Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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12 posters

    The ICIRRUS Team


    Age : 29
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:08 pm

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    Between Dragonspiral Tower and Iccirus City | Night | (10)
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    The Magical Leaf enhanced pine needles cause chaos as the Gardevoir cheerfully flings them into the undead horde. Even with the aura of shimmering rainbows giving them a blade like edge the dark green pine needles do not do as much damage as the earlier larger leaves he had taken from the Sawsbuck who's broken horn the Psychic type still clutched as a trophy.
    However although they cut smaller wounds they also sink deeper into the rotting flesh, speckling rotting hide with spots of blood as the leaves plunge deep into rotting muscle.
    Some of the less intelligent undead start to panic at the sensation although their nerve endings have been numbed by death and almost comically try to flee into the undead behind them, starting a few minor scuffles as the dead pokemon begin to fight with each other.
    Half perched on Hayato's back the Gardevoir leans in low against the Honchkrow's bloodied black feathers, feeling the wind of acceleration on his feathery head fins as the great charcoal black bird once again gleefully leaps into the slaughter.
    A spray of semi-congealed dead blood spurts in the air as the Honchkrow's red stained beak plunges deeply into the muscled neck of a bellowing Sawsbuck and, with a neat twist of his head, severs through tendons and bone as he opens his beak wide and leaves undead's surprised looking head dangling from only a strand of furred skin.
    With sudden appearance and disappearance of the teleporting psychic and the loss of support from the other two equines they were even more outnumbered.
    Tearing at the rotting flesh of the undead with long curled talons the Honchkrow caws loudly the deep powerful cry suitable of the species known as Summoner of the Night and appears to swell with a malevolent aura enlarging his presence, his merciless blood colored eyes glaring at the undead in front of him.
    Flicking open his bloodied wings the large bird struts across the bloodied ground like a malevolent spectre, scattering a few straggly black feathers as he beats his wings powerfully and whips up a powerful wind as he caws violently and tears into the animate corpses in an attempt to create a path of broken bloodied bodies to allow the black skinned armoured dragon to break free as the Axew has and make a retreat towards the human settlement of Iccirus City.
    Kaze stands beside him, close enough for a few black feathers to fall on him, and destroys any undead attempting to flee with powerful blasts of fighting spirit from his hands, the rainbow edged blades of leaves he scoops from the mud or, pointing at the sky, a bolt of fierce electrical energy he summons from the sky itself.
    The Gardevoir smiles as he does so as if each body falling writhing to the floor with a burning hole punched through their rotting body was just another point on the scoreboard.
    Under his breath he once again starts to sing to himself.
    And another one bites the dust."
    Already thanks to the combined efforts of the two undead herd is starting to thin at a point where the shining Haxorus might just be able to charge through the thinning ranks.
    As they fight the two keep close to each other, watching out for any threat the other might have missed and dealing with it.
    A few drops of sweat trickle down the Gardevoir's face as he tries to call the magical aura around the leaves in his grasp and the flicker of rainbow light around them fizzles and dies. The Psychic throws down the now useless leaves and concentrates on alternating blasts of energy and lightning.
    Hayato too is beginning to tire. Although he strikes powerfully at the undead, his thoughts of darkness making every attack a devastating strike, his movements are staring to slow. Nervously he moves one dark grey scaled leg from the ground, his long taloned toes curling up.
    He was not so stupid as to continue this fight and he wants to simply grab Kaze and take flight to rest and recover.
    Hopefully soon the Haxorus will break free or die so they can flee. Only the Gardevoir's insistence at staying prevents him from flying off to hunt down the little Axew alone.
    "Hurry it up." The black feathered bird says under his breath impatiently.

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Baloo Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:16 am

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    Icirrus City|Night(5)

    Shapps stood in the center of Icirrus City glancing around for the Musharna he was chasing.


    Shapps turned his head in the direction of the sound but saw nothing. He knew the pink baku like creature was trying to throw him off and Shapps would have none of that.

    Beware the bird...

    Shapps did a full 180 and fired Dragon Pulse colliding with the surprised undead Musharna. His attack had torn the flesh, muscle and part of the spine from the undead knocking it to the ground. Shapps jumped on its back and grabbed its snout preventing its escape. It struggled weakly but to no avail. Shapps punched it a few times in the face before charging up Dragon Rage.

    You will all die...

    Shapps's crimson eyes narrowed. This Pokemon had taken away comrades he never got to know making him feel powerless. He spat in the Musharna's eye before gouging it out with his tusk. "You first" Shapps growled before blowing its head off with Dragon Rage. He grabbed his new trophy an eye and part of a body and dragged it to his hideout in the PokeMart to wait for everyone else.

