Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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12 posters




    Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:48 pm

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    CherryGrove City [Shore] | Evening [1]

    The Sand Croc finally reached the Johto region, the journey was long and harsh, especially since he's just riding a bunch of wooden planks tied together to make his 'boat'. Jose got off the planks, feeling the sand between his toes. He felt homesick for the Desert Resort, but he needed to find Cashlin, in which all trails led over to the Johto region. "Dios mio! At last I have reached the Johto region, with the hermosa luna greeting me..."

    Jose didn't really know what to do now that he's here, suppose he should just look for clues that could led him to Cashlin? Or perhaps why there's the Palga? The Unovian Pokemon shrugged it off, it's the evening at the moment, he'd rather just simply gaze at the moon... But he could be attacked any minute.

    He looked about for any signs of the undead, scanning each of the houses in front of him, they all seemed pretty normal. Except for the fact that some of them were burnt down. It seems like a normal sight for an apocalyptic world to him. Though it still scared the mierda out of him. Jose would rather cower in the corner than to fight them. Jose let out a sigh, they seem no different than a regular Pokemon, just more... Cannibal. He shouldn't really be so scared, but the intimidating looks and hungry eyes just makes him freeze up or scared to death. He was surely a ladies man, he rolled his eyes at his own failure.

    "Hay alguien ahí?" Jose called out, his Spanish accent became heavy, probably because he didn't drink any fresh water recently, the Sand Croc really didn't want to go drink some water the undead has touched. He surely doesn't want to drink the ocean water! Even if an undead sniffed it, he really doesn't want to drink it. He gazed at each one of the houses, checking for any sign of life... That is actually alive and sane.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291


    Post by Min Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:02 pm

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    Cherrygrove City| |Evening

    Cashlin had arrived at Cherrygrove a few weeks ago, having hopped onto a ferry that crashed into a town that she didn't know the name of. It was a peaceful city, but she couldn't understand why it was even called one. Looking at the small number of houses, this area would've more or less been described better if it were called a town or a village than a city.

    The Liepard examined the area, finding most of the houses burnt down. She scowled in disgust as the ashy scent infiltrated her lungs. She hate the smell of burnt things, it made her cough. Suddenly, she heard a voice. A familiar voice. One with a Spanish accent that she used to bicker with. "Dios mio! At last I have reached the Johto region, with the hermosa luna greeting me..." It was coming from the beach. Her fur pricked and immediately she vanished into thin air.

    Carefully, she leaped off the, thankfully, still intact roof she was perched on and headed towards the beach, seeing a figure standing there. A figure that was too familiar. "Hay alguien ahí?" he called. Cashlin, with the months she had spent with a certain Spanish Krokorok, learned enough to understand that the figure was asking if anyone was here. She wondered if she should answer, of just mess with the croc. After a moment of thinking, she decided on the latter.

    "¡Estoy aquí!" she called back, still invisible. She was thankful she knew basic Spanish, it would be enough to possibly confuse Jose. She had fun playing tricks on him, it was a pastime the Liepard enjoyed indulging in.

    Last edited by Luteshi on Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234


    Post by Catalyst Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:45 pm

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    | Cherrygrove City// Evening |

    The tan Charizard had been walking on all fours along the beaten path coming into the town from the north. She sighed to herself.

    "I'm tired of all these infected.... It's so depressing to be surrounded by such depressing scenery...." she thought to herself, coming to the entrance of the town. She suddenly perked up and stood, hearing the ocean. She smiled at the houses that looked in-tact from her side. She seemed to She slightly jumped at the new voice she heard.

    "Hay alguien ahí?"

    She perked up. Knowing Spanish, she was slightly amused by this. Just before she called out though, another pokemon made its presence known to the other.

    "¡Estoy aquí!"

    "I'm here...." she thought, translating in her head. She decided that they were friendly, but just to make sure....

    "Hola! Amigo o enemigo?" she shouted, "Friend or enemy?" She waited for a response before turning the bend, making sure these pokemon were safe. She smiled.
    "I finally have some company...."

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:24 pm; edited 5 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life


    Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:17 pm

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    CherryGrove City [Shore] | Evening [2]

    To be honest, Jose never quite expected a reply to come hurling back at him, especially one that actually sounds familiar, ""¡Estoy aquí!" Possibly, he could have found Cashlin, or someone impersonating her, or someone just plain out sounding like the Liepard. Nonetheless he gazed at the buildings, there is nothing unnatural going on, nor was there any sign of movement, though he could be just going mad, he replied... But he got cut off my an unfamiliar, new voice, "Hola! Amigo o enemigo?"

