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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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12 posters



    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:58 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Cherrygrove | Dawn

    As the howls and screams grew closer and the nose-wrinkling stench of rot and viscera grew ever stronger Sal knew they were beginning to close in on the group. Galloping as fast as he could with Calypso now clinging to his back he was steadily keeping pace with the others. That is until he saw it...

    With a brief twist and a jerk Salazar grabbed Calypso and threw him with great marksmanship too Rea as she began take-off, and with that he was prepared.

    He wasn't sure what broke, but he knew something snapped as the charred damaged corpse of the Machamp from earlier slammed into Sal, smashing his jaw against the ground before grabbing him by the hair and grating his flesh against the ground in a full on run into the brush followed by the sound of several undead screams and a single pitch black explosion.

    (OoC: Salazar's leaving post, I'm sorry guys, I just have too much going on to stay for now.

    On a secondary note, Sal tossed Calypso to Rea who was nearby, work with this as you will, sorry it was so crappy, but I need to post this tonight and I am barely retaining conciousness.)

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Drago Wed May 01, 2013 10:30 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Cherrygrove | Dawn (12)

    Ender nodded slowly, still moving quickly along the trees. He trusted the feline's judgement, he supposed, but he was still worried. The small glimmer of doubt he thought he glimpsed on her face when she told him they would be alright... That didn't help the bad feeling in thep it of his stomach either. He truly hoped nothing happened to the others. Whatever was chasing them, it seemed like a large group. Or at least, it sounded like a large group. Even this far ahead, he could hear them, gutteral sounds, like beasts in a frenzy. And of course, that's what they were. Beasts. It disgusted him, to be honest, the corruption of the spirit and mind that come with this disease.

    Among these sounds, however, Ender's ears caught another noise. Crying? Here? He thought for a moment, annoyance flashing over his face quickly. Now? He didn't need to ask Cashlin if she heard it- it was loud enough that she likely wouldn't be able to miss it. He had staggered when he noticed it, narrowly managing to keep his gait along the tree branches. "Shit..." He said, hissing through his teeth. "Should we... Should we check it out?" He said, head tilted upwards. He would follow Cashlin, since she seemed to be hte leader of the group. The Charizard would find them eventually, but what mattered now was them.


    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 05, 2013 5:26 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Cherrygrove | Dawn | 5
    "We'll have to out maneuver them--those who are able to take care of themselves split up and go your own way! Regroup at the end of the forest."
    Ignius stood frozen to the spot as the others quickly departed. The end of the forest? I dont even know where i am!
    He quickly glanced in the direction the others had taken off to. Thinking on his feet, Ignius decided to follow the snappy feline. She seemed like she knew what she was doing.
    Ignius struggled to keep pace with the others, his short legs quickly tiring. He saw the oddly coloured Charizard take off a little ways away from him. Ignius squinted to make out the shape on her back and was surprised to see an abra, passed out cold. Wonder where he came from.

    Ignius tried his best to block out the noises he could hear behind him. Sounds like a whole pack of undead were after them. Ignius furrowed his brows as he realized that he was probably right. He struck out harder, digging his claws into the ground in an attempt to move faster.
    He lost his focus and stumbled over his paw. He crashed onto his side and slid on the hard ground. Quickly staggering to his feet he looked around alarmed. Did i hear right? Crying?
    Without a moments hesitation he sprinted after the others hoping to quickly catch up so he could share his discovery.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Min Sat May 11, 2013 1:55 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Cherrygrove| |Early Morning

    The sound of crying made Cashlin's eyes narrow and ears flick in mild annoyance. She was never the best with Pokemon who cried a lot--and this was no exception. The sound of wailing only irritated her further, fur bristling and she tried to ignore the sound. Anyone who was unable to care for them self in this world didn't deserve her attention. "Shit...Should we... Should we check it out?" the Liepard frowned. "I'd rather not, really. The more attention we attract to ourselves the worse things will get for us." she muttered, paws growing tired from the countless leaps and bounds.

    The feline heaved a sigh, scowling in distaste as she took a quick turn to the left. "But then again, I'd be a heartless bitch if I didn't go now." she mumbled under her breath, reluctantly traveling towards the source of the crying. She struggled to keep balance on the branches, the wood flimsy and weak as she tried not to fall to the weeds below. She disliked this kind mode of transportation--the street lamps in the Castelia streets were much more sturdier than these arceusdamned woodlands. Although she had to admit--they were certainly much easier to get a grip on.

