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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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11 posters

    The LILYCOVE Team


    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:01 pm

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    Lilycove City| |Dawn

    As she sat in the dark shadow of the Poke-Mart, she heard someone speak, "Oi, have this. You were friends with the spider, right? I thought this might help you cope with loss." It was a Zoroark and if she remember correctly, this was relented to the one that attacked her earlier. Then she looked at the item the dark type was giving her and she relised, it was a Galvantula doll. She gentle took the doll in her claws and nodded at the Zoroark.

    Th-thank you. She managed to say. She held the doll closed to her heart as her other friends crossed her mind. She mentally slapped herself and bolted toward her friends. She found Tenebre, Iris and Furnace, fighting a Hydreigon. She looked at the offensive female Hydreigon. It didn't looked like it really wanted to be fighting them. BB thought for a moment and guessed that the other Zoroark was making the female attack them. She huffed and charged at her friends.

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The dragon cried as it throw a Night Daze at her friends. She jumped in front of the attack and took it head on. It sent her flying a few feet back, but she slowly got back up and stud in front of her friends and placed her arms out in front of the Hydreigon. Le-leave her alone. It-it's not her fault. BB mangled to huff as she stud her ground to protect the dark and dragon dual type.

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:15 pm

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    Lilycove City//Dawn

    Soren hated this, he hated how he had to hide while the others where fighting, he should be out there with them, he should be fighting those dark types alongside this Iris sister of Siri. He wanted to fight, he wanted to become strong, he wanted to protect everyone. He didn't want to be baggage. He wanted to help, he wanted to keep everyone safe, he wanted to protect... his friends? He barely knew these pokemon, and was he really thinking of them as such, friends? He looked over at Siri, who seemed just as agitated about not getting to fight as Soren did.

    Looking down at his bracelet he remembered his trainer, Sara. How he missed her, how he wished she was still here with him. "Hey, Siri. Are we, Friends?" He asked as he turned his gaze back on the fellow Eevee. Soren wondered what was on his mind, what was he thinking about to make him seem so focused. But he really just wanted an answer to a question, was the other eevee his friend? Or was he just thinking something that wasn't true?

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:00 pm

    (OOc: skip me, due too too many distractions I am unable to post.)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Min Wed May 02, 2012 10:23 pm

    [OOC: Skip, not much to do.]

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 3:39 am

    ((I need Tails for Soren to do anything >w< So skip~ ))

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 08, 2012 12:04 pm

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    Lilycove City | Dawn (16)

    A small tear fell down Tenebre's face as he watched his friends jump in front of him and fight. He had never had such close friends and he was so thankful that he had them now. Breathing in deeply, Tenebre watched Constance fight back and that's when he decided what he had to do. Beating his powerful wings, Tenebre leaped into the stormy sky and flew back so that Constance was in his line of vision. What he was about to do would give him more regret than leaving his beloved Lumiere but sometimes you must do things you don't want to, to help those you care about.

    Speeding through the air, Tenebre's body took on a bluish glow and he sped quickly through the air towards Constance using his move Dragon Rush, when he notice Baby Bear had stood in front of her, he pulled himself up short to end his move as he caught the words she said.

    "She's right." Tenebre said as he landed to the ground. "It isn't Constance's fault."

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Min Mon May 14, 2012 11:15 pm

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    Lilycove City| |Dawn

    "Th-thank you." Gilbert turned away, staring at his sister. "Eh." he mumbles, slowly beginning to walk away. Constance is lucky, to have people care about her. he thinks, closing his eyes. Leaping, he clutches onto the roof of a tal building and sits down, watching the battle again. Hopefully the arceus-damned Dragonite won't come to try and kill him again, he wasn't in the mood to be running.

    Constance screwed her eyes shut, as Tenebre began speeding down towards her. "Le-leave her alone. It-it's not her fault." he eyes shot wide open as the dragon stopped, and she slowly returned to her normal form, crying. "It isn't Constance's fault." she attempts to cover her tears. "I'm sorry..."

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 18, 2012 1:06 am

    ((Skip once again as I don't have much for Soren to do, hopefully tails will be back by next post so that he can do something :/ ))

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Drago Sat May 19, 2012 8:55 pm

    ((Skip please, I'll join in next rotation))

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon May 21, 2012 7:21 am

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    Lilycove City| |Dawn

    Thorne groaned and rubbed her head. She was not sure how she got here, but the buildings told her that she was in Lilycove. She was still angry as well. Shaking her head, the Cacturne stood up, it felt good to be in her home region again. Even if she had no recollection of how she got here. It mattered not to the temper-mental creature. What mattered to her is that she was away from those that caused her heart-ache and grief.

