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    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite]


    Age : 25
    Posts : 1503

    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] Empty Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite]

    Post by Abysswalker Sat May 30, 2015 12:23 am

    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] Chrisandstannis_1

    Individual Images:

    Christopher "Chris"
    Text Color #ff6600
    Theme(s) Battle Against the Masked Man [MOTHER 3]
    Item Universal translator, Weather Trio charm necklace, medium-sized bag ((in bag: cell phone, basic first aid supplies, notebook, two crochet hooks, Bolt Badge, small canteen, miniature flashlight, assorted supplies, small scarf, a few Pokeballs))
    Weapons Machete, handgun (for emergencies), his Pokemon
    Biological Sex Male
    Gender Identity He/him
    Birthdate 3/24/94
    Age 21
    Species Human
    Weight 129 lbs
    Height 5'8"
    Region of origin Unova
    Occupation Trainer
    Party Has lost none of his main six Pokémon
    Pkm 1
    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] 586
    Name/Gender: Stannis [M]
    Text colour: #ffb90f
    Species: Sawsbuck
    Level: 56
    Ability: Sap Sipper
    Attack list:
    -Horn Leech (Lvl. Up)
    -Thunder Wave (TM)
    -Jump Kick (Lvl. Up: pre-evo)
    -Shadow Ball (TM)
    **Chris' starter
    Pkm 2
    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] 579
    Name/Gender: Ninten [M]
    Text colour: #cc99cc
    Species: Reuniclus
    Level: 50
    Ability: Overcoat
    Attack list:
    -Psychic (Lvl. Up, pre-evo)
    -Recover (Lvl. Up, pre-evo)
    -Focus Blast (TM)
    -Hidden Power [Electric] (Lvl. Up)
    **Given to Chris by his brother
    Pkm 3
    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] 350
    Name/Gender: Hinawa [F]
    Text colour: #c0d9d9
    Species: Milotic
    Level: 48
    Ability: Marvel Scale
    Attack list:
    -Dragonbreath (Egg Move)
    -Surf (HM)
    -Ice Beam (TM)
    -Safeguard (Lvl. Up)
    **Given to him by Vincent
    Pkm 4
    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] 636
    Name/Gender: Din [F]
    Text colour: #cd0000
    Species: Larvesta
    Level: 43
    Ability: Flame Body
    Attack list:
    -Magnet Rise (Egg Move)
    -Flame Charge (Lvl. Up)
    -Take Down (Lvl. Up)
    -U-Turn (TM)
    **Selectively Mute
    Pkm 5
    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] 633
    Name/Gender: Dhaos [M]
    Text colour: #71637d
    Species: Deino
    Level: 43
    Ability: Hustle
    Attack list:
    -Slam (Lvl Up)
    -Dragon Tail (TM)
    -Crunch (Lvl. Up)
    -Work Up (Lvl. Up)
    Pkm 6
    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] 567
    Name/Gender: Cormag [M]
    Text colour: #567e3a
    Species: Archeops
    Level: 52
    Ability: Defeatist
    Attack list:
    -Fly (HM)
    -Crunch (Lvl. Up, pre-evo)
    -Rock Slide (TM)
    -Endeavor (Lvl. Up)
    Quote "They called me a problem. They wouldn't know a problem even if you shoved it down their goddamn throats, the bastards."
    Accent Slight Southern American
    Appearance Standing at 5'8", Chris has a naturally short and thin stature, and is slightly underweight. He has a prominent jawline and cheekbones, and shadows under his eyes. Typically, Chris looks either bored or irritated, even if he's not actually feeling like that. His emotions are very easily read through his facial expressions. He does not stand completely straight, and tends to shift his weight onto his right side. Chris has green eyes and dark blonde hair which is choppy and messy; he cuts it himself, but isn't very good at it.