    Age : 27
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Drago Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:45 pm

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    Outside Icirrus City | Night (1)

    ((Note, since neither Emissary or Nerine are in this RP yet, I'm gonna have to control their positioning a bit. If there's anything you two aren't okay with, I'll fix it ASAP. >.<))

    Emett paced back and forth in front of his siblings, Nerine and Emissary. The three of them had traveled quite far from their cozy forest in Johto, coming to a decimated city. From the woods on the western side, Emett could barely make out craters dotting the terrain, near the ruined houses. Those craters made him shudder. They reminded him far too much of what had happened to his home. Closing his eyes, he listened to the night, hushing his siblings. He could hear sounds coming from the city, dull though they were. Someone, or something, was there. His flame burned brightly as he thought of a course of action.

    If they went into the city, there was a chance that whatever they found would attack them. However, if they kept on traveling during the night, they could get separated, or ambushed. Was it better to risk dying knowingly or not? Turning to the two smaller pokemon in front of him, he proposed the question. "What do you two want to do? Keep moving, or go in?" He would take their opinions into account, but he would make the ultimate decision for them. He would see them both safe.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:17 pm

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    Outside Icirrus City/Night (1)

    Emissary stared in silent contemplation at their surroundings, daring not make a quip or joke until they had better barrings of their surroundings, his violet eyes scanning the area around them cynically before turning back toward Emett in response to his question Emissary then gave his opinion. "If we go in maybe we'll be able to find items of use, like maybe unscavenged food stuffs inside those cylinder metal containers we've seen before, or maybe something of use for protection against the reanimated?" he suggested in a hopeful tone, clacking his maw for a second staring at the ground blankly for a moment as if suddenly lost in deep thought before continuing now in a calmer slower manner he continued "The thought of food is enough for me to want to go in, what do you think Nerine?" he spoke before turning his bulbous head toward his imposingly long serpentine sister.

    Emissary didn't want to seem only prioritized on food, but being a carnivore in a undead armageddon was going to leave him with a protein gap and he knew it all too well. Ether way he was willing to obey Emett's end decision, loyal to his sibling's whims, but then a thought hit him, suddenly piping up again to the point he was hopping up and down he began to exclaim in glee " Oh oh! I could dig and scout ahead to see if it's clear! Then we'd have no reason not to go into the town!" The enthusiasm of preforming his natural talent bluntly obvious as his mind began to race on about what excitement or rewards may be inside the town, waiting to be reaped. He was in a conflict now, giddy with hope and energy, and attempting to repress these behaviors with forethought and patience.
    " and uh, If I see any threats I'll let loose a pillar of Lava and fire with my Earth power then dig back too you guys as soon as possible? " he added as if this ludicrous and dangerous suggestion would even cross into the plain of recognition as a serious statement to his brother who as far as he could tell was not enthusiastic about his suggestion.

    Age : 29
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:56 pm

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    Between Dragonspiral Tower and Iccirus City | Night | (11)
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    Twisting his body around and with a blank grin supplementing the cheerful vacantness in his gaze the Gardevoir leaps forwards and grips tight to his opponent.
    Squealing loudly in a battle fury, long fangs arranged around a sucker mouth rimmed with red the hovering eel-like pokemon flails with its toothed arms in an an attempt to remove the clinging Psychic from its back as Kaze holds on tight to it.
    The broken Sawsbuck horn the cheerful Gardevoir puts to a good use.
    The creature stares up at him with a baleful red eye and, as hard as he can, Kaze drives the more pointed end of the broken horn through it. The eye explodes into a foul gooey mess as the horn pierces it, inky humours running down its navy and purple blotched rubbery skin as the creature writhes harder.
    Holding on tight with his frilled 'skirt' the Gardevoir places the hand not holding the horn still over the less jagged end and presses hard against it, trying to nail the horn in with harder and harder blows to the horn's base.
    The undead's skull, already weakened by the disease that ran rampant across its decaying form, fractures under the strain and the creature goes crazy.
    It bucks and writhes in a way that would put a rodeo tauros to shame, even rolling over on the muddied ground to try and force the Psychic Type off. Holding on for his life Kaze merely grits his teeth and hits the horn one more powerful blow.
    The Electric Type's skull cracks and splinters, the tip of the horn touching the disgusting eel thing's brain.
    It raises its sinous length up as far as possible, its toothed hands still struggling to tear loose the Gardevoir and its wide jaws dripping disease laden saliva.
    Kaze smiles down at it, beneath the cheerful expression his face as cold and chilly as that of a demon and smashes the horn straight through its brain. The pointed tip actually plunges straight through the other side of the creature's skull in a froth of dead grey-white brain matter.
    As the last of the generated energy that kept the creature afloat fades and dies Kaze leaps off the creature with equal grace, his emerald eyes fixing on the Haxorus ahead.

