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12 posters



    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 17, 2013 8:11 pm

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    Cave Mouth|Late Afternoon|((6)
    Scythe glanced at the fish, without thinking she gobbled it up awfully fast. She slightly nodded to the Garchomp as a small thank you. Scythe bounded over to a tree digging up some edible roots. She examined it making sure it was bad. " Hey Blue? You want this?!" Scythe ran straight up to her facing her in the eyes. "Well you don't have a choice their yours now, as for me....I'm going to catch some prey, I'm guessing I owe you and the Garchomp now." Scythe snorted walking away. She picked up speed once she got to the river. She noticed a big fish swimming across the shallow area of the river. Scythe leaped on it seeing it wasn't infected she killed it quickly. She threw it at the Garchomp's feat, " Thanks I suppose your hungry too? Well just take it. My hunting is rusty, I haven't hunted in a while..." Scythe drifted off and started searching for things the bunny-bird would eat. As she padded around she thought " I'm a fucking ticking-time bomb they say." Scythe quickly found fresh un-infected berries. She picked them and hurry off to find Blue again.

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 19, 2013 5:01 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Afternoon(4)

    Gauge chuckled and picked up the fish. He had eaten earlier but it was not in his nature to turn down any kind of food. The fish was devoured bones and all and satisfied any sort of hunger he may feel later. Gauge was about to sit and maybe nap when he saw a Skarmory. "What on Earth..." He squinted seeing its metal hide rusted and splotched with purple. Gauge took a few steps back before running straight forward. He jumped catching a crumbling rooftop using the momentum to propel himself higher up to the metal bird's level. Gauge reached out and buried his claw into its eye scraping against bone sending a shudder up his spine. He began a rapid descent from gravity and his weight and the Skarmory furiously trying to escape. "I don't think ya can with my claw picking at your brain!" Gauge gracefully turned at the last second putting the Skarmory under him and released the white hot purple flames of Dragonbreath both cushioning his fall and killing the bird dead for good. He looked at the mess the Skarmory's death left on his feet and grumbled. Blood, guts and the occasionally goopy brain matter made him both hungry and bloodthirsty. Gaufe felt the need to kill and eat rumble in his gut but pushed it away with a soft exhale and small puff of Dragonbreath.


    Age : 30
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu May 23, 2013 1:29 pm

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    Outside Dragon's Den/Early Afternoon (47)

    "Sure am. So, what kind of grub's around here anyways?" To say the least, Rocket was glad that Francesca was accompanying him on his food hunt. Not only did he really enjoy the female's company, but if he were to be attacked, he wasn't sure if he could hold himself too well in his condition. Hunger clawed at his belly, and the Gabite held a fin to its increasingly persistent rumbles as he walked along. "I don't know," he replied. "Anything will do. I could eat a Wailord-- the fuck?"

    The sounds of a battle could be clearly heard from behind, and Rocket turned to see the Garchomp from before taking out a Skarmory. The dragon growled, gritting his fangs. "Look at him," he snapped, resting one claw on his waist and pointing the other at the smug bastard before him. "Taking the piss out of me. 'Ooh, look at what you could be' - that what he's saying! I oughta--" Noticing the splodge of blood on the floor and the brittle remains of some bones, Rocket stomped back over to his evolved form and the two other females.

    "So let me get this straight," he began, his arms folding abruptly across his chest. "You were quite happy to have yourself, Emo Butterfly and Psycho Bitch eat a nice, juicy fish while Francesca and I wander aimlessly around this shithole of a city looking for crap?!" He just couldn't believe the nerve of this guy; acting like a gentlemanly figure around the ones who weren't really worth the trouble and completely ignoring him and Francesca. If any of them needed to be fed and well-kept, it was them! They'd be the ones doing all the fighting instead of being emo or crazy as shit.

    "So ... you're a gentleman, huh? A ladies' man?" Rocket's scowl slowly morphed into a sly grin as he swaggered over to the water's edge. "Well don't forget: I have a chick with me too. She's gotta eat as well." Rocket's smirk stretched from ear to ear as he gestured a claw towards the water, sneaking Francesca a mischievous wink as he did so. "Go on then. Feed the lady. Be a dear."