    "I wonder if there is anyone even here."Thorne said with a hint of bitterness in her voice. Even if there wasn't she would still make the most of the city. With her face glued in a permanent scowl, Thorne made her way to the largest building in town; The Poke-mart. Hopefully she would be able to find supplies there. Upon walking up to the entrance she saw others. Thorne ignored them though, she was not looking for friends or sympathy, just a snack.

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 8:21 pm

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    Lilycove City | Dawn (17)

    With everything going on, Tenebre had a moment to think things through and as he zoned out, one single drop of rain fell on his nose and was sucked into his body. Suddenly alert, his instincts told him that this was no normal rainstorm, no, this was a rainstorm created from a Dragonair. Instinctively, Tenebre turned his eyes up to the sky with a rushing expectation in his heart but only to have that excitement crushed when he saw the blue dragon covered in blood seeming to fly down at high speed towards Tenebre. Shock jolted through him and in an instant he was in the air speeding towards his lifelong love.

    Soon he was gliding back down to Earth using his wings at full length almost like parachutes, flapping them as slowly as possible while he held on to Lumiere so that he seemed to hover back down. He could feel her slight breathing in his arms and the aura around him was like tangible electric energy that warped around his sorrow. Tears fell down his face and the storm around them turned to a very light drizzle, almost like the sky itself was crying for the two. Tenebre touched ground finally and sat down, Lumiere in his powerful arms, her tail wrapped around his body reassuringly as if she believed clinging to him would anchor her soul to the Earth.

    “Tenebre what’s happening? Everything is so fuzzy.” Her voice shook with weakness but the wind carried her words to the others.

    Tenebre didn’t know how to answer his love. For so long they had been beside each other until that horrible undead had separated him. Now he finally had her back, even after getting feelings for the forlorn female Zoroark, only to have her ripped away for the last time. Suddenly his mind flashed back to a song his father had sung to his mother as she was dying and right away he knew what to do. Taking in a deep breath, Tenebre’s deep baritone voice lifted on the air and carried to the others.

    “Goodnight my angel time to close your eyes, and save these questions for another day.” Tenebre breathed in deeply before continuing.

    “Tenebre wha-“ Lumiere’s voice was getting weaker by the minute but Tenebre shook his head and wiped the tears from her eyes.

    “I think I know what you’ve been asking me
    I think you know what I’ve been trying to say
    I promised I would never leave you
    And you should always know
    Wherever you may go, no matter where you are
    I never will be far away”

    His voice faltered a bit as her breathing began to slow even more in his arms but nonetheless he continued to sing for the love of his life while the tears streamed with the rain down his face.

    “Goodnight my angel, now it's time to sleep
    And still so many things I want to say
    Remember all the songs you sang for me
    When we went sailing on an emerald bay
    And like a boat out on the ocean
    I'm rocking you to sleep
    The water's dark and deep, inside this ancient heart
    You'll always be a part of me”

    Lumiere took in one last shaky breath and with a final sigh she was gone, her voice fading into the rain. “I love you...”

    “Someday we'll all be gone
    But lullabies go on and on
    They never die
    That's how you and I will be”

    Silently and gently, Tenebre stood, his song finished and over just like the life of his love. His heart was breaking again for the second time but he had to be strong for his friends and especially for Constance. Spreading his wings one last time, Tenebre jumped into the sky and flew high into the clouds where he began to glow a deep orange color. His Draco Meteor attack pelted down from the sky but not towards his friends but onto Lumiere’s silent body where it had incinerated her. His father had done the same thing for his mother when she died because this was the way of his family and the way a dragon should die, in the sky among the clouds like a god returning home.

    Full of sorrow, Tenebre fell back to Earth, only occasionally flapping his wings. The drizzling rain didn’t let up for a bit as he made his descent and when he finally touched down, he looked his friends over without a word and retreated into an abandoned building close by with sorrow tainting the heart that had finally begun opening.

    (OOC: The song, as sung by my choir, is here. Please ignore the stupid beginning someone in the sound booth was being dumb.)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Catalyst Fri May 25, 2012 5:16 pm

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    | Lilycove City // Dawn |

    Iris snarled as she lunged for another attack at Constance. But then BB stopped her. Time stopped for a moment.

