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    The ALPH Team (PLOT)


    Age : 29
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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Snitch Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:51 am

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    National Park || Late Afternoon [55]

    Maroon eyes followed the dragon’s movements, their owner’s body otherwise totally motionless until his lips curved in a small but quietly triumphant smirk. Latias, past all her blind rage was still an emotive being, suddenly guilty as she sought to make amends with the Abra. Just when he’d thought the female couldn't be any more interesting, she went and revealed her weakness in the form of a bleeding heart – albeit determinedly disguised until now. But Hannibal had glimpsed it, confident that despite the female’s brutal façade she was in fact totally controllable. Good.
    The young otter soon quieted to perfect the scene.
    It took him a moment, the hound enamoured with the new-found stillness now enveloping his slender form, but Hannibal soon became aware that he was being watched – or rather, stared at, perhaps even analysed  He saw Lalita out the corner of his eye, turning his head to offer the fox a better look of his dark features only to find he had acted too late. Yet the sensation remained. Her pretty eyes were elsewhere, ruling her out as the latest observer. Hannibal, attention wandering across the group, eventually glimpsed flash of two red points in the trees. Eyes; perhaps a shade or two darker than his own.
    Something screamed; Hannibal didn't flinch, didn't even move, as his attention remained cemented on the creature in the trees. Yet this stranger wasn't as steadfast in its nature. It fled, a rustle of leaves marking its exit as it went rushing off in pursuit of an unseen victim, the screamer presumably. The Houndoom lost his target within the leaves, left staring at the foliage until his thoughts were rudely interrupted.
    "What was that?" 
    Hannibal turned calmly to witness Lalita rushing towards the sound rather than the mystery spectator, Buck soon stumbling after her as the distant screams began to register in the canine’s mind. Too distracted before to recognize the owner’s species, the Houndoom now stood smiling wickedly to himself upon realization that it was a human; a terrified, maybe even dying, human.
    “Haven’t heard that sound in awhile…” Hannibal muttered to himself, face alighted with a twisted joy as he strained to hear more of mankind’s fear. It was beautiful, a mesmerizing soundtrack that evoked a pang of nostalgia in the pit of his stomach. He could almost feel the warmth of those glorious flames completing the memory.
    As delightful as a moment’s reminiscence of his finest hour was, Hannibal was aware it would be short-lived. No doubt Lalita and Buck had gone in search of the imperilled human, drawing the canine’s brief spell of satisfaction to a close with the creature’s imminent rescue. It was a shame. He would much rather extend the performance. The man was creating a musical masterpiece, bettered only by an accompanying visual spectacle of torture.
    As Hannibal escaped his artistic appreciation of the distant chaos, smile dissolving away for his charade’s sake, he turned to the remaining group. The Abra was recovering quickly, his young friend and Latias also calm.
    “I’ll see they stay safe,” He called definitely, a blunt statement as he offered a departing nod of his head. He would keep his promise… to an extent. Lalita would come to no harm, Buck a little at most, but the mystery human – that was another matter entirely. He would be better off dead than alive in Hannibal’s company.
    "Back off, you creep!"

    He trotted onto the scene, stance awkward as he braved using the crushed, though now thankfully numbed paw. It was the lanky human he saw first, the pathetic creature cowering behind the fox and weasel, whilst an equally miserable specimen of avian lay cradled in the man’s arms. He did not stand with Lalita and Buck. Memories of man’s cruelty reawakened, the undead reptile was a mere pest in comparison to the repugnant man Hannibal failed to take his narrowed eyes off. His silent greeting was sufficiently murderous.

    ”Krookodile are weak to ice moves,” He called, voice unsettling level given the circumstances. Whilst his attention was almost entirely absorbed by the human, the stench of decay in the air reminded him of the problem at hand. The canine himself had no intentions to bring down the infected foe, the muzzle rendering his attacks limited at his current range and also proving a generally credible excuse not to get his claws dirty. Yet he wasn't past offering advice to the duo he didn't want to see dead yet. Besides, the Weavile seemed likely to have an advantage. 

    Posts : 327

    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Latias Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:18 am

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    National Park / Late Afternoon [40]

    The buizel seemed shaken, further adding to the burdening sense of guilt, but Latias was glad he didn’t make a scene. Instead, the youth opted to accept her meagre offering of help, timid yet almost endearing in his response.
    "T-Thank you, miss Latias." She forced a pitiful attempt at a smile as the berry left her claws, nodding her head in dismissal of his thanks. She really didn’t deserve them. It was the hound’s berry and she had caused the abra’s injury in the first place. Making a good start, she thought, internally scolding herself.

    "Nnnnngghhh…"  So he was okay. A rush of relief swept over the dragon, the knot in her stomach unravelling in synch with the fox’s inelegant awakening. “...Well that was unpleasant…. Ooh, my head!"

    But as the abra re-familiarised himself with the real world, a scream was heard somewhere in the distance. Latias’ head snapped in the direction of the terrible cry, initial concern masked with confusion upon swift realization that it was a human utterance. She had believed their kind long-dead, but there was no mistaking the species’ screech. It was both startling and oddly unnerving to the volatile dragon.
    "What was that?"
    “A human…” Latias muttered, speaking too low for Buck’s ears – not that he stayed long enough to hear her answer anyway. The fox had bolted away, the weavile soon following to act as an unlikely source of protection. The legendary wouldn’t believe his new-found chivalry for a second, starting after the duo for the sake of protecting them from whatever sought out the human as a meal. But the Doctor’s voice stopped her.

    "-Wha-a-Did you really blast me for saying hello? That hurt! Not to mention rude!” She turned to look down on the disgruntled creature, now fully conscious and already ranting of the injustice to have befallen him. Latias’ jaw hung open, the creature’s quick recovery almost as surprising as his air of confidence.
    “I… Uh…” The words simply refused to come out, the dragon’s mind mainly preoccupied with the wellbeing of Lalita and her aspiring hero. Clearing her throat, she managed a thoroughly unconvincing apology. “Sorry. You… um... surprised me,”

    Her attention divided, thoughts still enticed by the far-off sound of battle, Latias found herself continuously looking back to Lalita and Buck’s exit route. She was about to excuse herself, but a smooth voice reached out to mute her indecisiveness.
    “I’ll see they stay safe,” Latias had almost forgotten Hannibal was still on the scene. She looked back, somewhat flustered, to the canine as he turned to leave with the promise of protecting the runaway duo. It comforted her to an extent, but only momentarily. The item strapped to his face didn’t seem an aid to battle, rather set to inhibit it; not to mention his fragile-looking frame. It looked as if a strong gust of wind could well send his skeletal form toppling over. She trusted his good intentions but remained unconvinced he could provide any real help in a scream-inducing scenario. But he was gone. There was no stopping him or the creatures he pursued.

    "...You alright?"
    "I'm alright...."

    As Tails and the Doctor quietly conversed, Latias hovered awkwardly aside them. It was a tender reunion, heart-warming. The dragon offered it only a small portion of her attention. Part of her mind worried for the welfare of the disappeared trio and the human, the remainder was working diligently to suppress memories of Latios. The friendship the pair aside her shared was enviable, providing Latias with a bitter reminder of what she would never feel again.  
    “Are you done?” She spoke more harshly than she had intended, quietly venomous as she offered a disdainful look at the mention of two hearts. Pfft, please. “Look, I’m sorry for attacking you – this weeks’ been… difficult. But you’re fine now, right?” She gave no opportunity for his answer. “Good. Now I don’t want to see anyone else get hurt, so I’m gonna go find them. Don’t. Move.”

    Sharp, she turned and took off in the direction of the noise.

    Glimpse of the purple, puss-spewing gash on the back of her neck was momentarily visible upon her hasty exit.


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    The Eon Pokemon


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    Age : 37
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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Fox Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:22 am

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    National Park || Late Afternoon || (6)

    "Heh heh, You can call me just 'Tails.' And no problem! But, ah....Miss Latias gave the berry to me, so I could give it to you." The Abra turned to the hovering Legend as well, his features softening a bit. "Oh, that was nice! Thank you then!" He said casually, his attention turning back to the Buizel. "Alright, Tails it is!" The Doctors' grin faded and grew dark as he watched the orange weasel try to wash some blood off of his paws. "...You alright?" He said softly. I must've scared him with all the blood…

    "I'm alright...." The child whimpered, tears threatening to overflow from his eyes. The Abra slowly turned his own paws over in front of him, looking at them as if they weren't familiar. Dark blood stained his paw pads almost black, and the pale brown fur was matted with the crimson stains up to his wrists.  

    "You stay away! Don't ever come near us again! You're a monster!" 
    "You're as bad as them!"
    "It's all your fault! It's all your fault! If it weren't for you, she'd still be alive!" 
    "Everywhere you go, death and darkness follow..."

    The fox stared at his paws, his purple gaze filled with pain and a smoldering rage. With a flinch and a grimace, the Doctor rubbed his paws against each other, trying to rub the violent stains off. After a few minutes without any success, the Abra sighed and got to his feet, his paws dropping to his sides and gazing at the child apologetically. As he was about to speak, a shout echoed through the trees. The foxes' head turned to the direction of the sounds, his now inquisitive eyes searching the shadowy forest.

