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    Alice the Gardevoir (Meteor Team)


    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    Alice the Gardevoir (Meteor Team) Empty Alice the Gardevoir (Meteor Team)

    Post by Nightfall Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:15 pm

    Alice the Gardevoir (Meteor Team) Alice17

    Item None at present
    Gender Female
    Age Adult
    Species #282 Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokemon
    Height 5'03"
    Weight 106.7lbs
    Pokédex Entry "Gardevoir has the ability to read the future. If it senses impending danger to its Trainer, this Pokémon is said to unleash its psychokinetic energy at full power."
    Level 35
    Ability Trace (copies the foe's Ability)
    Nature Quiet (+Sp.Atk, -Speed)
    Characteristic Often lost in thought (+Sp.Atk)
    Moves Shadow Sneak (egg move)
    Confusion (level up)
    Shadow Ball (TM)
    Energy Ball (TM)
    History Alice was born in Johto under the care of an old couple who owned the Day Care Centre near to Goldenrod City. Her egg had been abandoned there by her parents' Trainer, and so she spent a lot of her childhood there. Alice was an odd child, preferring to keep her distance from the other Pokemon and playing her own games, often receiving nervous glances as she sat in the corner talking to herself. The old couple thought this as strange as well, and so decided that Alice would be better off in the outside world with a Trainer.

    Surely enough, a young man came by one day by the name of Paul, and offered to take the shy little Ralts off their hands. They agreed, and so Alice was given her name and taken by Paul to travel with him on his journey. Paul was kind to Alice and so quickly gained her trust, but the Ralts practically lived inside her own head. She was withdrawn and quiet, sitting away from the rest of the team at their campsites, playing her own little games. Paul was concerned, and so decided to introduce Alice to battling to help her come out of her shell. He also privately briefed his other Pokemon to try hard to make her feel settled.

    It worked, for a while. Little Alice defeated a wild Rattata, and relished in the sense of importance and power that she had been granted. She thrived in Paul's praise, and was surprised to see that even his other Pokemon were paying more attention to her. Slowly, Alice's true colours started to emerge. She was feisty and energetic, determined to get better for Paul and her new friends. By the time she had grown up a little and evolved into Kirlia, she was one of Paul's favourite Pokemon to use in battle, and as such grew quickly. She was particularly fond of Paul's young Shinx cub, Lucy, and became good friends with the child. They traveled Johto together, until one day it all changed.

    Some years after she had been adopted, Paul returned to Goldenrod City and announced to his team that he had decided to retire as a Trainer and wanted to become a police officer. Everyone took this news surprisingly well - Alice was shocked and upset that nobody seemed to care except for her. She was angry that they were all about to let their days together come to an end for Paul's selfish desire. Of course, Paul noticed that Alice had been quieter than usual and apologised, saying that being a Trainer had only been a hobby while he completed his training for his new job. Alice now knew the reason why she'd sometimes been kept in her Poke Ball for hours at a time, and did not forgive him. She sank back into her own little world, watching it slowly grow and mutate into a dark, endless void as a plague of depression clouded around her like a thundercloud.

    Paul noticed this, and so decided to try and help her. He highlighted that she had many talents, not all of them attributed to her battling skills. He noted her ability as a Gardevoir to see the future, so suggested that she be a fortune teller so that she can use her skills and start to feel better about herself. This worked, at first, but Alice quickly grew tired of the monotonous lifestyle, and weary of being asked the same stupid questions every day of her life. Paul was busy dealing with criminals and gamblers while she sat on her own for most of the day, watching as her life passed her by. She plummeted back into depression, crying herself to sleep and wishing that she could be with Paul again.

    One day, Paul came to see Alice while he was on his lunch break. He was shocked to see how miserable she was, and even more so when Alice broke down into tears and threw herself into his arms. He understood: she missed the old days. He hugged her back and gently told her that he missed them too, but he has a new career, life and family, and can't let any of that go to waste. Deeply hurt, Alice retreated away from the city and spent several weeks by herself. She was deeply upset, and felt betrayed, useless and spat upon. She almost hated Paul for not caring about her feelings. The depression slowly morphed itself into something more sinister; a sickness of the mind that caused her thoughts to become warped from reality; caused voices to echo in her head. Paul's voice rang out to her in the dead of night: "We are all guilty, Alice. Punish us." The more she heard it, the harder it became to ignore. She wanted to punish him, make him apologise and go back to how it was before, but she couldn't hurt him. No matter how many times the voices told her to kill him, she loved Paul.

