidgeot flying away with two figures within its talons. The Dragonair felt a shudder go up her long spine, two lives lost, those she doesn't know. She'll be next any day soon. That was when she spotted another figure in the sky; A Dragonite by the strange color and shade of green. It was odd really, even the shiny Dragonites don't look like that. The Divine Pokemon felt her heart thump against her chest, undead? Living? She doesn't know, she was unable to see the closer features. Perhaps the green was the sign of infection? Saiki couldn't bear to the thought to have her being eaten by an undead she thought to be a living.

    Before the Dragon-type could react, the other she saw back in the sky flew down toward shore, Saiki frozen in her area, afraid to move as she watched him pull the metal. He didn't seem all that harmful, rather, he doesn't have any undead features. He could just be like Saiki when it came to color. She had no time to speak to him as the Dragonite flew away, back to his home possibly? Other survivors? A family? Whatever he was going back to, she is going to follow him for the sake of survival. Her tattoos glowed a brighter than the time before as she flew after the Dragonite, only following close behind him, ridding the rain as she glowed, making the weather just a simple cloudy weather. Wind hit her face as she followed closely behind, even though she was close, she tried her best not to make her presence known one bit.

      Are you, are you
      Coming to the tree
      Where the dead man called out for his love to flee.

    She let out a yelp as the Dragonite landed suddenly in the center of a group of Pokemon. "Come with me. I've found the basement from the Pokemon Mansion." The green Dragonite said to the others. Saiki stayed in the air, her presence now known to complete strangers as her tattoos continued to glow dimly. Considering how these Pokemon seem so normal (Besides the odd-colored Salamance), they must be thinking Saiki was an oddball or something. The Dragonair mentally beating herself up for looking like some stalker or random character appearance in those books just for the development within the stories.

    The group consisted of a Meowth (That was the name right? Or Persian? Saiki got those mixed up all the time), a Zangoose (They always have those stern looks now that the Dragoniar thought about it), a really battered up Furret (Hope he's alright...), and finally that Dragonite who seemed like the leader perhaps. The Divine Pokemon blinked, maybe the don't seem that bad afterall. She stood quiet, not bothering ask for names, nor introduce herself, but curiosity got the best of her, the Dragonair wanting to come along, "...Could I come?" She asked quietly, her voice being a medium pitched tone and a hint of a British accent (Though she tries her best not to speak like such).

      Strange things did happen here
      No stranger would it be
      If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

    Age : 27
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Drago Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:31 pm

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    Cinnabar Volcano | Morning (16)

    Drago turned towards the sound of the yelp, leaving Israfael forgotten. Strange how often he had been warned by sounds before sight, these passed few hours. What he saw shocked him for more reasons than one.

    For one thing, he was surprised to see a Dragonair, oddly colored at that. He had been starting to worry that he was the only one of his kind that had strange colors - an anomaly. The second surprise was that it was flying. Drago was completely unaware that Dragonair could fly. He had spent his entire time as a Dragonair slithering and swimming, like a serpent. Knowing he was able to fly would have made his life a hell of a lot easier...

    The third surprise came as she came closer, to the point Drago could see her clearly and fully. She was, in fact, the most beautiful creature Drago had ever laid eyes on. Drago hesitated before answering her question, not because he didn't want her to join them, but because he was tongue-tied. "Of course!" He said, at last. "The more the merrier!" Arceus, but she was beautiful!

    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 1:57 am

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    Cinnabar Volcano | Early Noon (18)

    The Zangoose opted to just stay here in the volcano, where it was seemingly warm and safe... But he realized how dumb he'd been, not considering the fact that those monsters might attack at any moment. After all, a giant bird DID just swoop in from the top, right? With a bit of an annoyed huff, he watched the others prepare to leave for this new place. And yet here he was, curled up next to a wall, showing no signs of wanting to leave.
    A strange sound echoed through the small cavern, causing Kolva's ears to twitch. He quickly looked up, his body ready to move at any second, feeling much more vulnerable in his tired, hungry state. But what he saw didn't appear to be a monster... It was yet another Pokemon he hadn't seen, and it was a rather oriental, pretty-looking... flying snake...? He sighed and breathed out as the Dragonite and Dragonair's gaze met, still considering his options. When the world was filled with those things, it was pretty obvious that the living would stay together to survive, but for some reason, he still didn't like the fact that this random stranger came up and asked to follow them around.