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Min Fri May 24, 2013 9:46 pm

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    Outside Dragon's Den| |Noon

    "Anything will do. I could eat a Wailord-- the fuck?" she laughed. "If we can catch one, that is." she mused, trying to imagine two ground types trying to kill a Wailord. That would definitely not end well. Her gaze quietly drifted to what Rocket was staring at, her eyes soon narrowing at the sight. Her frown quickly turned to a scowl, an exasperated sigh escaping her. "Taking the piss out of me. 'Ooh, look at what you could be' - that what he's saying! I oughta--" as the Gabite stormed off, the Krookodile diligently followed.

    "So let me get this straight. You were quite happy to have yourself, Emo Butterfly and Psycho Bitch eat a nice, juicy fish while Francesca and I wander aimlessly around this shithole of a city looking for crap?!" the ground-type looking the Garchomp over in mild distaste. "I wonder if it was infected." she mumbled. "You never know with these waters, anyways." Francesca glanced at the rushing river, before shrugging. A small smile crept up her lips. She listened in silence as Rocket spoke again.

    "So ... you're a gentleman, huh? A ladies' man? Well don't forget: I have a chick with me too. She's gotta eat as well. Go on then. Feed the lady. Be a dear." she caught the Gabite's wink, and her smile only grew wider. "You know," she mumbled, looking towards Rocket's evolution. "You'd hardly be a gentlemen if you only served specific females. I'd go as far as to call it discrimination." she chuckled. "Or are you just trying to suck up to those ladies?"

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 25, 2013 8:29 am

    ((Skip, just say Blue's eating the berries Scythe found for her, thanking her, and staring at the Skarmory mess.))

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 26, 2013 9:29 am

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    Cave Mouth|Late Afternoon|((4)

    "Or are you just trying to suck up to those ladies?"
    "Well shit, that's not my fault, nor Fluffy's. She didn't eat anything, just those little pieces of crap I found for her. Excuse me, but I left something over there," She made a fancy gesture with her cleaver, making sure that the reflected light of the sun hit everyone square in the eyes. "You guys can argue. I have to look for my baubles."

    (Posting before I go on a trip, sorry for short post.)

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 26, 2013 11:05 am

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    Blackthorne|Noon (5)

    Gauge was still in his bloodthirsty mindset but honestly wanted to laugh before stomping the little Gabite out like a Litwick. But no Gauge was no cold-blooded murder but he was also not a dumbass. But he couldn't help himself. A small snort left his throat before he put a claw over his snout silencing himself. "Really? Me suck up to these ladies? Oh no my dear Krookodile I'm simply taking notice... You look capable and sane enough to feed yourself meat. The Togekiss has no hands or claws to catch anything and the Houndoom has her own unseen and possibly unwillingly given reasons for not being able to as you can tell. But if you insist on testing my mettle as gentledragon then I will get you a fish." Gauge turned to the Gabite and that meek little voice in the back of his mind that for the moment represented the good Gauge who would gladly leap into fire to feed them all whimpered. Nooo bad Gauge don't hurt him... Gauge held up his claws as emphasis. "If she is your lady then why are you asking me to get her food. Where I come from the males do in fact feed the women and children first but only their woman and children..." A feral grin spread across his snout almost teasingly. "Are you asking that I rope you in with the children section of that statement... Pup?" That weak voice in his head was now silent and Gauge merely shrugged and walked off needing to sate his bloodthirstiness and find the female and pup some food...

    His eyes moved over to stare intensely at the rushing river. A fin broke the surface and immediately Gauge's Rocket training broke in his catlike reflexes. A single claw ripped through the fin and Gauge eagerly pulled back listening to the tissue rip. A bit too easily in fact... The fin gave way to a long serpentine blue body and a Gyarados angrily reared its head. He was far enough away that no one could get in his way and that was awesome. The Gyarados hissed at him and looked at its nearly useless fin. Gauge grinned sheepishly and grunted when the behemoth's tail hit him square in the stomach. He hit the rock face behind him and growled angrily. A small bit of orange light started up in his belly slowly getting bigger and bigger until it came out as Draco Meteor. The ball of orange light exploded and showered down. One sizable chunk came down on the Gyarados's head easily going right through and roasting its decaying brain. Gauge chuckled darkly before continuing upstream where hopefully the meat there was not tainted.

