Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    Age : 28
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Catalyst Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:28 pm

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    | Cherrygrove City // Dawn |

    Salazar had politely slipped from her arms, and her entire world had went blank. She didn't see the newcomers, she didn't see the others talking. She was stuck in the prison of her own mind, any outside reaction bouncing off her mental shield. She was sitting, drooped over, her eyes glazed over, not even aware so much as to blink. Although her eyelids did go over her lenses, a wave crashing over a desert. She needed to snap out of it. Her friends needed her. Although, where have most of them gone? All she could imagine herself in is just a sea of black and a sky of just as black. She looked up, and it scared her to see her vision was just as blinded. She saw nothing, but only her friends. Wait, was some trippy as fuck dream? She got up, still feeling the grass under her feet. Suddenly, it's like she had vertigo. She hit the ground, her world spinning, the sky coming back. Her eyes were slightly glazed over and half closed as she blinked them. Had she fainted for the whole time? She made a soft noise, her ears ringing and buzzing like bees. She looked up, seeing the others walk off. She huffed quietly, pushing her clammy body up off the ground to follow them. But then it occurred to her; where was Salazar?
    "Salazar...?" She glanced around, looking for him with her clouded eyes. She spied him, next to a yellow blob of an Abra, and a black, tall reptile pokemon. She didn't know, nor care at this point. She walked over, feeling a bit more comforted by his presence. As she trudged over, her dizziness got the best of her. She swooned a moment, then collapsed against her friends grey fur, fainted for good and tired from stress.

    (OoC: She conked out really hard. ^^; She kinda fainted on Salazar, but slightly in front of everyone. Lol Rea, you so derp.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:16 pm

    [gfdi Please skip. OTL Seriously drawing a blank without Salazar or Cashlin. ;u;]

    Age : 27
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Drago Wed Nov 21, 2012 4:14 pm

    ((Skip please, need Lulu))

    Age : 25
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Min Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:12 pm

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    Cherrygrove| |Dawn

    She was breaking out in cold sweat, body tense as a rock. It was only when a hand touched and shook her shoulder that her mind was brought back to reality. "Hey mate." The voice sounded vaguely familiar, her mind screeching. 'Jose?! Is it Jose?!' "Time to wake up." Her eyes jolted open, looking up in hopes of seeing the handsome mug of a Krokorok there but instead was met with the dark, hat-wearing Sceptile. Cashlin's eyes were filled with disappointment and hurt, at the brim of tears but then softened. 'I can't be angry at him for something he isn't,'

    Slowly standing up, she gave the grass-type a curt nod. "Thank you," she mumbles, albeit a bit awkwardly as she looked back to the broken group. Nothing really had changed, her head still pounding and legs weak from her wounds. "Let's go find shelter." she stated, her voice now a bit cold. She can't have emotion at times like this, not when everyone is slowly going insane. Padding towards one of the better-off houses, she flicked her tail weakly for others to follow. "Don't make me wait. C'mon,"

    Age : 28
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:11 pm

    (OoC: Skip. Rea's out cold. ^^;)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:55 am

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    Salazar put his ruby clawed three fingered hand to his chin as he pondered Calypso and the Sceptile's question, thinking long and hard, a grin although friendly to him that would appear sinister to those unaccustomed to him began to spread across his face. His spirits currently rejuvenated, his sorrow drowned like a sack of kittens, his eyes beginning to glow starting at a rich cyan, then turning a deep crimson as he swept his right arm across an nonexistent horizontal surface. A mahogany wooden table forming, with what could best be seen a a three dimensional representation of them in their current position appearing trees, buildings, beach and all, with the surrounding areas the zoroark was conscious of appearing as well.

    "We are right here in Cherrygrove, to the East other is a small mostly destroyed town that ends in yet another watery way leading to the Pokemon league, Mt. Silver, and Kanto. To the West and North of us is the rest of this region. Personally I'm more familiar with the Kanto areas, and my owner and I battled the Elite four of these two regions once, so I'm vying for that direction." Clicking two of his nails, the view on the tiny table changed dramatically as it zoomed in on them with more detailed representations of each individual there. "We could try one of the towns over though, since we have the unconscious Liepard, whatever we do, staying in this town is a death wish now that every infected within 5 miles has heard us." to confirm this the distant howls, roars, and shrieks grew closer. And too emphasize his point sal mentally made several red blips on his illusory map appear, slowly approaching.

