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    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:37 am

    [ooc: I completely forgot it was my turn!! oAo]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Dragon's Den | Late Morning
    [Written: 49] [West: 14]

    "Why do we have to hide in this cold place anyway? If we all team up, we could totally take on that stupid zombie out there." Written paused in her silent trek further into the den, though it was only for a moment and she soon shook her head and chuckled. The Swellow shared a brief look at her younger sister, before she brought her gaze to look about the rest of the cavern. She didn't really take in her surroundings, however, as her mind began to go back to the forest in Hoenn. To the days when she was an inquisitive Taillow, to the days when she wasn't named Written in the Fates, and the only thing she worried about was not receiving an answer to her questions. She had no responsibility back then, not like what she held now. Sometimes it makes you feel bad, realizing how much you've changed. Written adjusted her glasses, a question upon her tongue when she heard whispering behind her. Taking it that Fly and West were simply getting to know one another, Written in the Fates pretended not to hear the mumbling, and went forward to her own devices.

    The bird only stepped a few feet away, though this allowed her to forget about responsibilities or about changes. At the moment, Written was merely a Swellow with her friends, setting out to find supplies to nourish them. Simple sentences; simple thoughts. She was Written in the Fates. Flyleaf was her long-lost sister. Flame of the West was her loyal companion. Rocket was family. And he was currently fighting Rionnah. And Rionnah? That lion was a bitch. Fondling with her pencil in her talon, she found herself at a calmer place than she was moments ago. Written knew where things stood, and with that structure in mind they would be able to build up atop of it -- they would be able to find solutions given the absolute facts that were found. All righty then, let's get to solving these equations.

    "Uhhm, what?" Flyleaf seemed to stumble over her words for a moment, and West Flame toned down his glow just a tad. A little bit of doubt crossed his mind; had he been too straightforward? Was their past a touchy subject? Maybe I should just pretend I didn't ask anything...! He quietly fretted, "Err- why do you really want to know? She is my sister. Always has been. Used to be a little more chill, but I guess cool all the same." The Umbreon felt comforted that there was no negative reaction to his question, though he caught a tone of deflection in the Taillow's tone. Let it be said that no two birds ever sing the same. West Flame twitched his whiskers in amusement, giving a knowing smirk to the little Hoenn native.

    "Well, family's important, let me tell you that. I don't even remember my parents," he felt the tie of the cloth flower itch around his neck. It brought up to surface just how many Pokemon are dead, and are dying at this very moment. Even the thought of death was felt very acutely by the Umbreon. "Anyhow, I'm betting Written was very cool" -- his eyes gleamed mischievously -- "if she literally broke down in tears at the sight of you." Flame of the West let the Flyleaf off the hook, looking forward as the bird of topic took a few steps away. Perhaps it was time to get going, he thought to himself. Time to find what may lie in the depths of this den, and get the heck out of there before things got ugly.

    Now that he thought about it, West Flame did think the Dragon's Den was too quiet for its own good. He was half expecting dragons to come jumping out at them and yelling bloody murder. "Let's get back to your sister, Flyleaf," he said dismissively as he began to limp forward. Frustration at his disability began to spike up as he noticed it probably took him twice as longer than it should have to find his way to Written's side. I'm still pretty useless in the light of things...

    The Swellow's thoughts were interrupted when West Flame's fur brushed her right wing. Written twisted her head to look at both her companions, before giving a nod. "The actual den in this cavern should be at the back... so we should just keep going, heh." She gave a short tweet, and was prepared to set off, before remembering her earlier question. "I've been meaning to ask, you two... It's a weird question, I know, but it's come to the forefront of my mind lately." A little insecurity seeped into her voice, but when she coughed and spoke again, it held a much more bolder emotion. "I've been thinking about the future. What are we going to do? In five hours we'd have run away and probably fought more undead. In five days? We'd have gone even further and fought even more." Written in the Fates shook her head. "Are we accomplishing anything just by existing in a dying world? Are we living life at all?"

