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12 posters

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team


    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Sep 05, 2021 10:05 pm

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 TsUcp2f

    Laverre City|Afternoon

    Oh dear, looks like Plant burnt himself on the broth. Guess he made it a bit to hot. Feeling that it was a bit his fault for using to much of his flames, it caused a burn on one of the children. But Alirah was on the ball to take care of the Snivy. Trying to take care of children is a lot harder than he thought. His parents made it look easy but doing it himself? No, he's not much of a parent. He was a fighter and that's what he's good at. Protecting these children and Alirah is the most important thing for him right now. "'Blow on it?" Shadow heard Plant repeat that. In a simple way, yes, what Conan said made sense to those that aren't fire types. Though if Conan was wanting to evolve, it would be probably be a leafeon or Glaceon, but the chances are, it may not happen at all. Either way, the kid has a positive outlook in his life but not all is positive though. Even Shadow had admitted that. His home, basically far away and all the training he's had while away made him forget how long he has been away. He'll be damned if something bad happened if he left again.

    The Charizard then scoops up some for Alirah and himself except for one thing, how do you eat this stuff? Shadow couldn't understand human stuff nor could he understand how humans make this. "How do you eat this? Humans really are strange." Another flash of lightning came from outside as the light from it flashed inside. The thunderstorm was still marching through. With time though, the storm will eventually leave but for now, they got a lot of fun for the indoors. Though For Shadow, understanding things that humans do and if that other Charizard he met in the Under, Mathias had known anything. However, finding out from him is now impossible since there is know clue on where he could be. Oh well, guess there was no point of thinking on that part. "I've seen storms go like this, but this kind of feels like it doesn't want to leave."

    OoC)) The storm will soon be over but its up to you on how long the rain will continue Dazey.

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dazey Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:06 pm

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Pgxl4hH
    Laverre City l Afternoon l (79)

    Alirah’s small, narrow muzzle was twisted entirely into worry as she watched the child plunge his little hurt hand into the cool water. Her expression immediately softened into relief while watching Plant’s reactions imply the water was soothing to the burn.

    Her heart ached at the familiar confusion she felt— he wasn’t upset. She had messed up, but there was no yelling. No anger. No tears.

    No hurting me. It’s… so nice…

    Conan’s suggestion to blow off the food to cool it seemed to only confuse Plant more. She bent her neck down at such an angle to reach her own bowl, exhaling into the soup and causing tiny ripples to form on the surface. Steam billowed around her nose, like that of a breath on a cold, dreary day— the image reminded her of many snow days and she continued cooling her soup even into her reverie of wonder about what the cooler seasons held for them.

    “That’s all ya do!” She explained. She could still feel the heat hitting her nose as she breathed onto the surface. Oh, who would’ve thought the epidemic had its advantages all along? Practically no access to warm meals anymore meant no more burning her snoot.

    "How do you eat this? Humans really are strange." Shadow commented as he too observed the soup.

    “Well, humans have these lil’ things called spoons— they’re kinda like teeny tiny bowls on sticks so the humans can shovel hot food into their mouths without getting their hands in it. Now, don’t ask me why they insist on putting it in their mouths even when they know it’s ten-billion degrees— I have no clue,” she joked, reminded of the countless, absolutely countless times Korei had done that exact thing and practically exhaled flames like an angry Fire-type. “But since we don’t have those, and some of us don’t have hands, we can drink like this—“ she explained as she lay with paws coiled around to the back of the bowl. She tipped it towards her with her lips on the side of the bowl so the broth drizzled into her maw. “And then we can eat the noodles and vegetables when the broth is gone.”

    Ali paused her slurping briefly to listen to Shadow. "I've seen storms go like this, but this kind of feels like it doesn't want to leave."

    “They always feel that way to me,” she mewed. Storms were always something she found intimidating. “But it always smells better when it rains. And the undead seem to have more trouble finding us because of the sound and scents, so I’d be happy if it never stopped.”

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:30 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 UoOeshi

    Laverre City|Afternoon

    Conan blew on his soup and waited till it was not to hot but enough to make the broth and noodles cool enough to eat without causing a burn. He was very careful not to eat to fast or make licks that would say otherwise. After taking a few sips and nibbles, it was like home all over again. It tasted so good and it then brought up another memory. The man and lady of the house had made soup on days when it was cooler and they made it with so much love. It was a perfect match and it was something Conan loved with his parents. Now, it was just him but Alirah had done more than enough to make him happy. If only his mother and father was still around. It was a happy memory and Conan will never let that memory fade away. His attention snapped back to reality when Shadow said something that made him giggle a little. Alirah then explained it to him and Conan even giggled a bit more. “Well, humans have these lil’ things called spoons— they’re kinda like teeny tiny bowls on sticks so the humans can shovel hot food into their mouths without getting their hands in it. Now, don’t ask me why they insist on putting it in their mouths even when they know it’s ten-billion degrees— I have no clue,” Ten billion degrees? Isn't that so hot that it would burn a hole into the ground? Nah, things don't work that way, do they? Conan couldn't tell if that was a joke or if Alirah is just teasing the charizard but none the less, they was being a family.

