Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team


    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:41 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Late Morning

    By the time the Ninetales crawled out of her hole it was too late. Everyone was against her Erebos and even Dean was calling out for his end, leaving the yellow fox feeling incredibly betrayed by her breeder. He had chosen Erebos for her, forced them to spend time together until they found each other worth a damn, and now here he was after all that effort calling for his remaining Pokemon to attack? Angry tears shone within Phoenix's eyes as she witnessed this sin, forced to watch as Erebos fought badly outnumbered. As Rukh tried to trap her mate within a Rock Tomb her beloved got away, turning tail and disappearing back into the city, and away from her. She had kept him safe for almost a year, and in one fell swoop these so called 'allies' attacked and chased him away.

    Finally she moved forward, tails flaring in wild serpentine patterns as they signified her rage, and put herself in front of Dean and in the middle of everyone's field of vision. “How dare you...” she growled furiously. “Why did you chase him away from me? He's mine dammit! MINE!” The father of her child, her mate was gone. Cipher had taken their son, almost taken Dean, and when death claimed Erebos the virus had brought him back to her. He was hers, fate had tried time and again to take him and failed and yet this lot was able to chase him off? She didn't think so. “What do you have to say for yourselves?”

    Dean stepped back at the intimidating pose Phoenix took in front of him, concerned that she was acting so hostile towards him. He could understand that she was attached to Erebos, after all he was the only male she had ever allowed near her and the father of her only kit, but he had been taken by the virus. Dean himself had to put down his very first Pokemon, his Serperior, when during their travels to find his stolen Pokemon he had been stricken with the virus and turned on them. It had nearly killed him to do that, he'd had that Serperior since he was a child. But Phoenix had always been intensely passionate, her emotions often running away with her, so the only thing to do now was see what she wanted.

    At the question of chasing Erebos away Dean looked down in shame. “He was trying to kill us...” he began but a quit shot of fire at his feet had the blonde jumping and crying out in alarm. “I don't care! That's not his fault! We should be helping him not trying to kill him!” Reasoning with her was going to be difficult if this was the stance she was taking. “How sweetheart? How can we help him? Other than death there is no way to combat the virus so what else are we supposed to do?” He looked to the den, now in shambles as the crater still crumbled with bits of brick and debris toppling over into the hole. “Would you really have kept him in there forever? The dead still die...I've seen it. Eventually...everything dies.”

    Phoenix could only remain silent.

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:39 pm

    [[Skip, please. I can't post today. Asche is just standing there, wondering what the hell is going on.]]


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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Min Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:21 pm

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    Pyrite Town| |Late Morning

    Rukh watched as the battle raged on, the mad Houndoom violently attacking the Volcarona. Determined to help, the Skarmory moved to enter the fray, but stopped at Phoe's shout. "Stop it! Leave him alone!" the steel-type grit his beak. Never had he ever felt so conflicted in his life--after all, in a battle everything was already planned out for him. He hesitated, wings tiring to keep himself in the air. I have to do something--it's an undead for Arceus's sake! I can't just ignore it!! He knew he had to do something...no, he knew he was going to do something. With a deep breath, the metal bird flew forward, listening to the human's words. If he was going to fight, he'd have to coordinate his moves so he wouldn't get in there way.

    Rukh carefully observed the battle, flying overhead to get a better view of the scene. He couldn't just rush in the frontlines, especially when their foe was super-effective against him. "Just gotta...find an opening." he grumbled. Bundling up his courage, he took a chance. He circled in from behind, only a few meters away from the undead as he landed harsh on the ground, talons skidding against the earth. In synchronization with his movement, pillars of rock rose behind the Houndoom, a Rock Tomb beginning to form. He scowled, hoping that attack wouldn't miss--hopefully this could make the fire-type stay still long enough for the others to land their attacks...but why in the world did it feel like he had already done this?

    [OOC: Edited becuase I messed up on the timey wimey shenanigans lmao.]

    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:48 pm

    ((Was asked by the Admins to carry out the Harb on Discord's Luxray**reposting**))

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    Pyrite Town|Late Morning

    He heard the human's call but the sounds were more like a muffled murmur, the loud ear piercing wails of the Volcarona from before rupturing one of his ear drums and making all sound seem as though it were underwater. It took him several minutes to realize that what he had hollered was in fact a coordinated attack between the moth and zebra, and by then it was too late. He threw himself into the Discharge and raced through it to ram right into the Zebstrika, his impressive form giving him enough solid weight to throw the small equine back and into the moth before she could come at him again. He didn't like that moth.

    He once again went after the false yellow, running around the toppled pair on his way to the human, but then the earth began to move. The steel bird landed so close he could feel the rush of air from its landing but when the rocks tried to surround him Erebos unleashed a fountain of fire to try and keep it from becoming his prison. He would not be trapped again. Using his fire as propulsion he pushed off of one of the large stones that rose around him to skid several feet away. Letting out a loud howl he surrendered his position and decided to leave this group until they broke apart into smaller numbers. He would kill that false yellow once it was alone, but as long as those three were around it would be more difficult.

    Opting to head to the other side of the city Erebos found himself coming upon the scent of another Pokemon, trailing it until he saw a lone Luxray sniffing around the city. His mouth watered, thick drops of saliva and Sludge Bomb co-mingling and dripping down to melt into the hard clay ground. It seemed the creature was aware it was being followed but did not seem to think to look to the shadows on his side for any sign of danger. Wasting no time he launched a massive Sludge Bomb and was satisfied to hear the Luxray scream in pain as its entire backside and left hind leg were engulfed in the poisonous fluid. It began to eat away at his flesh, the scent of blood perfuming the air quickly as his fur burned away and the skin melted to reveal thin and wiry muscle. His prey hadn't been living so much as surviving it seemed, any trace of lean and healthy living eaten away by starvation and constant running.

