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Will you survive?


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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:32 am

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    Blackthorne City|Noon

    “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Written in the Fates!” Bass was ecstatic! No more than ecstatic! He was ecstaticastic! (If that’s even a word!) The poor Torterra had been scared to death at the possibility of making an enemy of another survivor. With the Swellow acknowledging his presence, Bass started off for the direction that would lead to their safety, prancing along in a leisurely manner. It was odd just how comfortable he felt with such interesting characters. ‘I have yet to make of the Ninetails, but I feel that I am surrounded by such kind, forgiving peop-pokemon. Oh~ I just wonder how my journey together with these three will play out.’

    “Where exactly will we go from-” Bass stopped dead in his tracks as he turned back to witness a grizzly scene that had nearly driven the colossal grass-type, to tears. “Mau-Maura?” To most, it simply looked like an act of justice by the Gabite, but to him...To him, it dug up unwanted memories filled with grief and anger....In his mind’s eye, all he could see in that one instant was death of his beloved master, Dr. Maura Isles.

    As Rocket had begun to start back towards them, Bass took off, running down the path that had been directed to them much earlier, by Written. ‘I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Maura! I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you...you and Jane...’ Minutes had passed before the Torterra had finally noticed that the others had long since caught up to him...And apparently one, particularly the Ninetails, thought it was time to break the silence that seemed to have settled between the group. "I never received your name, Comrade. Would you be so generous as to announce yourself to me?" “Excuse me, but could you please repeat the question? I couldn’t quite catch that.” Bass knew it wasn’t polite of him to have not been listening, but what could he do? After all, the Ninetails had pretty much popped out of nowhere, along with that question. But, being the ever-so childish, zealous, Torterra that he was, Bass, decided to engage in a conversation with the one pokemon in their group who decided to strike one up with him.

    “Actually, friend, my name Is Bass. Bass Isles, to be exact.” And from there the Torterra had decided to lay down some random facts for the Ninetails named Vladimir. As his google-mouth ran, so did Rocket, further along the trail until they had stopped before a bridge...A bridge that would lead them into Route 45 and places like New Bark Town, or Cherrygrove City.

    "We'd better go one at a time. You guys go ahead, I'll stay here and keep watch..." “I agree. This bridge may look strong, but it is probably pretty weak, so, maybe, Written, Vlad, you two could run across first, then Rocket and I will follow after. Sound good?” Despite the rationality of the idea, Bass just couldn’t shake off the feeling that something bad was to come and was going to happen.

    Last edited by An Optimistic Pessimist on Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:21 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:18 pm

    Blackthorn City/Noon (4)
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    “Actually, friend, my name Is Bass. Bass Isles, actually.”

    As he spoke,I was already analyzing him.He was powerful,without a doubt,but he lacked control.His attacks didn't discriminate between ally or enemy.This was something I would have to monitor if I wanted to survive this plague unscathed.

    The words,"We'd better go one at a time. You guys go ahead, I'll stay here and keep watch..." “I agree. This bridge may look strong, but it is probably pretty weak, so, maybe, Written, Vlad, you two could run across first, then Rocket and I will follow after.Sound good?”,snapped me from my thouhts.

    I looked ahead at the rickety bridge which didn't deserve the name,bridge.I cursed myself for not making that statement first.However I made a mental note that Bass,wasn't just brawn.Underneath his solid rock muscles lurked a brain.

    I'm a fire-type and though I loath to admit it I hate the water,even though the likelyhood of it killing me were 1 in 46,I still avoided its cold heartless touch.
    I swallowed my fear,there was no need for such an emotion.

    "Agreed,Bass.Written In The Fates,you should go ahead and scout out the area,I'll travel half way across as a barrier in case there's any infected.Whistle if the forest is clear of obstacles.Rocket I need you to take rear guard in case I should fall.Bass,you'll take defensive rear guard in case any infected are behind us."
    Without waiting for a response I moved half way across the bridge and stopped lowering my hind quarters but clenching my leg muscles,just in case.But,what could happen my plan was sound,wasn't it?

    Last edited by Thanatos on Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:18 pm

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    Route 45 | Noon

    Was she in any position to object? Was she in any position to support, or take charge? She shook her head in confusion, but set out to follow her orders...

    "Agreed, Bass. Written In The Fates, you should go ahead and scout out the area, I'll travel half way across as a barrier in case there's any infected. Whistle if the forest is clear of obstacles. Rocket, I need you to take rear guard in case I should fall. Bass, you'll take defensive rear guard in case any infected are behind us." Written nodded, the key moments too intense for excessive talking.

