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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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11 posters

    The PYRE Team


    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:49 pm

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    Mt. Pyre Ruins|Early Morning

    "How do you... Know my name?" Anubis blinked at his little purple friend. Did he...did he really just ask that? Oh dear. Anubis gave him a sad smile and whispered, "You told me, remember?" he had no idea what to do in this kind of situation. He was already somewhat, well, lacking in the social department. Anubis usually would just hide behind Fenix or Cathal when newcomers arrived and let them do all of the talking. So how did one deal with someone you already met, but they didn't remember?

    Just then a dark shadow went straight for Suzaku's head and Anubis crouched low in a defensive stance. What was that? "The hell are you doing?!" Oh my, his fiery friend sounded very angry. "That thing has been trying to kill us, asshole! Who the hell are you? You kn-- fuck it. Pierce, Anubis, let's get the hell out. I don't know what the hell's going on, but I do know that we should leave." Anubis nodded and stood, smiling at Pierce, hoping the other would follow them. But before they could go anywhere...

    "Leave? Boy, you should pay your respects to the Pokemon around you, they received nothing, but having their graves destroyed."

    Anubis flinched visibly at the reminder of what he had done to the resting place of his Mother. It was his fault the tombs collapsed, all because he misjudged the force of his Focus Blast. He never meant to destroy the precious graves of the other Pokemon or Mother. He hung his head in shame, a small whimper escaping him, as his arms curled around his middle once again. Guilt was eating him alive and all he could say was, "I'm sorry..."

    Suzaku was having none of it, however. His friend had been pushed beyond his limits. The rant he went off on made Anubis flinch even more, not being well accustomed to such harsh tones. He got onto the newcomers like they were errant school children and all the Aura Pokemon could do was stare. He wasn't sure what to do, so he just went over to the Blaziken and put a paw on his shoulder. "Please...don't..." he begged. "Let's just go."

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Drago Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:09 pm

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    Mt. Pyre Ruins |Early Morning (16)

    Pierce was as confused as the others, when newcommers arrived. He heard a poor creature screaming somewhere not too far away, but he ignored it for the moment. The tall orange one scared him. The shorter, blue one however, seemed kind enough. In fact, he seemed rather docile, to Pierce's eyes. The monster, for he could now recognize that's what it was, had not moved from its fallen friend, and the strange rock-creature that had arrived immediately had attacked. The older-fellow seemed... odd. His laugh was cheerful, and he seemed obviously alive, but his manner still seemed strange. Like someone who knows he's seen much more than anyone else. He thought to himself.

    Quickly, he made his decision. He moved slowly, tip-toeing until he stood next to the Blue creature. "I'll go with you." He said. Those four words, and no more. They seemed right, they sounded right. They FELT right. But still, something in the back of his mind fought with it. The part holding back his memories. The more he tried to think, the more his horn throbbed where it had broken off. He was surprised it did not bleed. Shaking his head slowly, he looked again to the others. "Let's hurry."

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Min Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:08 am

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    Mt. Pyre| |Early Morning

    Drowned just ignored them. Ignored them all. Shakily standing up he placed Xadian's body back onto his shoulder, where he had always sat. Looking back at the others for a brief moment, the Swampert began to lumber back to the ruins of Mt. Pyre. A sharp hammer Arm was enough to dislodge a few rocks to create another entrance to the cemetery. It was still as beaten and ruined as the undead had left it, but at least the dust had settled this time. It was easier to see.

    Drowned picked through the rocks, searching the soil. Xadian had been here for some reason... What was that reason? There must have been someone the little ghost was visiting here on Mt. Pyre. The Swampert was determined to find this person, whomever it was. Once he had finished the task he will start traveling again, staying here was boring, after all. Same old scenery, same old living to try and kill... It was getting almost too boring to stand.

    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:00 pm

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    Mt Pyre, early morning
    Golett looked on as the purple one left Big Blue's- as it'd now decided to call him- side, joining the ones who'd been attacking him. The little golem was confused- it was like they'd been bullying him. He was obviously mourning and seemed to just want to go on doing so, not hurting anyone. Oblivious to the fact that this was indeed undead and a monster of some sort or another, the Golett stood by Drowned's side, looking up at Suzaku, trying its hardest to make the big Red feel ashamed for attacking Drowned.