    "What was that?" He asked in a hushed tone as he scanned the trees. "D-Doc.... You can't have.... You.... You have two hearts?" The Doctors' eyes widened a bit at the young weasels' question, only to be followed by a large grin. He called me Doc! He thought, amusement and happiness mingling on his face.

    “Are you done?” Latias retorted to the weasels' question, his query obviously leaving the legendary flustered. The Abra said nothing, only responding to the child with a smirk and a wink. “Look, I’m sorry for attacking you – this weeks’ been… difficult. But you’re fine now, right?” She snapped, her voice dripping with anything but sincerity. The Abra opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off with the avians' sharp tone. “Good. Now I don’t want to see anyone else get hurt, so I’m gonna go find them. Don’t. Move.”

    And with that, the dragon zipped off, her red and white form disappearing into the brush. The Doctor sneered as she took her leave, his brow furrowing as his eyes caught a glimpse of a dark, discolored wound on her neck.
    That doesn't look good...He thought with a growing concern. A legendary with the virus...that's...a recipe for disaster...And what about that time lapse?...Does that have anything to do with her?...I didn't even know a legendary can get infected...can they?...I thought they were much too powerful for that...I'll have to get a closer look at that gash...maybe it's something else entirely. Besides, who knows how many more she's going to hurt in her state...I can't let her do that...

    The Doctor leaned over with arms crossed over his chest, gazing down at the Buizel with intensity. "I wonder what's going on over there...I bet they need our help." He added, eyeing the child expectantly. "I mean whatever it is...it sounds dangerous…" He goaded, his eyes wide and mouth set into a serious scowl as he listened to the screams rising from the trees. "...Really dangerous. Could be deadly." Popping up and down on his heels, the Doctors' scowl suddenly transformed into an impish grin, his eyes brilliant with excitement. "Come on, what are you waiting for! Let's go!" He shouted at the child, dashing ahead. "We can't let them have all the fun!"

    (had to backtrack just a bit, to get the Docs' reaction to the blood)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 28
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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Catalyst Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:42 am

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    | National Park // Late Afternoon |

    The Abra smiled at him, almost devilishly, his expression gleeful. Tails stared at  him, but his face slowly turned into an gaping, awestruck expression. The weasel grinned excitedly at the Abra now. He never would have considered a creature having more than a single heart. Tails had always asked Rotor about such phenomena, but Rotor said it was clearly impossible because you only need one to survive, so why have more? He had heard about a myth over psychics, but... he couldn't remember what it was about them. The mental wanderings of the small mammal were cut short as the red dragon stopped his train of thought.

    "Are you done? Look, I’m sorry for attacking you – this weeks’ been… difficult. But you’re fine now, right? ... Good. Now I don’t want to see anyone else get hurt, so I’m gonna go find them. Don’t. Move."

    Tails looked as she turned, seeing the purple gash on the back of her strong neck. He gasped quietly, placing his dry paw over his mouth. He realized she... had the virus everyone was talking about. It had the same purple puss to it as the wounds on the infected who attacked him at Amy's house. Tails looked at her cautiously, but then she sped off in the speed she was reputable for. Tails thought for a minute, and tried not to dwell on that anymore. The experience was unpleasant and he had no desire to remember it. Sonic was stirring in his mind, and the Doc addressed him. For a half a moment, Tails would have thought it was Sonic.

    "I wonder what's going on over there...I bet they need our help."

    Tails looked up to the Abra, a small hint of awe to his open mouth. But then he grinned brightly back at his older companion.
    "I'd like to help if I can!"
    The Abra raised questioning brows at him. Tails saw no problem in it; he liked adventure. And it looks like his fox friend liked it just as much as his blue idol.

    "I mean whatever it is...it sounds dangerous…"

    Tails thought more into this for a moment, considering how dangerous this actually could be. Taking into account that there's an apocalypse going on... and screaming? That scream was not a pokemon.... Tails started to get intimidated, and shut his mouth because he had nothing to say in response. The Doc spoke again.

    "...Really dangerous. Could be deadly."

    The weasel's fur pricked. Even the Abra thought this was bad, but yet he was so calm? Excited, even? He was a lot like Sonic, and it was admirable to the youngling. He wanted to be like Sonic so much.... He figured he'd be brave, and try. Putting a determined grin on his face, he looked at his friend, and the Doc grinned devilishly back. The kid felt his body surge, and his companion took off forward.

    "Come on, what are you waiting for! Let's go! We can't let them have all the fun!"

    Tails's blue eyes flashed for a moment, seeing Sonic in the Doctor's place for half a moment. He tried to swallow his fear, dashing forward.
    "Ok! Let's go!" he chirped, trying not to hesitate in fear.
    I may not be strong, I may not be brave, but I'll try my best!

    Last edited by Catalyst on Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 29
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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Snitch Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:07 am

    (( I’m so sorry about the wait, but I can’t write an adequate post for Hannibal as Phoe & Nightfall weren’t about in the last round. Sorry again, please skip me. ))

    Posts : 327

    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Latias Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:50 am

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    National Park / Late Afternoon [41]

    Latias had reached the scene in a matter of seconds, streamline body allowing her to effortlessly slice through the blood-tinged air in a blur demonstrating only a small portion the species’ legendary speeds. The foliage rustled in time with her movement, a final, heavy gust signalling her arrival as she came to a sudden, controlled halt.

    Her expression steely, Latias took deep breaths as the familiar scent of blood enticed a darker side of her mind. The scene had an unexplainable, immediate and quite obvious effect on the dragon; blood boiling for reasons she couldn't comprehend. Yet she suppressed such carnal urges, instead focusing all her energy onto the reality of what was around her. Allies, friends – all alive – and a single, gory enemy.  

    This enemy was a large, rotting demon. The legendary couldn't even distinguish the species, its identity so ravaged by the virus to leave it little more than a bloodthirsty, blackened corpse. But in the moments when the undead’s face wasn't morphing into the features of that gyarados, she settled on its identity as a reptile, a crocodile of sorts.

    It didn't matter anyway. She would kill it regardless of its past identity.

    Next she saw Lalita, already fighting and threatening the approaching creature despite the heat of battle only moments earlier. It was a reassuring spectacle, Latias quick to admire the fox’s bravery and determination to protect what she now recognised as a human. The legend had almost forgotten what they looked like. The male, slim and accompanied by a wounded bird, made her apprehensive. She had loved their kind once, had strived to protect them from the threats of this cruel world, but the epidemic had changed all that. Could they be trusted? Latias thought not.

    No one can be trusted.

    Another heartbeat booming loudly within the confines of her chest and the dragon’s attention had shifted to Buck, the weavile surprising her with his position aside Lalita. He looked ready to fight, redeeming himself with help from the earlier scolding the dragon had given. Yet she felt nothing. Latias was numb, the world around her suddenly slowing as again something unpleasant stirred beneath the surface.

    The legend, scared of this new sensation, froze up entirely. The wound on her neck was throbbing, a ghastly sting travelling down the length of her spine and edging its way to her pulsing head. She was fighting the pain for she knew what accompanied it; the dark. That same blip of unconsciousness as something else took over. She would not lose herself again. Not when the feeling was as remarkably as intense as this.

    Red was seeping into her vision, flashes of demonic creatures of the past looming in her periphery as she found herself struggling to distinguish friend from foe. The blood, the pain, the hallucinations – the suddenness and extremity of her response had taken the dragon by surprise; helpless as she strived to keep control. Before, with the absol’s slaughter, it had happened so quickly that she had no time to resist. Now, it was creeping up on her, excited by her earlier embrace and keen to instil its power over the once noble creature. Latias put her heart and soul into fighting something she refused to believe tainted her. The virus was strengthening and she had no option but to grow even stronger or succumb.

    Motionless save for the rapid rise and fall of her chest, Latias hovered as a prisoner; eyes glazed as she battled against something internal, mind detached to leave the body vulnerable to the dangers of reality.


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    The Eon Pokemon


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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:54 pm

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    National Park|Late Afternoon

    Alein was about ready to have a heart attack. Now not only was a giant rotting behemoth of a crocodile trying to eat him but now a half dozen other Pokemon were surrounding him, snarling and growling like they wanted a piece of him too. The young male whimpered in fear as the fire fox stood before him, defending her own claim, as a dangerous looking Weavile with razor sharp claws took a place beside her. Hugging Gyrlass close Alein had no idea he was hurting the Pidgeotto until a loud squawk and a violent peck to the forehead made him realize it. Gyrlass had already gotten badly damaged protecting him...he didn't need a terrified slip of a boy squeezing him to death on top of it.

    Another pathetic whimper escaped Alein's throat as he struggled to piece together what was happening, turning his head in time to see a scary Houndoom howling to the other two Pokemon in front of him. But when the red dragon showed up he knew it, and it was official. He was going to die here.