    But at least it was prey.

    As his meal writhed on the ground in pain, trying in vain to use the ground to scrape off the sludge adhered to his skin, the Houndoom stepped casually forward. His jowls dripped with poison as he leaned over the Luxray, lips curling back in a sneer to reveal extremely sharp canines coated in viscous fluid. As the multi-colored eyes of the Luxray stared back at him, horror and realization dawning within their depths, Erebos lunged. His Crunch bit into the creatures throat with such force that the neck snapped cleanly, tendons ripping and snapping to find the head off and rolling to the side as the hound dug into the neck of the body that remained, hungry for the organs inside the cavity he revealed.

    Near his whole head went down until his horns caused him pause. His teeth tore at the esophagus until he got a firm grip before pulling roughly, bringing the stomach and at least of foot of intestine out with him through the neck of his kill. Snacking hungrily he flicked his glowing eyes to his sludge still at work, eating away at the thicker part of muscle in the hindquarters until it was nothing more than lumps of putrid flesh. While the blood of his prey was sweet and delicious he found himself wanting as most of it colored the ground rather than ended up in his stomach. It was irritating to say the least and the Houndoom soon found himself bored with his meal even as it lay rotting before him. After tearing off any yellow fur he found, saving the star-tip of the tail for last, he left the body out for display and decided to go back to his efforts of killing the other false yellow he knew was in the town.

    ((Reposted, though this is also going to now act as his leaving post for now))

    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:49 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Late Morning

    By the time the Ninetales crawled out of her hole it was too late. Everyone was against her Erebos and even Dean was calling out for his end, leaving the yellow fox feeling incredibly betrayed by her breeder. He had chosen Erebos for her, forced them to spend time together until they found each other worth a damn, and now here he was after all that effort calling for his remaining Pokemon to attack? Angry tears shone within Phoenix's eyes as she witnessed this sin, forced to watch as Erebos fought badly outnumbered. As Rukh tried to trap her mate within a Rock Tomb her beloved got away, turning tail and disappearing back into the city, and away from her. She had kept him safe for almost a year, and in one fell swoop these so called 'allies' attacked and chased him away.

    Finally she moved forward, tails flaring in wild serpentine patterns as they signified her rage, and put herself in front of Dean and in the middle of everyone's field of vision. “How dare you...” she growled furiously. “Why did you chase him away from me? He's mine dammit! MINE!” The father of her child, her mate was gone. Cipher had taken their son, almost taken Dean, and when death claimed Erebos the virus had brought him back to her. He was hers, fate had tried time and again to take him and failed and yet this lot was able to chase him off? She didn't think so. “What do you have to say for yourselves?”

    Dean stepped back at the intimidating pose Phoenix took in front of him, concerned that she was acting so hostile towards him. He could understand that she was attached to Erebos, after all he was the only male she had ever allowed near her and the father of her only kit, but he had been taken by the virus. Dean himself had to put down his very first Pokemon, his Serperior, when during their travels to find his stolen Pokemon he had been stricken with the virus and turned on them. It had nearly killed him to do that, he'd had that Serperior since he was a child. But Phoenix had always been intensely passionate, her emotions often running away with her, so the only thing to do now was see what she wanted.

    At the question of chasing Erebos away Dean looked down in shame. “He was trying to kill us...” he began but a quit shot of fire at his feet had the blonde jumping and crying out in alarm. “I don't care! That's not his fault! We should be helping him not trying to kill him!” Reasoning with her was going to be difficult if this was the stance she was taking. “How sweetheart? How can we help him? Other than death there is no way to combat the virus so what else are we supposed to do?” He looked to the den, now in shambles as the crater still crumbled with bits of brick and debris toppling over into the hole. “Would you really have kept him in there forever? The dead still die...I've seen it. Eventually...everything dies.”

    Phoenix could only remain silent.

    ((Reposted, liked the way it sounded the first time so I am keeping it as is.))

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:28 pm

    [[Derp. Nothing to repost, so please skip.]]


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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:35 pm

    ((Nothing else to work with really so...BS post AWAY! XD))

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    Pyrite Town|Late Morning

    Everything dies. Everything dies?
    That was what Dean wanted to pass to her?
    That was his brilliant tidbit of wisdom?

    "Listen here you emotionless twit," she growled dangerously, advancing on her human. "Erebos is not a thing. He is my mate. I don't care if you humans take that seriously or not but I fucking do alright?!" Dean had spent months trying to get her to choose a mate, praying that she would find some male acceptable, and when he finally did she didn't even like him! It took forever for Erebos to prove his worth to her and now, when he needed her, Dean wanted her to just let him die? "Fuck you..." she hissed.

    Dean was taken aback by Phoenix's vicious words, stepping back when she began to move on him. She acted like she wanted to attack him, her tails flaring dangerously and her teeth bared. "Easy baby girl, it's not that I don't love Erebos. I do. You know I do. I love every Pokemon I have ever taken care of....but he's suffering Phoenix. You can see that can't you? He...he was always so strong and proud. You don't think he would want to be one of those monsters do you?" She growled in response but backed away, seemingly at war within herself. He reached out to try and comfort her but her reflexes kicked in and she bit, hard. Dean cried out in pain, pulling his hand back and cradling it to his chest, while Phoenix stared at him in horror at what she'd done.

