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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The UNDER Team


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 30 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:16 pm

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    Bastet had the corpse in midair as she waited for the orders to move. "I'm not calling for it. Cosmic," Mathias was surprised, but he understood that Glass had reasons. "this is your call. Tell us when you move out." Seeing Glass turn her head to the wall, he somehow felt this was really hard on her. Whatever impact that Forrik had on these two must have effected Glass hard. It was something that Mathias was sure of that it was like Taph. The Charizard knew he had to be the one to burn Forrik's corpse to prevent any other undead to feed on his body. The fire type gritted his teeth thinking of that. What's more, he had no clue that his brother was undead and on a mad hunt to find him. The Espeon had a sad look though knowing that this was going to be hard on Mathias. Charizards are known for their powerful fire moves and Mathias now being wild again would have a rather strong flamethrower.

    "I'm not going to bury another friend. I'll wait down here while you burn Forrik's body." Without a word from Mathias he nodded to Glass as he started to lead Bastet to the stairs. "Yeah, yeah. Lets just get this done. I want to get this out of my mind as soon as I can," Cosmic's voice was sad as well. If there was something to say to them he would, but for the time he knew Forrik though short, he was a noble charizard despite the events the had happened to him. "I'll meet you on the rooftop, then." With a nod Mathias signaled Bastet to start moving the body up the roof. Mathias? Big brother? Are you crying? The Charizard looked at Bastet knowing she was right. Bast, if there was a way to turn back time, I would have been able to tell Cosmic to not kill him, but I...I just don't know anymore. Zeke's dead, Leo's dead. We're the only ones left Bast and I'm afraid that I might lose you as well. The Psychic type knew Mathias was strong, but afraid was something new to her.

    Walking to the roof wasn't an easy task though with the doors and such. Mathias and Bastet continued their conversation through the Espeon's psychic powers. I know how you feel Mathias, I was afraid when Zeke died and I was scared that you was dead as well, but what keeps me happy though is that I found you and you're alive still. You're still cool big brother and I won't ever leave your side. Mathias turned his head and smiled as Bast said that to him. Thanks sis, at least I won't be alone being a wild pokemon again. Finally reaching the Roof where Cosmic was waiting, Mathias had Bastet hover Forrik's body over the edge of the building. Down below was a bin full of clothes to cover the remains. "Forrik, you have been a good charizard, though I have known you for a small time. For this, you shall feel the warmth of the flame that we live by." Mathias blew his flamethrower onto the wrapped up corpse as the fabric caught fire. Bastet shed tears as she started lowering Forrik's body out of view and into the bin for the fabrics to cover the remains. "He is now in the fabrics where he can rest peacefully without those ugly undead touching him." Earlier though Bastet did pick up another presence in the hotel as well. This would be a perfect time to bring it up. "Big brother, I felt something in the hotel not to far from us earlier and I can still feel it." The fire lizard looked at Bastet when she said that. "Is it undead or living?" The eeveelution couldn't tell for sure if it was alive or undead, but they'd need to get back to Glass as soon as possible. "Cosmic, we need to get back to Glass, Bastet just felt something in there with us and Glass is all alone in there." The Charizard was concerned for Glass' safety and if it was a strong undead then they might have some trouble taking it on.

    OoC)) Had to cut the funeral in one post. Anyways Bast picked up Nova's presence but doesn't know where he is if its okay with you Nyra.

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 30 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by NyraXerz Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:51 pm

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    The Under | Time Unknown | 11

    The voices that had been growing in volume suddenly seem to calm down. As if they had realized where they were and moved on. Smart. Determined to still scout out the area the large dragon slithers his way through the network of underground tunnels. The enclosed stone walkways providing a sense of comfort and confidence as he approaches where he had last heard the noises. It wasn’t too unlike his natural habitat after all. Nothing could escape him in these close quarters, he thought to himself.

    Finally, Nova finds himself before another row of shutters. Even without properly investigating, he can tell someone was through here recently. Streaks of something being dragged and lifted or discarded disturbed the dust on the floor. Scents he couldn’t name where potent in the air. With a snort, the dragon continues forward past this and finds the answer to at least one of the scents sitting right before him. A bright blotch of white sitting facing the far wall. A pokemon he had never seen before, but one none the less. It sat saying nothing. Was it abandoned?

    Perhaps it was infected, he mused, moving in for a closer look. Isn’t that why a group would abandon someone? ”Left behind in my tunnels? How unfortunate.” He calls out, sounding neutral on the matter.
    Once he is within 10ft of the whatever-it-is pokemon, he notices the navy colored horn and tail spike. ”What are you?” The druddiking huffs, mildly annoyed in having to ask, to admit there might be something he isn’t sure of. Otherwise, he stands calmly and observes after asking his second question, craning his slender neck for a better view and undeterred by any aggression.

    (( ooc: Duma, I don’t know your character very well, but you have my permission to swat at/get in Nova’s face/step on his toes/whatever is in character. Nova isn’t charging any attacks or speaking outside a neutral tone, but strange dragons getting close when you are alone can set anyone on edge. ))


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:25 pm

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    Without knowing of anything as he was away, Shadow wandered the halls of the hotel in search of supplies for his own survival. At first glance, the undead wasn't the first thing he wanted to see when he returned home from his intense training. Their coloring though had certainly made him think that it was a sick joke being played on him. It was not the case as they had blood on them as well. What the hell, the dead coming back to only kill, I come home and everything went to shit. Seriously what the hell. Considering that he was away for five years had some sort of effect. This hotel though, what can this charizard find in the desolate halls of this place. Hearing something above though had given the purple charizard that he isn't alone in there. What was that? Sounds like something heavy, but I better go find out what it is. Maybe there's stuff up there for me to take. So the charizard goes down the halls to find a way up to the stairs. Turning the corner seeing a shutter down. Seems someone was trying to contain whatever is in there. Shadow lifted the shutter only high enough to get through before it slams back to the ground. Though he was going to check the next floor for what caused that noise, he was hungry and needed something to eat. Around one corner was a few rooms and a machine with snacks inside still. The glass that was guarding the goods was still intact and seems he could break it for its contents. Without a second thought the fire type heated up the glass until it couldn't take anymore heat. After he blew enough fire from his flamethrower, the glass finally shattered and the purple charizard could take the snacks from the snack machine.