    Now there were only three or four undead seperating them but there were still too many red eyes gleaming around them to completely clear the path for the large dragon to escape. If only he hadn't evolved the Gardevoir could have asked Hayato to carry him out...
    "Come on, this way!" He calls to the shining Dragon in hopes that the deep grey scaled reptile could shove through the remaining few undead seperating them and too make a run for the comparitive safety of Iccirus City. "Just a little bit more!"
    "No time." The Honchkrow caws harshly in his ear and once again the Psychic Type feels the familiar sensation of long black talons digging into his shoulders and carrying him away from the battle. Two Sawsbuck's plant their hard hooves where the Gardevoir had hovered before. Snorting in confusion they raise their rotting head to the sky.
    "But Hayato-!" Kaze protests as the Honchkrow wings away from the battle with him dangling below in the grip of his long taloned feet.
    "Resting for the next battle is priority now. The Haxorus will be fine if he battles any longer but you won't be." The Dark Type cooly overrides him, dropping the Gardevoir to the ground near the enterance to Iccirus City. Kaze reluctantly nods he understands the charcoal feathered bird's point of view.
    "I'm going to go find that Axew." Hayato ruffles his feathers, running his beak across the Gardevoir's cheek in a guesture of farewell.
    "Make sure he's safe o.k?" Kaze tells the Dark Type before leaving to explore the city before him.

    Hayato slips again into his battle fury, the great black bird revelling the slaughter around him.
    The bloody beak stabs down and tears out a red eye.
    Long black talons plunge through rotting hide to tear at tendons and shatter bone in their powerful grasp.
    Charcoal black wings tips stirr up lacerating blades of air and smack powerful into anything that falls.
    The Honchkrow moves slowly forwards, cutting a trail of bloody red behind him. A deep anger burns in the bird's bloody crimson eyes as he slashes and tears and stabs at anything fool enough to come close. From his red smeared beak emerges the deep terrifying cry of the creature called the Summoner of the Night as he works himself up into as frenzy of bloodlust, dark thoughts of killing and killing and killing painting even sweeter pictures of carnage on the inside of his eyelids as he joyfully murders any red-eyed undead stupid enough to try and approach him.
    The fierce joy of death surrounding him is mingled in with his even greater frustration. Corpses fall around him, the glow of unlife in their ruby eyes fading away to nothingness and blood soaks his feathers but he cannot eat any of the corpses as he wants to.
    Hayato's rampage is one of a deep anger; this is a slaughter akin to a feast of unclaimed flesh and all of it too tainted to eat.
    In frustration he throws away the tasty tibit of a torn loose red-tainted eye and crows loudly in frustration, his body seeming to swell to an even more terrifying spectacle of a red-eyed spectre of death as the sound rends the battlefeild.
    He was so HUNGRY!
    His foolish partner is still trying to get the Haxorus to follow them to safety, little realizing that now he was the one in danger.
    From above the Honchkrow swoops down and fixes his claws around the Psychic's bandaged shoulders, after a few word of conversation dropping Kaze near the enterance to Iccirus City. Hopefully he would be safe there until he returned.

    "I'm going to go find that Axew." Hayato says as he ruffles his feathers and runs his beak across the Gardevoir's cheek in an affectionate gesture of farewell.
    "Make sure he's safe o.k?" The Gardevoir naively asks of him.
    Hayato doesn't answer before flying off. Kaze should know by now that if he saw a small uninfected pokemon walking alone he would eat it.
    Hayato wipes the blood from his beak off against the tree bark and cleans his talons in the same way. It was really impossible to tell if all of those he had killed were beyond the infectious stage and the Big Boss Pokemon didn't want to accidentally contaminate the meat he was trying to eat.
    In irritation he fluffs up his feathers again. He needed to dig his beak into some flesh quickly.
    Spreading his black and red wings wide the Honchkrow takes flight, circling far above the trees as he tilts his head to the side to keep an eye out for potential prey. A small dot of white in the dark forest catches his attention and Hayato spirals in for a closer look. It seems to be...a trapinch? He had never seen one in such a shade before, was it worth taking the risk to try and crack that hard outer shell only to find its meat had been spoiled?
    Ah, he was hungry after all. The quicker he caught his food, the quicker he could return to looking after Kaze.
    The Honchkrow swiftly dives from the tree branch, his black claws outstretched to try and fix around the strange white pokemon. He would lift it high into the air then drop it to shatter on the ground below, then he could see if its meat was spoiled...

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:53 am

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    Icirrus City Pokemart|Night(6)

    Shapps had to let the others know where he was hiding. He climbed up to the roof of the Pokemart and tipped his head back. The flames of Dragon Rage built up in his belly before he loosed it straight into the sky. The blue flame dragon spiraled into the air before exploding. Shapps nodded knowing they would either have to be blind or not want to come to safety to see that. He jumped back down into the Pokemart just as his belly growled. Shapps had stockpiled berries and fish in here but never cooked fearing it would attract hungry bandits or infected but now he could. He was still very wary of the others so he just ate some berries quietly while he waited.