    After sipping some more and getting some of Plant's mushroom in a bite it made the soup even more better. "This is really good. I love soup on rainy days like this." The weather was exactly that but it could be better without the thunder and lightning. Conan then walked over to Plant while pushing his bowl gently over and said something to him in a whisper. "The grownups are silly. That Charizard is more clueless than a bidoof." The Eevee has seen some clueless Bidoofs but Shadow is taking the cake on the clueless category. It made him just giggle even more. Maybe he and Plant can play a game after they're done eating other than I Spy. Now that Conan remembered something, there was another rainy day activity that made things a lot more fun.Hopefully this place has what they need.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Sep 17, 2021 6:49 pm

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 BLg0Vcp
    Laverre Boutique || Afternoon || Plant 100

    He blew too hard and sent droplets flying out of the bowl, then so little that it was just a waste of breath. Steadying his breathing was not something he was accustomed to; Verglas never breathed evenly except when using his ice moves, something Plant had tried to mimic but never could. Keeping an even stream at the right strength took too much focus and breath, and practically left the child winded once he thought he had done enough. “That’s all ya do!” Alirah cheered him on, and it felt good to have done something right on his own once again. With quick, short breathes Plant only wished he had more to show for himself.

    When the temperature more reasonable and heat no longer overwhelming the Snivy stared once again at the shimmering liquid. He couldn't remember the taste on his fingers when he put them in his maw, but hunger, and more so curiosity, was quickly getting the better of him. Longingly watching the ingredients bob about he didn't dare dip his fingers back inside after his first endeavor, yet he had no idea how to get to the chunks otherwise. Shadow said something, not that he was listening, and Ali was quick to follow it up. With his mind focused on how to get to the food he did not hear what they were saying until she starting explaining how they could eat it. “---we can drink like this— And then we can eat the noodles and vegetables when the broth is gone.” Tossing her a curious glance he watched the Umbreon grip the bowl as best she could and maneuver her limbs to allow her to drink from it.

    Being born with hands, no matter how small, Plant considered simply lifting the bowl with them but cringed away from it as they got close. It probably wouldn't hurt him again, but wanting to play it safe rather than sorry the child instead coiled his vines around the bowl to lift and tip it toward himself. A gentle warmth seeped through the container, but it was no longer painful or threatening. Parting his maw Plant hesitated from the unknown thing for a few more seconds before letting the liquid drip into his mouth. The sensation was immediate, a stark heat compared to the cold of the floor, the outside, and anything he had ever eaten prior. The liquid was rich, having a strikingly salty flavor he was not accustomed to. As it poured down his throat he felt the heat as it traveled, a feeling that sent alarm through him at first. Was he being burned on the inside?! Yet as the seconds ticked by he did not feel a fire inside him, but instead the soothing warmth he felt from the sun. It seeped the spread, warming his body from the inside out like nothing he had experienced before.

    The child was so amazed by the comforting feeling from the heat he hardly had a chance to take in any more than the initial flavor. "Its.. incredible." He exhaled, awe coating his words as he took another sip. Even the most flavorful berries did not compare to the depth of tastes and textures that came from this juice. As his body warmed Plant started to feel less lethargic and more like himself than he had in a long while. Sunlight would always be superior, but the comforting feeling of warmth was something he would have to remember. As the noodles tipped over the edge the Snivy gripped and pulled, chomping on the thin strings before realizing he could slurp them. While they weren't particularly flavorful the texture was new and exciting, and the broth had seeped into them as well. "Humans eat this all the time?" He gasped, still struggling to comprehend how they had come to this final result.

    A shuffling sound forced him to look up from his meal as Conan nudged his bowl closer to him. "The grownups are silly. That Charizard is more clueless than a bidoof." With his mouth full and thoughts preoccupied Plant didn't have a moment to agree with the Eevee. Shadow was dumber than an a Metapod, but he had helped with this meal eveen though they had just met. He did burn him by proxy, but the Snivy chose to ignore that point for now.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:00 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 TsUcp2f

    Laverre City|Afternoon

    Shadow listened to Alirah when she talked about hwo to eat the soup. “Well, humans have these lil’ things called spoons— they’re kinda like teeny tiny bowls on sticks so the humans can shovel hot food into their mouths without getting their hands in it. Now, don’t ask me why they insist on putting it in their mouths even when they know it’s ten-billion degrees— I have no clue,” As much as it made sense, Shadow just didn't understand the concept of spoons. Bowls yes, spoons no. Why would humans make something that needs another bowl to put in their mouths? Nothing can really point to the reason so instead of using the spoon, he ate the contents and drank the broth straight from the bowl. The heat didn't bother him anyways since he had plenty of experience dealing with that kind of thing. He takes another go at it, doing the same thing. It was then he looked at the children and realized they was watching him. He paused and for the first time, he set the bowl down and sat himself. Looking at Plant's burn had been the cause of his fire causing the soup to be to hot. Knowing this was an accident, he could tell Plant wouldn't trust him even now. Yet they liked the soup which was in itself was a pretty good job. The kids love it at least so that's a win for him. Still, Plant got hurt from the hot soup and it was by proxy from him. So maybe he should say something to him. "Sorry if you got burnt Plant, I should have told you it was hot. Here, I stowed it away in case I needed something to eat but this would heal you. Shadow hands him a rawst berry that he had found earlier. 

