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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team

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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:11 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Late Morning

    "Well, thanks anyway."

    Oh that arrogant little shit! He was as bad as the stupid cat! Her fur bristled as he completely ignored her question for a second time. First, he comes traipsing into her turf, acting like he owns the damn place, then questions her about some ugly green electro-mutt, and then has the sheer GALL to ignore her? Fuck. That.

    She growled angrily at Vanton, flaring her tails out, but then noticed something rather odd. In his attempts to ignore her, bunny boy seemed to have found Asche's imitation of a vulture rather annoying. He bent down and actually challenged the blue kid. "Come at me, bro." She couldn't help but smile, a wicked grin plastered on her face. This could prove both informative and entertaining. She'd been wanting to see what the Absol could do, other than get himself into trouble, and this could be the perfect opportunity. She relaxed out of her threatening pose and waved a paw to Asche. "All yours kid. Show me what ya got."

    ((OOC: Asche...why you dumb? lol. And Ciana, Sil asked if Asche could take him, so Phoe is giving the blue bad luck charm a chance to prove his metal. Go for it guys!))

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:22 pm

    Post 13

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    Pyrite Town| Late Morning

    "Come at me, bro."

    Buh? Asche was more than a little confused at the invitation to fight, but then he looked to find Phoe with a large, wicked grin on her face. Her tails lashing, she looked like a crime boss looking over a pit fight.

    "All yours, kid. Show me what you got."

    Asche frowned and turned back to the umbreon. He really had no real intention to fight, he just wanted to make sure he was in a good spot in case something happened... and once again, he was in the wrong spot at the wrong time. Dammit. Eying the umbreon over, he decided to quickly get the first hit... and keep it at that. He fired an ice beam straight at the umbreon's feet, the cold quickly adhering to the umbreon's fur because of the stark difference in temperature. He kept at it until both front feet were securely encased in ice.

    "You're not worth my time," Asche growled in a low voice as he turned to walk back to Phoenix, keeping an eye over his shoulder as he did so. He didn't want to get into a useless fight... for once.


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    Post by Guest Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:26 am

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    Pyrite Town/Morning (9)

    He curled up the paper and put it at his side taking out another one for him to start his plan again, although he stopped as he looked at what was happening down there.

    So many information floating around on those little beings...He decided to gather information as things were happening, although as he went deep into his own notes and thoughts he started to speak his own thoughts outloud. The Ninetales shows a very pridefull nature, to the point any one that steps in her supposed "Territory" is down right an enemy forgetting the safety in numbers could prove worthy to her side, seems to show a love for battle or maybe just a sadistic nature due the Umbreon's intentions for battle... he stopped and thought for a momment than he putted the paper sheet that he wrote about the Ninetales to his side and licked the tip of his tail and grabbed another this time turning his attentions to the Absol.

    His mind, as much as his body are strange colored, seems to try to make himself strong and tough when in true he just wants to hide in the darkness. Circling others like a Mandibuzz and than back out from a fight is...not a good strategy, specially after you shoot the first attack. he shaked his head not pleased at the Absol's strategy but than he shrugged it off. He had one final person to analyze.

    A Recently found Umbreon that came from...possibly a far away place, rarelly have seen one of these on this desert. Seems to be looking for an odd colored Manectric, there's a lot more odd colored pokemon than I thought...It seems the distress and the lack of information about the one he wishes to find brought him quite down. Someone important?

    He was pleased at his notes. He curled them and slided them inside of his cane, but he stopped and took out the file about the Ninetales and started scribbling on it again. PS.: She didn't found the map nor seems to have discovered the mistake I did on purpose. Otherwise eventually she would easily had found my next challenge. he putted back in while thinking and starting to write on an empty sheet, although the sheet that was next of him was starting to fly off he quickly jumped and grabbed it taking a deep sigh...

    He sitted back down and looked at it writting on it again so the words could be more visible, he put the sheet inbetween his toes, it still could be read "Just passing by. Do not attempt attack or I am forced to teleport and attack you back and possibly break a rib or an arm/leg." If they were smart enough they would know how to read and how to avoid dangerous circunstances.
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    Post by Guest Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:32 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Noon

    Freaking. Wimp. Phoenix just stared at Asche as all he did was freeze the stupid rabbit to the ground. What kind of fighting technique was that? Sure, his little quip about the guy not being worth it was nice and all, but the guy also CHALLENGED him. Only cowards back out from that. She sighed heavily as the Blue Menace came back to her and she shook her head in disappointment. "Could've done way better kid, gotta tell ya."