    As he grabbed a few snacks he started eating the snacks to satisfy his growling stomach. Another noise from above was heard again. Shadow ate the last candy bar and went back to lift the shutter again to head to the stairway. Okay, no more distractions. Whatever's up there better not be undead or I'll kill it and make its body as a warning not to mess with me. Surely that he could take a few undead on  without the aid of others, but if its strong then he relishes the challenge to kill it. The charizard reaches the door to the stairs and heads through it. Looking up, the ceiling was a bit dim from the lack of light. His eyes showed a bit of glow. Nobody was around to see it to confuse him with the undead. Going up the stairs, the fire type had one thing in mind. Getting the hell out of this hotel and into a more suitable place outside. Luck however wasn't on his side though. As he reached the floor where the noise was heard from, the charizard opened the door and started walking towards the source of the noise. Once I get out of this shit stain of a building I'm going to feel the desert wind again. I miss it and five arceus damned years is to long. Passing by a door, it showed signs of someone had recently been there. The dent in the door looks like it was made not to long ago and it looked somewhat freshly cracked. Either way he'd find out what's ahead of him if he continues down the hall.

    Slowly walking down the hall to avoid any loud noises from himself was basically something the charizard had learned when it came to the element of surprise. As he got closer and closer, so did the noise and somewhat hearing speech. So he wasn't alone in here the whole time. Either way, he was not going to draw to much attention to himself until he knows for sure there aren't undead nearby. His eyes had started do glow again from the darkness of the hall. Damn it. Its to dark in here and if whoever's talking sees my eyes they'll assume I'm undead. He continued on hoping that there was some light to make it less worrisome to anyone who still draws breath. Finally he spots both an Absol and a mysterious pokemon. It looked like a Druddigon but there was something different about it. It was bigger and had some serious height to it. The Charizard kept quiet and remained in the dark while slowly approaching them. When he finally got close enough he stopped and was waiting by a door that he could open and close if they was hostile.

    OoC)) Feel free to notice Shadow hiding in the dark. He'll just not say anything this round until asked.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 30 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by Duma Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:18 pm

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    Cosmic waited on top of the roof for Mathias and Bastet to arrive, his rings casting a soft glow across the ground. He glanced back as the Umbreon heard the others coming up, quickly averting his gaze when he saw Forrik's body, wrapped up in that blanket. He glanced over to see Bastet hovering the body over the edge of the building, above a bin that rest down below. He looked away, not wanting to watch. Fuck you... I never asked for a damn martyr to save me... The vulpine's ears drooped, and he turned to face the walkway back down to where Glass was waiting, hoping to god that they would just get it over and done with.

    "Forrik, you have been a good charizard, though I have known you for a small time. For this, you shall feel the warmth of the flame that we live by." He shut his eyes tight, but he couldn't block the sound of the flames erupting from Mathias's jaws, the warmth from them washing over his back as the blanket was set alight.

    He only looked back when he felt the heat leave his fur, watching as the last few flecks of flame disappeared over the side of the building. Despite being glad that the whole mess was over... Cosmic still couldn't shake the feeling of sadness they crawled up his spine."He is now in the fabrics where he can rest peacefully without those ugly undead touching him." Cosmic didn't wast any more time, getting to his paws and heading inside, going back to Glass.

    "I'll meet back with you back with Glass." He said, heading back inside, without hearing what else they had to say.

    Meanwhile, Glass was currently staring up at the decidedly massive dragon that was currently in her face. Her hackles rose, lips pulling back in a warning snarl as her fur stuck up on end, a low, hissing growl rumbling from the back of her throat.

    ”Left behind in my tunnels? How unfortunate.”

    "Three things, scaly. One, I was not left behind. My group was just up there getting rid of a body. Two, these are not your tunnels, and third, you better step the fuck off before I snap your fucking muzzle off for getting in my fucking face." She snarled, her claws digging into the ground below her as she glared straight up at the dragon, not showing any fear to him.

    ”What are you?”
    "I am the thing that is going to claw your fucking eyes out if you don't back the fuck up buddy."

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 30 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:26 am

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    Mathias watched as Cosmic started to move back inside. "I'll meet back with you back with Glass." Both the Charizard and Espeon nodded to the Umbreon. The fire type looked back down towards the large bin. Bast, how long did you feel the presence of something else in there with us? The Espeon couldn't say to much, but she was able to keep her posture well enough to answer Mathias' question. Its been there for a few minutes, we should probably head back and check on Glass. The fire lizard nodded as he started walking towards the door. The psychic type followed right behind him and they started to go back inside. The hotel had enough lighting to see where they was going, but eventually Mathias would have to rely on his fire to produce light in the dark.

    As they started going down the staircase, another presence was felt and it was much different from the other one. "Mathias, I felt another one. Its right by the other one. We should hurry and help Glass."  This seemed to be more of an emergency than anything and if their is more undead, then the Absol will need the help. "Let's hurry Bastet. We can't let anything happen to Glass and Cosmic." The Charizard started gaining speed as he went from a walk to a slight run. Bastet was right behind as they made there way to the next staircase. Hold on Glass, we're almost there. Keep them at bay until we all arrive. The fire type thought to himself as he made it to the staircase door. Slowing down, he opened the door seeing Cosmic moving to the next set.