    Slowly sitting up and giving a small stretch, the Zangoose casually began to walk towards everyone else. His confident gait did a good job at hiding the real reason he was going with them...
    He was really just scared of being on his own with those things around. He thought strongly he could take them on due to his confidence, but what he'd prefer is to not encounter them at all... They were horrifying.

    Kolva slowed down slightly as he neared the Salamence, and at first he looked like he was going to wait for an answer or something. But that changed, and the Zangoose quickly joined the Persian, leaping up and holding onto the large dragon's back. He hoped it would all go well... and the realization that it was raining outside reinvigorated a strange sadness within him.

    Age : 37
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Fox Sun May 06, 2012 6:27 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (16)

    "You and I will have a lovely time in the sky... cat," the bling dragon snarled back. "Your owner seems to have, why can't you?"

    Boss said nothing, lifting his nose up in the air like the sophisticated feline that he was. He didn't care what the dragon thought of him; it was obvious that he knew his master...and worked below him.

    That meant that he was a pee-on. Something to be used.
    And pee-ons don't deserve his attention.
    Just as they were ready to take to the air, rain started pouring in torrents. Boss' ears fell back in pure loathing as he glared up at the gray skies.
    He HATED the rain. He HATED being wet.

    "Just hurry up, dragon. Or are you just going to bugger about all day?" He growled.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon May 07, 2012 10:33 am

    Post 19

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    Cinnabar Volcano| Morning

    The cat's face was delicious as the rain poured down in torrents. Drecht himself was not truly a fan of rain -he tolerated it- but he would enjoy every moment that the blessed weather gave him, watching the deluge pelt the helpless cat. The ferret finally boarded, and a cruel grin spread across Drecht's face as he prepared himself to lunge into the air. "Just hurry up, dragon. Or are you just going to bugger about all day?" Boss growled.

    "...All in due time," Drecht mumbled back as he launched into the air, his large, golden bulky body heaving and working to gain the altitude he craved, and once he breached the lip of the volcano, he soared, leveling out and flying at a slow, leisurely pace. After all, it was just rain. Why hurry?

    The rain felt heavier the higher he went, and he was quite pleased with himself as he floated on the air effortlessly, sure that the cat was very soaked at this point. True, the little ferret with the gimp leg was suffering as well, but as the cat was not particularly friendly to anyone, Drecht assumed that the ferret would not mind that his and Drecht's sacrifices were for the better good-- to knock the damn cat down a few pegs.

    He sang quite a different tune when Drecht revealed he recognized him; that was probably the reason. He was the big boss' pokemon, his personal pet. But as Drecht never heard him battling, the feline better watch his step. There was no Boss to protect him now... and Drecht was very used to battle.

    His golden gaze watched the other strangely colored dragons head off, following them in a lazy pace. They would get there. Eventually.


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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 08, 2012 8:52 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning
    - -- -3- -- -

    It was oddly quiet before the Dragonite could give a reply, the rain was pouring down on them (Saiki should really make the weather back to clear, but that would ruin the balance of nature), but nonetheless, he gave a reply, "Of course! The more the merrier!" She gave a soft smile, giving a nod in thanks. She was accepted already by one of the group, but what of the others? Though she was quite cautious of the Salamance, it was odd because she had a friend that was one too, except the Epidemic took over her and she was killed by humans shortly after. She shook that thought off her head, motioning the oddly colored Evolution to lead the way, perhaps they can introduce themselves once they reached their destination, or on their way there at least.

    "Just hurry up, dragon. Or are you just going to bugger about all day?" The Persian growled, Saiki felt offended at first, but then realized it was probably directed at the Shiny Salamance (though she had her doubts), who sprang up into the sky. The Divine Pokemon gulped down her anxiety, giving a quick glance at the Dragonite before flying back high to the sky, ready to go head off into their destination. The Zangoose, Persian, and Furret rode on the Salamance (can he handle that much weight?) like a steed, it was adorable really, but she did wonder whether they did respect him or not.

