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    Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace]


    Age : 25
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    Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace] Empty Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace]

    Post by Min Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:14 am

    seyeon drawn by duma

    [세연 || 世妍]
    [-generation, beautiful]
    Text Colour#9EE8CD
    Item None
    Gender Agender [she/they]
    Age Adult
    Species #350 Milotic, the Tender Pokemon
    Height 20'04" || 6.2m
    Weight 357.1lbs || 162.0kg
    Theme Water by Second Person
    Pokédex Entry Milotic is breathtakingly beautiful. Those that see it are said to forget their combative spirits.
    Level 51
    Ability Cute Charm
    Nature Quiet
    Characteristic Thoroughly Cunning
    Moves - Hydro Pump [lvl]
    - Rain Dance [lvl]
    - Blizzard [tm]
    - Dragon Pulse [bred]
    History Seyeon was born into a small community of water-types and dragons within a lake in a far-off region, her parents a proud Milotic and Goodra. Born a shiny she was already well-cherished and loved, and as the couple's first and only child her parents were very protective of her. They ensured that she grew up well, teaching her how to fight early in her life and feeding her stolen foods and berries from nearby human settlements to enhance her beauty. It was during her childhood years that Seyeon evolved, a gorgeous Milotic emerging from her dull fish form. In her serpentine form she quickly gained popularity in her community for her stunning beauty and alluring traits, immediately gaining the favor of males with both her ability and charm.

    A simple, boring life did not appeal to Seyeon, however. Not when she had so much potential, the ability to become something so much greater. Her everyday life bound her down to mediocre rules and routines, and she couldn't stand it. She needed more, more attention, more interaction, more everything. And so in a desperate attempt to build a better future she fled from her lake home and into the human settlements, searching for a life better than the one she has.

    It was on the city streets that she met a Houndoom with more sheer, burning determination that she had ever seen before. A canine who called herself Vasilliya and led an infamous gang on Pokemon through the city, Seyeon was lucky to be graced with an invitation to join the group. The fire-type had taken pity on the Milotic, and soon the water-type became a well-accepted member along their ranks.

    A few months into her membership in the gang Seyeon had become caught by a group of humans who collected appealing Pokemon for modelling and shows. The Milotic didn't particularly mind since the humans gave ample free time to their employed Pokemon, under the condition that they obeyed well and came back to the modelling headquarters at a designated time. Along with being used in modelling shoots and being posted on every other billboard in the city, Seyeon was vigorously trained and taught TMs so she could participate in contests of both beauty and brawn to showcase the company's Pokemon.

    In her adult years Seyeon grew well, maintaining good relations with the gang and using her new reputation in order to help bail some members out from trouble and help them get away from the law. Her popularity as a model Pokemon grew tremendously, admired by both Pokemon and Human. Everything was perfect, and this was exactly what she had wished for--a life of fame and fortune and new things.

    Upon the arrival of the epidemic, despite her dreams and growing future shattered, Seyeon was awfully excited for the apocalypse to doom them all. It was a new challenge, new beginnings, and with the humans gone she opted to stick with her gang and Vasilliya. For the first year of the epidemic they experienced a large amount of loss from the lower members' inexperience in dealing with undead and battle, and by the second year there was only Seyeon, Vasilliya, and a few other lackeys left.

    Come third year and Seyeon cared little about battle and survival, roaming the land with only herself and her canine partner. In a massive battle against a horde of undead, it was through bad fortune that they were separated, the waved of infected stampeding between them until the gap was too big for them to spot each other. The group of undead only multiplying, Seyeon knew that she could not defeat them and fled into a nearby body of water, following the current and into Sinnoh waters, before passing out from exhaustion on the first beach she found.
    Appearance Seyeon is positively gorgeous, sporting a long slender body and beautiful blue-frosted scales. Her tail is dappled creams and whites, with similarly pale, long tendrils. Her eyes are a dark brown, just light enough to spot her pupils if you look closely. She carries herself with grace.
    Personality The epitome of calm, Seyeon is known for her endless patience. She never overreacts, always minimal in her emotions and pleasant in her conversation. She is tolerant, readily accepting others for who they are and is also very flexible and fluid in her opinions. Seyeon is rarely ever upset, only angry if pushed far over the edge or when her own life is on the line. She doesn't often get close to others, seeing little need in making friendships when they can be broken so easily.

    There are few who are able to invoke stronger emotions in Seyeon, however. Around these individuals she tends to laugh more and speak her mind more easily--becoming much more straightforward with how she feels and her possessive nature. She is easily jealous of others, especially to those who befriend her friends.
    User Notes
    • Father was an Goodra.
    • Has her species' hidden ability
    • Her high level is due to the excessive training she did during her modelling debut in order to control her abilities better. She then grew in levels more during the epidemic with many battles--since Vasilliya had a knack for getting in trouble.