    Mathias grabbed hold of Bastet as he flapped his wings to hover off the ground. The duo made there way down the stairs to catch up with Cosmic. The corners though was a bit tough, but Mathias managed to get around them though each time though he had to land to get past them. Finally they catch up to Cosmic. "Cosmic, we should hurry back. Bast might have picked up some unexpected guests." Opening the door to getting to the next staircase to Glass, Bastet ran on ahead to get a better sense of what's going on. "Seems she's by two other pokemon, but I can't tell who or what they are from this floor." As she ran past the rooms. She reached the door but waited for Mathias and Cosmic to catch up. Once they make it down there they'll find out who's who.

    Age : 32
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    Post by NyraXerz Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:04 pm

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    The Under | Time Unknown | 12

    Nova waits patiently as the absol takes notice of him. The change in posture happening suddenly as they look up at him. Their white fur rises and lips spread to reveal their teeth underneath. How odd. Their answer though, was quick. "Three things, scaly. One, I was not left behind. My group was just up there getting rid of a body. Two, these are not your tunnels, and third, you better step the fuck off before I snap your fucking muzzle off for getting in my fucking face." The creature snarls at him, digging her claws into the hard floor below. Did that mean she would not be the one moving if they were too close? "I am the thing that is going to claw your fucking eyes out if you don't back the fuck up buddy." Nova stares down for a moment longer, meeting the glaring eyes of the other pokemon.

    His eyes quickly skim over her face, trying to get a read on how far their threat really would go before opting to pull back his head. Slowly he brings his neck back to its resting position, his head angled down to continue to watch the absol. "Why would they not be my tunnels? I live here now. Wait, group? There are more of you? Are you trying to say they are yours?" Nova says, hissing as he starts to draw his own conclusions. The dragon makes no attempt to keep his voice down and notices no other presences as he tries to figure out this latest development.


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:48 pm

    OoC)) Skipping Shadow as he is just watching and listening in.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Wed Mar 15, 2017 10:52 am

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    The Under | Time Unknown | 1

    Well, this was downright odd. The shimmery black Liepard walked with a blissful bounce to his step, his pointy ears twitching and flicking in search of the voices he swore he had heard. They had been talking, there had been a lot of sound actually, but he must have turned the wrong direction as he couldn't hear them any longer. "Hello?" He meows, the tips of his fangs showing as he parts his mouth widely to speak. There was no response, of course, as he had already tried that, so he continued to walk in the lonely silence.

    Heading down another alleyway between a pair of strange buildings the big cat couldn't recall which way he had come from. Heck, he couldn't remember how he got to this part of the city at all! Everything looks different then it did yesterday. Even the air felt a bit more stale and not at all like the dry, sandy taste it had had. "Did I come this way?" He mutters to himself, unsure. At lot of the buildings looked the same, even the ground blended into them. Whoever he was following better live here, or they could easily be just as lost as he was.  

    His steps, silent as the night due to his fuzzy paws, don't even offer him the comfort of sound. With a 'hrumph' Yami sways his tail side to side, letting the appendage brush against walls and and scrap metal. The soft sound it made was nice, but not at all like the real voices he had been lured in by. "Too bad you can't talk." He muses, cranking his neck back to give his tail a lick. Suddenly, some noise brushes against his ear fur that is not his own. "--muzzle off for getting in my fucking face." There! That was one of the voices he had heard before, oh he was sure of it! Kicking his paws a bit faster the Liepard speeds forward, his belly swaying with each step.

    As Yami rounds another corner the voice drifts in again, the words even clearer than before. "--back the fuck up buddy." A splash of white fur meets his sensitive gold eyes, and a stretch of navy a small ways off. Any tension in the air is utterly lost beneath his bliss, a massive grin spread cheek to cheek until his white fangs show. His quick pace does not falter even as he yowls, "Hey! I heard you earlier! What's up? Hello!"

    ((As this character is not very bright and would run up to strangers, if either of you find it useful to send a warning attack or something that's totally cool.))

    Age : 25
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    Post by Duma Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:40 pm

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    He trotted through the corridors, following their scent back. He had his rings and markings dulled to a mute glow, plunging his dark form into darkness. He wanted some time alone to think, and in a group such as theirs, this was probably the only time he would be able to. The flickering orange light of flames alerted him to the others, and he growled darkly, glancing back to see Mathias coming up with Bastet.

    "Cosmic, we should hurry back. Bast might have picked up some unexpected guests." His eyes widened, and he glanced back towards where Glass was, his rings brightening enough to light up the corridor. If Glass was in danger, they needed to get back now. He dub his claws into the concrete below him, his ears flicking. "Seems she's by two other pokemon, but I can't tell who or what they are from this floor."

    Two others? A rough snarl rolled from Cosmic's chest, and he took off at once, claws scraping across the ground and leaving gouges that only spurred him forwards, rings flaring brightly so he was able to see his path. If Glass was in danger, they had to move, and they had to move now.

    "Why would they not be my tunnels? I live here now. Wait, group? There are more of you? Are you trying to say they are yours?" Glass bristled at the dragon's words, dark red eyes narrowing as she growled deeply. "Considering we've been here for at least a few days, we would've seen a big ass fucking reptile slinking around." She hissed, her fur sticking up in a thick ridge across her back.

    She growled darkly, eyes locked on the massive dragon in front of her. Cosmic will be here soon, but what do I do about this guy in the meantime? She thought, scanning over the dragon for weak points she culd try to hit if things decided to get ugly. Her claws began to glow with a Sucker Punch, her body rigid as she stared at the Druddiking.