    "I'm Saiki," the Dragonair greeted herself, giving a polite bow to everyone as they flew, her british accent became much more obvious, but she stopped bothering to hide it. It was a difficult job afterall. "It's a pleasure meeting you all, and I hope I don't bother you all too much for tagging along," 'And adding the rain.' She mentally added, but showed no physical sign of that thought appearing. Of course, considering all the complaints she had heard so far, not many of the group liked the rain, Saiki hoped that she won't feel all that emotional later on then, otherwise there would be lots of rain... though it wouldn't be much of her fault right? It's not like she brought it there on purpose afterall.

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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Mew Thu May 10, 2012 10:16 pm

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    Cinnibar Island | Morning (11)

    A snarl ripped through the rain and storm as as Mew flew along amongst her new friends, followed by a roar of anger and pain. Glancing about, Mew's eyes immediately landed upon the Zangoose, Kolva, and the purple spots blossoming on his fur, and the faint red light shining through it's eyes. Drecht roared again as Kolva loosed another slash into it's back. Thinking quickly, Mew used her psychic to yank the now infected Zangoose from the dragon, and hold it before her. "You poor thing... Was it when you got hurt?" Mew considered for a brief moment, lost in thought, before reaching a decision. She swished her tail back and forth, hoping for the best as she unleashed a metronome. A colorful burst of energy flashed through the tiny psychics eyes, and the Zangoose fell into a slumber. "Please be calm, little one..." She unleashed the move once more, and stones appeared out of the air around her, encasing Kolva. ((rock tomb)) "Be at peace, friend" Mew released her Psychic, dropping the now stonecased infected into the roiling ocean below.

    Flying over to the Salamance and landing gently upon his back, Mew began to repair the damage done by Kolva's infected rage. "I'm sorry Drecht... Are you alright?" Recieving a curt nod from the Shiny Dragon, Mew continued, "I'm leaving after I heal you... Take care of them for me, alright?" The psychic received a reply,
    "Sail on fair winds, Legend" Finishing up her heal, and Transforming once again into a Pidgeot, tinged pink as was her norm.
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    Lifting off from Drecht, she called out to the group, "I must leave now! Take care of yourselves, alright? I'm going to check for other survivors!" Mew turned to the north, and disappeared into the horizon.

    ((It's been great being here on Cinna with you guys, I'm off to Pallet now. Take care, and stay alive~ Also, had permission to kill off Kolva, and permission from Silverish to have him harm Drecht.))


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
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    Age : 27
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Drago Sun May 13, 2012 4:28 pm

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    Cinnibar Island | Morning (17)

    Oh, Thunderous. Drago loved the rain! And the Dragonair had come with plenty of it. Beautiful, almost poetic, really. From where Drago flew, he stayed close to her, while still keeping in veiw of Drecht. The poor Salamence had decided to take the rest of the team on his back alone. The Dragonair's voice brought Drago out of his rain-filled thoughts, and elevated him to a higher plane of existance. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Saiki... so that was her name. "I'm Drago, and believe me, the more survivors we can find the better off we'll be-"

    Drago's words were cut off by a sudden roar of pain from in front of them. "Drecht!" Drago cried, as he saw the dragon cringe. Before he could move closer, however, Mew had already taken care of the problem. The Legendary had lifted the attacker- it was the newcomer! Oh, how fast it had been overcome!- and killed it rather smoothly. Drago wished he could feel more remorse for the beast, but he knew that it was better off dead than Undead. What pained him more was the departure of Mew. She had only been with them a short period of time, and Drago wished she would have stayed longer. "Farewell." He said simply, under his breath. She was already too far away to hear.

    Before long, the group came to the clearing where he saw the metal. Swooping low, Drago landed on top of it with a metallic clang. "Land here!" He shouted up to his fellow dragons. Maybe they would be able to achieve something here after all.

    Age : 37
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Fox Mon May 14, 2012 10:22 pm

    (OoC- skip please, he's just clinging desperately to Drechts' back, lol)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Silverishness Tue May 15, 2012 9:52 am

    Post 20

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    Cinnabar Island| Morning

    All had been well. They were flying high and at a lazy speed, just to give Boss more grief, when something dug into his back. Instantly, he roared, looking back to what had the gall to harm him. His first instinct was that it was the cat, but when he saw the now crazed, red eyes of the strange zangoose, his eyes widened and he roared again when the pokemon's large, lethal claws dug further into his back, creating a gaping hole. He must have hit his spine, because he could no longer feel his back legs and tail...

