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    Diana the Bitch Ass Flareon & Shiro the White Glaceon | Inactive


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    Diana the Bitch Ass Flareon & Shiro the White Glaceon | Inactive Empty Diana the Bitch Ass Flareon & Shiro the White Glaceon | Inactive

    Post by Dandelion Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:10 pm

    Diana the Bitch Ass Flareon & Shiro the White Glaceon | Inactive SH0QaR5

    Diana the Flareon
    Text Color #f64006
    Item Two Small Silver Pendent Necklaces in her main
    Gender Female
    Age Adult
    Species Link #136 Flareon - The Flame Pokemon - Fire Type
    Height 2’11”
    Weight 55.1lbs
    Pokédex Entry It fluffs out its fur collar to cool down its body temperature, which can reach 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit.
    Level 44
    Ability Flash Fire
    Nature Serious
    Characteristic Quick Tempered
    Moves - Fire Fang (Level Up)
    - Flamethrower (TM)
    - Bite (Level Up)
    - Flame Charge (TM)
    History This hotheaded Eevee was born in a fancy Eevee breeding facility. From the start she wanted it to be all about her. She would order the other Eevee kits around and got pissed off very quickly when she didn't get what she wanted. The other Eevee's soon learned it was easier to submit to her then to take the consequences that came with refusing.

    Diana did pick up one friend despite her bossy reign: Jane. Jane was very kindhearted, refusing to be daunted by Diana's attitude. The two became close friends. Diana somehow fell under Jane's lead, though she was never afraid to take charge. When the pair was old enough and was moved to the main area of the facility they decided to expand their friend group. Making a 'club' of sorts.

    The two started their group, which they named Dragon after the powerful type, by heading in two directions. Jane set out to make friendships while Diana set to gain power. She became a Flareon, the fiery evolution matching her heated personality. She got stronger, battling and strengthening herself, and others began to notice her. With her fierceness attracting them other Eeveelutions excitedly asked to join. Jane on the other hand grew stronger (not nearly as much as Diana though) with friendsly competition, and her kind demeanor brought others to her. Together they made a respectably sized group.

    The two lead their gang with pride. Everyone trained and socialized with smiles on their muzzles. Some of the Eeveelutions they had know previously, others were completely knew to them. Regardless of their acquaintanceship Diana felt the need to assert her dominance over the others. She was a founder and a leader of this group, and would have to show that. For a while, things were happy. No one objected to her. The Eeveelutions knew the rules (Show loyalty, no fighting, ect.), and following them without protest.

    Diana though, was not happy. More and more of the Eeveelutions noticed Dragon, and wanted to be a part of such a close-nit group of strong Pokemon. Many of them just wanted to be in for gloating reasons, or personal exploits. The Flareons bad tempered nature began to shine through more as she placed stricter rules on her members and often snapping at them for even the slightest possible violation. Their was a screening process put on anyone wanting to join, a personality test and violent battle. Diana would have no less then perfect loyalty from her members.

    Jane was ranked above Diana, but she let her friend do most of the leading as the Flareon noticed everything. Though young, Jane was accepted in being allowed to travel the regions with a caretaker. She more then happily accepted, promising to return as often as she could to her beloved friends. Diana was now the only power among all the Pokemon. Favoritism clouded her judgement in allowing distribution of power, even for small jobs such as monitoring the group for squabbles. She gave rank to those who were with the others each day... that she liked. Occasionally she would allow members she didn't to have high ranks as well, but would strip it within days because of her feelings toward them.

    Without Jane to keep her in check, Diana reigned over her members with an iron fist. The number of Pokemon with any form of power over the group shrunk to only being her, as Eeveelutions left Dragon or relinquished it in fear of a verbal or physical assault from their hotheaded leader. Now that she was all powerful, Diana closed off most interactions and the others, leaving them without true leadership. When she did interact with them, it was usually just yelling how things weren't how they should be. Everyone was afraid, without her they couldn't function but with her it was constant torment from the Flareon. It was torture, no longer was Dragon a fun place to be. Members left to find other friends, shrinking the group which only enraged Diana more.

    On the days which Jane was back Diana pretended nothing was wrong. Her oppression of the others wouldn't be even half of that on any other day. The members who remained told Jane of her treatment but since she didn't see it herself Jane didn't believe them. So they grew restless, constantly agitated and fearful. Though new members still joined them (Diana loves fresh meat) and only waved off the oppression as a way the group was run the older ones finally snapped. Jane was coming back that day but was not there at the time, and the fight lasted for hours before she arrived. The members verbally assaulted Diana who only took it in stride as she argued back. When Jane finally came she didn't understand what was wrong but everyones true feelings for Diana were clear.