    “But it always smells better when it rains. And the undead seem to have more trouble finding us because of the sound and scents, so I’d be happy if it never stopped.” Shadow looked over to Alirah and hearing her say that was like saying she wanted to have it rain until the end of the epidemic. He knew nature doesn't work that way and sometimes it is cruel but it doesn't hurt to have some wishful thinking at times which he understood what Alirah was coming from on that. There was times where he wished that he was a normal looking charmander when was just a kid but he knew that his entire existence was full of mysteries. Mostly, why is he different from others of his line? Guess that is something he would never know until things return to normal. "There are days that I wished that I could feel something they call snow. I never felt it before and sadly I don't think I'll feel it even now." He wished to know how it feels but with it being like it is outside, it would be less likely without coming back soaked by the heavy rain.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dazey Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:20 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Pgxl4hH
    Laverre City l Afternoon l (80)

    Alirah awaited Plant’s reaction with a childlike sort of giddiness, enthralled being an understatement at the reaction of someone who had never had a human-meal before.

    "Its.. incredible."

    In hindsight, she might’ve realized the thrilled grin on her face at the child’s response might’ve been a bit awkward but she was over the moon— she could’ve been a CHEF if she had been born with hands!! Maybe even without hands…

    "Humans eat this all the time?" Plant breathed in confusion.
    “Not just that— my human ate this a lot because it’s all we could afford buuuuut humans have sooooo many different foodstuffs, most of them have something really different every day! Oooh, cake!” She gasped. “Cake is like a soft pillowy bite of sweetness and love and they top it with a pile of EVEN SWEETER FLUFF.”

    Her grin was bright and sincere, remaining even as she finished lapping at her soup and chomping her own noodles. Said grin only faded with a huge sigh and a flump of pink fur into a close by blanket. Her wild fur had grown frizzy from the day and weather and she looked something like a puff ball with facial features in her legs-tucked laying position. “I’m gonna go into a food coma.”

    She then rolled over and stretched out, moving her eyes to acknowledge Shadow as he spoke.
    "There are days that I wished that I could feel something they call snow. I never felt it before and sadly I don't think I'll feel it even now."

    “You have wings. Why didn’t you ever travel north, Shadow?” She asked. “Life is shorter now than it’s ever been. You should feel snow, you never know when you’ll be all out of chances.”

    Alirah looked while speaking, to each boarded off window and door, to the front door, and everything in between that could compensate for an entrance one final time for her peace of mind. Everything was secure. “We should look for snow someday. I want you to see it.”

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:46 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 UoOeshi

    Laverre City|Afternoon

    Conan watched as Shadow just eat the soup straight from the bowl and no spoon. This was completely different for him to see a charizard just eat like that. He wish he could do that but he's just to little to do that so instead he did like he always did, just licking and blowing on the hot noodles. "Humans eat this all the time?" Plant was happy when he tasted the soup and it made Conan happy that Plant likes it. Soup is always something to make rainy days feel more happier. Alirah then spoke again. “Not just that— my human ate this a lot because it’s all we could afford buuuuut humans have sooooo many different foodstuffs, most of them have something really different every day! Oooh, cake! Cake is like a soft pillowy bite of sweetness and love and they top it with a pile of EVEN SWEETER FLUFF.” Cake! Conan loved cake as well and they always had a special cake made for every birthday back home. He just wished that they had some cake afterwards but it takes a lot of time to make and bake it.

    Food was always nice to have but what Shadow said next made him feel that this charizard had never went to any colder regions. The feeling of snow is always nice but cold and wet at the same time. Wait, now that he thought of it, Shadow said he was from a desert region so that means he has never seen the stuff before. “You have wings. Why didn’t you ever travel north, Shadow? Life is shorter now than it’s ever been. You should feel snow, you never know when you’ll be all out of chances.” Chances, now that she mentioned that, he should have taken that one chance to get that one picture when he was home still. Curse his nap times. Oh well, there will be a day when he gets that chance again. “We should look for snow someday. I want you to see it.” Yay, then they can play in it and make igloos.

