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    (PLOT) The Alph Team


    Age : 28
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:20 am

    I thought I’d post this now considering I’m in need of some assistance. So, I’m going to kill Clyde off at his 60th post and wanted to let you into my little plan.

    When Clyde eventually realizes he’s become infected – I was hoping Garth could help out there – he wouldn’t want to live anymore. From here, I have a number of ideas. First was simply that he kill himself, second that Garth kill him or one of the group, maybe Lalita, do it – as a sort of mercy killing. He’d literally be begging for it.

    I was just wondering if I could get some input. I’m personally swayed towards the latter option, but that would require permission from you guys, so I thought I’d ask here now if anyone would be willing to help out.

    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:30 am

    I haven't tortured Lalita enough, so if you want she can do it.

    Oooh! If we really wanna traumatize her I have an idea. Say Clyde succumbs to this madness you have going on in there and turns on the group. Lalita will have no choice but to defend herself and she can deliver the fatal blow while he is in an infected rampage. You can have him snap out of it during the attack and suffer for a few minutes after he is hit. Lalita will be completely mind-fucked.

    Nothing like her loosing EVERY friend she originally made on this team. XD

    Age : 28
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:00 am

    I love it! :D
    You’re so deliciously cruel to poor Lalita, but I’m totally on board with the idea! I think it might take a little persuasion from Garth before he turns on the group, so I’ll see if Nightfall’s willing to help out there.

    Age : 30
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:59 pm

    Sorry I'm late! XD

    I was thinking that he and Garth have a showdown, actually. In a bit I plan for Garth to start making fun of Clyde for having an infected wound, hence triggering Clyde to attack. Leaving him mortally wounded, perhaps then Lalita could mercy kill Clyde or something?

    Not sure. ^^;

    Age : 28
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Snitch Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:19 am

    That could work too.
    I have five posts to fill before he can die, so I think a battle would be nice. Garth could have some undead buddies lurking nearby for an ambush which could result in a massive fight, whilst Clyde and Garth had their own stand-off. Garth would clearly be winning, but Clyde’s just too stubborn to know when to stop.

    Perhaps here, Lalita could try to intervene. Seeing that Clyde’s basically going to end up killing himself, she could hold him back and in his rage, he’d lash out at her. Realizing what he’d done, he’d pause and there would be a moment for Garth to deliver a mortally-wounding blow. Suffering, Clyde would beg Lalita to kill him.

    What do you guys think? I tried to combine both your ideas, but I really would like to see Lalita kill Clyde off in the end.

    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:00 pm

    That could work, seeing as how the only way she could hold him back would be to press herself in front of him and physically try to push him away from Garth. It would be simple for him to retaliate without thinking.
    And I agree with Lalita delivering the killing blow as I really want to screw with her head. I have awful things in store for this tormented female.

    Age : 30
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:09 pm

    OK, so Garth's going to go apeshit in his next post and cause poor Clyde some serious harm. Trouble is that Buck will be coming in as well and I have no idea what to have him do. XD He's very likely to come across the fight and watch from a distance and not get involved, but I was thinking that he could later overhear Garth and Circe plotting how to kill Lalita, and that his conscience could get the better of him and he goes to warn her and Calamity. So it would be a while until he actually converses with anyone in the team.

    Not sure. Any input or more ideas?

    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:38 pm

    I have been losing my grip on Calamity and am thinking of just letting Circe finish him off. He's so emo...lol. I do bitchy and asshole just fine but emo is too rough an RP.

    How about once Circe kills Calamity and Lalita/Garth kill Clyde my Lalita runs for it and meets up with Buck?

    Age : 30
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:47 pm

    Sounds OK to me. Don't expect him to be very good at comforting her, lol.

    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:52 pm

    Good, lol. I want this girl traumatized!
    Not like I haven't done that enough already XD

    Age : 30
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:29 pm

    Yeah he'll probably just stand there waiting for her to stop crying or whatever so he can say something. XD

    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:41 pm

    Night should I put this one on hold too since we will both skip without Snitch and Sil?

    Circe is supposed to kill Calamity and Garth is currently killing Clyde so...lol

    Age : 30
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:19 pm

    Yeah, sounds all right to me.

    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:02 pm

    I just depressed myself into not being able to post the rest of my teams with the one I just made for Lalita.

    I'm really going to miss Clyde, crazy bad. He has been there so freaking long and now Lalita is just so alone.

    Night once I raise Calamity as an Undead she may need Buck's help to kill him or else she will just get murdered. She is too depressed to really fight back now that she killed her best friend.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Moon Moon Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:11 am

    *Glances around*
    Jeez! This place is too intense! Let's throw some cutesy stuff on this nightmare fuel!
    I'm going to be bringing in Sandra very shortly, and how about before you guys kill Calamity off he can encounter the little snakie? He can run off after being blasted by Latias or something and Sandra can stumble onto him while she's slithering through the woods. It's all up to you guys, but doesn't that guy deserve a little kindness before he finally kick the bucket?