    ((OoC: Sorry bout him killing something every post but... Crazy Gauge needs to kill things :>))


    Age : 30
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu May 30, 2013 2:24 pm

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    Outside Dragon's Den/Early Afternoon (48)

    This prick was just begging for a claw to the eyeball.

    "If she is your lady then why are you asking me to get her food? Where I come from the males do in fact feed the women and children first but only their woman and children...Are you asking that I rope you in with the children section of that statement... Pup?" Rocket was sure that a violent tantrum was building up somewhere within him, but barely managed to suppress it. This guy clearly thought he was immature, and losing his temper like a spoiled child wasn't going to help convince him otherwise. Yet Rocket had always had this in-built instinct to stick up for himself, and although throwing a wobbly wasn't a good idea, he could retaliate with words. If that bastard thought he was going to take that shit without a word, he had another thing coming.

    "Oh no, that's not what I meant," the Gabite smirked, idly lifting a claw and scratching himself on the cheek. "I simply meant that it seemed a little unfair to us how you were going to keep those two and yourself nicely fed while Francesca and I wandered around for Arceus knows how long and finding only crap. Surely you'd be a bit miffed if we enjoyed a nice, tender leg of Tauros while you sat off to one side eating berries coated with blue fluff-- ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!"

    Clearly he'd been talking for too long - the dickhead had moved to the water and started to fish again. Rocket's grin only grew wider as the satisfaction homed in. Yeah, the big guy knew he'd been a dick, even if he wasn't going to openly admit it. "Aah ... sorry for yelling like that. You're a good lad after all." The Garchomp appeared to catch something and tried to haul it out of the water, but when the huge head of an undead Gyarados emerged, Rocket was slightly taken aback by the creature's sudden appearance before shrieking with excited laughter. Here was his chance to shove that smug bastard's words straight back down his throat.

    Scraping his claws on a nearby rock, Rocket was ready to leap into battle when the Garchomp seemed to summon some sort of attack. An orange ball of light floated several metres into the air before exploding, raining down FUCKING METEORS onto the Gyarados's head. The undead serpent's brains splattered on the ground at Rocket's feet as it keeled over and died, twitching in a pool of its own blood and skull fragments.

    "What ... the hell?" Rocket had no idea what that attack was, but he sure as hell wanted to know how to blast somebody's brains out while barely moving an inch. While he had to admit he liked to kill things by stabbing them until they simply stopped moving, that attack was pretty damn cool. Carefully stepping around the gore at his feet, Rocket followed his evolved form along the water's edge.

    "Look," he began as he reached his side, "if you think I'm complimenting you here, dream on. I know you're pulling the 'I'm so fucking awesome but you suck' act on me, so don't bother with that. I ain't finished with that shit yet but ... what was that attack you used just now?" he blurted out before he could find a way around it.

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Min Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:15 pm

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    Outside Dragon's Den| |Early Afternoon

    "Really? Me suck up to these ladies? Oh no my dear Krookodile I'm simply taking notice... You look capable and sane enough to feed yourself meat. The Togekiss has no hands or claws to catch anything and the Houndoom has her own unseen and possibly unwillingly given reasons for not being able to as you can tell. But if you insist on testing my mettle as gentledragon then I will get you a fish." she gave an amused smile. "Oh, so you're underestimating them and or pitying them. Wonderful, just wonderful. You know, you'd think they are perfectly capable of helping themselves too if they've survived the Epidemic for nearly two years." Francesca laughed. She could hear Rocket's reply to the Garchomp, frustrated when the latter simply walked away to catch food.

    She watched in careful silence as the dragon fished out a vicious Gyarados, finishing it with ease using a move that she recognized. Meteors of energy showered onto the earth, leaving small craters in the ground. "What ... the hell?" her gaze noticed Rocket stepping towards his evolution. "Draco Meteor, huh?" she mumbled. "You must've been really close with your human if you know that. No tutor teaches it to a dragon who doesn't have a strong friendship bond with their trainer--unless you received the move from your parents." the Krookodile frowned in thought. "I'm a little impressed, I suppose. Not bad."