    "Dean...Dean I..."
    "But I'm so-"
    "It's fine."

    It felt to the Ninetales like her heart was breaking all over again. Funny part was she didn't remember it ever getting better after losing Nikki and Erebos.

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:41 am

    Post 52

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    Pyrite Town| Morning

    Asche had never felt so useless, so helpless. There was a scene unfolding, unfurling into a play of hate and dissension between Phoe and her beloved human. While he still didn't particularly care for the human, not an hour ago was he being berated by the same ninetales for actively hating him. She'd defended him so vigorously, so passionately... and to see her now, turning on him at the fact that he was doing what any of them would have done... Asche felt torn. Phoenix was the first friend he'd made in a while, and though he'd known her only a day, it seemed a lifetime. Golden eyes flicking from one to the other, it pained him to watch. He wished he could resolve it, but he knew better than that. He'd likely only end up making things worse.

    "Listen here you emotionless twit, Erebos is not a thing. He is my mate. I don't care if you humans take that seriously or not but I fucking do alright?! Fuck you..."

    "Easy baby girl, it's not that I don't love Erebos. I do. You know I do. I love every Pokemon I have ever taken care of....but he's suffering Phoenix. You can see that can't you? He...he was always so strong and proud. You don't think he would want to be one of those monsters do you?"

    Asche watched, gut wrenching, as the human tried comforting Phoenix. He flinched, knowing that even though he'd been with her for a little over a day, that trying to console her would be a bad idea. You don't reach out to a burning bonfire-- you'll just get burned. And as he'd feared, the ninetales instinctively lashed out, sinking her teeth into her human's hand. He reared back with a cry of pain, and suddenly, the roles they'd been playing were horribly reversed.

    "Dean...Dean I..."
    "But I'm so-"
    "It's fine."

    Unable to take much more drama, Asche stepped forward, going to Phoenix's side. "Let him heal it on his own, Phoe," he offered softly, unsure whether or not the fire would lash out at him as well. "It's not a bad wound. We should... gather what we can, right? The supplies? The day's going to be really hot... And... we should find another place to stay." Maybe something to take her mind off what just happened would help...


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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Min Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:14 am

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    Pyrite Town| |Late Morning

    It was gone, having devoured a passerby Luxray to satiate it's monstrous hunger. At the sight, the Skarmory had almost wanted to vomit. Although he had survived for two years in this apocalyptic mess, his stomach still churned and twisted. The body was mangled and mostly-eaten, left on display under the blazing Orre sun. It would start rotting quickly, that's for sure, he could already see small flies beginning to rest on the remaining flesh of the corpse. Although it was a disgusting sight, the metal bird had difficulties trying to avert his gaze. Rukh was unsure why it was so hard to look away--the cadaver was oddly...alluring. Like a piece of disturbing art in a gallery, the kind that unsettles you but the details and fine touches captivate your eyes. This was exactly what it was, a grotesque, organic sculpture. "Rest in peace...I guess."

    Having been lost in thought, Phoe and Dean's conversation barely registered in his mind as he finally managed to pull himself away, flicking away debris and filth from his worn armor before dragging his beak along his feathers in hopes of returning their usual luster. His gaze lingered on the yellow fox, dipping his head for a moment in respect before looking to Asche, who spoke. "We should... gather what we can, right? The supplies? The day's going to be really hot... And... we should find another place to stay." Rukh nodded his agreement, stretching his wings. "I'll uh..." he mumbled, pausing for a second before continuing. "I'll fly around and see if I can spot anything from the skies. I'll call if I see anything, 'kay?" with a quick motion he managed to gain altitude, body aching in pain as he fought to keep in the air, climbing higher into the vast blue. At least he was away from the tense atmosphere, his body already weary enough from the events of the day. Slowly, he began to circle around the perimeter of Pyrite Town, looking carefully for anything of use.

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Storm Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:37 pm

    (( Please skip, going to be leaving for someplace soon, and I wont be online this weekend. So I'll bring Kothar in next round. Sorry. ))

    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:05 am

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    Pyrite Town|Late Morning

    As Dean walked away Phoenix's face fell, not sure whether or not to follow. Dammit she wasn't good with this emotional shit! Hitting people and giving orders was so much easier. Why the hell did caring about someone make everything so much more complicated? "Let him heal it on his own, Phoe," came a voice from beside her, breaking the Ninetales's inner rampage. "It's not a bad wound. We should... gather what we can, right? The supplies? The day's going to be really hot... And... we should find another place to stay." Sighing heavily and shooting a last glance to Dean's retreating form Phoenix nodded. "Yeah...good idea."

    "I'll uh...I'll fly around and see if I can spot anything from the skies. I'll call if I see anything, 'kay?" The yellow fox nodded and left Rukh to fly off in his search leaving the depressed fire type with an aloof Absol. "Guess we better get started. I don't see our earlier catches so we may have to hunt again. You want to find the food or a place to stay? We need both." Truthfully Phoenix wasn't really sure if she should go on a hunt, it would likely wind up in a fiery inferno of destruction and chaos once her bottle up emotions had an outlet. No...her hunting was probably not a good idea.