    Conan finally got to a mushroom that Plant had put in it. It was as tasty as the ones at home. Then he got to the other ingredients and started chewing on some of them. They had such a harmonious blend that it was another favorite to add to his favorite soups. Since it doesn't have a name so far, he thought of calling it yum soup. "This is so yummy!" The Eevee said as he had a noodle hanging from the top of his nose. The ends was just out of that particular reach of his tongue. He wants that noodle. It was being tricky and he wasn't going to give up. He will get it even if means using his paws as a last resort.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Oct 06, 2021 8:52 pm

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 BLg0Vcp
    Laverre Boutique || Afternoon || Plant 101

    Hunger had finally gotten the better of him. Much like the warmth of the soup spreading throughout his body, after the first tentative bites Plant's hesitation over eating melted away. Maintaining just enough caution to not burn himself again the small child gobbled down the food faster than he could ever recall finishing a meal. Each bite was something new, between the taste, texture, material, the mixing of them all, it was truly like nothing he had ever experienced before. Shadow said something to him, the sound of his voice clearly directed his way, and Alirah replied to him as well, but the Snivy had completely lost himself in his meal as he slurped at the strange noodles and swollen vegatables. Even pausing to breathe seemed impossible as sucked more of the broth from the bowl. It was magic.

    As it emptied and he poured the last drops into his mouth Plant dared to take in a breath. Elated, and with his eyes sparkling, he gripped the bowl tighter as he lowered it and let a massive smile curve his face. "Amazing!" He huffed, taking fast, deep breaths as he tried to reduce his Co2 levels. It was so good, so overwhelmingly tasty he longed for more.  It had been a long time since he had a proper, filling, sating meal, and his body craved more of the rich food. Staring at the wok with wide eyes Plant let his mouth hang open. It was unlike him, but in a moment of selfishness he dared to ask, "Can I have more?"

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Oct 09, 2021 8:04 pm

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 TsUcp2f
    Laverre City|Afternoon

    The silence that Shadow had after he said that to Alirah about him not seeing snow made him more or less one that never went far north at all. “You have wings. Why didn’t you ever travel north, Shadow?” The furthest north he ever traveled was to a tropical island that had no humans. Though he could have went further north but he'd be flying over a vast ocean and he would have tired out halfway there. “Life is shorter now than it’s ever been. You should feel snow, you never know when you’ll be all out of chances.” Are all main landers like this? Shadow couldn't tell what's more unusual, the main landers themselves or the statement Alirah made. Regardless, he did believe she was trying to be helpful and caring still.“We should look for snow someday. I want you to see it.” She was serious and that told him enough that they might just go north. He wasn't sure about it but guess it wouldn't hurt to travel with them.

    While Shadow continued to eat and drink his bowl of soup, some thoughts came into his mind like whether his parents are okay and the old people who lived in Agate. Though there was some humans down there that was already dead but it looked unfamiliar to him. Maybe he could ask Alirah later on when the kids are asleep. His train of thought continued until Plant had said something that snapped him out of it. "Can I have more?" Though it sounded a bit of like he was still hungry. Suppose it couldn't hurt to give him more. They did make enough for two rounds. The Charizard took Plant's bowl and scooped some more soup into it. The aroma was still good. After he filled it again, he gave it back to Plant. Hopefully he remembers what Conan and Alirah said since kids do tend to rush into it fast. The storm was almost done but the rain wasn't letting up anytime soon. Maybe the kids would have more fun inside than out in the rain. "Don't forget to blow on the soup first Plant. It is still a bit hot." At least Shadow was able to tell him this time. The scoop was still a difficult thing for him though he didn't do to bad with it this time. He still held it a bit clumsy since human objects made no sense to him.

    Looking at Alirah, he then told her why he couldn't go further north than he could have and with good reason. "I never traveled further north for a reason. I wouldn't have made it there. I was always told by my parents that the water that is goes from the north part of Orre is never ending. One can get lost just being out there over that vast water and never return." He then closed his eyes and spoke again. "There was an island a bit in the northwest of Orre. All tropical and no humans. A Noivern ruled it and the only one worthy of being my fiercest rival and my best friend. We fought each other and always came to a draw. Truth be told Alirah, I'm a fighter, I fight because its my nature but it also means I'll fight to protect you and the kids. That is the vow I make." Though what he would give to see his noivern friend again. The guess was when though? Only time would tell though.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dazey Tue Oct 12, 2021 8:59 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Pgxl4hH
    Laverre City l Afternoon l (81)

    Alirah chuckled warmly at the kids' excitement— if there was one thing and one thing only that the epidemic got right, it sure made you appreciate the little things. A warm pot of ramen in good company? Her only regret was the absence of her other dear friends.

    "Can I have more?" Plant piped up with his empty bowl, to which Shadow promptly responded by refilling the former’s dish with more food.

    “Thank you, Shadow,” she stated gratefully to the Charizard. A task simple for a creature with hands would’ve been an absolute chore to a pawed creature like herself.