    Age : 27
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Drago Wed Nov 21, 2012 4:48 pm

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    Outside Iccirus City | Night (2)

    Truthfully, Emett didn't mind the sound of the idea. It could work, and they did need to get some food. However, it felt wrong, thinking of sending his brother into danger like that. He didn't want anyone to go alone. Stiffining his back, he looked at Emissary. "No. If we go, we go together. Can you dig a hole big enough for the three of us?"

    He wasn't sure if his brother could handle it, or if his sister would try to argue against it. However, they needed to make a move soon, or they would lose their oppertunity.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 6:39 pm

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    Outside Icirrus City/Night (2)

    Narrowing his star shaped pupils Emissary thought for a moment before responding. "Yes, yes I can actually!"
    And with a glint in his right eye he began to tunnel, opening his mouth twice as wide to to scrape as much dirt out of the way as possible before stopping for a moment to speak " It should only take us a few minutes, maybe 10 if I hit some solid rock or concrete." And with this he continued tunneling toward the city, with his siblings in suit.


    (Ooc: sorry for short crappy post, getting ready for some thanksgiving stuff)

    Age : 25
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:57 pm

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    Icirrus City| |Night

    "Come on, this way! Just a little more!" the voice of the Guardevoir attracted the Haxorus's attention, nodding as he began to shove his way through the thinning crowd of the undead. A grateful smile broke out on his face as Prince broke through, swinging his tail to ward off the lingering infected as he scrambled towards the safety of the city's buildings. The blue lightshow in the skies made the shiny pause, staring at the fading Dragon Rage for a moment before focusing on the stars.

    "...Pure." he mourned, his expression contorted into a frown as he closed his eyes for a moment, the rough icy winds straining against his metal armor. "Whever you are, I'll find you." coming to his firm resolution, he clenched his fist and let out a deep roar. The small group that was left of the undead were already rushing towards him, pushing and shoving each other away. Eyes burning with a sharp determination, he saluted to the psychic-type. "Thank you! I'll lead the leftovers away, I'm going to find Pure!" he calls, waving his hand. "May we meet again!"

    Shouting his last words, the behemoth was already racing away from the city, the hoarde hot on his heels as his nose actively sniffed for the familiar scent of the doe, searching for her.

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    Outside Icirrus City| |Night

    This kind of weather was definitely not to Nerine's liking.

    It was cold, her body coiled up right next to Emmett's flame for his comforting warmth. Her ears were still faint, only few words making it through to her brain. The young dragon could only make out the ideas of a plan, her half-lidded eyes casually overlooking the stars. The night used to be her biggest fear, she remembers, but now it was the sole blanket that covered her. For more than a year now, she hadn't felt the soft plush moss nor the warm, sun-tanned rocks of her home. It had all been gravel and dirt, and she could only conclude that Unova was not the greatest place.

    "Oh oh! I could dig and scout ahead to see if it's clear! Then we'd have no reason not to go into the town!" These words she could hear clearly, Emissary's enthusiastic voice pushing past her partially deaf ears and making her perk up. Her eyes almost pleaded to her brother, those green orbs alone conveying all the expression she needed. She was absolutely mortified by the idea, trembling in plain fear. She couldn't afford to lose someone else, not at all. Her sight drifted to the fire-type next to her and was relieved when she could hear the faint sound of "No,"--but was even more terrified by the words that came next. "If we go, we go together. Can you dig a hole big enough for the three of us?"

    She was about to speak, probably for the first time in months, but stopped when her brother replied; "Yes, yes I can actually!" 'Dear gods no!' But without being able to throw in her two cents the Trapinch was already burrowing into the Earth. She didn't have much of a choice, and as she slowly slithered in something caught her eye.

    Her sight was not the best, stinging from the bright lights she saw above the city. They were a gorgeous blue, before exploding and fading away. An attack, she assumed, and quietly wondered if any of her other siblings saw it before following the Trapinch.

    [OOC: Both a leaving post and a introductory post! <3 Prince has now officially left and Nerine is part of the team.]

    Last edited by Lulu on Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Baloo Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:56 am

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    Icirrus City|Night(7)

    Shapps had climbed up back to the top of the PokeMart just in time to see the Haxorus running off with all the Undead behind him. He whined just as tears came to his eyes. "W-Why... Where are you going... Don't leave... Please" Shapps cried. He built up Dragon Pulse and shot it straight at a tree toppling it over. Shapps reached for his Black Belt to harden his resolve but his stubby little arms fell to his sides and he whined. He felt so alone now... "Momma... Dad... Please help me... I am lost" he whispered. Shapps heard something. What was it? "Digging" he said before dropping down back into his hideout. Shapps hid his food and climbed back up top to look around for any signs of digging Pokemon...