    Dean rubbed his wounded hand gently, keeping his arm cradled to his chest as he fought back the tears that threatened to spill over his cheeks. How could Phoenix think that he didn't care? That he didn't love Erebos? Granted he didn't raise Erebos like he had most of his other Pokemon, collecting him as an adult as a stud for Phoenix, but he still loved the Houndoom. As much as he had any Pokemon he had ever taken care of. But her hurt was so great that she just couldn't see that Dean was only trying to stop the fire hound from suffering.

    A glint of light caught his attention and Dean saw Rukh circling the city, hopefully not because his girl chased him off. The Skarmory was a good sort and needed a little more attention on those wings. Guy wouldn't like it if they went brittle because of all this sand and heat. Dean shook his head and tried to have faith that Phoenix wouldn't lash out at the others just because she was hurting, though the throbbing in his hand was a constant reminder that she was more than capable of doing just that. "Sweetheart..." he murmured to himself. "Please don't be angry...I'm only trying to help." He paused in his trek and looked straight up at the sky, seemingly trying to lose himself in the empty blue void stretching overhead.

    ((If you want Dara your char can notice Dean since he is on his own right now. Since he has the same name as Kothar's trainer it might cause some drama lol))

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The PYRITE Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The PYRITE Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:03 pm

    Post 53

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    Pyrite Town| Morning

    "Yeah...good idea."

    Asche allowed himself a small sigh of relief as Phoe came to her senses, his nervous frame relaxing only a fraction. Well, at least there was progress. "I'll uh...I'll fly around and see if I can spot anything from the skies. I'll call if I see anything, 'kay?" The ninetales nodded, but Asche couldn't help a small pout. It was obvious that Rukh was running away from the awkward moment, using his legend-given wings to literally catapult himself out of the ocnversation. Lucky bastard...

    "Guess we better get started," Phoenix admitted, her tone betraying her mental exhaustion. "I don't see our earlier catches so we may have to hunt again. You want to find the food or a place to stay? We need both."

    Asche frowned. "I... think it'd be better if we stayed together..." he began slowly, searching for the right words. Oh-- he was so awful at talking intelligently, and right now, his intuition told him a false stutter or glance would send Phoenix right back off. But he didn't want them separating-- not now, not while that thing was loose and Phoe was so... imbalanced. "I-I mean... he's still out there, and I don't... have any moves to fight him... And, well... it's just better to go out in pairs, right?"


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    Post by Min Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:45 pm

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    Pyrite Town| |Late Morning

        The desert sun shined overhead as the steel bird circled the town. The rays were hot on his wings as they reflected off. Rukh grumbled under his breath, occasionally faltering mid-flight and losing altitude before rising back upwards. He grit his beak. Slowly he squinted down at the city, the settlement now only a talon's width in his eyes as he made a slow descent, soon skidding to a halt on the roof of one of the buildings. The rusted metal felt uncomfortable beneath him as he hopped towards a broken window, peaking inside.
        "Arceus..." he mumbled, cringing at the torn walls and bloodied carpet. The furniture was in disarray, some overturned and others ripped apart by whatever monstrous being that had come across the home. Tentatively, he took a step inside, nearly jumping when the last remains of a glass vase cracked under his talon. "Mother of fu-" he hissed in annoyance at the slight scratch on his armor, stepping around the mess of shards.
       Carefully he shoved his beak below a fallen shelf, heaving it upwards before replacing his face with a talon and craning down to look below. He sighed in disappointment at the sight of books, the covers worn and pages ruined from the lack of care. He doubted the human would be interested in reading mostly-destroyed books, that is, if the words were still even decipherable. Gently, he set the shelf back down. Shuffling towards the kitchen area, his eyes immediately flashed to the cabinets.
        He took no time eagerly opening the cabinets, scanning carefully for anything that was still intact and useful for the group. Perking up, a smile spread over his complexion as a small shine caught his attention. Carefully, he removed two canteens attached to leather straps, inspecting them for any cracks or leaks. When none were present, he slung them around his neck. "These ought to come in handy," he mused, moving onto the fridge. He hesitated, talons havering before the handle before he pulled the door open slightly, immediately slamming it closed at the horrid stench of rot and mold that invaded his lungs. Gagging slightly, he backed out of the area, shuffling back to the window before climbing onto the roof, not wanting to be anywhere near the disgusting scent.
        He quickly took flight again, this time a little more steadily as he proudly looked down at the two canteens he found, before resuming his search.

    Age : 31
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    Post by Storm Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:55 pm

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    Pyrite Town || Late Morning
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    Kothar’s large wings stretched wide along each side of him, the sun beating down hard on his back, his dark figure clearly visible in a late morning sun. His crimson eyes surveyed the landscape, which was now covered in sand, as though he had come from a desert covered in snow, to one covered in sand. If not for his being a fire type, the burning heat may have caused him to go down by now, but he stayed at his altitude, and continued to fly, avoiding any sandstorms be may have spotted, though it just made his flight through whatever region he had found himself in much longer.

    The large Charizard found himself resting in the shade of large stones when he got tired. Even he had his limits of how much heat he could take, and having scales as black as the night did not help much. If Dean really was here, he probably would have ditched his thick black coat, perhaps for something much lighter. That’s if it he didn’t ditch it for something lighter already. Dean had always been fast on his feet, but that black coat of his always slowed him down some, so for his to ditch it in times like these seemed like something he would do, smart too.
    Better not be dead.
    All my searching better not be for nothing.

