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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team

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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:32 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Noon

    ((guys, I've been using noon for a couple of posts now, and a lot of you are still saying 'morning', lol))

    Phoenix was amazed as everyone shot into action, Asche even one step ahead of her as he fired an Ice Beam right as she started telling him to. Rukh and Raven working well as a tag team to bring the great beast down to their level. Even the kids threw in a couple of moves of their own, so all in all, Phoenix was pretty proud of her crew. Even if it did include the stupid cat.

    With one last effort, Asche let loose a massive dark attack that looked like a purple scythe whirling through the air. Damn impressive, except for the fact that it missed! She sighed and shook her head as the building the attack actually hit practically exploded from the impact. Well, kid had moxie, just didn't know what to do with it. Oh well. But something she didn't expect happened, it nearly hit the damn Smeargle! That thing was back and started hurling insults at Asche, which just pissed the Ninetales off again. "Fuck off Mutt!" she called out to him. "No one cares!"

    Phoenix snarled and wrapped her tails around the Jolteon and Vibrava by her side. She wasn't letting that freak anywhere near the kids, and that was a promise she was making to them and herself. Rukh didn't help the scared insect beside her much when he kind of just planted himself in front of her, asking questions. She sighed and curled a tail around tighter to try and offer some comfort. "Hey, are you okay?" The Jolteon asked the little bug trembling beside Phoenix, introducing himself. "I c-couldn't shake him. I apologize for bringing trouble to you all. Oh, and you can all call me Kylie, if you l-like." Ha! Now she knew her name and she didn't even have to ask. Good day!

    Phoenix became concerned when the Vibrava started, well, vibrating beneath her. She was really shaken up, and it tugged at her heart, breaking her cold facade. Kids really were her only weakness, and damned if she could shake it now. She bent down and nuzzled Kylie, giving her a soft smile. "Don't worry, Kylie-doll, I got you."


    Raven was happy to see the beast go down, but wasn't so happy to see the Smeargle again. She wished Asche's attack really had hit it, because it was getting really irritating to have to listen to it act like it was better than everyone. It was just a Smeargle, they weren't even powerful or very durable. Pretty easy to kill, actually. She hissed at it and walked over to Asche to rejoin the group.

    "Hey," she said softly, a hint of laughter in her voice. "You know, you don't have to let him talk to you like that. I mean, he's just scared that he realized you almost killed him. By accident. Kind of makes him realize that, if you actually tried, he'd be dead in seconds." She ended her little pep talk with a hearty laugh, giddy at the thought of the crazy dog getting what was coming to him. She hated pompous asses, and there was a bright yellow one there already, they didn't need a green one.

    Speaking of yellow, Raven looked over to the Jolteon beside Phoenix. Why had the Ninetales shown so much kindness to the kid? It was something Raven herself had never witnessed before, coming from Phoenix, anyway. She managed to catch Roxas's name earlier, and thanks to her keen hearing heard Kylie say hers. It was pretty name for the little Vibrava, suited her. And then Raven saw the impossible. Phoenix began comforting another newcomer to the group. What was going one here? Did someone suddenly sneak up and replace the yellow loudmouth while no one was looking? She looked at Asche again and pointed at Phoenix.

    "Do you have any idea what is going on over there?" She was genuinely confused.

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:21 pm

    Post 18

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    Pyrite Town| Noon

    It had been an honest mistake, really. He had meant to send the Psycho Cut into the aerodactyl, after all, not into the building. He hadn't known that the smeargle was still in there, watching them, apparently. Creepy. His attack carved away the wall to reveal him, and he was not too pleased about it. Are you crazy?! That thing nearly hit me, you moron!" the painter pokemon shouted, his usual pompous exterior broken for a moment. "Then again, what could I expect from some small-minded idiotic being?"

    Asche's fur bristled, but Phoenix beat him to the punch when it came to insulting the smeargle. "Fuck off, Mutt!" she snapped. "No one cares!" Asche looked back to her with a small grin. His sentiments exactly. Shooting one last look at the smeargle, he turned to walk back to the pack, the aerodactyl threat now taken care of.

    "Hey," Raven, the cat called as she approached him. "You know, you don't have to let him talk to you like that. I mean, he's just scared that he realized you almost killed him. By accident. Kind of makes him realize that, if you actually tried, he'd be dead in seconds."

    Asche couldn't help a small smile. He didn't know why Phoe hated her so much; she was a real nice girl when she wasn't busy spitting poison at the fox. "I... never really gave you my name. I'm Asche, though you probably already figured that out..." He frowned a little; seemed dumb to introduce yourself to someone who already knew your name. Dumb, Asche.

    "Do you have any idea what is going on over there?" she asked, unphazed by his stupidity. Thank God. Though, as he saw Phoenix imitate a nun and gathered the children around her, making them feel better, he couldn't help but shrug. Not a few hours ago, she was all tough and "don't-you-fucking-mess-with-me". He didn't understand the switch any more than she did.

    "No idea," he replied with a shrug. "She wasn't really like that with me till I got stuck in the little windmill house. Even then, though, she only kinda pulled me out of the rubble and went off to bitch at the bird and smeargle."


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    Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:44 pm

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    Pyrite Town/Noon (12)

    They started insulting and wishing the attack and actually sliced the Smeargle. His arrogant smirk grew on his face, they seemed to actually believe they were superior, stronger or what the hell ever. Wondering for a momment...he couldn't help but laugh. This was far too entertaining.