    "Leave her alone. It's not her fault."

    Iris caught herself in the air, landed, and leaped back to her original place. Not her fault? Iris looked to the Zoroark.

    "She's right. It isn't Constance's fault."

    Suddenly, there was a light trickle. Iris's muzzle wrinkled as a drop hit her already cold nose. She looked up to the sky, but the eel-like figure wasn't visible through the harsh storm that suddenly happened. Iris watched as Tenebre suddenly took to the sky from her place on the battlefield where she had landed. Iris watched, unknowing to the horrible tragedy that had just taken place. She looked to the Zoroark in front of her curiously but not meanly. She was more of interested in her than mean.... She saw Tenebre emerge from the clouds. He landed in the dirt, and sat. Iris was shocked, and horror was instilled in her eyes when she saw the bloodied Dragonaire in his arms. Then he started to sing. The whole while Iris listened, her eyes filling with tears. How horrible.... She looked down and away, afraid that she may make a noise or show her weakness to this. She looked back when she had the will. Tenebre finally stood up, annd furiously launched himself into the clouds. There was a flash of light, And Iris knew the Dragonite's body had been destroyed. She lowered her head, tears rolling down her muzzle. He landed, quite hunched over and sad looking. He turned and looked at the white Ninetales, then to the others, his eyes full of tears and his expression twisted into a frown. Iris nearly jumped as Tenebre suddenly fled.
    "Tenebre?!" Iris stood up, ready to run after him, but then decided against it, and stood back. She watched him run into the building. She slowly walked, making sure to be very fragile. She looked into the building slightly, just her nose poking through.
    "Tenebre...?" she asked very quietly, not moving any further to pester him.

    Siri closed his eyes, but then opened them when he heard Soren.

    "Hey, Siri. Are we, Friends?"

    Siri smiled a huge smile. "Of course we're friends, Soren!" he wagged his fox tail like a dog. He had missed Mara already, but he soon found Soren for a friend now.
    "We are friends~"


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Min Wed May 30, 2012 12:14 am

    [Skip please.]

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:33 pm

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    Lilycove City//Dawn

    "Of course we're friends, Soren!" Siri said as he began to wag his tail. Soren looked at the other eevee, and for the first time in a long time, a small smile streak his face. Not a very big one, but big enough to see that it was there, and that he was happy with the answer.

    "I'm glade." He said as he looked to his paws. How long had it been since he last had a friend, let alone seen another eevee. He hadn't seen another eevee since his time on the farm. He let out a sigh as he looked up at the rug that concealed there hiding spot. He could hear scurrying around, probably from small undead before moving on. He hoped none of them would find where they where, he would hate to get found out so easily. But the sounds soon disappeared as they looked for more prey.

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Drago Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:42 pm

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    Outside Lilycove City || Dawn (1)

    Aether flew over the waves carefully. She never did feel comfortable flying over water, with no safe place to land. She had been surrounding herself in Mist for safer cover, making her appear like a quick-moving cloud, however, it impaired her vision so she could not tell where land was. Arceus, she hoped she was going the right direction... Whatever the right direction was... She had no idea where she was going, to be brutally hones-


    Aether could hear singing, and not too far away either. Droplets of water on her wings told her that it had started raining as well. The voice that was singing drew her like a moth to a flame. It was enchanting, and she just had to know who the voice belonged to. She disappitated the mist, just in time to see an orange Dragon falling to the earth. That must be him...

    Aether allowed her body to drop farther, matching the Dragon's decent. Swooping near to the building he had gone into, she perched herself on the windowsill of an open window. Clicking her beak to get the Dragon's attention, she spoke for the first time in a while. "Excuse me, sir, but are you the one who was singing?"

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:38 pm

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    Lilycove City||Dawn

    Thorne was not surprised to the inside of the Dept. Store. It was a complete mess. Wrappers and empty containers lay strewn across the floor. Glass cases had been busted open and the shelves and display tables were covered in glass shards. "What a disgusting fucking mess."Thorne muttered to herself.

    Sorting through the mess and stepping around the broken glass Thorne found little that was still useful. She did however find a small satchel of berries, They seemed to be in okay condition so she toke them and left the building. Not paying attention she didn't notice if the others were still there.

