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12 posters

    The ICIRRUS Team


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 18 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:34 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Durant Hill| |Night

    She wondered if she'll ever meet the Alakazam again, maybe in another life.

    She had watched in astonished silence as her beloved brother, Emissary, was resurrected from his sandy grave. The child could feel tears forming in her eyes. Oh, how terrified she was when she had watched him die, and now here he was--limbs and all! She barely heard the Gardevoir's voice over the ones whispering in her head, her gaze drifting around the dark nightscape in search of something, some kind of answer. Why had this happened to them? Was it truly just for observational reasons? Why had it been them? The Dratini remembered faintly that the two psychics seemed to have recognized each other. Had the Gardevoir struck a deal with the devil?

    "Well I think we can call this a day." her head turned, almost mechanically, to the psychic. She looked him over with sharp eyes, a small frown hidden behind her handkerchief. Quite a day it has been. She looked away, her chest still aching from the pain that flowed into her the moment her brother had fallen into the jaws of the Durants. "Come along dragons, we'll need to start walking if we're going to get some sleep." she wondered how the psychic could have such a...cheery smile on his face. Especially after the ordeal they had all went through, had it really not affected him...?

    She was the first to follow, deliberately avoiding her two brothers as she slithered forward along with the Gardevoir. "To the city~" she squints to see the dark outlines in the distance, the ruined buildings and dented earth. Just what sort of shelter were they to find in that pitiful excuse for a city? Nerine watched in silence as the Honchkrow flies off, claiming that it was hungry. And I wonder, what it's like to feel such fresh winds on your face. Perhaps I'll fly too, one day.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 18 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:48 pm

    ((i am currently unable to post so for now kaze is floating towards the city and hayato is out of sight))

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 18 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:09 am

    (Skip; Technically I am  back on the team with Emissary, but the sheet hasn't been updated yet apparently. Anyways, I have finals to prepare for this weekend v v; and the loss of Emett will make posting highly problematic due to trying to think of how to make things go along.)

    Age : 25
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    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 18 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:53 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Durant Hill| |Night

    Diligently, she followed the Gardevoir towards the ruined city, expression a mixture of concern and fear as they drew closer to the abandoned settlement. The city had already become so broken--multitudes upon multitudes of craters lined the earth and many of the houses were left in pieces. Just what did the psychic-type expect to find there? "A...Are you sure...we'll find shelter there?" she strained to use her voice, turning to question Kaze. If anything, Icirrus City would've been the last choice Nerine had in mind--if anything an open area might've been safer that the village. There were too many dark corners, too many ruins, and too many places to hide--who knows what could be hiding in the darkness? She shuddered at the thought, only growing more concerned by the second.

    In an attempt to reassure herself, she took deep breaths, periodically looking back to her brothers in worry before looking forward. They were almost there now, and the night still loomed overhead. Admittedly, the little Dratini was tired, the entire ordeal that they had gone through taking it's toll on her young body. She was absolutely sure that she would have nightmares now, of her siblings dying. The very thought made her want to cry. Finally reaching the settlement, she slowly slithered up a nearby drainage pipe and onto an uneven roof, squinting as she overlooked the city. She looked down to the Gardevoir, waiting for him to speak.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 18 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:18 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Outside Iccirus City | Night | (23)

    The Gardevoir bites his lip as he looks at the shattered buildings and cracked paving stones.
    It looks like a Draco Meteor has hit here, which with Dragonspiral Tower not too far away might have been the case.
    The streets seem to be in about as good a condition as the tower too with shattered stone and piles of rubble as far as the eye can see.
    The Gardevoir crosses his arms.
    "Well it's certainly a fixer-upper." He jokes as he drags his gaze over the ruined buildings.
    With water from the moors flooding the ground the lower levels are completely ruined for habitation but the larger columns of dirt and rock that raised up the houses were largely intact, if not the houses themselves.
    Flicking one feathery ear the Psychic Type listens intently but the only sounds nearby are the sounds of the Dragon family behind him breathing.
    Safe, for now.
    His emerald eyes wide with a childish curiosity the Gardevoir hovers closer to the buildings and scan the rubble. There were some thing s worth salvaging here. Carefully he finds the most intact house for their base of operations; it still has two complete walls and three quarters of a roof, despite their being a hole the size of a Druddigon in it. His ears flutter like tiny wings with excitement. Maybe there was even a bed! He hadn't been permitted to sleep on a human bed since he was a Ralts but still the idea of a comfortable sleep while Hayato was busy hunting was a good one.
    "That reminds me, what do you guys eat? I could always ask Hayato to pick something up if you're hungry..."
    He says, embarrassed by his lack of foresight.