    Kothar thought as he looked up into the cloudless sky, for once wishing it would rain. The flame on his tailed look a little dimmer then it should have, though it did not surprise the Charizard all that much. He hadn’t eaten in a long time, and his mouth was as dry as this desert. He couldn’t stay in this shaded rock for long though, wasn’t save to be on the ground in times like this. Opening his wings to there full length, and with one large flap, he was off the ground again.

    Didn’t take long before Dean spotted an range of hills, and what looked to be a city or town in the midst of it. Perhaps there where other survivors there, and perhaps they had seen Dean. A glimmer of hope sparkled in the Charizards eyes and he continued on, picking up a little speed on his way. He cause some kind of glint flying about the city, but he payed it no mind, he just figured it was a trick of the mind. Though something did catch his full attention as he got lower to the ground. Something that walked upright, and on two legs, but wasn’t any Pokemon he had seen.
    Is that?
    Could it be!?

    Kothar almost shouted the name. What he had found was a human, a human, something he hadn’t seen alive since he had been separated from his trainer. All the humans he had seen from then on where decaying corpses deprived of life. The black Charizard couldn’t help but let a smile form on his face, and he swore tears formed in his eyes. This could be Dean, it had to be him.

    "Dean?" Kothar said again, landing just a few steps behind the human, though, when he got a closer look at the human, his smile soon faded, to be replaced by sorrow. This wasn’t Dean. This human was definitely male, but it had blond hair, not white, and his eyes probably weren’t even close to being red. "No, your not him." Kothar added, some kind of scowl on his face now as he glared down at the other human. Perhaps though, perhaps this human had seen his, oh but it was a human, as if it could even understand a word Kothar was saying.

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    Post by Guest Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:59 am

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    Pyrite Town|Late Morning

    "I... think it'd be better if we stayed together..." Phoenix paused for a moment, shoulders dropping down low as her head struggled to remain erect. Even in her darkest hour she couldn’t be allowed a moment alone? It seemed this new world was intent on taking everything from the yellow fox. Her son, her mate, her best friend, and now her peace. "I-I mean... he's still out there, and I don't... have any moves to fight him... And, well... it's just better to go out in pairs, right?" A spark of anger shot through her spine, making her fur stand on end and tails begin to puff out, but as quickly as it started it was over. She didn’t expect Asche to understand, and at least he hadn’t called her Erebos an ‘it’. He was…trying. So the least she could do was attempt the same.

    “Okay Asche…you win. Let’s find food and supplies first then, I’m sure Rukh will spot some kind of shelter from his vantage faster than we will.” She kept her nose to Dean until he was too far upwind to smell anymore and allowed herself a moment to wish his safe return, not willing to lose everyone she had ever loved due to her own failure. As she and the blue feline walked she couldn’t help but feel the need to fill the silence, the quiet always having been a good way to make the fox nervous and jumpy. “Asche…did I ever tell you about Nikki? I don’t think I did…” Even in her sorrow talking about her baby boy always cheered the Ninetales up. He was alive out there somewhere, the mother could feel it, so in order to get her mind off of his father all thoughts turned towards her son.


    Not really sure where he was going the blonde just kept moving, gently rubbing his injured hand once in a while when the dull ache would once again flare into a sharp stab anytime he flexed it. Finally his even strides slowed, coming to a complete stop once he reached the edge of the deep fissure  that once held the entrance to the Under, long since collapsed. Toeing a small rock over the edge the blonde just stood there silently as he listened to it bounce off of the canyon walls until it went so far down only the soft echoes remained. What was he doing out here? Honestly…Phoenix hadn’t meant to bite him so why was he being such a baby about this?


    The loud shout startled the blonde to the point of nearly falling over, catching himself by kneeling down and putting one hand on the ground. Who was screaming his name? Who around here knew his name? It didn’t sound like Rukh and he was sure the Absol, Asche, had stayed with Phoenix. So who…?
    Turning around the blonde male saw a stunning Charizard specimen only a few steps away, a shiny form that wasn’t quite the average even as rare as shinies already were. It had luxuriously dark scales accented with a deep blue, its wings seeming to almost draw you in before his white hot tail caught your attention. As a breeder Dean could immediately recognize the power and potential in such a creature and wished that times were different because he would certainly as whoever raised such a Charizard to stud it with one of his females.

    "No, your not him." Dean was dragged out of his musings as the Charizard spoke once again, the human offering the dragon a sad smile. “I suppose not, since I’ve never met you before. I’m sorry for that. But, on that note, how did you know my name is Dean?” Standing up he tried to keep eye contact with the larger reptile but his natural breeder’s instinct kept making the blue orbs flit over the aerial fire type, tracing back any and all lineage the male may sport within his blood to make him what he was. If only the world weren’t ending.

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    Post by Silverishness Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:11 am

    Post 54

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    Pyrite Town| Late Morning

    It seemed his plan had worked. Though Phoe slumped a bit, his words seemed to get through to her. And while it was true he wouldn't have been able to fend off that Houndoom should Asche's luck prove true and cross their paths again, he knew leaving her alone right now was probably a bad thing for the both of them. “Okay Asche…you win. Let’s find food and supplies first then, I’m sure Rukh will spot some kind of shelter from his vantage faster than we will.” A small smile graced the absol's face, and he happily -or as happily as he could have been at that moment- trotted after the yellow fox. He gave only silent acknowledgement to her statement about shelter, and looked around them for threats or possible rations.

