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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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9 posters

    The PHENAC Team


    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:39 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Phenac City | Late morning | 2
    "I'm Marvin," The Stunky said. "I was hoping to explore the topmost part of Phenac before leaving this deserted place," Marvin continued. He spoke slowly and glanced at his surroundings. "You can come along if you want." He walked up to the staircase.
    "Well, strength in numbers. I know this town like the back of my paw, and all that's up there is the Pre Gym, what's left of the previous Mayor's house, and the Colosseum." He motioned to the tunnel he just burrowed through. "This tunnel leads to the Colosseum, as the doors are clamped shut. By the way, I'm Leon. It's something my trainer dubbed me." He paused. "Snow. And it's everywhere. Shit must've happened here." He looked around, and saw the Sceptile. It was looking for water in the fountain. "Don't expect to get something out of there, other than slush and ice. Most of the water should have evaporated by now, due to this place being a ghost town for so long."

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:10 pm

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    Phenac City | Late Morning (7)

    Drageon scratched at the surface of the ice. Nothing came, it was just frozen solid. What could have happened here? he turned back to look at the others, of which most did not seem to notice him. He turned back to the frozen fountain, and as one last try, he sliced through the ice with Leaf Blade. Small and large chunks of ice flew everywhere, but there was no water. It was all frozen.
    In back of him, he heard someone say something. It was talking to him."Don't expect to get something out of there, other than slush and ice. Most of the water should have evaporated by now, due to this place being a ghost town for so long."
    Drageon already knew there was no water left, and likely no anything left. He turned around to face him. "Do you know here we could find some water?" He asked him.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:58 am

    [ooc: couldn't really think of what to do, but I don't wanna skip kfjaldfd]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Phenac City | Late Morning

    To say that Marvin was embarrassed because he hadn't noticed the Sceptile on Phenac City's wall was an overstatement. He merely flicked his tail in quiet welcome, hearing the Typhlosion tell the grass type that there was no water here, nothing but ice and frost. The poor Hoenn starter then asked if there was any water to find at all, to which the Stunky sighed. ... Pity the others left. But the Typhlosion had a point; perhaps there wasn't much to find in the upper floor. Turning around, Marvin stalked up next to the Typhlosion without much thought. "... Where to?"

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:32 am

    (Sorry, gotta skip. I was grounded and don't wanna get on harbinger warnings tomorrow.)

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:33 am

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    Phenac City |Late Morning (8)

    Drageon was now with the typhlosion who led him back to the little group of pokemon. They were alive, so that was a good thing. Among them were a stunky, as well as a couple others. It sighed and said "... Pity the others left." Drageon didn't really know if there were others that weren't with them, he just wanted to find some water. The stunky looked up to the typhlosion. "...where to?"He said to him. Drageon knew that he wasn't talking to him, but he might as well have a say. "I'm thirsty...is there anywhere that theres water?" He blurted out.
    Of course there was a ton of snow here, all over the ruined buildings and still falling from the sky, but was that really drinkable?
    He clawed at some snow on the ground, and picked up snow in his hands. Being curious, not to mention thirsty, he put the snow in his mouth. He tried to drink it. It was so cold that it seemed to burn the insides of his mouth. He spat it out quickly, frantic to get every little snowflake away from his mouth. He looked back at the others, and smiled a bit. He was fine, and now worried the others would think he was choking.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:58 pm

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    Phenac City | Late Morning

    The Sceptile repeated himself, requesting for water. Marvin narrowed his eyes, just managing to keep his annoyance under check. There was no time for this, lolly-gagging as they pondered where a resource may be. The Stunky preferred much more that they take action and explore places that have been neglected for however long, but it seemed to him that the Typhlosion was set on contradicting the grass type, whom was determined to find water in the middle of the desert. I'm beginning to lose track of why I came here...

    The quiet poison type flicked his tail. He had come here to replenish his food stock, perhaps even get a night's sleep in after excavating the area, but he had the plight of... interference. MV hadn't wanted to become entangled in the others problems and plans, but oh look, he did, and now precious time had been lost as they struggled to fight against the Walrein that ended up disappearing at crunch time anyhow. The Skunk Pokemon nodded to himself - he was going to leave, he decided. There isn't much left in this blasted city, and being with others will only hold him back.