    [지 || 志]
    [-purpose, will]
    Text Colour#F0B25B
    Item None
    Gender Genderfluid [she/they/he]
    Age Child
    Species #115 Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokemon
    Height 1'08" || 0.5m
    Weight 17.4lbs || 7.9kg
    Theme Repose from NieR Soundtrack
    Pokédex Entry It is timid and always curls itself up in a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection.
    Level 10
    Ability Blaze
    Nature Modest
    Characteristic Alert to Sounds
    Moves - Tackle [start]
    - Leer [start]
    - Smokescreen [lvl]
    - Ember [lvl]
    "Next time we meet, it'll be forever."

    It has not been long since Gee was born.

    A young child born only a few years before the Epidemic, she does not remember a majority of her infant life. She only recalls small bits and pieces of events: her first birthday where she ate so much she couldn't get up, that one time she fell into a pool and was drenched for the whole day, the first moment she was victorious in battle. Above all, however, she remembers warmth the most. Not material warmth. The warmth of a smile, the gentle paws of her mother holding her close. The motherly aura that protected the Cyndaquil from whatever dared to harm her. A true guardian, someone who was always there for the little fire-type. A constant, everlasting love.

    Come the arrival of the epidemic and Gee's mother still refused to leave her side. No matter what she could not dare to leave her child alone in the reckless clatter of the world, soon joining a community of wild Pokemon to protect their forest home. The community proved highly beneficial, other mothers willing to look after and nurture the children while Gee's mother and groups of Pokemon went out on patrols to ensure the safety of their shelter. They fought valiantly and refused to succumb to the virus and, no matter what, the Cyndaquil's mother always managed to come back home.

    Months later and as the infection spread, their living conditions only got worse. Their members began to dwindle, food low and access to water difficult to ensure. Gee was left without her mother for extended periods of time, being looked after by other Pokemon in the colony. It was one night when the hordes were so large even Gee could hear their roars from the outskirts of the forest that her mother had told her she will be gone for a very, very long time. And that the next time she and her mother meets, they will be together forever.

    Gee's mother never came back, and the forest had erupted into flames. The remaining living were frantic to escape, at this point giving little care to the children's fates. The Cyndaquil witnessed some of her kin snatched up into charred jaws or flung by long claws. Unlike the others the fire-type didn't want to run, she wanted to find her mother--the familiar warmth in the blistering fires. Stumbling through the outskirt cliffs and crying out for her guardian a dark canine had charged her. Terrified and confused she has been thrown off the cliff by the force of the charge, falling and being swept away by the rivers below.
    Appearance A normal Cyndquil, albeit a little scrawnier and frailer due to her age and upbringing. There is nothing particularly special about her.

    Most times her fur will be heavily dirtied and dusted, due to the lack of self-care. Her fur is ragged and claws are unkempt and chipped.
    Personality A child who longs for their mother, Gee has always been searching for the same motherly warmth that surrounded them during their early years. Due to this, anyone who happens to show even the slightest motherly instinct will be intently followed and hounded by the Cyndaquil, who desperately seeks attention and protection.

    Frail and not at all a fighter, Gee is, if anything, useless on a team. She cannot fend for herself or others, has great trouble feeding herself, and needs to be herded away from harm. Gee does not seem to have any intention on changing these behaviours and is extremely dependent on others to survive at all.

    Due to her age she is very naive and easily confused, but holds a very high curiosity. She does not act on her curiosity however and prefers to observe and question from a distance. She is clumsy on her feet and quick to jump to conclusions regardless on her knowledge on the subject.
    User Notes
    • Not good at controlling their fire.
    • Her mother died near current time in the Epidemic, and as Gee fell and was carried away by river waters she is transported to Lost Tower
    • She begins in Lost team soaking wet and cold

    Last edited by Cedric on Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace] Empty Re: Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace]

    Post by Min Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:51 am

    ready for approval!

    Posts : 1265

    Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace] Empty Re: Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace]

    Post by Victini Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:44 pm

    My only concern is the level of the Milotic; despite you giving justification I feel that it is just far too high for a Pokemon of her age and with her background. Level 70 is akin to Pokemon that belong to Champions or Elite Four members, or Elder/Geriatric characters with a Trainer background. I think that she ought to be level 50 at most.

    Once you've made your revisions I will take another look.


    Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace] VictiniSeyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace] TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

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    Age : 25
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    Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace] Empty Re: Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace]

    Post by Min Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:45 pm

    fixed. i made seyeon lvl 51 just in case EJ goes by ORAS levels, i hope that's alright!

    Posts : 1265

    Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace] Empty Re: Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace]

    Post by Victini Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:49 pm

    Better. Thank you dear.



    Seyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace] VictiniSeyeon the Milotic & Gee the Cyndaquil [Lost, Ace] TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

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