    ”Krookodile are weak to ice moves,”

    Lalita heard the call from the trees and frowned as she eyed her opponent warily. She didn't have anything like that in her power but what she did have wasn't going to be overly effective without help. This 'Krookodile' was a rather large beast whose purple scales were near rotted to black, slipping down off its flesh and scraping onto the ground as its tail slammed violently onto the ground and making the ground shake. Lalita yelped in surprise and pain as the Earthquake hit her and found herself flung back onto the human who let out a terrified scream.

    Gyrlass took great offense to both Alein's noise and Lalita falling on him and his anger generated into a sudden burst of energy. Hovering slightly over the pair he screeched angrily at both of them. "Watch what you are doing you oaf! My wing is near broken I don't need you adding to it. This kid is enough of a problem without your help!" Lalita flinched at the harsh tone of the Pidgeotto before an angry snarl turned her back to the present. "Buck try any kind of ice you have!" she cried, pointing a paw towards the large tail about ready to strike down for another Earthquake. If that thing got off any more ground attacks she would be utterly defenseless.

    For a brief moment she wondered why no one else was helping but as the human shifted out from under her and looked at her with utter fear in his eyes she realized that now wasn't the time. If no one else was going to help then she was going to have to do.  Her body was surrounded in another brilliant glow, the fight for her Little Miss still fresh in her mind as she once again took guardianship over the fallen male. Return was her best bet against this beast...she could only hope it would work.

    ((Since Alein almost never speaks Gyrlass will be doing the best translating he can until Doc works something out with him lol))

    Age : 31
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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Nightfall Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:54 pm

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    National Park/Late Afternoon
    (G: 25 | B: 64)

    It took very inch of Garth's will to remain on his new branch at that moment. When the Grovyle had come to a halt and noticed the human standing in the clearing, his instincts had shrieked at him to launch himself at the creature, slice off his head, dig out his brains and toss them around like confetti. Or something to that effect. The one thing that Garth wanted to do was to hurt  that ... that thing that the other Pokemon below him were starting to defend. That selfish, smug, vile creature that strut around all over the place, struggling to fit his swollen head through the door; that thought he was better than everyone and everything else he came into contact with; that gained a Pokemon's trust and then just dumped them in the middle of nowhere when he'd had his use of him.

    Within seconds, the bark beneath him had been stripped to shreds, leaking warm, gooey sap onto Garth's hands. Pink drool hung from his lower jaw, and his lip curled upwards into a vicious, bloodthirsty snarl. With each heaving breath erupted deep, guttural growls. He was desperate, literally desperate, to sink his claws into that human's flesh. The other Pokemon no longer mattered; in the scene below him they were nothing but a colourful blur. That human was going to die by his claws before sundown; he could envision it; he could feel the blood already staining his hands.

    His mind was cast back to his own 'Trainer' and how he had worked so hard for her; dedicated his entire life to serving her as thanks for giving him a home; interpreted her encouragement and persistence at him to get better as 'love'. He'd broken his back to keep her happy, only for her to throw him out into the wilderness on his own because he'd outlived his usefulness. That entire life that he'd devoted himself to had all been for nothing. His mind had worked overtime to try and figure out why it had happened; what he had done wrong. It was too much. He'd snapped, made his first kill and loved it. If he was miserable, why should others be happy? He vowed on that day to make the entire world as hopelessly wretched as he was, and he loved every second of it. But now that he was infected, none of it was personal anymore. Instead of misery, he was out for blood.

    A low groan rumbled from his chest and Garth clutched tightly at his own face with one hand while the other continued to involuntarily strip the bark below him. Calm... The Grovyle took a deep, shuddering breath, realising that he was dangerously close to another breaking point. You must calm down... Throwing himself down there and launching an attack would not only cause an uproar, but it would blow his cover entirely. All being well, none of them knew that he had been watching them persistently for the past half-hour. His experience in stalking prey was the only reason for his elusiveness up to this point. To ruin it all now would have meant that his stalkings had been a waste of time. No, he needed a strategy of some sort. If he was going to take down the human, Lalita, Latias and anyone else he could get his hands on before the next sunrise, he'd need to be patient; wait for the perfect moment.

    Garth raised his hand, sticky with sap, and contently licked it off. It even felt like blood with its warm, effortless slip down the back of the throat like honey. Looks like I'll have to made do with this for a while, he thought. Now that he was calm again, he continued his vigil without a sound, his burning eyes latched upon the human that that battered bird of his. It will all be worth it in the end, old boy ... Just you wait.  

    "Krookodile are weak to ice moves." Buck had been staring in horror at the rotting abomination before him that he'd forgotten to do the one fundamental thing in this situation: attack. Desperate to cover his blunder, he turned to the Houndoom and hissed, baring his small but sharp fangs. "Yes, I knew that," he snapped, turning back to the undead reptile just as it raised his tail up off the ground and brought it slamming back down to the ground, unleashing a huge Earthquake attack.

    The air was blasted out of Buck's lungs as he was thrown backwards by the force of the attack. He slammed into a tree and immediately toppled to the ground, completely stunned. His spine throbbed pulses of pain into his lower back as he desperately tried to catch his breath. "Fuck ... Fuck that hurt..." Pushing himself back upright, Buck had to use the tree to stand back up. Staggering forward, he was comforted by the fact that he actually could still stand which, after an attack like that, was a big shock. He ached everywhere, but he could still fight, and that was what mattered. His will to prove himself only strengthened upon Latias's hasty arrival.

    Directing a brief but nasty smirk in the legend's direction (although he highly doubted that she noticed judging by how completely zoned out she looked), Buck turned his gaze back to the Krookodile. He took a deep breath, the back of his throat numbing as the Ice Beam started to form, just as Lalita had to go ahead and break his concentration. "Buck try any kind of ice you have!"

    "I KNOW!" he screeched, throwing his arms into the air incredulously. Just how stupid did these morons think he was? The good news was that the sight of Lalita, the human and the squawking Pidgeotto piled up on the ground was very amusing indeed; the bad news was that yelling at the Ninetails had caused his charged Ice Beam to disappear, and the Krookodile was raising its tail again for another Earthquake. "Shit!" With little more than a second to spare, Buck inhaled quickly and fired a bright stream of ice at the brute, freezing the tail in place just as it hit the ground and then moving onto the feet. Immobilised, the beast bellowed and thrashed, trying to break free of its prison.

    "Now! Attack it!" he yelled to anyone who could hear, charging another Ice Beam and aiming for the head. If it would only look in his direction, perhaps he could blind it.

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Fox Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:31 am

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    National Park || Late Afternoon || (7)

    “Haah!” The Doctor exclaimed with glee, dashing through the trees as a pale brown blur.
    Clink! Clink! Clink! Clink!
    Metal against bone sounded gently between every padded footfall, crunching against dry soil.
    Clink! Clink! Clink! Clink!
    Brilliant light shone off the golden shackle, flickering in the scattered light of the forest. Two lanky legs bolted forward, his tall form leaping over fallen logs and low brush.
    “Hurry, come o-!” The Abra was cut short, his feet giving out as a blast of earth took them out from under him. The Abra got to one knee slowly, his head lowering to peer through the brush ahead of them, caution in his gaze “...That was a quake. And that means something powerful made it...They’re really in deep.” He muttered, settling his gaze on the weasel next to him.
    "Buck try any kind of ice you have!"
    “Tails, when we go in there, you stay back from the fight.” The Doctor said quickly, his paw falling on the weasels’ shoulder. “Work those ranged moves, eh?” He added with a wink.  

    "I KNOW!"
    With a hiss through his teeth, the Abra scrambled to his feet, bounding forward and leaping into the clearing, where the source of the roars and terrified cries originated.
    "Now! Attack it!"
    Purple eyes darted between every body in the clearing, from the monstrous trapped croc, to the dazed legendary, to the thing everyone was trying to protect.
    “Human! Of course!” The Abra snarled in surprise, his ears flattening against his head as his stance turned offensive. The rotting reptile thrashed madly, his powerful jaws snapping as he tossed his immense weight against the ice trap.
    No, they won’t get out of the way in time!
    The loud crack of shattering ice cut through the wails, a flash of claws and teeth slicing into the air around it, searching for warm flesh. Heavy feet and bloodstained scales thrashed against its trap, its roars making the ground reverberate. The foxes’ thin legs threw him into the fray, skidding to a halt in front of the human and wounded bird. He threw up his arms with a shout, a blue bubble suddenly flashing around them as the monster threw itself towards the fallen.
    “Latias!” He shouted in outrage, the bubble flickering against the slashing, rotting claws and elongated jaw. “Latias!!”

    (I left it open whether the Krook broke the ice or not, and what the timeline is here. I’m just having it throw a fit and Thrash. I figure it’s close enough to the others that they’re in danger. Had the Doc use Protect)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Catalyst Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:02 pm

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    | National Park // Late Afternoon |

    The weasel felt the bushes scratch at his legs as he sped through the trees. A huge grin on his face, he did his best to keep up with the Doc, despite the brush trying to push him back. Tails felt happier than he had in a long time, now. Running through the forest reminded him of Sonic and the adventures they went on. The passing trees were blurs, and the Doc huffed at him as Tails caught up. The excitement in the Abra's voice was like his hero's.