    Age : 30
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:14 pm

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    Blackthorn City/Late Morning (36)

    "Just wait until after I skin you alive and go after that pretty birdie." Rionnah's spiteful words struck a nerve deep within Rocket's consciousness, and he found himself trembling from top to toe; not with fear but with pure rage. If this bitch thought she was getting her paws on Written anytime soon she had another thing coming. The Luxray released another Flash attack - Pff, how boring... - but Rocket tried not to let the blinding light distract him. He knew from her silhouette that she had not used the opportunity to change directions and was coming at him from the front. How predictable...

    Within seconds his eyes were slowly starting to adjust to the fading light and he raised both of his claws as the Electric-type's snarling face flew into view. Slashing them from side to side with Dragon Claw as soon as he saw it, he could only hope that it would hit and that the bitch would learn not to fuck around with him ever again. You will not touch Written ... not as long as I'm here.
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    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:55 am

    [ooc: ohgod I'm so sorry for the lateness fjdsflks it's the middle of the week and I'm really jam packed with finals and service projects. I'm afraid I don't have time to post right now ;-; I'm so sorry!

    Let's say that Written only sighed and shook her head, "I'm sorry, guys... I'm letting this epidemic get to me..." West Flame hissed in surprise and mild anger, trying to see the situation through Written's perspective]

    Age : 30
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:49 pm

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    Blackthorn City/Late Morning (37)

    The look on Rionnah's face as his Dragon Claw tore away at her side was absolutely priceless. Rocket unleashed yet another burst of triumphant laughter as she stumbled to the side, and only chortled louder when she appeared to gaze at her wound with a rather dumbfounded expression. "Do you need me to explain that to you? You just got owned!" But then the words that uttered from Rionnah's mouth, barely audiable over Rocket's hysterical, mocking laughter, actually surprised him enough to make him stop. "When did I become such a monster?..."

    "HAHAHA-- Wait, what did you just say?" Rocket stopped and held a claw up to his chin in curiosity. Had it finally gotten through to the bitch that she was just a mad psychopath with half a brain? Had it been him who convinced her of that? Before he could say anything else, however, Rionnah turned tail and fled into the city. She actually fled the battle. The sight and revelation of this make Rocket feel like he had just evolved ten times. "YEAH!" he bellowed, not giving two shits about any other undead that might've heard him. "Run away, you fucking pussy! And if you're stupid enough to show your butt-ugly face around here again I'll tear it off, you got that?! ...Phew."

    He hadn't wanted to show it in any way, but Rocket was exhausted. The battle and his wounds had left him feeling like he could just flop down to the ground and sleep right there and then. But he knew he had to get back to Written and the others. He simply couldn't wait to see their faces when he turned up; itched to tell them all about how he had given that murderer a piece of his mind. They'd be so proud ... and maybe Written would have faith in him again. The promise that he had broken still weighed heavily on his mind, but he knew that Rionnah's defeat would give them something to be relieved about. At least it was a little bit of weight of their shoulders. But as he started to head north towards Dragon's Den, Rocket began to stomp in frustration; even though he had won the battle he was still not satisfied. You didn't kill her!

    After a few minutes of limping along and casting worried looks at his bleeding fin, he passed a large building which he could only guess used to be the Gym and-- "Damn it!" A pool of water blocked his way. Why did it always have to be water or heights? Still, the sight of the clear liquid reminded him how long it had been since he had last taken a drink. Dropping to his knees, Rocket practically dunked his entire head into the pool and took several long gulps before carefully washing his wound. When he was revitalized and refreshed, he started to try and figure out how to get across there. Usually he would just dig around or under it, but didn't fancy the idea of any stones aggravating his wound or any dirt getting into it. Not only that, but digging under the pool carried the risk of the ceiling collapsing, letting the water in and drowning him. Rocket snarled and thrashed his arms around in frustration, but stopped when he noticed that the edges of the pool against the rocky wall were just about big enough for him to edge his way across. He did so carefully, plunging both claws into the wall to support himself as he shimmied along. Eventually the ground widened and he found himself at the entrance to the place called Dragon's Den. A wide grin etched upon his face, Rocket entered.