    Age : 27
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Drago Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:22 pm

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    Outside Icirrus City | Night (3)

    Emett thought for a moment, weighing the costs of both going, and staying. Nodding for Emissary to continue, he gave his consent for the project. Watching his brother dig was amazing, he could barely make out how he made such a large hole with such a small body. Judging by its size, he should be able to crawl through rather easily, and the other two could go in without problem. Glancing at Nerine, however, he saw the fear in her eyes. His quiet sister said nothing, but he could tell she didn't like the idea. Of course, she had stood to lose the most from the events of the past few months. She had known the Father the longest, after all. Like as not, she was scared of losing anyone else.

    Eyes softening, Emett put his hand on the top of her head, smiling in a toothy grin. "Don't worry." He said cheerfully. "I won't let anything happen to any of us." Turning back towards the hole, he found his brother had made quite the start. Waiting for Nerine, he followed his sister in. Better for him to take the back, in case anything tried to follow. Inching forward on his hands and knees, he followed his siblings into the city.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:48 am

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    Outside Icirrus City | Night

    As the ghostly white trapinch tunneled, he began to pick up speed, muscling dirt out the way almost instantly as he dug furiously, eventually stopping. Snuffing the ground and feeling for vibrations Emissary turned toward his brother and sister with a smile before silently leaning on his hind legs before doing a bunny hop and biting onto the top of the mini tunnel. Speaking as best as he could with a mouth full of dirt he warned them casually to keep a distance for the moment. And with one glorious clamp the Ant Lion Pokemon activated his ability; Arena Trap, suddenly the ground around him tore open into a giant bowl shaped pit leading toward the entrance of the tunnel were he had bitten and in an instance some large white and green humanoid creature dropped upon him, knocking him back into the tunnel.

    Emissary's star shaped eyes widening in terror as he looked upon the gowned humanoid, with the thing in such close proximity all he could do was attempt to tuck into himself and prepare to be attacked by whatever creature he had disturbed.


    Ooc: really sorry for low quality again, but this would be my third day, and I didn't get home until 12, not to mention i hurt from falling on ice repeatidly and am sleepy as living f**k

    Also Kaze, if you don't approve of how I had emissary accidently arena trap under your Gardivoir, I'll change it as soon as possible. I'm just rushing right now due to stress.)

    Age : 25
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:29 pm

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    Outside Icirrus City| |Night

    The words of her brother had soothed her, alarmed eyes softening into a gentle gaze as she diligently followed them through the underground passage. She took a quick glance back at Emmett, before nodding and slithering further, putting her trust into the young Trapinch. When the ghostly ant lion warned them to keep a distance, Nerine instantly obeyed, pushing herself backwards and watching carefully for signs of danger. When Emissary activated his ability, the little Dratini wasn't quite expecting a larger humanoid Pokemon to fall on him.

    Much like a Ball Python, the dragon curled into a defensive ball, very lightly peeking out to glance at Gardevoir. He was wearing an article of clothing, a black jacket of sorts. Nerine very sloiwly unraveled herself, ready to attack the intruder at any moment. Although silent, her aura seemed to be a mix of confusion and fear, large round eyes questioning the psychic of who he was.

    Age : 29
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:26 pm

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    Outside Iccirus City | Night | (12)
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    The Gardevoir yelps in equal amounts pain and surprise as the previously solid ground beneath him becomes concave at a steep angle. The rudimentary levitation that kept him afloat can't handle the change in gradient and, very unexpectedly Kaze finds himself suddenly tumbling backwards into an increasingly widening pit.
    "Hayato!" he cries out before he realizes the dark type is still off on his hunt and can't possibly hear his cry.
    The pale Psychic Type falls backwards with a solid thump into the deep pit, his spring green fingers unable to get a grip on the crumbling walls.
    He firmly smacks into something else to his surprise as the leg-less Psychic struggles to regain his balance, bending his rippling 'skirt' as he tries to regain his footing on the suddenly loose and sandy soil.
    His emerald eyes flashing he turns to glare at his attackers, expecting to have to throw the last of his remaining energy into fighting off some tunneling undead menace. Bright sparks of a Thunder attack shine like stars as, ready to direct an even more powerful attack from the skies above, they crackle over his forearms and dance in the metal star he wears around his neck.
    The sparks wink out as he faces his supposed enemies, both of whom have curled up defensively.
    He recognizes the familiar shape of a Trapinch's powerful jaws and a dratini's head fins but the colors throw him. Albinism he is well aware of, seeing as he has hatched an albino 'son' Aron immediately noticeable as such from his pink eyes and lighter colors but darker markings cross the Trapinch's shell in faint shades of purple.
    The Dratini (or so he assumes it is) has even more radically different markings, the sandy yellow and brown striped hide looking more suitable to a pokemon of the desert than one of lakes and rivers.
    "Hi, my name is Kaze." He decides to introduce himself to the pair. "Sorry I fell on you, are you alright?" He asks, hoping the strange two won't mid becoming friends. It has been a while since he had a party at full strength.
    He carefully kneels, a process that involves some complicated pleating of his billowing white 'skirt' and offers one palm up hand in a gesture of peace.
    Kaze smiles a habitual smile, sensing that this was an honest mistake rather than an attempt to directly trap him. They would have attacked by now if that was the case and, although he was far from a gifted mind reader, he is picking up more fear than hostility from the two.