    The Sand Croc chuckled, "I do not know, for I have not met you!" He laughed a bit, "I will consider you an amigo no?" He stayed where he was at the sandy area, the voice sounded feminine, a high probability that he was speaking to a chica, "Mi hermosa rosa, come over to the shore, I shall have a word with you, and introduce myself formally."

    Even in the Apocalypse, it's not so bad that there's still a couple of ladies that Jose could woo for a bit. Being a gentlemen would bring his mind away from the real world, perhaps for a bit. The first voice continued to ring in his mind, Cashlin could possibly be here. The clues that the Liepard had left... Perhaps she could be here.

    The sound of the ocean broke his thoughts, he whirled around, only to see it being calm, strange, he thought he had heard a splash, or something getting out of the water. Jose was going insane, he shook his head, waiting for the new voice to come reveal herself.


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291


    Post by Min Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:25 pm

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    Cherrygrove City| |Evening

    "Hola! Amigo o enemigo?" Cahslin blinked before looking around and spotting a oddly coloured Charizard near her. She gave a silent hiss, shuffling away. She was still invisible, but she didn't want to risk getting accidentally stepped on.

    "Mi hermosa rosa, come over to the shore, I shall have a word with you, and introduce myself formally." The Liepard grinned. She would go to the beach too, and possibly play a prank on her partner. "¡Está bien! Yo voy a ir!" she yelled back, a quiet cackle escaping her lips as she bounded to the beach. it was then that she realized there was a flaw with her invisibility.

    Every time she had tread on sand, a small, Liepard-like pawmark would become apparent. She scowled at the revelation, now being easy to detect, before leaping onto Jose's back and revealing herself, now visible. She swished her tail, purring. "Hello~"

    Last edited by Luteshi on Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234


    Post by Catalyst Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:40 pm

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    | Cherrygrove City // Evening |

    She got her response.

    "I do not know, for I have not met you!" the male called back, his Spanish accent thick. She smiled nervously to herself. "Course...."

    "I will consider you an amigo, no? Mi hermosa rosa, come over to the shore, I shall have a word with you, and introduce myself formally."

    Reasonable enough. She rounded the corner, and saw who she had been talking to. She smiled at the Krokorok. "A Spanish Krokorok. Imagine that." She heard the unknown pokemon again suddenly.

    "¡Está bien! Yo voy a ir!"

    Well if this pokemon was friendly enough to offer its condition, it obviously was good in intentions. Rea smiled and started to walk over on all fours, swishing her body almost lizard like. She suddenly saw paw prints in the sand, and stopped. "Ah, that's weird...." she thought, seeing them go straight for the Krokorok. She would have said something, but before she could, the animal leaped onto the new pokemon, before exposing itself. A Liepard.


    Well.... She seemed in good intentions. Rea smiled widely at the two.

    "Hola-- Ah, hi.... Yo soy-- Eh, I'm Moo' Rea." she offered, swishing her tail, "But you can call me Rea.... Everyone tends to call me that."

    She was so nervous yet so happy. She didn't know whether to push it too far, or make a shy first impression. But that or not, she was definitely excited.

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:26 pm; edited 5 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life


    Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:41 pm

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    CherryGrove City [Shore] | Evening [3]

    Cashlin's voice echoed once again, "¡Está bien! Yo voy a ir!" Jose must be going crazy. The Pokemon with the unfamiliar voice showed up as some desert colored Charizard, though short. Jose remembered his trainer's friend having one. The Sand Croc chuckled, though in the corner of his eye he saw... Footprints? Being branded into the sand, "Hola Chica, I see that you are a very hermosa flor del desierto, perhaps we may share a dinner in this plagu-" He got cut off as something jumped onto his back.

    Jose fell over, his face landing into the sand, "Hello~". Oh yes, this must totally be Cashlin. The Krokorok looked up, a broad smile now on his face, "Cashlin! Dios mio, I thought you were dead!" Jose wiggled his way out, and hugging the Liepard.

    Realization struck him when the Charizard spoke, "Hola-- Ah, hi.... Yo soy-- Eh, I'm Moo' Rea. But you can call me Rea.... Everyone tends to call me that." The Sand Croc released Cashlin, rushing towards Rea, bowing down to her like he was honored to meet her, "Ah, anyways, I'm Jose the Krokorok, but you may just call me... Jose, whatever makes you feel more comfortable mi hermosa flor del desierto."

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291


    Post by Min Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:16 pm

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    Cherrygrove City| |Evening

    "Cashlin! Dios mio, I thought you were dead!" The Krokorok gave Cashlin a tight hug. She frowned. "Well I didn't think you were. You're too stubborn to be dead." she retorted dryly, as she felt him release her. The Charizard spoke. "Hola-- Ah, hi.... Yo soy-- Eh, I'm Moo' Rea. But you can call me Rea.... Everyone tends to call me that."

