Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


Founding Admin
Founding Admin
Profile Admin
Harb Mgt. Admin
Harb & Shop Mgt. Admin

Background art was made by Fox. The Banner was made by Silverishness. Show them some love, yeah?

Pokemon © Nintendo
EpidemicJohto © 2011
All names, characters, plotline and artwork are under copyright protection of Epidemic Johto and their respective owners.
No distribution or reproduction without express permission is permitted.

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2 posters

    The Hatchery (step one)


    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    The Hatchery (step one) Empty The Hatchery (step one)

    Post by Suicune Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:29 pm

    Welcome to the Hatchery
    Before you continue you must read the rules thread!

    The Hatchery is where pokémon are recovered and recruited before they are sent out to explore the dystopic world that the pokémon regions have come to form. Legendaries such as myself have been trying to return a natural balance to the world, but the Infected do nothing but destroy and infest everything they touch... the planet and all its resources are slowly dying. We need pokémon such as yourself to help gather information about what is happening. You need to learn to survive, and perhaps you may even be able to help find a cure for this terrible disease.

    Will you help us?

    Profile Guidelines
    • Legendaries cannot be chosen by members.
    • Rules of the Universe
    • Bulbapedia is to be used for finding information, and suggested for the images it provides.
    • When your pokemon evolves, remember to change your level, image, moves, dex, stats, etc. accordingly.
    • Dual profiles have a dual post count, given that the user posts at least a paragraph of action or speech for each pokemon per post.
    • Characters from parents existing on EJ should be linked in the User Notes section.
    • Song lyrics are NOT to be used in the history, or as a substitution for history. Theme Songs are allowed in profiles, but may not be embedded. Instead, link them.

    Profile Approval:
    • After your profile is submitted to the Profile Computer, an admin will approve your character for exploration.
    • Name/region you want to be placed in should be specified in your thread title (i.e, "Coronet | Sinnoh").
    • Team Character Sheets are updated regularly (They will have (OPEN) in the thread title if they are available to join).
    • Once approved, you will be able to start your adventure.
    • Your character will be placed in the appropriate team sheet and given a turn slot in specified team. Visit the sheets to find out when your RP turn occurs.
    • If you don't have a preference to what team you are placed on, place (ANY) after the name/species of your character in the thread title.
    • Profiles will be looked at within the week it was created. Members are NOT to harass admins over approval.
    • New members will be assigned a Rookie rank when your first profile is approved and receive the blue name color and rank tag. More information on ranking can be read here.

    Character Sheet Breakdown

    Image- Image of your character. Must coincide with any unique attributes of your character (e.g. scars, different coloring, different markings, etc).

    Name of character
    Text Color Hex speech color if desired (i.e, #2EBF49)
    Type colors & Hex Colors
    Item Items pertain to items in the games; they can be used and replaced for another in RP. Not limited to in-game items.
    Gender Male, Female, Genderless
    Age Baby, Toddler, Child, Prepubescent, Adolescent, Young Adult, Adult, Aging Adult, Elder, Geriatric
    SpeciesDex number, type of Pokémon, Species name- See Bulbapedia
    Height Height- See EJ Heights
    Weight Weight- See Bulbapedia
    Pokédex Entry Pokédex Entry- see Bulbapedia
    Level Level Cap-
    No badges: lvl 45
    2 badges: lvl 55
    4 badges: lvl 70
    **characters can still level up in RP**
    AbilityDream World abilities require a Mutator Ticket - See Bulbapedia
    Nature List of Natures
    Characteristic List of Characteristics
    Moves Moves must be:
  • Ones your species can learn
  • At least one, no more than four
  • Appropriate to your level
  • Labeled on how they were learned.
  • See Bulbapedia
  • Element/Type Colors
  • History Your character's past. Must be at least two reasonable paragraphs long.
    AppearanceAny defining marks or coloration if any. Body posture that contributes to personality.
    Personality Personality characteristics, quirks, strengths, behavior, habits, etc.
    User Notes
  • Characters that are children of other EJ characters should be specified here with links provided to their profiles.
  • Any additional information that should be noted. Possible motives, particular qualities that don't fit elsewhere, connections to other characters, etc. (If referenced from another character outside of EJ, it should be mentioned here)
  • If using a custom image the artist must be stated.