    Tilting his head slightly at the Liepard stirring from her unconsciousness he clicked his jaw in thought.
    "We need to choose somewhere to go and get there fast."


    The illusions vanished almost instantly as the Charizard fell unconscious against him, worry and shock spreading across his face as he grabbed Rea before she fell. With care Salazar placed his friend on his back and dropped to all fours to support her added weight.

    "We should move now"
    He ended before giving an nod to Calypso to come ride on his back as well if he wished it.
    (Ooc: rushed and crappy)

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:07 pm

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    Cherrygrove City || Dawn || 10

    His eyes having been fixed on the Liepard lying out cold on the ground, seemingly unmoving for an unknown amount of time, Calypso jerked and jumped back a little in surprise when Cashlin jolted awake without warning at Ender's quiet call. The Abra looked over at Ender, surprised, believing he had somehow, magically managed to wake up the cat and holding the semi-stranger in higher respect. He was a rather polite guy, too; also, nice hat. Calypso turned back to the Liepard with a small, shy smile on his face, happy for her now that she was awake and... relatively safe/healthy, but it was almost immediately wiped out by the cold tone in her voice. "Let's go find shelter. Don't make me wait. C'mon,"

    His nervousness was back again. Calypso hated that part about himself so much. He always started getting a little and shaky when he became uncertain or under pressure. How should he respond? 'Yes ma'am'? Ask her if something was on her mind? Oh, but he was afraid of making a bad impression... Thankfully, though, Salazar stepped in, distracting him before he started fretting even more. The Abra looked up at Salazar's white-painted face and the wide grin that slowly spread across it -- the familiar grin. It brought back a little of Calypso's own smile. At least there was still something there that was familiar and comfortable to him.

    "We are right here in Cherrygrove..." the Zoroark began, and Calypso's attention was almost immediately taken by the sight of the illusions the former conjured up with what seemed to be no effort at all. It was a trait that the Abra had always idolized about the other. Despite being a strong psychic type, or should be one, Calypso was still young and his psychic powers were limited to some basic teleporting and telekinesis. Of course, it was enough to entertain those at the Carnival, and Calypso was good enough; but no one could compare to Salazar. "...whatever we do, staying in this town is a death wish now that every infected within 5 miles has heard us." The last sentence sent a shiver down the Abra's spine. If every infected around was like that big red devil, he definitely did not want to stick around. "We should move now," Salazar said at the end, dropping down to help carry the odd-coloured Charizard.

    "But where are we supposed to go?" Calypso dared to ask, shaking his head at Salazar's last, silent offer. He was alright for now. The Abra didn't feel awfully tired. "Are we just going to... wander?" The young psychic-type couldn't help but let a small smile cover his face. Traveling around with Salazar and a couple of other pokémon. The feeling was a little sad, yet also nostalgic. In an odd way. It was a lot like his life before the epidemic happened.

    Age : 27
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Drago Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:44 pm

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    Cherrygrove City | Dawn (5)

    Ender raised an eyebrow at the feline's expression upon being woken up, but he said nothing. She had thanked him, after all. Standing up straight, he turned his head in time to see the blue and red fox he hadn't taken much note of earlier begin to move. A large brown table appeared in front of him, nearly making the Sceptile jump. On top of it was a large three-dimensional map that looked strikingly like what he could remember of the Kanto region. Surprise turned to joy as he realized what he was seeing. This guy could create illusions to his liking. What an ability! Laughing heartily, Ender closed in around the table. "Oi, mate. I think you and I will get along great." He said, before the other began his planning.

    Listening intently to the others, he nodded his head in thought. He was about to make a point, when the pale dragon fell against the blue one, who by now Ender had decided must be Salazar. Eyes widening, he was surprised to see him put her on his back. The guy was strong enough to carry a Charizard as well? He just kept impressing him. Clearing his throat, he made his suggestion. "I wouldn't mind heading back to Kanto. I grew up in those woods." Shaking his head, he continued. "Wandering won't help much. We need to head to a town or city. Somewhere where survivors would gather. Somewhere there will be supplies- food, equipment, TMs, anything." Stopping to let the ideas sink in, he added after a moment, "We need somewhere we can get to rather quickly, but not something so close that the Undead will just follow us there. If we stay in Johto, I suggest Mohagany town, near enough to get to, far enough to be relatively isolated. If we go to Kanto, we should go to Vermillion City. It's the kind of place that nothing would be able to sneak up on us, due to the water on all sides. It's up to you, however, where you want to go." Swallowing, he let the others speak. He made his point.


