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4 posters

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)


    Age : 29
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    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Kaze Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:35 pm

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Pictur12

    Text Color # FFCC00 color
    Item None
    Gender Female
    Age Young Adult (21)
    Species #596, Galvantula, The elespider pokemon
    Time of Infection One Month
    Height 3’07”
    Weight 31.5lbs
    Pokédex Entry They employ an electrically charged web to trap their prey. When immobilized by shock they leisurely consume it.”-Pokemon White
    Level 60 (RP related level up)
    Ability Compoundeyes
    Nature Timid
    Characteristic Often lost in thought
    Moves - Thunder (TM)
    - Energy Ball
    - Bug Buzz (learnt)
    - Hidden Power Ice
    History Here's a lullaby to close your eyes"

    Angel was born in Room #302 of the Silph Co. Basements in the TM/TM Testing Department. No sooner than she had slipped out of her egg shell when her mother, an seemingly ordinary Galvantula caught straight from the wild, began to eat her newborn offspring. She was one of the few Joltiks to scramble up the walls in time while her mother gulped down the bloodied remains of her own children.
    That was Angel's first experience of a Mother's Love...
    The humans that prized her from the cold stone walls with rubber-golved hands didn't seem to notice or care about the harsh attittude the Galvantula showed her offspring. Everyday they merely reached into the room and plucked out a Joltik to teach four new TMs to. Then they were battled against each other to check the moves were being taught correctly with the right power and technique, before a quick healing and being shoved back into the darkened room with the hungry Galvantula.
    Angel's training regime can to rival that of one of the Elite Four's pokemon on the days when she was plucked out of the room multiple times.

    "It was always you that I despised"

    In the dark nights the bloated mother Galvantula would crouch in her electrified web in the middle of the floor and watch them.
    As she did she would sing to them a mocking lullaby, a perverted parody of love that made Angel's fur stand on end.
    When the latest batch of green speckled eggs hatched Angel would have to watch the baby joltiks, her brothers and sisters, be eaten alive if they were too slow to escape. It was a thoroughly depressing state of affairs but none of the moves Angel had been given the previous day seemed to do more than tickle the Elespider pokemon's fur. She was still to weak to defeat the monster.
    They could never sleep, there were still times when, if a fit of hunger, the Galvantula would suddenly dart up the walls and shove an inattentive offspring into her yellow-furred jaws.
    Not too long after the Galvantula stopped being able to lay eggs her eyes started to turn red.

    "I don't feel enough for you to cry (Oh well)."

    One day Angel was one of those inattentive few. Her battles had exhausted her and her bright blue eyes, it seemed, could no longer focus on the Galvantula in front of her. She started to doze, just for a second, but the sudden snap of jaws around her woke her in an instant. Angel screamed as the fangs pierced her tiny body and, although the ranks of staring sapphire eyes all saw her pain, they would not act to save her. Just as she had never acted to save any of the others.
    Except that, this time, one did.
    One of her brothers, bright eyed from a night without battling, slammed into his mothers side and the Galvantula's jaws popped open for long enough for the slimy Joltik to scuttle up the wall once again.
    The Galvantula's legs scrabbled at the stone and down she fell, allowing the other Joltik to scramble back up the wall before her jaws shut tight around him.
    That other Joltik's name was Walter and he became Angel's only friend.

    "Here's a lullaby to close your eyes."

    Walter watched Angel's back while she slept and he did the same for her and together they became stronger, even as the humans healed her wound without noticing the vicious bite that had inflicted it was not normal.
    Angel grew dizzier, battling came to put more stress on her until she was shoving herself forwards to be taken for more TMs. Somewhere there would be a move that could defeat the monstrous Galvantula of Room #302 and then she would be free. Angel wasn't entirely sure what being free entailed but Walter seemed to be so keen to grasp it it must be something wonderful.
    Every night Walter told her stories.
    This Room was the only one that wanted them, he said, it was where they had come from originally. These walls kept them safe, they loved them.
    It was the Galvantula who would never be Mother, a Mother was supposed to love her children and keep them safe.
    Together they plotted to kill the Galvantula but the Galvantula grew hungrier and hungrier and every night she ate more and more of the Joltik until there were only two left.


    One day night became day and there were no more battles, only the red eyes of the Galvantula below. Eyes as red as Angel's had become.
    The Galvantula leapt up the walls, fringed forelimbs flailing and the blue caraparced tips gouging great scratches in the stone and Walter and Angel fled as they always had before.
    This time there was no other prey to distract her though and the Galvantula leap again and again with wide black dripping jaws. She stunk of a bloody death.
    Walter leapt, he wasn't fast enough.
    The yellow-furred jaws closed on him and it felt like Angel's heart had stopped beating.
    She shrieked and flung herself at red-eyed thing, hoping to knock Walter free of the Galvantula's jaws as she had been freed years ago but a yellow furred leg batted her side.
    With a grisly sound the Galvantula...chewed.
    A tiny yellow furred leg fell to the stone floor.
    Walter was dead. Angel backed away and crouched close to the protective stone as the Galvantula leapt once again, bloody jaws a window to her own fate.
    Angel was swept up struggling into the foul mixture of the creature's decaying insides and the red scraps of Walter's body, fangs split her face and scraped it to the bone as she screamed wordlessly and began to change.
    The Galvantula paused in confusion as a flare of light leaked from in between her lips and the growing mass of another Galvantula forced itself from her mouth.
    The Undead's head became a pulpy mess of red as Angel shakily stood on her new legs.