    "... goodbye." Marvin said without too much emotion, having no connections with the two Pokemon in his vicinity. He was an adventurer; he was a being meant to never settle down, forever finding new places and being isolated from other living creatures. It was something he had resigned his fate to a long time ago, and he was not going to change so just because he had met other Pokemon. Years from now Marvin was positive he wouldn't even remember this day.

    By then he had walked away from the others, now standing at the city gates of Phenac City. Just outside of the protective walls of the city, the desert was haywire, the sand blowing haphazardly. I prefer it that way. Giving a huff, Marvin began to walk through the blustering sandstorm, until his figure could no longer be seen. The Stunky was going to continue exploring, that much he knew. There were places to be seen, and out of all the regions that he had traversed, Unova was the sole body of land he had yet to find. Off to Unova I go, then.

    [ooc: off to Unova~]

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:27 am

    (OoC: Sorry, tastybob, but I just can't get into his character. I'm deactivating Leon.)

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:58 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Phenac City | Late Morning
    Continuing his post count from Cherrygrove.

    The bright light vanished as the Umbreon looked around and found himself in a new region. It seemed that Mystic was right. He WAS teleported to a new region. He sniffed the air and found it to be alot fresher then he thought a city would be. He slowly walked the city and heard commotion. He looked around a corner and found a Sceptile and a Typhlosion. He tilted his head and sighed. I JUST got here and I find more living. He stepped back and continued into the city. His white paws made soft pitter badder as he walked the city.

    (Hey guys, nice to FINALLY be on the team)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:13 am

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    Phenac City| Late morning (1)

    With a scrabbling of claws from the desert flees a skorupi. It's armored shell is greyed with dust and a crack runs along his back. The fresh wound is still moist with clear fluid.
    Snapping tear dropped shaped fangs nervously the skorupi runs over the sandy ground onto the stone.
    He has run long and far, yet still the fear pursues him.
    Terror like blood fills his mouth.
    He wants to get away, away from the horrible feeling of what happened back there in the deep dark cave.
    This place is too wide, too open and hungry.
    He feels like the landscape is trying to devour him whole.
    Akira runs.

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:03 am

    (Ooc-I'm the new team leader! Yay!)

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    Phenac City / Morning / [9]

    Drageon turned back to where the group of living pokemon were, and they were gone. They must have gone off somewhere. They must have some important business-OR they went off to look for water. That seemed like a good idea. He wandered around the city in search of water.
    First, he went back to the big fountain in the middle of the city. It was still frozen solid. He clawed at its icy surface. Chunks of ice flew off, but there was no water that wasn't frozen. He grabbed one of the ice blocks, and continued on his search.
    Meanwhile, he heard footsteps in the distance. Maybe there were others in the area. Maybe the ones that left him where still around. He went to check.

    Last edited by tastybob on Tue May 01, 2012 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:48 am

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    Phenac City | Late Morning

    The Umbreon turned at the sound of something clicking on the ground. He listened to the sound, but it stopped. Oliver shrugged it off. He licked his lips as he relised he was started to get thirsty. He poked his head around the corner of a house and found the fountain. It was frozen, but it was also melting from the heat. He slowly lapped up the water. He felt his throat starting to soothe. When he was done he licked his lips, to make sure to catch any loose water and wondered further into the city.

    Soon he come to a house. It was in better condition the the rest of the houses, so Oliver went inside. When he saw the bed, he couldn't help up curl up in the middle of the bed. Soon his eyes started to close and very quickly he was in a deep sleep. As he slept, his breathing echoed through out the house.

    Last edited by MoonlightEve on Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:01 pm

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    Phenac City| Late morning (2)

    The dark of the shadows cooling his layered shell Akira sticks to the back of the buildings.
    He wants some place safe to hide for a while but the pavement of the city is tough beneath the sand and his claws can't dig through it.
    This place is horrible.
    The tiny bug type chirps his distress, rubbing his curved mandible against itself before scuttling further inwards.
    As the sun rises further in the sky the increase in light is starting to hurt his eyes, even with his dark glasses.
    "Got to get out, got to get away..." He recites under his breath as he searches. It was been his mantra for a while now.
    "Get out, et away that's what makes us safe..."
    The Skorupi is starting to sweat from nervousness as he scurries back and forth across the street.
    The insides of the buildings were inviting, like an open cave mouth but they also looked strange and smelt of unfamiliar stone and even then they were too big.
    "Run away, be safe..."
    With a flick of his tail Akira sets off at a terrific pace down the streets, always in the shadows and pausing to paranoidly scan the area for watchers.
    " Got to get out, got to get away"
    He struggles not to blink. Every time he does he can see the massacre outlined on the inside of his eyelids.