    It wasn't long before the silence became deafening. Any stray noise had them both jumping, flinching at the slightest movement of shadows in his own periphery. There were words that needed to be said, a cough, a sneeze, something to break the tension. It was awful. But he didn't want to strike up conversation-- honestly, he couldn't think of anything he could possibly bring up that wouldn't incur violence in his very precariously-emotional companion. But thankfully, after what seemed an eternity, she spoke before his own fortitude was lost. “Asche…did I ever tell you about Nikki? I don’t think I did…”

    His head perked, then tilted a little as he thought. "...Not really. You mentioned him before... but nothing in depth," he supplied, his voice soft. He was eager to listen, hoping that this particular subject might help lift her mood.


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    Post by Storm Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:16 pm

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    Pyrite Town || Late Morning

    “I suppose not, since I’ve never met you before. I’m sorry for that. But, on that note, how did you know my name is Dean?” The human said, and Kothar just raised his head in confusion. It answered him, as though it knew exactly what the charizard had said. Not only that, but it’s name, it’s name was Dean. Growling he lowered his head to meet the human at eye level, taking a closer look at it. This human, was not Dean. Nothing about him looked anything like his trainer. Kothar knew that humans and pokemon could all share the same name, but he just couldn’t help but feel, sad.

    I’ve searched everywhere for Dean, my trainer, and what do I find? Another human who shares the same name.

    Kothar couldn’t help but feeling a little depressed by this. Why was it becoming so hard for him to find his trainer? He growled, raising his head to it’s full height, he took a look around. Other then a metal bird, the place looked relatively empty. His crimson eyes turned back to the human as he lowered his head to look at eye level once more. Looking it over as though wanting to know why it could understand him.

    After a few moments, Kothar finally spoke. “I didn’t know your name was Dean. I thought your where my trainer, who’s name also happens to be Dean.” He more or less growled, as though he wasn’t all too happy to find a human with the same name as his trainer. “Perhaps you have seen him? White hair, red eyes, pale skin. See anyone like that?” He asked. In truth, Kothar was about ready to give up his search, but he couldn’t. He wouldn’t, never, never would he stop looking for his trainer until he was safe, or until he confirmed he was dead. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that.
    Finding a human was rare enough these days, but finding a specific one was going to take a lot of time. Maybe forever if the human was already dead. He knew one thing though, he wasn’t going to call this human in front of him Dean, that was his trainers name. He knew it wasn’t uncommon for humans to share the same name, but he just didn’t want to grasp the fact that all his searching for Dean, would lead him to another human of the same name. “Do you have another name?” He asked, knowing humans normally had two names. First and last, and sometimes middle, guess that made it three names? Confusing a little in his opinion, how did they keep track of them all.

    (( Sorry for the late post, didn’t realize it was my turn again already. ))

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    Post by Guest Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:19 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Late Morning

    “I didn’t know your name was Dean. I thought your where my trainer, who’s name also happens to be Dean.” The blonde male felt for the dragon before him, knowing full well what it felt like to lose someone you care for so deeply and not know what happened to them once they left your sight. After his husband was killed by Cypher he lost nearly all of his Pokemon and many of their fates were still unknown to him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disappoint you..." He didn't know what else to say to the fire type that would be any sort of condolence, and anything that came to mind just sounded cheap and forced. “Perhaps you have seen him? White hair, red eyes, pale skin. See anyone like that?”  Dean shook his head.

    "No, I'm afraid not. We can help you look if you'd like. Our group is small but you could rest knowing you have a few other numbers to help." Dean smiled at the Charizard and offered a friendly hand in welcome. “Do you have another name?” His smile faltered a little but he thought about it, trying to see if there was anything else the male could call him. Dean had never had a nickname other than the petnames his husband would call him once in a while. "My last name is Caldar so if we can't think of anything else you may call me that. And even if it's just a few hours or a few days you look like you could use a break, tired eyes tend to see less than fresh ones. Come on, we were just about to leave this place anyway so why not go with us?"


    Phoenix took a deep breath as they walked, closing her eyes and conjuring forth the sweet memories of her baby boy and days when she and Erebos were happy. "Nikki...my Nikkolai...he is the sweetest kid you will ever meet. Soft and silver fur, with his momma's eyes. Smart as a whip, even as young as he is, and so polite, not like me at all really," Phoenix chuckled to herself. "He gets it from his dad. I've always been more brawn than brain but Nikki, Nikki always knows what to say...what to do...he can make everyone love him without even trying just by being him. Maybe that's just a mother's pride, but, honestly I've only ever known two people to ever hate my boy and that was just because he wouldn't mate with them."

    In her mind Nikki was wrestling and horsing around with his dad, something the boy liked to do when he was younger. She would always see him as a child even though by all accounts he wouldn't really be considered one anymore. He was a teenager now, with all the problems that came with it. While Nikki wasn't interested in mating several pursuers had been. Phoenix had been able to take care of most of them and taught Nikki how to handle himself when she wasn't around but there were always a few who fought a little more than they should have. "At least he also has his momma's fire to back him up," she chuckled. "My baby has always been the one thing in this world that can calm me. When he's around I just can't get angry, unless of course someone hurts or threatens him, but then any anger is not only present it is tripled. I love that boy more than life itself and I will fight fang and claw through hell itself if it will get me back to him."

    "What about you Asche, you have anyone you care for that much?"