    "Coward. Using a cheap shot like that. Fight like a man. Or are you a rattata?" Phoenix glared at the Umbreon like he had just committed a cardinal sin. Which, according to her laws, he did. You do NOT mess with her boys. She steeped forward and flared out her tails, a sign she was more than willing to fight. "Look, richie," she began. "I don't know who you think you are but this is MY idiot. Go find your own." She began to glow a dark purple, making her brilliant yellow fur turn dark and menacing. "Che. Bring it bunny-boy."

    Raven sighed at Phoenix's choice of defense. Because calling Asche an idiot was really going to win him over to her gang. Not that the neon fox had much of a gang anymore. She came out of her corner started to walk away. "Hot head," she muttered under her breath. "Always out to get someone. Always been this way." Sure she came from a rival gang, but really, what kind of territory was this place anymore? All she wanted was to defend her home it had nothing to do with turf wars. Though, not liking the fox certainly helped fuel her opinion.

    Something strange caught Raven's eye. She was walking past the wall that Phoenix had so arrogantly burned earlier and noticed that part of the wall was discolored. A...hole? And it cracked into what looked like and arrow. Propping up she looked inside and found a scorched bit of parchment. What was this doing in there? Pulling it out she coughed at the disgusting taste of burnt paper. it landed on the ground and unfurled, showing a bunch of green squiggles. Oh great.

    "Hey crazy fox!" she called out to Phoenix. "If you could stop playing with your food like an ill-mannered child I think that mutt left something!" Phoenix stopped glaring at the Umbreon long enough to glare at the stupid Persian. "FINE!" She called out, letting the purple glow vanish quickly. She turned back to Vanton. "We'll finish this later, I have shit to do." With that she walked over to where Raven was obnoxiously staring at the ground.

    "What?" Phoenix snarled. Raven glared back. "Shut up and look at this," she told Phoenix coolly. Growling at Raven, she dragged the paper over to her with one paw and looked down. Ugh, more green. Disgusting painter-pup. Wait...this looked familiar. It was an overhead layout of her city. It was a freaking map! "Where did you get this cat?" Raven pointed up at the wall and at the arrow. Phoenix grinned. "Well, now we know where he wanted us to go. Only thing is, do we want to?"

    ((OOC: Long post...sorry. lol. I just adopted Raven so I wanted to get her in there since she has had a lot of down time.))

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:03 pm

    Post 14

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    Pyrite Town| Noon

    Asche stopped as Phoenix shook her head at him. "Could've done way better kid, gotta tell ya," she muttered, and his pride fell a bit. He had been trying to take the more mature route, really... like Jake would have wanted him to do. His tail fell a little, but the umbreon brought Asche's attention back to the former.

    "Coward," the umbreon spat as he freed himself from Asche's ice. "Using a cheap shot like that. Fight like a man. Or are you a rattata?"

    Asche's lip curled and his fur bristled at the snide comment. He never took well to people insulting him, but Jake's scolding voice and stale glare stayed his attacks. Phoenix jumped in before he could, however, and growled out, "I don't know who you think you are but this is MY idiot. Go find your own." She began to glow a dark purple, making her brilliant yellow fur turn dark and menacing. "Che. Bring it bunny-boy." Raven called out to her then, though, and Phoenix dismissed the umbreon and trotted away.

    Asche glared down at the umbreon. "Don't bitch at me because you weren't paying attention to the person you challenged," he growled in a low tone. "So shut the fuck up. You got your answers, so get the hell out. Your manectric isn't here, and staying to fight someone for no reason is worse than cowardice, it's blind stupidity. I'm gonna save my energy for something I intend to kill, asshole. You should do the same." He snorted and trotted back over to Phoenix, anger still bristling. He still wanted to go and maim that asshole, but his better side was winning... for the moment.

    His demeanor changed when the cat pulled something out of a hole in the wall, and she and Phoenix were bickering about something."Well, now we know where he wanted us to go," she stated flatly. "Only thing is, do we want to?"


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    Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:46 pm

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    Pyrite Town/Noon (10)

    Erik licked the tip of his tail as he pondered and wondered. He decided he couldn't take anymore notes around and slided his notes in his cane, as he looked down he smirked seeing that finally they noticed the map and the arrow. "Let the games begin" his mind wondered as he teleported away.

    The map itself had several dots in them, no doubt revealing the location of some of his challenges, there was a small note on this map saying "Error=Place" eventually it ment that some error that either they or E.Nygma himself commited would tell the exact location of where was the second challenge.