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 11:38 am

    [Ooc - Skip Please]

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 2:02 pm

    (Skip please, Olly is still asleep. So can someone find him or hear his breathing.)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Kaze Sat May 05, 2012 5:31 pm

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    Phenac City| Late morning (3)

    Scuttling through the city Akira dives into a house as the sun breaks through the thin cloud bank and he covers his head from the resulting glare.
    He nervously twitches his poison tipped tail as he looks around the door frame and shudders.
    No there's no way he's going out there.
    The sun was the enemy, an enemy that couldn't be poisoned or hurt.
    The sun and the sky, both were dangerous.
    Inside was safe even if the shadows of the ceiling were unfamiliar and scary.
    He searches the house, occasionally bumping into the walls and stinging them in a panic as he tries to keep the entire house in his line of sight.
    When he enters the bedroom he hears the breathing and leaps back with a shriek.
    "Don't hit me, I'm brittle!"
    He screeches and curls up tight into an armored ball.

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 07, 2012 10:27 am

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    Phenac City / Morning [10]

    He watches as the new pokemon come into view. He stands ontop of one of the broken buildings. He saw one of the pokemon go into one of the houses that did not appear to be completely destroyed. After he saw it go inside, he folloewed it into the building himself.
    Being careful not to be noticed by the stranger, he crept into the building. The stranger was asleep. He looked around, to see if there would be anything of use. There- in the corner he saw a pail of water. Fresh, warm water. He drank the water quikly and noisily. This would quen his thirst. Meanwhile, he didn't know he was being so loud. After several minutes, he noticed that the other one in the room might hear him, and he quieted down, careful not to wake him.

    Last edited by tastybob on Tue May 08, 2012 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 07, 2012 11:28 am

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    Phenac City [Outskirts] | Late morning | 1
    (OoC: DON'T SKIP ME! D:> I just got back!)
    In the southwest of the desert glides a bird, shining as if made of light. The bird is a common sight here in Orre, as their kind can stand intense heat and severe sandstorms. The bird sees the city and speaks.
    "When I find Mandola, I'll...!"
    His voice is gritty and somewhat metallic. He growls and bears his teeth at saying this - He didn't want this to happen again. A whole team of Ludicolo attacked Reagalm Tower, where they were vacationing, and practically made it their house. He dove for the city, seeing it was covered in slush and frost. Something must have happened here. He lightly touched down to the ground with his sharp metal feet, and looked around.

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 1:57 pm

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    Phenac City | Late Morning

    Oliver groaned as his sleep was interrupted. "Don't hit me, I'm brittle!" He looked up groggily. Who the hell?! The Umbreon looked over his shoulder and was looking at a Skorupi. He blinked at the dual bug and poison type. I'm not going to hurt cha kid. The Umbreon said as he laid his head down on his white tipped paws.

    Then his ears started to twitch at the sound of someone of something, lap up water. He huffed, Who's ever there, show yourself before I make you. He growled at the new pokemon. He still had his head on his paws, but he was forcing his eyes to stay open.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Kaze Sat May 12, 2012 4:57 pm

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    Phenac City| Late morning (4)

    It wasn't going to hurt him?
    Akira nervously moves one of his claws from in front of his eyes but stays curled up defensively. It wasn't the first time he'd heard those words, normally they came before something trying to break open his defences.
    Now he can see properly the thing is an Umbreon.
    The dark type eeveelution had been rather popular in the labs.
    Akira uncurls slightly, enough to run if he has to.
    "H-Hello." QAkira stutters nervously before flinching and curling up again.
    There was another sound in the house that made him whimper.
    He didn't want to meet new people...

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 13, 2012 2:08 am

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    Phenac City [Near center] | Late morning | 2
    (OoC: The snow is from earlier in the RP, if you were wondering. There was a Walrein here.)
    His feet made a wet crunching noise when it came in contact with the snowy ground. There were noises coming from a house nearby. He walked up to it, shuffling loudly in the slush, and knocked on the door. He opened the door, revealing several Pokémon.
    "Ah? Oh, how rude of me. Sorry if I'm interrupting," Polnareff said after discovering the group. He closed the door quietly. He did not need adversaries. They would only drag him down. What he needed was supplies.
    Polna trudged through the snow, exploring the city. He found the Pokémon Center after a while, and tried to get in. The entrance was boarded up, and making noise would attract Infected. He thought he would need help to do this quietly, and to have a Pokémon shield if there were any Infected in there, so he decided to find the house he intruded a while ago. He followed his footsteps back to the house, knocked again, and opened the door.
    "Sorry for interrupting, again, but I need your help, if you don't mind."