    "I wish the best of all us, and we'll meet on the other side," the Swellow spoke with resignation, knowing that Vladimir had a fair point in sending her first. Leaving Bass and Rocket behind has me concerned though. With a fluttering of her wings, she circled around her group momentarily, before flying over the bridge (and Vlad alike) and towards the forest up ahead. I suppose I should have more faith in them. After all, they were stuck together and together they were stuck.

    The forest seemed pretty clear and quiet, but Written knew that she had only been there for a short time- anything could happen. Landing on a tree branch, the Swallow Pokemon began to clear her mind of thoughts, slowly moving her head from side to side as she sought out any source of movement in the dead still forest. We aren't on the verge of death... super-powered enemies aren't out to get us... there is still a chance of living... The silence of the forest was starting to get to her; her thoughts were becoming unusually loud.

    The infected only got stronger day by day. The living got weaker with each passing sun. If it continued on like this, it was obvious who was going to win in the end. That undead Luxray had a gleam in its eyes the last time Written in the Fates had seen it. Revenge, hunger, anger, and overall contempt towards the living. Meanwhile, there was she, a newly evolved Swellow whose heart skipped a beat each time she met an undead. Can we truly go on like this? Was I right to believe we can live?

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:07 pm

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    Entrance to Route 45/Noon (7)

    "Don't order me around," Rocket snapped at Vladimir the second he stopped talking. "The idea was that I stayed here in case that Luxray turned up again, not so I could swoop in to rescue you if you happen to slip. If you fall in, that's not my problem." Now hurry up and get across there before I push you in myself. "And if the big guy - sorry, Bass - wants to stay too, then that's fine," he added, giving the Torterra a nod.

    Trying to get over how arrogant the Ninetails was becoming, Rocket watched as Written flew across the bridge with ease and nodded, glad that it was easy for one of them. He watched Vladimir start to cross the bridge and gave him a sardonic look. He didn't want to have an enemy, but if the Ninetails didn't change his attitude soon, he knew that he might have more to say eventually.

    Last edited by Saphira on Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:52 am

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    Route 45 | Noon

    Watching the others agree to his idea, nearly made Bass squeal in delight, but if he did, well that’d just be quite “awkweird”. But in place of the girly shriek was a cheeky grin, plastered right on his face, especially after Vladdie, decided to expand on his idea and give one of his own. “Agreed, Bass.Written In The Fates, you should go ahead and scout out the area, I'll travel half way across as a barrier in case there's any infected.Whistle if the forest is clear of obstacles. Rocket, I need you to take rear guard in case I should fall. Bass, you'll take defensive rear guard in case any infected are behind us."

    “Aye y-” The quirky Torterra had barely even gotten a second word out before fellow ally, Rocket had snapped at the Ninetails, who had started off for the bridge. ‘It appears that Rocket hadn’t taken a liking to Vlad. I wonder just how these two are to interact as of now. After all, we’re probably going to be stuck together for the next few days? Weeks? Maybe even months? ...Oh boy.’

    Trailing off from his musings, Bass had looked up to see little, Written in the Fates, make her way across the bridge, even though she didn’t even have to set foot on the frail thing. As the Continental Pokemon watched, he soon became mesmerized in the Swellow’s ability of fight, envious as it gave her a way run as fast as she could-from probably all of her problems, without even having to worry about the clenching of tensed muscles, or the feel of walking with pounds of lead strapped around one’s limbs. ‘But it’s not like it’s going to make all those troubles go away...’

    Sighing, the Torterra turned his gaze to the other pokemon crossing the bridge, Vladimir, and had just nearly let loose a laugh filled with amusement as he watched the Ninetails slowly lower his butt on the bridge. Instead of a hardy laugh, came a soft snicker from the Grass-Type. He had to make sure he wasn’t heard, after all, it wasn’t nice when someone laughed at you for simply being paranoid or scared.

    Last edited by An Optimistic Pessimist on Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:08 pm

    Route 45/Late Noon (5)
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    Almost immediately after taking my position,Rocket,retorted my stratagem with malicious fury,""Don't order me around!The idea was that I stayed here in case that Luxray turned up again, not so I could swoop in to rescue you if you happen to slip. If you fall in, that's not my problem."