    Posts : 8

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Zoroark Tue May 21, 2013 12:11 am

    His matted fur could barely be seen through the haze of the morning fog.
    The Zoroark hummed to himself quietly as he watched the group of pokemon in their chaos and confusion. The eerie tune ceased as his slitted eyes narrowed in a growing jealousy.

    The Pokemon all seemed to be working well with each other, despite their differences. They all worked towards something together.
    The Zoroarks' chest grew heavier with the heaving, dull pain that always ate at him.
    "Why not me?..."
    He whispered to himself, his sinister appearance softening into a deep pain only for an instant before rage replaced it.
    "Why not me?!" The fox roared, slamming his taloned fist into the ground before him. A crater opened up before him, the ground shuddering as he bounded after the group.

    They all have what I want...and they don't even care!

    The fox made one mighty leap, landing on the brightest creature of the bunch.
    "Ooooh, so beautiful! Your insides must be just as bright!" He laughed maniacally, his enormous claw stomping down on the Flareons' throat. The force made the fire type choke and gag, some sort of flame attack dying in its throat.
    The Zoroarks' head rose as he straightened, his voice erupting out of him.
    "Just to register emotion!" He belted out powerfully, his voice beautiful and flowing as his free claw moved to the Flareons' skull. The sharp talons pried into its' eye sockets, earning a symphony of screams from it.
    The talons recalled themselves bloody, leaving the sockets a hollow mess.
    The talons snaked upwards, its razor edges sinking under the skin and separating it from the skull.
    More shrieks followed, the Flareons' mouth lighting up with a Fire Fang. Its' small mouth latched onto the Zoroarks' arm, but the Illusion pokemon only dug his claws deeper as his macabre song grew louder.
    With a swift flash of his claws, the fox tore his paw free, freeing the maned skin from the bone, leaving a bleeding and bared skull, screaming and wailing as the flames licked at its skinless maw.
    The Zoroark took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he took in the screams and the sharp smell of blood.

    "...I could stay young and chipper..." He sang soothingly, his snout pointed to the sky, his face a mask of sorrow. His bloodied talons became gentle, stroking the convulsing Flareons' chest as it whimpered pitifully.

    "...And I'd lock it with a zipper..."
    The Zoroark lowered his gaze, staring down at his victim for the longest time with a longing, as if he were a lover. With a soft and slow sweep of his furred arms, he picked up the small fox up into an embrace. Holding the Flareon close, he slowly padded away from the group.

    "...If I only had a heart...."
    With a gentle claw, he slowly dug into the Flareons' small chest, one talon at a time. The fire fox wailed and convulsed as blood poured out of its' mouth, but the Zoroark continued until his claws could feel the frantic, pumping heart...

    ...And ever so slowly, freed it from its' cage.


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Min Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:56 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Outside Cherrygrove| |Late Evening

    Why must she always end up on her lonesome?

    The feline shuddered and shook as she sobbed. Long, drawn-out wails emitted from her lips, making no effort to hide her tears. So long she had searched for Jose, and when she finally found him he had slipped from her grasp. If only she had held on more tightly, insisted that he stayed...maybe the Krokorok simply didn't like her anymore. Had she become to bland? Too ugly? Too much of a bitch? Too much of a burden? "A-And...the others..." they were all gone. Salazar was gone. Rea was gone. Calypso was gone. Ender was gone. Ignius's body was colder and more dead than any undead would ever be. Unable to hold back anymore, she slammed herself against the rough bark of a tree, screeching as she let herself disgracefully crumple to the ground. She hadn't kept track of the time she had spent crying, the morning sun already set to evening. Her watery eyes gazed up at the orange sky.

    Never had she ever wanted so badly to claw the skies away.

    The orange was so bright, a happy, cheery bright. Not like the usually dark, mourning colour that she had spied from the Castelia ports. This one was too peppy, to joyous, so much that she wanted to claw it. Claw it until it bled out it's darker shades, because this brightness felt like it was mocking her. Her gentle features mutated into a rigid scowl, eyes narrowed and brimming with hatred as she looked to her paws. Bloody and wounded, she had fled after she watched what happened to the Flareon. She had ran away from the soft wailing, the panicked screams, and the vicious snarls. It was all her fault, all of it. Her fault she lead them into the forest. Her fault she didn't help them. Her fault that she abandoned them, in the end. "I'm sorry." she choked out, burying her shameful face under her paws. "Please...forgive me."

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