Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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3 posters

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot


    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Empty Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot

    Post by Fox Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:01 pm

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot KlUltR0

    "The Tomboyish Mermaid"
    Themes Tool- Schism
    Acid- 0:00 AM
    Text Color #05EDFF

    • Universal communicator
    • Diving mask that allows her to dive deep underwater for short periods
    • Crude med supplies, herbs, self-made potions and bandages
    • Black durable sports bra and scuba shorts that she uses to swim. she always has it on under her clothes.
    • Filthy dark brown backpack, where she keeps anything she scavenges from her travels.
    • Limited and poor food/water rations
    • Gnarled rope


    • Rusted self-made knives and shivs, hidden all over her in many pant pockets and boots. (If the wound doesn't kill you, the tetanus surely will)
    • Beaten machete she usually keeps sheathed. Used for speed attacks.
    • Baseball bat with nails jutting out all sides of the top portion. Almost always on hand. Slower than the machete, but effective.
    • 9mm pistol, decent amount of ammo, (looted from police station) which she keeps holstered on her hip.
    • Shotgun- very beaten but works. Limited ammo, (looted from police station) sticks out of her bag.
    • Gun repair supplies

    Gender Female
    Age 28
    Species Human
    Weight 98lbs
    Height 5'4"
    Occupation Former Gym Leader, Mercenary, Vigilante
    Pkm 1
    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Spr_5b_121
    Starmie (Lyn)
    Level: 57
    Gender: None
    Ability: Natural Cure
    Attack list-
    -Thunderbolt (TM)
    -Ice Beam (TM)
    -Scald (TM)
    -Psychic (pre-evolution move)
    Pkm 2
    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Spr_4d_055
    Golduck  (Taiga)
    Level: 53
    Ability: Cloud Nine
    Attack list-
    -Confusion (learned)
    -Water Pulse (learned)
    -Frustration (TM)
    -Toxic (TM)
    Pkm 3
    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Spr_4h_141
    Kabutops (KabuKabu "Kabu")
    Level: 68
    Ability: Battle Armor
    Attack list-
    -Slash (learned)
    -Rock Slide (TM)
    -Protect (TM)
    -Aqua Jet (learned)
    Pkm 4
    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Spr_4h_119_m
    Seaking (Vail)
    Level: 65
    Ability: Water Veil
    Attack list-
    -Horn Attack (learned)
    -Supersonic (learned)
    -Hail (TM)
    -Water Pulse (learned)
    Pkm 5
    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Sprite pending
    Liphin (Edona "Ed")
    Level: 64
    Ability: Volt Absorb
    Attack list-
    -Bubblebeam (learned)
    -Electro Ball (learned)
    -Thunderbolt (learned)
    -Take Down (learned)
    Pkm 6
    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Spr_5b_073
    Tentacruel (Shade)
    Level: 46
    Ability: Clear Body
    Attack list-
    -Acid Spray (learned)
    -Hex (learned)
    -Wrap (learned)
    -Sludge Wave (TM)
    Early in the epidemic, the former gym leader had escaped the military quarantines with her Pokemon and as many other pokeballs she could smuggle out, after they had murdered her Gyarados and Poliwhirl in a point blank execution. She helped start an underground movement that raided and/or smuggled any military confined pokemon and humans. They often used sewers, canals and maintenance shafts to move human, animal or goods around. Pokemon that were rescued were released, and many of them ended up staying to help their cause.

    On a raid gone wrong, her Dewgong was shot through the head, and her Starmie was mortally wounded, dying and quickly turning on them. Despite their escape to open water, the friends she had taken with her were all killed by it before she was able to put it down. Misty herself was badly injured from her pokemons' attacks, the scars still prominent on her back and shoulder after four years. After her remaining Pokemon swam her to safety, she vowed revenge and sought to deal out swift justice to anyone that harmed Pokemon. She stayed with the underground for two years, training others in combat and pokemon battle. Her own Pokemons' strengths were realized quickly as Mistys' training tactics intensified, but she grew more and more hostile as time went on, out of fear for their lives. Eventually, she fell off the grid, and not even the underground was able to find her, though there were always random reports coming in of known criminals washing up on the beaches all over Kanto, brutally tortured and drowned.