    Instead Thorne simply went over to the beach and sat down. The feel of sand was comforting to the Scarecrow Pokemon. 'They only make me mad....because I hate myself.' She thought. Sandy tears fell from the scowling Cacturne's eyes. She knew that she hurt the others but only because she herself was hurt. It was probably because of how selfish she was.

    "Selfish...I'm so selfish."Thorne scolded herself. She then held back her tears. The desert dweller knew she had no right to cry, not over her dear friend Aria. It simply wasn't fair of her, to put someone so close to her through the pain of losing a close friend. Thorne only had herself to blame now for all the sorrow and rage she felt, but she couldn't do a thing about it. Instead she just let her emotions wash over her as she ate her snack.

    Last edited by NightmaresEmber on Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Wrong url for img)

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:38 pm

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    Lilycove City | Dawn (18)

    Tenebre sat in the building, his eyes full of sorrow and pain. Hearing Iris, Tenebre looked up to her and didn't know what to do. "Iris, I feel...I feel like I want to die." Tears flowed down his face and the dark aura around him grew even brighter with the sorrow he was feeling. Turning his head towards the small Swablu, Tenebre could only nod to the little bird while the tears flowed even more from his eyes. He hated how weak he felt.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Catalyst Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:39 pm

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    | Lilycove City // Dawn |

    "Iris, I feel...I feel like I want to die."

    Iris's ears drooped in sadness.
    "Tenebre...." She never really witnessed death of a living thing since the epidemic. She slowly walked in and noticed the Swablu in the building next to Tenebre. Iris's eyes grew large as she saw Tenebre cry, her own tears salty on her cheeks. She walked over, her whole figure slumped over in depression. She sat next to Tenebre, looking at him with a soft face. She watched as he nodded to the Swablu's question. She meekly raised a front leg, bringing it around Tenebre to put him in a hug. She looked down, barely touching the top of her head to Tenebre's shoulder. She said nothing, as sometimes, silence is the best medicine for things like this. She blinked, causing a tear to fall from her eye.


    Siri's eyes lit up, seeing Soren smile at his comment.

    "I'm glad."

    Siri's tail wagged even more rapidly in happiness. He never really had a friend his age. All there was was Iris to him. Siri didn't seem to notice the pokemon up in the normal level, nor when it left. He just looked around, wishing Iris could let them out. It was quite boring in here. Siri soon got up and sniffed at the entrance, poking his nose out.
    "I'm scared something happened to them...." he said, his ears visibly fell to his head. He knew Iris, and she'd be back by now. Siri continued to smell the air, only his nose poking out of the cover of the rug.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Min Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:23 pm

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    Lilycove City| |Dawn

    Constance had followed Tenebre into the building, much to her brother's displeasure. "Iris, I feel...I feel like I want to die." The Zoroark's heart broke in two at the words, seeing his sobbing figure made tears brim her eyes. She quietly fiddled with her claws, nervous, before stepping closer to the dragon. Before long she has used illusion, morphing her figure into one similar to the beautiful Dragonair. With a deep breath, she began to sing.

    "I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go," a pause. "When all those shadows almost killed your light. I remember, you said 'don't leave me here alone..." Although crying, Constance smiled in her serpentine form, sitting closer to Iris and Tenebre. "But all that's dead and gone and past, tonight."

    "Just close your eyes,
    The sun is going down.
    You'll be alright,
    No one can hurt you now.
    Come morning light,
    You and I'll be safe and sound."

    Inching closer, she sand some more. "Don't you dare look at your window, darling everything's on fire. The war outside our doors keep raging on..." Constance's voice was pretty, almost angelic, and much to her surprise Gilbert had join in from outside, humming the tune. "Hold onto this lullaby, even when the music's gone." For the next verse, she let her brother sing. The male Zoroark's eye's were half-closed, a sad aura surrounding him as if he too, was mourning.

    "Just close your eyes,
    The sun is going down.
    You'll be alright,
    No one can hurt you now.
    Come morning light,
    You and I'll be safe and sound."

    As the song drew to a close, Constance's Dragonair form started slowly fading away--like a ghost. The glowing blue scales drifted away with the winds leaving behind the frail dark-type. "Just close your eyes... You'll be alright..." She drew another breath. "Come morning light," Finally, she looked into Tenebre's eyes. "You and I'll be safe and sound..."

    Gingerly, Constance stood up, her hair sweeping against the cold cement floor, padding towards the yellow dragon, before hugging him. Embarrassed, the Zoroark turned tail and ran, leaping up a building and hiding on the roof.