    I swallowed my imminent outburst and steadfastly remained seated.If the pugnacious Gabite wouldn't follow my advice then that was his problem.Besides the point wasn't for him to save me,it was for him to stop the onslaught of plague ravaged pokemon which might cross.If I were to fall he,as much as much I loathed to admit it,would be our best chance of survival.His ability to tunnel was more then just a transportation ability,it was an ability which could create safe havens where few,if none could reach.But I said none of this,words would be wasted on him.

    I was out of range of hearing but I turned my head to the side and watched as Rocket said something to the cheerful Bass.The Continental pokemon turned his gaze to me and seemed to hold back a laugh.I bristled with rage and almost charged the large pokemon when my muscles locked I stared past the large pokemon into the clearing.

    My mouth dried,although admittedly it already felt like a bundle of dry autumn leaves,the blood rushed into my ears and my heart almost leapt out of my throat.Staring from the brush was two cold,crimson eyes.Eyes which looked like blood.Then it passed.I blinked several times but the eyes had vanished without a trace.I rolled the moment over in my mind but all I said to Bass was,"Bass,keep your eyes on our rear flank.We can't afford to be exposed."

    To Rocket I scowled and said,"You can to whatever you want,for all I care you can just chase your tail,it matters not.I don't care for you and I can see you don't care for me,so I fail to see the need to even include you in my repertoire but I will tell you this,I DO NOT CARE FOR YOUR ATTITUDE!"I practically screeched the last seven words.He continued with a softer but still forceful,"If you don't want to put aside our differences then I won't consider you any different from the infected."

    I turned away before I lost it again.I knew I shouldn't have done that but I was hungry,tired and my paws were on fire from being on the run for so long.I just stared ahead and waited for Written In The Fates returned.

    Last edited by Thanatos on Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:56 am

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    Route 45 | Afternoon

    She had many trials ahead of her, that much she knew. She would have troubles and dangers, but with it she'd also have victories and friendships. Was it worth the trouble? Was it worth the hurt? It better be...

    She had snooped around the forest, and finding it to her liking, she fluttered back towards the tree branch where she began. Nothing was especially interesting about this small strip of trees, other than a grove of Chesto berries that she found (and took one for herself). Written clutched her pencil in her talon gingerly, still feeling a little off about the awfully quiet forest. Something always happens when it's too quiet... Preening her feathers for just a moment as she weighed her options, the Swellow scribbled on the branch she sat on. I can call out to the others, and we can all come as a group, though at the same time, I'm giving the rest of the forest my exact whereabouts... Then again, Written had to admit that staying with the others was most likely top priority at the moment.

    From her viewpoint, Written in the Fates could see her teammates, her new acquaintances. Bass seemed to be laughing, Rocket looked pretty pissed off, and Vladimir's fur bristled slightly. Pushing back her glasses, she fumbled about to reach a higher branch. I still haven't gotten used to my newly grown body! It was a little ridiculous to the Swallow Pokemon; after all, she'd only grown probably one foot, and she'd been flying all her life. Feeling disgruntled with herself, she let out a short, sweet tweet that she made sure was loud enough.

    Not feeling that it was enough, Written was about to use Echoed Voice to catch their attention, before realizing that she had forgotten that attack for another. She shrugged hopelessly, knowing that she could not do anything else. I'm pretty sure they'd have heard me. Her only concern was that her three teammates down below were all male. With all due respect to the other gender, she had to admit that it could get out of hand without supervision. Then again... Vlad and Bass seemed very well-mannered... Written shook her head helplessly. She was having too many second thoughts lately.

    The Swellow had to believe they were able to do it, to survive in this rotten world. Ruffling her feathers and nestling up, Written wished that her teammates would hurry up. It's getting pretty lonely here.

    ... because she had already started on her way.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:40 pm

    ((OOC: Ooh... you've done it now! XD)

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    Entrance to Route 45/Afternoon (8)

    "My attitude...? MY ATTITUDE?"

    Rocket felt just about ready to explode. How dare he...? How dare he accuse him of being an ignorant bastard when he himself was being perhaps the biggest know-it-all pompous that Rocket had ever seen? After all that Rocket was doing, all that he was risking to protect the group and Vladimir still had the nerve to speak to him like that. To compare him to an Infected.

    "You'd better shut that big mouth of yours before I come over there and shut it for you," he bellowed across the bridge at the Ninetails, no longer caring what reaction he was going to get from the others.