    Age : 25
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Min Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:02 am

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    Cherrygrove| |Dawn

    "We need to choose somewhere to go and get there fast." She had only seen a glimpse of the map before it vanished. She frowned slightly, watching the others. "I wouldn't mind heading back to Kanto. I grew up in those woods." Cashlin blinked for a moment, trying to recall what the region was like. "Are we just going to... wander?" The Abra had asked, and the feline looked towards the psychic. "It will be hard to wander with all our injuries, but it's a thought for when we've all regained our strengths."

    "If we go to Kanto, we should go to Vermillion City. It's the kind of place that nothing would be able to sneak up on us, due to the water on all sides. It's up to you, however, where you want to go." Snapping her head to the Sceptile, Cashlin frantically shook her head. "Water's even worse," she responds, distraught in her voice. "I'm not saying this because I'm a cat, I'm saying this because I've seen it. Have you seen those monsters in the sea? Especially Gyarados, and when none of us are water-types, one mess-up could get one of us drowned," she murmured, casting a glance to the ground. "We can't travel very far right now, so I think we should head over to Violet City, rest, then make our way to Mahogany. The further we go the stronger the undead will be, so we need our strength,"

    Age : 28
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:00 am

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    | Cherrygrove City // Dawn |

    Darkness. Pitch black darkness. The lizard opened her eyes, seeing the ground fly by her. But she was on solid ground, how was this possible? She groaned and struggled up on her feet, her senses bewildered. She looked down, the ground soaring below her as if she were flying. But she was standing upright on her feet. She inspected the land closer, and in a moment, the land went from normal to inverted color, the sky orange and the plants red. She frowned, finding as things started to devolve into basic shapes and flip upside down out of unison. This couldn't be reality. She looked around, the scene suddenly going blood red. The lizard jerked in reaction, curling up at the sound of a thunder clap. Her eyes wandered, searching for any sentient being. Suddenly, something came into focus, moving along in space with her. The Salazar-like Zoroark stood with his back to her, leaned over a lab station. She crawled up and near him, suddenly the size of a Charmander again. He looked down, patting her on the head as he continued his experiment. He started babbling nonsense about what he was doing (apparently it was something having to do with carbon bonds or some such, she wasn't sure.) Suddenly, the scene seemed to melt, Salazar's voice warping with it. The Charizard screamed in fright, begging for him to come back. But as the words flew out, they seemed to be lost. She was mute. She watched as the fox turned into a puddle, his muzzles still burbling before its skin melted off, sizzling into nothing as it poofed to ashes. She looked quietly down at it, trying to make sense of what she'd just saw. He's her only friend now.... Like her scientist friend was before. She must have been frightened to lose her best friend. There suddenly was a large silhouette of a reptile, seemingly looming over the lizard before it came into focus. The blood red eyes of the Krookodile glimmered, still holding the cat in it's grip. It struggled, giggling gleefully as it caught sight of the frightened dragon. He looked down, his skin suddenly flashing away for a moment as his skeleton showed, then went back to bloody strips of hanging flesh. The cat was ripped up as bad as he had been before he died. She looked up; her skin would have been clammy if she could sweat. The Krookodile seemed almost like a puppeteer, pulling at the invisible strings attached to the lions legs and mouth with his hand. The feline cackled again. "Well, what are you waiting fooorr HEEHEEHEE," his skin flashed away again, his teeth forming into a needle shape. His voice screamed on g-major, "KILL ME." The demonic laughter echoed in her ears menacingly. She whimpered soundlessly, her eyes closing tightly. It screamed cheerfully again, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Do you just SIMPLY ENJOY my AGONY??" She looked up, the crocodile speaking as it did, the flesh puppet grinning as evily as the reptile. She couldn't respond, but it demanded an answer. It screeched eerily again as the puppeteer squeezed his throat, the lion giggling as if it were ticklish. It wanted to die. It talked to her again "C'mon, GIRLY, you know your KILLER INSTINCTS tell you to. You KILLED ME ONCE. WHAT'S A SECOND TIME?" It screeched in maniacal laughter. It drowned the Charizard's brain in nothing else, just hearing the unnatural happiness of it. She was trapped, she had to wake up. Wake up somehow....