    "Hurry, come o-!"

    The floor shook. Tails yelped and slipped and fell onto his bottom. He silently whimpered from the sting, but the Doctor kneeled.

    "...That was a quake. And that means something powerful made it... They're really in deep."

    Tails glanced up and looked at him, and he gazed back with a now more concerned face.

    "Tails, when we go in there, you stay back from the fight. Work those ranged moves, eh?"

    The Doc placed a paw on his shoulder and winked. Tails felt confidence and pride well inside of himself. If someone believed he could do it, it was all he needed. The weasel put another determined face, and gave a small nod.
    "You can count on me, S-- D-Doctor!"
    Ugh, he almost called him Sonic! He decided to stop thinking of Sonic. He wasn't around anymore, so why should he matter? No.... He couldn't forget Sonic.... In the midst of his thoughts, the Doctor had already taken off. He squaked in surprise, and he ran through the bushes as the Krookodile roared again. Freezing in fear at the size of the infected, he almost couldn't move. He tried to muster an attack, but failing. ... No, the Doc was counting on him. He couldn't freeze up now, he couldn't. He wouldn't. Thinking quickly, his intelligent little brain worked a plan. He remembered when he used to make get-aways when he and Sonic needed it. He was a good strategy maker, or at least, he thought so.

    Gritting his teeth, he felt a power surging out of him, and he noticed the illusions of two others of him next to him, the result of Double Team. A green light flashed over the scene, and Tails looked to see the Doctor using Protect. That wouldn't hold for very long. The two copies ran forward, distracting the Krookodile from it's previous targets. It roared, feeling one doppelganger crawl up it's leg, then back, and the other tried to catch its attention from a distance away. The Krookodile screamed in anger and looked at the double. Tails, as quickly as he possibly could, channeled his energy, and summoned large, sparking stars. The Swift flew forward, and landed right in the Krookodile's back. The small, shruiken-like stars stuck out of it's ripped skin. It growled, and the illusion tossed a faux move at it, as more real Swift stars hit it. Enraged further, it assumed the copy attacked it. Slashing at it wildly, the illusion disappeared. Tails used Double Team again, two repetitive times making four. The other copies ran to overwhelm the Krookodile again, by crawling on it or keeping it's slashes away from the living flesh of his companions. Tails, while summoning another Swift, yelled to the group.
    "I'll keep it busy! Just attack it!!"

    (OoC: Have I ever mentioned that I love Double Team. Lol.
    Sorry this is so late, I just cooould nooot get into it at ALL this week. @n@ Was up to my ears in busy.)

    Last edited by Catalyst on Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Snitch Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:11 am

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    National Park || Late Afternoon [56]

    "Yes, I knew that,"

    Whilst circumstances demanded a certain level of panic and emotional drive, Hannibal’s perfectly calm charade had instead given way to humour at Buck’s venomous retort. A bemused smirk crawled over his scarred maw, the anger of others oddly entertaining to the hound – even more so in knowing that he had helped spawn such a temper. But whilst he had been happy to make a mental note of probing the irate weasel further, the male’s actions had provided a momentary but costly distraction. Hannibal’s dark eyes dilated only a fraction as the undead’s tail slammed hard into the ground, triggering an Earthquake of fearsome proportions.

    Despite being out of the direct line of fire, Hannibal suffered from the attack. He was launched backwards, the violent tremors striking to the core of his fragile bones as he crashed to the unforgiving ground with a muffled grunt. His shoulder, dislocated only days earlier, was on fire. Yet Hannibal disguised the pain, giving a sharp exhale as he forced himself back to his paws – thankful that he had spent the morning reviving his haggard body with any berries he could find. It seemed the others had fared just as well, perhaps dazed and taken back by the suddenness and extremity of the hit but all quite conscious. Good, Hannibal wouldn’t waste his time saving them if they fell.

    Maroon eyes shifted to the Krookodile, Buck’s furious snarls framing the scene as an Ice Beam momentarily rooted the decaying creature to the spot. Hannibal had arrived on the scene with no intentions of assisting, but this was personal now. He was hurt – luckily numbed enough to overlook the true damage – yet still eager to claim his own slice of satisfaction by seeing the undead crumble. An eye for an eye.

    "Now! Attack it!"

    He disliked orders, but Hannibal was already moving when Buck’s command rang out. He ran into the fray at a surprising speed given the condition of his paw, the telltale flicker of flames building about the canine’s jaws and growing, glowing as he approached. Whilst ice held the creature in place, the Houndoom’s flamethrower targeted the creature’s back. Perhaps the heat would weaken Buck’s impressive trap, but from the beast’s thrashing it seemed unlikely to hold it for too long anyway. A concentrated burst of flames spiralled from the muzzle, doing no damage to the fire-proof material that formed it, and instead crawling up the reptile’s spine, hungrily consuming rotting black scales.

    Moments later, the Krookodile had freed itself.

    Hannibal rounded on the creature, pausing as he found that he was no longer a target. The beast charged for the fallen human and the fox insistent on protecting him, the duo saved only by the sudden appearance of the psychic-type. His Protect held the creature off for the moment, whilst his two-tailed companion took it upon himself to distract the enraged undead with a Double-Team. Hannibal was impressed by the strategy – intentional or otherwise – and found his respect already building for the curious Abra and his young friend. Maybe it was worth helping them after all.

    "I'll keep it busy! Just attack it!!"

    Orders again. It hit a nerve that the Houndoom had forgotten was sensitive, so accustomed to the isolation of the epidemic that he was unprepared for the jab of hatred that accompanied such utterances. Yet he swallowed his pride, instead watching as the Buizel’s Swift attack planted itself solidly in the reptile’s back with a bloody squelch. Hannibal saw his opportunity, directing his Flamethrower to the deadly star so that the fire may seep into and continue to eat away at the wound. Spread under the creature’s skin to essentially cook the flesh from inside out.

    Posts : 327

    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Latias Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:19 am

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    National Park / Late Afternoon [42]


    He was mocking her again; haunting the dazed dragon as she felt his breath, thick with the scent of her brother’s blood on her face. Yet she could not see him. The demon wouldn't show himself, instead content to watch the female crumble at a single, deadly word. Latias tried to shut him out. She tried to shut out all those fiendish voices, but with her defences weakened they all rushed to the forefront of her senses. It seemed darker, lonelier; almost silent save those cruel whisperings.


    Her lips formed the word but she couldn't hear her voice. It was a stranger’s snarl, feral. Terrified, Latias’s head jerked to the side in search of the voice’s owner, unseeing eyes searching for something she would never find. She stared into woodland that she saw only as darkness, wings flared defensively as her body fell motionless once more. The shift in her position, so sudden, may have gone entirely unnoticed to the survivors her mind had chosen to temporarily abandon.

    Who are you?..

    That voice, whilst thoroughly unsettling, was strangely familiar. Latias knew the speaker – or at least part of it. The voice called out from the gloom of her fractured psyche, repeating her thoughts with that same dangerous malice. It echoed and simply didn't stop. The question was engulfing, deafening as Latias’ claws sped to her face, desperately clawing at her ears in a vain bid to quell the demands of her tormentors. Her eyes slammed shut until her eyelids ached, tears simply unable to escape.

    Who... am I…?




    The fog cleared, senses returning to plunge the legendary into a state of total disarray. Eyelids peeling back, opening the flood barriers they had unknowingly become, the dragon stared open-mouthed at the enraged psychic-type. He was protecting her. Why? She couldn't speak, couldn't produce as much as a whimper as her eyes soon focused on the creature on the other side of the flickering barrier.  An undead. Had that been there before?

    Her memory hazy, the situation that now faced her appearing surreal, Latias could only stare as the undead was eventually distracted. The young water-type and the houndoom battled ferociously against it, permitting the abra a moment to recuperate. No, not abra – she knew his name.
    “Doctor?” Doctor who?  She couldn't say. Latias instinctively reached out to him, claws searching for something to hold, to touch; anything to convince her that this was real. Were these sights real, these smells and sounds? These feelings of unease that continued to race up and down the length of her spine? Latias needed confirmation.

    Her watery eyes locked onto the psychic-type. Pleading for answers, Latias spoke in a whisper.

    ”Who am I?”


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    The Eon Pokemon


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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Nightfall Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:15 pm

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    National Park/Late Afternoon
    (G: 25 | B: 65)
    (skipping Garth)

    Everyone was working so hard to bring this foul creature's life to an end, it gave Buck a sense of excitement, of exhilaration, that he had not felt in a long time. With all these Pokemon on his side to back him up and his new fully evolved form, he was beginning to feel he could do just about anything. Grinning from ear to ear, Buck was not phased as the Krookodile began to break out of its icy confinements. Instead he began to dash around the reptile in circles, firing multiple Ice Beams to try and keep it as immobile as possible.

    While dashing, he couldn't help but notice that Latias still had not moved a muscle since she had arrived. Not only that, but that weird Doctor guy was protecting her? She called herself a legendary and just stood there and let what were no doubt, in her mind, the minors do the work?