    Merely a darker patch of shadow against an already dark sky the Honchkrow flew overhead. His bulky body, mostly thick muscle underneath his feathers, was less optimized for night hunting than that of a Noctowl but he was as much a creature of the darkness as any other Dark Type. His red eyes easily penetrated the gloom to pick up the faintest twitch of movement below.
    His talons flexed eagerly, the great black bird wanted to dig his claws into tender flesh and dig his golden beak straight through skin into the tender organ meat below. It felt like so long since his talons had been soaked in blood.
    The bright orange fur of the Watchogs on the forest floor below caught his attention, already brightly aglow as the keen-eyed normal types watch his passage and call out sharp 'reet' noises of warning. If he dived swiftly he could catch one, snap its neck and be off in the air before the others could spit their seeds but the brightly luminescent fur would mess up his night vision and he couldn't hunt there again for a while. Besides Watchogs were skinny little rats, more fur then flesh and after the strange Alakazam had made him feel so impotent he wanted to have a proper fight with something.
    Perching on a rough barked pine branch he spies a succulent bit of meat sleeping in the fallen leaves under a tree.
    Perfect." He says to himself.

    ((OOC: I had to type this post out four times! Sorry it took so long but now the plot is finally back on track))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 18 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Min Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:41 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Outside Icirrus City| |Night

    "Well it's certainly a fixer-upper." Nerine managed to form a small smile, overlooking the ruined city quietly. Without delay, she follows the Psychic type as he looks for a suitable shelter, which ends up being a barely intact house. She stared at the pitiful building, admittedly it was better off than all the other forsaken homes in this terrible excuse for a city, and it was one of the few, maybe even the only structure that was still habitable. She hesitantly slithered a meter in, squinting against the darkness as she tried to see. It was dark, wet, and the scent of rotting wood uneased the child. Tasting the air, the smell of the wood, rain, and filth surrounded her, and luckily, no death. Quietly she looked towards her brother, Emett, for help, and her eyes brightened in delight as the Charmeleon trotted over, using his tail as a light in the shadows.

    The room they were in was scarcely decorated, most of the fancy glass ornaments and the like shattered across the old wood floor. Carefully, she used her tail to sweep them aside, glancing at whatever else was in the room. There was an old couch, ripped around the edges but still intact, and a table with a broken leg that could probably be fixed with some string and someone with thumbs. On the far side of the building were stairs leading up, right next to a withered bookshelf with multitudes of drenched books and tattered papers. "That reminds me, what do you guys eat? I could always ask Hayato to pick something up if you're hungry..." she paused her expedition to reply, looking back to the Gardevoir. "Meat. We're carnivorous. Emissary likes insects, though." she mumbled, before beginning to slither up the old stair steps, with her sibling following.

    The above room was better off that the one below, that was for sure. Despite the fact that there was a rather large hole in the middle of the floor, this room was much nicer than the last. Two double beds lined the wall, and although their sheets were bloodstained and dirty, they were both still intact. A desk resided next to one, with a broken computer screen toppled over onto it's keyboard. Behind her were bookshelves, filled with books that were probably still readable.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The ICIRRUS  Team - Page 18 Empty Re: The ICIRRUS Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:59 pm

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    Outside Iccirus City | Night | (24)

    Interlacing his fingers Kaze decides to get to work to make things look homey for Hayato's return.
    Following the Dratini's lead he sweeps up the broken glass ornaments from the ground floor into the corners where it less likely to accidentally jab them. Soon he becomes distracted by a piece that seems nearly intact, a swirling spiral shape in transparent and bright blue glass. It seems far too pretty to just place with the other broken bits so instead the Gardevoir balances it on top of the broken table which is wobbly but not entirely unstable.
    Inwardly cataloging the things he wished to find in this place he hums a cheerful little song to himself as he works. These books are all in a disarray and completely ruined by the water. Such a shame.
    Using his Psychic abilities to do the heavy lifting the withered bookshelf becomes outlined in violet light then he tosses the books onto the floor beside the Dratini.
    The wooden case itself, warped by the water than has come in through the hole he discards out of hand as useless and lets tumble back down to the bottom floor.
    "Nesting material." He explains.
    Without any sign he cares about the bed's previous owners he strips off the soiled sheet and bundles them up under his arm.
    "Linen cupboard...linen cupboard..." He mutters under his breath as he searches for fresh sheets to put on the beds.

    The Honchkrow dives.
    His wings aren't as silent as those of a Noctowl and the young Sawsbuck is alerted by the sound before his strike lands.
    Like a black feathered bolt from the dark night skies the flying type digs his sharp talons straight into the Grass Type's thick neck, drawing dark blood up around his curved talons. The Sawsbuck bellow deeply, waking up the sleeping pokemon nearby.
    Hayato tightens his grip and flaps his back wings to try and keep his balance as the grass type bucks furiously in an attempt to throw him off.
    Unlike his earlier tussle with the pre-evolved form of this Pokemon the battle is getting Hayato fired up.
    The Sawsbuck twists its head around, trying to gore him with sharp edged claws like jagged tree branches.
    One sharp edge grazes his wings as Hayato tries to constrict his grip enough to crush the Sawsbuck's throat.
    It's loud warning cries fill the night. He won't be able to catch anything else tonight but the rich scented blood flowing over his claws sparks a great hunger in him.
    Rich savoury venison, the king of meats. He wanted to tear into it, swallow it whole.
    His claws dripping with blood Hayato twists his head at a strange angle.
    His long beak jabs forwards and he tugs. The Sawsbuck bellows louder with pain, blood pouring down one side of its tan furred face.
    Hayato swallows the eyeball gleefully.

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