    Hot flames will get you so far, sharp wings will cut so low, dark powers will get you no brightness, sharp claws will get you so little...You make me laugh to death. Just because you look so strong, so sure of yourselves you deny to know the true power of one's mind. He teleported and appeared right infront of the Ninetales with his arrogant look glued to his face his cane tapped on the ground.

    Tell me, do you have unlimited power? Can you learn anything possibly? No...you have limits so as any other little person in here. You have limited tools and most of them are easy put out with a simple drop of water...I pity you. So high and mighty as a wolf among its pack...but in truth just a little puppy among lions...Tsk, tsk, tsk... he chuckled mockingly before he teleported back to the building, just to even tease more the ninetales for the fact he could get close and far so easily.

    I just need ONE little meaningless tiny attack to prove myself worthy, my kind is the only one to learn it and it's enough to show my whole power. Sketch is the name and with it I can have ANY sort of power I wish. True although it's highly important to be careful with what you must choose, because one still has limits...and this is the true demonstration of intelligence...Choose your weapons carefully...But let's try NOT fight so much and let's think, prove me you are smart. Otherwise I can continue to mock your pathetic excuse of a brain you must have on that rock hard head of yours.

    He paced around and than jumped down and grabbed on his tail, now with a red tip, not the usual green by some strange reason. He started to pain some things on the wall, amazingly they seemed complex yet simple constructions that explained his idea. To make this fair...I say...You solve my riddles and puzzle games, spreaded across this city...and you can win two things. One that your mind might be good enough for basic survival, although I doubt it, and Two you will receive a prize. At the end of my puzzles you'll find a basket with food. In case you loose...well...You're the only good mob boss thugh that ever existed. A Dead one. You play my games and end them well and you get food for you and your friends without a great fight. I'm just helping you further So do we have a deal? he looks at her swaying his tail and licking his fingers from the dried blood from possible past potencial victims awaiting for an answer.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Min Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:23 pm

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    Pyrite Town| |Noon

    "Maybe about ten, fifteen minutes. I c-couldn't shake him. I apologize for bringing trouble to you all. Oh, and you can all call me Kylie, if you l-like," Rukh gave a small smile. She was still shaking... Was the experience really that scary? "Well, I'm Rukh. Nice to meet you." he introduced himself. When Phoenix nuzzled the Vibrava, Rukh was surprised. Had the fox have a soft spot? He quietly turned away, walking towards where the Smeargle was.

    "Hot flames will get you so far, sharp wings will cut so low, dark powers will get you no brightness, sharp claws will get you so little...You make me laugh to death. Just because you look so strong, so sure of yourselves you deny to know the true power of one's mind." Rukh gave an exasperated sigh. "Get bent." he grumbled, settling down near the building while beginning to preen his feathers.

    When he looked back to where Phoenix was the Smeargle was there. He teleported? He strained to hear what the stupid painter was saying. He grit his beak. Then he teleported back to the building he sat below. Then is jumped down near where the Skarmory was, painting again. Some kind of plan thing. "To make this fair...I say...You solve my riddles and puzzle games, spreaded across this city...and you can win two things. One that your mind might be good enough for basic survival, although I doubt it, and Two you will receive a prize. At the end of my puzzles you'll find a basket with food." The Steel Bird perked up immediately. Food?! FOOD?! Rukh would've never really gotten so riled up like this over food but having gone weeks without sustenance he would've loved to get his talons on a few berries. But... Where the fuck was the Smeargle getting the food from?

    It was an interesting deal, that's for sure. He quietly surveyed the expressions of the others around them, before finally deciding to act. He stood, wing glowing and becoming shiny metal as he swung it at E.Nygma. Right before his wing collided with it's face he purposely changed course, slicing the wall and making more pieces crumble off. "'Pologizes for the interruption." he said flatly. "But where exactly are you getting all that food- and what will happen when you run out? Food is a consumable item, and it will inevitably run out. If you're going to bribe us with something, wouldn't it be better to offer an item that is absolute? Something that you can continue to produce and use?" he mumbled. "Oh, and I thought I told you to get bent." he growled.

    [OOC: Got permission to *almost* hit E.Nygma.]
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:47 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Noon

    "Th-thank you Ms. Ninetales," Aww! Couldn't this kid just be so sweet? Phoenix gave a soft, almost-purr and nuzzled Kylie again. "Just call me Phoenix, doll," she told the Vibrava. She turned to Roxas to find him gone, and that concerned her. She wasn't sure when he left or why, but she didn't have the time to wonder. It was then that the mutt started muttering to himself again, and things went from bad to worse in about two seconds.

    When the Smeargle's stupid, smug face appeared right in front of hers, Phoenix actually snapped in attempt to bite him in the nose. She missed. And then, he wouldn't shut up! What? Did the painter-pup live to hear the sound of his own voice? And that EGO! Bet he thought he was better than Arceus! But, after a few minutes of more pointless rambling that she wasn't even pretending to listen to, he vanished as quickly as he appeared, leaving her fur bristling at the shear audacity of it all. And he had to go and scare the little bug! The jerk! Phoenix growled in the back of her throat before bending down to nuzzle Kylie once more.

    When the madman on the roof went on about his riddles, AGAIN, Phoenix just wanted to 'pop' up there and tear out his vocal cords. This guy just did not know how to shut up, and it was really pissing her off. And now, his tail was magically red, her favorite color. So now she couldn't even bitch about the green anymore. He was just not making this any fun for her. But it was the mention of the final prize being food that really set her off.