    With wing beats nearly as silent as a Noctowl's the black feathered Honchkrow circles the clearing. The spot of white he had been planning to swoop down on had irritatingly disappeared. Knowing Trapinch the hard-shelled Ground Type had probably dug its way out of reach without ever knowing of the danger it had been in.
    Despite the blood lust coursing through his body, the side-effect of his constant use of Nasty Plot leading him to want to kill even more violently than usual, Hayato bears to grudge against the tiny white insect pokemon for escaping his talons. After all unless Kaze has adopted it by the time he sees it again there was still a chance it could end up on the menu.
    Instead Hayato soars onwards on bloody-feathered wings in search of further prey. Simply because it is closer he reverts to his hunting grounds near Dragonspiral Tower. If any other avian predator had held this land before him he had seen not a feather of it and helped himself to the tastiest specimens as he chose. The rare glimpse of a Dragonair, hovering above the still waters on its delicate wing-like fins was the only meat that had so far eluded him. Listening to his stomach Hayato decides the mass slaughter of the undead Sawsbuck earlier has put him in the mood for venison. As he perches in one of the nearby dark needled pines he scans the tall grasses for the faint movements of the well camouflaged pokemon that hide within, his red eyes skillfully separating the similar colored furs from the grasses that surround them.
    His long talons gouging the wood the charcoal black Honchkrow leaps into flight, scattering the grazing deerling as they see his approach. As he dives closer Hayato separates one plump male from the herd, driving him close to the walls of ruined stone to curtail its flight before he dives in for the kill.

    ((OOC: Emett is too far back in the tunnel for Kaze to notice him right now))

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Baloo Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:14 pm

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    Icirrus City|Night(8)

    Shapps's head snapped up at the cry for something called Hayato. He rushed outside of his hideout and tripped falling into the unseen enemy called the hole. Shapps landed on his belly squeaking at the impact and looked up dizzily to see... "Scary snake beast" Shapps cried before clinging to the green and white Pokemon's flowing dress and hiding behind him. He had never seen a Pokemon colored like the snake before him. Shapps peeked from behind the green and white Pokemon and hissed at the two oddly colored Pokemon like a kitten. He narrowed his crimson eyes like he wanted to will his mind to contemplate what these two were. One of them looked like if he kicked him over then it could not get up without assistance. "A bleached Trapinch" he thought. The other looked like it would feast on his soul and use his lifeless body as a puppet. "A mother in law" Shapps thought before nodding. That did not settle his trust issues though. Shapps liked his soul in his body. He looked up at the green and white Pokemon for some judgement on his part.

    ((OoC:If Shapps is being too grabby Kaze just tell me and I'll edit it))

    Age : 27
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Drago Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:21 pm

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    Outside Iccirus City | Night (4)

    Emett followed at a safe distance from his siblings, bringing up the rear of the tunnel. After a while, Emett's knees began to burn from crawling so uncomfortably. Thankfully, shortly after, Emmissary stopped, and gave a nod for the others to stand back. Grinning, the Charmeleon backtracked slightly, knowing what he was about to see. In a crater, dirt fell away around the Trapinch, giving Emett enough room to stand, and opening up the tunnel to the open air above. Dirt wasn't the only thing to fall, however. A green-and-white creature fell almost immediately into the crater, causing Emett to jump.

    Not hesitation a moment, Emett darted forward. He didn't move to attack, but to protect. He slid between his siblings and the creature. Its voice, however, was disarming. It introduced itself, and then proceeded to... kneel? What was this guy? Whatever it was, he didn't seem like he was going to attack. Letting out a sigh of relief, he let his body rest slightly. "My name is Emett." He said, eyeing the small green fellow hiding behind Kaze. "These two are my siblings, Emissary and Nerine." He would let his brother answer the next question, since he had taken the fall damage.

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:49 am

    (Skip please, lets just say the Emissary has edged back toward his siblings and calmly replied that he's alright)

    Age : 30
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Baloo Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:47 pm

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    Icirrus City|Night(9)

    Shapps edged towards the black Charmeleon. He sniffed him tentatively before holding out his hand in greeting. "The name's Shapps" Shapps said with a grin. He had never seen a black Charmeleon before to be completely honest...