    As he took his place, however, Drowned turned to the pile of rubble Golett had emerged from and started digging into it, looking for something. The guardian looked confused, but hopped on over next to him and followed closely, looking around, though he wasn't sure what for.

    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:02 pm

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    Mt. Pyre Ruins | Early Morning [2]

    "I'm sorry..." The Lucario said, seemed extremely sorry in all honesty. However, the Blaziken seemed displeased with Ciallmhar's outburst, "...Sir...I'm fully aware of the situation. However, if you will look to the large bloody thing, we have been fighting it for our lives. Not five minutes ago, it was trying to kill our friend Pierce here, who seems to have lost his memory." The Conkeldurr gave a glance at the Nidorino, guessing that 'Pierce' was him, but the old-time was never good with names, he just continued to listen intently to the Hoenn native, "I'm not sure why that one's attacking us," he stated, pointing at the Golurk, Ciallmhar never even realized the tiny one was there until pointed out, "but right now, I think we've been through enough. Now, once we get away from this swampert -who no doubt will try to kill us again- I'll be happy to regail the story in more detail. But right now is not the best time." The Blaziken ended his story... Quite harshly.

    The Conkeldurr rose a brow, afterwards, everyone seemed to be begging to leave the area. Ciallmhar left his abandoned concretes where they were, crossing his arms, "Well if now's not the best time ol' chap, how about I come along with you? I may be old, but I can cope with the disasters up ahead." He glanced back at the rubble, noticing a Swampert emerge from it. Ciallmhar was about to react, however, the Undead had no reaction toward the old-timer, solemn as if, but depressed. "I may be annoying, but I guess that we have enough time to 'leave' as you all wish" He worried for the Undead, not that he usually does, but it was different from others he had seen.
    That, or pity for the Water-type.

    Age : 36
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:57 am

    Post 21

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    Mt. Pyre Ruins| Dawn

    "Please...don't..." Anubis begged. "Let's just go."

    The blaziken's irritated state softened when Anubis' paw touched him lightly, his fierce gaze breaking when it beheld his blue friend's pitiful state. He reminded Suzaku of a small child, scorned and beaten for a mistake... He then really realized the force of not only the old timer's words, but his own and felt a sharp pang of guilt.

    'Maybe I am turning into the bad guy,' he snarked grimly to himself.

    The sun peeked over the horizon, momentarily blinding the flightless firebird, to which he held up a discolored forearm against it to shield his eyes. The old timer seemed to finally understand that the swampert was a monster, albeit a strange, greiving one, and agreed to move on. A breath of relief escaped him and he nodded, his eye darting to both the swampert and the weird ghost that had randomly taken up protecting it. Well, he could have it.

    With a kinder look to Anubis, he gave a small smile and nodded. "Right then," he began softly. "Let's get out of here. I don't know about you guys, but I'm beat, and I could use some berries. We may be able to find some up that route," he said as he pointed, beginning to lead the way.

    ((Much better post is much better XD))


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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:56 pm

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    Mt. Pyre Ruins|Dawn

    He sighed in quiet relief when Suzaku turned back to him, and Anubis gave him a small smile. They were finally going to get away from here, and the blue canine could not be happier about that. Anubis turned back to Pierce and waved him over. "Right then," he heard Suzaku begin. "Let's get out of here. I don't know about you guys, but I'm beat, and I could use some berries. We may be able to find some up that route." The Aura Pokemon nodded and followed his companion, occasionally looking back to check on Pierce.

    "Well if now's not the best time ol' chap, how about I come along with you? I may be old, but I can cope with the disasters up ahead." Anubis was startled by the change in demeanor, sort of, in the strange looking newcomer. But, as long as the Fire-bird didn't mind, he had no problem with it joining them. "I-if you'd like to...you can come." His shy personality had him pausing a few times, voice coming out just over a whisper. But it was clear invitation for the other fighter to join them. It would always be helpful to have another set of skills with them.

    "I-I'm...Anubis, by the way."

    Age : 25
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Min Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:11 pm

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    Mt. Pyre| |Dawn

    He continued his search through the rubble of the graves, his strong arms flexing as he dug through the broken stone. Drowned's scarlet eyes scanned through the dark, murky ruins as he searched for something. Something that maybe Xadian was here for, there had to be something in here.

    He grit his teeth as he felt a large boulder fall onto his back when he dislodged another, wincing at sudden collision. If only that stupid Lucario didn't break the area down... So much easier. He shook the rock off, slumpng to the ground, defeated.