    Phoenix barked out a laugh, a loud, uncontrollable laugh that almost made her seemed deranged. She never even heard Rukh answer because she could hardly breathe. Choking on her own air she started beating one paw on the ground, trying to calm down. "You-! You actually think-! Hahaha! Do ya really think I care about FOOD? You are dumber than ya look, Mutt!" She was still laughing between some of her words, trying to catch her breath in the meantime. What did she care for his one basket of food? She had a whole freaking den of it not one block from here! Any one of them could just go back and get it they wanted, so why would they need him? She finally pulled herself together and gave him her patented lazy, sarcastic smile. "Look dumbass, I got more than enough back home. Do ya really think I made it all this time if I was pickin' off the dead meat around here? Ha! Keep yer crap, I'm sure ya need it, and I'll stick with what I got."

    Raven blushed a little when Asche gave her a grateful smile. He wasn't so bad, just a little...childish, at times. "I... never really gave you my name. I'm Asche, though you probably already figured that out..." He looked nervous about mentioning his name, and she smiled at him again. "It's okay. We never actually introduced ourselves, the Princess sort of took care of that part herself. So officially, I'm Raven. Nice to meet you." She offered him another smile to try and help him relax. He was wound so tight sometimes it was a wonder he didn't just burst.

    When the Smeargle started up again, Raven couldn't help but growl. He was so full of himself it made her sick, and apparently Rukh thought so too. But Phoenix having a mental breakdown only a few feet away from her was something she never thought she'd see. Phoenix was actually mocking the Smeargle's attempts to tempt them, and her argument made sense. As much as Raven hated to admit that. Why would they need food as a prize if Phoenix already had been living off plenty wherever the hell she had holed up?

    She went over to stand by her nemesis, in an attempt to show that even if they hated each other, they would be united against the sketch Pokemon. She might not like Phoenix, but this guy had proven to have a way bigger ego than even the neon Ninetales ever had. At least Phoenix wasn't just out for herself, never had been. She had always been about her gang, her 'boys', even if some of them were girls. She was all about pack and family, and that was something Raven could get behind. She sat silently, glaring at the Smeargle, before leaning over to whisper something to the fox she never thought she'd say in a million years. "I'm with you, if you need me."

    ((OOC: FOXES DO PURR! Well, sort of, lol. Yes they are more closely related to canines, but foxes have been known to produce a sound that sounds like purring when they are happy or excited, even though it isn't actually a purr. Just throwing that out there before someone tries to PM me. ^_^))

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:40 am

    Post 19

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    Pyrite Town| Noon

    Relief washed over Asche when Raven dismissed his awkwardness, and he felt his fur tame a little, no longer on edge. However, the smeargle began announcing his death wish, spouting off again, even going to Phoenix's face, and then teleporting back to the safety of the building. And people accused him of cowardice... Asche's lip curled as he watched the asshole preach from his podium, when one statement in particular caught his attention.

    "I just need ONE little meaningless tiny attack to prove myself worthy; my kind is the only one to learn it and it's enough to show my whole power. 'Sketch' is the name, and with it, I can have ANY sort of power I wish. True, although it's highly important to be careful with what you must choose, because one still has limits... and this is the true demonstration of intelligence... Choose your weapons carefully... But let's try NOT fight so much and let's think, prove me you are smart. Otherwise I can continue to mock your pathetic excuse of a brain you must have on that rock hard head of yours."

    "You're more of an idiot than I thought before," Asche called from below. "You're amongst fighters bragging your stupid attack, when we all know what it does. That attack doesn't prove your worth, it only reminds us that you can't do anything on your own." The hell was wrong with this guy, talking about something like h knew. He already stated that he wasn't a fighter, so what made him think that he was on par with someone like Phoenix or Raven, pokemn that have done nothing but fight for their entire lives?

    "Your signature attack, the thing that puts you apart from other pokemon only mimics those around you. Meaning you're only as powerful as those you surround yourself with because otherwise, you're useless." The last word came out in a hiss. "Copying truly powerful pokemon is the only way you get by. Pathetic." He spat at the ground, something his many trainers did when disappointed.

    He took no heed to the promise of food --especially since Phoenix found it so hilarious, and Asche felt a little vindicated when Rukh sliced the building next to the smeargle. When would they be rid of this guy? When would he just get the message and fucking leave? No one wanted him, no one wanted to play his dumb games.

    "Go and play your dumb riddles with someone that cares," he grumbled to himself as he made his way to Phoenix's side, finally noticing the jolteon gone.


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    Post by Guest Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:13 pm

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    Pyrite Town/Noon (13)

    Erik couldn't help, he had to shove his palm through his own skull in a facepalm to be sure he wasn't dreaming and that he heard right...yep he did...They were actually being that dumb. I'm really sorry...I can't call you idiots or morons anymore...People like that would be OFFENDED! Zombies is a much better way to compare you...No intelligence, no mental capabilities, no wish to go through an easier path and it's all about rage and aggression. I darn bet my resources that if I, out of nowhere, put an infected in here you would claw and bite at it like a Zangoose and a Seviper fight. Your brain is useful for something, not only for filling your head! Use it!