    Last edited by ECN13000 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Min Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:38 pm

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    Pyrite Town| |Morning

    "Using a cheap shot like that. Fight like a man. Or are you a rattata?" Rukh was thoroughly amused by the newcomer's choices. Was he really choosing to add fuel to the fire? Fool. "And I thought the kid was here to find some weird green Manectric rather than fight." the bird muttered. He watched as the Ninetales got angrier, glowing a purple as her fur turned dark. His eyes followed Raven, who discovered something. "Hey crazy fox! If you could stop playing with your food like an ill-mannered child I think that mutt left something!"

    Phoenix yelled back, turning away from the dark-type eeveelution and heading towards the Persian. Rukh hopped towards them aswell, finding that they had gained a map... With more green. "Well, now we know where he wanted us to go. Only thing is, do we want to?" The steel-type stood there, wondering. He turned back to Vanton, staring at him.

    'If I help him find that Manectric perhaps I can bring him over to my side, and with success he will be in debt to me. I could use that to my advantage...' He looked back to Phoenix. 'But that would risk trouble.' Rukh put that idea away, perhaps he could use it later. For now, their main goal was to decide. Would they play along with the stupid challenges?

    He was never good at making decisions. Ever. He may have looked leader-like and independent but even then he was always just taking orders. Personally, Rukh wasn't really up to playing along with the Smeargle's antics, but if he got to kick it's ass then he'll take any chance he gets. "As long as we get to kill him, why not."

    [OOC: Good to be back. ;w;]
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    Post by Abysswalker Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:42 pm

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    Pyrite Town | Morning

    Damn, this desert heat REALLY sucked. Not to mention Roxas was forced to wear this giant black collar around his neck with a heavy chain attached. It didn't help matters at all. The rather irritated Jolteon kept on walking through the unfamiliar town he was stuck in, which was oddly void of life. That was a shame...Roxas liked his solitude, but not as much when bloodthirsty freaks wanted to eat him. Roxas didn't think his luck could get any worse in this Arceus-forsaken desert. Soon, he'd start talking to himself, and then Roxas would go mad from being alone for too long.
    Holy crap.
    Others. Other Pokemon. Right over there, in front of Roxas. Hard to miss when one was a really bright yellow. It actually took Roxas a moment to realize they weren't illusions created by the region's heat or his possible madness, they were REAL! But then, as usual, a wave of anxiety hit Roxas like a bulletstorm. Here he was, right in the middle of the open, and these strangers probably wanted to kill him too (What an optismistic person you are, Roxas thought wearily.) But just to make sure, Roxas hid himself from these new guys and watched what they were doing.

    A blue Absol, for some reason, used Ice Beam on an Umbreon, freezing the Eeveelutions paws. Roxas felt concern mixed in with nerves and shyness, but then the bright yellow Ninetales, a little cat, and the Absol became preoccupied with something Roxas couldn't see. Hastily, and against his nature, Roxas, attempting to not be noticed by the other Pokemon, went to the Umbreon's side. “Hey, you alright?“ he asked, and while waiting for a response, Roxas caught sight of a large metal bird. It was a Skarmory, the bird who had tormented Roxas and Royal not too long ago. Roxas couldn't hide fear, and tried to make himself look even tinier. Axel had always hated that habit of Roxas', but the Jolteon did not feel like getting cut open by a bird today.


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:53 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Noon

    "As long as we get to kill him, why not."

    Phoenix smiled broadly at Rukh. "I like the way you think bird," she told him proudly. "Couldn't have put it better myself." Raven just rolled her eyes. What the hell was that going to accomplish? They would have to find him first, fight him, and HOPE it could be killed. Sometimes that damn fox's ego could really get in her way. She shook her head and looked back down at the map. There were a lot of strange markings on it she couldn't really make out. Poking Phoenix in the side with one paw, Raven scowled and pointed down. "So then tell us, oh fearless leader," voice dripping with sarcasm. "Exactly how do you plan to figure out this mess?"

    Phoenix glared at the cat, not liking her attitude. Stupid girl had been a subordinate in her last gang and she sure as hell wasn't going to try and usurp Phoenix of hers. She swiped a tail at the Persian's face, causing Raven to hiss in irritation, and Phoenix looked down at all of the little dots. "I'll tell you how, kitty," and without actually answering she set the paper aflame. That was her answer to all of them. "If he wants us, he can get off his lazy ass and come get us. This is MY home and I will not be treated like a pawn." And just for good measure, she stomped on the crisped, blackened parchment and ground the ashes into the dirt.