    [OOC: Need to go to bed fff- didn't realize Drago was in SH. Sorry 'bout that. :U]

    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:37 pm

    ((skipping. not much I can do, and my warning never went up- this is late but still legal.))

    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:02 pm

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    Mt. Pyre Ruins | Dawn [3]

    The Blaziken gave a grimaced look before giving a small smile as he pointed up the way, "Right then, Let's get out of here. I don't know about you guys, but I'm beat, and I could use some berries. We may be able to find some up that route," Ciallmhar was glad the Hoenn-native changed his harsh attitude. The Lucario replied to his teammate with a nod, it was obvious the Aura Pokemon was quite shy, "I-if you'd like to...you can come. I-I'm...Anubis, by the way." The Conkeldurr just replied with a simple nod, "I'd love to come laddie," he gave another hearty laugh at it, "I'm Ciallmhar, a miracle to be able to live to the appocalypse. Ha!" He just wanted to lightened the atmosphere.

    [Ooc: Short post 8u I feel kinda bad that I also had a warning couple days back and ended up having internet problems ;;;]

    Age : 36
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:26 am

    Post 22

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    Mt. Pyre Ruins| Morning

    Suzaku gave a calmer smile as Anubis and the other fighter pokemon introduced themselves. Now that the swampert was doing... whatever it was, while still on edge, the fire bird could feel a little safer. He trudged along with the rest of the group, listening. "I'm Ciallmhar, a miracle to be able to live to the appocalypse. Ha!" the old fighter said.

    "...You might have to write that one down for me," Suzaku said with a small, nervous chuckle. "What an intricate name..." With one last glance at the ruins of the grand tomb and the swampert that still lay there, he finally heaved a sigh and kept moving. Maybe it would leave them alone after all? Weird... "I'm Suzaku, by the way. I'm not sure if I got to introduce myself earlier... And... sorry for snapping."


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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:16 pm

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    Mt. Pyre Ruins|Morning

    "I'd love to come laddie. I'm Ciallmhar, a miracle to be able to live to the appocalypse. Ha!" Wow, that was a mouthful. Anubis chuckled nervously at the robust laugh that kept emanating from the other fighter. He wasn't sure if it was a happy laugh or an 'I'm going to get you' laugh. He moved closer to Suzaku, just in case. The Lucario didn't sense anything malicious about the creature's aura, he just trusted the Blaziken more.

    ((OOC: Short post is short...I'm sorry. I just kind of hit a writer's block for him. Not much to do and I hate skipping.))

    Age : 27
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Drago Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:47 pm

    ((Skip please. Terribly sorry I didn't post earlier. >.< Pierce is just waiting to leave, but say he introduced himself to the old timer. :3))

    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:44 am

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    Mt. Pyre Ruins | Dawn [4]

    "...You might have to write that one down for me, What an intricate name..." The Muscle Pokemon shrugged as the last-evolution Starter Pokemon continued, [i]"I'm Suzaku, by the way. I'm not sure if I got to introduce myself earlier... And... sorry for snapping." Ciallmhar allowed a deep breath escape from him; it was difficult to move without those boulder he always held onto, but nonetheless, he continued to move on, "I had another name before it, but nonetheless, it was given to me by my trainer lad." Another deep breath, "But it's fine if you snap sonny boy, just go continue to lead the way."

    He have his usual hearty chuckle, glancing at the Lucario, then over to the Nidorino, who shortly introduced himself as Pierce, "Ha! I heard yer name earlier, I was unsure whether it be yours." The Conkeldurr flickered his gaze over to the Lucario, "And what about you laddie? How are you?" Ciallmhar gave a mighty pat on the back of the Lucario, "But it's fine if ye' don't want to say it."

    [Ooc: Short post ;-; I keep forgetting I'm in this team laksjdf OTL]

    Last edited by Sepultra on Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 36
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:48 pm

    Post 23

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    Route 123| Morning

    It felt good, for once, to have peace. Suzaaku led the way up the route, stopping when he spotted a bushel full of berries. He sighed and motioned the others to follow, leading them to an oran berry patch. "Finally... some breakfast." An odd feeling washed over him as he picked some berries and handed them to the others; they no longer held any appeal. He knew he was hungry, and berries and fish had always been his favorites... so... why did he no longer want any berries?