    The Liepard circled the fire starter like she was rare prey being showcased, carefully analyzing every aspect of the Pokemon. 'How odd, she has such add markings and she's the size of a Charmeleon!' Cashlin thought. "Ah, anyways, I'm Jose the Krokorok, but you may just call me... Jose, whatever makes you feel more comfortable mi hermosa flor del desierto." Jose spoke, and Cashlin rolled her eyes. She stopped circling and sat down next to Jose.

    "My name's Cashlin." the Cruel Pokemon's voice was thick with a english accent. "A pleasure to be of your acquaintance, Rea." Cashlin's voice sounded mischievous and sly, it was as if she was planning something dark.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234


    Post by Catalyst Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:37 pm

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    | Cherrygrove City // Evening |

    "Cashlin! Dio mio, I thought you were dead!" the Krokorok exclaimed, hugging onto the Liepard.

    "Well I didn't think you were. You're too stubborn to be dead."

    Rea just watched politely, and smiled. They both turned to her after her introduction though. The Liepard jumped up and circled Rea suddenly, unexpectedly looking at her as if she were a meal. Rea suddenly froze; only her tail fire flickering. She grabbed the small bag at her side protectively, but subtly. "Oh Arceus, what's she gonna do...?" Rea wondered, nervously looking at the Liepard stalking around her. "Maybe it's the way I look...?" She hoped that was it. The Krokorok spoke again.

    "Ah, anyways, I'm Jose the Krokorok, but you may just call me... Jose, whatever makes you feel more comfortable mi hermosa flor del desierto."

    "'Flor del desierto...?'" Rea thought, a slight blush coming to her face. "Nice to meet you, Jose." she smiled. At that moment, the cat sat next to the Krokorok.

    "My name's Cashlin. A pleasure to be of your acquaintance, Rea."

    Rea was slightly intimidated by Cashlin, having first meet her, then being circled by her. "Nice to meet both of y'all!" she said cheerfully, nonetheless, "Well you two seem in friendship with each other! I just happen to be from Kanto! I was trying to find my friend, Salazar. We are close friends, occasionally visiting each other. But I've seemed to be trapped here now; those infernal bird pokemon with their Honchkrow leader keep me glued to the ground. Have you seen a Zoroark around here?"
    She had hoped they've seen her friends; the last time she heard from him he was in trouble. Salazar was one of her great friends; they had been inseparable since childhood. When she used to stay in Kanto, she always used to visit him. They were almost siblings.

    She hoped he was ok.

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:27 pm; edited 5 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life


    Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:59 am

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    CherryGrove City [Shore] | Evening [4]

    "Well I didn't think you were. You're too stubborn to be dead." Cashlin huffed, a tone of annoyance was obvious in the voice. 'Actually mi amor, I needed to make sure you're alive alive.' He thought silently, he continued to try to woo the Charizard, he wasn't amused by the Liepard circling around his chica, but shrugged it off. Cashlin's introduction seemed intimidating, even to Jose who had known her for a long time.

    "Well you two seem in friendship with each other! I just happen to be from Kanto! I was trying to find my friend, Salazar. We are close friends, occasionally visiting each other. But I've seemed to be trapped here now; those infernal bird pokemon with their Honchkrow leader keep me glued to the ground. Have you seen a Zoroark around here?"

    The Sand Croc blinked, probably wanted to laugh and maybe cry, a HONCHCROW? is the undead's leader? He expected humans, or perhaps Arceus himself. He let out a snort, but shook it off, "I'm sorry chica, but the only Zoroarks I usually see are at Lostlorn forest as the undead, but I really doubt that they are your friend." He just landed in Johto, not much of help since he really had no clue who the hell Rea's amigos are.


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291


    Post by Min Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:25 am

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    Cherrygrove City| |Evening

    She knew that the Charizard was intimidated by her, and that was going exactly according to plan. Rea spoke.
    "Well you two seem in friendship with each other! I just happen to be from Kanto! I was trying to find my friend, Salazar. We are close friends, occasionally visiting each other. But I've seemed to be trapped here now; those infernal bird pokemon with their Honchkrow leader keep me glued to the ground. Have you seen a Zoroark around here?"

    Cashlin snorted. "The only Zoroark I've ever met is Missy, and you certainly don't want to get acquainted with her." she murmured, looking away. "I'm sorry chica, but the only Zoroarks I usually see are at Lostlorn forest as the undead, but I really doubt that they are your friend." Suddenly, Cashlin turned invisible again.