    "Now as for yo...hey..." Phoenix had turned back to the Umbreon, intending to scold him some more, when she noticed he was gone. Vanished. "Che, jerk. Solves one more problem then, I guess." But then she noticed in his place stood another freaking Eevolution! Were these premium pets growing on trees now? Trees didn't even f-ing grow here! She sighed heavily. "Okay, so what do you want?" she was getting tired of this. "Another sob story? Looking for food? Got lost? Amnesia? A bad case of the blues? What? Spit it out! I don't have all damn day!"

    Raven stomped on the tail closest to her to shut Phoenix up, causing the Ninetales to turn around and snarl at her. Raven didn't care. "Maybe if you shut up for five seconds and let him answer, you might actually learn something!" This created a glaring contest between the two, sparks almost visible between them as their animosity grew. Raven was the first to break away and Phoenix counted it as a win, but really the Persian just didn't want to be caught up in childish squabbles. She turned to the new Jolteon and offered a smile. "Don't worry about the hot head, she'll get over herself one day. I hope. I'm Raven." Phoenix wanted to eat the cat. 'Sure, just invite anyone into my turf why don't you!' she thought to herself.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:52 am

    Post 15

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    Pyrite Town| Noon

    Asche simply watched the cat and Phoenix pretty much go at each other's throats, sarcasm and disdain saturating the air and conversation. While he was glad that it wasn't directed at him, it still made him feel a little nervous. All he had to do was do something dumb or mess up and all that negativeity would be directed at him.

    Which was very likely to happen.

    When Phoenix burned the map, Asche's eyebrows raised a little. Ballsy. Though he probably would have done the same. "If he wants us, he can get off his lazy ass and come get us. This is MY home and I will not be treated like a pawn," Phoenix growled at Raven. Asche couldn't agree more.

    Then it seemed that the umbreon was now a scared looking jolteon and Asche rolled his eyes. Just how many pokemon were there in Pyrite? He said nothing, just watched the jolteon.


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    Post by Abysswalker Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:43 pm

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    Pyrite Town / Noon

    Roxas was overwhelmed by the Ninetales assertive and rather rude manner, yelling at his reason for being here on her turf or whatever. The Jolteon didn't have a real reason this woman would accept, so he kept his mouth shut. When did Roxas ever had a reason? He was an intruder, a nobody, he wasn't supposed to exist-even that blue Absol didn't think Roxas was worth his time. The Persian, however, was a lot kinder than the other two. "Don't worry about the hot head, she'll get over herself one day. I hope. I'm Raven." Roxas cocked his head slightly, wondering if he should answer. These new Pokemon were a damn strange bunch, that was for sure. "I-I'm...." he began, nearly choking on the words, "R...Roxas. I'm Roxas." He ducked his head slightly, unwilling to make eye contact when he said the next words. "I don't have a reason for being here. I'm just....here. That's all." How lame. That Ninetales would surely attack Roxas in the next five seconds, anyways, and the Umbreon was gone. Shame....as Roxas waited for an answer, he kept a close eye on the Skarmory that hadn't yet said anything. Oh dear Arceus, don't let him be a psychopath....


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door
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    Post by Guest Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:09 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Noon

    "I-I'm...R...Roxas. I'm Roxas."

    Guilt slapped Phoenix in the face, hard. He was just a kid...Damn. She really could be just such a royal bitch sometimes. Though she would never admit that, especially in front of Raven, the stupid cat. Her angry face fell into one of pity and sorrow. She honestly felt bad for the way she treated the Jolteon. But, she had just had a really bad morning. She sighed, shook her head, and walked over to him, completely ignoring Raven.

    "Hey, kid," she said softly. "Don't be scared, 'kay?" The Ninetales sat down next to him, wrapping a couple of tails around his back to comfort him, and lowered her head to whisper so only Roxas could hear. "Don't tell those guys...but my bark is way worse than my bite, hehe." She gave him a playful nudge and looked back to the rest of the group. Guess it was time to get everyone somewhere safe. Even if she did have to bring the damn kitty cat.

    Raven watched in awe as Phoenix visibly softened and actually walked over to the new Eevolution. "Wh-what? What is she doing?" She...she hadn't done that with anyone here. Or ever, as far as she could remember. It was quite a sight. And...was she actually comforting the boy? Someone needed to slap her, because Raven knew she had to be dreaming. "So, the arrogant Princess of Pyrite actually has a conscience. Who knew?" Raven said, astonishment clear in her tone. Phoenix was talking to him, Roxas, but the Persian just couldn't make out what she was saying. She didn't have to wait long though.

