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2 posters

    Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto


    Age : 25
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    Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto Empty Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto

    Post by Duma Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:19 am

    Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto BLoU5wG
    Other Images:

    Text Color #0066FF
    Item None
    Gender Female
    Age Adult
    Species #053;Persian, Classy Cat Pokemon [Normal Type]
    Height 3'12"[Much taller than average]
    Weight 65.5lbs[Slightly lighter than average]
    Pokédex Entry Although its fur has many admirers, it's tough to raise as a pet because of its fickle meanness. - Pokemon Blue
    Level 50
    Ability Limber
    Nature Timid[+Speed -Attack]
    Characteristic Alert To Sounds [+Speed]
    - Power Gem [Level 32]
    - Assurance [Level 49]
    - Dream Eater [TM85]
    - Hypnosis [Breeding]
    History Duma was born into a small clan of normal types that all had unusual shiny pelts and colors. From birth she was taught to keep away from the creatures that walked on two legs and carried the red and white balls. Duma didn't understand why, so she observed these bipedals from the safety of the grass.

    Duma would sneak away from her clan whenever she could to observe these bipeds. They fascinated her by the way they walked, almost as though they would fall over at any moment, and it was quite amusing when they actually did fall. She began to call them twolegs by the way they balanced on two legs, always walking upright and teetering on the threat of falling.

    One day however, Duma was too busy watching this twoleg to realise that she had gotten too close and when the twoleg turned, Duma lost her footing and fell, her paws scrabbling at the dirt to try and backpedal, but it was too late, she had already been seen.

    The trainer sent out this monster of a Houndoom that terrified her to the core. She was too paralyzed in fear to attack and when the monster dog attacked, the pain surged through her body like a tidal wave. The strength of the monstrous hound was shocking and the small cat could've sworn she was dieing.

    Before she felt she would truly die however, the Houndoom backed off. A red and white ball flew towards her and she felt the red light cover her frame and then, darkness. Darkness everywhere. Duma could of sworn she was dead, but she knew she was still alive because she could still feel, but the darkness was choking her, and she hated it. It made her feel trapped and she never wanted to be there again.

    When the darkness vanished, Duma was in an entirely different world. There was no grass, and walls of grey slabs grew up and over her head. Duma had never seen such sights before and to be honest, they frightened her.

    The twoleg that had captured her was standing in front of her, holding a disk that had a slight pink tinge to it. The twoleg bend down towards her and Duma locked up, closing her eyes and bracing herself for pain. Instead she felt a warmth and newfound strength.

    Still weary of the twoleg, Duma cautiously crept up towards the human, limbs stiff with hesitation and fear. They tapped something on their neck, and put a black piece in their ear. They then held something down and spoke in a kind and sweet tone. "Tch, hey there girl, it's okay, I won't hurt you." Duma stepped forwards, her ears perking up. "Where am I?" She said to herself, looking around fearfully.

    "You're in a city. It where humans live." Duma jumped at the reply - she didn't expect them to talk to her! They took out the same red and white ball they had used to capture her, and Duma shrank back. Immediately the twoleg put the Pokeball away, smiling. "Okay, okay. You don't like Pokeballs. That's okay." They said, standing up and walking away a few steps. Immediately, without thinking Duma followed, smiling at the human.

    They trained for a few days to strengthen up the Meowth, but never did they push her too hard. It was slow going, but it was worth it as one day when they were training Duma was enveloped by a bright light, growing taller, stronger and faster. She became quite tall, no longer having the fluffy baby fur of the Meowth, her fur was soft and silky, with the spots becoming more apparent and the bands on her tail more prominent. She was a lot faster than she was when she was un-evolved.

    They trained more once she evolved, eventually going through and challenging a few of the gyms. They got pretty far along, but their journey was cut short when the Epidemic hit. Ordered to relese their pokemon, Duma's twoleg refused and they tried to force her pokemon away, but they ran, keeping away from cities and living out on their own. The peace didn't last however.

    One night, a flock of murkrow decended on their camp, ravaging their supplies and ripping into their tents. Duma's twoleg was the first to go, then her teammates, one by one. Duma ran, unable to save them. Her spotted form as she ran broke up her image, making her invisible to the attacking undead - she got away unscathed.

    After the murder of her trainer, Duma lived alone once more, her wild instincts that had lain dormant came back to the surface and she lived just fine, hunting for her own food and surviving well, however the emptiness of loosing her trainer had struck her and she went off in search of company to travel with.
    Appearance The cat's sleek and lithe form slinks from the undergrowth, her onyx spotted pelt breaking up her image to make the cat almost invisible to others as she emerges from her hiding spot, bright cerulean blue eyes flicker back and forth as she scans her area, and with a flick of her black and white banded tail, Duma disappears back into the undergrowth.

    A golden pelt with onyx spots adorns a sleek, slender bodice. A rounded face with six whiskers and a short muzzle is accompanied by 'tear marks' from the corner of the eyes to the jaw. Cerulean blue eyes and a magenta jewel stand out from the golden fur. Two white marks on the back of the ears add a nice touch to the feline's slender face. The pokemon's slender tail is tipped with three black bands, along with two white bands. Blunt, non-retractable claws are good for traction, but not very good for attacking.
    Personality |Kind|Caring|Timid|Shy|Intelligent|Brave|Passive|

    Pros: Duma is very kind and caring, and is very trusting of those she feels close to. She'll often follow orders of the strongest in the group, but if there is no leader, she's happy to step up to the plate. She's intelligent from her time with her clan and her trainer, and very brave when it's needed.

    She has a very high tolerance for those that are ignorant and stupid, as it reminds her of the young cubs from back in her clan. She is appreciative of the strength and wills of others, and she understands the problems others can face from past experiences. Very resilient, Duma can bounce back from almost any problem, and keeps a cheery, upbeat attitude towards almost everything.

    Cons: Duma is very shy and timid around pokemon and humans she doesn't know, and she has a very noticeable stutter around stronger pokemon. Not at all like other persian, Duma will even shy away from fighting, even if it's an undead she is up against, more preferring to talk than attack.

    Neutral: Dislikes houndooms and the houndoom line.
    User Notes -Father was a Purugly
    -Named after Duma from the movie 'Duma'
    -Design based on the real cheetahs
    -Her clan all had various unusual pelts, so she doesn't think there's anything special about her color and markings.
    -She calls humans and trainers twolegs
    -High level from training
    -She reached max beauty while training with her trainer.

    Last edited by Duma on Mon May 25, 2015 6:32 pm; edited 29 times in total

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto Empty Re: Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto

    Post by Duma Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:58 pm

    I do believe that this profile is done. To the main computer please~

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto Empty Re: Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto

    Post by Duma Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:47 pm

    To the main computer~

    Posts : 2477

    Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto Empty Re: Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto

    Post by Zapdos Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:22 pm

    Swoobat is not a Pokemon that can breed with Persian and pass on Hypnosis.

    Please revise, otherwise the rest looks kosher.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto Empty Re: Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto

    Post by Duma Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:35 pm


    Posts : 2477

    Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto Empty Re: Duma the Persian Ilex|Johto

    Post by Zapdos Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:38 pm

    Profile approved, Dooms. B)

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