    "Hey!" he called as he zoomed past a second time. "You gonna help us or what?" For the brief moment he managed to catch sight of her face, she looked just as zoned out as she had before, and was looking at the Abra shielding her in a pleading sort of way. Still, she had no excuse; if she was the legend she said she was, she could get over whatever trauma she was going through. She wasn't the only one having a hard time, that was for sure.

    "Come on then," Buck shouted as he reached them a third time, in between Ice Beams. "If you're a legend then prove it!"

    ((Lol, I see what you did there, Lat :P))

    Age : 37
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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Fox Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:50 am

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    National Park || Late Afternoon || (8)

    The bubble flickered and faded from around them with an audible crackle. The Doctors’ eyes grew wide as he staggered back and stared up at the enormous reptile, fierce defiance in his gaze.
    “You cannot have them!” He growled under his breath, his arms spread out to his sides defensively. The Krookodile screeched in a terrifying fervor, it’s immense weight making the earth shake beneath them.
    They need time to run!
    Clenching his jaws, the fox readied himself for the inevitable rush of blood and pain. The slashing talons, the enormous jaws that would clamp around his thin frame and crush his bones. But the attack never landed as bursts of glowing stars, chilling ice and searing flamethrowers bombarded the creature in a perfect symphony of power and light.

    Perfect timing! He beamed inwardly, gasping in relief and expanding his lungs through clenched teeth.The Abra whirled around to take advantage of the time the others had given them, his intense gaze boring into the human and the pale Ninetails. “Get back! All of you!!” The Doctor shouted, his voice urgent through the heavy accent as he waved his arms in emphasis. He glanced around his shoulder, his eyes wide with concern and adrenaline. His violet gaze locked on the small weasel, who seemed to be toying with death in his runs over the behemoths’ body.
    What did I just do? DId I really just send a child into battle with that monstrosity?... But as he looked on, a faint smile appeared as the weasels' figure flickered and disappeared quickly, only to appear elsewhere and do the same. Double Team! Otta boy!
    But he didn’t get to admire the child long before the Weavile ran past, shouting in anger.
    "Hey! You gonna help us or what?" The Abra nodded, powering up another move when he heard a faint whimper.

    His pale brown ears perked, a mix of surprise, pain and worry washing across his face as he turned to the owner, already aware of who it was. Before him, the avian legend levitated, her face wracked with obvious signs of agony. Waves of darkness began to choke the air around her, vibrating with the legends' escalating emotions.
    The Abras’ gaze softened, a deep pain threatening to spill from his chest. He knew the look on her face; he had worn it himself once before, while he watched his world, and everything he held dear, burn. He knew the darkness she was entrenched in so well; his own aura was identical...a pulsing, seething pool of inky darkness, constantly threatening to cast him into the never-ending spiral of insanity and despair with the slightest nudge in the wrong direction.
    ...What has she endured?... He thought, straining to quell his own pain and keep his mind on Latias. What has tainted her to this point?...What could possibly break such a powerful creature so completely...it's not the virus...the virus makes them lose their aura...No, this is something else...
    The Doctors’ hearts skipped a beat as he held his breath, his maw falling open in shock as her quivering claw reached out to him. The emotional waves overflowed from the legendary, bombarding the slender fox with a plethora of anguish, fear and confusion.
    ”Who am I?”
    The Doctors’ ears fell, his maw closing in a pained determination as his long strides carried him to her. With a quick motion, he grasped her outstretched claw and placed it on his chest, his darkened paws clutching her arm tight as he held her there. The Doctors’ gaze met hers, warm and honest. “Latias...You don’t need to be afraid. Look, I’m real, they’re real...This is all real.” He said quietly, his soft eyes searching hers as the emotional waves fluctuated around the avian. “And you...you’re brilliant.” He added, a smile growing on his maw. ”You’re brilliant, and we need you...right now.” He pleaded, his words quickening as the sound of battle grew behind them. “I-...We- can’t do this without you...!”

    (All the feels. All of them. XD Just a note, Phoe if you return early- the Doc screamed at them in the human language, so Alein could understand. For future reference to everyone, Doc can speak both languages. Quoted text in italics is gonna be Human-speak, while normal quoted text will be poke-speak.)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Catalyst Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:23 am

    (OoC: Sorry guys, I'm not sure what to do, so I'm going to skip. All Tails could possibly do this round is to keep attacking the Krookodile and I don't know whether to kill it off or not.)


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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Snitch Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:01 am

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    National Park || Late Afternoon [57]

    Buck had returned to the fray and with his participation Hannibal granted himself the opportunity to withdraw from battle. He could blame it on injury, perhaps the muzzle’s limitations or the unwanted effects of fire on valuable ice; but the reality was a simple case of boredom. The Houndoom’s attention was fast-slipping as his rationality steadily grew. Part of him wanted vengeance on the undead, but as the hound calmed he reminded himself that it could wait. Hannibal was always one to take his time. He lived life at his own leisurely pace, a luxury and reward for previous hardships, and revenge was something truly worth sampling. He would savour every minute detail.

    Limping to the side-lines, his movements subtly exaggerated to combat accusations of cowardice, Hannibal’s sharp eyes caught glimpse of a most-peculiar scene. Latias and the curious Abra were sharing some sort of embrace, skin on skin. It stole the hound’s attention immediately. Whilst he could only speculate to what had triggered this moment of bonding, the look on the legendary’s face suggested that it wasn’t just some passing upset. She was a creature haunted, tormented by some unseen cruelty. Even from a distance, Hannibal saw the light reflect in her tears and felt a faint tremor of discomfort in his chest. It was an unpleasant reminder of another vulnerable girl’s demise, exciting the demons Hannibal could never escape.

    He tore his intense stare away, hurriedly collecting his now partially unhinged demeanour. Mischa swam in the periphery of his vision, the sound of battle drowned out by her heart-breaking screams.

    Hannibal had learnt to live with these moments, practiced enough to distract himself with another thought rather than closing his eyes like he had thought right before. Maroon eyes returned to the legendary and psychic, focusing on their paws – paw to chest, grasping fingers and the movements beneath the skin that Hannibal was convinced he saw. Silencing the past, Hannibal questioned this new and rather sudden bond. Latias had attacked him only a short while earlier, words venomous and features hardened; what had evoked this sensitivity? She looked sufficiently delicate, revealing a crippling weakness to the group that Hannibal, where he not so moved by her mysterious plight, would have taken advantage of. Why she sought comfort in one such as the Doctor, he couldn’t say.

    (( Sorry about the short post, but there’s not a great deal for Hannibal to do at the moment. ^^; ))

    Posts : 327

    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Latias Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:11 pm

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    National Park / Late Afternoon [43]

    Latias initially flinched away from the Doctor’s movement towards her, suddenly aware that she was reaching out to what was essentially a stranger and hurried to rebuild her defences in that moment of panic. But she was too slow, awkward and uncoordinated until warmth enveloped her quivering paw. Her entire being was steadied by the abra’s hold, soothed as she halted her escape.

    The legend was frozen, wide and watery eyes immovably holding his stare as she, like a lost child, allowed him to lead her back to safety. Numb, it took her a moment too long to register the irregular heartbeat pulsing beneath her paw.

    “Latias...You don’t need to be afraid. Look, I’m real, they’re real...This is all real.” He spoke softly and with sincerity, unknowingly tangling a knot in the legendary’s stomach as her mouth ran dry. Latias believed him; something inside urging her to put her trust in this strange little fox. It seemed stupid, totally ludicrous, but she hadn’t the luxury of a second-opinion.  
    “This… is real? …This is real…” She repeated the words with growing vigour, her eyes soon finding the courage to stray down to where her paw rested upon his chest. The warmth from his touch spread to her very core, enticing a small, delicate smile upon realization that this was her reality. She wasn’t dreaming, she wasn’t trapped in some hellish nightmare; this is real.

    “And you…” Amber eyes returned to his face, her attention totally ensnared by his own deep orbs. “You’re brilliant.”

    The Doctor’s smile was infectious, coaxing a rare sense of genuine joy from the legendary as her cheeks flushed at the flattery. It was glimpse of the old Latias, the girlish and naïve creature that had been long-thought extinct. Humility fuelled an instinctive denial, the female suddenly sheepish as a natural, human emotion cloaked her inner darkness.
    “I-I’m… I’m not-“
    ”You’re brilliant, and we need you...right now.” The urgency seeping into his tone only heightened the reality. Latias became aware of noise around her; a great deal of it in fact, as her vision finally ventured out to her surroundings. The battle. It had been blocked from her senses so effortlessly that it injected a jolt of fearful adrenaline when the voices finally reached her. This is real.

    “I-...We- can’t do this without you...!”

    Latias struggled to tear her gaze away from the Doctor; scared he’d vanish at the loss of contact and so remained reluctant to leave. But he was begging for her help; something she had asked of him only moments earlier. She owed him.
    “…O-Okay,” She nodded her head determinedly, claws lightly raking against his skin as she relinquished her temporary mental sanctuary.