    "Alright guys! Party's over! Let's get back insi - Oh shit!" Before she could finish her sentence, a large thud and a cloud of dust appeared before Phoenix. When the dust settled, a small bug-type lay at her feet. Wha-? "I-incoming!!"

    With that she looked up sharply, just in time to see an Aerodactyl flying right at them. Great! The bug just had to lead that thing here. Raven jumped into the fray immediately, launching a Thunderbolt at it. Scary part? It actually worked. After distracting the beast from Phoenix and the little bug, the attack gave it a new target, one very alone and outmatched Persian. "Crap..."

    Not one to just sit on the sidelines, Phoenix went into command mode. "Asche! Freeze the sunnova bitch! Rukh get to Raven and give her a hand! And you two-" she looked down at Roxas and the Vibrava, "-stick with me, kay? I'm not letting it get any of us. This is my turf you ancient freak!" With the last part directed at the Aerodactyl, she launched an Energy Ball right at it, hoping to give it too many enemies to focus.

    ((OOC: Long post, sorry! lol. But these two bring out so much of each other it is hard to not keep writing. AND - Welcome back Ciana! <3))

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    Post by Silverishness Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:38 am

    Post 16

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    Pyrite Town| Noon

    It was odd seeing Phoenix cozy up to the new guy after being nothing but a royal B to everyone else, including himself. Well... she softened a little when all that crap came tumbling down on him, but not to this extent. Maybe Phoe had a thing for yellow...?

    Asche merely made a face at the entire situation, and only half listened to Raven's musings beside him. So, the arrogant Princess of Pyrite actually has a conscience. Who knew?" the cat asked herself. Since it seemed a rhetorical question, Asche kept his comments to himself.

    However, his attention was diverted to a small vibrava flying in a panic toward them, shouting, "INCOMING!" Behind her, the blue absol spotted an infected aerodactyl, to which Phoenix began to bark out orders. He didn't need to hear her call for attack as he fired an Ice Beam right to a wing, causing the appendage to freeze and stop working. That would bring it to the ground.

    He then fired up a Psycho Cut, his scythe glowing with the burning psychic energy that filled it. He ran to a higher spot, to get a better shot at the beast. Done right, this attack could slice it in half.


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    Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:21 pm

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    Pyrite Town/Noon (11)

    He was starting to get inpatient...tapping his can impatiently, he growled as he teleported to the place of where they were, he could be seen in the same place where he was before. He suddenly was caught in the middle of madness worst than he haves already. He could see the Ninetales smoothing up to a Jolteon and a Vibrava suddenly shooting out of nowhere dragging an undead Aerodactyl with her.

    He rubbed his tempers sighing. With all this random insanity, no wonder they are all brain dead and only think with their jaws, powers and muscle.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:25 am

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    Pyrite Town| |Morning

    "R...Roxas. I'm Roxas." It was a Jolteon. Another eeveelution. Two eeveelutions in a day, huh- wait, where'd that Umbreon go? Oh well. He felt that something was coming... Some kind of dark premonition telling him that he should fly off somewhere. The Skarmory wondered what it was, there was a faint crash in the distance and the gentle breeze was disturbed. A Vibrava had crashed in front of Phoenix. "I-incoming!!" it yelled.

    As the Aerodactyl rounded the corner, Rukh couldn't help but sigh a bit. "Ah." he muttered. "So that's what it was." The Persian had jumped into the fray and Thunderbolted the fossil, Phoenix quickly yelled orders. "Asche! Freeze the sunnova bitch! Rukh get to Raven and give her a hand! And you two stick with me, kay? I'm not letting it get any of us. This is my turf you ancient freak!" Ah, it felt good be given orders again. This was something the steel bird could work with.

    "Yes ma'am!" he called, immediately rushing to the feline. "You alright?" he asked, turning his head to the Aerodactyl. Scraping his beak metal together, it let out an eerie screech. His wings coated in pure steel as he readied a Steel Wing as defense. The Ninetales had fired a Energy Ball at the flying thing. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Asche Ice Beaming the wing of the rock-flying type. This battle was going faster than he expected- although that was probably due to it basically being six against one.