    She slowly padded away, hopefully unnoticed as she climbed up onto the roof again and lied down, looking towards the horizon. She was tired to say the least-- maybe she should take a nap.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234


    Post by Catalyst Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:30 pm

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    | Cherrygrove City // Evening |

    "The only Zoroark I've ever met is Missy, and you certainly don't want to get acquainted with her."

    "I'm sorry chica, but the only Zoroarks I usually see are at Lostlorn forest as the undead, but I really doubt that they are your friend."

    Rea slightly bowed her head, in slight sadness at her undiscovered friend. "Ok. Thank you for trying to help me." she looked up and smiled, then suddenly jumped as she noticed the Liepard was suddenly out of sight. She glanced around nervously.
    "With a demeanor like that I should be careful...." she thought, and listened. She heard nothing. The small Charizard seemed to be upset. "Did I do something wrong?"
    "Well.... That was unexpected...." she muttered to Jose. She, honestly, was scared of Cashlin, but at the same time knew she could take her on; if she had to. Suddenly, she perked up, opened the pouch on her side, took out a chip of a white, dull looking mineral, and casually tossed it into her mouth. She felt she was running low.

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:27 pm; edited 5 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1503


    Post by Abysswalker Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:22 pm

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    Cherrygrove City | Evening

    Crunch, crunch. Gluttony enjoyed the sound of the bones breaking, it was easy to hum to. Crunch, crunch, crunch. The tiny Spearow Gluttony had caught had very brittle bones with not much meat on them, but it was food, and the Jolteon enjoyed it all the same. After finishing the very last piece of the Spearow with absolutely nothing remaining, Gluttony was irritated in an undead sense. He was still hungry, even though the Jolteon had been eating all day! Maybe there was something he needed to eat before the hunger went away...yes, that might be the answer. Gluttony's lips rose in a bloody smile at his "cleverness," and he got up to search for the prey that would satisfy him for all of time....or at least until he was dead. Gluttony put his nose to the ground and began to sniff around, maybe the prey he was searching for had a delicious scent or something! After all, good food always had a delicious smell to it, Gluttony knew that one better than anyone!

    "Food for me, food for me, food for me, Gluttony," Gluttony sang in a very creepy voice that was worthy of an infected. The Jolteon was still sniffing around when he caught a very interesting scent...the scent of a living...no, wait, more than one! Jackpot! Gluttony's head flew up and he looked over at the shore, where a tan dragon and a striped croco-co-dile were. They hadn't even seen him yet, how great! Gluttony raced over to them, shouting; "You're food! Food for GLUTTONY!" The Jolteon then fired multiple spikes from his back, his Pin Missile move. Immediately after, he fired Discharge at the tan dragon-it seemed to be the tastiest of them all. Food! My food!


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door


    Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:26 pm

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    Cherrygrove City / Evening

    Salazar was busy snooping around a abandoned house near the Beach, he was looking for something to eat, disguised in the illusion of an infected Houndour, he had checked the Pokemart and it was completely ransacked, so he was sniffing around hoping to find some berries or possibly a scrap of food in a can. When something caught his attention, he heard voices speaking in Spanish which made him prick his ears in interest. belly crawling across the ground he noticed a Krokorok, and Liepard and something that caught him off guard. A Charizard, it was a beige tan-ish color with odd markings and a green tail flame, Salazar's eyes widened as he stared at her. He only knew one Charizard like that Have you seen a Zoroark around here? she said.

    Ahha! He knew it! It was Rea! It had to be, He hadn't seen her in ages! "You're food! Food for GLUTTONY!" a voice suddenly yelled, before a Jolteon ran out of nowhere firing pin missiles and using a discharge at her. WATCH OUT! Salazar shouted before dashing forward toward the Jolteon and releasing a Pink energy sphere Psychic-type Hidden Power at the infected creature.
    Then a thought occurred to him, ' Oh shit I'm still disguised as an infected houndour!'

    Ooc: asdfgh first posts for a team are always difficult for me VoV

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667


    Post by Fox Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:52 pm

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    Cherrygrove City | Evening (1)

    Sorrow had a small bag full of berries, freshly picked, sitting next to him on the burnt rafters of an old building. He was always fascinated by the garbage/treasures that the humans left around, and the little bag was one of them. It was small, blue and a felt soft to the touch. The little Pikachu liked it because of the drawstrings attached, and how easily he could pop his light ball in there when it was empty.
    I'm so glad I found this thing! he thought happily, popping an oran in his mouth as he savored the juicy and robust taste. Sorrow dreamily looked out of the ruined building and gazed at the pounding waves as they slowly turned bright red from the sunset. He felt a pang of loneliness hit him, his eyes lowering in sadness.