    No one spoke to him like that; no one treated him like an idiot, no one tried to make him look stupid. What the hell had Vladimir done for the group apart from prancing around looking pretty and barking orders? Rocket was the one who had killed the Zebstrika; Rocket was the one who had enabled the group to get away using the sandstorm as cover, and now he and Bass were risking their necks guarding the bridge in case any Infected came crashing out of the undergrowth and tried to eat them.

    "In fact, I think I will come across now," he growled, snapping his head round at the Torterra beside him with an unintentionally vicious look. "You coming?"

    Without waiting for an answer, Rocket stomped onto the bridge and began to cross, making sure to keep his eyes away from the edge. Don't look down, don't look down... He felt his legs begin to weaken at the thought of that huge drop and the raging river below, but he kept going, keeping his eye fixed upon the other side. Nearly there ... you can do it, keep going...

    Last edited by Saphira on Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:25 am

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    Route 45 | Evening

    "Bass, keep your eyes on our rear flank. We can't afford to be exposed." the Torterra blinked in confusion at the Ninetails before him. Bass could see as bright as day, that Vlad seemed to be holding back on...rage? ‘Did I do something wrong? ...Oh no! Did he see me when I had laughed at him? I must apologize bef-’ "You can do whatever you want,for all I care you can just chase your tail, it matters not. I don't care for you and I can see you don't care for me, so I fail to see the need to even include you in my repertoire but I will tell you this, I DO NOT CARE FOR YOUR ATTITUDE! If you don't want to put aside our differences then I won't consider you any different from the infected." To say that he was the least bit surprised was a bit of an understatement. Already, Bass could see where this statement would lead to, and the poor guy didn’t really like what he was seeing...not one bit. “Vlad, please calm yourself! If you keep this up, Rocket’s going to-”

    "My attitude...? MY ATTITUDE?"

    “Oh boy.” Great. So now, they’ve got two obviously enraged pokemon, one ready to push the other of and into the ravine below. The other...the other probably wouldn’t even see what would be coming to him. The yelling that follows pretty much proves his point. "You'd better shut that big mouth of yours before I come over there and shut it for you," Yup, that about sums it up. Sighing to himself, the Torterra tried to think of a way to quickly dissolve the obvious tension in the air as well as calm the Gabite so as to not create an even bigger rift between the team. But he was too late as Rocket had begun to stomp his way onto the bridge, leaving poor ol’ Bass alone...by himself...with an infected on their tail and possibly hiding from them right at that very moment, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike and kill. ‘Just my luck.’

    So there he was. Back turned to the bridge and eyes set at the bushes and trees that lay before him. Bass wanted to make sure he was ready. After all, he had two pokemon, who were still on the bridge, to protect. He had just about lowered his guard a teensy bit when suddenly, out of nowhere, a roar ripped out from within the trees, along with the infected Luxray from earlier. ‘Oh shit.’

    And just like that, Bass was hit with Flash, causing him to stumble just a bit as he attempted to regain his sight and balance. In his daze, the Torterra knew that the Luxray had hopped up and over his shell...Which meant- ‘THE BRIDGE!’ Turning, Bass watched as the infected had sunk its jaws into the first wooden post, snapping it in two, and turned on the other, readying its Hyper Beam so as to destroy that one too.

    "You....will...all....PAY!" “NO!” Bass could feel his heart pumping hard against his ribcage as he did the one thing that his mind screamed his body to do. ‘TACKLE IT! JUST TACKLE IT!’ Now, on any other day, the Continental Pokemon would have probably thought about the other, safer, options first, but this wasn’t any normal day, and he had people to protect so taking the initiative, even if that meant killing himself to save the life of others, he went with it. ‘Okay, in 3, 2, 1-’

    “YOU’RE GOING DOWN WITH ME, YOU SON OF A BITCH!” It was at that moment that the Grass-type had sent the two of them, both Torterra and Luxray, flying over the edge and into the ravine below. Their chance of survival would be slim, but he could only hope for the best as he began to free-fall. ‘Oh Maura, Jane, please tell me that I did the right thing and that I’m going to live...because, I still have a lot to do before I go and I won’t be able to do that if I die. So please, just save me!’ Looking down below, Bass could see that the water’s surface had began to rush up to him. Getting closer and closer before finally....he had fallen into it’s cold, wet embrace.