    He shook himself free of the oddness and gave a good handful to Anubis. "Looks like there's plenty to go around," he said with a small smile. "Go ahead and fill up." He took one himself and popped it in, but... the juices that washes over his mouth tasted... dull. Like he had just eaten a little piece of dry wall. He frowned and looked at another berry. What was wrong with him? Were the berries bad? He glanced to the others to see if their reactions were like his own.

    ((OOC: He can't taste it cuz he's getting sicker. :3 There's nothing wrong with the berries, just FYI))


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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:01 am

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    Route 123|Morning

    "And what about you laddie? How are you?" Anubis was a little taken aback by the question, not really sure how to answer. Was he asking because of the way he reacted when Ciallmhar first mentioned the destruction of the ruins? Well, it's not like he could have meant much else. "But it's fine if ye' don't want to say it." Anubis shook his head and offered a shy smile. "I'm fine, sir. No need to worry."

    He went back to following Suzaku, who managed to lead them to a few berry bushes. Anubis happily ran for them, scooping up as many as his paw could hold and stuffed them into his mouth. The sweet juices hit his tongue and he moaned in pleasure. It had been a very long time since he had anything sweet, and these berries were perfectly ripe. Plus, a few of them were oran berries so he could feel a little health returning with each one he ate.

    He looked over to Suzaku, giving him a smile, but it fell when he saw his friend's expression. He seemed...puzzled. That would be the best word. He was just staring at a berry like he didn't know what to do with it. Anubis made his way over to his friend and ducked his head to get the bird's eyes to meet his. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.

    Age : 27
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Drago Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:49 pm

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    Route 123 | Morning (17)

    Pierce nodded his head an acceptance of the new guy. He had a long name, and Pierce was surprised he could remember it when he couldn't remember anything else. Althought he could remember the emptiness in his stomach, acompanied by a sudden growling that anounced his hunger. Luckily, it seemed that Suzaku had found some berries! Oran berries, nonetheless! The tiny blue berries held healing properties, as Pierce's aching body reminded him. Walking carefully, he bit his way into the first clump of berries he could reach, savoring the sweet juice. After he swallowed, a warmness overtook his body, and he shivered, seeming to wash the fatigue from his bones. And something else. In a rush, he remembered it all. The Cemetary, the Swampert, Thorn, the Vaporeon, the mountain coming down... Everything from the previous night hit Pierce like a rock to the head, filling the holes in his memory so quickly and percisely he couldn't help but jump.

    It was as if he suddenly became whole again, after being seperated from himself. It never felt good to lose memory of something you shouldn't forget, of course. Stepping back from the berries, he allowed the others to have room. "I remember, now." He said simply, not wanting to distract them from their meal. Turning around, he looked the other direction, lost in his thoughts. Thorn was probably long gone by now, and Pierce didn't think he would see her again. A shame, that.

    ((Since Xadian's gone and Drowned may not be staying too much longer, I decided I may as well just go ahead and put his memories back in his head. :P))

    Age : 36
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:40 pm

    Post 24

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    Route 123| Morning

    "Are you ok?" The question was simple, innocent and a little worrisome, as the owner regarded him with wide eyes, ducking to be in Suzaku's line of sight. The sudden face in his vision caused him to jump, but the question had not fallen on deaf ears. He gave Anubis a calm smile and nod, then looked back to the berry, then to Anubis' paws. He had obviously eaten some, since the juices lightly stained the fur of the paws and mouth, but maybe it was just out of necessity? "...Do these berries taste funny to you?"

    However, before he could have gotten an answer, Pierce suddenly proclaimed in a whisper, almost to himself, "I remember now." His eyes were wide with realization and Suzaku couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief escape him. Good. All that awkward newness was starting to get to him... Speaking of awkward newness...

    "...Old guy?" he asked, looking around for the elder fighter. He was just here...


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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 01, 2012 8:45 pm

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    Route 123|Morning

    Anubis breathed a sigh of relief as his friend nodded in affirmation, happy that he was alright. "...Do these berries taste funny to you?" Anubis looked confused for a moment, having just enjoyed their sweet juices cooling his raw throat, and was about to answer when Pierce interrupted his thoughts. He was truly happy for the smaller one to have regained his memories, and he let slip a small smile. He turned back to Suzaku but his friend was staring off behind the Lucario. Following his line of sight he noticed something quite odd, the elder fighter who had been with them was missing. How very strange...