    "I never traveled further north for a reason. I wouldn't have made it there. I was always told by my parents that the water that is goes from the north part of Orre is never ending. One can get lost just being out there over that vast water and never return." Shadow explained, in reference to the inquiry moments before. His eyes were closed now, as though in a moment of profound reminiscing. He spoke again, "There was an island a bit in the northwest of Orre. All tropical and no humans. A Noivern ruled it and the only one worthy of being my fiercest rival and my best friend. We fought each other and always came to a draw. Truth be told Alirah, I'm a fighter, I fight because its my nature but it also means I'll fight to protect you and the kids. That is the vow I make."

    She was taken aback by his words, momentarily speechless at the chivalrous vow.
    Finally when words came to her, she sucked in a breath and spoke sincerely. “I’m not very good at fighting due to my body, but I am able to negotiate. I, in return, vow to always try to find a peaceful resolution to conflicts so that we never have to risk harm coming to you.” She smiled warmly. She couldn’t always guarantee peace as an option, but it was the best way she knew to protect her friends.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Oct 15, 2021 5:00 pm

    Ooc)) Skip. Conan's just quietly eating his soup and smiling at Plant.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:19 pm

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 BLg0Vcp
    Laverre Boutique || Afternoon || Plant 102

    Plant watched eagerly as Shadow filled the bowl with more soup. As the foodstuffs was disturbed and plopped into the bowl, a fresh cloud of steam wafted its way up, and the decadent scent was revitalized within the air. With grabby hands he reached forward, though it was his vines that coiled around the bowl once more and brought it toward himself. "Don't forget to blow on the soup first Plant. It is still a bit hot." The Charizard warned, and while Plant could not forget the biting pain he had felt or ignore the warmth seeping into his vines he appreciated the message all the same.

    Bringing the food all the way to his face the small Pokemon let the warmth of his next meal brush against his face and neck. He had gotten used to the feeling now, and enjoyed the ease it brought to his muscles. If only he could feel like this soup all the time, then the muggy, misty, chilly weather wouldn't be so hard on him. Taking care to blow sufficiently on his food this time Plant was quickly becoming an expert at cooling down his meal, and once it was safe to consume he found himself eating much more slowly. With his overwhelming hunger sated he could enjoy this treat at his own pace, and whether it be that or that he was becoming full Plant found himself eating at a much more leisurely pace.

    The adults were talking, and he found himself listening to their short stories. The conversation got a little heavy by the end but Plant would not be put off by it. Instead, he found himself latching on to something Shadow had said. An island. What was the vast water, he wondered. Was it anything like the endless bog they had walked through on the way here? Where was this place? And, most importantly, "What's an island?" He found himself blurting out.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Oct 23, 2021 9:14 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 TsUcp2f

    Laverre City|Afternoon

    “I’m not very good at fighting due to my body, but I am able to negotiate. I, in return, vow to always try to find a peaceful resolution to conflicts so that we never have to risk harm coming to you.” With the vows made, it was for sure that they made it their goal to protect these two kids as long as they draw breath. Shadow looked outside and looked at what he could see. The rain is still falling but not as heavy and the thunderstorms seemed to be more spaced. Yet the rain wasn't going to end anytime soon. May as well take the time to let nature do its thing. Plant then said something to him. He must have been interested in what it is. "What's an island?" Curiosity of a child. Shadow did wonder how curious he was whe he was young.

    The Charizard felt it wouldn't hurt to tell him. "An Island is a small land in the middle of the water and it has water all around the sand. Some don't have humans on it at all." Shadow then stretched out a bit before finish his soup. It was a good soup and he wouldn't mind having that again but right now they got to save some for later if they get hungry. "Nature has a way to bring others together. It has for us and it may not be done until then."

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dazey Tue Nov 23, 2021 9:46 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Pgxl4hH
    Laverre City l Afternoon l (82)

    The boutique around her grew hazy and dark with each blink, suddenly her cotton candy ears drooping with decreasing motivation to keep herself awake… boy, she was exhausted.

    The chatter of her companions around her faded into the white noise, the inner voice in her mind finally silent for once as her last ditch efforts to keep herself awake faltered and with a quick, limp motion, her head thumped against the floor and she began to snore ever so softly.

    Her dreams were cold and dark at first. Her body was tense as she lay in her blanket, anxious at the movie in her mind even as she wandered the everlasting night. A quiet whimper escaped her slightly parted lips complete with a thin trail of drool.
    Then the dream flipped. There was Kaneki! Hide! Everyone she had lost. The eternal night had become a warm, sunny field with fresh air and flowers.

    In the real world, she smiled.

    ((Cue time skip!! ^w^))

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Nov 27, 2021 8:27 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 UoOeshi

    Laverre City|Afternoon

    Finished with his soup, Conan went to have some fun in the pillow fort. Laughter was coming from there as he was spying Plant from the fort. How much fun they can have just spying on Alirah and Shadow while laughing and playing. However he started to feel tired too. What kind of mushroom did they just eat in that soup? Soon he was asleep in the pillow fort. There, he seen his parents in his dream. He was crying that he seen them in his dream. It was as if he wished they was still there with him and not harmed at all. In the real world, he was also crying as if everything emotionally was hurt.