    (OoC: She's having a nightmare. ^^; But she's so heavy in sleep that she isn't moving. I couldn't very well have her wake up just yet. x3)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:33 am

    [I'm lost without Salazar. ;; Sorry for yet another skip. ;;]

    Age : 27
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Drago Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:19 pm

    ((Images aren't working for me at the moment. >.<))
    Cherrygrove City | Dawn (6)

    Ender nodded. The cat made some sound points. Mahogany did seem like the best bet. "I haven't been near the water in a long while. Although we could stay in the center of the city, well out of reach of the Gyarados, it's likely not worth the risk." Nodding to himself, he took off his hat and fanned himself with it lightly. The day was starting to heat up a bit. Looking north, he tried to make out the path to Violet. It wasn't very far away... "We should probably be able to make it before noon, if we leave now." He said, leaving the final decision to the others. He would help to keep them focused, but he couldn't take the lead. Not yet, at least.

    Age : 25
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Min Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:49 pm

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    Cherrygrove| |Dawn

    "We should probably be able to make it before noon, if we leave now." The Liepard grinned like a Cheshire, quite pleased by the outcome. Stretching out her legs, she stood as straight as she could with her wounds, already beginning to limp away. Cashlin looked back to the others, before giving an exhausted sigh. "One of you boys carry Rea, please?" she requested, turning around to face the living properly. Flicking her tail in frustration, her voice slowly turned into one who was used to giving orders and commands, fixing her posture as she addressed them.

    "Wounded or not, we're leaving immediately. Rea will be carried until she gains consciousness and is able to walk on her own. We will only be taking short, five minute breaks when a group consensus is made that we cannot go any farther without rest. Any objections should be directed to the garbage because I'm not taking any," with a curt nod, she turned and began her trek out of Cherrygrove, flicking her tail as a signal for the others to hurry up. "Come along now, time is not one to wait."

    Age : 28
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Catalyst Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:53 am

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    | Cherrygrove City // Dawn |

    The tan lizard hadn't felt that she was on her best friends back, being carried to some place she hadn't an idea. Her nightmares still ensued, her body keeping quiet despite the dark images. She was still. After a while she stirred, her eyes barely opening. She didn't realize what was happening, only that she was moving forward, and something furry was near her nostrils. She recognized the scent as her friend's, Salazar's. She felt too weak to move, not planning to move much as a matter of fact. She blinked, almost weakly, watching the scenery go by. She couldn't find her voice, so she was silent. Her breathing was shallow. She felt like crying from the nightmare she had just experienced. Although, she couldn't bring herself to it. She was just too exhausted. She hurt the garbled voices of the others through the haze of drowsiness.

    "Wounded or not, we're leaving immediately. Rea will be carried until she gains consciousness and is able to walk on her own. We will only be taking short, five minute breaks when a group consensus is made that we cannot go any farther without rest. Any objections should be directed to the garbage because I'm not taking any. Come along now, time is not one to wait."

    Conscious? I feel like I'm half dead.... She lay and watched the scenery go by. The Zoroark's fur was too comfy to even consider moving, but his footsteps caused his shoulder blades to push against her oddly and almost uncomfortably. The exhaustion was beginning to wrap her in it's unescapable chains. She exhaled sharply, giving up and letting it consume her again, her consciousness slipping. Her eyes closed heavily.


    (OoC: Most boring post ever. BU Ever. Why did I even think this would be an ok post, it's terrible. lol)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:49 pm

    (SKIP: For the sake of Verdzi, Let's say that Salazar after mumbling mild discontent with the Liepard's personality asks Calypso how he's coping and were he had gone and been when the Carnival was destroyed, before stating that he's simply glad his little buddy is here and safe for the time being.

    Then Salazar illusions himself as an Magnezone with Rea still remaining on his back.

    fyi, when he speaks to Calypso it's exclusionary sound being produced solely to the Psychic Pokemon's perception.)