    "Hey! I heard you earlier! What's up? Hello!" The new voice seemed to break a spell on Glass, and she snapped her head to face it, claws digging into the ground. "Unless you want to become shredded feline stir fry you better stop right the fuck there." She snarled, glancing between the two newcomers.

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:04 pm

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    With Bastet ahead of them, Mathias kept caught up with Cosmic as they made their way back to Glass. The Espeon felt one more come in and this had her worried. Great another one. Now that's three. Mathias hurry, I'll go on ahead and help Glass. The Psychic type opened the door with her powers and went to the floor where Glass and some unknown pokemon are located. Mathias stayed right behind Cosmic as they too was heading towards Glass. The Charizard's heart was racing thinking that if the uninvited guests are undead and strong, there would be no way to save Glass on their own. Bast, where did you go? Leo would be upset if something happened to you. There was no response from the Psychic type. She was out of range of his thought patterns. Considering that they wasn't there last night had Mathias on edge. Who could those pokemon possibly be? I'm not about to lose another friend to the damned undead. Either it was determination or his fierce loyalty to Glass that gave him the will to go on.

    The Espeon finally got to the next floor down opening it seeing not one but two pokemon near Glass."Considering we've been here for at least a few days, we would've seen a big ass fucking reptile slinking around." Considering what Glass said was right about the pokemon she was face the face with. Luckily he was breathing. "Hey! I heard you earlier! What's up? Hello!" Who was this Liepard and why did it feel like this one is an oddball? This got a reaction from Glass and not a good one at that. "Unless you want to become shredded feline stir fry you better stop right the fuck there." Woah was she pissed. Either the dragon or the Liepard pissed her off. Looking past Glass though the third presence was there hiding in the dark with red eyes glowing. What is that? Yet there's light coming from behind it. Was this an undead? No, something different about this one that she's feeling. Its not communicating in thoughts of feed.

    The Espeon walked up behind the dragon and got close enough to Glass as she whispered something in Glass' ear. "There's something behind you Glass, Mathias and Cosmic will be here soon. I'll help you with these two for the time being." The Eeveelution said as she looked straight at the unknown third one. As she turned her head to look straight at the dragon she was unimpressed with this one. Yes, this one isn't to far from the tree to know. Maybe she'll find out for Mathias on where this dragon's from. Meanwhile Mathias reached the door opening it up for Cosmic to get through. "Okay Cosmic if I'm right, Bastet and Glass are just below us. Maybe we'll find out who those intruders are as well." As he waited for the Umbreon to go through. Bast turned back to looking at the figure hiding in the dark. "Come out, unless you want me to pull you over here myself!" She was ready for a fight if it came to that.

    Age : 32
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    Post by NyraXerz Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:40 pm

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    The Under | Time Unknown | 13

    More words from the unknown pokemon in front of him, but Nova doesn’t have time to process their meaning before unfamiliar voices break his concentration. Taking a step back from Glass, he whirls around to face the first voice and finds a liepard right underneath his muzzle. How had he not heard them approach? It’s unthinkable to him to consider he’s losing his touch. As this odd-colored cat greets him, the dragon is thrown for a loop, unsure what to say. This definitely is new… ”Hello…?” He offers, looking as confused as he sounds.

    ”Where did you come from?” He asks, growing annoyed at the unusual situation as his surprise begins to wear off. Then a flash of color catches his attention from behind. A patch of lilac that stands out among the gloomy underground scenery and Nova turns around to face it. ”Another one?” He questions, though is ignored as the espeon instead says something quickly to the absol he had originally been questioning. He’s seen this one before hasn’t he? Purple psychic cat something? Hmph.

    Finally finished, Bast turns to look at Nova briefly, unafraid and unimpressed? That is, before something more interesting catches her eyes behind all of them in the momentarily forgotten hallway. "Come out, unless you want me to pull you over here myself!" Nova squints his eyes in the darkness, red points for eyes staring back at them, but the figure as a whole was hidden. Whatever it was though, he could at least tell it was big. With a low growl, he digs his claws in and stands back to his full height. Heat swells his chest before bursting outward in a jet of flame aimed at the ceiling. The flash of hot light illuminates the shadowy hallway for several long seconds before the dragon cuts off his flame. The fire quickly extinguishing and plunging them back into low-light. "What the?!" Nova exclaims.


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:17 am

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    Watching ever so carefully, Shadow listened to what the Absol was saying and knows not to get in her face. Yet, the dragon continues to ask questions that is not making sense even to him. "Why would they not be my tunnels? I live here now. Wait, group? There are more of you? Are you trying to say they are yours?" As far as Shadow was concerned they belonged to the undead now. Even with his training it would be pointless to fight them all off. He'd tire out before even getting through a fourth of them. "Considering we've been here for at least a few days, we would've seen a big ass fucking reptile slinking around." Perhaps, but Shadow didn't see anything like the Druddiking around. Maybe, just maybe it got here before he did. It wasn't a great possibility. Likely mere coincidence that there was others here that Shadow was unaware of. "Hey! I heard you earlier! What's up? Hello!" Who was this smart ass? A Liepard who isn't to bright and got in the Absol's face. Not a very good move to open pleasantries with a dark type. However, it would be noteworthy to come in nice and easy.

    Now the absol was pissed and her voice certainly told it for sure. "Unless you want to become shredded feline stir fry you better stop right the fuck there." Definitely pissed off. Doubtful she'd go ballistic and kill the liepard, but the dark type would knock the air out of the feline. His red eyes continue to glow and watch as things continued to unfold with the dragon and liepard. How in the world do those two continue to pester her when she's pissed off. Best keep my distance for now at least until she's calmed somewhat. At least that's the plan until then, but not if the Druddiking and Liepard continue with the one hundred questions. Inside him though a part of him wanted to scream out shut up to the two others, but another part of him wanted to see where this is going. The Charizard remained quite while he crossed his arms listening to any type of other hostility and if he needed to break it up.