    As he continued to eat in silence, he thought he heard something. A faint scratching on the unbroken part of the roof. He quickly threw his light ball in the bag and pulled it shut with his mouth, then grabbed it up and quietly hid in the dark corners of the rafter to avoid detection.
    Suddenly he heard a loud voice, calling out something in a foreign tongue, and even more surprisingly, another voice that answered, somewhere from the roof.
    The Starved don't speak that well...maybe they are survivors! He thought as his heart jumped up in his chest. He grew anxious, happy that he had found someone alive after such a long time, but it quickly faded.
    He knew that he probably wouldn't belong.

    Sorrow shook his head, snapping back into reality. The creatures outside had been talking amongst themselves, and it sounded like there was more than just two now. He quietly made his way along the rafter with the bag in his mouth, perfectly balanced. He peered around the sooty beam, trying to get a better look at the foreign pokemon.

    On the beach, he saw a brown and black reptile accompanied by a Liepard and what loooked like a very oddly colored Charizard. Sorrow had seen Charizards before from a distance, but he had never been this close to one.
    For some reason, I thought they'd be...bigger. He thought, tilting his head in confusion.
    He watched silently, listening to their conversation.
    At least I can understand some of what they say...sighing as he caught the breaks in Spanish just long enough to understand what they were talking about.

    A sudden roar broke the calm moment as small projectiles flew towards the pokemon on the beach.
    "You're food! Food for GLUTTONY!"
    Wha-! The Pikachus' eyes grew wide as his eyes shot towards the direction they came from.
    There he saw an infected Jolteon, bolting towards the others in pure bloodlust. Confusion and uncertainty flooded his heart as he watched the scene play out.
    Should I help them?
    I wouldn't be of much help...that Jolteon is an electric type...
    they probably wouldn't...but...

    His ears fell low as he tried to decide.

    "WATCH OUT!" he heard a voice cry out. Dashing towards them from the PokeMart was another Starved, shooting out a pink energy attack at them.
    That's it! They need my help!
    Blue sparks flew from his cheeks as he growled and hopped effortlessly to the very top of the roof and sped across to the end.

    Leaping into the air, he unleashed the electric energy he had built up towards the infected Houndour.

    (OoC- all the colored text is his thoughts)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:34 am

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    Cherrygrove City | Evening [5]

    "The only Zoroark I've ever met is Missy, and you certainly don't want to get acquainted with her." Jose shuddered at the thought, he wasn't frankly fond of Missy, he never met her, but he heard from Cashlin's stories. The Liepard slink away, disappearing immediately, the Krokorok let out a sigh, if only he could tell Cashlin how he ACTUALLY felt about her. Though Jose was truthfully scared she might burst out laughing - or Acelin may come. Oh Arceus, ACELIN. He hated Jose, probably because the Sand Croc always hits on the girls, but the damn Luxray hated him, probably for EXISTING. Then again, Jose also loathed the Sinnoh Pokemon, always acted like Cashlin is an important existence; 'She is an important existence amigo' The other side of his mind argued, oh how much the Krokorok wanted to slap himself now.

    He gave a faceplam, "Dios mio... If only I could tell her..." he murmured, probably loud enough for Rea to hear, but he could have cared less. Jose glanced at the Charizard, then back to where Cashlin supposedly disappeared off to, "If you ask me amigo," the Unovian Pokemon frowned, "It's hard to tell what she's feeling." He scratched the back of his head, noticing an undead Jolteon in the distance.

    "You're food! Food for GLUTTONY!" The undead aimed a Pin Missle at Rea,"WATCH OUT!", a voice called out, from some... Undead Houndoom? Jose thought they couldn't talk, perhaps they had evolved? In instinct, Jose jumped in front of the Charizard, taking most of the Pins, he felt the stinging pain and the blood dripping across his whole body "¡Mierda! Get off bestia, hitting ladies is rude!" Though the Sand Croc is usually scared as HELL when it comes to fighting infected, he was well aware he had an advantage against the Eeveelution. It was Eeveelution right? Whatever it was called, the Croc had not time to correct himself.

    "Rea, ejecutar! Ejecutar! I got you covered!" He said, he was straining himself, forcing himself to speak, it felt like flames bursting inside of him, he may have lived in the desert, but this heat felt unbearable. 'What about Cashlin? Mi amor...' He hissed, where was she? Did she run? He felt like he was racing against time, his mind filled with worry, he'll throw down an Earthquake, that way the undead can be dealt with from afa- But Cashlin... She could still be on ground. The Croc would not risk getting her hurt.