    ((OOC: Sorry for the short post, with everyone leaving the team there isn't much to say right now, lol. Maybe once we get some new blood I will have more.))

    Age : 27
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Drago Fri May 04, 2012 3:59 pm

    ((Skip, I've got a similar problem with Phoe. Just can't think of anything to work with. >.<))

    Age : 25
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Min Fri May 04, 2012 5:23 pm

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    Mt. Pyre| |Morning

    [OOC: A proper leaving post- since I'm out of SH. ^^]

    Drowned could only barely stand, his red eyes searching the ruins of the graves. So much destruction... It was hard, almost too hard, to navigate through this mess, and it only annoyed the large Swampert more and more. He was glad when he finally broke through all the rocks, reaching the damp ground. The undead began it's work, pawing and disheveling the ground to make a small pit.

    The behemoth only spent a few minutes on his task, soon deeming the hole large and proper enough for the body that was to be laid into it. His rough, yet surprisingly gentle grasp picked up the Sableye that laid motionless on his shoulder-laying him in the ground. Gently brushing excess dirt on top of the dead ghost, Drowned gave a brief bow before turning away.

    Quietly making his way out of the ruins he glanced at the direction the living went, before turning the other way and leaving.

    [OOC: And now he's officially a floater. :3]

    Age : 31
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Apos Tue May 08, 2012 7:29 pm

    ((please skip ;-; I can't get into character))

    Age : 28
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat May 12, 2012 3:40 pm

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    Ember surveyed his surroundings and scribbled inside his journal.He had seen some living around here earlier but he had no idea where they had gotten too. Of course this mattered little to him at this time seeing as how he was busy protecting his own ass from the infected. " I HATE THIS FUCKING PLACE THERE ARE TOO MANY DAMNED ZOMBIES!" Ember screamed. He was not screaming at anyone in particular just the air but he knew someone heard him, he could almost feel it.

    With a displeased huff Ember recomposed himself and began surveying his surroundings once again, hiding among the foliage of some decaying shrubbery. 'This blows.' he thought to himself quietly. Not afraid to leave his cover but rather bored because there was nothing to do where he was. Nothing at all, it was almost as boring as death. Which is kind of stupid seeing as how he is already a ghost. With another sigh Ember sat and waited, observing to see what would happen next.

    Age : 36
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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun May 13, 2012 5:56 am

    Post 25

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    Route 123| Morning

    Anubis' reaction did not give Suzaku much confidence; what was wrong with him? As if on some horrible inward cue, his hands went numb, dropping the berry. In almost a second, his legs went as well, and the numbness threated to engulf his entire form, tracing up his extremities to his chest and then to his face and neck.

    For a horrible minute that seemed hours, he was stuck doubled over on his knees, his shivering, tingling arms the only thing between him and a face full of dirt. There was a pressure, like some donphan leaning against him, and he heard himself panting. He felt sweat bead and run down his face and exposed skin, but felt detached from it all. Like someone else was going through it.

    But then, as quickly as it had come, it left, leaving him panting and shaking with effort. What... What had just happened...? A soon as feeling returned to his quivering limbs, he stood on wobbly legs and put a clammy hand to his face. "...What was that...?" he asked aloud, more to himself than anyone else.


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    The PYRE Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The PYRE Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 4:59 pm

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    Route 123|Morning

    Anubis panicked slightly as Suzaku began to freak out, backing away quickly. He wasn't sure what was happening to his friend, and quickly closed his eyes and drew forth his Aura Sense. What he saw made his heart sink. The small patches of swirling red and violet in his friends aura where much larger, and filling quickly with black. Even as he watched the invading colors grew in size, slowly consuming his friends aura. Soon, his would be as dark as the Swamperts, but then it stopped as suddenly as it grew.

    "...What was that...?"

    The Lucario didn't have the heart to tell him, but the look on his face would have told the bird of the great pain and sorrow he felt. He knew his friend was about to turn, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Did Suzaku even know he was infected? Much less that he was moments away from death? Anubis clutched his chest as his heart felt like it was caught in a vice. First Cathal, and the others, then Mother, now Suzaku. Would all of his friends fall to this terrible illness? Was this always to be his burden in life, to bury his friends? "I'm so sorry, Suzu..."

    Last edited by PhoenixVelshaine on Fri May 18, 2012 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typos drive me nuts...)

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