    There was times though he wanted to go up and say hi, but he was afraid of the reaction they might get of the coloring.

    After a bit the door past the others opened and emerged a small psychic type eeveelution. An espeon with gorgeous violet fur and beautiful eyes came towards the absol. The fire type was about to cringe on what would happen, but it seemed they knew each other. ”Another one?” However, it wasn't long before he was spotted by the Espeon. "Come out, unless you want me to pull you over here myself!" She wasn't bluffing and psychic types are known to attack from a great distance if they know they're being watched. Shit, bout time someone noticed me. Just hope they don't get the thought that I'm undead. The Charizard then hears the reaction from the dragon. "What the?!" Was the Druddiking not thinking right when it used flamethrower? He could have set fire to the place. He's not smart. At least to his thought, but he could be wrong. Finally he said something. "Fine, but I'm just warning you that I'm not one of those things." Of course though he's been judged on his color so many times that it gets annoying.

    Shadow comes out revealing himself to the others. His eyes still somewhat glowing as he got into a little more light and revealed his purple scales. "If you think I'm getting any closer then no, I'm staying right here where there's enough light to see me. I'm not looking for a fight, but I will if I have to." Truthfully he didn't want to fight at all especially after looking for any other living being since the epidemic started. However, the way it looked they was itching to start something. "LIsten I know what you all are thinking, its an undead, but I promise you I'm not undead nor infected. This is what I look like." Of course though it would be unwise to assume things, but lately that came across his mind after seeing the undead. He was no fighting type, but he knew when someone is going to attack and he couldn't overlook the possibility on that part.

    OoC)) Feel free to judge his color, I promise Shadow will get a reaction from it.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 30 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:07 pm

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    The Under | Time Unknown | 2

    Oh boy oh boy he had found the source of the voice! And, by the sound of it, another Pokemon to go along with it. The navy wash quickly comes into focus as a large dragon, one that he had never seen before but was interesting nonetheless. ”Hello…?” It greeted him as he got closer, though the tone of the dragon's voice is lost beneath his own excitement. "Hello!" He greeted back, lips drawing back on the meow until his pointed fangs glinted.

    ”Where did you come from?” As his thoughts kick into gear to find answers the Liepard's pace slows slightly. "The south, I think?" His voice fluxed with that of a question, his own uncertainty suddenly popping in. "Or do you mean like my home? Cause I was born in Unova or something--" "Unless you want to become shredded feline stir fry you better stop right the fuck there." The Absol quickly snapped, cutting off his speech with a warning snarl. Her claws glowed with hostility, a readied defense for a threat the Liepard did not see present. "Oh," he murmurs, voice falling. "Sorry! I didn't mean to intrude upon.. whatever this is?" Oh dear, this wasn't a lovers quarrel, was it?

    Just as that new idea bounced into his head an Espeon suddenly trotted up the Absol, though her approach was not met with the same hostility as his. Was she a friend? ”Another one?” The dragon grumbled, but Yami's sensitive ears were listening hard for the psychic's lowered voice. "There's something behind you Glass, Mathias and Cosmic will be here soon. I'll help you with these two for the time being." Help with these two, thing behind them, Glass? Gosh she's got more going on in her head then I do! His tail swishes gleefully; maybe they could be fast friends!

    But that would have to wait. With a perk of his fuzzy ears the Liepard turns his head around as much as possible to see what the Espeon was talking about. The area is empty of anything interesting aside form a faint paired glimmer. How had he not noticed that before? It was pretty! Ready to be the one to check it out Yami lifts one paw but swiftly places back down as the dragon blast a steam of fire toward the shine. That was close! What had the Absol called him before, stir fry? Yeah, no kidding! The light lasted just long enough for his eyes to adjust and catch a glimpse of.. purple? Oh no, was an undead waiting for them?! His claws slide out automatically, ready to be used for traction or defense, but instead of an attack they are meet with a groan. "Fine, but I'm just warning you that I'm not one of those things."

    Both his ears quiver at the rumble of the voice. It sounded hearty, alive, and sane, things he wouldn't call an undead, and as it came into the light Yami's eyes went wide. What lustrous purple scales! "Listen I know what you all are thinking, its an undead, but I promise you I'm not undead nor infected. This is what I look like." The Charizard sounded genuine enough, like he had spent many moons saying the same things. Had he, or was the feline imagining that?

    Yami padded just a hair closer, his ever quiet steps drifting him along as the shimmery scales drew him in and his previous thought trickled away. "Wow, you're tell me, bud!" He meowed, ever cheerful and in awe. "I'm supposed to be the purple one, but look at me! All black and no ringlets. It's like we got palette swapped, hehe!" A purr rumbled up from his throat, a smile spreading cheek to cheek. "Besides, its not line an undead would look and speak as well as you." He turns his shoulders, forcing his gaze to sweep along the other Pokemon. "Right guys? I think he's alright!"

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 30 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:06 pm

    OoC)) Skip, don't have much to work with. Also I need Duma for a response.

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 30 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by NyraXerz Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:56 am

    ((( ooc: I can't think of anything, please skip me this round. ))


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Apr 22, 2017 7:08 am

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    Shadow was weary of the others as if they wouldn't believe a word of a stranger. Not to mention that the Psychic type could indicate if he's lying or not. The Charizard had to choose his words wisely or else he might get chased off. "Wow, you're tell me, bud!" The Liepard had spoke in a cheerful voice. It sounded to cheerful and that was a reason to be cautious. However what was said kind of tugged on Shadow's anger a bit. "I'm supposed to be the purple one, but look at me! All black and no ringlets. It's like we got palette swapped, hehe!" The fire type wasn't pleased but showed no anger physically, but mentally. Damn it why does everyone compare me to a normal Charizard. Whatever, just hear him out. Then the feline continued on talking as if it was a radio or some sort. "Besides, its not line an undead would look and speak as well as you." And what is that supposed to mean? Just take it as a compliment. After that though he would rather wait for the others to say words of their own.