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:55 pm

    Post 55

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    Pyrite Town| Late Morning

    There was a slight pause as Phoenix seemed to compose herself before delving so deeply into herself. "Nikki...my Nikkolai...he is the sweetest kid you will ever meet. Soft and silver fur, with his momma's eyes. Smart as a whip, even as young as he is, and so polite, not like me at all really," she mused with a chuckle, bringing a small smile to Asche's face. "He gets it from his dad. I've always been more brawn than brain but Nikki, Nikki always knows what to say...what to do...he can make everyone love him without even trying just by being him. Maybe that's just a mother's pride, but, honestly I've only ever known two people to ever hate my boy and that was just because he wouldn't mate with them." Asche scoffed at the last comment; he'd known a few like that in his day... far too many for his liking.

    There was another small pause in the conversation, but it was lighter, kinder. An easier moment for them both to recollect and ponder; a more companionable silence, until Phoenix spoke once more. "At least he also has his momma's fire to back him up," she chuckled again. "My baby has always been the one thing in this world that can calm me. When he's around I just can't get angry, unless of course someone hurts or threatens him, but then any anger is not only present it is tripled. I love that boy more than life itself and I will fight fang and claw through hell itself if it will get me back to him."

    Her determination furthered the small smile he'd gained, glad that the little kit had someone like that trying to find him. He was a lucky little kid, and if he was any sort of progeny of Phoenix's, he was still alive. There was no doubt about it. He knew that the affirmation of her strength was a small, subconscious way to convince herself that the kid was still out there somewhere, but Asche felt that it was unneeded. He was out there. He had to be.

    Phoenix's next words caught him off guard, as it pulled him further into the conversation. He'd been content merely listening, which, as he recounted his conversations, was rather rare. "What about you Asche, you have anyone you care for that much?"

    Asche gave a gentle, humorless chuckle as his expression failed to hold the genuine contentment it had not a few seconds ago. How could he tell her his sob story after she had just warmed herself with memories of hearth and home? Of precious family? His eyes searched the ground as if they held some sort of answer, but of course, it yielded nothing. Heartless trainer after heartless trainer. Studded countless times, sometimes to no avail. He likely had children, he didn't know. He never saw them. But... There was one pokemon that stood out amongst the others-- the only one he could truly consider a friend...

    "...Well," he began, knowing that Phoenix wouldn't be satisfied with a simple "I have no friends" excuse, "...there was one guy, I guess. It was... hard, you know... finding friends when you... really didn't stay with a trainer or owner or... anything, really, for very long." He paused, trying to find his words. How could he explain it without giving away any further information? "His name was Jake, a kadabra. He was a smart-Alec, some high and haughty 'I've-got-infinite-more-smarts-than-you' kinda guy. Wasn't too fond of him at first, but... we became friends eventually." The smile reappeared, genuine once more as his eyes lost focus on the ground before him and saw only precious memories before him. But, in a moment, the memories disappeared, along with the smile. He'd been traded away before he'd even gotten the chance to say goodbye, to say anything...

    "...I don't know where he was when all of this happened... But he was the smartest pokemon I know. I'm... I'm sure he's ok." He didn't have the heart to bring his head up to meet Phoenix's fiery gaze, and allowed his amber gaze to fruitlessly search the rubble at his taloned feet.


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    Post by Storm Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:08 pm

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    Post by Guest Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:43 am

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    Pyrite Town|Late Morning
    P(56)/D(24)(skipping Dean since I needed Dara)

    "...Well," Phoenix stopped a turned to look carefully at Asche, his long pause giving her a slight nagging feeling that she had touched a sensitive subject for him. She let out a breath of relief when he finally pulled out of his strained look to continue with his thought. "...there was one guy, I guess. It was... hard, you know... finding friends when you... really didn't stay with a trainer or owner or... anything, really, for very long." The Ninetales nodded. She had known many Pokemon like that after coming here to Pyrite, those that had ended up in her gang or even those that wandered the streets weren't the type to be held down by trainers for very long. She, Erebos and the Arcanine from back home had been the exceptions.

    "His name was Jake, a kadabra. He was a smart-Alec, some high and haughty 'I've-got-infinite-more-smarts-than-you' kinda guy. Wasn't too fond of him at first, but... we became friends eventually. ...I don't know where he was when all of this happened... But he was the smartest pokemon I know. I'm... I'm sure he's ok." Phoenix finally saw to the sensitive side of the subject and didn't say anymore on it. She allowed her tails to brush over Asche's back in a small gesture of comfort before nodding her head towards the old Colloseum. "What say we perk this conversation up with a bit of hunting. I know a few critters still hide around that old place because there are so many places to hide. Wanna check it out?" They could both use a distraction from their collective pasts.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:06 pm

    Post 56

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    Pyrite Town| Late Morning

    Asche was glad to see Phoe turn the conversation to a different direction. His chest had begun to ache at the thought of Jake and what few and clouded fragments he had of the concept of "home". "What say we perk this conversation up with a bit of hunting. I know a few critters still hide around that old place because there are so many places to hide. Wanna check it out?" The absol's face erupted into a smile, and he nodded, thrilled.

    [color=#79cdcd]"Pfft, yes, please," he replied, quickening his pace a bit, happy for the distraction. "I'm still hungry-- you think there's more pokemon here even after all those commotions?" he asked as he turned, waiting for her to catch up. "I mean, if I heard all that stuff with the Stupid Smeargle, I would have run for the hills."