    He shook his head sighing as he was highly displeased by the behavior of these beings although he looked at the Skarmory, and seemed to smile at it. Somehow he was satisfied with it, although when looking at the Ninetales...he could only shake his head in disgust... All bark and no fangs...What could else I would expect from these mutts? Nothing else...At least the Skarmory is smart, if I would've moved I would be crushed under those boulders when it used his attack on the building. I have to congratulate the Skarmory to pass the elementary grade. The rest...damn...they all just failed Pre-School. And as I said before, "Accidents do happen". One little thing for all the food to go to ashes. As even the Skarmory said..."What will happen when it will run out"? He couldn't help but laugh at the face of the Ninetales, he has completely lost interest in her. The previous respect he had towards her...was lost into ashes and dust, she's just another fool on this world for him. His attentions turned towards the Skarmory like a magnet to iron. Also to answer your question, I have a special little place that I found in here with water, and a sort of tiny farm that produces some berries, it's kinda cute and it works by itself. It only needs power to run out the water. Another thing that will be amusing for them to find is water. Your strategy of intimidation was quite interesting...if I did stepped out from your attack I could've been crushed...Not only a proof of intimidation but also the use of making the target hurt itself. Congratulations for the brilliant move. I was wondering if you would wish to develop your brain capacity in more...Interesting challanges than just lay in the sun and do absolutely nothing than run at the end of your chain and bark. He seemed to be highly interested on the Skarmory. Trying to persuade it to join him.

    Giving off challenges, prizes and a good entertainment and more knowlodge to the chalenger of his games. While he could analyze and supervise the progress of such being. If they proved smart enough they would be able to survive easily...what matters for Nygma is not strength or speed nor even the ultimate power...what matters...is the power of the mind.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:09 pm

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    Pyrite Town| |Noon

    Rukh quietly watched as Phoenix laughed. She had... Food this whole time? If only she had mentioned earlier, he'd been starving for days, and only at the mention of food did his stomach begin to growl like a million Mightyenas. The Smeargle merely began to go on a long and annoying rant, as the Skarmory pulled his wing out from the wall and turned away, not wanting to hear the painting Pokemon.

    "Also to answer your question, I have a special little place that I found in here with water, and a sort of tiny farm that produces some berries, it's kinda cute and it works by itself. It only needs power to run out the water. Another thing that will be amusing for them to find is water. Your strategy of intimidation was quite interesting...if I did stepped out from your attack I could've been crushed...Not only a proof of intimidation but also the use of making the target hurt itself. Congratulations for the brilliant move. I was wondering if you would wish to develop your brain capacity in more...Interesting challanges than just lay in the sun and do absolutely nothing than run at the end of your chain and bark."

    His attention turned back to the Smeargle, who answered his question. "And all I get is developed brain capacity? Nothing else?" he rose a brow. "Exactly what kind of challenged are you asking me to do? I want to know what I'm jumping into before I even leap." Rukh muttered.
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    Age : 29
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    Post by Snitch Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:54 pm

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    Pyrite Town || Noon [1]

    Darkness wasn’t the most interesting of scenery for the garchomp. Tybalt had a particular preference for battle scenes and the rich crimson splashing of blood on the surrounding trees. But no, the damn mightyena had ripped away his pleasure of vision in that battle, leaving the raptor with only fond memories of slaughter. He snorted, the unnaturally large beast trudging aimlessly about the foreign land; heavy footfalls triggering weak earth tremors in the vicinity. Tybalt held his bulky head high, thick tail swinging from side to side with each uncalculated step. He wasn’t used to his newfound disability, unwilling to accept the obvious weakness accompanying total blindness. He would never accept weakness. He was strong, powerful – he’d clawed his way to the top, diverting his fate to one of success when everyone was against him. Tybalt was not going to let his lack of eyesight ruin everything he’d worked so hard for.

    The terrain beneath the raptor’s bloodstained claws took a change, a slightly damaged pavement replacing the forest floor. He paused, momentarily surveying the area to fool any onlookers. Whilst the garchomp was constantly engulfed in purest black, only one of his eyes betrayed his disability. The right eye appeared completely functional, only the large, sapphire orb remained motionless in its socket. No one paid too much attention however; they were usually more concerned with the creature’s massive size. Even for a garchomp, Tybalt was huge, his creamy, left eye and scarred body only contributing to the immediate intimidation. With a low growl, he continued on his voyage – moving at slow pace but paying little to no attention to the precise direction in which he travelled. His foot soon collided with a heavy object, presumably some piece of scrap abandoned in the town. Whilst it hadn’t been particularly painful, the obstacle only proved a reminder of the garchomp’s lack of awareness. Had that been an enemy, Tybalt could well have been dead by now. Infuriated at the thought of such a pathetic defeat, he grasped the item in his claws, revealed to be a battered tyre before roughly, effortlessly lobbing it ahead of him.

    As he took a few more steps forward, his nostrils quivered as an array of scents suddenly bombarded his senses. Raising his head, alert for these strangers, a deep roar rumbled in his throat as he attempted to analyze whatever lurked within the gloom. He’d spent the majority of his life around garchomp and its pre-evolutions, never taking the time to dedicate a classification of other species – they were nothing but food to Tybalt. And what he couldn’t eat, he would kill; who cared about what species it was? There was a faint sound accompanying the smell too, laughing maybe? Well, that was certainly something new. Frowning, the raptor slowly began following his leads, the laughing eventually silencing as voices replaced it. He could distinguish at least three, two of which female. He smirked to himself, surprised that women would have the capability to survive in a world of such monsters. It must’ve been purely out of luck, or of course the male’s protection.