    The Liepard looked away from Shadow to tell the others his own feelings. "Right guys? I think he's alright!" Its not something for him to force on the others. It was their own decision and if the Espeon catches him in a lie in any way shape or form it would mean a fight. Truthfully he wanted to avoid a fight and win their trust. "Thanks for your compliment, but its not one's own to decide for the others." It was something that his parents had told him back in his childhood days. Though he did have thoughts now and then on returning to the hot sands of the Orre desert to revisit his old home, but it isn't possible right now. "Those things however, they taken over my home, Agate and nobody is around. Even when I think of it I'm not human owned." From what Shadow remembered Agate was mostly elderly and more of a retirement village. Even wild pokemon come into town to feed on the food the elderly have placed for them. It was a good enough reason that Shadow and his parents had lived there still wild as can be.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:32 pm

    ((Skip to bring the cycle back around.))

    Age : 25
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    Post by Duma Tue Nov 21, 2017 4:47 am

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    The umbreon paused, panting softly as his eyes darted back and forth, rings glowing brightly. His ears long ears flicked, before turning and flattening back against his head. Fucking hell, he shouldn't have left them. "Okay Cosmic if I'm right, Bastet and Glass are just below us. Maybe we'll find out who those intruders are as well." Below them? Cosmic looked down, growling darkly. Fucking maze of a place. The shiny took a moment to look around him, before darting off, claws skittering over the ground. "Then hurry the fuck up, Mathias. Move your fucking ass!" He snarled, as he ran, darting through the doorway and down to the stairwell.

    "Oh," red eyes dart to the side, a snarl on her lips, teeth pulled back to show off her sharp teeth. Glass's fur bristled, the white line along her spine raising and making her appear more rugged and large than she was. "Sorry! I didn't mean to intrude upon.. whatever this is?" This was her telling this fucking dragon to go shove his entitlement up his ass, and to fuck off. The dark aura around her claws still flickered and danced around the blue clawtips, her dark red eyes darting to the dragon, and then to the black liepard. God damn it, why couldn't it be simple? It'd be so much easier if they were undead.

    "There's something behind you Glass, Mathias and Cosmic will be here soon. I'll help you with these two for the time being." She spared Bastet a glance, before flicking her gaze to look behind her, head tilting only slightly so she still kept the other two in her peripheral vision. Another one? Great, more people she had to tell to fuck off. She was not in a good mood and she wanted to fucking leave. "Come out, unless you want me to pull you over here myself!" Glass hissed softly, giving Bastet a glare. Don't drag it over here you fucking moron! She didn't want to deal with anyone else. She wanted to get Cosmic and Mathias, leave this building and keep going.

    "Fine, but I'm just warning you that I'm not one of those things." One of what things? Undead? Glass spat, her growls reaching a new volume. "Yeah fucking right. I'll believe that when I fucking see it. Get your fugly ass out here, asshole." She snarled, turning slightly so that she could keep an eye on all the newcomers, her back to the stairwell. "Listen I know what you all are thinking, its an undead, but I promise you I'm not undead nor infected. This is what I look like." Her eyes narrowed, and she looked over the charizard's body, lip curling further. She glanced up at the fire pokemon, claws digging at the ground. She let her attack fade, but she wasn't happy about it. If she tried to attack now, however, it'd be dangerous. Too many people.

    The liepard moved, and Glass's gaze snapped over, not trusting the cat to not attack. "Wow, you're tell me, bud!" Ugh, that voice. Glass hissed, before backing up a little so that she could pace around Bastet, claws digging at the ground."I'm supposed to be the purple one, but look at me! All black and no ringlets. It's like we got palette swapped, hehe!" How the hell could someone be so fucking cheerful in this hellhole? God, it made her head ache. "Besides, its not like an undead would look and speak as well as you." If they wanted to get themselves killed, sure, they could stay around the fucking freaky Charizard. "Right guys? I think he's alright!"

    "Thanks for your compliment, but its not one's own to decide for the others." Well, at least he had some common sense. Glass took a deep breath, trying to calm down. Getting up in arms isn't going to do you any favors. Calm the fuck down. Glas blinked a few times, fur laying flat. She had to calm down, and deal with things rationally, here. She took a moment to calm, listening to the charizard. "Those things however, they taken over my home, Agate and nobody is around. Even when I think of it I'm not human owned."

    Stepping forwards, Glass gave the liepard a glare, hissing quietly. "Oh boo hoo, what a sad, sad sob story. You'll have to excuse me, I don't find time for bullshit." She growled, pacing up to the fire type with a frown. "So your home got overrun? Too bad. Everyone's home got overrun. You're not special, and no one cares. Forgive me for being brash, but I have had it with bullshit today. Either you introduce yourself, now, or I don't give two shits what your name is, and I'm just going to call you Fugly."

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:07 pm

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    The Charizard for some reason was up in caution. However that caution was thrown into the wind as Cosmic had been more alert and ready for a fight. "Then hurry the fuck up, Mathias. Move your fucking ass!" The Umbreon ran through the open door and Mathias followed suit. These damned stairs. Why can't I just glide down them instead. Glass, Bastet. You both better be okay. It was already hard that putting down Forrik wasn't the best option, but it had to be done. Cosmic being the one to feel the most guilt. It wasn't the time to reflect on that right now. The fire type wasn't going to delay on this. No one else is dying here. No way he'll let that happen even if it means getting infected to save Glass and Bastet. Then the thought of something had hit the Charizard. Could it be someone he had missed during his travels? Only way he'll find out is seeing with his own eyes, but for now he wasn't to happy with what is going on right now. Smoke was coming out of his nostrils it was anger. One thing that Mathias does have a problem with is being to protective of Bastet. Like any big brother he would show his fierce anger if anything was trying to harm Bastet.