    Age : 27
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Drago Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:05 pm

    ((SKip please, I'm really sorry, but I'm not gonna have time to post before tomorrow. Sorry for holding the team up. >.<))

    Age : 25
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Min Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:40 pm

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    Cherrygrove| |Dawn

    Padding towards the outskirts of the town, along with occasional glances back to make sure the others were following, Cashlin soon halted when the sounds of howl and caterwauls began to draw closer. "They're almost here," she murmured, voice hushed as she listened. "...Come now, before they find us!" Saying her orders, the Liepard immediately began to dash at a medium pace, entering the forests surrounding the area. The feline's path was zig-zagged, darting past trees and boulders.

    Suddenly the Liepard came to a halt, fur pricking and back arching as she hissed at the monstrosity before her. A large Feraligatr, it's maw decorated with the flesh of it's victims, easily towered over the feline. It growled and snapped it's jaws, narrowing it's eyes before it made a mad sprint towards the group, a Hydropump forming within the bloody confines of it's mouth. Within only a few seconds, the water erupted from it's throat, Cashlin only narrowly dodging the attack as she leaped away, then facing the group. "Run! I'll distract it!"

    Age : 28
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Catalyst Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:59 pm

    (OoC: Oh wow, I used an extension for no reason. I just remembered Rea went unconscious. *facepalm* Sorry for holding up the team bros, I gotta sit this one out for right now. ^^;)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:35 pm

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    Cherrygrove / Dawn

    As Salazar dashed after the Liepard with his friend strewn on his back and resting tangled in his dirty hair he stopped did a double take before narrowly avoiding a Reddish-tinted blood smelling hydropump rocketing directly past him. "Run! I'll distract it!" Cashlin yelled from up ahead as she dodged some distance from the towering beast, a extremely large undead Feraligator.

    Pausing for what felt like hours but was in actuality only a few seconds of thought, Our dear Azure haired vulpine carnie came to the conclusion that there was no way that the Feline could take on the lumbering crocodilian by herself in her current physical condition. While thinking this over, Salazar rolled Rea off of his back before setting her at the base of a tree and cloaking her as a mound of moss and ivy with his illusions.
    Taking a deep breath, and composing himself the bipedal canine stood back onto his legs and placed his claws together as if meditating or praying before spreading his arms out wide and taking a bow. Sal’s entire body becoming shrouded in a complete veil of impenetrable blackness, save his face, the paint now glinting like a ghostly pearl as all detail faded save for the black detailed lines and the now completely noir eyes. As he rises from his bow, a deadlock smiled on this illusionary masked replica of his face.
    Lowering his stature to a half hunch, he observes his alley and the enemy with extreme scrutiny, judging her too close to unleash a Night Daze. Calculating the blast radius and effectiveness, he instead lunges forward as the beast lunges forward to slam down onto the Liepard, his now black claws becoming shrouded in a purple-umber aura as he rends through the flesh of the creature’s side with a Night Claw, tearing out a rotted length of large intestine frot and filled with mold and small gory chunks of half-digested entities who are long out of luck. The beast enraged by this distraction, whipping around with its large head and chomping at Salazar with its huge putrid maggot infested maw only narrowly missing the contorting Fox as he vanishes from the visible spectrum, only to appear again after leaping and digging his claws through its back and puncturing it’s lungs to prevent it from producing anymore sound, this confusing deception of this pathetic entrée only fueling the creatures mangled fury as it begins thrashing around violently, firing an ever reddening and possibly purple hued torrents of water from its mouth as it’s clawed hands reach and grab at the Zoroark, only for him to leap off.

    Rolling to the side from an enraged HydroPump, Our sauntering friend manifests a shockwave of pink energy and fires a Psychic Hidden Power at the beast.

    Salazar’s voice ringing in Cashlin’s ears as he communicates via audio-illusionary means.
    “Aim for jointed areas and cripple it while I distract and dismember it. Once it is sufficiently weakened I advise removing yourself from close proximity as I deliver a fatal final blow.” His voice sounding cold and calculating as opposed to it's general soft content tone.

    (OoC: Yeah I know, Kind of shitty post. But At least I've managed to get him to actually do something for once.)