  • Character Sheet Downloads:

    Single Character Sheet File
    These downloadable document files have html coding present for aesthetic reasons (tables and specified padding). It is recommended that only users with at least a basic html knowledge use these. Programs like Adobe Dreamweaver or freeware like Notepad++ highlight coding, making it easy to see what should be changed.

  • Single Sheet Template
  • (to be downloaded and opened in Microsoft Word or Notepad)

    Example of Single Character Profile with template.

    Dual Character Sheet File
  • Dual Sheet Template
  • (to be downloaded and opened in Microsoft Word or Notepad)

    Example of Dual Character Profile with template.

    Basic Code Character Sheets
    These templates are very basic, and don't have any html coding. These are the simplest to read and fill out, recommended for any user. Simply copy and paste, then fill out.

  • Basic Single Sheet Template

  • Basic Dual Sheet Template

  • We wish you all luck,
    The Legendary Team

    Last edited by Suicune on Sat Dec 23, 2017 11:13 pm; edited 26 times in total

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    The Hatchery (step one) Empty Re: The Hatchery (step one)

    Post by Suicune Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:10 pm

    UPDATE: If you have a WIP profile, and it is moved there, please comment in that thread requesting it be moved back to the profile computer.

    Thank you everyone.


    Founding Admin


    Posts : 1464

    The Hatchery (step one) Empty Re: The Hatchery (step one)

    Post by Mew Sun Oct 19, 2014 1:06 am

    Thanks to a brilliant user, identitist, we have a new profile template if you wish to use it. You can find it here, and an example of it is below.

    SPECIES #???, ??? the ??? Pokémon


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum, dui ac pulvinar semper, ipsum orci dignissim sem, placerat tincidunt arcu felis in ligula. Aliquam id massa ut ipsum lacinia fringilla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi. Ut eu sapien eget massa posuere cursus ut quis enim. Aliquam vehicula placerat volutpat. Proin bibendum justo non turpis consequat, at condimentum odio accumsan. Maecenas id enim ultricies risus rutrum posuere.

    Etiam auctor viverra libero, a auctor est feugiat nec. Donec condimentum placerat tellus ut venenatis. In eleifend in magna sed bibendum. Quisque ac ipsum in nisi venenatis pharetra. Aliquam sollicitudin condimentum ante, vel commodo nibh tincidunt vel. Nulla ultricies placerat ligula at suscipit. Curabitur et nunc lacus.

    Vestibulum vel neque ullamcorper, vehicula justo quis, dictum tortor. Ut facilisis, sapien mattis accumsan euismod, lacus magna consequat lorem, eget convallis risus velit accumsan purus. Vestibulum finibus eu augue sed eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus sit amet convallis tortor. Sed eget lacinia felis, et pharetra tellus. Aenean sodales lacinia sapien, sed rutrum velit sollicitudin sit amet. Suspendisse dapibus mattis sem et hendrerit. Fusce nec luctus dolor, dapibus interdum leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus egestas lectus eget risus auctor consectetur. Ut rutrum suscipit nisi et finibus.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum, dui ac pulvinar semper, ipsum orci dignissim sem, placerat tincidunt arcu felis in ligula. Aliquam id massa ut ipsum lacinia fringilla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi. Ut eu sapien eget massa posuere cursus ut quis enim. Aliquam vehicula placerat volutpat. Proin bibendum justo non turpis consequat, at condimentum odio accumsan. Maecenas id enim ultricies risus rutrum posuere.

