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    Legendary: Keldeo [Floater]


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    Legendary: Keldeo [Floater] Empty Legendary: Keldeo [Floater]

    Post by Keldeo Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:27 pm

    Legendary: Keldeo [Floater] 6q9sab
    Alternate Images:

    Text Color #8DD2F3
    Item None
    Gender Genderless; referred to as Male
    Age Unknown
    Species #647, Keldeo. The Colt Pokemon
    Height 4'07"
    Weight 106.9 lbs
    Pokédex Entry Black: By blasting water from its hooves, it can glide across water. It excels at using leg moves while battling
    Level Unknown
    Ability Justified
    Nature Hasty
    Characteristic Strongly defiant
    Moves Sacred Sword [Level-up]
    Hydro Pump (Level-up)
    Aqua Jet (Start)
    Sword Dance (Level-up)
    History Long ago, a galloping blaze that had developed as the result of warring humans broke out. The flames separated Keldeo from his parents when he was no more than a foal, however, Acreus smiled upon him on that day and the three legendary pokemon Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion saved him from the blaze. From that day forward the three taught the young one everything he now knows and holds dear. Keldeo holds little personal memory of the fateful day that brought him under the care of these three great pokemon, but he knows the tale well.

    The Swords of Justice trained the young colt to follow in their footsteps. Though hasty and headlong, the young apprentice was driven and never faltered in his resolution to become a Sword of Justice himself. The young pokemon grew and became stronger and stronger guided by the three and it is said that he even surpassed them. Until one day, he took off into the forest without anyone but he knowing why.

    It had began upon a visit to the Moor of Icirrus. As the legend trotted through the water filled hallows that made up the moor he happened upon a human. A young trainer engaged in a heated battle with Palpitoad, one of the locals of the moor. Without thinking the equine immediately leapt into the fray to "save" the pokemon from being "attacked" by the human. He had leapt towards the human, assuming it to automatically be with enemy within their fight, however this human had summoned another pokemon to their side, a jolteon that, as Keldeo watched, appeared to follow every command of the trainer. It was not chained, not threatened and it stood protectively between its trainer and him. Confused but unwilling to back down he attacked, fainting the jolteon fairly easily despite a typing disadvantage due to his intensive training. Without the heart or desire to truly finish his opponent he took the fight with the first pokemon only to that point but soon the trainer summoned another and then another pokemon until Keldeo had defeated a total of five. The sixth stood in his way and despite throwing multiple attacks its way the pokemon refused to back down even as it became clear that if Keldeo truly desired he could blow past it to their human trainer. But its determination and will...it was something Keldeo saw within himself and the other Swords of Justice...the determination of the pokemon to simply guard and protect a human that had undoubtedly acquired them through capture at some point along the line shook Keldeo.

    There was something about the world he had never known...human created wars, why were the pokemon aiding them? He had believed he was doing the just thing by intervening, but so many were hurt by him for one opponent. What was he missing? Humans were villains, separate, untrustworthy...but...ashamed of his actions under the light of these new observations he fled. The equine had won the fight, but lost the belief that he was truly ready for the position he had been training for. There was something about the world he had missed, something so vital and consuming. Promising to himself to return once he felt he had earned it.

    Traveling the land, Keldeo met many types of pokemon and humans. Years passed and with each battle and adventure the colt pokemon cotninued to grow. Injustices were everywhere and he was determined to correct all the ones found and bring honor to himself and those who had raised him. The epidemic did not waver his resolution to this task. It is another opponent he must face and he is determined not to fail. He now travels the land looking for other legendaries and anything that could aid in the fight for survival.
    Appearance Looks like his normal non-resolute self.
    Personality Keldeo is hasty and trusting. The colt pokemon still believes strongly that there is good in the world and he is always searching for ways to prove himself and aid others. When he finds an opportunity to do either he will charge in headlong. Strongly defiant is a good characteristic to describe the legendary as once he has something within his sight as a goal he latches on with all his strength. It takes quite a bit for him to drop a cause and on the same note he takes failure exceedingly hard. Keldeo will do whatever he can to avoid it. Keldeo is always excited to meet new pokemon and he treasures the bonds he makes as he continuously travels throughout the land. At first he will be trusting, though perhaps a bit more stiff or formal in comparison to when he really comes to befriend someone. If the trust he often gives is broken for one reason or another it will be a very hard thing indeed to recover.
    User Notes

    • He views the other swords of justice as his family.
    • Has yet to enter his resolute form.
    • He believes it is possible to restore their world.
    • I worked his history to fit in with Cobalion's which states the swords of justice had not seen him (Cobalion) for years before the epidemic and he had been surprised by the bonds possible between humans and pokemon.
    • Keldeo carries the same move set here as he did for his release.
    • His profile image a commission from the amazing Zenhi of Deviantart

    Last edited by Keldeo on Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:02 pm; edited 3 times in total


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    Legendary: Keldeo [Floater] Empty Re: Legendary: Keldeo [Floater]

    Post by Victini Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:53 am

    Dear brother, I am happy to see you are safe.


    Legendary: Keldeo [Floater] VictiniLegendary: Keldeo [Floater] TGJeE
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    Legendary: Keldeo [Floater] Empty Re: Legendary: Keldeo [Floater]

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:45 pm

    Nice to see you, brother!~ <3 I'm so happy you're ok~ :'3

    Posts : 142

    Legendary: Keldeo [Floater] Empty Re: Legendary: Keldeo [Floater]

    Post by Keldeo Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:43 pm

    My sisters! You do not know how good it is to see both of you alive and well! ;w;


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