    The warmth of another life still lingered, cloaking the dragon in a veil of confidence as she turned to fight. She would protect the Doctor; protect this group as they had protected her in her moment of weakness. Now that she saw the enemy for what it really was, simply a grotesque reptile rather than a monster from the past, Latias felt her blood boiling in anticipation. She could do this. She would do this. For them.

    "Come on then. If you're a legend then prove it!"

    Latias had rocketed towards the krookodile, enveloped in a purple glow as Buck’s words bounced around within the confines of her mind. But it didn’t put her off, it only made her attack more deadly. The combination of the Dragon Pulse and the dragon’s speeding body was brutal, launching the undead back to land in a whining, bloody heap. Its arm hung awkwardly, the skin on its side shredded back to reveal exposed ribs and bloody slow-pulsing flesh.

    Latias simply hovered there, splashed with a fresh coating of blood as she watched the creature feebly scramble away, its roars reduced to a pitiful, weakened grumble. The legendary had half a mind to pursue the fleeing creature but was content to let it suffer for now. Its fate would soon catch up with its rotten hide. Besides, there was a more pressing matter at hand.

    She turned around, eyes immediately latching onto Buck. Her rage was left simmering beneath an eerily calm surface, flashes of her fearful temper visible only briefly in her eyes.

    “I am no legend,”

    I am something more.


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    The Eon Pokemon


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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Nightfall Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:30 pm

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    National Park/Late Afternoon
    (G: 26 | B: 66)

    Garth was enjoying himself so much he was finding it difficult to sit still. The battle below him was electrifying, with almost everybody throwing themselves straight into the fray. Even the cowardly Weavile and kid Buizel were making an effort. Although he was quite fond of watching bloodbaths as well as creating them, Garth's sharp, ruby eyes fixated themselves on practically every move the Krookodile made, ready to swoop in and finish it off if it provided a serious threat to anyone below. There was no way in hell he was going to sit there and let that overgrown lump of tissue steal any of his prey.

    There was a great deal of noise from the battle, and so Garth could not make out a single word of what was said. What he did know, however, is that the Weavile had shouted something at Latias that finally set her into motion, and she went zooming towards the undead reptile and practically blew half of it to pieces. The Dark-type tripped over its own feet as it fled, passing under the branch that Garth was sitting on, whimpering like a lost puppy. Coward.

    Turning back to his prey, Garth's eyes immediately latched onto Latias. Before her attack, the weird Abra had been holding her hand tightly and talking to her, but it had been Buck's inaudiable shout that had spurred her into action. Garth scoffed to himself; if a legend needed a pep talk from a couple of minors, then--

    "I am no legend."

    Couldn't have put it better myself, dear.

    Practically a second after he had spoken, Latias had sped past Buck so quickly that the force had knocked him over. Lying flat on his back, the Weavile caught his breath and sat up, only to see the badly beaten Krookodile turn tail and flee from the legend, who simply floated there like a silent, red cloud. "Whoa ... shit." Groaning, Buck got to his feet, but just one look at Latias told him that he was in the deepest shit ever.

    "Hey-- whoa!" His heart hammering so hard it hurt, Buck raised both of his hands and backed away as the dragon turned straight towards him, a murderous glint flashing across her eyes. "I-I didn't mean-- didn't mean it like that! It was just-- you were-- that guy was--"

    "I am no legend."

    "You-- what?" His face had morphed from an expression of fear to one of confusion upon Latias's words. Was she ... just being metaphorical or ... was she telling the truth? Was she really just an ordinary Pokemon, albeit a rare one that Buck had never seen before? He didn't have a clue what she was talking about - he'd never even heard of her species so who was he to know whether she really was a legend or not?

    You're thinking too much into this, Buck thought to himself as his hands slouched down to his sides in relief that the mad dragon hadn't killed him. Just apologise before she changes her mind! "Look, I, er..." he began awkwardly, scratching the back of his head, "I didn't ... mean it-- mean it like that. I just ... got pissed off and ... er, I'm sorry, OK? Won't happen again."

    Before she could decide whether or not to accept his half-arsed apology, Buck side-stepped away towards Lalita and the human. "You guys, erm-- you guys OK?" he asked, trying as hard as possible to avoid Latias's eye.

    Age : 37
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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Fox Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:42 am

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    National Park || Late Afternoon || (9)

    The Doctor could feel the anguish lifting from the dragon before him as his words sank into her mind. Her dark aura began to morph, the wisps of energy floating around her like ink in water. They fluxed into brilliant hues of reds and yellows, swimming around her in a slow rhythm.
    “This… is real? …This is real…” She said quietly, her voice growing stronger. The Doctor beamed, her emotions flowing over him in a soothing stream of comfort and confidence. Her amber eyes fell down to his chest, where she undoubtedly felt the dual heartbeats thudding beneath the breastplate.
    His hearts tripped in a sudden anxiety as he watched, the steady beat of four fluttering. His dark eyes studied her, taking in every movement and reaction.
    But instead of shrinking back, she stayed where she was, her aura only growing in intensity by the second. The Abras’ chin quivered ever so slightly, his own emotions taking him off guard.
    She’s not afraid of me...She trusts me…She’s listening, she...she can be helped…I can help her! The Doctor swallowed and smiled warmly, unaware that his own aura had begun to change around him. Black melted into blue and gray wisps, swimming around his slender form.  
    “And you…You’re brilliant.” He continued, her inner strength encouraging the fox to push her further.
    “I-I’m… I’m not-“ The Doctor cut her off, shaking his head and grasping her arm tighter as he spoke over her.
    ”-You’re brilliant, and we need you...right now.” his tone grew urgent as he glanced back at the ongoing battle before returning his gaze to Latias, confident that this enigmatic creature before him had been defused.
    “I-...We- can’t do this without you...!”

    “…O-Okay,”  She said finally, her brilliant eyes locked on his own as she nodded in determination. The Doctors’ eyes grew wide as her aura suddenly smoldered with vivid crimson, swirling around her in excitement and elegance. Her golden eyes flashed with life and tenacity as she rose above him, her claws raking against his arm as he released her from his grip. His jaw dropped in awe as she shot towards the undead reptile with impossible speed.
    She’s absolutely incredible! What a magnificent creature! She's a microcosm of force! I've never seen this before in such an untempered state! She could contest with the elders back home... He marveled, watching in shock as the sharp wings slashed into the large crocodile with lethal speeds, ripping its’ rotting flesh open like a hot knife to butter. As the creature limped off with a whimper, the blood spattered dragon turned to them, her eyes flashing wildly and her aura pulsing with passion and a dangerous energy.

    "Hey-- whoa! I-I didn't mean-- didn't mean it like that! It was just-- you were-- that guy was--" The Weavile stuttered as he stumbled and clawed his way back from the legend. The ice types’ aura was buzzing, the dark virescent wisps fluttering around him like nervous insects.

    "I am no legend." The Doctors’ sharp eyebrows furrowed at her words as he approached with a steady caution.

    ...Of course she is...What's she on about?...

    "You-- what? I didn't ... mean it-- mean it like that. I just ... got pissed off and ... er, I'm sorry, OK? Won't happen again."  And with a flurry of rushed words, the Weavile staggered away from the dragon, hurriedly focusing on the fallen human and Ninetails. The Abra sighed in relief as he looked them over.
    At least they’re alive... Human, though, that’s fascinating. I wonder where he came from- and for that matter, where we are. That time jump was certainly not natural, especially if it knocked me clear of the spatial vortex. Perhaps the more important question is when we are. He would know, more than any of the pokemon around here. Though it can't be too far from the original timeline, since the virus is still running rampant...I should learn what I can from him...The Doctor clenched his jaws as he tilted his head. First things' first though…

    Breathing in deeply, he turned his attentions back to the legendary. Casually strutting forward, he surveyed the group of survivors, noting each of their auras and physical status before announcing himself. “Well, that was fantastic! All of you, seriously! That was just-absolutely brilliant!” He beamed, spreading his arms wide and clapping his paws together in satisfaction and excitement. "The teamwork was just flawless! Oooh, that just proves it! We need to stick together!" He gushed, his face glowing with enthusiasm.

    (I'm trying something new and stuff. The doc can see auras because he's a psychic type. They're a mix of emotion and thought. I'm gonna try and incorporate more of how he sees others, and try to get into the whole 'psychic' mindset. Also backtracked a bit, because Lats' last post was great, and I needed to get his reactions to her. also, sorry for being so late. I didnt' realize Night had already posted)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 29
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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Snitch Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:52 am

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    National Park || Late Afternoon [57]

    Even from a distance, any onlooker could see that the conversation between Latias and the Doctor was remarkably intense; and Hannibal took particular note of this. He couldn’t figure it out. The dragon’s features continuously shifted between a deep-set sorrow to utter confusion, until that same passionate anger seemed to get the better of all other emotion she held. She flew towards the undead at a extraordinary speed; the Houndoom’s piercing maroon eyes struggled to follow the female’s movements, his stare a moment behind to witness only the immediate aftermath of the attack. The result was bloody as ever. But to his surprise, Latias did not pursue the fleeing creature; rather her attention moved to Buck.