    She did not care. They could hate her all they wanted but she still held the power. They would had to deal with her, or lose their friends. At some point the members realized this and in a defeated sigh accepted it. They weren't happy, but this new calm returned peace to the group. And so did Jane, as her travels lessened until she refused to go on any more.

    Diana was later taken by a caretaker for her chance at seeing the region. Through she wouldn't be able to order around Dragon now, she could order the team of Pokemon around. And she did. The Flareon easily grew to be the strongest of the team. She didn't like any of the other members, so she wouldn't take any BS from them. Her caretaker didn't see it as a bad thing, but that the Flareon wanted to be the best.

    Diana returned several times to the Facility during her travels. Not much changed in her group, including the obvious acknowledgement that she was leader. Since everyone had accepted this, even in her absence they held a defeated smile.

    One day during her travels though, undead attacked. Somehow, she was able to flee, not caring for the fates of the other members of her team. Not giving a single fuck for them Diana held her head up high and strutted off to find new Pokemon to reign.
    Appearance Diana is fabulous and looks like a normal Flareon. She has soft fur and her head puff flows downward as bangs. Rather feminine and beautiful in appearnce. Her eyes are a dark yellow-gold and she hates when anyone looks at her too long.
    Personality Diana says a lot of crude things, but what she says is straight honest. She is very blunt, rude even, but she only sees it as speaking the truth because if she doesn’t speak her mind, she will later on regret it later on and dwell on it. When Diana has a problem it will be confronted whether it's a person or task.
    She is firm on leadership and power control, she won’t take shit from anyone and gives no fucks. Diana is competent and confident, taking initiative whenever she sees an opportunity to lead.
    She believes if something isn‘t right, or in her way, go forth and change it. This said, she is a heavy perfectionist and will fixate on one small error until it's fixed even when not her task. Diana can and will manipulate if she has to, to succeed.
    This Flareon is audacious, even arrogant character, but never ignorant. Loyalty is not only a trait she has, but a trait she looks most for in others. If they break her trust or betray her in anyway, they are placed on her personal hate list and are held up by a strong vendetta. Though she is able to feel empathy for people to an extent, Diana is also able to close off any and all empathy she feels. People don’t deserve her concern. Other characteristics of hers include being impatient, quick tempered, assertive aggressive and independent.
    Diana does enjoy humor, but is more fascinated by intellectual controversial discussions. If she can learn from it, and be ahead of others, it is worth her while.
    This Flareon does not believe in insecurities, as her cons are her pros.
    Diana says "Fuck you" a LOT and has a preppy girls voice.
    User Notes

    • Based off my friend Diana and all the shit she has thrown down. An altered version of the story of her and Jane's guild, Dragon, in a MMO we play.
    • Nearly the entire personality was written by Diana herself, though it was edited to third person and a few things were removed.
    • Though he joined much earlier, both Glalie and Sarah were in Dragon. Being said, all three of them were raised in the same facility.
    • Both her and Jane have a pendent that was obtained from their caretakers. They are flat, silver, 8-pointed stats with a white snowflake design in the middle.


    Diana the Bitch Ass Flareon & Shiro the White Glaceon | Inactive G0qf7pR

    Shiro the Glaceon
    Text Color #aaaaff
    Item None
    Gender Female
    Age Young Adult
    Species #471 Glaceon, The Fresh Snow Pokemon - Ice Type
    Height 3'00"
    Weight 60.2 lbs.
    Pokédex Entry As a protective technique, it can completely freeze its fur to make its hairs stand like needles.
    Level 37
    Ability Snow Cloak
    Nature NATURE
    Characteristic CHARACTERISTIC
    Moves - Icy Wind (Level Up)
    - Quick Attack (Level Up)
    - Sand Attack (Level Up)
    - Fake Tears (Breeding)
    History A small group of Eevee's lived deep in the snowy regions of Sinnoh. At the edge of society and surrounded by terrible weather most humans left them alone.
    The little Eevee was born with a lightly colored coat and eyes, the colors beautifully matching the icy landscape she lived in. Named for her colors, Shiro was the pride of her tribe.

    Oh shes pretty
    Oh shes a jerk
    Oh shes a pretty jerk
    Ah girl Ill do what chew want before you smite me down.
    Appearance APPEARANCE
    Personality PERSONALITY
    User Notes - Father was an Ursaring.
    - She is also based on my friend Diana, more of the "I'll get what I want" side.
    - Both characters species were determined by the fact that she is "Hot headed/blooded and Cold Hearted".

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:45 am