    Chris prefers clothing that are a bit too big for him, and is fond of flannels and jackets. He also wears a charm necklace with miniature statuettes of the Hoenn Weather Trio, which is very important to him.
    Religion Agnostic
  • Easily driven to jealousy, especially if he thinks he is being ignored by everyone else. Chris is prone to becoming bitter and spiteful over the smallest matters.
  • Selfish to a great degree, Chris is focused entirely on his troubles and wants, and doesn't really think about how others might be feeling. He also won't bother to put his own health and safety in peril for others if he doesn't get anything out of it, seeing it as a waste of time and an unnecessary risk.
  • Greedy; Chris ignores the idea of "personal property"-at least when it comes to anyone else-and will take/steal anything that catches his eye, regardless of whether it is valuable to another person or not.
  • Suffers from anger-related problems that have lingered since he was a young child. Chris' first reaction to most things is one of anger, though in different levels of severity. The most common is simple irritation, or frustration, but rarely will his anger get bad enough to be described as "enraged" or "furious".
  • Chris has very little empathy, even for those who have been hurt (physically, mentally, emotionally, he really doesn't care.) He can be incredibly cruel to people who don't deserve it and will not hesitate to utilize this trait if he is lashing out.
  • Though he does care for his friends, they would still have to deal with his normal personality-such as the selfishness, anger, envy, et cetera, though not as badly as it would be with complete strangers.
  • Will blame others for his problems rather than face the fact that it is nobody's fault or his own. Will pretty much do anything to avoid dealing with his flaws or admitting he has problems he is not bothering to fix.
  • Despite his apparent arrogance, Chris has low self-esteem hidden under his irrationality. Compliments and praise are akin to a fix for him-they make him feel great for awhile, but it's only a temporary feeling, and he only gets worse the longer he goes without them.
  • Despite the fact that he is usually the one in the wrong, Chris often feels targeted and hated, and believes that the only response available to him is to do the same thing in return. He simply doesn't understand that people will not always retaliate if he tried to sort things out in a calm manner, and that being defensive is not necessary.
  • Chris never truly feels safe around people, not with his self-esteem and anxiety over what people think/say about him. He is constantly searching for the negatives in what people say or do even if there is nothing there, able to twist any situation or phrase into something terrible simply by his own paranoia and bias. With close friends, he is willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, at least.
  • Chris has almost no tact, asking insensitive questions or just saying things that are obviously hurtful without even realizing how rude he just sounded. This means that even when he's not intentionally being cruel out of jealousy or whatnot, Chris can still come off as, well, a jerk.
  • Incredibly passionate about the things he likes and is interested in, Chris could talk for hours, whether it be about his favorite video game series or an actual serious subject. It is here Chris shines, as his enthusiasm easily overshadows his other traits when he finds a topic he enjoys.
  • Chris does have a sense of humor, though it mostly involves poking fun at himself and his friends. He loves a good joke or pun, and is actually easily amused.
  • He is fairly intelligent, and able to figure things out quickly, though he is far from a genius-and some things that are extremely obvious to others fly right over his head.
  • The only ones Chris feels truly safe and at ease with are his Pokemon. They are the only creatures he has never lashed out again, and both the team and Chris are absolutely loyal to each other. They are his family, and the thought of them being hurt-or even worse, losing them-is devastating to Chris.
  • He is unaware of the situation in Kalos, and is thus optimisitic, believing his family is safe there from the epidemic's reach.
  • Though he can and does feel guilt and regret over what he says to people, it does not stop him from letting his emotions get out of control and making the situation even worse. On that note, since Chris is so easily controlled by his emotions, he is often irrational and not very trustworthy.
  • Is desperate to be liked, accepted, and wanted by other people, though he goes about doing so in a completely counterproductive manner.
  • Arachnaphobic
  • Affiliations Vincent Sage: His childhood friend. Chris has known him since he was eight, but is currently ignorant to his whereabouts.
    Rionix: Former best friend, has not seen her in years and does not know her whereabouts. Still bitter and angry over their falling out.
    [url=link]Lyka[/url]: His closest friend, and has known the boy for years; the only friend he still actually misses.
    User Notes
  • Trainersona. Unfortunately.

  • Stannis
    Theme Memory of Life [MOTHER 3]
    Profession Partner Pokemon
    Text Color #ffb90f
    Item None
    Biological Sex Male
    Gender Identity He/him
    Age Adult
    Species #586: Sawsbuck, the Season Pokemon
    Height 6'3"
    Weight 203.9 lbs
    Pokédex Entry They migrate according to the seasons, so some people call Sawsbuck the harbingers of spring.
    Level 56
    Ability Sap Sipper
    Nature Calm
    Characteristic Good perseverance
    Moves -Horn Leech (Lvl. Up)
    -Thunder Wave (TM)
    -Jump Kick (Lvl. Up: pre-evo)
    -Shadow Ball (TM)
    Quote "I think we all need to calm down, because this is getting us nowhere."
    History Born in the wild, the Deerling had a normal childhood, and lived with his parents in a small Sawsbuck herd located outside of a human city. Though most others of his kind were adverse to being near humans, the young Deerling enjoyed watching the competition between the ones known as trainers. One day, he got too close to one, and ended up being captured; thus began his life among humans, as he was given to a small boy who couldn't have been any older than eight or nine. Immediately doted over and given the name "Stannis," the Deerling had no idea how much he would come to care for the one named Chris.