    By now, the garchomp had less the conspicuously trudged into the survivor’s vicinity with no idea of their exact location. The strength of the scents had brought him to a halt, leaving him standing silently before the small gathering. Tybalt didn’t want to speak. The raptor didn’t even know which direction he should be addressing, but he was certain that he was clearly in their vision by now. His bladed arms hung limp at his sides, neck slowly turning his head as he attempted to judge the area in which the scents were strongest. His blind glare finally fell onto the group, an instinct telling him that he was facing a potential three course meal, but he refrained from attacking. He’d already established there was more than one creature present, plus they had the advantage of sight, clear aim.
    “I know you’re there,” Tybalt announced, a voice hoarse and damaged from years of roaring to get it heard in the first place. If they hadn’t noticed his disability, good – but if they had spotted his eyes falling a little way above their heads, then he wanted to at least establish he wasn’t completely clueless. “Tell me, what is this place?” It had been a question at the top of the garchomp’s priorities. If he was still in Sinnoh, there was a chance he could travel back to his home where he’d at least be able to navigate through familiarity of the landscape. There was no point in introducing himself, he didn’t intend to stay in their company if he could help it but there was something tempting about their existence. Tybalt hadn’t met any other living pokémon since his blinding, and perhaps this little group could provide him a few pairs of eyes whilst he adapted to the disability. He tilted his head, weighing out his options as he awaited a response.

    ((Hey everyone, looking forward to roleplaying with you all! c: ))

    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:57 pm

    ((OOC: Was asked by Admins to kill off E.Nygma as a Harbinger attack. And sorry in advance for this really long post!))

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    Pyrite Town|Noon

    Phoenix was raging as the Smeargle began talking down to her simply because no one wanted to play his stupid games. And then he had the nerve to try and recruit Rukh to his side. Like that was going to take...wait a minute. Was Rukh actually considering this crap? Oh no. No no no. Phoenix had only five cardinal rules, and rule number three was almost in violation. You do NOT go against Phoenix. Ever. Granted she hadn't told any of this lot her rules, since she barely knew them. She didn't even trust them with the location of her den. But she had been considering them her new crew by this point, and her crew was not going to double cross her.

    Finally sick and tired of his mouth, Phoenix snarled at the mutt and dropped low into a crouching position. Her tails were flaring out angrily behind her, her ears were flat against her head, and her sharp fangs were glistening in the high noon sun. All in all, Phoenix looked quite the picture of ferocity. But before she could do anything, a great voice called out from behind her gang. “I know you’re there." What the hell?! More?! Were the living being mass produced out of some factory somewhere? Her once pristine territory was being overrun! “Tell me, what is this place?” That tore it! She was finished with all of this nonsense!

    "No more," she growled out angrily, voice dripping with venom. She had put up with this long enough, and was not going to have her turf invaded like this. And the first thing to go? Well, who else but the Smeargle. Easily bounding over Kylie and tearing over to the building the bastard was hiding atop. She didn't even bother with the door, instead using nearby rubble and a convenient dumpster to propel herself up the wall. When she finally reached the top the surprise on his face was priceless. He probably never expected her to be that limber, or to even dare facing him alone.

    He tried to defend himself, using one of his 'oh so powerful' moves to launch the first attack. But it was exactly what Phoenix wanted. The Thunderbolt hit her, because she let it, and the sparks danced across her fur causing it to stand on end. It hurt, sure, but she was so pissed and pumped on adrenaline she didn't care. Actually, the static charged fur only added to the evil look she was giving him, making her seem almost a demon come to life. She used Payback, and sent the damage from his sorry attempt back at him double, sending the smug mutt flying off the roof. She leaped down after him, tossing him into the center of their little group. This was going to be a public display, dammit.

    She used an Extrasensory to knock him around, several times, basically playing with him in front of the others. When she saw him flinch, she knew that was her chance. Flames began licking at her lips, and she opened her mouth wide to send forth a massive Flamethrower. It's heat was so intense from her anger that the flame was almost a bluish white. She gave it everything she had, and soon the smell of burning flesh filled the air. Bones snapped and crackled under the intense heat, and the sizzle of blood and organs boiling. When the twitching finally ceased, so did her flame, leaving nothing but a pile of charred ash and bone fragments.

    Glaring at the remains of the former thorn in her side she scoffed, "Pathetic, indeed." She looked to the rest of them and plastered on her traditional lazy smile, finally happy with the way the day was going. "Anyone else want a go?" She was just teasing them, of course. Though the newcomer she might be willing to run off if she had to. Something about the way he looked just rubbed her the wrong way.


    Raven wasn't sure what happened. First, everyone was pissed at the Smeargle, then went back to ignoring it, and now Rukh was talking like he might be interested in what it had to say? That didn't make a whole lot of sense. 'He must have a reason,' she thought to herself. When the large shark looking thing appeared though, all thoughts of the Smeargle went out the window. It called out to them, asking where he was, and Raven felt badly for him. Was he lost? Poor thing, a lot of Pokemon had been showing up around here that she had never seen before.

    She walked up carefully to the stranger, concerned when she saw his eyes. "Uh-You're in Pyrite Town. In Orre?" She wasn't sure he even knew what Pyrite Town was, so asking him about Orre was her way of checking to see if he even knew what continent he was on. With so many evacuations, people lost track of where they were headed and ditched their Pokemon in random places. She didn't get to hear his reply, however, because Phoenix suddenly went freaking nuts in front of everyone.