    Etiam auctor viverra libero, a auctor est feugiat nec. Donec condimentum placerat tellus ut venenatis. In eleifend in magna sed bibendum. Quisque ac ipsum in nisi venenatis pharetra. Aliquam sollicitudin condimentum ante, vel commodo nibh tincidunt vel. Nulla ultricies placerat ligula at suscipit. Curabitur et nunc lacus.

    Vestibulum vel neque ullamcorper, vehicula justo quis, dictum tortor. Ut facilisis, sapien mattis accumsan euismod, lacus magna consequat lorem, eget convallis risus velit accumsan purus. Vestibulum finibus eu augue sed eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus sit amet convallis tortor. Sed eget lacinia felis, et pharetra tellus. Aenean sodales lacinia sapien, sed rutrum velit sollicitudin sit amet. Suspendisse dapibus mattis sem et hendrerit. Fusce nec luctus dolor, dapibus interdum leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus egestas lectus eget risus auctor consectetur. Ut rutrum suscipit nisi et finibus.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum, dui ac pulvinar semper, ipsum orci dignissim sem, placerat tincidunt arcu felis in ligula. Aliquam id massa ut ipsum lacinia fringilla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi. Ut eu sapien eget massa posuere cursus ut quis enim. Aliquam vehicula placerat volutpat. Proin bibendum justo non turpis consequat, at condimentum odio accumsan. Maecenas id enim ultricies risus rutrum posuere.

    Etiam auctor viverra libero, a auctor est feugiat nec. Donec condimentum placerat tellus ut venenatis. In eleifend in magna sed bibendum. Quisque ac ipsum in nisi venenatis pharetra. Aliquam sollicitudin condimentum ante, vel commodo nibh tincidunt vel. Nulla ultricies placerat ligula at suscipit. Curabitur et nunc lacus.

    Vestibulum vel neque ullamcorper, vehicula justo quis, dictum tortor. Ut facilisis, sapien mattis accumsan euismod, lacus magna consequat lorem, eget convallis risus velit accumsan purus. Vestibulum finibus eu augue sed eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus sit amet convallis tortor. Sed eget lacinia felis, et pharetra tellus. Aenean sodales lacinia sapien, sed rutrum velit sollicitudin sit amet. Suspendisse dapibus mattis sem et hendrerit. Fusce nec luctus dolor, dapibus interdum leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus egestas lectus eget risus auctor consectetur. Ut rutrum suscipit nisi et finibus.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum, dui ac pulvinar semper, ipsum orci dignissim sem, placerat tincidunt arcu felis in ligula. Aliquam id massa ut ipsum lacinia fringilla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi. Ut eu sapien eget massa posuere cursus ut quis enim. Aliquam vehicula placerat volutpat. Proin bibendum justo non turpis consequat, at condimentum odio accumsan. Maecenas id enim ultricies risus rutrum posuere.

    Etiam auctor viverra libero, a auctor est feugiat nec. Donec condimentum placerat tellus ut venenatis. In eleifend in magna sed bibendum. Quisque ac ipsum in nisi venenatis pharetra. Aliquam sollicitudin condimentum ante, vel commodo nibh tincidunt vel. Nulla ultricies placerat ligula at suscipit. Curabitur et nunc lacus.

    Vestibulum vel neque ullamcorper, vehicula justo quis, dictum tortor. Ut facilisis, sapien mattis accumsan euismod, lacus magna consequat lorem, eget convallis risus velit accumsan purus. Vestibulum finibus eu augue sed eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus sit amet convallis tortor. Sed eget lacinia felis, et pharetra tellus. Aenean sodales lacinia sapien, sed rutrum velit sollicitudin sit amet. Suspendisse dapibus mattis sem et hendrerit. Fusce nec luctus dolor, dapibus interdum leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus egestas lectus eget risus auctor consectetur. Ut rutrum suscipit nisi et finibus.


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    The Hatchery (step one) Hz72hB2

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