    ((ooc: Don’t worry, Bass ain’t down for the count just yet. ;D))

    Last edited by An Optimistic Pessimist on Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:22 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Route 45/Evening

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:22 pm

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    The peg that was keeping the bridge crumbled beneath the Luxray's hyper beam.As the bridge wobbled and then slumped to the side,I caught sight of Bass tackling and then careening across the cliff.My stomach did a somersault as the other peg loosened and then was pulled free by the combined weight of Rocket and me.

    I dug my claws in but do to my paws lacking opposable thumbs I nearly tumbled to my death.I lay on the wavering bridge and nearly vomited as gravity took over and it slammed into the cliff face.A few ribs cracked and I let out a muffled scream of pain.My once sharp nail had been broken to the side of my finger and blood flowed freely from the finger.

    I almost fell but some part of my mind disobeyed my pain and hung on.Where was Rocket?Was he above or below me?Was he drowning in the rushing river?I didn't know.I could probably turn my head to the side to see below or looked up,but I didn't.I couldn't.I kept my muzzle buried into the clifface and tried to remain calm.But I had to know.I couldn't climb.My back limbs weren't meant for climbing objects as steep as this and my front limbs lacked the physical strength to climb such a long way.

    Finally,I made up my mind.Carefully turning my head to the side but keeping my eyes clenched as if that would block out the river that might be my grave,I spoke in the calmest voice I could muster and said,"Rrrocket?"For the first time my voice had lost its carefully cultivated superiority."Y-you...Can you see Written?Is there a way up?"I stopped,dreading the answer.

    Last edited by Thanatos on Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:57 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Abysswalker Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:40 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Evening

    West Flame let the light of the rings on his body die down, since it was evening and the night-predators would be up and about soon. All you could see of the Umbreon was his red eyes, and even those weren't easy to see. But Flame knew he was not completely concealed, and in no condition to fight with his leg. Perhaps it would be best to leave the city, there was no use in staying. Nothing remained but bodies and death, what use was there to remain in this forsaken place? The more Flame thought about it, the smarter it seemed to leave...night was setting in quick, the Umbreon could not afford to stand around. His mind set, West Flame gathered what little supplies he had left. Few berries remained, so West Flame decided to scour some of the houses before leaving, just to make sure they were completely cleaned out. Hopefully no Infected would be roaming about....some Pokemon had gotten into a fight not to long ago, and the idiots had BLOWN UP the house in which he had been staying. Thank Arceus West Flame hadn't been in there at the time, or he'd be roast Umbreon right now. Too bad he hadn't been able to find the uninfected he'd seen afterwards, they probably would've made good allies.

    Blackthorne Pokemon Center | Evening
    West Flame walked through the eerie doors of the Pokemon Center, which had been shattered completely. The place was silent and no movement broke the air of sadness that covered the place. The Umbreon felt like he was walking on a mass grave when he saw, for the umpteenth time, piles of dead bodies scattered throughout the building. Humans and Pokemon alike had attempted to use this place as a refuge, only to have infected burst through the doors and windows. Don't look at those. Search for anyone of value. West Flame combed through stacks of boxes and many containers, only to find empty Pokeballs, human items, and rotting berries that were no longer edible. Growling to himself, the Umbreon decided he had no choice but to go into the back now. Only Arceus knew what could be hiding back there, but West Flame was no coward, and proceeded into the back rooms. More bodies met his eyes, but the Umbreon had seen them all before....it was the growling that worried him. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a brown-and-white blur flew at West Flame and slammed his head into the ground, making his vision go slightly fuzzy. However, he could still identify his attacker, which was a bloody, infected Raticate with a mangled body. Bile filled his throat as West Flame used Confuse Ray on the infected, causing his to shriek horribly and smash its head into the wall, unable to control its movements properly. West Flame used Quick Attack to make up for his leg injury, lunging at the Raticate's side with a Faint Attack immediately after. The rat screamed horribly and attempted to slash West Flame apart, but the Umbreon tore into its side rapidly. I have no choice. This one is not truly alive. With this thought, West Flame began to slam the infected's head multiple times against the wall, crushing its skull and rendering truly dead.

    Route 45 | Evening
    I can't stand it.... Feeling sick and aching all over, West Flame began to run, run as he hadn't in so long, out of the city. Attempting to ignore the stabbing, burning pains in his bad leg, West Flame even used Quick Attack repeatedly to increase his speed. Onto Route 45 the Umbreon fled, and when he could no longer ignore his leg pains, West Flame collapsed near an old bridge.
    He had arrived just in time to see a Torterra and purple Luxray plunge to the waters below.