    Bastet stared at the purple charizard with no signs of blinking. Reading his mind was no tough part. Something had shown that he's a bit tougher than he looks. "Fine, but I'm just warning you that I'm not one of those things." What kind of bullshit was this Charizard feeding? Glass had shown her distaste and anger. "Yeah fucking right. I'll believe that when I fucking see it. Get your fugly ass out here, asshole." The espeon soon seen the Charizard in question. He's alive and was telling the truth, but still she wasn't trusting him. If he shown any signs of hostility, the Espeon would kill him right there and be done with it. "Listen I know what you all are thinking, its an undead, but I promise you I'm not undead nor infected. This is what I look like." What? How is that even possible? All shiny Charizards are usually black colored. Was this Charizard form a different region?

    The Liepard however started talking and this made Bastet lose interest in dealing with that one. The Druddiking however would make a part of her attention. "Wow, you're tell me, bud!" How does this Liepard have a friendly demeanor towards life? In a sense, she has a friendly outlook to life herself. Still though the Liepard was no Umbreon and knowing if Mathias would see this Liepard, he would lay down the laws. May as well hear this out and let Glass be the judge of that. "I'm supposed to be the purple one, but look at me! All black and no ringlets. It's like we got palette swapped, hehe!" And his point is being what? "Besides, its not like an undead would look and speak as well as you." Okay seriously, it feels the point is gone past the conclusion. "Right guys? I think he's alright!" Deciding for the others is something that Bastet wouldn't do. There was differences so pretty much she wouldn't say much until the Liepard introduced himself. "Thanks for your compliment, but its not one's own to decide for the others." Well, at least he isn't dumb, but his story soon came into play. "Those things however, they taken over my home, Agate and nobody is around. Even when I think of it I'm not human owned." So that means he's a wild pokemon then? One thing though is why did he choose a human town to live at. "Oh boo hoo, what a sad, sad sob story. You'll have to excuse me, I don't find time for bullshit." Bastet started to feel something from the Charizard as if Glass shouldn't try it. "So your home got overrun? Too bad. Everyone'shome got overrun. You're not special, and no one cares. Forgive me for being brash, but I have had it with bullshit today. Either you introduce yourself, now, or I don't give two shits what your name is, and I'm just going to call you Fugly." Wow, she's not even going to give him a chance? Perhaps Mathias should talk to her about that.

    The door at the end of the hall swings open and out of it appears none other than Mathias and Cosmic. "What the hell is going on here!" Uh oh, Bastet knew what that voice was. Over protection and at its highest levels yet. At least he wasn't this over protective back in Kanto when Leo was alive. Perhaps being separated for two and a half years had made him that way. Mathias wasn't to happy with seeing the newcomers just after a funeral, but he knows all to well that a small group could be defeated just as fast if they was to get ambushed by multiple assailants. That was until the Charizard laid eyes on the other Charizard that Glass was at close range with. "Gabriel? Is that you?" As Mathias got a little closer he soon realized it wasn't his brother. This sparked a little confusion in Mathias. "No, you're not Gabriel, sorry." This was the first time Bastet seen Mathias like this. Did he have a brother that he didn't tell her or anyone else about? "Mathias? Do you know who this Charizard is?" The fire type shook his head, getting his mind focused back. "No, but I don't know if he's from my father's clan." There was some doubt in his voice on that, but he was back to being cautious again, focusing on the three newcomers in a row. He needs answers from them and now.

    OoC)) Oh yeah! Back in action baby!

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 30 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Nov 30, 2017 12:03 pm

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    The absol turned her anger towards him of course there wasn't trust. She was really in a pissy mood and pushing her further would be a grave mistake. "Yeah fucking right. I'll believe that when I fucking see it. Get your fugly ass out here, asshole." Well so much for trying to be nice. Still he felt that pissing her off further wasn't wise so he complies. For one such as an absol like this female, it would basically be either putting her further into a pissy mood or do what she says and not try to fight. Women. glad I haven't found a female charizard around this desert. Mom and Dad would embarrass me if they seen one. Not that it mattered with his thoughts right now. First was to at least try to not get mad at her. "Oh boo hoo, what a sad, sad sob story. You'll have to excuse me, I don't find time for bullshit." Shadow was getting a bit upset at the comment that was made. It wasn't a bullshit story and he wasn't going to let her tell him otherwise. "So your home got overrun? Too bad. Everyone'shome got overrun. You're not special, and no one cares. Forgive me for being brash, but I have had it with bullshit today. Either you introduce yourself, now, or I don't give two shits what your name is, and I'm just going to call you Fugly." What is with her? He's not even given a chance to even at least let her calm down.

    Before Shadow was able to say anything the door swings open and hits the wall hard. Another Charizard and he doesn't look to thrilled either. What a day it has been already, first a pissed female absol and now a pissed charizard. "What the hell is going on here!" Nobody wanting to at least give pleasantries. The other Charizard locked eyes with him and soon the voice changed from angry to curious. "Gabriel? Is that you?" Who the hell was Gabriel? The other charizard was getting closer soon an apology came from him. "No, you're not Gabriel, sorry." Even if he did say something the answer would of been a no. The Espeon then asked the Charizard named Mathias something. "Mathias? Do you know who this Charizard is?" It would of been weird if he said something as if a yes, but like so they never met. "No, but I don't know if he's from my father's clan." Clan? Seems that Shadow had no clue of any clans. After all he has been in the desert for most of his life. Mostly now is just to try to earn trust. Hopefully they'll trust him in due time.