    • Malnutritioned, but muscular. It shows most in her gaunt and sunken face
    • She keeps her hair in a lazyhawk, while shaving the sides
    • Covered in scars, prominently on her back and shoulder
    • She has dropped much from her old appearance, keeping only her red suspenders
    • She has a feral look to her


    • Very rough, scrappy and vicious. She acts more like a depraved animal than human towards those she fights.
    • Hot temper, easily flared.
    • Nosy and sensitive/somewhat unstable
    • Strict and hard leader

    User Notes

    • May or may not have a cache of weapons/meds/stores in a sunken military sub along the Isles of Cinnabar. She doesn't visit it often, and actually prefers making her own equipment.
    • Through her connections and goods trading during her time in the underground, she put all her effort into obtaining rare TMs for her pokemon.
    • She has a few more pokemon stored away in pokeballs, but she doesn't use them (currently). One of them being of particular importance to her, belonging to her murdered sister. (A young Horsea)
    • Is accompanied by her long-time companion, her Togeren. He's not one of her pokemon, but he has stayed by her side as a friend.
    • Seeks out Suicune to capture him

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot 20gcn78

    Felinar "Flynn"
    ThemesOrdinary Vanity- Akira Yamaoka
    Passive- A Perfect Circle
    Item Mystic Water
    Text Color #CAE1FF
    Gender Male
    Age Young Adult
    Species #??? Togeren - Angelic Pokemon
    Height 5'7"
    Weight 95lbs
    Pokédex Entry A highly revered Pokemon said to only appear in times of peace.
    Level 58
    Ability Serene Grace
    Nature Calm
    Characteristic Strong willed
    -Heal Bell (tutor)
    -Last Resort (learned)
    -Return (TM)
    -Flamethrower (TM)
    History Felinar had long traveled with Misty. They traveled often, and was aptly nicknamed "Flynn" by the many researchers he had come to know and like throughout the regions. He always had an air of elegance and light about him once he evolved, and everywhere they went, people believed he brought fortune to their homes. The locals of small, superstitious towns in particular often asked him to bless their people or crops, and he was always happy to oblige. He was sure he wasn't particularly 'heavenly,' but Flynn saw how happy they were after, and stopped questioning it. He even began to believe it after awhile, and parted ways with Misty for awhile, always accepting the many tributes and gifts he received. Many temples were built around him and his species, and in towns he deemed worthy of his presence, he healed who he could. However, violent or scornful areas were often left scorched and burnt to ashes, judged and executed. But when pokemon and humans began getting sick and he couldn't cure them, he was run out by the ever-growing hostility and fear throughout the regions. The people who once called him an angel and savior now called him a devil, spreading false prophecies and mockery of true legends. No longer having a place among humans, he sought out Misty, whom he found trapped in a quarantined base. He helped her escape, and helped her with her work in the underground. There he also had a following, where prayers and rituals were often done to protect or heal among their ranks.

    • He has immaculate ivory feathers that he preens often, with bright markings. He ensures that he eats well to ensure his appearance, often at the cost of others around him
    • He's reserved and calm, lending to his collected appearance.
    • Golden eyes and a deep, soft voice


    • Vain and delusional. While he has good intentions, the faith he has placed in both his own abilities and species is too lofty to maintain.
    • Often uses superstition
    • He is kind and very brave, but painfully and unrealistically optimistic
    • Can be wrathful towards those who are violent
    • Unintentionally demeaning towards others
    • Manipulative and often plays the martyr

    User Notes

    • Often flies in the clouds to avoid detection
    • Can sing very well, and uses his melodies to influence others (singing voice like Maynard from Tool/APC)
    • Helps Misty and considers her a close friend
    • He prefers to act as the 'priest' class in terms of battle, but on occasion will use physical attacks.

    Last edited by Fox on Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:34 am; edited 3 times in total


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot 4j0L6

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Empty Re: Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot

    Post by Fox Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:08 am

    Ready for approval!~


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot 4j0L6

    Posts : 3031

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Empty Re: Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot

    Post by Azelf Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:07 pm

    //whisper// Friend, you forgot to label the topic with where you're sending them.


    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Y2srlZqMisty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot 3ani__482__xy
    Ψ Warnings Manager Ψ

    Es gibt nichts schlimmeres als die unwissenheit in aktion.

    Age : 37
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    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Empty Re: Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot

    Post by Fox Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:23 pm

    Fixed. Thanks friend.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot 4j0L6

    Posts : 3650

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Empty Re: Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot

    Post by Mewtwo Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:31 pm

    I have one note but it won't hinder approval as I was able to research why you had it written this way.
    Your Starmie says it learned Psychic naturally, which is possible in gen 6, but you didn't state that it was a pre-evolution move. If you could note that instead of saying just 'learned' that would prevent extra time searching through movesets.



    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot 3Br5nS6

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotMisty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot UugYyDK

    Age : 37
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    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot Empty Re: Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot

    Post by Fox Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:46 am

    Adjusted, thank Mootoo!~


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    Misty the Vigilante and Flynn the Togeren_Oceanside,Plot 4j0L6

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