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:14 pm

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    Route 45 | Evening

    Her world was shifting. Actually, it was always shifting, but it was only at this very moment that she realized just how much she changed...

    Written was just about done with searching this forest; at the very moment, it was clear of any danger and safe to implore. With a pencil in one talon and a Chesto berry in another, when no Pokemon arrived at the sound of her tweet, the Swellow swooped towards the bridge to see what was holding them up. I follow orders, and the others don't follow through. Pushing back her glasses, the Swallow Pokemon was shocked to see what was happening.

    Bass was falling alongside the purple Luxray. Rocket and Vladimir were hanging on desperately on the broken bridge. An Umbreon collapsed at the other side of the bridge, worn down from effort. What?! She began to panic, but she stopped herself, distancing from the situation. Right. Written began analyzing the problems, floating towards the bridge. First things came first- the Umbreon seemed on solid ground, and the Swellow couldn't really do much for the landmass of a tortoise falling down. She could however, try to hold up the bridge for just a moment while Rocket and Vlad found a way to safety.

    "I'll lift the fallen side of the bridge, you two." Written called to the Ninetails and Gabite. "Though I can't hold it up for long, granted how heavy you two are. I want you to get to solid ground as fast as you can, okay?" Not waiting for a reply, she grabbed the dangling rope of the bridge, and jerked upwards. After a straining moment, the bridge began to slowly move upwards, though at the expense of a tired Swellow. I've got to do this- for Vlad and Rocket! Written flapped her wings in an attempt to gain more elevation.

    In her exertion, the flying type couldn't believe that just a few days ago, she didn't even know any of these Pokemon. Just a few months ago the infection had raged the lands. Just a few years ago she was just a naive Taillow, flying free in the forest. So much has happened. Written closed her eyes as she focused on flying.

    And just how far she'd gone.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:49 pm

    ((OOC: Please skip me. Just say that Rocket managed to hold on to the bridge and eventually pulled himself up and then went back to pull Vladimir up as well.))
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:59 am

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    Route 45| Evening

    Green...Green everywhere. Above, below, to his left and to his right. All green. ‘What in the world?! Water isn’t supposed to be green!’ Surfacing, Bass panted as he took in buckets of air, gagging in his attempts to clear his mouth and throat of the sickly colored water. Struggling to keep his head above the raging rapids, the Torterra had managed to steal a glance at his companions, hanging on for dear life, as the attempted to pull their weight to safety.

    ‘I’m sorry, friends. I couldn’t help you...’ Just then, a new wave of rapids came his way, dragging and pushing the Grass-type under as the strong current moved him further away from the others. As he fought the raging waters, something seemed to have snagged his tail and dug its claws deeper and deeper as if it would never let go. Pain had begun to course through his body as whatever was clinging onto him seemed to have stabbed his little tail and more than likely, drawn blood too. Wincing slightly Bass could only wonder what had gotten a hold of his tail ‘What in the wor-’ Just then, another, stronger wave crashed pushing Bass down the length of the river.

    'CRAP!' He'd been fully submerged and was currently looking for something to stop him from moving even more. Scanning the murky water, Bass managed to make out a purple blob behind him, it's appendage clutching his tail as if letting go would spell its doom. 'Which it probably would.' Seconds were beginning to turn into minutes, and Bass was starting to drift in and out of consciousness. 'No....It can't end here. Not like this...'

    Last edited by An Optimistic Pessimist on Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:34 am

    Route 45/Evening (7)
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    I could hear the river roaring like a giant behemoth below me.A wind whistled past and I involuntarily shivered.The blood from my muzzle was beginning to coagulate in splotches across my face,like flecks of cranberry juice.My left paw ached where the claw had been ripped from but the blood had stopped flowing.Every time I breached my whole body felt like it was being beaten by several Onix's.

    I was still waiting for a response but I didn't receive one.I began to thing about ending it.Just dive into the river,aim for the rocks and make sure not to come up for air.It would be so easy just let it all go.Let go of the bridge,of my mind,of my life.NO!I am Vladimir Democratus!I shall persevere.Giving up is for the weak,and the weak must be left behind to ensure the survival of the group.

    I wasn't we.I braced myself and tensed my front limbs.Before I could move however something gripped and started pulling me up.It was Rocket.As he was tugging me up the bridge lifted and steadied beneath my paws.I tried to think of something clever to say,but I was at a loss for words.Darkness clung to the edges of my mind like a infected to blood.I edged to the steady ground and then I collapsed.Darkness felt like a chaotic wave,I fell down the pit of my own trouble subconscious.The last thing I saw was an Umbreon on the opposite side of the bridge.