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:46 pm

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    The powerful Dragon move Draco Meteor seared through the air, and Blue recalled her past teammates. Slightly nostalgic, she tried to hide it, shoving another berry into her mouth, but she had lost her appetite. She pushed the remaining two berries away, gulped down the one in her mouth, and watched as pieces of Gyarados rained back down towards the river. A faint memory came back to her, one that she'd carried since she was a Togetic. She drifted into thought...

    She was in her Pokeball, the ground gently rocked it back and forth in her trainer's bag. An emphatic discussion, and another Pokeball by her own was opened, and her teammate, a Flygon, was realeased. She heard the commotion of her other teammates in their Pokeballs... All had been much stronger than her. Then the Flygon's delighted cry... And it was back in it's Pokeball. The place... although she had been to it only once, and never witnessed it, held a strong resemblance to this small, now ruined area.

    Quietly, she murmured, "Didn't they use to tutor Draco Meteor... and... a different set of moves, like the ultimate moves or something here? If they did... I've been here before."

    ((Question, do Togekisses have beaks?))

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:26 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Late Afternoon|((5)

    She headed back towards the middle of the city, or what would have been. She looked around, but couldn't find her bag. Puzzled, she wandered around a bit, then noticed a small undead bird pokemon chewing away at the stale berries from her bag.
    "Ohhh, no you don't, fucker."
    She hesitated, then flung her cleaver, blade first at the bird's head. Without waiting for it to make it's mark, she blasted the bird with a quick Incinerate.
    "Nobody tries to get away with stealing my fucking baubles."
    Then bright lights were flying through the air, like meteors, and Scythe's eyes were filled with the pieces of a dead Gyarados, and death, beautiful, golden death.
    Her upper lip curved into a sneer as she located her bag, and picked up her ash covered cleaver off the ground. She dipped her cleaver quickly into the river, swung the bag over her back like a saddle bag, and padded slowly back towards Fluffy.
    "Was looking for something. Didn't take long, did I?"
    When Fluffy didn't respond, she raised her cleaver and slashed it through the air in front of Fluffy's face.
    "You don't zone out in front of me, darling. I'll make sure of that," she growled.

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:31 pm

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    Blackthorn City|Noon (6)

    Gauge pointed at the Krookodile and clicked his tongue. "Yup. The lady got it right on the money. Grand prize!" He dipped his claw in the water tossing a Goldeen her way. "It was friendship mostly that got me the move but after that it fell into submissiveness and eventually internal hatred for my human... Not a pretty thing actually." Gauge remembered being raised so lovingly and carefully but he realized the night after he learned Draco Meteor it was all a ruse. Just to get him to work harder. To be better. For the glory of Team Rocket. Team Rocket who took him from his mother. Team Rocket who forcibly evolved him. Team Rocket who took a whip to his back for every little mistake. For the glory of Team Rocket... Gauge was nothing more then a killing machine.


    Age : 30
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:23 pm

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    Outside Dragon's Den/Early Afternoon (49)

    Francesca had followed them and had referred to the incredible move as Draco Meteor. Just the name was enough to make Rocket feel excited - by the sound of it, it was a move so badass that only the dragons were capable of using it. "Yup. The lady got it right on the money. Grand prize!" The Garchomp dipped his claw into the water and flung out a Goldeen. Salivating, Rocket dashed over and got to work in killing the fish and gutting it.

    "It was friendship mostly that got me the move but after that it fell into submissiveness and eventually internal hatred for my human... Not a pretty thing actually," the Garchomp continued, but by this time, Rocket had stopped listening, instead concentrating on making sure that the Goldeen was clean and healthy before they ate it. He'd gotten the gist of it: Draco Meteor was a move that only the humans could teach. "Well, that sucks for me!" he roared with laughter, now skinning the Goldeen and beginning to slice its flesh into neat, bite-size pieces. "Whatever ... I don't want it anyway. I prefer to hit things."