    In his struggle to keep airborne, Mew simply lifted the crazed pokemon up and smote the creature down with rocks into the surf, effectively drowning him without effort. Dazed, Drecht watched as Mew rejuvenated his body, as if the attack had never happened. [i]'...Such power... What else is this pokemon capable of...?' Mew spoke to him, but his mind was so blurry from the mere seconds of confusion prior, he could do little more than nod. Mew then took her leave, transforming back into the pidgeot form she had first approached them in, and flew off into the gray sky.

    As the golden dragon watched the pinkish blot disappear into the storm, he glanced to Boss, and decided that now would be time to land. Without warning or hesitation, he dove down to where Drago and the new oddly colored dragon were situated. He gave no regard to speed as he dove down, and did not slow until the last possible moment, where his strong wings flared open and he landed gracefully. He then glared to the persian in a silent command to dismount. Taking a look around and seeing nothing remarkable other than a strange bit of silver, he glanced to Drago. "...What's here that is so important?"


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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu May 17, 2012 7:45 pm

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    | Cinnibar Island // Morning |

    Israfael had finally cleared the sticky web off his face with the assistance of the Zangoose. He smiled gratefully, but then was suddenly whisked away onto Drago's back. Surprised, he clung to dear life. He had been too shocked to look behind him at the action on Drecht, but instead just looked down and shut his eyes. What he did notice is when Mew flew off. Israfaels heart suddenly sunk. He had barely known the legendary.... "I shall cherish that hug forever.... I am truly blessed...." Israfael gave a soft smile, and closed his eyes as a tear rolled off his cheek from his good eye. Israfael then came back to reality and clung onto Drago as they descended and landed on the ground. That was when he realized KB and Unmei were gone. The pokemon who had been the friendliest with him were gone now.... Israfael leaped off of Drago and sat down, feeling quite lonely now.


    (OoC: Sorry for the super short and crappy post. :U I just needed to catch up. lol)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 3:46 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning
    - -- -4- -- -

    "I'm Drago," The Dragonite introduced himself, Saiki gave a nod, acknowledging his name, quite odd name really, "and believe me, the more survivors we can find the better off we'll be-" A roar erupted in front of them, the Dragonair snapping her gaze from the Green Dragon-type to the Golden one. The Zangoose from earlier -- he was very cold and harsh at first glance -- now proven himself to be an infected. Purple spots blossomed from his white fur, red bloodshot eyes that are hungry for flesh, "Drecht!" Drago called out, it was directed at the Salamance, now that Saiki knew of his name, the Divine Pokemon was ready to lash at the Normal-type.

    "You poor thing... Was it when you got hurt?" A soft delicate voice stopped the firefly-like Dragonair from throwing down an attack at the Zangoose, a pink friend appeared. Saiki felt a soft blush for not noticing her, she was quite adorable too, but yet, deadly. The Hoenn Pokemon fell asleep upon contact with her blue eyes, Mew readying another attack, "Please be calm, little one..." As rocks began to appear, surrounding the Zangoose one-by-one, Saiki felt dread going in her stomach, she always hated the bloody scenes. She dug her face into Drago's scales, hiding herself. With a sickening blow, Mew gave her blessings, "Be at peace, friend". The Dragonair listened intently, hiding her face until she heard the ocean waves below crash against the impact of the rocks that incased the body. She immediately took her face off, "Apologies Drago..." She whispered, avoiding eye contact.

    The fluffy pink Pokemon gave her goodbyes, everyone else following up. "Land here!" Drago said aloud, the Dragonair perked up, she just noticed they had arrived to their destination. Right when she was following Drago to his group of misfit friends. It was that piece of metal that started the adventure for her. Though she had to admit, barely any of them took notice of her, which was quite surprising. She only knew the names of two of them, Drecht and Drago. Speak of the devil, the Salamance glanced at the piece of metal, and over at Drago, "...What's here that is so important?"

    It was rude to butt into a conversation, but the Dragonair did it anyways, "It's an entrance to shelter that was created by humans. We could possibly find some good things in there." She said. It was nothing less, nothing more. She just wanted to get straight to the point, get everything over with, so she can rest in peace.

    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 1:59 am

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    Cinnabar Island//Morning

    Jupiter sat under a small rocky overhang as he looked out at the sight. He had ended up on this island out of luck, cause he was simply a few more moments away from sinking in his raft. If he was able to fly, then he could have gone to the larger island, but he couldn't so he had to settle with a volcano instead. He had never seen one up close before, and he really didn't want to.