    Jose threw some salt water on himself, feeling the stinging pain, could salt water even disinfect wounds? He remembered about it help the healing proces- GUH WHAT WAS HE THINKING?! HE'S IN A BATTLE BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH ALREADY FOR ARCEUS'S SAKE! The Sand Croc hissed in annoyance, glancing back and forth between the undead and Rea. Before Jose could do anything, he noticed a blue sparks in the distance, aiming toward the Houndoom, he wasn't sure what the source was, but probably a living, since it was afterall aiming for the fire type. If that's so... He made a determined face at the electric type undead... He'll take care of that one.

    Jose flung himself into the ground, digging below the battle, aware he was leaving a trail of blood following him, he didn't care though, he needed to LIVE. LIVE ONE MORE DAY, just to see Cashlin. Even if that means facing his worst fear. Though he didn't expect to go face to face with the Joltleon, he really had not choice. Digging through the dirt felt like pins and needles against his deep cuts, Jose felt like he could faint any moment... But he will not, he will not let an undead walk around Cherrygrove while he's unconscious. Especially since he JUST found Cashlin.

    [Ooc: He's usually a scaredy cat, but DAMN DOES HE GOT SOME MOTIVATION O_O]

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291


    Post by Min Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:56 pm

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    Cherrygrove City| |Evening

    ""You're food! Food for GLUTTONY!" Cashlin watched as Pin Missiles were shot and a undead Houndour... Thing. Leaped towards Rea. Jose stood protectively in front of the Charizard, and some of the Missiles hit him. Cashlin almost choked as she saw the Krokorok straining as pain pulsed his body. Then, he did something so stupid Cashlin almost fell off the roof she was on. He threw water onto himself. 'What the hell is he thinking?!' she hissed in her mind.

    Suddenly, a roar sounded. Acelin the Luxray was on the battle field in a split second. He could see a Pikachu leaping and directing an attack at the Houndour. He watched as Jose retreated into the ground and he snorted before snarling at the 2 undeads. "Leave this place!" he roared, before using Double team to make multiple copies of himself. Acelin then charged at the Jolteon first, with a ready Ice Fang.

    [OOC: Posting from a crappy comp...]

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234


    Post by Catalyst Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:25 pm

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    | Cherrygrove Town // Evening |

    "Dios mio... If only I could tell her..."

    Rea looked up, interested in what Jose was saying. She perked up and looked at the crocodile. He glanced up at her, then away.

    "If you ask me amigo, it's hard to tell what she's feeling."

    Rea watched him scratch the back of his head.
    "Yeah.... I think she doesn't--" She was suddenly cut off by the yell of the infected Jolteon running towards them.

    "You're food! Food for GLUTTONY!"

    Rea took a step back in surprise, then another voice erupted from the Pokemart.

    "WATCH OUT!"

    That voice. Rea's eyes could have popped out of her skull. There was also no way an infected could be warning LIVING about another infected. If anything, it'd care less. And the pink ball of energy fired at the Jolteon.... "It's Salazar!" She could have been wrong, but she trusted her instincts on this one. Rea was so involved in the thought that the Houndour could be Salazar, she forgot to move from the Jolteon's sudden Pin Missile. She looked back at the pins flying at her, but then Jose jumped in front of her at the last second.

    "¡Mierda! Get off bestia, hitting ladies is rude!"

    Rea was awed, stunned and shocked. She looked at the bleeding croc in front of her. "Jose...!" She said in complete surprise, before Jose yelled at her, still in front of her.

    "Rea, ejecutar! Ejecutar! I got you covered!"

    Rea wanted to protest, until she saw blue sparks form at the top of the roof. She saw the small, tan Pikachu firing crackling blue electricity at the Houndour.
    "Hey, stop!!!" she yelled, running forward as quickly as she could on two legs, and absorbed the attack from the electricity. She roared in pain from the strong electricity surging through her body suddenly, and she leaned forward in her energy being drained.
    "Damn electricity.... No one's hurting my friend, though...." she cringed, and grabbed for her bag, and pulled out another chip of her dull, white mineral and ate it. "Someone's gonna get a Flamethrower to the face if they mess with me." she mentally growled, but then was cut short of thought by a roar. She looked over to the echoing noise, and saw a Luxray charge into the battle.

    "Leave this place!"

    Rea slightly sighed in relief. "Ok.... I feel were well equipped with strong pokemon...." She looked up to the roof and saw the Pikachu. She suddenly cringed; she was starting to feel the pain from that electric attack.... She turned to the battlefield, ready to fight.