    When he had finished, Rocket passed half of the pieces of meat over to Francesca and kept the rest for himself. Drool practically hung from the Gabite's mouth as he took in the fresh scent of his meal. He began to guzzle it down, barely even swallowing as the weight of his hunger overtook him. "Tho ... you goth a name, gig guy?" he mumbled at the Garchomp through a mouthful of food.

    ((Can you guys please get the time right? It's early afternoon.))

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Min Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:01 pm

    [OOC: Sadly, phones and editors don't mix...So I'll just summarize my post. VxV
    Francesca listened to what Gauge said, while watching Rocket gut the Goldeen. She says "Apologizes for your loss." to the Garchomp, befofe thanking him for the fish. When Rocket passed her share of the Goldeen to her, she smiled before putting her hands together. She said "Arceus, thank you for the meal." before beginning to plop the pieces of fish in her mouth, chewing thoroughy. She remarks about how she hasn't had such a good meal in weeks--since she's either been too wounded or too busy getting away from the hordes to actually hunt--therefore her diet had been mainly berries and other fruit that she could get her hands on...which wasn't very pleasant, seeing as she's a carnivore. She notices how Rocket's eating and quietly advises him to chew a little more, mentioning that if he chokes it might not be a very good scenario.]

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:23 pm

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    Blackthorne|Early Afternoon|16
    Scythe's blade came crashing down in front of her face.
    "Feathers and beaks, don't do that!" she cried nervously.
    The others were eating, she noticed. Nervous as she was, she turned her head and began to preen once more.
    "You don't zone out in front of me darling. I'll make sure of that." Scythe's glare was already enough for her.
    "Y-yes, I won't zone out Scythe. N-now, what did you want to say?" She fluttered her wings nervously, and uttered a small squawk.

    ((I assume Togekisses act like birds. Short post, sorry.))

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:28 pm

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                                                Blackthorne City|Late Afternoon|((6)

    "Oh chill out damnit." Scythe hissed at the fluff ball. "I'll probably regret this.." Scythe groaned and tossed the rest of the berries to the Togekiss. "Eat up, I'll let you slide only once dear." Scythe narrowed her eyes at the togekiss. Scythe laid her cleaver on the ground. Scythe was rather calm at the moment. She saw some potential in the pip-squeak, a power. She took her cleaver and held it proudly in her jaws. "Listen up, darling, follow me and I might just teach you how to live longer." Scythe smirked. Scythe's face was stern yet with a tint of friendliness. Something about this togekiss made Scythe wonder, wonder if trying to make a friend might help her survive....good.

    (Sorry for short post doing family stuff))

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:19 pm

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    Blackthorn City|Noon (7)

    Gauge chuckled at the Gabite's furious eating. Much like he used to eat as a drooling Gible pup. "My mother named me Gauge." He clicked his claws a bit before sitting. Where was his mother now he wondered? Gauge also wondered where his little Jenny was... He shook his head and closed his eyes. Mom was probably just fine and Jenny was probably hiding out waiting for him. Gauge didn't want to think she was hurt or a monster... That just couldn't happen... Could it?

    Age : 30
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:45 pm

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    Outside Dragon's Den/Early Afternoon (50)

    Rocket offered Francesca a blood-stained grin at her concerned words. "Hey, don't worry, baby," he said, sheepishly wiping away a clump of tangled nerves hanging from his lower jaw. "When you haven't eaten for two days, your body hasn't the balls to try and choke." After finishing his last mouthful, he wiped a fin across his messy jaw and turned to the Garchomp, who had settled down nearby.

    "My mother named me Gauge." Rocket nodded, flopping down onto his rear and contently patting his belly. "Cool. I'm Rocket, and this lovely lady here is Francesca." He grinned awkwardly. "Sorry if I was a bastard to you before. It's been a really fucked up day."

