Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    Rules of the Epidemic Universe


    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Rules of the Epidemic Universe Empty Rules of the Epidemic Universe

    Post by Suicune Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:14 pm

    About the Epidemic

    About the Epidemic and the Virus

    NOTE: Please remember that this information is for your knowledge only. Characters in the rp are NOT supposed to know most of this information. This is here for yours and our convenience, so we have a consistent storyline that doesn't contradict itself later.

    The only information that will be released from here on that isn't already listed here will be by Infectedex or other NPCs.

    The Virus
    • People were separated from pokémon by the government when they found out pokemon turned into the undead. Not ALL humans were able to get this warning/interaction, however.
    • Humans can't become infected; it is pokémon exclusive, much like Pokérus (there are a few exceptions to this rule, however).
    • If humans get killed by the virus, they just stay dead. Pokémon are able to evolve and adapt easier than humans, so they have the potential the virus needs in their DNA.
    • The virus is spread by fluid (usually blood) exchange, or by ingesting flesh that is within the contagious stage.
    • The weaker the pokémon's immune system is, the more likely they will be infected.
    • The virus is contagious within the first two weeks of initial infection. After that, it is no longer able to spread, but still keeps control of the host.
    • A pokémon is considered an infected after its heart stops beating. The virus takes over the base functions of the brain at that point.
    • If a pokemon contracts the virus, it will continue to live until the virus kills off all of its white blood cells. It also affects the aggression area of the brain dramatically, so they will start to become extremely violent and bloodthirsty the further the virus progresses.
    • The best way to kill an infected is to sever the head; the brain stem is the central control of the body. Destroy the brain stem, destroy the infected.
    • There is no known cure.
    • Infected can be portrayed as semi-intelligent. We've found there are a range of intellect and memory kept, depending on the individual pokemon. That means some are very base, with simple instincts and barbaric to the core; others are more intelligent and have retained more of their mind. This may depend on will-power, level/strength, or type immunities.

    It also seems evolution has interesting effects on certain creatures' minds as well as their bodies. The virus seems to enhance their mind, repairing some of the damage that occurred during initial infection to the cerebral cortex, which is the seat of consciousness, memory and language. Unfortunately, this also has been seen to cause severe insanity in the ones that have evolved post-infection. The chemical imbalance and viral alteration of the brain is the cause of this disconnect between their mind and reality, along with the virus's attack on other parts of the brain that control emotion and instincts.

    Elements and Effects
      Pokemon types that show high resilience to the virus: fairy, psychic, dark, steel, rock, ground, ice, and dragon.
    • Ghost types doesn't show any sign of infection, because they are already dead. They fade into nonexistence when infected. Pure ghost pokemon fade quicker.
    • Poison is the only type known to show complete immunity. No known poison-type pokémon can be an infected. In the case that a pokémon is half-poison, it has high resistance against infection.
    • Fire types are exceptionally weak against the virus. They turn quickly once infected.

    Weather Effects on Infection
    • Low temperatures slow down the infection and decay.
    • High temperatures speed up the infection and decay.

    Discolouration caused by Infection

    There are essentially, when divided widely, three kinds of pokémon: Animal, Plant and Inorganic. While some flirt with the borders of these and even transcend into multiple groups, each category has their own specific discoloration as the disease takes a further hold of the host.
    • Animal:Examples are Growlithe, Flygon, and Medicham. Gray tones and purple undertones affects the skin, fur, or feathers (whatever applicable). This also translates to purple markings. Red, fluorescent eyes.
    • Plant: Examples include Cacturne, Abomasnow, and Jumpluff. Gray tones and reddish undertones or even markings. Red, fluorescent eyes.
    • Inorganic: Examples include Solrock, Sigilyph, and Magnezone. Purple or red undertones. Typically, they're already gray if they're steel-type. This gray becomes splotchy with red or purple. Red fluorescent eyes.

    The more these qualities are presented or defined in the appearance of an Infected, the longer it has been Undead.

    The elements of the pokemon, in accordance to how it affects how quickly the Infection spreads, also translates to how quickly the host body changes in appearance. In other words, the same types resistant or weak to the infection also relate to how slowly or quickly the appearance of the host changes (e.g, fire types will change quickly, whereas ice types will not).

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:47 pm