    Age : 37
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Fox Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:40 pm

    Okay, so Phoe asked me to put in that we shouldn't kill the Krook, but drive it away.
    I think maybe Lat should do it? And anyone else if their character permits them?
    I wanna wait for a real group reunion and introductions until she comes back though, since she has three characters lol.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 37
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Fox Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:53 pm

    I've been thinking on how to get rid of the others that left the team through the story. What if the Doc finally finds some berries for Lat, runs up to her with them and gives them to her dramatically, and talks to the buizel as he looks to his side...only to find him disappeared.
    He'll panic, and realizes the others hadn't caught up either, and want to go back for them. Buck and Lat can be like 'no way, it's too dangerous and it's getting too dark.'
    He can be adamant, and throw out a psychic 'net' to find their presence, only to find nothing but a whole lots of undead coming out of the darkness.
    He'll be devastated, and they'll all have to face up to that loss.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 30
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:54 pm

    Sounds like that's the only thing we can do.

    The only good that's come out of this is that it's REALLY going to turn the tables for our two villains. Lalita and Alein were Garth's two primary targets, and he's gonna be briefly at a loss at what to do.

    However, I think that they're going to turn their attention to Latias; since they both know that she's unstable, Garth is going to use Hannibal to try and twist her mind and get her on their side. That's what I've gathered from Snitch's post anyway - nice way to improvise, there. ;]

    Age : 28
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:38 am

    Sounds good, Fox.
    Perhaps the Doctor could catch Hannibal's presence in that psychic net? I imagine he and Garth aren't all that far off, and he could call out to him or something? Just enough to keep Hannibal on the right trail.

    Or alternatively just start harboring suspicions 'cause he's in such close proximity of one of the infected?

    Cheers, Nighty, haha. ;D
    But yeah, that's where my first thoughts went now that Lalita/Alein are gone. I've PM'd Lat about it and we have a couple of ideas we're hoping to implement a little later on, muhaha.

    Age : 37
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Fox Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:17 pm

    I like the idea of the Doctor finding Hannibals' aura, only to find an undead next to him, without any 'conflict aura' about him. That would make him really suspicious and kick off some shenanigans with Hannibal and him.
    He wouldn't call out to him at all, and give him a dark look when Hannibal finally arrives. At this point, the Doc is very distraught about losing the others too.

    Maybe Buck can also insist on setting up camp in a busted up house or something, and they'll all need to rest and then fall asleep for what I have planned for my character. Latias, dear, I spoke to you about what I want the Doc to do once we get settled down and safe-ish.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:30 am

    Hey, guys~!

    I was hoping to finally join Alph, if that's all right, but I'm unsure how I could come in. Any ideas?


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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Snitch Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:15 pm

    Awesome! I’m glad you’re on board with it, Fox.
    It’ll just be another little thing to boost the tension between them, haha.

    Omg Sil I’ve missed you. <3
    I’m so glad you’re bringing Silverish to the team too! I’d had Hannibal completely sculpted out as a villain for the team but with your Sawsbuck in the mix, he’s going to be a little more conflicted about the whole thing.

    As for how she’s introduced, I’m not too sure I can offer much advice. Perhaps she could meet the majority of the group first when they’re taking shelter, lured into a sense of security, and Hannibal would turn up later just like ‘whatthefuck?’

    Or alternatively, she could find him whilst he’s on his way back? Have a little stand-off or whatnot? I’m not sure entirely sure how she’d react to seeing him again, but we could have a little chat over PM sometime, see what we can work out? C:

    Age : 36
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:07 pm

    I'd LOVE for her to come across Hannibal. Just her stepping out, spotting him, and then calling him out. YES. IT WOULD BE LOVELY.

    Gosh, I'm so excited to FINALLY be on board ;u;


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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Fox Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:58 am

    So having Sil joining and me sending Nightfall all the plots has made me ask for a hold in warnings.
    Just so we can get our story and characters straight before we enter into main plot. Because we don't want to ruin anything, and this is very complex.

    Sil, what role do you want to play?
    Buck may be playing the disillusioned one with the doc, but you guys can trade that place if you want, since you know doc who more?
    But I don't know what everyone wants to do.
    So. Now that everyone knows plot, we need to make sure we get this shit straight.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 37
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    (PLOT) The Alph Team Empty Re: (PLOT) The Alph Team

    Post by Fox Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:19 pm

    So is everyone clear on their roles in the team, so we can reactivate?
    I just wanna be sure before we jump back in.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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