    He sat for a few moments in silence, gazing out across the water at the distant entrance to Dragon's Den. "So ... we sticking together for a bit? Because all my other friends either died or fucked off somewhere without telling me." His lip curled upwards as he thought of Written; had she left because of his broken promise? Casting that thought aside until he had more time to mull it over, he turned back to Gauge. "That cave over there is called Dragon's Den. Awesome name, right? Anyway, nothing really in there apart from lots of rocks and a bigass lake. But I did notice some kind of shrine on an island at the other end of the cavern. Whadda you say we see if we can make it over there?" An adventurous, greedy smirk crossed his face as he stood up. "Maybe there's some booty we can take. I fuckin' love shiny stuff."

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Min Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:17 pm

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    Outside Dragon's Den| |Early Afternoon

    "Hey, don't worry, baby. When you haven't eaten for two days, your body hasn't the balls to try and choke." she laughed a little, finished her own meal quietly as she licked her jaws. "That was definitely the best meal I've had in...two years." she grinned widely, humming a little in pleasure. She listened to the Garchomp's introduction. "My mother named me Gauge." Gauge was certainly a unique name. "Cool. I'm Rocket, and this lovely lady here is Francesca. Sorry if I was a bastard to you before. It's been a really fucked up day." she gave a small wave when she was mentioned, offering a polite smile. "So ... we sticking together for a bit? Because all my other friends either died or fucked off somewhere without telling me." she shrugged. "Well it's certainly a better idea than just waltzing around on our lonesome. Strength in numbers, as they say."

    "That cave over there is called Dragon's Den. Awesome name, right? Anyway, nothing really in there apart from lots of rocks and a bigass lake. But I did notice some kind of shrine on an island at the other end of the cavern. Whadda you say we see if we can make it over there?" she nodded. "It was a holy shrine dedicated to worshipping Dragon Pokemon, if I remember right. A...friend of sorts was born there, and he lived as a monk there for most of his life." she mumbled. "But the waters that surround it are full of whirlpools. We'd either need a very good swimmer or a flier who can fly us over individually, I bet." she frowned. "If anything I'd much rather go with the flying option, though. I never mixed well with water." Francesca chuckled a little. "Maybe there's some booty we can take. I fuckin' love shiny stuff." she rose a brow at Rocket's statement. "Lots of statues of dragons, I bet. Maybe some pearls and gold--if we're lucky we'll find jewelry."

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:35 pm

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    Blackthorne|Early Afternoon|17
    "Eat up. I'll let you slide only once, dear." Scythe's tail flicked back and forth as she spoke, and Blue began to doubt that the Houndoom had a lot of sanity left in her.
    "Well thanks." She muttered as she pecked slowly at the other berries. She kept one ear trained on the conversation the others were having. Quiet, and emotional, she knew the others wouldn't take her seriously in this state.
    ..."Shrine on an island at the other end of the cavern. .....Booty we can take."
    ..."We'd either need a very good.....a flier who can fly us over individually I bet. .....Never mixed well with water. .....Maybe some pearls and gold....lucky we'll find jewelry."
    She could fly, small Pokemon maybe, those who could fit on her back, but the idea of dragging Scythe across the sky or Scythe riding across the sky on her back was an idea that made her laugh. Surely Scythe would murder her before that happened, so the same would be true for the reptiles that were talking about the shrine in the cavern. The Garchomp looked like he could fly, but the idea of him with a pre-evolution on his back or dragging the others through the air was just as ridiculous.
    Realizing she was laughing, she quickly covered it with an embarrassed cough. Looking around, she began to peck at the berries once more.

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 29, 2013 5:38 pm

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                                               Blackthorne City|Late Afternoon|((7)
    The dragon mentioned shiny stuff. At that, Scythe's ears perked up. "You said shiny stuff?" She grinned. Looks like I'm not the only fanatic of trinkets and baubles. But maybe, just maybe, our tastes are different. For one, you don't have a fucking badass blade like mine-" Pausing, she turned to look at her reflection in the grimy blade surface. "-except right now it needs a good cleaning. Fluffy here can do that." She smirked at Fluffy, in her friendliest way possible. "You look like you're having a good laugh there. Who're you laughing at, dear?" She watched as the Togekiss realized she was laughing, possibly at Scythe herself or the three reptiles standing nearby, and tried to cover it with a cough. "Too late now, come on and tell us. Me. Them. Whatever"

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