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 10:40 am

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    Phenac City | Late morning (11)

    "Who's ever there, show yourself before I make you." Drageon heard from someone behind him. He turned around. It was the one that he saw earlier, but now he wasn't sleeping, and it growled at him. He heard someone else at the door. It opened the door and came inside. "Ah? Oh, how rude of me. Sorry if I'm interrupting," It said, and then it seemed to leave.
    Drageon turned his focus back onto the other one. "Sorry if i woke you up-I was thirsty. I'm Drageon. Who are you?"

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 3:30 pm

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    Phenac City | Late Morning

    As Oliver waited for the other pokemon to answer something knocked on the door. He looked up at the door just as a Skarmory poked it's head in. "Ah? Oh, how rude of me. Sorry if I'm interrupting." He blinked as the steel bird shut the door. Alright then... He was so confused and tired. She shook his head just as the other pokemon finally showed it's self to be a Sceptile.

    "Sorry if i woke you up-I was thirsty. I'm Drageon. Who are you?" He eyed the grass type starter for a while. Then he sighed and layed his head back on his white tipped paws. Join the club Drageon, cause i'm thirsty too. Names Oliver by the way. The Umbreon said as he stretched on the bed he lay and he jumped down in front of the grass type. "Sorry for interrupting, again, but I need your help, if you don't mind."

    He turned back to see the steel bird in the door. He blinked and walked over to the bird, Sure, why not. What can we do to help you Skarmory. Names Oliver by the way for the third time today. The Umbreon huffed as he sat in front of the bird.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Kaze Wed May 23, 2012 12:49 am

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    Phenac City| Late morning (5)

    The Skorupi curled up on the ground and whimpered.
    There was a soft whisper from the balled up bug type.
    "Please leave please leave please leave please leave please leave please leave..." He repeated over and over again with his eyes squeezed tightly closed.
    There were so many strong pokemon here it hurt.
    Every muscle in his body screamed he was going to die and it was going to hurt worse than anything he had ever felt before.
    It made a horrible hot feeling tingle in his tail and swarm up his body to the tips of his claws.
    Without him noticing a sharp keening cry makes it's way free from his mouth.
    Behind his eyes is a space filled with blood.

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 25, 2012 1:53 pm

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    Phenac City [House] | Late morning | 3
    "Sure, why not. What can we do to help you Skarmory. Names Oliver by the way for the third time today."
    "Well, I found the Pokémon Center recently, and I would like to get inside. There must be resources in there, but, if I were to remove the boards on the door, I would make a lot of noise and attract the Infected."
    Someone had been talking at the same time as he was. It whimpered, "Please leave please leave please leave please leave please leave please leave..." There was a pause. "Is he all right?"
    "Noooooooooo!" It screeched. "Well, I suppose that answers my question..."

    (OoC: Sorry for the crappy post, and taking three days to do it. -A-)

    The PHENAC Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PHENAC Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 25, 2012 3:30 pm

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    Phenac City [House] | Late morning (1)

    Fiona was looking around her home. She hadn't been paying attention to where she was going and got separated from her brother Calum. When she realized that she was separated from him she had stopped and looked around hoping she could spot him nearby or in the sky. But as she look around she noticed her brother wasn't anywhere nearby. She knew it was dangerous to be on her own with the undead about even though it was daytime and the undead aren't normally about at this time of day. The Delcatty gave a soft sigh as she stopped near an almost dried out fountain and sat down. She was able to look out for herself if danger came around but that doesn't mean she wants to fight right now. She looked at the bracelet on her front left paw and allowed her thoughts turn to Wes, her and Calum's trainer, and how she hopes that both of them will be able to survive this virus that is going around Orre.

    Meanwhile, Calum, the Togetic, was up in the air hoping that he will spot his little sister from the air. He knew that his sister will be able to take of herself until he was able to get to her and help her out if she got into trouble. He was just glad that it was daytime right now so they didn't have to worry about any undead Pokemon attacking them right away at least he hopes that to be true. He kept a watch in the sky to keep an eye out for any danger of undead birds.

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