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    Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger)


    Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) Empty Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger)

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:58 am

    Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) 180px-570ZoruaShift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) ReaganTransparent

    Late Teens
    -Dark Pulse(Breed)
    -Foul Play
    -Aerial Ace(TM)
    Strongly Defiant
    National Dex No./Species-
    #570 Zorua/ The Tricky Fox Pokemon
    Pokédex Entry-
    To protect themselves from danger, they hide their true identities by transforming into people and Pokémon.
    Shift. What an odd name. Well, at least it held some meaning. This Zorua gained his odd name through his ability to literally 'shift' or change illusions faster than others of his kind. Meaning one second he was disguised as a human, and the next you were being perplexed as suddenly he was a Stantler, prancing about. First, let us begin with the beginnings of his life. Like most of his kind, Shift grew up in Lostlorn forest. Here his mother trained him to be an Illusionist like the rest. He was adept at trickery and quickly outperformed his own mother in the art of illusion. Though he was not strong, nor very fast, Shift had no need to fight or run as he was capable of defeating enemies simply by driving them mad trying to discern what was real and what wasn't.

    Though, not all his enemies were so easily taken care of. A young girl by name of Anne, along with her Golett partner, easily found out who he was. He was captured by her, and trained to fight. Being only her second pokemon, she wasn't too skilled, and therefore attempted to utilize Shift's illusions, but, the young Zorua was disobedient, and wanted nothing more than to get back to his Mother. Anne was displeased, but being a patient girl she decided to take the time to befriend him. Though it took time, eventually, he grew to trust her, and then she tried to train him once more. This time, he did as she commanded. Though he still was none too powerful, so she attempted to remedy that with a TM, which allowed him ninja-like speed, for an attack that always struck the target.

    She named him Shift for his illusion abilities, and he became her favorite pokemon, much to the disdain of her Team, which had grown over the course of their training. Her Golurk, by name of Barker, grew tired of her constant praise of Shift, and came up with a plan to get rid of the irritating fox. While the Zorua slept, he snatched up the Zorua, and hurled him away. With might of the Golurk, and how light Shift was, he sent the fox a great distance away. Not that he couldn't find a way back, but that wasn't the problem. Shift was hurdling through the air, and luckily crashed into a river, though it broke his back leg. The other problem was that Shift didn't even know what happened. He just woke up when he was hurled, but had no clue as to what exactly happened, and was very confused.

    Shift set out to return to his trainer. Eventually, he found her, but she had another Zorua. He had been replaced. Sorrow gripped him. The petty girl hadn't even bothered to look for him, and it left him crushed. Barker saw him before Shift could run away from Anne and her new Zorua, and grabbed him. Though this time he did not hurt the Zorua. He simply looked at him, and said the one thing that brought Shift out of sorrow.

    "Go home little fox."

    Though he has no idea where home is any more, nor what region his Trainer was, so he searches aimlessly, wandering much in the way Drifloon do, just moving wherever the wind takes him.

    Often furrows his brow, because he tries to remember where he was going and what he was doing. Still has a slight limp due to his leg not healing properly. Often has a look of vague disorientation and never truly looks like he knows where he is. Often looks confused and hurt.
    Shift is a confused little Zorua. He gets easily disoriented, and often forgets what is happening. He likes to think and relax, though he has trouble thinking due to his bad memory. Is sneaky around others about where he's going and what he's doing. His illusion skills have lessened due to the brain damage.

    User Note-
    -Shift attempts to return home, though he has no idea where he is

    -The impact with the river was not what truly hurt him. The sudden halt of movement upon splashing into the water made his brain slam against his skull, causing brain damage. He has trouble remembering things short term for longer than a few minutes, and gets chronic headaches when he gets disoriented, which happens easily due to his inner ear being damaged by the crash

    -History, personality and appearance by TBC

    -Shift's text color



    Text Color-
    darkslateblue #6B238E
    A brown bag with a big book of Language of Flowers, wears a collar with many precious jewels embedded in it
    #586, Sawsbuck/ The Season Pokemon

    Pokédex Entry-
    The plants growing on its horns change according to the season. The leaders of the herd possess magnificent horns.
    Good Perseverance
    - Horn Leech
    - Jump Kick
    - Wild Charge(TM)
    - GrassWhistle(Breed)

    You know son, the Cherry Blossom means Transience of life or Gentleness. Do you know why that is?

    The riches was something no one could let slip through their fingers. Everyone's greedy and everyone has someone or something they want to make true. Why is this? Well, it's human nature and that something we can't change. So we adapted to anothers emotions and routines. That's just what humans do and really, pokemon aren't that different.

    Dad, why do you like flowers so much?

    Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. These are the four season that Deerling and Sawsbuck represent. Through out time humans have used these pokemon to show the change in the seasons and help with the crops for each season. This is also where our story begins.