    Dragon's Den
    His eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness as he started to make his way through the caves. Eventually his ears caught faint voices in the distance, carried to him by the echoes. Wonderfully familiar voices. They're OK... It wasn't very often Rocket genuinely smiled, but he did so as he peeked his head around a corner and spotted three Pokemon: Written, West Flame and ... mini-Written? Of course not, Rocket told himself, that's Swellow's pre-evolved form, but who was she? He actually didn't really care - all he wanted was to put their minds at rest. If he knew Written she'd have been panicking about him the whole time.

    He didn't know why, but he felt a little nervous. After taking a moment to compose himself, Rocket stepped out and started to make his way over to them. As he neared, he raised his good fin into a little wave and a smile - not a grin - soothed his rugged features. "Hey guys."

    ((Sorry for the long post - I wanted to get it all done in one. ^^))
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    Age : 29
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Effervescent Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:02 pm

    ((So sorry. ;; My first post on this team, and it's a skip. Internet out until Thursday, though~) )

    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:21 am

    [ooc: I promise this will be the last time I skip, but finals are keeping me packed and stressing me out orz

    Written turned to Rocket and gave a relieved smile, though she grimaced sadly at the wounds on him. ;A;]

    Age : 30
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:40 pm

    ((Eh ... I'm going to skip as well, I'm afraid. Rocket's just standing there staring at them all and waiting for one of them to say something, lol.))
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Effervescent Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:55 am

    Blackthorne City ||Late Morning
    [10 (continued on from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])

    Isavi is a wanderer. She spends her days wandering throughout different cities and woods. Being social, and making conversation wasn't really her. She didn't have anyone she needed to be anymore anymore, so she didn't bother trying to smile or laugh or be happy. She kept her nose to the ground, and counted, like always.

    One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. And begin again. One...

    She didn't know where she was anymore. She guessed she was somewhere in the Johto region. How she got there... well, she wandered. She managed to get a ride from various water and flying Pokemon, and somehow she'd landed herself in another new area. She didn't know who was here in this place, or what would happen here- if anything that hasn't happened in any of the other areas she's wandered through. She kept her head down, and skitters along.

    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:47 pm

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    Dragon's Den | Late Morning
    [Written: 50] [West: 15]

    Written was going to be the first to say that seeing Rocket was a huge relief in and of itself. The Swellow had quickly gone to her friend, but upon coming closer, the more evident his wounds became. Her stomach churned uneasily, and Written in the Fates swallowed heavily. "Rocket..." she spoke, trying to see what exactly she felt about this. Angry at Rionnah? Sad that she couldn't prevent these gashes? Happy that the dragon had come out of the fight alive? Closing her eyes for a moment and breathing deeply, the bird forced herself to sort through her thoughts. Written had mixed feelings about this -- about everything happening up to this point -- and she was mildly beginning to doubt what the point of doing anything was.

    But upon recalling the instant rebuttal her small comment of her insecurity by her sister and West, Written knew that she had to put her all into this, else it would all be for naught. She opened her eyes and looked at Rocket with a more direct gaze. A smile played within her voice as she said in a clear voice, "Thank you." It probably didn't make sense to any other person, but Written knew that Rocket would catch it. He had stayed true to his word; he had faced their long-standing tormentor and had come out of the clash with his same old bravado. It gave the Swellow a warm feeling within her for a moment, before she turned to the Flyleaf and West Flame. She couldn't exactly let the little quip she had started to lay down and let it fade.

    "And to the two of you: I'm sorry for, you know, letting myself doubt anything," she said sheepishly, before she puffed out her chest feathers, ruffled her wings, and took a step back in order to look at all three of them. "But we're all here, and we're all alive, and that counts for something."