    (OoC: She's so protective of her younger friend. |D lol)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:29 pm; edited 5 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1503


    Post by Abysswalker Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:54 pm

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    Cherrygrove City | Evening

    Gluttony watched with relish as the pins went for the tan one-but the sand croc got in the way, and it hadn't died! Prey should know when it was their time to BE EATEN!!!! But then a huge beast fired some pink ball at Gluttony, which the Jolteon did NOT APPRECIATE. Snarling, he faced the Luxray that charged out him after a ear-piercing roar, it's fangs covered with ice. There were so many attacks flying at him, and Gluttony was at a huge disadvantage, but he would kill them all, then feast on their flesh, the cowards! Releasing a storm of Pin Missiles crackling with electricity, Gluttony sped off at the speed of sound (not literally) to find that tan dragon. That was the one he had hunted first, that dragon was the one that would DIE first.
    "Food, delightful food, you shall all be my PREY!!" Gluttony gave a demented laugh and lunged at the tan one, who had turned back to face her maker. He fired more of his pins and, with a strange sort of leap-and-twist move, kicked at her stomach, his vicious hindclaws exposed and ready to tear open the belly of the beast.

    Gluttony had not seen the crocodile dig under the ground, he did not know it was coming to get him. The Jolteon had not seen the Pikachu try to attack that Houndoom. He didn't know the Houndoom was actually a Zoroark, nor did he know where the Luxray had come from. Gluttony just wanted the tastiest food to satisfy his hunger....his obsession....his LIFELINE. The Jolteon was willing to risk fighting all of these uninfected to get it.....

    (OoC: For clarification, Gluttony did not tear open Rea's stomach. Sorry for the short post.)


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door


    Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:43 pm

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    Cherrygrove City / Evening

    So much happend so fast, If only he hadn't barged in still disguised, almost immdiatly a Pikachu from a nearby roof shot an blast of electricty at him forcing Rea to intervine with it, but his vision was focused on the Jolteon, when suddenly the Krokorok dug deep into the ground, and a Luxray came out of nowhere before yelling something that was inaudible to his adrenaline pumped ears. As the Electricty hit Rea who had quickly dashed next to him to block the attack, Salazar was thrown off guard so much that he lost the focus of his illusion and tripped forward, sliding on his chin, before pivoting and jumping toward the Pikachu, jumping in the air he attempted to Night Slash at it.

    The Jolteon could wait, the others seemed like they could handle it, Salazar may have been a freindly person but he couldn't stand when someone hurt his friends. But he stopped midway as a thought occurred to him, he was disguised as an infected not too long ago, it must have been a mistake. But none the less taking a chance could be bad, stopping suddenly and skidding accross the ground once more he released a Pyschic Hidden Power ball of energy at the Pikachu, before creating the illusion of a large brick wall between himself and the Pokemon and turning toward where the Jolteon was.

    Ooc: short post is short

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667


    Post by Fox Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:28 pm

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    Cherrygrove City | Evening (2)

    Sorrows' determination turned to complete shock and confusion as the Charizard shouted for him to stop and stepped in the way of his attack.
    The Pikachu stopped the surge of cyan electricity that was now constricting the winged dragon.
    He landed lightly on his feet, but as he was about to turn around, a pink energy ball hit him, knocking his light body a few feet away.
    What's...what's going on!?
    Sorrow thought, jumping back onto his feet.
    Before him was a large brick wall that wasn't there before, and it was blocking his view from what was happening.
    Bounding up to the wall, he leaped for the top, about to grasp onto the edge when...
    Sorrows' tiny claws passed right through the wall as he soared through it and landing on something soft, large and dark. His small bag flew out of his mouth, landing somewhere in the sand below.
    "Ooof!" He cringed, the air knocked out of him. Pushing himself up, he froze in fear as he realized that he was on the back of a strange Pokemon with pale blue fur.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:48 pm

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    Cherrygrove City | Evening [6]

    The ground he was digging in, all moist and soft, he was quite worried that the trail behind him could result in collapse, causing him to be trapped. He felt the vibration above the ground, something wasn't right, but his mind boggled around, the wounds were stinging with pain. Jose felt like the world around him was more slower than usual, nonetheless he was ready to bounce up and attack the Jolteon. With Cashlin going on in his mind, he gave a growl, no one would hurt her, and he won't let that dumbass Acelin to pretend he's the boss. The Sand Croc felt the need to prove his power, to Acelin, who thinks the world revolved around his head. LIKE HELL, JOSE WOULD LET HIM DO ANYTHING.

    The growl got louder, he pounced up from the ground, right in front of the Joltleon, and in surprise, Acelin. Jose allowed the cuts and bruises on him sting as it met the fresh air, the Sand Croc really didn't want to deal with Acelin now, but this was HIS prey, HIS change to attack..! The Sand Croc knew he shouldn't use this move unless emergency comes in, but he shall use it, preventing the arrogant Luxray from taking the Joltleon from him, Jose threw down an Earthquake, his claws digging into the ground, he prayed whole-heartedly that his attack wouldn't get Cashlin, nor that source of energy that was helping out, he knew Rea shouldn't be affected since she's also a flying.

