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    Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive]


    Age : 36
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    Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive] Empty Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive]

    Post by Silverishness Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:13 am

    Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive] Hades

    Hex Color #577A3A
    Item None
    Gender Male
    Age Adult
    Species #???/ Houndusk, the Dark Pokemon
    Height 5'6"
    Weight 186.4 lbs
    Pokédex Entry It's believed that if you lock eyes with this pokemon it's said that it can see into your soul. Its eerie howls send chills through the night.
    Level 70
    Ability Flash Fire
    Nature Quiet
    Characteristic Often lost in thought
    Moves -Dark Pulse [TM]
    -Sludge Bomb [TM]
    -Nasty Plot
    History Hades' childhood is relatively shrouded in mystery. The only real information known about his lineage or youth is that his mother and father were a respectable pair of pokemon, both champions in their own right. Each was a winning pokemon in Leagues and battles, and so it was fitting that they mate and bear a brood of their own. However, when Hades hatched from his egg, he was nearly killed on sight. A hideous mutation, he held both characteristics of a houndour and poochyena. Abandoned by his parents, their trainers, he was left in a ditch, a sickly pup dying. He was quickly picked up by an aging man, eager to rescue the odd infant.

    The elder man adored his new acquisition, lavishing the infant in a wealth of food, training and knowledge. While Hades had grown a bit in leveling during his stay with the old man, but the aspect of him that grew the most was his mind. Philosophy, mythology, astronomy-- they were the man's passions, and so they were passed on to Hades. As he grew in body and mind and reached adolescence, the man passed, leaving Hades to his own devices. Sorrowful, but not distraught, he left his former abode and went out to the world, ready to experience it for his own.

    He was met with aversion, revulsion and exclusion. While this wasn't wholly surprising, as his former owner had prepared him for the ignoramuses of the world, it was somewhat irritating at first. However, as he grew, he became more and more distant to those who shared the same general area with him. He kept himself aloof from any other living, secluding himself within the confines of the Giant Chasm his only real goal to further his intrigue for the Legend famed to be there. There, he made the Chasm his territory, guarding it vigilantly against the many trainers that tried to invade. He also trained, leveling himself higher and higher with the powerful pokemon of his new home.

    Things changed when he ventured beyond the normal boundaries, finally making his way completely out of the cavern when a sight entrapped him. A dainty deerling, her beautiful visage ensnaring his senses, Hades was smitten. Without another thought, without hesitation, he knew he would have her. He had never spied such a entrancing creature, and he would not let such a rarity slip away so easily. He stole her, bringing her soon fainted form down into the valley at the deepest parts of the Chasm to be his mate and his alone.

    Of course, she was young, and he newly evolved, so he would wait until she was of proper age. He fed her, he protected her, he even trained her to better age her. He even gave her a Miracle Seed, so to help her attacks. Though, even with his kindness, he knew she still longed for the surface once more. And while his instinct told him to never drop his guard, he made the mistake of leaving her alone too often and after some months, found her missing, her scent entwined with a stranger's.

    He was enraged. Vowing vengeance and the reclamation of his property, he ventured out to find his missing bride. Some time into his search, however, he came across a far more disturbing revelation: undead. The monsters littered the lands, and with each encounter, he became more and more concerned for his mate. His search became more vigilant, more scrupulous, until a strange power took his from his forested homeland to a strange setting, covered in sand and dead blood.
    Appearance Hades is almost so removed from a normal pokemon's appearance, any typical onlooker would pin him as a demon incarnate. He is intimidating, even with his strange mutations. Long, mane-like fur hangs from his head, neck, shoulders and tail, softening his otherwise very masculine features. He is lean and lithe, long legs able to cover distances in surprisingly quick spurts. His eyes are arguably the most unnerving of all; stark silver irises sit on a pool of ebony scolera. They are usualy held with a calm gaze, analytic and distant. His body is strangely effeminent, elegance met with the macabre. His tail is a strange prong, the two sides jutting back instead of curving forward. A calm, almost serene smile usually graces his mouth, giving him a terribly eerie countenance.
    Patient| Calm| Intelligent| Thinker| Superior| Uncaring| Distant| Territorial/Possessive| Hoarder| Minutely Unhinged| Macabre| Passively Aggressive/ Evil| Confident

    Hades is a strange creature, by his own admittance. While superbly powerful, on par with Champion pokemon, he flaunts it rarely, choosing to let other pokemon make fools of themselves instead. Confident in his abilities to defend himself and his possessions, he prefers to simply observe others around him rather than take an active role, should he distance himself from his normal solitude. He has no doubt of his own superior stance in the world, and while difficult to rouse, will show his dominance if need be. He should not be mistaken for a coward, for he is simply passive.

    Along with this passiveness that he's known for, he is calm, quiet and distant. Again, it is extremely difficult to rouse his anger by mere insults or verbal jabs-- even physical harm, for he knows -at least in his own mind- that the instigator would fall to his knees if he knew what power he was messing with. No, few manage to rile his fury, his superior loftiness keeping him from falling to the level of his would-be agitators. He is polite, and any isults are usually given in an even tone and with a smile. Another odd note about him is that he never lies. Manipulation, yes, but an out right lie never passes his lips.

    However, if there is one thing that is sure to spark his anger is a transgression against his territory or property. Whatever is his will be forever his, and any who try and cross that -even the property themselves- will sorely regret it. Not a fan of sharing, Hades is extremely territorial and possessive, most of his obsessions resting on Persephone. This makes him somewhat greedy, hoarding whatever items of value he may come across.

    A being of higher thinking, Hades is an extremely intelligent, ponderous pokemon, his thoughts usually lingering on the inner workings of the world around him. This shouldn't be confused with electronics, as the human-made devices are of little interest to him. His curiosity truly reside with nature itself and the power of Legends, particularly Arceus himself. While he has never tried to find one of these elusive creatures, his mind still toys with the endless possibilities of their power and purpose.

    Of course, Hades is not all pleasantries. His life, obsessions and endless curiosity has instilled in him a truly dark side, a sort of "cracked" persona. While he generally doesn't actively inflict pain on others, it's often he will simply watch the victim, simply observing their torture for his own amusement, sometimes furthering it himself. He rarely helps anyone, as there is no kindness in his heart, and his help always comes with a hefty price.

    User Notes -While loosely based on the real Hades from lore, most of the aesthetic design and some personality was taken from the Hades featured in the manga Olympos.
    -His former owner taught him TMs
    -The mythology he knows of is mostly pokemon related, but he is aware of his namesake and the brothers' tale of drawing lots. He doesn't know much more than that, however, about human mythos.
    -His extraordinary level is due to battling the high-level pokemon within the Giant Chasm's depths.


    Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive] PCP637Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive] 635Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive] 196

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    Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive] Empty Re: Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive]

    Post by Silverishness Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:46 pm

    I would like to activate this sexy mofo right here. :D


    Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive] PCP637Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive] 635Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive] 196

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    Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive] Empty Re: Hades the Mutated Houndusk [inactive]

    Post by Mewtwo Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:46 am

    Approved, and yet another record.

    Congrats on producing the first EJ character to use 4 tickets on only themselves. You also hold the record for the first character to need 3. lol


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