    There was a funny mix of guilt and pride that Flame of the West felt as he witnessed Written go through so much emotional turmoil; the bird was resilient and never failed to pull through. He had really come to see Written as a confidante and a friend, but in this very moment, Written was a leader and a director. West Flame cocked his head as she thanked Rocket, not knowing what there was to thank the dragon for. Unconsciously making his rings shine a little brighter, the Umbreon gave a small grin as the bird turned to him and Fly to apologize. "No apology needed, Written. We all have doubts now and then, it's the fact that you're much more certain that counts." He flicked his lame leg, and quietly wondered how it must feel for Written to be so certain that they'd get through this together.

    He was so much older than her, he knew, but West Flame couldn't fathom how it felt to be so certain. The Umbreon had flickered through different stages of doubt, moved around Kanto and Johto so often that he had forgotten what a home feels like, and obviously had grown used to just being. He twitched his nose as Written gave an impromptu speech, grateful to see that the bird was beginning to get her feet solidly on the ground (metaphorically, of course, seeing as she's already standing on the ground). When Flyleaf began to ask some questions, he chortled to himself as he nudged the little Taillow. "He's a friend, Fly. Introduce yourself properly like a normal bird."

    Age : 29
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Effervescent Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:23 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Blackthorne City||Late Morning

    Isavi found herself near a body of water when she next focused from her small trance of "one, two, three, four, five...". She wasn't exactly sure where she was, no, but she did know that she was near a body of water, and though it's not a particularly good indicator as to where she might be, it was still a hint, or clue. And Isavi felt a hint of hope flow through her at the idea of maybe, kind of finding a place to rest that was probably, most likely not so safe. However it was a place to stop...

    She looked around and saw that before her was a city. She couldn't help but wonder that if she had kept walking, and wasn't distracted by the sound of moving water, if she would have run into one of the buildings. She was glad she couldn't see anyone around who would have seen that... The city was quite empty, now that she gave it a second thought... It was quiet, save the sound of moving water. Her tired eyes slowly moved from one building to the next, scanning the entire area for any source of movement.

    And there it was... The first sign of life in this area. Or she hoped it was alive... because she was walking towards it. She was getting closer and she wasn't stopping, and she wants to see who this is up here, and what they are doing, and she's not sure why but she has this sudden interest. She feels that she shouldn't go near this unidentified pokemon, but yet she's still walking.

    "Hello!" She chirped when she stopped a few yards away from what appeared to be a discolored Luxray. The purple of her fur made Isavi nervous, and she painted a nervous smile on her face, always eager to appear happy to all those who may see her.

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Min Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:36 pm

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    Blackthorne City| |Late Morning

    The Dragon's Den.

    Where was it? The weary Krookodile scanned the ruined city from the outskirts, attempting to figure out which building was the one she was looking for. She shuffled the sand beneath her feet, her silent gaze tired as she looked down at the ground. Francesca slowly brought her calloused hands up to her head, clutching her face as she dropped to her knees. "Why did everything have to turn out this way...?" she whimpered, peeking out from her long fingers and at the scar on her chest. The very memories that arose from the mended flesh pained her. "Rocco... Antonio... Lazarus... Why did you all leave me?" The crocodile was near tears, body hunched forward as she felt her once-boundless energy leaving her. She was so very tired now, an eternal fatigue clouding her dulled eyes. The sounds of barking and growling hit her ears like a tidal wave, the female perking up with mixed expressions of surprise and horror.

    The pack had caught up with her.

    A group of slobbering, filthy Growlithe were racing towards the Krookodile, pushing each other aside in order to get the first bit of the reptile's flesh. Francesca hauled her body up into a standing position, cracking her knuckles before crouching slightly. Moments before the undead pups dived into her flesh, the female leaped from her position and landed with great force, the impact rippling the ground as it caused an Earthquake. As the infected staggered and stumbled, the ground-type immediately took this to her advantage, her eyes glowing a fierce red as she pummeled one of the canines with an Outrage attack.

