Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    Ermac the Spiritomb Ilex/Johto


    Ermac the Spiritomb Ilex/Johto Empty Ermac the Spiritomb Ilex/Johto

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:00 am

    Ermac the Spiritomb Ilex/Johto Sv2lic

    Name- Ermac
    Gender- Male
    Level- 43
    - Curse
    - Ominous Wind
    - Shadow Sneak
    - Confuse Ray
    Ability- Inflitrator
    Nature- Serious
    Characteristics- Mischievous
    National Dex No./Species- #442 Spiritomb/The Forbidden Pokemon
    Height- 3'03"
    Weight- 238.1lbs
    Pokédex Entry- It was formed by uniting 108 spirits. It has been bound to the Odd Keystone to keep it from doing any mischief.
    Ermac is the composed of 108 spirits as most spiritombs, only problem is that his spirits are of assassins, murders, mercenaries, and criminals alike. He was an horrifying creature with little to know feelings and his tricks and mischief were too dangerous for other people and pokemon. But he was stopped when battling a supposed savior, he lost the battle and retreated to his Odd Keystone, than the savior took him to a cave instead of an Hallowed Tower, so it would be more difficult to ever be found again, and locked it away with the help of it's pokemon by moving a large boulder over the entrance. Ermac was imprisoned for several decades...

    Untill one day...the rock was shattered and Ermac was released! Although...the first thing he laid his eyes on wasn't that pleasent...Once he exited the cave he saw a Machamp, one that was covered in mortal wounds, with a stench of death covering it and feeding on a dead pokemon. Something was not right...Machamp are known for their great strength and for their training abilities...not for brutally killing pokemon and than feeding on them. While Ermac was trying to think the Machamp noticed him and tried to attack the Forbidden Pokemon, it's efforts were worthless and Ermac quickly defeated the Fighting type pokemon.

    As he looked the Machamp closely he noticed that it seemed dead a long while...even before than Ermac killed it. Than he took a good look and noticed he wasn't on Sinnoh anymore...the Savior that stopped him years ago, probably has taken him to this new place...Johto...where a terrible plague that turned pokemon into blood thristy killers existed.
    User Note
    -Normally when refering to himself says "Us", "Our" and "We", instead of "Me", "Mine" and "I".
    -Often haves a Morbid and Dark humor.
    -It has a fissure on the back of his Odd Keystone made by the battle with the savior. Thanks to that floating takes away a lot of his energy.
    -When rising from his Odd Keystone, the Keystone bleeds.

    Last edited by ECN13000 on Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:18 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Ermac the Spiritomb Ilex/Johto Empty Re: Ermac the Spiritomb Ilex/Johto

    Post by Suicune Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:31 pm

    He is accepted.
    Be careful about making this one too powerful.
    It already has no virtual weaknesses.

    You can be placed on Ilex if that is what you meant, once you get your picture on here.


    Founding Admin


    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Ermac the Spiritomb Ilex/Johto Empty Re: Ermac the Spiritomb Ilex/Johto

    Post by Suicune Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:15 pm

    Place in dead.


    Founding Admin

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