    “I am no legend,”

    Hannibal’s brow quirked at the venom with which she spoke. No legend? Whilst Buck’s earlier remark had gone unheard, it was apparent enough he had – at least in Latias’ opinion – spoken out of turn. She looked sufficiently deadly, reducing the dark-type to a stuttering, apologetic mess with only four fiercely uttered words. Hannibal was quietly awed by the power, unable to disguise the smirk crawling up his maw. But it was the source of this rage, this extent of self-loathing that totally ensnared the hound’s curiosity. He wanted to understand this creature. Maybe, were her plight worthy of it, he would want to help her too.

    As Buck retreated to the company of the fox and human – Hannibal begrudgingly forced to disguise his disgust of such a creature – the canine approached the seething legend. His limp only slightly exaggerated, the dark hound offered her a small smile, barely visible beneath the muzzle, but in fact quite genuine in its nature.
    “That was quite a spectacle,” He purred, watching the dragon carefully in the event she wanted to extend her anger to one not quite so deserving of it. “The attack – I mean. I doubt it’ll survive long with such injuries,” It was a lie; Hannibal had seen plenty of undead thriving with far more grotesque wounds. But Latias did not need to hear that right now; her ego needed stroking, she needed appreciation. With a slight incline of his head, Hannibal offered his gratitude. “Thank you,”

    “Well, that was fantastic! All of you, seriously! That was just-absolutely brilliant! The teamwork was just flawless! Oooh, that just proves it! We need to stick together!"

    Hannibal swallowed the scoff that wanted to escape at the Doctor’s celebration of teamwork. It was a foreign concept to the hound; one also that he refused to believe truly existed. Life had taught him that it was always every man for himself. But rather than let such cynical opinions surface, he gave a lax nod of his head in agreement.
    “I think you’re right,” He forced a good-natured chuckle, notoriously subtle in his ways. “I’d be quite privileged to join this little group,” Whilst he was utterly swamped by the psychic’s enthusiasm and seemingly unending stream of energy, the Doctor had given Hannibal a most-welcome invite. He didn’t desire the company, though he couldn’t deny this group fascinated him; Hannibal just needed a simple favour.

    Posts : 327

    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Latias Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:34 pm

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    National Park / Late Afternoon [44]

    Latias’ deadly expression did not falter as Buck hurriedly tried to explain himself, the dragon subconsciously advancing as her temper threatened to surface once more. But his apology halted her. A light seemed to flicker somewhere in the recesses of her darkening mind as she reminded herself who she was. Her amber glare softened into something purer as she spared a glance to the Doctor. I am Latias.
    "I didn't ... mean it-- mean it like that. I just ... got pissed off and ... er, I'm sorry, OK? Won't happen again."
    “Good,” Her blunt response was automatic, though lacking much of her earlier venom. Latias offered the irksome weavile a gentle nod of her head, watching him seek company in the form of less hostile beings – the fox and the human. Latias was still somewhat wary of the male, though remained reluctant to jump to conclusions. She doubted she could ever trust their kind, but his presence seemed to have an effect of Lalita and that alone was enough reason to spare his life. Besides, they had all fought to protect this creature, it would be foolish to slaughter their prize.

    “That was quite a spectacle,” Only the small flinching of her wings gave indication that Hannibal’s appearance had taken her by surprise. She turned her head to him, brow furrowed at talk of the previous events. Before she could query to what spectacle he spoke of, he offered an explanation and spared himself a taste of her spite. “The attack – I mean. I doubt it’ll survive long with such injuries,”
    “Hm,” Latias had nothing more to say on the matter, dismissing the hound’s flattery in fear of dwelling too long on the hazier part of the battle. Those demons didn’t need any more tempting; they were always lingering in the shadows of her mind.
    “Thank you,” It provoked a small smile from the legendary, albeit one she determinedly tried to deny. She hastened to cover her girlishness, a faint blush, with a notoriously blunt response.
    “Don’t mention it,”

    And then the Doctor came bounding over.

    His smile was infectious, rendering her sour mood obsolete as he gushed about the group’s teamwork. Whilst she wasn’t sure if she could agree – she was a ticking time-bomb and several creatures had suffered injury – it was a charming notion.
    "The teamwork was just flawless! Oooh, that just proves it! We need to stick together!"
    “Stick together?” She repeated it out loud despite herself, her tone a mix of confusion and hesitance. The last time she’d been in a group, they had watched on as that monster tore her brother’s head off. She had trusted them, thought those damned legends her friends; and now, the idea of friendship seemed nothing but a curse in disguise.

    As Hannibal voiced his agreement, Latias struggled to see the benefits of this arrangement. She had her own agenda and could be on her way after a short conversation concerning directions. Then again she’d also told herself that she’d look out for the shiny fox; but now she saw herself as naught but a hazard to the canine’s wellbeing. Would it be right to join them, knowing full-well what she was becoming? The dragon didn’t have an answer. Her eyes lingered on the strange little abra, lips pursed in thought until she gave a sigh of defeat.

    “We make a good team,”


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    The Eon Pokemon


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    Post by Guest Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:22 am

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    National Park|Late Afternoon

    She had gotten her Return off too late. By the time she made her move Lalita nearly put herself right in the path of Latias and had to drop the attack in order to huddle over the human and keep him from getting any backlash. The Dragon Pulse raced over her back and left the fox with a pained grimace covering a whimper as the only sign that she had been hit at all, Alein burying his head in his hands at the sight of her bared fangs. While everyone went about congratulating Latias for chasing off the brute they all seemed to forget the fact that there was a human right there, a living breathing human that they had all just fought to protect. Stiffly pushing herself off of the cowering male Lalita turned her head towards the others and let out an annoyed huff.

    "If this is how you help then maybe I would be better off alone," she grumbled, the icy walls around her heart growing thicker with every passing glance over her new group. "How quickly you all seem to bounce from one interest to the next. Perhaps the next human that shows up, assuming there are any, would get a little more sympathy." Sneering she turned her attention back to the boy currently trying to squirm away from her. She backed up slightly and allowed him up and within seconds he was dashing for the treeline, grabbing onto the nearest trunk on spinning around to hide behind it. Was he serious? He knew they could all still see him...right? Hell she watched him run over there. Looking to the Pidgeotto Lalita almost allowed herself a smile when she saw the bird grumbling and shaking his head in disappointment. "Kid's got a lot to learn," he grumbled.

    Alein peered out from behind his tree and flinched when he saw the Legend, nerves screaming at him to run away from the psychotic killer dragon, but he was hesitant to move without Gyrlass. Lifting his hand gently it almost seemed like he was going to wave to the bird but quickly put his hand back down, eyes cast downward as if someone had struck it. "Of all the...!" Gyrlass huffed, feather puffing out and ruffling angrily. "Out of all the humans in the world I have to deal with and protect the skittish sub? Why meeeee?!"  He hopped up onto the top of the lavender for and spread his wings, Lalita shaking her head and batting at his feet to try and get him off. "Kid I don't care if you can't understand one damn word I say but get your scrawny ass over here! I am not dealing with this lot by myself. Hells no. I will come over there and drag your submissive ass out if I have to!"

    Lalita was a little taken aback by the harsh tone of the bird but despite his ranting it seemed the human understood at least the intent behind the irritated squawks because he slowly stepped out from behind the tree to look at the Pidgeotto. "Is he ok?" she questioned, not really getting an answer as the bird kept yelling at the human. What he was raving about when he kept calling the boy a submissive? Did humans have those ranks too? Whatever for? She always thought them more equally communal than single dominant, at least the ones who raised her were. Though...they did sometimes get a little puffy around lower class humnas....was that the distinction? Was the boy poor? Even if he was what did that matter now that society didn't exist? He's alive, so that is all that matters.

    Alein hung his head in shame, sure he had done something wrong to incur Gyrlass's wrath as he jumped and flailed about on the head of the pretty fox. But the fact that she wasn't trying to hurt Gyrlass even as she fought to get him off meant that they were safe Pokemon...right? They even fought off one of the monsters. Maybe....maybe he could come closer and not die. Maybe... But as Alein put his foot forward his eyes locked onto the Houndoom and he shrank away. Even for a Pokemon the devil dog simply oozed dominance and Alein wasn't going near the group without some kind of permission from the others. Nope. Wasn't happening. Crazy, strange, and overly dominant was a trio he didn't want to end up on the receiving end of. Oh where was Vincent when he needed him?

    Age : 31
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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Nightfall Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:12 pm

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    National Park/Late Afternoon
    (G: 26 | B: 67)
    (skipping Garth)

    Lalita just had to ignore his hasty act of kindness by mouthing off at them all, didn't she? The one decent thing he could've done at that moment dismissed without even a nod of thanks. Buck's arms slouched down to his sides and he idly glanced about at the trees surrounding them, completely disinterested in the conversations around him. He didn't know why he bothered trying to be nice sometimes. At least if you're a dick they pay attention to you, he thought bitterly, his eyes wandering over to a gap in one of the trees. He could've sworn he saw a sharp, leering pair of red orbs staring straight back at him from the depths, but before he could figure out what they were, the Doctor's loud voice perked up.