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    Post by Abysswalker Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:41 pm

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    Pyrite Town | Morning

    Roxas was speechless at the Ninetales' sudden kinder behavior. Her anger had disappeared from her expression, and the fox had even wrapped a few of her long tails around his back. Wow. "Don't worry, they'll never find out from me," Roxas replied. But then a Vibrava with an Aerodactyl behind it showed up out of nowhere, and everyone flew into action. Roxas only knew what to do because of the orders of the Ninetales, but he didn't want to sit here and do nothing. Summoning the strongest of the charges of his fur, the Jolteon fired a wicked Thunderbolt at the ancient enemy. It's screech scared the hell out of him, but at least Roxas was able to assist in some way. Usually, he was useless in battle....his foes were always stronger, no matter what. Just how useless could Roxas get?


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door
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    Post by Silverishness Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:47 pm

    Post 17

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    Pyrite Town| Morning

    The others joined in attacking the aerodactyl, but Asche wasn't deterred. He knew he was powerful enough to kill it, and this attack would totally be the end of it. Then, he would prove to the others that he wasn't just a bumbling idiot klutz. Yeah! This plan was FOOL-PROOF.

    He unleashed the powerful attack, a swirling purple boomerang flying through the air. However, his aim was off, and the attack careened into building nearby, where the smeargle had first appeared. It sliced clear into the wall, raking along its side the clear length of the building, which was now sporting a large, long gash. "..Wups..." Asche muttered as he watched the attack completely and utterly miss.

    Though, the attack made him see something within, a figure of some sort. Seeing as how the aerodactyl was taken care of, he trotted to the building. What was in there?


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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:18 pm

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    Pyrite Town/Morning (12)

    He sighed wondering how he could catch their attention...drop a boulder on them? Burn them with Will O Whisp? Maybe deliver a thunder shock? So many choices so little time....he couldn't really decide on what to do, but becoming hostile would make him drop to their level, and E.Nygma wanted to prove himself to have a far more highly developed intelect.

    He was so concetrated in his thoughts that he didn't even noticed an attack from the Absol miss him by an inch, he only came into his senses when he heard and felt the building being chipped off by the attack.Are you crazy?! That thing nearly hit me, you moron! Than again, what could I expect from some small minded idiotic being? he scowled, attacking without provocation is as much as he needed to see how much higher his intelect was. Nothing is more of a solid proof than the current situation.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Min Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:19 am

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    Pyrite Town| |Morning

    The blue Absol had unleashed a powerful purple boomerang that flew through the air. The Skarmory had never seen this kind of attack before, but he concluded that it was definitely strong even when it careened off it's original course and into the wall of a building, leaving a long gash against the... Steel? Concrete? As much as Rukh wanted to say most of the buildings were made of concrete some of them had freaking rust on them.

    'Only if the attack had gone a bit of a different path... Would've hit that stupid Smeargle right in the face.' Rukh directed his attention to said Pokemon as it yelled. "Are you crazy?! That thing nearly hit me, you moron! Than again, what could I expect from some small minded idiotic being?" The Steel Bird wished the freak would just shut up. "We aren't blind, scumbag. Now if only that attack really did hit you..." he growled.

    The bird looked back to Raven, giving a quick nod before flying to where the Vibrava was. "You alright? How long was that Aerodactyl been chasing you for? Must've been scary." he murmured to the newcomer.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Abysswalker Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:28 pm

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    Pyrite Town | Morning

    Okay, Roxas admitted that he was impressed by the Absol's attack, even though it had completely missed and then hit a building. The Jolteon merely watched curiously as the fox-like Pokemon trotted over to that same building; had he seen something that Roxas hadn't? Puzzled, Roxas followed after the blue Absol and stopped in his tracks as an angry voice came from the semi-ruined building. "Are you crazy?! That thing nearly hit me, you moron! Than again, what could I expect from some small minded idiotic being?" Well then, obviously someone was pretty pissed off at the Absol, but was there really a need for insults like that? "We aren't blind, scumbag. Now if only that attack really did hit you..." the Skarmory (Roxas shrunk back a little) retorted to the angry one before flying over to the newcomer who had brought the Aerodactyl over here. Man, that made Roxas really wish he had a mind for making up sharp replies, but he wasn't that smart. Roxas was pretty much useless. Turning away from the anger that was going on, Roxas, once again against his nature, went over to the new Vibrava, keeping as far away from the Skarmory as he could.

    "Hey, are you okay?" Roxas asked the Vibrava, letting his concern show. It was sincere, Roxas didn't like to see little Pokemon when they were hurt. Making it a point to be nicer than he usually was, the Jolteon added, "And I'm Roxas, by the way."


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

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