    Last edited by Thanatos on Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Abysswalker Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:26 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Blackthorne City | Evening

    West Flame's breathing was heavily laboured, and he could not do anything to help either the Torterra that had fallen or the Swellow that was attempting to hold the bridge up for those other Pokemon. The Umbreon didn't want to add his weight to an already weakened bridge, not when there were still others on it. However, as the bridge steadied, a Gabite managed to pull a slightly-bloodied Ninetales off the thing and to safety. As the Ninetales began to collapse onto the ground, West Flame swore the fox had seen him on the other side of the bridge. The Umbreon had more things to worry about, like saving the Torterra that had fallen. Only Flame could no longer see the Continent Pokemon, or the purple Luxray that had fallen with it. Is it possible they are both dead? West Flame went to the edge of the cliff, his muscles tensed to jump, but at the last moment he realized what a stupid idea that would be. West Flame couldn't swim well with his leg, he'd drown, and there was always the chance he would die from the impact of hitting the water. In this situation, West Flame was completely useless.

    (Sorry, there wasn't much West Flame could do right now.)


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:49 am

    [permission given by SkyRaven to let Written carry West Flame!]
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    Route 45 | Evening

    Oh Arceus, here we go again.

    Written dropped the bridge and let it collapse haphazardly, the force of gravity making the remaining rope the held it up break and cause it to drop into the waters below. Looks like there's no turning back... Flapping her already-tired wings weakly, the Swellow crashed on her back to the closest side; the side with the Umbreon. She closed her eyes as her wings burned from exhaustion, gasping for breath. Here I lay, beside a rather odd Umbreon...

    They couldn't stay here. Obviously, cities were filled with danger and killers, and they were lying (defenselessly) right outside one. After letting them both have a breather, Written pushed herself up and glanced towards the Umbreon. "May I fly us over? I'll-" She gulped down a word, forcing herself not to say 'try'. They needed to stay optimistic that they can live at this point. Any further doubts in her mind would only falter her movements. "I'll fly us over to the other side; the others are waiting for us."

    Others. That hit a sore spot. There was still Bass to look out for, whom had seemingly sacrificed himself to take out the imminent danger. Written closed her eyes momentarily, giving her best to the Torterra. You musn't be dead, large turtle. You musn't. Opening her eyes, she hopped close to the edge, looking over for the grass type in the water. You'll get out somehow. Shaking her head, Written in the Fates turned away from the gushing waters and made her way back to the Umbreon.

    Swooping upward to easily drift above the Umbreon, the Swellow snatched the Pokemon by its scruff. "I'm Written in the Fates- would you mind tell me yours?" After that, the flying type gave a grunt and started thrusting her wings as hard as she could to bring the extra weight. It's all like one big adventure novel, one trial after another. Frankly, Written was beginning to hate cliches. She slowly began to float above the river unsteadily, her eyes focused solely on the forest ahead.
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:01 am

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    Route 45 | Evening

    ‘Why....Why me? What have I done wrong? Is it because I failed to keep my companions safe? Because I failed to protect my trainers? My family? Why?’

    Submerged under the cold, sick water, Bass, despite the loose hold he had on his consciousness, could feel the pull of the current trying to drag his weak body down the river. To most, it seemed like the Torterra had jumped the gun on this one and would soon meet his demise, but the Grass-type didn’t want to believe it was over that the journey he had worked so hard to complete would end because of something like this.

    ‘No...I refuse to let go. Not now, not ever.’ Blinking back the fatigue and the temptation of sleep, Bass began to push back and fight the torrent of water continuously battering the poor Continental Pokemon. Struggling against the jets of water, the Torterra could feel the soles of his feet drag across the river floor, as he desperately fought to stay in place.

    As he worked to keep from losing himself to the river, Bass could feel the grip on his tail grow looser and looser as if the being behind him had begun to grow weaker and weaker, just as he was. Eventually as his fight to keep from moving dragged on, whatever had grabbed onto his tail seemed to have let go.

    It was also at that same time that Bass had lost his hold on the ground before him as another, even stronger wave crashed onto his body, pushing him onto a stray log that lay in the middle of the river, keeping him from moving any further. ‘I’ve been saved...’ Trembling slightly, the Torterra latched onto the log as he attempted to move himself onto the strip of land that lay beside the river.