    [OOC: The song is 'Safe and Sound' by Taylor Swift. ;w;]

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:45 am

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    Lilycove City//Dawn

    Siri smiled and wagged his tail before turning and poking his nose out from under the rug. Looking a little worried. "I'm scared something happened to them...." He said as he sniffed the air.

    "I'm sure there fine, just probably cought up in something. They wont forget where here." Soren said as he looked to his fellow eevee. A little worried himself now. He really hoped that they didn't leave them here.

    ((Sorry for short post, didn't know what to have him do really ono ))

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Drago Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:49 pm

    ((SOrry, I'm not gonna be able to write out a post in time. Skip please. >.<))

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:05 pm

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    Lilycove City | Dawn (19)

    Tenebre watched as Iris came closer to him and gave him a hug. Tears still falling down his muzzle, he wrapped his arms around the fluffy Ninetales and buried his head in her shoulder as her head was on his shoulder. Looking up to see Constance, he watched her illusion take place and his eyes grew wide as she began to sing. Tenebre was in awe of the beauty of her voice and the slow timbre of Gilbert's. Almost immediately he was whisked back in time.

    The sun was setting slowly on the horizon as Tenebre and Lumiere sat in the beach shore watching it. Wrapping his serpentine body around hers, he slowly sang for her as they fell asleep in each others grasp.

    Tenebre blinked tears from his eyes as Constance hugged him and ran out. Not knowing what to do, he kept his arms around Iris and buried his head once again in her shoulder.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Catalyst Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:31 pm

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    | Lilycove City // Dawn |


    Iris heard the Zoroarks singing, its melody calming her. She could have swore she heard this song somewhere before, but it was a distant memory of her childhood.

    The small, cream colored Vulpix looked up to the coffin that lay on a table in the manor. Her family around her cried, she herself not realizing what was going on. The Vulpix had just woke up. She felt a paw on her shoulder, her mother. Her mother pulled her into a hug, tears streaming down her canine, Ninetales muzzle. She wrapped all her tails around the small Vulpix. It was then that the little Vulpix realized. Her father was gone. She realized that her father must be laying in that coffin. Suddenly, the Vulpix started to cry into her mothers tails. The Ninetales muttered a song into her ear....

    Iris blinked even more tears from her eyes, huge splashes hitting the floor now. Tears spilled out of her eyes: the song ended. She felt the Zoroark arm wrap around in front of her face to give Tenebrae a hug. As quick as it happened, she ran out. Iris felt Tenebrae continue to hug her. Iris quietly whimpered, putting her face on his arm. I hope it didn't annoy him to have wet tears on his arm. Her eyes squinted shut.


    "I'm sure there fine, just probably cought up in something. They wont forget where here."

    Siri poked his head out from under the rug. "I wanna go see what's up." Siri made up his mind. He wriggled out from under the rug, seeing the door was open. "C'mon Soren!" he dug his nose under the carpet to look at Soren. "Let's go see what's up!"


    (OoC: OTL Old crappy pic is old and crappy. ^^;)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Min Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:07 am

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    Lilycove City| |Dawn

    Was it love? Constance couldn't tell. She had heard of this emotion many times, from friends to rivals, they had all been in love at some point. But this Zoroark? The only love she had ever known was for her brother, which she deemed mandatory either way because they were connected by blood. The illusionist curled up, wondering quietly as she traced outlines in the dusty soil.

    The fox felt genuine emotions for the dragon, a handsome, gentle giant who had saved her from her brother's fury. Now that Cobstance thought about it, she missed her brother dearly. Where had he gone? "I wish brother came back... I miss him. So very much." she mumbles, burying her face in her fur.

    Gilbert stayed standing around, waiting for this emotion episode to end. Man, this was really ruining his style. Pushing up his sunglasses he fixed his scarf, only to find blotches of grime on them. Growling in irritation, he began his hard work of scraping it out, gently using water from nearby sources to wet the delicate fabric and rub it away.

    The LILYCOVE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LILYCOVE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:38 pm

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    Lilycove City//Dawn

    Soren didn't say anything as he followed Siri out from under the rug. There safe spot not abandoned as they went to search for the others. Soren ran to the door and looked down the hall to make sure that the cost was clear before heading out. Making sure not to lose sight of Siri in there disobedience in leaving there hiding spot to look for the others.

    "Siri, where do you think the others will be?" He asked as he looked at his fellow eevee.

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