    ((OoC: Short post...))

    Age : 27
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Drago Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:04 pm

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    Icirrus City |Night (4)

    Nodding to Emissary, Emett put a hand on the Trapinch's head. Reaching his free hand to tentatively meet the small green one, he nodded again. Shapps? Odd name... Eyeing his siblings, he looked once more to the taller, cloaked one. Kaze. "Are there any others with you?" thinking for a moment, he added, "or more importantly, do you have food and shelter?" If he was alone, he likely wouldn't have asked. He hated living off the charity of others. But with the other two with him, he would not take any risks. He would get them what they needed, whatever it put him through.

    ((As it's practically two in a row, this one's pretty short. Sorry. XD))

    Age : 29
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:14 pm

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    Outside Iccirus City | Night | (12)
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    For a moment Kaze's face wrinkles in an uncharacteristic frown as he thinks but the expression is soon smoothed away by his usual smile as he surveys the tall dark scaled Fire Type standing confidently before him.
    Its golden eyes reflect no hostility more than usual found in any new survivor tentatively approaching a ground but it stands in front of the Trapinch and Dratini in a way that promises violence if they are acted against.
    Kaze offers his own hand to the pokemon that can only be some kind of Charmeleon and shakes it in a human gesture of greeting.
    Nevertheless he allows the little Axew Shapps to shelter close to him, aware that if the tiny dragon type is startled into going off by himself Hayato might easily pick him off.
    "You have fortunate timing, a strange herd of enemies just passed through here. If you had showed up any earlier you might have been in serious danger." The Psychic type cheerfully chats to Emett. |As it is you just missed Hayato's hunting which is another thing to b grateful for." Kaze smirks and rises, his complex 'skirt' unfolding to allow him to hover once again a fraction above the ground.
    "As for our little company, I'm Kaze, this is Shapps and Hayato is my Honchkrow friend but he's out hunting right now. There was a kind Haxorus with us too, he had sort of blackish scales but he got a bit too mixed up in the fighting and left with a good few bad guys chasing him so we probably won't be seeing him again. We were just about to go raid the pokecentre to see if we could find some food if you would like to come with us." Kaze cheerfully chats away.
    "You know you remind me a lot of Hiroshi, he's probably a Charizard now, of course Hiroshi was a lot more excitable and quite a bit younger. Perhaps its just that its been a while since I last met a Charmeleon? Anyway he has dark orange scales, not this pretty blue-black thing you're rocking. Do you know the Flaming Mountain, that was where he was from?"

    The Honchkrow's talons are bathed in warm pure blood as he crushes the Deerling's spinal column.
    His darting beak swiftly plucks out the large eyes from their sockets and he swallows them one after the other before a powerful peck splits open the young Grass Type's skull and Hayato gorges himself on the soft delicacy of fresh juicy brains torn loose by deft twitches of his beak. Only after he has eaten the head hollow does Hayato finally dig his beak into the cream-furred stomach, slitting open the skin to make the still warm viscera fall out on the grass. Carefully the Honchkrow yanks free the deliciously bloodied organs and to swallow them in one gulp, taking time to savour the rich meaty taste before he starts to dig at the actual tough muscle of the tiny deer-like pokemon, steady the corpse with one clawed foot. He nibbles at the haunches before tearing the legs free and holding them in claw as he eats. The Deerling is small prey and he gnaws the corpse almost down to the bone to satisfy his hunger.
    In a gesture of perverse amusement once Hayato has eaten all he wants of the musky venison he takes up the long sausage-like intestines in beak and throws them like streamers over the area before flopping back against the messily dismembered body and rolling in the bloodied mess. The Deerling is now nothing more than a twisted tangle of shattered bone and bloodied flesh held by a few patches of tainted hide.
    The feelings of aggression amplified by Nasty Plot die away as he does so and leave the Big Boss pokemon bloodied, full-bellied and content.

    Age : 30
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    Post by Baloo Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:11 pm

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    Icirrus City|Night (10)

    Shapps perked up slightly. "They were looking for food" he thought. "If we can get out of this hole I have a hideout in the Pokemart where I stashed all my food" Shapps said excitedly before throwing himself at the side of the hole. He growled and dug into the loose dirt. Shapps fell back and squeaked before rolling back beside Kaze. He shook his head and pouted trying to think of how to escape the hole. Shapps was not exactly very analytic but in light of being trapped his mind was trying to wrap itself around what was happening and how to escape the situation without hurting himself or the others.

    Age : 27
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Drago Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:27 pm

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    Icirrus City | Night (5)

    Emett was taken aback slightly by Kaze's outspoken nature. He sure did seem to like the sound of his voice... He nodded to the invitation to the food-hunt. They would need to get some soon, and this seemed the easiest way. Mention of the Honchkrow worried him slightly, but that was a matter for later. The question about the Fire Mountain, however...