    [OOC: Woot good to be on the team. |D ]

    Age : 30
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:28 pm

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    Dragon's Den/Late Morning (38)

    "Whoa, dude. Where did you come from? And the heck have you been?" Oh thank sweet mother of Entei. Rocket thought for a moment that they were all going to simply stare at him like that forever. Giving Mini-Written a sly grin, Rocket folded his arms, being careful not to knock his injured fin against the spikes on his leg. "I could say the same to you! And for your information, I've been out there fighting a psychopathic murderer just to keep you lot safe. A 'thank you' wouldn't hurt--"

    "Thank you." Ah, there we go. Written interrupted him to express her own gratitude, completely voluntarily. The Gabite nodded to her before looking out over the expanse of the cave. "Glad that somebody appreciates it! And no problem. I think it did me good. A bit of pain every once in a while never hurt anyone. Lets you know you're having one helluva good battle."

    Rocket's gaze lingered on the darkness of the enormous cave beyond them and he sighed. "Wow, this place is ... a bit boring, isn't it? Just a load of water. Huh, it has to be water, doesn't it? Can't be a field of fucking flowers that I can actually get through." Unfolding his arms and glancing down at his wound to check that it hadn't started bleeding again, Rocket looked round at them all eagerly. "Still, a place called Dragon's Den can't be all bad! So, do we have a plan?"

    ((I've missed Rocket so much. T_T And good to have you as well, Lulu! ^^))

    Age : 29
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Effervescent Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:23 pm

    ((Will have to skip again, guys. Sorry! D: I'm waiting for Cianlie~ c:))

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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Min Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:26 pm

    [OOC: Skip... Nothing to work with. ;w;]

    Age : 31
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Apos Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:30 pm

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    Ice Cave | Late Morning
    Post #1

    The Absol's claws tapped a slow staccato on the icy surface of the cave, his breath appearing in a fine fog before him as he stumbled towards the exit of the light of the exit. His form shuddered in the chill breeze coming from the sunlit hole before him. "Almost out... blasted frozen cave." He set his face in a dissatisfied scowl, stepping through the exit, and into the town nestled in the mountains. Taking a look around, his scowl deepened as he saw the ramshackle state of the houses, the broken windows, the doors torn half off their hinges. "Is no place safe anymore? One would think that these beasts would be ill suited to the cold..." He gathered himself for a moment, and nodded once, before setting off at a light jog into the town. He took note of what each building seemed to be as he passed it, which ones seemed the most heavily damaged, which ones seemed like they would offer some fortification.

    Sweeping north, past the towns gym, Apos stopped himself on the edge of a decently sized lake, the waters cold and... mostly clear. He lowered his head, and drank a few mouthfuls of the frigid liquid, and turned to scan the shoreline for signs of life.

    Age : 30
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:38 pm

    ((Skip me please. I have nothing to work with.))

    Age : 29
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Effervescent Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:30 pm

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    Blackthorne City || Late Morning

    And so the wanderer continued on along the water's edge. Perhaps whatever she had thought she'd seen was merely a figment of her overly active imagination. She finds herself lucky enough to make it to the water's bank in twelve easy steps, happy that she didn't have to go into the water, but not happy, really, because of the image she found there. Or maybe it was also just apart of her imagination, because she sometimes liked to wonder what it was like to be sad like some of the others she hadn't met on her journey. And maybe her eyes weren't actually dulled, and deluded, and her face wasn't sunken and sad. Maybe the image reflected back to her from the glistening water was purely what she wished to see.

    Regardless of what she may or may not be seeing, she disliked the image. Perhaps some part of her liked it. Liked the fact that she wasn't as abnormal as she thought. Maybe she was actually allowed to be sad, for once. And she wasn't going to have to act strong for anyone else. Not right now...

    She smiled gently at herself in the water, almost wanted to tell her reflective self that things will eventually turn out for her. That she was going to find somewhere where she belonged again. She was going to find her brother. She was going to be happy.

    But... well. Then she'd be lying to herself.

    And with that last thought, Isavi backed away from the water's edge, and back onto that familiar lonely stretch. Isavi was a wanderer. She kept her nose to the ground, and counted... like always.