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    Post by Min Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:40 pm

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    Pyrite Town| |Late Morning

        He could spot Phoenix's bright pelt and Asche's dark fur from his altitude, both contrasting each other against a background rust and stone. His wings faltered, but still managed to keep him flying as he cracked a strained smile. No whining, Rukh, think of it as endurance training! He chuckled under his heavy breaths, slowly descending down to a nearby rooftop for a few seconds of rest. His yellow gaze rested on the travelling sun, hot rays now only warm against his metal as he adjusted to the temperatures.
        "...I wonder," his smile was gentle, curling delicately upwards on his beak. "I wonder if you guys are watching the same sun as I am." he almost laughed at how cliche he sounded, eyes glistening with nostalgia as he remembered how he used to watch the sun pass with his own team-mates; perching upright against a branch and squawking profanities at a Claydol while a nervous Armaldo tried to calm them down. A Lileep would be cheerfully enthusing about how bright blue the sky was, debating with an Aggron about what each cloud looked like while a Metagross would remark about how sunsets were statistically more liked by the general population before floating off. Rukh grinned, closing his eyes and suppressing his own laughter, which came out as muffled snorts and chortles. "Yeah, well, even if you're not, I guess that's alright." he glanced back at the two pelts in the distance, a satisfied look on his face. "I'm not alone anymore, after all."
        The soft clink of the canteen reminded him of his current task at hand, causing the Skarmory to laugh sheepishly as he took off once more, going back to circling the city under the morning skies. Perhaps he'd explore more houses if they seem intact enough--though dear Arceus he hoped he won't find anymore rotting fridges in them.
        "Endurance training. Right."

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    Post by Storm Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:11 pm

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    Pyrite Town || Late Morning

    "No, I'm afraid not. We can help you look if you'd like. Our group is small but you could rest knowing you have a few other numbers to help." The human said, offering him a welcoming hand. Kothar was hesitant at the thought, but being around others was far more safe then being alone, especially in these times. "My last name is Caldar so if we can't think of anything else you may call me that. And even if it's just a few hours or a few days you look like you could use a break, tired eyes tend to see less than fresh ones. Come on, we were just about to leave this place anyway so why not go with us?" Dead added, answering his other question. Caldar? I guess that will do. He thought. He was still a little hesitant though, but the human had a point. Perhaps he should rest here, and travel with them for awhile. Maybe he would have more luck finding Dean, his Dean, with a few more eyes.
    The Charizard let out a sigh. "All right, I shall take your offer. Traveling in a pack is less dangerous then traveling alone. Thank you." He was still unable to hold a smile though, still rather disappointing in the fact that his trainer was not here. "I'm, Kothar, by the way." He added, introducing himself seeing as he hasn't done so yet. "Where are you and your group heading?" He asked, lowering his head so that he could look the other Dean at eye level. "And, how is it you understand what I'm saying?"
    Kothar had not met a human who could communicate with a pokemon through speech. There where ones who could tell what a pokemon was feeling, but he hadn't met one's like that either. Was it some kind of device? It was near impossible for a human to just learn the words of pokemon.

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    Post by Guest Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:56 pm

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    Pyrite Town|Late Morning

    "Pfft, yes, please," Phoenix couldn't help but bark out a laugh at the pleased expression Asche gave. The kid was practically the male version of her, if she had all the bad luck in the world. "I'm still hungry-- you think there's more pokemon here even after all those commotions?" She wasn't really sure which commotion he meant as there had been quite a few 'incidents' since they first met. "I mean, if I heard all that stuff with the Stupid Smeargle, I would have run for the hills." Ah. That one. She chuckled lightly and shook her head. "Nah. Not when the only hills around are after several miles through open, scorching desert. Most of the critters around here that I haven't already hunted know that there is nowhere else to go that they would make it to without water."

    Phoenix began to trot over the scrap metal bridge and head towards the grand opening that spelled the entrance for the Pyrite City Colosseum. "And occasionally I get a newbie like you that I get to hunt and they get to keep their numbers," she commented casually, turning her head back to catch Asche's expression. "Not that I'd ever eat you Blue," she added with a smile. Lowering and arching her back in a stretch Phoenix shook her body and allowed her tails to fluff themselves out before peering into the fractured darkness ahead. "Ready whenever you are kitty cat."


    Dean smiled as the Charizard accepted the offer to travel with them but it fell a little when he saw the grim expression on the others face. Dean wished there was some way he could cheer the dark scaled dragon up but it seemed anything he said at this current point in time would just seem like empty pity. No creature as strong and proud as a dragon wanted pity. "I'm, Kothar, by the way." He added softly, making Dean perk up a bit. Kothar, a strong name indeed. He really liked it and made a mental note to remember it for a future Pokemon, after getting as many of his ranch back that were still left as he could. The Charizard lowered his head slowly and Dean couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the fiery red eyes now gazing into his own soft blue ones. "And, how is it you understand what I'm saying?"

    Oh! Was that all? Dean let out a lighthearted laugh and gently touched the black device around his collarbone. "This is a translator, it works both ways. You can understand me because of this piece," he pointed to the ring resting around his neck. "And I can understand you because of this piece," he moved his index finger to now point at the wire curling up into his left ear. "It was made by Cipher and I, uh, kind of stole it. They tried to kill me and stole all of my Pokemon from my ranch so I considered it a down-payment to what they took. Now I am trying to get the rest of my beautiful children back and keep them safe as best I can."

    Turning slightly he pointed to where he could see Rukh flying above the city. "See the Skarmory? He's with us, and it looks like he isn't too far from where we are supposed to meet. Would like you like to join me and head there now?" The time was going to be up soon and Dean wasn't sure he would be able to get anything more from his scouting than the large Charizard and the small bits and pieces he collected on the way. Might as well call it early and head back while it was still safe to do so.

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