    Memories flashed of the mountain he was born on. Ice, cold, death. Wind biting at his body, cold smothering him. His eggshell cracked around him, his skin a frozen blue. His flame barely gave off enough light to see, let alone to warm him up. Chilled, he wandered for days. Finally, he gave up. He approached the edge. He jumped.

    Shuddering slightly, he shook his head. "No..." He said softly. "I don't think I know that particular mountain."

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:43 pm

    (SKIP: Let's say that Emissary with slight amusement at Shapps trying to climb out happily states that he'll deactivate his trap and flashes his pupils an ominous white, which in turn causes the pulverized concrete,metal and soil to stabilize and regain some composure due to arena trap turning off.

    Emissary then trudges toward his brother Emett and nuzzles his side with his head a bit, removing some grime off of the charmrleon's side before finally turning to look at Kaze, eyeing the gardivoir with intent curiosity of the creature's human-like appearance.

    Sorry about skipping again, but there are things afoot.)

    Age : 29
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by RhysandNight Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:57 pm

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    Icirrus City||Night||[1]

    Up, down, up, pause. Up, down, up, pause.

    Tattered wings beat down in the repetitive motion as they carried the large yet skinny form of an Aerodacyle; it's skull shining eerily from the moonlight. A pair of red irises practically glowed against the black sclera that once had been white.

    Up, down, up, pause. Up, down, up, pause.

    Dune didn't know how long he had been flying, nor did he really care. The undead only knew he had to keep moving, to keep the voices at bay. A low growl tore from his throat as they faintly whispered to him about the thrill of killing, mauling, gorging on flesh and blood.

    Up, down, up, pause. Up, down.

    The fossil pokemon's pattern faltered and began to descend from the sky. From above he dully noticed the shadowed ruins of a city as he got further. It took Dune a moment to realize he was heading in too to fast opened his wings wide again, jerking him to a slower pace. The sound of something tearing reached his ear and glanced out of the corner of his eye to notice one of the many tears in his wings had gotten larger. He growled again, this time in annoyance at the thin skin that covered his wings. If they continued to tear the Aerodacyle wouldn't be able to fly. The though made him see red. Dune slammed his tail in the nearest object that was by him, which had been a metal trash can. It was sent flying into a nearby wall, spilling it's content all on the ground. The noise startled a living Patrat which had been hiding close by, though Dune didn't know what the thing was called. The rodent gave a startled cry and ran out of its hiding spot.

    The undead turned his head quickly, hearing the beating heart. The voices screamed in a frenzy, coaxing him to lunged at the pokemon, snagging its tail with his teeth as the thing tried to dart past him. Dune flung the small creature into the air before snapping his jaws shut, hearing the sickening snapping of bones as his teeth crushed the rodent like a twig before swallowing.

    The thing hardly fazed his burning hunger, but it had succeeded in silencing the voices, at least for the time being. As the fossil moved his neck to look around, the small silver bell on his spiked collar chimed softly. The sound soothing him further. Now calm, he looked around at the dark surroundings, slowly making his way further as he investigated the new unknown place.

    (OOC:sorry for making you guys wait, awesome to join you guys ^^ anyone can respond to Dune showing up, confront him or anything like that :3)

    Age : 25
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 15 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:02 pm

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    Outside Icirrus City| |Night

    "Hi, my name is Kaze." The serpent lets loos a raspy hiss and slithers backwards at the sight of the Guardevoir's outstretched palm. She warily glared at the Axew who had fled from her, crawling closer to her brother. "These two are my siblings, Emissary and Nerine." Coiling herself near the warmth of the Charmeleon's flame, the Dratini peeked at the foreigners. Nerine listens into their conversation, her numb ears twitching as she tried to make out their words. 'A world of silence and murmurs... How fitting,'

    "If we can get out of this hole I have a hideout in the Pokemart where I stashed all my food" She narrows her eyes. "And why should we trust you?" A rare moment occurred, the female speaking with her harsh, cold voice as it resonated in the tunnel. It had been so long since she had said any words that it almost felt foreign, a series of coughs swiftly following her sentence. Watching as her Trapinch sibling disabled the Arena Trap, the Dratini shifted uncomfortably as the ground below her rose. She slithered near the fire-type, distrustful of the new Pokemon.

    And although her ears rang with the sounds of explosion and the numb of a thousand winters, the snake rose as she felt a disturbance in the wind and earth. As a serpent, every coil in her body would sense the vibrations on the ground, and as she opened her eyes, she could see it. Something far in the distance. Nerine tapped Emmett and Emissary on the should swiftly with her tail, before darting towards the noises. There was someone, something there, and a need to know what it was arose in her. Passing the growth of trees she stopped when she came face-to-face with the Aerodactyl, stumbling backwards before hissing in fear. 'Who are you?'

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