    Age : 25
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Min Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:06 pm

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    Cherrygrove| |Dawn

    Cashlin was weary and tired, her previous episode of blood loss only burdening the lithe cat as she stumbled in her landings. Her paws were no longer the ones that were able to balance from the very peaks of Castelia anymore, no, age and wounds had slowed her down. The Liepard grunts as she almost twists her ankle, wincing slightly on her haphazard evasions. Suddenly, she pauses in her small dodging waltz, ears flicking as she hears a voice. “Aim for jointed areas and cripple it while I distract and dismember it. Once it is sufficiently weakened I advise removing yourself from close proximity as I deliver a fatal final blow.”

    She watches as Salazar battles the reckless Feraligatr with her, his movements precise and well-planned. Through the cold, unnatural harshness of the voice, Cashlin hypothesizes that is belonged to the carnival Zoroark, and nods in acknowledgment. "Alright," She says, a little reluctantly, in agreement. The Liepard quietly remembers the old days in her gang, her place as the leader giving her much responsibility and the need to give orders. She hadn't followed another for such a long time, but felt her muscles relax slightly. 'It feels better, sometimes, knowing that you can trust someone to make the right decisions.'

    Flexing out her claws, the Liepard caterwauls as she launches herself as a furious Aerial Ace towards the water-type, aiming for the joints as the Zoroark had requested her to. Cashlin yowls and hisses, her move not missing even once as she releases a wrathful onslaught of swipes and lunges.

    Age : 28
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:42 pm

    (OoC: Skip, please. Rea is still out of it.)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:57 pm

    (OoC: Skip, Cannot think of a good combative scenario to post, and am focusing on finals.)

    Age : 27
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    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Drago Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:21 am

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    Cherrygrove | Dawn (7)

    Ender followed the others, staying slightly behind. He'd bring up the rear, and keep track of anything chasing them. Before going far, however, the howls began. They were still farther away, he thought, but not far enough away for comfort. Turning his head back, he nearly jumped when he saw an extra pokemon carrying Rea- no. That Magnezone was an illusion. He shook his head, tipping his hat to the creature in front of him. That Salazar was a card, all right. He suspected the kid would make quite a show as a magician somewhere, if times weren't so bad.

    Cashlin began to quicken her pace, and Ender changed to match it, as they entered the woods. Ah, the forest. He lived for these places. Looking around, he decided the scale the nearest tree he could reach. The feat was simple, jumping and pushing himself up the rough bark. Swinging from a thick branch, he threw himself onto the top of another nearby tree. Dashing from branch to branch, he followed above the others, careful not to get his hat caught on a branch. It took him a moment to realize, however, that Cashlin had stopped suddenly below, and that he had gotten ahead. Dropping down silently, he retraced his steps along the ground, trying to refind the group. When he found them, however, he found something else too. A large Feraligatr. Undead, by the look of it. He was behind it, and the others directly in front, trying to fight it off. It didn't look like it knew he was there. Trying to catch Salazar's eye, he put a finger over his lips to signal his intent.

    As silent as he could manage, he bent down, on foot flat and one knee touching the ground. Closing his eyes, he focused his energy onto the bulbs on his back. The orbs began to glow with a stronger purple, slowly becoming as black as the rest of his body. Oddly, the black orbs still seemed to give off light. In an instant, leaves burst out of the bulbs, surronding Ender in a bladed shield. He would only have one shot, because the Leaf Storm would leave him too tired to use it again for a while. Dashing forward, he pounded against the Undead's back, attempting to distract it long enough for the others to finish it off. If it didn't work, he'd have to move quick. He hoped he'd be able to move quick enough to survive.

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:03 pm

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    Cherrygrove | Dawn | 1

    Ignius wandered through the quiet woods, his focus centered on his own thoughts. He remembered his undying love for his trainer. Remembered how he had left him there to save his own life. This was only a few weeks ago. Now he travelled blindly through the undead lands. Wide eyed with fear, hunger gnawing at his stomach and an ache in his heart was how his days went about. Ignius focused back to his surroundings. Breathing in the fresh sent of the vegetation and enjoying the clean air free of the rotting fumes of the undead.