    She spat out the taste of her mother's blood but that didn't change that she was alone. Alone apart from the room she had been born it, that had sheltered her for so long. It seemed lonely somehow without the eyes of Joltik gleaming in it. It, no, she needed her children back.
    Angel promised she would bring them and, for the first time since the official start of the Epidemic, Angel left room #302.
    Appearance A very large Galvantula. Although she has not been undead for long enough for the purple discoloration to show the missing half of her face is a plain indicator she is undead. Generally she appear some what nervous and tries to be friendly to living. On occasion she will break out into a murderous rage for no apparent reason and rampage violently. She likes to keep low to the ground unless rearing up on her hind legs to attack.
    Personality Angel has no idea she is infected, the infection has struck her brain first and she believes that she is normal, the other undead are horrific monsters and that the living are other survivors, greatly injured, that need to be taken back to ‘mother’ and looked after. She will only attack the living if she is enraged or believes that they are being stubborn and self harming. Otherwise she attempts to lead them safely back to ‘mother’ without harm, although she will become violent if they attempt to leave the room. She thinks of all living and some infected as her brothers and sisters.
    User Notes Because of the way the room kept her safe Angel believes it is her real mother.
    She also believes Walter's ghost is commanding her to return to mother with sacrifices, although this is merely her going mad.
    After feeding on living Angel often becomes sad and hugs their bodies while singing lullabies.
    Angel will sing parts of this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMvOkUMPZ0g to her enemies, she can only speak in phases from the song lyrics, although she will patch them together sometimes. She can also say the song's title "Room of Angel"
    She views all enemies as synonymous with the Galvantula and, in fighting them, is killing her mother again. She takes pleasure in this.
    High level is due to being exclusively breed for training in TM testing and experiencing continuous battles throughout her life.

    Last edited by Kaze on Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:20 pm; edited 5 times in total

    Posts : 2653

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Lugia Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:20 pm

    While interesting, I cannot approve that background. There is not much known about Infected research facilities, and we, the admins, would rather put up resources detailing them so users may keep in canon. Also, her mother cannot be some of the first infected, nor she the second. That is all I will say about that.

    The life orb would do nothing for an infected, just so you know.

    You could honestly have her history without the research facility. But as long as that aspect is in there, I can't approve her.

    PM an admin when you achieve a new rank. PM me for which kind of tickets you'd like, living or dead.


    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Kaze Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:02 pm


    The facility was for researching TM's before sale to check what pokemon they are compatible with and that the move performs at the appropriate accuracy and power, not researching the infection as it was not widespread at that point.

    The fact that Angel's mother became infected is not related to the facility as she was caught in the wild at an early stage of infection.

    Posts : 2653

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Lugia Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:21 pm

    All right. PM me which sort of tickets you'd like.


    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Posts : 580

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Jirachi Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:29 pm

    ...Silent Hill reference? XD Niiice!
    I love this character already. ;u;

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Kaze Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:44 pm

    So anything I must add to get this approved?

    Posts : 2653

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Lugia Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:40 am

    Though such a macabre game like Silent Hill 4 has much in common with this particular world, I have to reiterate that non-canon characters are to be watched and handled carefully. And after speaking with the other admins about it, you should edit out the facility entirely and have her in some sort of apartment complex, home or store. Something actually in the games.

    Things to remember as a crossover character:

    You cannot bring in a ghost, like in the game. It can, however, be a hallucination.

    When she sings the song, don't link it in the rp. You have to actually put down the words. (Don't be lazy :P)

    Otherwise, it looks good. Sorry about all the nitpicking, but we can't let crossover characters get out of hand... D|


    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Kaze Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:39 pm

    Edited the TM testing is now part of Silph co. (although not a prominent part), "Walter" is only a hallucination and any bit of song Angel will sing directly.

    Posts : 2653

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Lugia Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:18 pm

    Ok. Approved.


    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Kaze Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:21 pm

    Please may I have this moved to the profile computer for re-approval?

    Posts : 3650

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:06 pm



    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) 3Br5nS6

    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAngel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) UugYyDK

    Age : 29
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    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

    Post by Kaze Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:37 am

    Please can I have this moved to dead profiles and the ticket refunded?

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    Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto) Empty Re: Angel the Undead Galvantula (Saffron, Kanto)

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