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    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger)


    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) Empty Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger)

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:59 am

    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) 150px-259Marshtomp


    Text Color-
    Young Adult
    #259 Marthtomp, The Mud Fish Pokemon

    Pokédex Entry-
    Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep.
    Very Finicky
    - Water Gun
    - Mud Shot
    - Ice Beam(TM)
    - Waterfall(HM)

    In a hole lived a little froggy...
    Simple as that. Easy, relaxing, and best of all, no distractions. Peaceful. For starters, this little Mudkip lived in a mud puddle. When it dried up, he moved under the house of a nearby rancher where moisture collected and where it stayed warm. When the cold waned and the summer returned in full force, so did the rain, and the little Mudkip returned to his puddle. Simply put, it wasn't very exciting. Not that the little boy minded. After all, when you had a nice puddle and food, what more could you ask for. Riasc, his name at birth, could not tell whether or not the nice rancher owned him or not, as he was never sent out to battle, and the nice man never gave him orders, but the little guy was willing to help the nice gent whenever possible. Of course, this made him sort of a ranch-hand.

    There was an added bonus of the man's gratitude, as he was given food. During one of their many jobs, Riasc discovered a flat little rock under a pile of hay, and when he took it to the man, he stumbled and ran off with it. After a day or two, the man returned, telling Riasc at great length that the rock he found was a fossil, and that when he got some money, he'd take him with him to see it get regenerated. Months passed, and as Winter inevitably made its icy pass through the Ranch, Riasc took residence underneath the house again. After the Winter again left from the Spring Storms, Riasc was met with a surprise. Hopping into the Rancher's baby blue 48 Ford, they drove to the city. It was so pretty to the young Mudkip, and he was further amazed when the Fossil began to be regenerated before their eyes.

    Swirling colors, blinding flashes of blue and green, before the rock became a shell, and the shell sprouted fins, before finally a head emerged. A female Tirtouga. They took the girl home and Riasc took to calling the little girl Puro. Puro and Riasc got along even though they were complete opposites. The Rancher was hit by an unfortunate act of Arceus... A flood. Because Riasc and Puro were Water Types, they got out okay, but the rest could not be said for the house, the barn, and his machinery. Using some emergency funds, the Rancher purchased HMs, and used them to allow the Water Types to go into the deep water that formed into a temporary lake at the bottom of his property. With Waterfall, Riasc could use his strength to heft things out of the lake, and in the process, he evolved. The added strength, coupled with Puro's Dive, allowing her to locate the possessions below, helped the Rancher recover some of his things, and helped him move. The land was not livable with no home, barn, or farm-able land.

    Riasc and Puro, though they loved the Rancher, could not bear to leave the home they'd come to know, and declined when he offered to take them with him. The now teen Riasc and the growing Puro made residence in the wet, sloppy lands that once held their beloved home. Little things seemed mundane and irrelevant. Life went on. Riasc, to hide the fact there was nothing left in his home, he trained himself. Fighting wild strays who crossed the land they loved. Puro, on the other fin, just watched as her 'Brother' began his training. She herself found no reason to engage in such trifle matters. It wasn't really important to her. A pond has formed artificially from the flood, and remained there, so Puro would spend her days and nights there. Swimming and relaxing in the warm waters. Occasionally she would come out and talk to Riasc, and vice versa.

    Then, of course, the Epidemic. Always. Nobody was safe from it. Even if you lived under a rock... Inevitably, it found them too. Riasc really wasn't too smart, and neither was Puro. Being more down-to-Earth about things. It was a simple thing. 'Kill 'em or be killed yerself.' as Riasc told her after the first week of the madness. Riasc and Puro began to leave, fighting off what they could. Being her 'Brother' the Marshtomp would be "damned to Giratina" before he let her get hurt. The two Ranch-Hands turned Survivors are now wondering where indeed safety is anymore. So is everyone else nowadays.

    He's a normal Marshtomp through and through, but he often has a calm look on his face.
    He's calm, cool, collective and tends to think things through before he does something. He's very much an older brother to Puro, even if they're not blood related. He's very much an over thinking, especially when hiding/battling the undead. He's head strong and a bit stubborn.

    User Notes-
    -His name is Irish for marsh

    -Thinks himself an older brother of Puro

    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) 200px-564Tirtouga


    Text Color-
    natural turquoise#45C3B8
    Smooth Stone
    Early Teens
    #564 Tirtouga, The Prototurtle Pokemon

    Pokédex Entry-
    About 100 million years ago, these Pokémon swam in oceans. It is thought they also went on land to attack prey.
    Likes to RunSwim
    - AncientPower
    - Bite
    - Dive(HM)
    - Sandstorm(TM)

    For her history look up at Riasc's history section.

    She's a normal Tirtouga, but she hardly ever talks. She's often found swimming next to Riasc.
    Not one to talk much unless she has too, Puro likes to keep to herself most of the time. She can be a bit of a crybaby when she wants, but she can also be very level headed. She's the opposite of Riasc.

    User Notes-
    -Raisc was the one who taught her the TM move

    -Her Smooth Stone is hidden inside her shell

    -TBC wrote the history(Can't believe I forgot this DX)

    Last edited by DreamingAura on Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) Empty Re: Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger)

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:06 pm

    These two are ready for approval!

    Posts : 3650

    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) Empty Re: Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger)

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:44 pm

    In your history, you mention that the fossil is found under a pile of hay, which is not really plausible. The pile of hay is there because the farmer would have had to put it there, so wouldn't he have noticed the rock? Fossils are buried in the ground so if the Mudkip found it anywhere it should be there.

    Also in the history you mention Riasc having Waterfall and Puro having Dive, but in the profiles it is the other way around. Which is correct?

    Also their ages do not correlate to the history. If the Marshtomp is Early to Mid teens then the Tirtouga will have to be younger since it had been a while before her fossil was found. A long while if he was that close to evolving. They cannot be the same age.

    And as a side note, why is the Epidemeic 'Always'? Granted as users the plague is normal for us but to the characters this is a new thing, something they have never encountered. So why 'Always'?

    Please review and revise then I will look again for approval.


    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) 3Br5nS6

    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotRiasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) UugYyDK

    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) Empty Re: Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger)

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:52 pm

    I was referring to Always in a deep, exestential sense... like a foreboding inevitability... I have a habit of making things poetic more than literal. Of course they didn't know it would happen... I just referred to how it 'Always' caught up to everyone...

    Sorry for confusion.

    BTW I wrote this history....:)

    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) Empty Re: Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger)

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:04 pm

    Sorry, didn't realized the moves were like that AND that I forgot to put the history was by TBC. Sorry bro. DX

    Anyway, I fixed the moves and the age. And I think the fossil was in the dirt under the hay. Not sure, lol.

    Posts : 3650

    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) Empty Re: Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger)

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:12 pm



    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) 3Br5nS6

    Riasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotRiasc the Marshtomp and Puro the Tirtouga (killed by harbinger) UugYyDK

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