    Watching her basically torture the Smeargle brought to light the darker side of the Ninetales that Raven knew all too well. One that almost every Pokemon in Pyrite knew well. She was the most vengeful creature she had ever met, and wasn't shy about letting others know she thought she had been wronged. But what the hell set her off like that? Overkill was an understatement, and Raven watched in horror as she basically cremated the Smeargle alive.

    But the creepiest part was when she turned around on all of them, giving them all that lazy smirk she was so well known for, and asked if any of them wanted to take her on. She was crazy, had to be. "Not really, Princess," Raven muttered to herself, finding herself on the receiving end of one of Phoenix's glares. Raven shrugged and sat down, eying the fox carefully. She might need to watch her back a little more closely, given the Ninetales current state of mind.

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    Post by Silverishness Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:34 am

    Post 20

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    Pyrite Town| Noon

    Asche watched in an dazed fascination as Phoenix completely and utterly decimated the damned smeargle, first smacking it with Payback, then flinging it around with a psychic move and finishing him off with a flamethrower that made Asche jump away. He knew the girl was powerful, but... wow. However, he wasn't angry or shocked, really. The smeargle's death was, even though he didn't kill it himself, a victory. At Phoenix's question, Asche scoffed as he trotted to the burnt corpse. "...You didn't leave anything for us to have a go, Phoe," he commented with a chuckle.

    However, something was missing. He looked around for the staff, that stupid staff the thing always had, and found it tossed to the side, from the psychic torture. He grinned and jaunted over to it, picking it up with his teeth. If only there were a way to strap this on... A trophy for the kill. But now that the scene was done, the blue absol finally noticed the dragon standing there, next to Raven. "Hoo'sh thyat?" he asked with the staff in his mouth.


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    Post by Min Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:57 pm

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    Pyrite Town| |Noon

    Rukh had watched the scene with wide eyes, as the Smeargle was burnt to a crisp. The steel bird winced as he felt the heat from where he stood. Afterwards Phoenix had just smiled at them, jokingly asking; "Anyone else want a go?" The Skarmory smiled as well, glad that the stupid Painter was gone. "Not with that flamethrower of yours." he chuckled lightly.

    Out of the corner of his eyes he noticed a Garchomp, and Asche picking up the staff that was once the Riddler's. It had stated that he could sense them, and asked where he was. Raven had replied to him, and Rukh curiously inspected the foreigner. He was familiar with the species, having met one that belonged to Sinnoh Champion Cynthia back when they had Pokemon League meetings. This Garchomp seemed to have littering his body, he must fight a lot. [And by a lot Rukh would assume almost everyday, with that many scars.] The bird found a suitable roost near the raptor, and began to preen his feathers while keeping a close eye on the newcomer.

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    Post by Snitch Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:13 am

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    Pyrite Town || Noon [2]

    "Uh-You're in Pyrite Town. In Orre?"

    Tybalt took an instinctive step back, the voice sounding closer than he’d first anticipated, but the revelation itself knocked the air out of him. Orre?! He took a moment to catch his breath, trying to gather his thoughts at the news. It was worse than he’d thought – he was in a whole other bloody region. He had no chance in hell of crossing the oceans without his eyesight – if an infected didn’t kill him, his own lack of navigation would probably send him into the heart of a natural disaster. A flicker of panic met his features, but before he could react to the female who’d enlightened him, noises of a struggle met Tybalt’s ears.

    The garchomp lifted his head in the ruckus’ direction, a frown hanging over his unseeing eyes as he tried to decipher what was happening. His body tensed slightly, preparing itself for an attack were the pokémon to turn their attention to him. But there was nothing, just the continuous sound of snarling combined with the victim’s pained outcries. Shame he didn’t have his vision, it sounded particularly gruesome. A smirk crawled up his lips as he imagined the terrible sight, visualizing the opponents as a garchomp and a houndoom. When the scent of burning flesh met his senses, Tybalt realized that the houndoom had emerged victorious. He emitted a deep laugh despite himself, as the commotion finally died down.

    "Anyone else want a go?”

    It was the battler’s voice, and Tybalt was more than surprised by its feminine tone. A female had committed such a ferocious murder? His smirk widened – it wasn’t often he came across a worthy, female opponent. But he kept quiet; if her victim had been in good health to eventually result in nothing but a pile of ash, Tybalt wouldn’t stand much of a chance blind.

    Soon there were more voices – the individuals finally revealing their exact destinations. He’d already established the location of the other female who’d first answered him, but now there were two male voices.
    “That sounded quite a battle,” Tybalt remarked, genuinely impressed by the noises alone. He had visualized a scene far different from the actual happenings, but that alone had taught him these survivors weren’t to be messed with. The female had single-handedly killed another in a matter of minutes; he wouldn’t stand a chance against the whole group. ”What did he do?” Tybalt didn’t particularly care about their reasons – he had never needed to justify a kill, but presumed that maybe they were sensitive enough to despise meaningless violence. Were that the case, they were going to love him.

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    Post by Guest Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:55 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Late Noon

    Even as she smirked, and tossed around her jokes, Phoenix could taste the familiar copper of blood filling her throat. The fire she had unleashed, it was too hot for the fragile muscle to handle, and she tore her esophagus something awful. Every time she swallowed, she could feel the thickness of it slick down into her stomach, causing it to ache. Doing her best not to show the damage or the pain, she just kept smirking.

