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    Champagne the Combusken and Abigail the Deerling [Alph, Plot] [WIP]


    Age : 25
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    Champagne the Combusken and Abigail the Deerling [Alph, Plot] [WIP] Empty Champagne the Combusken and Abigail the Deerling [Alph, Plot] [WIP]

    Post by Min Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:06 pm

    ***Abigail based on Abigail Hobbs from NBC Hannibal. (Species still tentative, but I think a Deerling would be fitting.) Older teen. Intelligent, well-spoken, good at lying, but still emotionally vulnerable. Traumatized by her father's actions. A very skilled hunter, which is odd due to her species. Has a difficult time thinking about her family, and is prone to panic. Skilled in lying and knows how to cover things up.
    Was used by her father before the Epidemic as a bait. Abigail would be instructed to approach certain Pokemon, all who looked similar to Abigail herself, and engage in conversation with them. Through conversation she would find all the information her father wanted, and later those Pokemon were killed. Each victim was 'honored' and every part of them used, with many of the organs removed and cooked--often fed to their family. In total there were 8 victims that Abigail aided her father with, the very last, Elise Nichols, being placed back in her home after her father realized that something was wrong with her liver. Abigail's father, however, had accidentally left clues and with the discovery of Elise's body, many suspicions were raised towards Abigail's family.
    History would be different from the NBC version as she would have fled from her father rather than Will & Hannibal saving her. Father would've become undead, slashed her mother's throat before beginning chase after Abigail--but she manages to outrun from him and hide. Later confronted by Nick Boyle (as whatever Pokemon her is) who believes that Abigail and her father was responsible for his sister's death. After a fight, Abigail kills Nick, before hiding his body in the forest.

    ***Champagne/Charlotte will also be edited, to reflect the time she was away from the Alph team, and also her eventual meeting with Abigail. Champagne's demeanor has also changed, although still soft-spoken and kind, she now fully believes the rest of her gang companions to be dead and accepts the fact, and no longer goes by the name 'Champagne'. She instead introduces herself as Charlotte. She seems much more somber than before, her comments holding a much darker note to them, and seems also to be largely unfazed by what's going around her. She no longer holds fear of the infected, instead she is relatively indifferent towards them.
    Holds herself with a little more grace than she used to, doesn't hunch over or curl up in fear/desperation anymore. She almost has a sophisticated air towards her. Charlotte's eyes no longer shine with it's original kindness, rather, they have become dull with an almost weary appearance. She has forced the Everstone Anklet off of her leg, and is now prone to evolution when applicable. She seems a little bitter.
    History will also be revamped to be more detailed, although the main idea will still be there. Would have better reasoning for when she decided to leave her old life for a new one in Castelia--in which she is fascinated by the gang's lifestyle and how they live recklessly with foolish bravado. Would also mention other members more, more importantly, the one who had found the tungsten pipe for her.
    Post Count 16 - Alph

    Charlotte Agnes

    Champagne the Combusken and Abigail the Deerling [Alph, Plot] [WIP] 2lw0ynb

    Charlotte 'Champagne' Agnès
    Item Thin Tungsten Pipe + Everstone Anklet
    Gender Female
    Age 22
    Species #256 Combusken, The Young Fowl Pokemon
    Height 2'11" / 0.9m
    Weight 43.0lbs / 19.5kg
    Pokédex Entry Its kicking mastery lets it loose 10 kicks per second. It emits sharp cries to intimidate foes.
    Level 54
    Ability Speed Boost
    Nature Bashful
    Characteristic Alert to Sounds
    Moves - Sky Uppercut
    - Flare Blitz
    - Mirror Move
    - Slash
    History Charlotte was originally a starter Pokemon, belonging to a rich french girl who wanted to be like her friends and start a Pokemon journey. If anything the Torchic was less than eager to leave her safe home in the lab, but was soon enticed by the delicious foods and luxurious life her trainer-to-be had to offer. With that Charlotte began her life as a fighter, training with the girl and also a hired private tutor.

    Charlotte was quick to evolve, the young girl falling in love with the form of a Combusken. Immediately after a gold anklet with an Everstone was given to the fire-type, not wanting her to evolve any further. Charlotte was then enrolled into contests instead of fights, soon taking a ship into Castelia, Unova with her owner to experience the 'city-life'. Charlotte there had met Absinthe, and a few other Pokemon who ran a small gang in the town. Wanting the street life more than the pampered living, Charlotte ran from her owner and joined the gang, affectionately being dubbed 'Champagne'.