    Last edited by An Optimistic Pessimist on Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:19 pm

    Route 45/Late Evening (8)
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    "Hey Vladimir,how are you,buddy?"The wall I face is dark oak.A portrait hangs on the wall.It's slanted sideways and cracked down the middle.No,not this!Not now!As always he seems to read my mind."What do you mean Vlad,what's wrong?"Damn it stay away!

    The words don't come from my mouth but he still hears them."But Vlad-",I try to runbut my feet are stuck.I look down.Blood is gripping them.Hot tears drip from my eyes,my soul screams but my body moves on its own.I turn my head.

    Even through the tears I see it.His body is broken.Hia legs twisted in awkward angles on the ground.His chest has been torn out and his intestines spill out one side in a tangled knot.His arms are almost bare of skin muscle and sinew.He lies on his back but his head has been twisted around to face me.Through a river of blood he continues."But Vlad,you know I LoVE YoU."

    The dream shatters like a glass mirror.And I awake.I dont sit up I scarcely breath.I just listen.

    Last edited by Thanatos on Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:10 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Abysswalker Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:42 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Evening

    The Swellow with the glasses and pencil landed right next to West Flame, and the bird looked exhausted. After some time had passed, the Swellow got up and looked at West Flame. "May I fly us over? I'll-" the bird began to ask, but didn't finished the sentence. "I'll fly us over to the other side; the others are waiting for us." By others, the Umbreon guessed the Gabite and the Ninetales, and possibly that Torterra, for the Swellow went and looked over the side of the cliff. When she came back over to Flame, the bird flew right above the Umbreon and grabbed him by the scruff. As she began to flap her wings and gain flight, the Swellow said to West Flame, "I'm Written in the Fates- would you mind tell me yours?" West Flame had not been asked about his name in a long time, and this Swellow seemed trustworthy-he decided to tell her. "My name is Flame of the West. But I go by West Flame for short." Written's name was so much more interesting and creative than his....and judging by the reading glasses and pencil, West Flame knew the name was a perfect fit. "Written in the Fates, may I ask who was the one that fell into the river? And how are we going to rescue him from the infected that fell with him?" West Flame had a suspicion that this was most likely going to be a very touchy subject....and didn't want to know what the other two were going to say about it.


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:24 am

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    Route 45 | Late Evening

    Where was she? Why was she here? How did she get where she was? What had happened? She was just as confused as the next one; she was just as lost as the other; she was just as saddened by loss like anybody else; yet, she was the one forced to take charge. So far, things seemed to be going alright, give or take a few details, but as luck...

    As Written struggled slowly across the ravine, the Umbreon, whom had introduced himself as West Flame, asked about Bass and the infected Luxray. The Swellow winced momentarily, and in that moment, WF and herself had dropped an entire notch of air down. "Oof!" Her wings once again burning, Written in the Fates flapped her wings mightily, but they continued to burn. Too... tired... Glancing down to the water below, she began to panic. The flying type didn't want to fall below, nor to drop her newly made friend in there either. But to continue their path of flight (they were about halfway there...), would be suicide to her and her wings.

    "West..." She gasped in air with an unspoken urgency, their elevation lowering by the second. "I've gotta..." Three-fourths of our distance covered... "Thrust you... Over the ledge." Written grunted at the end, her vision becoming oddly blurry and just a bit on the topsy-turvy side. Must... go a little more... Black dots swam in her vision, but the Swellow kept at it, though she noted their altitude continuing its slow descend.

    They were just a bit right before the other edge of land, when her wings gave way. Gave way, as in they stopped working and gravity came onto Written rather harshly. The Swellow, in a last ditch effort, threw West Flame up towards the cold hard ground, though she herself continued falling. Arceus, save m- Written slammed hard on a small ledge, breathing heavily as her glasses fogged up. Everywhere around her it hurt and burned with exhaustion- the world seemed to be swirling right in front of her. Her heart beat as if there were no tomorrow, and her rib cage constricted painfully.

    Written let out a soft moan, trying to push herself up, only to find that her wings didn't work; now that she focused on them, the Swellow couldn't feel them either. This isn't good. Written in the Fates struggled to move her wings, to fly her way up to West Flame and see to it that he was okay, but she couldn't move. All that her beloved wings were able to do were to hang limply at her sides. "West Flame," she croaked out meekly. "Looks like my wings are down and out."

    ... would have it, everything suddenly turned for the worse.

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