    After a long time by herself, Alice finally plucked up the courage to return to Goldenrod and find Paul. All she wanted to do was to give him a hug and say goodbye before she went her separate ways with him. She had a purpose out there somewhere, and she was going to find it. However, by the time she got there, something was wrong. The streets were almost deserted, and Alice noticed with horror several bloodstains on the ground. Turning the corner and heading towards the Radio Tower, Alice screamed; bodies littered the streets, the pavements stained with blood and gore. Alice clung to her face and screamed and screamed until she heard a gunshot. Several police officers, including Paul, were backing out of the Radio Tower and shooting at several Pokemon. Something was wrong with them; they were aggressive and savage, and had filthy, oddly-coloured skin and fur. Alice didn't move a muscle as Paul's companions were killed, not caring for their fates, but the second a Houndoom turned on her old Trainer, she sprung into action. She launched a Confusion attack at the undead canine, forgetting in her haste that Psychic attacks didn't work on Dark types. Alice prepared a Shadow Ball, but it was too late; she held her head in her hands and howled as the maddened Houndoom tore Paul's throat out and proceeded to rip his body to shreds.

    Alice fled, screaming and weeping into the night. What happened after was all a blur - she remembers curling up by a tree in the dark and then waking up to a midday sun. She knows that something happened on the previous day; something to do with Paul and dangerous Pokemon, but can't remember what. Worried, Alice returned to Goldenrod to search for her Trainer, but found nothing but deserted streets, blood and more undead Pokemon wanting to take a bite out of her. She kept them at bay with Confusion and then traveled to the next city ... then the next. She continues traveling to this day, searching for the man she'd forgotten had died.
    Appearance Alice's physical appearance is identical to most Gardevoir. She carries a very moody and quiet disposition, sometimes only talking if prompted. She almost always has a scowl on her face and rarely smiles.
    Personality First impressions of Alice indicate that she is a very shy and withdrawn individual, and she rarely speaks unless spoken to. When Alice does speak, she tends to be very blunt and sometimes a little harsh. She is very emotional and sensitive to what others think or say about her, having a tenancy to over-think things and get the wrong idea. She does want to make friends; she just doesn't know how.

    Alice suffers from acute paranoid schizophrenia and depression. These conditions have tormented her for most of her life. The depression she is fully aware of, and it makes her feel rather self conscious. The schizophrenia, on the other hand, is a lot more covert. She experiences auditory hallucinations (voices in her head), delusions (that Paul is alive and is searching for her as well; also Alice experiences paranoid delusions from time to time, believing that everyone is against her, is lying to her and/or plan to kill her) and a tenancy to become aggressive if angered. All of these symptoms are present, yet Alice has not noticed any of them as abnormal. The depression is what takes up most of her trail of thought (aside from finding Paul) - she has various triggers, such as being rejected by someone or failing in something she is trying to do. As such, her lack of success in finding Paul contributes to this condition, and she is constantly battling with her sense of morality and self confidence.

    There is a reason why Alice is so obsessed with finding Paul - on the night he died, she descended into a state of catatonia where she repressed the memory of his death, coming back to reality believing that he is still alive. She firmly believes that he is out there, and searching for her too. She will ask anyone she meets whether they have seen him.

    Alice, deep inside, is a very thoughtful and caring individual. During the (rare) times when her illnesses haven't taken over, she can be remarkably kind. She is particularly fond of children, possibly because she was so friendly with Paul's Shinx, the young Lucy. Gaining her trust is difficult; Alice is very cautious around strangers and often has trouble making friends because of her generally blunt and cold attitude. She needs to feel secure and cared for in order to be content.

    Alice is very, very quick to judge others, and this contributes to her problem of being anti-social. She is extremely observant, often eyeing others from a distance and seizing them up, painting fairly accurate pictures of their personalities and motives. She isn't always right, obviously, but the Gardevoir is wise enough not to bring any concerns to light ... not on purpose, anyway.
    User Notes --Adopted - original profile here
    --Father was a Dusknoir
    --There is more to Alice's condition than described in the Personality, and it will have a big impact on her motives. This will be revealed later in the RP.
    --She refuses to use her power to predict the future anymore, simply because she is terrified that what she will see won't be what she wants to see.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    Alice the Gardevoir (Meteor Team) Empty Re: Alice the Gardevoir (Meteor Team)

    Post by Nightfall Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:23 pm

    Please move Alice to Inactive for now, thank you.

    Age : 30
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    Alice the Gardevoir (Meteor Team) Empty Re: Alice the Gardevoir (Meteor Team)

    Post by Nightfall Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:10 am

    Please move to the PC for approval.

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Alice the Gardevoir (Meteor Team) Empty Re: Alice the Gardevoir (Meteor Team)

    Post by Suicune Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:01 pm



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