    OoC)) Ready for time skip. 

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:47 pm

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 BLg0Vcp
    Laverre Boutique || Afternoon || Plant 103

    Plant clutched his bowl tightly as Shadow described an island to him. "An Island is a small land mass in the middle of the water and it has water all around the sand. Some don't have humans on it at all." It left a lot to the imagination, like, how big was small? Was it only made of sand, could it be other material, if so what counted as an island? The soup they had made used a bunch of rain water, and as he turned a curious eye to his bowl he could see a cluster of vegetables forming in the center and peaking out from the broth. Eyes widening with a sort of realization the child wondered if that clump of food could also count as an island. Dipping a careful finger into the bowl, just barely above the cooled liquid, he grabbed a piece from the clump and watched as it broke apart. A sort of solemn feeling settled in him, as if he had damaged something important, and the child then wondered if real islands were just as fragile.

    With careful sips of his warm meal Plant found himself to be the last one left at the wok. One by one his companions had headed off on their own, lost within their own minds and exhausted from the most painful of days. His own body felt sluggish, his eyes unbearably heavy as he slurped absentmindedly. It had been so long since he had had a good meal Plant had forgotten what it was like to be sated, let alone full, and the pleasant, warm weight in his belly was practically a foreign concept to him. What he wouldn't give to have a day of sunshine to go with it..

    As quiet started to settle in the room the small child finished his second helping and gingerly set the bowl back down on the floor. The heat from the cooking wok was warm against his skin, but the radiating feeling from inside was nice and welcoming. In a way, it reminded him of the soothing feeling he had when Violet rocked him gently within her arms, so safe and carefree, and were his mind not starting to drift away he would have cried for the mother he missed so dearly.
    His body slouched, eyes refusing to stay clear as the weight of his memories overwhelmed his fatigued being. They were so soft, so precious, and even the stinging tears that filled his eyes as he recounted good times with Verglas could not take away the ease that had finally grabbed ahold of him. While his mind wanted him to simply slump over where he sat, another warming memory resurfaced, and moving as if a Pokemon possessed Plant made his way over to the pile of things they had collected from the old home. Inside one of the pots was the blanket Alirah had so kindly found for him, protected and dry as he pulled it out. The material was even softer than he remembered, and mixed with his hazy memories it was enough to send pleasant tingles down his spine as he nuzzled it.

    Cradling it in his arms the Snivy found himself curling up inside their fort, the blanket unfurling and acting as nesting material as he cuddled up within it. It was unimaginably nicer than the pile of clothes that made up the base of their fort, and while it wasnt the leaves and grass of his home he felt truly comfortable for the first time since leaving it. His warmth quickly reflected off the plush material, making for a very warm and cozy spot as he sunk deeper into his memories and his exhaustion. As the last bits of his conscious faded away the child swore he could see Verglas there beside him, the cold pine scent of his body wafting across his maw, and as he finally drifted into sleep the tears rolled freely from his peaceful closed eyes.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Dec 06, 2021 12:06 pm

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 TsUcp2f

    Laverre City|Afternoon

    Shadow watched as everyone fell asleep. it must have been a mushroom that induces sleeping. Since he technically didn't put any of the mushrooms in his soup since he hated most types of mushrooms. It was getting late anyways and suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a nap. He's been flying to much and such which he honestly needs a break. With the rain still falling, it was best to stay inside. It was without saying that he thought about home for some time, in a way he worried about the elderly humans who let him and his parents stay with them despite being wild. Hopefully they're all okay, his parents would take care of them somehow. He wondered where they could be? Shadow shrugs at his own question and  sat down. One thing he wondered about is where did this disease come from and why now? Guess they'll  find out someday. For now, it was time to nap. Shadow laid down on his stomach and closed his eyes. it was time for a nap.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dazey Wed Dec 08, 2021 9:00 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Pgxl4hH
    Laverre City l Dawn l (83)

    The Umbreon roused from her dreams slowly, stirring quietly and tossing around in vain effort to doze back off. She knew it couldn’t have been daylight yet as the faint glimmers of sun through the boarded up windows was nowhere to be seen.

    “Shouldn’t have slept so early,” she groaned quietly.

    Her efforts fruitless, the Umbreon finally sat up and inspected her surroundings. The city was quiet and gave the illusion of safety— Alirah was all too familiar with the facade the so called peace held, knowing full well what she was doing as she slipped out into the twilight air for a brief walk.

    Alirah’s rings glowed brightly in response to only the first few beams of the morning sun peeking over the horizon. Her natural reflex was something of a bother and she groaned once more as she made an effort to turn her lights to a dimmer setting. As she rolled her eyes, something caught her attention.