    "Hoo'sh thyat?" Phoenix turned to Asche to see him with a mouthful of stick and sighed, shaking her head. But she followed his line of sight back to the newcomer and a frown set in. She was getting way too many newbies in her territory and it was starting to piss her off. What did she need to do? Start scenting the place? Gross. So to her surprise, he actually seemed to show something she hadn't seen from everyone else. “That sounded quite a battle." That, ladies and gentlemen, was respect. About. Damn. Time.

    ”What did he do?” Oh, she could go on about that for days. Especially about that awful green paint. Ugh! But they didn't have days. "Well," she began. "In a nutshell, he was fucking nuts. He painted my territory with an ugly green color, kept tossing around insults like he was freaking god, and wanted us to play some stupid riddles when all we wanted to do was tear his throat out so he would shut the hell up." Phoenix fanned her tails and waved a paw around dramatically, for effect.

    "The talking! So much talking! All talk with nothing to show for it now but some smoldering ashes. Heh. Serves the dick right, trying to take over MY territory like that." She glared back over at the pile of whatever was left of the Smeargle, then at Rukh, who's near betrayal sparked the whole affair. A smirk played at her lips, even as blood ran down her throat, and she quoted one of her most important lessons. "People forget rule number 3 every time. NEVER go against Phoenix."

    He didn't seem to take the news well that he was in Orre, and looked really angry for a second. Raven stepped back to try and put some distance between her and the powerful looking creature. But the sounds of battle drew his attention and, when the violence was done, actually had the balls to address the Princess herself. And it kind of sounded like a compliment. Okay...

    When asked what the Smeargle's crime was, Phoenix, of course, went off on all the things that annoyed her. But, those things had bothered almost everyone. And while, yes, they all wanted to kill him, the way she had gone about it seemed almost...personal. It wasn't just a simple matter of annoying her, was it? That question was answered when Phoenix delivered a hard look at the Skarmory before mentioning 'Rule number 3'. Oh no, not those damn rules again!

    Raven remembered, back in the day, when Phoenix would quote the 'Rules' to all of her gang recruits. There were only a few of them, but she took them very seriously. And any ounce of violation was met with quick and painful vengeance. She was really a violent creature back then, and still today it seemed. "If I have to hear about those damn rules one more time..." Raven muttered to herself. She didn't care if anyone heard. If they asked, the Persian was sure the arrogant Ninetales would spout off all of her rules just to make sure everyone knew them. "Crazy fox."

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    Post by Silverishness Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:35 am

    Post 21

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    Pyrite Town| Late Noon

    The strange pirate dragon stood near the edge, and though Asche didn't particularly want to get close to the hulking figure, Raven stood there, conversing with him. The dragon made the mistake of asking what had happened, and Phoenix ranted on what a dick the smeargle was. While Asche did not disagree with this, her last statement and Raven's retort made him all the more confused.

    "Roolsh?" he asked, placing the stick down at his feet. "...You have rules, Phoe?" It made sense, if he thought about it, since she said she ran a gang. but maybe he, in his foolishness, had already broken some and he didn't even know? Then again, she would have probably told him he was before burning him to a crisp... The smeargle was proof of that. Even Asche wasn't that obnoxious.

    Still, the sweet coppery scent of blood wafted, and he soon realized it came from Phoenix. He trotted near her, head low with concern. "...You ok...?" he asked softly, not wanting everyone to hear. "...I smell blood."


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    Post by Min Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:15 pm

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    Post by Snitch Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:18 am

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    Pyrite Town || Late Noon [3]

    Tybalt had soon realized that asking for the victim’s crimes had been a huge mistake. The attacker just went on and on and on... However, one particular word stood out for the garchomp, territory. A wave of discomfort suddenly took hold of the raptor at the realization of his own crime. Even if this land belonged to a mouthy female, Tybalt knew well enough that she had claimed the area for a reason and he was an invader. He was no stranger to pack hierarchy, having spent over a year in control of a fearsome group of garchomp and in that time, anyone who had dared step on his soil was met with a quick, brutal end. Now with the tables reversed, Tybalt felt obliged to recognise her authority – even though she currently sounded like a typical, whiny bitch.

    "People forget rule number 3 every time. NEVER go against Phoenix."

    Phoenix, then that was her name. Perhaps she was a houndoom after all. His head snapped in the direction of the feminine voice that had first spoken with him, hearing her mutter her distaste of the ‘rules’. The whole concept seemed somewhat orderly to Tybalt – in the wild, he had ruled without the need for such definite limitations. He was a renowned tyrant, bending the traditions of the pack as he pleased.
    “Well... Phoenix, I apologise for invading your territory,” He spoke gruffly, shuffling on his feet almost embarrassed at such a mistake. In the garchomp’s mind, these strangers had every right to kill him, but he hoped his blindness would be a valid enough reason for them to spare his life. He was disgusted at himself for having not picked up her scent previously, although now it was fairly obvious. “I haven’t been blind long, you see...” Tybalt admitted, taking a step back as the sudden scent of blood flitted into his nostrils. He froze, resisting the urge to seek out the liquid. It was a huge weakness; the smell alone was enough to send his species into a feeding frenzy. The fact he couldn’t see it only increased the temptation. Perhaps this Phoenix creature wasn’t as strong as he’d first thought.