    The Drudie's mind wondered as he looked out at the sun. He had survived yet another night in this unwakeable nightmare. How much longer could he go before he finally gave up and just died? He hoped that would never happen, he wasn't ready to die yet.

    Jupiter let out a yawn, he hadn't slept in a long time, he was so sleepy then he could just curl up right there and sleep the day away, if he wasn't so scared of the undead coming and making a snack out of him. Letting out a sigh he got up and began walking again, he hadn't walked in awhile, but at least it was better then feeling sea sick. Just the thought of the raft and its constant swaying made him feel sick to his stomach.

    He managed to pull himself over a ledge, just enough to see a group of pokemon gathered below. A lot of them where dragon types, like himself, but others where normal types, and he didn't know what they where called. He had never left Unova until now, and so, he had never seen pokemon that weren't from Unova, the only reason he could tell there types was basically from the way they looked. Though, the none dragons could be something but normal. He decided to keep hidden from them for awhile, so he just stayed where he was and watched for the time being.

    Age : 27
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Drago Tue May 22, 2012 8:05 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (18)

    Drecht's question didn't catch Drago off guard. He actually laughed a bit, not necissarily at the question, but because he was glad to be doing something for a change. Saiki answered before he could, which only seemed to widen his grin even more. "Correct. From what I've heard, under this door is what remains of the Pokemon Mansion, a research lab that was used many years ago. If nothing else, there should hopefully at least be supplies down there. On this barren island, that would increase our chance of survival exponentially." The only problem, of course, was gaining entrance...

    Circling the large square of metal, Drago stomped his foot in several places in an attempt to find a weak area. Unfortunately, it all seemed to be reinforced on all sides. The middle, then. "Everyone back up." Carefully, he knelt down on the middle of the door. Pulling his right arm back to the shoulder, he balled his fist and poured heat through his body to his hand. Instantly, his fist burst to light as it caught flame. Aiming his Fire Punch straight down, he managed to burn a small hole in the steel. It would take forever to open the whole thing this way, however...

    With a large gust of wind, Drago soared upwards, spinning as he rose. As he reached the peak of his ascent, he turned and nosedived straight back down. As he gained speed, energy swirled around him in a Dragon Rush attack. In a small explosion of dust and metal, the door was completely obliterated, and the entrance was paved. Shaking his head to the side as he stood back up, Drago turned to the others. "Well, we're in."

    Age : 37
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Fox Wed May 23, 2012 5:22 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (17)

    Boss clamped his claws into the dragon as he dove towards the ground only opening his wings right before they hit the ground, making his jaw bounce off the dragons hard back in recoil.
    The Persian growled as he moved about his aching jaw.
    What a bloody twat!
    He did that on purpose!

    The dragon peered back at him, waiting for him to get off. Boss hissed at the dragon as he slunk off of his back, sopping wet and miserable. He made sure to rake his claws as deep as he could into the dragons' flesh before retracting them casually...for good measure.
    His fur clung to his body, showing how skinny his true body was under all the fur. He shook himself in anger, trotting away from the dragon and began to groom himself as the others began to talk.

    He sighed inwardly as he listened to their idiot conversation.
    I can't believe they don't know what this place is. Dullards must've lived under a rock. His attention was suddenly caught when the blue dragon started stomping around the metal.
    Is he...he's not going to use force is he?...nah, he couldn't be that dumb...
    Surely the humans would have a better means of opening-

    With a fiery explosion, he punched a hole in the metal.
    What a bloody neanderthal.
    He groaned, about to protest.
    "Listen, I thin-" but Drago had already leaped into the sky and propelled himself into the metal door, destroying it completely.

    "Well, we're in." the dragon beamed triumphantly, looking about the group, like they were giving out rewards.
    "Excellent job, you blinkered idiot! Sharp as a marble, you are." He growled, stalking up to the large hole in annoyance.