    Champagne then began to train more, this time more with her friends and soon became one of the group's strongest, being able to deliver quick blows. However, she had soon discovered that her aim with any long-distance attack was off and constantly missed. This was soon corrected however when a colleague found an old decorative tungsten pipe, which she used to blow her fire though. The pipe was long so she could aim it at her target along with her sight, and then fire.

    When the infected hit Champagne was one of the first to flee, frightened by these new monstrosities. She had ran far away from Castelia, only to be teleported to Johto, with even more undead.
    Appearance A normal Combusken save for her hazel eyes and a missing claw from her left hand. Champagne always holds her tungsten pipe on her left, and her anklet on her right foot.
    Personality Champagne is bashful, and prefers to stay safe rather than sorry. She is quick to make friends, as long as they're kind to her. The Combusken usually tries her best to make others happy, even if she'll need to sacrifice her own happiness for them. She'll begin to panic if she loses her tungsten pipe, as it is dear to her.
    User Notes

    • Has a soft French accent.
    • Can speak simple sentences in French, having learnt it from her former owner.
    • The tungsten pipe was assumed to originally be used underground piping of some sort, but then was replaced and thrown in the trash. After being found pretty designs were carved into the metal to make it more decorative.
    • Champagne doesn't use Flare Blitz often, and never uses it several times consecutively.

    Abigail Hobbs


    Abigail Hobbs
    Item N/A
    Gender Female
    Age Adolescent
    Species #585 Deerling, The Season Pokemon
    Height 2'00" / 0.6m
    Weight 43.0lbs / 19.5kg
    Pokédex Entry The color and scent of their fur changes to match the mountain grass. When they sense hostility, they hide in the grass.
    Level 25
    Ability Sap Sipper
    Nature Serious
    Characteristic Proud of its Power
    Moves - Jump Kick [Learned]
    - Feint Attack [Learned]
    - Camouflage [Start]
    - Leech Seed [Learned]
    History Charlotte was originally a starter Pokemon, belonging to a rich french girl who wanted to be like her friends and start a Pokemon journey. If anything the Torchic was less than eager to leave her safe home in the lab, but was soon enticed by the delicious foods and luxurious life her trainer-to-be had to offer. With that Charlotte began her life as a fighter, training with the girl and also a hired private tutor.

    Charlotte was quick to evolve, the young girl falling in love with the form of a Combusken. Immediately after a gold anklet with an Everstone was given to the fire-type, not wanting her to evolve any further. Charlotte was then enrolled into contests instead of fights, soon taking a ship into Castelia, Unova with her owner to experience the 'city-life'. Charlotte there had met Absinthe, and a few other Pokemon who ran a small gang in the town. Wanting the street life more than the pampered living, Charlotte ran from her owner and joined the gang, affectionately being dubbed 'Champagne'.

    Champagne then began to train more, this time more with her friends and soon became one of the group's strongest, being able to deliver quick blows. However, she had soon discovered that her aim with any long-distance attack was off and constantly missed. This was soon corrected however when a colleague found an old decorative tungsten pipe, which she used to blow her fire though. The pipe was long so she could aim it at her target along with her sight, and then fire.

    When the infected hit Champagne was one of the first to flee, frightened by these new monstrosities. She had ran far away from Castelia, only to be teleported to Johto, with even more undead.
    Appearance A normal Combusken save for her hazel eyes and a missing claw from her left hand. Champagne always holds her tungsten pipe on her left, and her anklet on her right foot.
    Personality Champagne is bashful, and prefers to stay safe rather than sorry. She is quick to make friends, as long as they're kind to her. The Combusken usually tries her best to make others happy, even if she'll need to sacrifice her own happiness for them. She'll begin to panic if she loses her tungsten pipe, as it is dear to her.
    User Notes

    • Has a soft French accent.
    • Can speak simple sentences in French, having learnt it from her former owner.
    • The tungsten pipe was assumed to originally be used underground piping of some sort, but then was replaced and thrown in the trash. After being found pretty designs were carved into the metal to make it more decorative.
    • Champagne doesn't use Flare Blitz often, and never uses it several times consecutively.

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:30 pm