    A quick flicker, a bounce of light. Orange, reddish, fire? For a moment she thought Shadow had joined her but she noticed the forms surrounding the fire were all too alien. Even in a world as vast as this one, she found herself unable to place what those shapes were and wandered closer and closer in an attempt to make them out.

    One, two, one, two… she trotted towards the light and immediately it hit her like a train— The scent of blood hung heavy in the air and Alirah’s blood turned to ice in her veins.
    The shapes were something like poles, maybe stakes. The tops were adorned with…

    Immediately Alirah vomited.

    Looking back at her were bloodshot eyes, bulging from their sockets in a pained and terrified jaw-agape gaze. Below the Sandslash’s neck was… nothing. Just the stake that held its head up and a swinging spine still dripping with the blood flooding Ali’s senses.
    Worse yet— there were more. These awful decorations were lined up in a single row across the front of an old yard. Ali knew the man that lived there before, a kind soul that would’ve rolled over in his grave at the idea of such carnage where his grandchildren once played.

    It burned into her brain in a single second. It was Sandslash, Lombre, Tyrogue, Manectric. In that order, lined up and abandoned amongst a small dwindling fire charring their bodies beneath their heads.. Their faces were something like a nightmare, scrunched up in pain and covered in their own blood. None showed signs of infection, none were purple or smelled like rot. This wasn’t an undead euthanasia.

    That was the final detail. She turned tail and ran, careful to zig zag on her way back to make sure she threw off any would-be followers and then hid in a nearby shrub. When nothing trailed up behind her, immediately she raced for the windows inside the Boutique to double-double check their reinforcement, then to the front door— she headbutted a chair against the doorknob, propping the seat in such a way that it barricaded the door hastily.

    “Shadow! Shadow, I think we have a major problem,” she breathed hard. “I just— I just—“

    Breathe in. “There’s something really horrrible outside. A bunch of… a bunch of heads on stakes. I don’t think the undead did it either, the bodies were lit on fire. We have someone that evil in our vicinity— I— I’m scared…”

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Dec 12, 2021 10:51 am

    OoC)) Skip, Conan is still asleep.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:35 pm

    ((Im gonna skip with Plant this round. He's still sleeping/dreaming.))

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:43 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 TsUcp2f

    Laverre City|Dawn

    Shadow woke and stretched his wings out before stretching the rest of the limbs out. That was a refreshing rest. First one in a long time that he has had since returning back to Orre and then here. After a rainy day yesterday the sky was clear and the wind was calmer but looking out the window, he could see something. It was Alirah running as fast as she could. Did she see somethng that spooked her? “Shadow! Shadow, I think we have a major problem,” The Charizard looked at Alirah as she ran into the room after she barricaded the door. Something was horribly wrong. This was more than just spooked, this was pure fear. “I just— I just—There’s something really horrrible outside. A bunch of… a bunch of heads on stakes. I don’t think the undead did it either, the bodies were lit on fire. We have someone that evil in our vicinity— I— I’m scared…”

    Tribal warfare likely from what Shadow thought but it was more than just that. It was likely a warning to  keep intruders out of whatever territory they had. "Heads on stakes... Its not a tribal warfare thing and no wild pokemon would do such a thing not even the undead. Unless it was a trained pokemon who leads them and knows of a horrible tactic. Alirah, I'll say this again, I'll protect you and the kids as long as I draw breath. If we have to make an escape then we must as soon as possible. Who could be wanting them out? Regardless, they might have to prepare for combat if necessary.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dazey Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:14 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Pgxl4hH
    Laverre City l Dawn l (84)

    She huffed and puffed, each breath feeling like it did little to sustain her lungs while panic set in.
    "Heads on stakes... Its not a tribal warfare thing and no wild pokemon would do such a thing not even the undead. Unless it was a trained pokemon who leads them and knows of a horrible tactic." Oh no, no, nonono. She knew deep down in her heart of hearts that it was the only possibility— but hearing it made it worse. It made it real, Shadow’s words confirming what she desperately wanted to believe was her misinterpreting some weird undead culling, but no. She knew the looks of fear on their twisted faces was beyond what anything unalive could muster. So there was someone out there murdering what she could only imagine were innocent victims of a slaughter worse than even the undead’s feedings.

    Shadow’s tone was even and calm, and just that did a great deal to soothe the hysterical female. "Alirah, I'll say this again, I'll protect you and the kids as long as I draw breath. If we have to make an escape then we must as soon as possible.

    She gasped quietly and a look of thought crossed her eyes. “We can’t leave! I have friends here, they will come back— I, I know it! I have to wait for them!” Kaneki, Hide! Everyone she’d grown so attached to, what if they came back to the boutique unaware of the horrors out there?