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Min Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:49 pm

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    Blackthorne City| |Late Morning

    The crocidilian stumbles backwards, roaring at her foes who in turn, nipped at her flesh. Recklessly she swung her arm out and slammed one of the dogs in the face, whimpering as it was flung away. As strong of a Pokemon she was, she felt her strength beginning to waver. Her body was beaten and bloody, eyes half-lidded as she fought away from the dark of unconsciousness. Francesca stomped one large, clawed foot onto the Earth, the world around her shaking with another earthquake. She could hear the old buildings of Blackthorne creaking and swaying in an attempt to stay upright.

    It was no use, she had to retreat. There were too many Growlithe here, and reluctantly, she began to run. She felt teeth sinking into her tail, cringing in pain as she dashed further within the settlement. Narrowing her eyes, she could see figures in the distance, one small and pale, another with a pelt of deep navy. "Hey!" she shouts, sweeping her tail in an attempt to get the canines off. "Over here!" waving her arms she ran faster, but to her dismay, the dogs easily kept footing with her. "I need some help!"

    Age : 31
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Apos Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:05 pm

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    Blackthorne City| Late Morning
    Post #2

    "Over here! I need some help!"

    Apos's ears perked forward at the shout of distress, and without a moments hesitation his legs were moving, bringing him swiftly towards the sound of the cry. Rounding corner, he came across a sight that honed his mind to a razor with it's intensity. A Crocodilian, on the point of collapsing from Exhaustion, by the looks of her. A pack of infected, decaying Growlithe attempting to rip her asunder as a meal.

    The Absol quickly considered his options, and then made his move. Letting out a piercing whistle to gain the attention of the pack, he launched a Night Blade into their midst, badly wounding several, before leaping nimbly across the distracted pack. A Shimmering golden light flowed out from him as he Protected himself, and he placed his form in between the pack and the dazed Reptile. "You there, are you alright? I can hold them for a bit longer, but we need to do something if we're to get you out alive."

    Age : 30
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:20 pm

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    Dragon's Den/Late Morning (39)

    Rocket's foot tapped impatiently against the ground as he awaited an answer, but he was quickly distracted by a fair amount of noise coming from the cavern's entrance. "What the hell is going on?" The Gabite ran off towards the voices as the prospect of another battle made him tremble in excitement. He wasn't far away from the next level, he could feel it, and just one or two more battles would be enough ... On this day, Rocket was going to evolve.

    Blinking at the bright sunlight as he dashed outside, Rocket spotted the outlines of two Pokemon: an Absol and a-- "Ooh..." -- rather attractive she-gator. A grin plastered its way over Rocket's face as he dashed straight into the thick of their battle, his talons glowing fiercely as he knocked the infected Growlithe away with Dragon Claw. As the horde turned their attention to him and began to advance, Rocket briefly turned his attention to the Absol. "Get her into the cavern behind you. I'll deal with this lot."

    Rocket's tongue ran over his lips as the first Growlithe attacked, but then was promptly stabbed in the eye by the Gabite's razor-sharp claw. This was brilliant - not only could he gain some more experience to evolve but he could impress the gator while he was at it.

    Age : 31
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Apos Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:49 pm

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    Blackthorne City| Late Morning
    Post #3

    A Gabite rocketed itself into the middle of the horde, claws glowing, knocking aside the diseased mutts. He stared at Apos, at the exhausted reptile beside him, and briefed the dark type. "Get her into the cavern behind you. I'll deal with this lot."
    Apos merely nodded to the dragon, to which it responded by turning, and thrusting a bayonet-like claw into the eye of a pouncing Growlithe with a savage growl. Looks like he can handle well enough on his own... and I've got to get this one to safety

    The Absol knelt, and helped the barely concious crocidile to her feet. Come on now, stay with me. Lean on me, we've got to move with haste. Into the cavern, come on now." The Disaster Pokemon felt her weight settle heavily on his shoulders and back, her clawsdigging into his flesh as she attempted to hold herself steady... and thus, they began to stagger awkwardly towards the cave, and the sound of lapping water within. The Absol turned and glanced back at the battle, now a raging dervish of claw and tooth, and shouted "Shout if you need me! I'm going to get this one some help!"

    [So sorry about the late post, I didn't realize Lute was gone.]

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