    His human had his troubles and flaws, yes, but Stannis stayed by his side, ever the calm and quiet companion. He grew up with his human, helped him work past his anger towards trainers, was there when they took the first steps of their journey. As Chris brought more Pokemon onto their team, Stannis grew to care for them too, assuming an almost paternal role among the Pokemon.
    All of the good and bad, when Chris lost friends, met new ones, even when he lost his purpose, they went through it together. Their life was always changing, but Stannis knew it was a good one. He had his family, and all of the memories of his travels with Chris, the places they'd seen and the things they'd accomplished. Stannis was content.

    But Stannis knew that the plague that swept through Unova and likely the rest of the world had changed Chris drastically, and the Sawsbuck could do nothing to change that. He remained the ever-loyal partner Pokemon, but he was growing wearier with every passing day, unable to truly help any of those he cared for.
    Bulbapedia Sawsbuck is a brown and cream deer-like Pokémon with rhomboid ears and darker ear insides. Its eyes have light-orange markings that curve down to sides of its face. It has a dark-brown nose, and it sports cream fur on its chin and sides of its face. Light-orange stripes rim its underbelly, and its back is decorated with spots corresponding to the season: pink in spring, green in summer, orange in fall, and white in winter. Its limbs are slender and tipped with hooves. Unless it's summer, its brown tail points down.
    Appearance Stannis is an average Sawsbuck, both in color and build. He is constantly alert got threats, and his posture reflects it-Stannis is never slouched, and rarely seen away from his trainer's side. Exhaustion can be easily seen in his expression and movements.
    Accent Undecided
    Religion Atheistic
    Motivation Keep Chris and the other five alive
    Personality Calm, levelheaded, rational, a counterbalance to Chris' temper; while he could never hate his trainer, and understands how he became the person he is, Stannis still feels disappointment and blames himself for his trainer's relapse
    Has seemingly endless patience, it is very rare to see him lose his cool or snap at another
    When able to settle in one place to rest, he is relaxed, and has a good sense of humor, even managing to make the two loners of the group-Din and Dhaos-want to be involved with the conversation
    Very protective of his trainer, suspicious of other people and reserves trust unless he already knows them (though he doesn't voice these misgivings), constantly alert and watchful
    while not adverse to speaking, he prefers to be the silent guardian by Chris' side, only adding his voice when he deems it necessary (usually when he needs to keep Chris from getting out of line), reserved
    Loyal to a fault, would give his own life to protect any of his six loved ones
    Pushes himself too much, very stressed but won't let anybody know, too concerned with the wellbeing of Chris and the other five to think of his own health
    Weary and exhausted, the epidemic has been slowly eroding his motivation and sense of purpose, has gotten to be at it's worst in recent months
    The epidemic has made him accustomed to violence, he is unaffected by having to kill the undead, and will reluctantly kill other living if forced to but won't mourn them
    A paternal figure towards Chris' other Pokemon, knows them well (an example, what would cheer them up if they were down), can be overbearing towards them occasionally
    far more forgiving towards Chris than other people; is aware of this fact, and doesn't like that he is giving favoritism, but his mind remains stubbornly biased towards his trainer. However, he has been quite angry with Chris before, and will not hesitate to call him out if he goes too far.
    Worst fear is that he will fail others
    User Notes
  • Named after Stannis Baratheon from A Song of Ice and Fire
  • History is hella vague because its shared with Chris.
  • Team notes Fallarbor, Hoenn
    Affiliations Chris: His trainer and best friend of thirteen years.
    Vincent Sage: Stannis has known him for quite some time, and likes Vincent, usually calling him by his full name (or simply "Sage").
    Rionix: Holds no ill will towards the girl despite her and Chris' falling out.
    [url=link]Lyka[/url]: Being Chris' best friend, he was also friends with Stannis, who enjoyed his upbeat personality.
    Development Notes DEVELOPMENT


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1503

    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] Empty Re: Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite]

    Post by Abysswalker Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:58 am

    These two can be moved to the main PC for approval \o


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Posts : 1265

    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] Empty Re: Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite]

    Post by Victini Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:55 am

    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] RGgji6G


    Chris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] VictiniChris the Human and Stannis the Sawsbuck [Fallarbor|Elite] TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

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