    "You DO realize that humans like to use better means of opening pathways, right? Like uh...I dunno...Levers? And now that the door is obliterated, it doesn't do a very good job of keeping things out anymore, does it? We could have used this place for shelter..." he said, staring down into the hole with heavy-lidded eyes. He sniffed the stale air, his nose scrunching up with distaste. "Listen Barney, do us all a favor and just dive off a cliff the next time you feel the need to show off your brawny muscles..." He grumbled at the Dragonite, leaping into the dark hole, eager to get out of the pouring rain.
    His feline eyes instantly adjusting to the darkness, he quickly took in his surroundings without a second thought towards the others.

    (Lol, sorry Drago, he gets grumpy when he's all wet. XD)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu May 24, 2012 10:01 am

    Post 21

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    Cinnabar Island| Morning

    The pain in his back from Boss dismounting was well worth the look on the damned cat's face. Even as small pinpricks in his golden leathery skin spotted with tiny droplets of blood, Drecht gave Boss' retreating form a triumphant grin. Blood washed away, humiliation did not. Victory.

    His attention was diverted as Drago began to force his way into the silver metallic doors, just as Boss protested. "Excellent job, you blinkered idiot! Sharp as a marble, you are," the cat growled as he padded to the larger, green dragon. "You DO realize that humans like to use better means of opening pathways, right? Like uh...I dunno...Levers? And now that the door is obliterated, it doesn't do a very good job of keeping things out anymore, does it? We could have used this place for shelter..." He slinked to the entrance, tail lashing in irritation, his face full of disdain. "Listen Barney, do us all a favor and just dive off a cliff the next time you feel the need to show off your brawny muscles..."

    Drecht couldn't help a hardy guffaw as he followed, extremely entertained by the cat's loathing of the world. He turned to Drago, grin still firmly set. "Now, now, I believe you behaved correctly, Drago," he began, looking down to the darkening cat's form. "We would be stuck out in the rain looking for the opening mechanism, and besides, who's to know if it even still works? We could be stuck out here for hours in the rain... and obviously, not everyone would be very happy with that, eh, Cat? But you go on ahead, 'Boss'," He nearly spat the name. "Go on into a dark dungeon we know nothing of and get yourself hurt again. Just remember there's no Mew here to heal you up." He gave another chuckle and began to follow, glad that after many lonely months, he'd found himself a jester to entertain him.



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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat May 26, 2012 4:48 pm

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    | Cinnibar Island // Morning |

    Israfael looked up to the sudden loud noise of the shelter being crushed in and opened. He was the farthest from the group, and he didn't flinch from the loud sound or impact. He sulkily looked over, his ears hanging a bit as his chin fur dripped with water. He watched the other pokemon's senseless ramble.

    "Well, we're in."

    "Excellent job, you blinkered idiot! Sharp as a marble, you are. You DO realize that humans like to use better means of opening pathways, right? Like uh...I dunno...Levers? And now that the door is obliterated, it doesn't do a very good job of keeping things out anymore, does it? We could have used this place for shelter... Listen Barney, do us all a favor and just dive off a cliff the next time you feel the need to show off your brawny muscles..."

    Israfael's eyes kept tired as he got up from his spot. He heard Drecht make another comment back at the Persian, but Rafa wasn't focused on that. He just noticed the Dragonair; the new addition to the group. He looked up at her.
    "Hello." He said quietly and politely, looking up to the dragon with kindness, a slight touch of soft. "I'm Israfael." He looked to the others, but then sat down again, waiting for the Dragoinaire's response.


    (OoC: Gosh I love this team so much. ;w;)


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    Just hold out against the night

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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 29, 2012 9:46 pm

    [Ooc: Whoops :'x Forgot I needed to post in this team ^^; I apologize I took a lot of time and ended up skipping V-V Promise I'll get to it next time and on time lol]

    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 31, 2012 11:03 pm

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    Cinnabar Island//Morning

    Jupiter watched as the strange blueishgreen purple dragon crashed through the metal door. The cat then chewed him out for it, saying something about humans and there doors and switches, all of which the Drudie had no clue of what they where talking about. "Weirdos." He said to himself as they all wend inside, out of the rain. It was a good idea, go Jupiter slid down the hill and after them into the human lab.

    He looked down into it, they where all there at the bottom, and he really didn't want to make himself known to them, but it seemed fate wasn't on his side cause he slipped on the wet ground and tumbled into the lab with an 'umf' as he hit the ground.