    "Well, that was fantastic! All of you, seriously! That was just-absolutely brilliant!" Buck just stared at him blankly, wondering just how he could be so peppy surrounded by the circus act that was their group. "The teamwork was just flawless! Oooh, that just proves it! We need to stick together!" Must we? Sighing, Buck's arms folded across his chest. Sure, nothing was stopping him from wandering off whenever he wanted, but he had to admit that the Doctor was right on some levels - they did manage that last fight very well.

    Hannibal and Latias both agreed. Taking his cue, Buck nodded as he unfolded his arms and wandered forward. "Sure, we're ... not bad. If we can take on that thing, we can take on anything." His words held no enthusiasm and Buck noticed after he stopped speaking just how bored he had sounded. Quickly clearing his throat and raising his voice over the yelling of the Pidgeotto behind him, he added, "I reckon we should find somewhere to rest up for our next battle. It is getting late, after all."

    ((Sorry that Garth's doing practically nothing, lol, but I have some plans for him for after dark >:]))

    Age : 37
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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Fox Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:10 am

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    National Park || Early Evening || (10)

    “Stick together?” The dragon muttered, her aura fading to a dull brown. But before the Doctor could respond, the hound chimed in.
    “I think you’re right,” The hound chuckled from behind the unsettling muzzle. “I’d be quite privileged to join this little group,” The Doctors’ gaze flickered over the hound, the genuine grin becoming a plastered visage as the canines’ aura swirled angrily in plumes of black and gray around him. But the Doctor didn't need the aura to see something concealed in those crimson orbs, sitting patiently behind a macabre mask of charm.
    Those eyes...I know those eyes...
    His hearts shuddered in his chest, a contorted, roaring face flashing into his mind, carrying with it a terrible sound, pounding in his ears.

    The Doctor blinked hard, his lip pulling back for only a split second before he could regain his composure. His jaw clenched as his eyes fell unfocused, getting lost in the stark contrast of pale bone against ebony fur.
    Nonono. Not him, not now...
    His purple orbs lingered on the dog as he refocused his gaze and nodded in response, the dark irises lighting up only when they flitted back to the dragon.
    No, stop it…!
    “Yes! Lat! Whatcha think? It’d be fantastic!”
    He grinned, coaxing an answer from her with a nod as he shoved the pain back.
    "Sure, we're ... not bad. If we can take on that thing, we can take on anything." The Weavile conceded, his voice dripping with reluctance.
    “We make a good team,” the dragon finally admitted, her golden gaze watching him in fatigue.
    The Doctor took a deep breath, his dark eyes locked on hers in a cloaked desperation. Despite the turmoil within, her eyes glowed with a comforting fire. He swallowed, his lungs loosening and the sound receding.
    Gold like the skies back home…
    His gaze faltered down to her blood spattered form, the brilliant reds of her pelt shining through the dark stains.
    Scarlet like the fields…

     "How quickly you all seem to bounce from one interest to the next. Perhaps the next human that shows up, assuming there are any, would get a little more sympathy." The Doctor spun around, his brows raising in surprise. Before him, the pale fox was awash in an quiet flow of amethyst flux.
    Oh, now that’s fascinating...

    “Right! The human! Oi, slow down there, are you alright?” He shouted, his heavy accent thick with concern as he rushed to the foxes’ side. But as soon as she stood, the human scrambled out from under her, his face pale and strained with terror. The seemingly unharmed male scrambled towards a tree, his aura flickering in jade greens and whites. The Doctor paused, his shoulders falling and his head moving back in confusion. His maw opened, but nothing came out. He stared at the human as he disappeared behind a tree, only for his aura to pulsate brilliantly from around the trunk.
    “Ah….” He stammered, crossing his arms across his chest. “Did he…?”
    "Kid's got a lot to learn," The bird grumbled, the orange and black aura flaring wildly as his words turned vivid.  "Out of all the humans in the world I have to deal with and protect the skittish sub? Why meeeee?! Kid I don't care if you can't understand one damn word I say but get your scrawny ass over here! I am not dealing with this lot by myself. Hells no. I will come over there and drag your submissive ass out if I have to!" The Abras’ brows rose as he listened, his astounded gaze on the sassy avian. The Doctor took a step back, tilting his head in an indignant cringe.
    “Oi, hold onto your feathers Fluffy, we're not a load of rubbish! A little thanks would be nice! The lady was kind enough to throw herself into battle for you two, not to mention the rest of us!” The Abra sneered as he gestured to the others with a flip of his slender paw. “Fat lot of good you're doing, all that squawking! He’s obviously scared out of his wits!” He scoffed, padding past the bird. “Just hold on a tic, let me take care of this.” The fox leaned forward as he stepped closer, the soft clink of the metal band sounding against his ankle bone as he approached the human. “Ah...hallo! I'm the Doctor, and these are my friends! Come on out, we’re not going to hurt you!” He said with a slow emphasis, his heavy accent even carrying over in the human tongue. “We’re friends!” He cooed softly, his eyes large and his paws up in a show of good faith. “Friends!”

    (Italics in quotes are human speak. GAH DON'T GET HIM STARTED WITH THE SASS HE'LL NEVER STOP)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 29
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    The ALPH Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The ALPH Team (PLOT)

    Post by Snitch Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:42 am

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    National Park || Late Afternoon [58]

    Hannibal saw it.

    Noticing the Doctor’s eyes lingered on him for a moment too long, Hannibal had seen something, something small, stir beneath the psychic’s cheery visage. What was it? Panic? Fear? The Houndoom couldn’t pinpoint the exact emotion that he’d managed to evoke, but determinedly concealed his growing grin of satisfaction. Although it was a subtle change, in fact totally imperceptible hadn’t the hound been already so curious to this creature, Hannibal now found himself presented with a challenge. A game per se, in which uncovering this silent conflict was the aim. Whether to use it against the Abra or help him overcome it was entirely down to the Doctor’s behaviour. Hannibal would not reward a creature unworthy.

    The tension broke, the psychic’s eyes averted to Latias, as Hannibal took his cue to let the matter rest. His lanky frame soon hunching over into a sitting position, the canine’s mind hungrily dissected this new piece of information. A starved vulture picking apart the carrion.

    "How quickly you all seem to bounce from one interest to the next. Perhaps the next human that shows up, assuming there are any, would get a little more sympathy."

    It couldn’t be helped. A disbelieving snort left Hannibal before he had time to restrain his natural instinct, though a short and convincing series of coughs soon buried the evidence. He would have to take care. The Houndoom had long believed the human species dead – to now share his own space with such a loathsome creature was bound to tempt the uglier side of his psyche out of hiding.

    His maroon eyes fell to the unlikely trio of the fox, the human and his pet. It was a tiresome image of that fabled familial, interspecies friendship; rough around the edges given the circumstances, but it was there. That dastardly illusion of connection, of trust that such hapless fools seemed blindly enamoured with. Hannibal had seen the true nature of their kind and could only pity those still lost amidst their trickery. Though admittedly, that was a fate he’d rather the plucky fox avoid. Her anger, her passion, was something Hannibal was quickly coming to admire. She was a fighter. And although she seemed naïve to the ways of the humans, the hound saw this as a trait remedied in time. Maybe he would help her see the light.

    And then the human ran.

    Hannibal had silently risen to his paws in an instant, a sudden but fluid movement that had him ready to pursue the fleeing creature. His heart rate increased, prey drive flaring wildly as flames danced in his periphery. Fortunately, the Doctor’s voice unwittingly brought him back to reality.

    “Right! The human! Oi, slow down there, are you alright?”

    With a deep breath, internally rationalizing the situation, Hannibal covered his desire to chase by stalking leisurely after the male who now stopped to cower behind a tree. Hannibal paused too, a good distance separating him from his prey as he looked on with a deadly intensity. The burning hate in his orbs could never be disguised, but his expression shifted into one of feigned concern. Of course he wasn’t going to hunt the human, he had simply intended to bring him back to group proceedings… The idea was laughable, only spared from scrutiny as voices rung out loud, and thankfully distracting, around him.

    Whilst the bird screeched and squawked in protest, the Doctor soon attempting to quell the god-awful noise, Hannibal’s stare never left the cowardly human. He looked through him, searching for the source of his repugnance and soon saw  faces from the past.  The same sneering faces that although long-gone, disfigured beyond recognition all those years before, continued to haunt his dreams.

    Lips twitching to reveal caged fangs, Hannibal caught himself as the Abra tottered past, seeking conference with the male. The mist cleared from his eyes, the man’s face falling back to its original, wimpy state as the dark hound watched on. It took a moment of observation to realize that what had been the Doctor’s continuous chatter had now shifted to something entirely foreign. The canine’s frown lifted into a look of muted surprise. Human tongue? He’d heard it was possible but had never met a creature capable of such communication. Meaningless, completely; but impressive, admittedly so.

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