    He never noticed the brick wall, even though it was like a huge FUCKING RED FLAG waving about in his face. He was really blinded by love eh?

    [Goddamn Art block @_@]

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291


    Post by Min Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:14 pm

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    Cherrygrove City| |Evening

    Cashlin scowled as Acelin suddenly appeared. So many things were going on at once. The Houndour turned into a Zoroark, a random brick wall suddenly appeared, and now the Jolteon was attacked Rea. Acelin yowled as pin missiles dug into his skin, the actual pins doing more damage than the electricity surrounding it. Acelin snarled as Jose appeared but then fell to the ground in pain of the Earthquake.

    Cashlin screeched and became visible again, the building she was on about to collapse. She leaped off, and into a tree. The Jolteon was right there, right in front of Jose! Even if Jose had used an Earthquake, he was still in danger... Jose had wounds all over him, and he was in pain. Cashlin will not allowed her Jose to be in pain.

    The Earthquake subsided as the Liepard raced inbetween the Jolteon and Krokorok. "Go away! Leave us alone!" her snarl was a mix of anger and pleading as she fired a Shadow Ball at the Eeveelution.

    [OOC: I give complete permission to SkyRaven to bite Cashlin. ;u;]

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234


    Post by Catalyst Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:06 pm

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    | Cherrygrove Town // Evening |

    Rea was slightly confused at all of this. The second she faced the battle field again, there was a brick wall (which she assumed was Salazar), a Pikachu suddenly coming into the fray from the roof, a Luxray had joined the fight, and all of a sudden, the Jolteon was after her. She yelped, and jumped back from the Jolteon, and was about to throw a Flamethrower. But then the Jolteon attacked the Luxray, and it cried at the spikes. Then, almost immediately, Jose surfaced from the ground. Rea, who had just leaped back quite a distance, looked to Salazar to see him as his normal self, but a Pikachu suddenly flopped on him. Rea turned, a frightened look in her eye as she saw Jose jam his claws into the ground, causing a ripple in the ground. Rea was caught like someone had flicked a rug under her. But even with the extreme damage of the Earthquake, she only caught half of the power as she was tossed slightly back and into the air. She caught herself into flight in mid air to prevent further damage, then realized. "Salazar!!" She tried to race towards him to catch him before he was hit, but it was too late. Salazar yelped, and was thrown off position, and unbalanced, he went hopping and stumbling to the side, and crashed inside a building shaking with the earthquake. Rea cried after him, and flew into the shaking building as the earthquake was starting to stop.



    (OoC: I thought earthquake could at least knock you a couple feet back, so that's what I did. Also, EndGame gave me full permission to make Salazar trip into a house; since he is in the safehouse, he can't roleplay, and he wanted me to make a situation for him when he came back so he wouldn't be in the middle of things.)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:30 pm; edited 5 times in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1503


    Post by Abysswalker Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:04 pm

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    Cherrygrove City | Evening

    Gluttony was mad, he still wasn't able to sink his teeth into any of these living running around. They all looked like they had some real meat on their bones, so why wasn't Gluttony getting to eat yet? At least the blue-and-black one had been hit by the spines Gluttony had fired. Before he could claw at the tan-dragon, it jumped back from him and immediately the crocodile burst from the ground in front of Gluttony. Gluttony was about to use another Pin Missile when the croc threw its claws into the ground, and the ground was shaken with Earthquake. The Jolteon was thrown back by the force of the attack, the Luxray and tan one seemed similarly affected, and the madness continued when a purple cat ran between Gluttony and the crocodile. "Go away! Leave us alone!" the cat snarled at Gluttony before firing a Shadow Ball at him. Now that he was properly focused on eating this new, wonderful prey, Gluttony dodged the attack and lunged at the Liepard, sinking his teeth into one of her front legs. The sweet taste of her blood....it nearly drove Gluttony into a frenzy. Why would he want to leave them alone now? But the Jolteon did know that the other living would want to attack him even more harshly now...Gluttony might even get killed, he was so outmatched. The Jolteon let go of the cat, fired a Thunder Wave at all who would be affected by it, then raced off, out of Cherrygrove. He would find a better time to attack, then he would get what he wanted. Food.

    "Gluttony...will return!" he shouted maniacally before vanishing from sight.

    ((OoC: Short post. Gluttony left because I leave in about three days, so don't go hunting for him until I return...then he'll hunt you guys down again :P))


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

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