    He let out a groan as he got to hit feet and rubbed his head, which had taken most of the impact. If not for his thick red scales, he would have most likely gotten knocked out, but now, he was sure they had seen him, so there was no use trying to find a place to hid, where would he hid anyway? "Um, Hello." This was not the way he wanted to meet these pokemon, it was just, awkward.

    Age : 37
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Fox Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:30 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (18)

    Boss rolled his eyes in the darkness, his ears flattening in annoyance as he heard the dragons' ear-splitting guffaws echoing throughout.
    "Go on into a dark dungeon we know nothing of and get yourself hurt again. Just remember there's no Mew here to heal you up."

    "Trust me...if anyone's going to be attacked, it's going to be you, with that atrocious laughing. You sound like a dying Tauros, begging to be put out of its misery." Boss growled quietly, looking back at them with disdain. "It's obvious the concept of stealth is beyond your mental and physical capacity." The Persian slunk forward silently while he scanned the darkest parts of the room carefully, his paws silent on the partially carpeted floor.

    Suddenly, something fell from the hole they came from with a grunt. Boss spun around, his claws protracting instantly. A little blue and red dragon got to his feet and rubbed his head in embarrassment.

    "Um, Hello."

    Great. More dragons. Such dull creatures.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:38 am

    Post 22

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    Under Pokemon Mansion| Morning

    "It's obvious the concept of stealth is beyond your mental and physical capacity," Boss grumbled as they ventured down into the stale depths of the basement, which after his little comment about Drecht's own guffaws, sent the dragon into chuckles again.

    "Yes, and it seems the concept of keeping your whining and complaining to yourself is beyond yours, Pet," he stated between breaths and paused as he reached what seemed to be the bottom of the stairs. Squinting in the dark, he couldn't make much out other than faint outlines of pillars. Sniffing cautiously, he found nothing in the air other than dust and lonliness. No one had been here in a while, it seemed. However, a new voice distracted him, and he looked back in the direction it came.

    There stood a smallish dragon, petite and not one Drecht recognized. It offered a meek hello, and the golden salamence merely nodded in affirmation. It seemed this was an island for dragons.


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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:21 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning
    - -- -5- -- -

    How much Saiki wanted to slap the cat and the golden dragon, they could never stop bickering, but then again, their argument is quite amusing. It's nice to get away from the Epidemic every now and then. "Hello." The Furret said quietly, he looked up to Saiki, the Dragonair snapped from her daze, focusing on the Normal-type, "I'm Israfael." She blinked, she was approached directly twice today, it was funny. Before the Epidemic, everyone would just glance at her and begin whispering of her uniqueness. Not that Saiki was proud of it, she hated how others treated her differently, she wished desperately for the same respect with everyone. Not the kind of respect she would get just for being higher classed.

    "Oh... Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you Israfael." She began in a soft voice, not enjoying her british accent being hinted in every word she spoke, "Saiki is the name." Before the Dragonair could say any more, a little tiny red-headed dragon appeared, looking much like a Druddigon (though Saiki had never seen one up close and personal, she recognize them from the several books her owner would research of). "Um, Hello." He said shyly, obvious embarrassed. She gave a small huff at the Persian's and Salamance's responses to the baby -- hell they didn't even properly introduce themselves to her -- Saiki really wanting to smack them across the face. Nonetheless, she kept her cool, giving the young Dragon a small bow, "A pleasure to meet you, I'm Saiki, are you lost?" 'Hopefully not as lost as the two bickering idiots behind me.' Saiki silently added, but said nothing of the sort.


    Age : 28
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Catalyst Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:36 pm

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    | Cinnabar Island // Morning |

    Israfael blinked.

    "Oh... Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you Israfael. Saiki is the name."

    "Nice to meet you...." he smiled softly. He took that chance to really take her in. She sounded quite elegant, and she looked quite elegant too. Israfael almost hit himself when he just noticed she looked a lot different than other Dragonair's. Israfael's eyes suddenly snapped to attention as a little dragon pokemon came tumbling through the brush. Israfaels nose slightly wrinkled in thought. This thing wasn't ugly, it was quite cute. But it was odd looking indeed. No onne seemed to notice, but then Saiki slithered up to it.

    "A pleasure to meet you, I'm Saiki, are you lost?"

    Israfael perked up, and quietly padded over to say hi. He didn't really feel comfortable, but might as well say hi. But he would wait until the little dragon responded to Saiki first. Until then, he gave a small, quick smile.


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