    As his paws padded lightly on the leaf strewn floor he heard the distant growls of a fight. He froze momentarily, perking his large ears. He hadn't fought for a long while and was frightened by what might be happening. Tentatively he padded onwards towards the source. His curiosity overriding his judgement. He peaked through the ferns and gasped as he saw a large undead Feraligatr. Ignius slowly shifted his eyes to observe the other pokemon attacking it. Living? He thought surprised. He hadn't seen many living pokemon on his travels once the epidemic started. His eyes darted to a lithe dark shape behind the undead. What's that pokemon doing?He pondered, genuinely curious. Ignius jumped back, startled, as leaves burst out from behind the pokemon and encircled it. All ignius could do was stare wide eyed as the fight went on.

    (OOC: sorry that took so long. I've been a little busy)

    The CHERRYGROVE Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The CHERRYGROVE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:54 am

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    Cherrygrove City || Dawn || 11

    Whatever was wrong with the Charizard, the Abra didn't know, but nonetheless her state worried him. As far as he knew, the odd-coloured Charizard seemed to just be in a constant state of unconsciousness during the approximate thirty or so minutes Calypso had been with the group. It was honestly a bit awkward; it was great he got reunited with Salazar, but he was surrounded by strangers; two of which, had passed out at least once. He worried for the health and mental state of these survivors, and judging by how they weren't very awkward with each other, Calypso could only assume they had been together as a group for a while. Which brought him to the thought; how many of them had there been in the beginning? How many had died? The Abra had just witnessed the grey-blue lion, the Luxray, die at the maw of a monstrous gator.

    Salazar's voice echoing in his head was very comforting, however, and distracted Calypso from his momentary, depressing thoughts. Raking up his psychic powers, he answered back; I'm alright... still a litte shaky, I guess. I've met some weird pokémon while I was away... The Abra frowned a bit as he quietly padded after the rest of the group, just beside Salazar. Perhaps it was because he had spent so long around the Zoroark, but even with his amazing illusions, the Abra could somehow just... sense that it was his friend. It was as if there was a sense of security that simply followed the Zoroark everywhere that gave Calypso comfort. How about you? What have you been doi...?

    He never got to finish the question, having been interrupted by the Liepard from earlier; Cashlin, was her name? Her hushed warning, coupled with the distant wailing of mysterious creatures, send shivers down Calypso's spine, and he found himself edging closer to Salazar's leg. The Abra stayed silent as Cashlin shot ahead, sneaking through the forest's trees and boulders with the silence only a predator could make. A short refrain of silence was quickly broken by a loud, hostile hiss and a deep, throaty growl, Calypso glancing up to see the cause -- and being met with the sight of a towering, blood-dripping gator. Except this time, it was a water one. The Abra practically did a double take, twitching automatically with fear, ducking right in time to avoid the Feraligatr's initial attack towards the group. It was too soon for another, giant Undead to attack their group, and just his great luck it had to be another, bloodthirsty reptilian.

    The comforting feeling of having Salazar by his side was gone. Already, the Zoroark was off, laying the unconscious Charizard down before jumping off into battle. The Abra watched, feeling frozen in that spot, as he watched his familiar circus brother rip into the Undead without any mercy to show, tearing out lengths of intestine and various innards, into its sides, into its back, into its chest. The freakshow in the spotlight only became angrier with each hit, letting out attacks at random in blind rage and instinct. And there was Calypso, stuck in the middle of that unholy mess. His legs wouldn't move to carry him away from the scene. The roaring hurt his ears. Everything seemed to spin around in a merry-go-round, and the poor little Abra couldn't tell which way was in and which way was out. He felt lost, and felt that internal instinct of his species to just forget it and teleport away, to just disappear like a trick in the face of danger. Forget about everyone else. Save yourself.That was what he did when the Carnival was attacked by Undead.

    You left it to die. So it's your fault, isn't it?

    "Stop!" With a sharp cry, the Abra suddenly let loose a wave of psychic power that swept through the strip of forest like a gust of wind, shifting stones and blowing leaves within a few feet of himself. A splitting headache tore at his head and Calypso held it with his clawed hands, curling up into a ball. Stones lifted themselves from the ground and were hurled haphazardly towards the Feraligatr, give or take a couple of feet in accuracy. His psychic power spun out of control, lashing out in waves that would probably make him suffer later. It didn't matter. He just wanted the gator gone.

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