    Spring, a time for flowers and love.

    In the faraway region of Unova, lays the desert town of Yamaji Town. In this small desert town, a Deerling was born to a Sawsbuck and a Leafeon. The Sawsbuck mother belonged to a very rich and famous trainer. While the Leafeon father belonged to a young Florist that lived in Yamaji Town. The two pokemon fell in love to their trainers distaste and when the little Deerling was born, the mother's trainer tried to take the baby, but the father's owner said they could care for the baby together.

    Summer, a time for fruits and vegetables.

    The little Deerling loved his father greatly. He loved his mother also, but not as much as his father. His father was a master in telling one planet from another and his owner even cataloged all the planets and herbs and what they mean in the Language of the Flowers. Which he happily taught his son the ways of the flowers. To his father, sense his son was a Deerling, learning the ways of the flowers was a must.

    Autumn, a time for ends and beginnings.

    It's Autumn, twentie years later, in the big and bright city of Nimbasa. The once little playful Deerling is know an adult Sawsbuck. He's grow alot sense the time in Yamaji Town. When his father pasted away 6 years before, it changed the buck. The Florist, the buck's fathers owner, gave the Sawsbuck to the rich trainer, who greatful took him and the Sawsbuck's mother to Nimbasa. When they got there, the Sawsbuck gain his name, Reagan.

    As the years past, Reagan became more and more prissy. Now because of his new life, Reagan believes this allows him to buy anything he wants, but there was one thing he keep when he left that desert town, his fathers book on the Language of the Flowers. Yes yes, such s silly thing for him to keep, but it's the last thing his father gave him before he died.

    Winter, a time for death and destruction.

    It was finally time. The undead layed war to the city and the Sawsbuck couldn't care less what happen to the city. He was after all, not the same carefree little buck he once was. Once the undead have left the city, he also left. It was such a sad little life he had on his own. Ever now and then he would meet living and try to buy friendship, even the love of another. He knew no better, yet he still choose to live this life. Such a strange Sawsbuck indeed. A normal herding pokemon turned a loner, a very interesting turn a fate if you ask me.

    Each Season is different and you have to plant different flowers and herbs for each season. Does that mean i'm just as different?

    The Sawsbuck traveled many miles and battle many undead. He also bought many "friends" and "lovers" on his travels. Reagan was so different and preferred the ways of a loner. Such a strange buck. He believes money can buy anything the world, but money can only get you so far. "Think little Prince, what happens when the money runs out? Will the pokemon you bought still stay by your side? Or will you just abandoned them?"

    Reagan often thought what he should answer to that, but he could never think of anything, but when he did think about that question his chest hurt and it felt like an old memory was trying to show it's self, but it never did. On his travels he came to Orre. A nice little desert region. It reminded him so much of his own little desert home of Yamaji Town back in Unova.

    He traversed the region for quite some time before he came to Agate Village. The Sawsbuck found comfort in the tiny village. So the Strange Sawsbuck decided to stay in the village.

    Welcome home Little Prince.

    A normal Sawsbuck through and through. He often has a calm demeanor and doesn't show his emotions on his face alot. If looking for any emotion from him, you must watch his body language. He tends to show his emotions in his body language more then on his face.
    He often likes to call other pokemon by flowers that he thinks fits their personalities better. He's almost always calm and cool about things and hardly ever shows his temper. His insults always have the pokemon's flower somewhere in it.

    User Notes-
    -His name is Irish and it means Little King

    -He's been taught the Language of the Flowers by his Leafeon father who used to be owned by a Florist

    -His book of The Language of Flowers was a gift from his father before he pasted

    -Believe he can buy anything he wants, including another love

    -His mothers trainer taught him how to read, though now a days he finds it to be a useless ability, so it's not like it used to be, though he likes to look at the pictures

    -He knows how to read, but most of the learning has been forgotten because of his ignorance, mostly relies on the images

    Last edited by DreamingAura on Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:58 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) Empty Re: Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger)

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:13 pm

    Here are their single profiles.


    Shift's may not be up to date. I'll fix it alittle later.

    And Shift has already been approved.

    Posts : 3650

    Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) Empty Re: Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger)

    Post by Mewtwo Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:22 am

    The deer changes with the season no matter where he is, just like in the game. You can be in the snow and still have a summer Sawsbuck if that is the time of year it is.

    That is my only note.


    Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) 3Br5nS6

    Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotShift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) UugYyDK

    Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) Empty Re: Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger)

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:57 pm

    Alright, thank you.

    Posts : 3650

    Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) Empty Re: Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger)

    Post by Mewtwo Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:31 am



    Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) 3Br5nS6

    Shift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotShift the Brain Damaged Zorua and Reagan the Little Prince Sawsbuck (killed by harbinger) UugYyDK

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