    His heavy tail flicked behind him impatiently, the raptor struggling to keep control of his instincts. He couldn’t attack now, blind against at least four able-bodied opponents. Even though he didn’t want to fight, kill, the undeniable aroma was proving a powerful foe.
    “I-I smell blood,” Tybalt managed to growl, clearly struggling to keep composure. Had these strangers any knowledge of his species, they would understand the sudden shift in the dragon’s behaviour. He turned his head away, resting it against the cool surface of a nearby building as he attempted to block out the overpowering smell. Breathing slowly, Tybalt’s body gave a slight shudder as he rested his mind firmly on not attacking the pokémon that currently proved perhaps his only chance of survival.

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    Post by Fox Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:22 pm

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    Pyrite Town | Late Noon (12)

    Ra slithered through the hot streets, exhausted and depressed. He had been on the move nonstop for weeks, stopping only to drink when water could be found. His stomach tore at him, but he refused to eat. Each time he thought on eating, his younger sisters' words came to mind.
    Snake...I hate what I am...I hate it...

    Suddenly, his senses picked up the sharp scents of blood, charred flesh and adrenaline. The Arbok slithered silently behind a pile of rubble, lowering himself as low as he could to the ground and peered out.
    So much violence in the air...they can't be friendly...he thought, his serpentine tongue flicking madly as it tasted the air.

    The large canine he recognized as a Ninetails, was the one that smelled most strongly of blood, and not far from her was a dark pile of...something- that he could only assume was the remains of a pokemon. Next to her sulked a Persian, a strange Absol and a gibbering Garchomp.
    He named all of the species off in his head as he watched, listening intently to their conversation. He swallowed the pain that swelled in him as he recalled the education his father gave him about the broad range of pokemon species.

    The others seemed unnerved when the Garchomp started to get edgy over the scent of a wounded creature. The Arbok huffed quietly as he watched the large dragon struggle with himself inwardly.
    "Never a wissse thing, bleeding near thessse dragonsss..." He said quietly, not aware that he had spoken out loud.


    Fala hopped through the searing daylight, her claws blistered from the hot sand. The small Natu had been following the Arboks' trail since Phenac. She was crying silently as she flitted from patch to patch, her wings giving out from the strain.
    Ra....she called out telepathically, but heard no answer.
    As she paused to catch her breath, she gazed at the city before her.
    His trail leads there...She gasped air greedily, her lungs wheezing loudly.
    Daddy...I wish you were here...so you could talk to Ra...he would listen to you...


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:25 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Late Noon

    Phoenix coughed a little even as she sat there staring at everyone. She was getting a stomach full of blood but the sad part, it was her own. Her throat was worse off than she originally thought. It was only made worse when Asche trotted up to her and opened his mouth. "...You ok...I smell blood." She winced and glared hard at him. Sure, he said it in a whisper to only her, but if she didn't bring it up why did he need to? But she couldn't be too mad at him, not with that look on his face. If she snapped at him it would feel like kicking a lost puppy. her face softened and she gave him a small nod, not really wanting to talk at the moment.

    “Well... Phoenix, I apologize for invading your territory,” Phoenix's head whipped around to the dragon again, her eyes wide. Really? REALLY?! Someone actually showing her some respect and acknowledging the fact that were trampling all over her turf? Would wonders never cease...“I haven’t been blind long, you see...” Apparently they can't. She only just realized the strange look of his eyes, and felt bad for not seeing it earlier. Though she was kind of busy at the time, killing idiots and all that. She tried to motion for Asche to say something for her when the dragon started acting really agitated and mentioned blood.


    Raven sat and watched the whole exchange, and was a little worried about Phoenix's reaction to the newcomer. She really started to worry when Asche began whispering to Princess Knows-It-All, but the look on his face made her worry double. Something was wrong. There was the mention of blood and the shark-like creature began getting really strange. Banging your head on a wall, for example, not normal. "Never a wissse thing, bleeding near thessse dragonsss..."

    Raven nearly jumped twenty feet at the hissing behind her. When had a snake shown up? Her fur bristled at her anxiety and she moved so that her back was no longer facing him, not liking that she was so vulnerable only a moment ago. "Are you...where...Where did you come from?" she asked him as politely as she could muster. No one mentioned there was a big purple serpent behind her, so she could only guess that he just got there. Now she had to worry about Phoenix and yet another new guy. What else could happen?

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    Post by Silverishness Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:27 am

    Post 22

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    Pyrite Town| Late Noon

    Asche's frown deepened by a fraction as Phoenix's only reply was a nod; usually she would take any excuse to talk or order or bitch or insult or... something. Even though he'd only known her a good part of the day, he knew she enjoyed hearing her own voice, so her option for silence was odd and unnatural. Maybe something was wrong with her mouth or throat? Either way, it was weird and he didn't like it.

    His attention was diverted when the dragon began talking, and eventually, he was smashing his head against the wall. Not good? He had never encountered one of the pirate dragons before, so he didn't know what to expect. 'At least the guy's blind so we have the advantage... I think,' he thought to himself after the dragon had apologized. But his talk of blood reminded Asche of the Sharpedos in his home region, so maybe it was something like that? His thoughts were somewhat confirmed when he heard another, different voice sound near Raven.

    Her reaction was funny enough, jumping into the air and hissing at the same time. But Asche was just as disturbed that the snake had been there without anyone detecting it. How long had it been there? Still, Phoenix seemed to be getting anxious, which made him anxious, and he turned to the dragon's direction. "Maybe you shouln't be downwind of it," he called. "Move away so we don't have to fight you, too, uh... sir." He seemed nice enough, apologizing and whatnot... Asche should show the same respect...



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