    For a brief moment she pictured her dear Kaneki’s head, mounted on a stake with that same look of fear. It was enough to bring tears to her eyes and threaten to make bile rise. Absolutely not. “I can’t let my friends meet the same fate! These… monsters are encroaching on my home! How dare they!” Her paws trembled. This place was sacred to her, and for these evildoers to defile that… they had another thing coming! “We need to learn more about them. Hopefully they’re just passing through but the optimistic option never seems to happen…”

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:53 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 UoOeshi
    Laverre City|Dawn

    Conan started to stir as the comfortableness of the pillows had done its thing but he seen Plant sleeping close to him as well. It was time to wake up and see what was for breakfast but he also didn't feel the greatest either. The soup must have had something in it that made them all sleepy. Never the less, it was time to wake Plant up. "Plant, its morning. We should see if Alirah made something for us to eat." The eevee nudged the snivy trying to wake him up a bit. They didn't want to be late for breakfast. "We can play more later outside if both Shadow and Alirah would let us." Hopefully the ground isn't to wet to do that and its nice and sunny. Little did he know of what dangers are going on.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:03 pm

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 BLg0Vcp
    Laverre Boutique || Dawn || Plant 104

    He must have been dreaming. Plant felt so.. surreal. For the first time in who knows how long the gentle feeling of calmness, peacefulness, seemed to surround him. In a void space, unable to tell if he was somewhere at all or even able to see or perceive, the small child was unafraid. In the quiet of this place in his mind there was nothing but comfort and a familiar presence. The warm, the faint scent of the ones he loved followed him into the dreamscape. If he could see, if he could believe the thoughts and feelings, he knew was there with him. The soft touch, the gentle words, the faint trickles of relief, joy, and happiness that swelled within in... the Snivy could not stop crying as he slept.

    But that was just it. Sleep. Dreams. As something prodded him within the real world the faint fabric of his happiness started to unravel. He clung to it, to the unconsciousness, to the ones he loved, to the familiar scents, to the better times.. but he could not stay. Peeling his eyes open the small child let go of the dreams and let the peace they had given him settle. His face was sticky with tears and drool, the rest he had gotten the best he had had in so, so long.
    His tongue lolled to one side, blurry vision struggling to remember what had happened the day before or where he was. The soft, velvety feeling of the blanket he was shrouded gave a sense of safety, and the fuzzy shape of Conan beside him was comforting. Whatever he had said was lost on the grass type as he pulled his tongue back into his mouth.

    Crawling on tiny limbs the small child slithered further into the blanket before poking his head out once more. With a massive yawn he gave a good stretch and then rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He tried to take in the room, to recall where he was, and saw he was the last to wake. The normal chill he body had in the mornings, and the sick feeling he would have from the lack of sunlight, was not present. In fact, he felt quiet warm and well, and was able to pick up on the feelings in the room.
    Something was wrong.

    It buzzed on the very air like electricity. Looking to Alirah he sought answers, but instead he saw she was fluffed up, her motions distressed as she discussed something fervently with Shadow. The Charizard answered, his expressions serious as he stood tall, stiff and unnerved. What had happened? From what he could tell the place looked the exact same, and his belly felt better than it had in ages. If it wasn't the food, then what? Letting his eyes look to Conan he wondered if the lad had any answers, but the Eevee seemed content and at ease. Whatever it was he did not know.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The LAVERRE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:18 am

    (ACE) The LAVERRE Team - Page 15 TsUcp2f

    Laverre City|Dawn

    Alirah was serious and Shadow could understand that this is her home. “We can’t leave! I have friends here, they will come back— I, I know it! I have to wait for them!” Suppose he could go out and investigate it himself. There had to be someone that could have done this. Most trained pokemon wouldn't do as much of a vile act even if they was undead. Regardless, he had to make sure if it was a trained pokemon or someone else. “We need to learn more about them. Hopefully they’re just passing through but the optimistic option never seems to happen…” Shadow had to calm her down a bit, If the option does come to where they need to escape, it'll come on prior notice if danger becomes to great.

    The Charizard could only think of one thing. Keep Alirah inside until he comes back. "Alriah, stay here and don't tell the young ones what's going on. I'm gong to check it out and hopefully the option of them just passing through is the only thing they're doing. Promise me though if danger does reach a very bad point, you'll get the young ones out of here and into a safe place." After that, he went outside to see what Alirah had found them. It was quiet so far and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Shadow wasn't going to let his guard down though since danger can lurk even in the daylight with the undead sometimes. Once he seen the heads on the stakes, he looked around to see if he was being watched. So far it looked clear. The charizard began looking closely at the heads. It didn't look like a blade was used and the cut was quite messy. Looking further, it did confirm one thing. this was definitely a trained pokemon's doing. It was hard to tell who it was at that time but whoever it was will likely try to come back to scare them off.

    The Charizard blows a bit of smoke out of his nostrils before his claws enveloped in a ghostly color. With a swift swipe of his claws, the stake in front of him was sliced right in half as he hoped whoever was responsible seen what will happen to them if they dare harm Alirah, Conan or Plant.

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