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    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh]


    Age : 36
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    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] Empty Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh]

    Post by Silverishness Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:10 am

    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] 110px-153Bayleef

    Hex Color #488214
    Item None
    Gender Male
    Age Young Adult
    Species #153/ Bayleef, the Leaf Pokemon
    Height 3'11"
    Weight 35.4 lbs
    Pokédex Entry The scent of spices comes from around its neck. Somehow, sniffing it makes you want to fight.
    Level 28
    Ability Overgrow
    Nature Brave
    Characteristic Quick Tempered
    Moves - Poisonpowder
    Strength [HM]
    Razor Leaf
    History Vale was given early in life to a brand new trainer from Professor Elm, eager to begin his new journey in life. His parents had been proud that he was chosen to be one of Professor Elm's starter pokemon, and so when he was given the chance to make his family proud, he gave it all he had. In his eyes, his trainer was a noble person, an adventurer much like himself eager to explore the vast world that lay before him.

    The reality was a tad different.

    Vale's trainer had gotten to the professor's lab late, thus being left with the least wanted pokemon, a Chikorita. Dissapointed that he hadn't gotten the pokemon he wanted, he took the leftover pokemon and begrudgingly began his journey with his more enthusiastic partner.

    They traveled together quite a bit, and Vale soon came to realize that his trainer was not quite the hero he had imagined him to be. He relied heavily on his other pokemon, only sending Vale out as a last resort or worse, a shield while the boy tended to his wounded teammates. It even got to the point where the boy would openly insult Vale in his frustrations, cursing him for his mediocre stats, moves and power. He was just there, and he didn't have space on his team for weaklings.

    So, the boy abandoned Vale.

    Left tethered to a tree within the vast confines of Ilex forest, Vale was crushed. All his efforts, all his attempts, all for naught. The boy didn't want him, saying he was merely a waste of space. Vale tried to be useful, even going as far as allowing his knowledge be permanently scarred with an HM move. But even that didn't save his spot on the trainer's exclusive team. However, instead of falling to the melancholy, instead of allowing his mind to roam the dark depths of depression, he cut himself free and began to train. He would prove he was useful, that he was strong enough and useful enough for a spot on any team. That he shouldn't be left for last because of a last resort, but that he should be reserved for only the strongest of foes. Determined, he vowed to himself that he would find his trainer and prove himself to him.

    Months passed, and eventually, he evolved into a bayleef, growing further and further by level. He traveled, looking for his trainer's tracks, pursuing them as best he could. While he searched, the infected began to appear, slithering in and out of the dark like the shadows themselves. Although he managed to evade them, his trainer did not.

    Vale happened by the scene by chance; he now made a habit of intervening when the Infected were attacking the living. He knew the scream immediately and killed the attackers with a well-placed razor leaf to only find that he was far too late; the neck wound in his old trainer's trachea was far too much to recover from, blood pooling and gushing from the wound. Vale approached him, horrified that he'd only been a fraction too late. The boy seemed to recognize Vale, but was unable to speak as his eyes rolled back and his body succumbed to Death's grasp.

    Crushed that once again, he mediocre powers weren't enough, he raced away, trying to find some sanctuary in the hell he now knew.
    Appearance Vale is by all means a normal bayleef. He is of average height, weight, and all other stats that could possibly be used to measure a pokemon's body. There is really nothing remarkable about his form.
    Personality Vale strives to be a hero. He wishes with the deepest parts of his being that he could be the one to ride in at the last moment, when all things seem grave, and save the day. However, he suffers from a terrible case of mediocrity, and usually fails.

    He is sensitive to his lackluster abilities and traits, knowing that his evolutionary line is nothing compared to the other starters of Johto. Even the other Grass starters. Even with his noble goal of bringing honor and valor to his kin and himself, he knows deep down that he probably never will, and that creates a darker side to him, filled with regret, depression and insecurity. These darker forces drive him further down into the depths of melancholy, which only his lofty goal of success can bring him out of.

    Toward newer pokemon, he is aimiable, generous, and very willing to help out. As the stranger learns more of Vale, the mask subsides, revealing the self he normally combats with on a day-to-day basis. His typically confident self is nothing but a facade to hide the trembling want-to-be-hero, the child that lies beneath.
    User Notes -None, lol

    Last edited by Silverishness on Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:21 am; edited 4 times in total


    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] PCP637Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] 635Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] 196

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    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] Empty Re: Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh]

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:14 am

    Sil, you made me disappointed when the only thing I see is WIP. [I flipped many tables in hoping to see a couple of things son. Many tables] V_V Tis I cannot wait to see despite it only saying one word.

    Age : 36
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    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] Empty Re: Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh]

    Post by Silverishness Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:38 am

    WIP is the greatest bayleef mystery ever to beheld. However, those flipped tables will not have been flipped in vain. XD I will unmask WIP here eventually. And it will be GLORIOUS.


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    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] Empty Re: Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh]

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:23 pm

    Vale is now done. Please place in Inactive. : D


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    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] Empty Re: Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh]

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:45 pm



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    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] Empty Re: Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh]

    Post by Silverishness Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:21 am

    Vale is now ready for approval!


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    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] Empty Re: Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh]

    Post by Snitch Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:24 am


    You have no idea how happy I am that you're joining Stark! I can't wait to see Vale in action! <333

    Age : 36
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    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] Empty Re: Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh]

    Post by Silverishness Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:48 am

    :D I'm excited to see all of those fantastic characters in action!


    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] PCP637Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] 635Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] 196

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    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] Empty Re: Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh]

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:21 am

    Omg Sil! This is so awesome! :D Thank you soooo much for joining!! I am so glad I didn't inactivate Xela. Maybe now I can roleplay her better with all these amazing characters on the team<3

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    Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh] Empty Re: Vale the Bayleef [Stark| Sinnoh]

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:16 pm



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