    The Charizard finally responded to the Absol's question. "My name is Shadow." Surely that was a start, but trying to wonder why the absol was angry would be not his concern. Besides, he wasn't to good at talking with female pokemon. Half of it being that they judge him on his colors. Especially the years he's been away from Orre. The only thing other than that is trying to talk to the orange one. "Who is this Gabriel you speak of? I have no idea who that is nor do I know of any clan." As it was the fire type wasn't really wanting any more trouble. All he wanted to do was to be accepted not for his color but for his knowledge of the desert. Would they ask him of it to begin with would be something that is up to them. All he can do right now is just keep silent and answer only when he is spoken to. If anything else was to be said not directed to him then he'll not bother. How he felt about Mathias though was a different matter. Most Charizards look for strong opponents and if Mathias was one those kinds then Shadow would put him in his place.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:11 pm

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    The Under | Time Unknown | 3

    Yami beamed as his golden-green gaze drifted between everyone, but it was the Absol that they kept lingering upon. She had eyes like daggers, fierce and expressive. Damn, she was sharp. An uncontrollable snicker worked its way through his teeth, and Yami's whiskers twitched as it wheezed its way out. Whatever the purple Charizard had said he missed it in his own stupid joke, but the Absol mustn't have found it amusing. She chewed him out, and the Liepard knew to correct himself from sharp to savage. While such hostility should have been a warning of his rudeness all he picked up on was an invitation to introduce himself, even if it wasn't meant for him.

    Puffing up his chest the big cat stood very tall. "My name is Yami. Hello! it's nice to meet you all!" Flicking his tail back and forth he concluded the short intro with a massive smile. There, positive vibes for all~ Tilting his head to the side the cat's eyes closed for a few moments, ready to hear further introductions when another new voice came booming in after the sound creak of a door. "What the hell is going on here!" Opening the large spheres once more Yami was surprised to find yet another dragon in there presence. There are so many Pokemon here! He hadn't seem this many critters in a hot minute!

    The new dragon was a wonder for sure, but his reception was the real marvel. The Espeon at least seemed acquainted with him, and the Absol didn't threaten them with claws either. An old friend, or was this collection of Pokemon part of a bigger picture? Such thoughts kept is trap silent as the pair questioned the situation but the instant the purple Charizard spoke again Yami's ears were stiff and alert. "My name is Shadow." Shadow? Hah, that's kinda like my name! What were the chances of that? With a purr he beamed at the dragon, "It's nice to meet you," but he was not his focus. "Who is this Gabriel you speak of? I have no idea who that is nor do I know of any clan." "Gabriel? Are they lost?" He asked, confused as the rest of them. "I can help find them!" Whoever it was, he wasn't about to let them go missing if he could help it.

    Age : 37
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    Post by Fox Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:50 am

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    The Under | Unknown || 97 | 64
    "Plague. Plague."
    A sharp poking in his side awoke him as the rams' incessant whispering made him flatten his ears against his head and hiss. "Fuck ooooff," he mumbled grumpily, stuffing his head under the rumpled sheets they were laying on. "Rrrrrf!" Plague exclaimed as a hand roughly shoved at his head. Growling, he flailed about and tore the sheets off of himself. "What the fu-!"
    "Sssh!" Kyoya silenced him urgently, his ears high and his gaze focused on the rooms' door. The foxes' eyes went from irritated to alert as he leaped to his feet and sniffed at the space between the grimy carpet and the bottom of the thick, heavy door.
    "I heard yelling," the ram said quietly, gazing down at him with the same expression Plague wore; dread.
    "We should barricade the door." Plague muttered as he looked to the heavy dresser across the room. Kyoya shook his head. "No. If anyone gets in here, there's no other way out. We have to take our chances and leave." The fox sighed and scrunched his eyes shut. "Damnit, we just found this place, I don't want to go back out there."
    "If we don't, we'll be-"
    "Fucking yeah, I know..." Plague grumbled, before shaking himself and stretching his limbs out. He really hated how the infection changed him. Every damn time they met someone that wasn't rotting away, wanted to kill him. A pang of guilt ran through him as he glanced at the ampharos, who was searching the room for any leftover supplies. If it wasn't for him, this would be a hopeful situation for Kyo. He would be safer and happier in a group. Instead, he was running away like a fugitive from any small sign of civilization and life.
    "Are you ready? Have anything you need to put in here?" Kyoya offered the open makeshift bag towards him. Plague couldn't help but ease his face out of irritation. Despite what could only be considered years since the world ended, Kyo still had an air of charm and grace to everything he did.
    "Nah," He muttered, donning the pale bone mask.


    The ampharos nodded, pulling the bag shut and slinging it over his shoulder. He sighed as he looked around at the safe room they had been staying in. When they had found it, it was barricaded heavily, and it took a great deal of effort to just get in. It was well worth the effort though, as the room was relatively untouched by blood, death or chaos. The sheets on the bed was an off-white from age and exposure, but it even had pillows and mild amenities on the shelves, like soap and towels. To him, this was the closest thing he'd get to living comfortably again for a long time.
    It had been too long since they had caught a bit of luck. They had fled Johto, in the hopes of finding an isolated area that they could settle in, and found themselves desperate enough to try the arid and desolate deserts. Begrudingly, he turned his back to the comfortable haven they had finally found and quietly opened the heavy door.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 25
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    Post by Duma Wed Dec 06, 2017 3:07 pm

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    |The Under|Time Unknown|
    Cosmic skidded into the room with a sharp bark, his rings flaring outwards with a flash of light. Any words spoken were ignored as the Umbreon skidded to a stop beside Glass, hackles raised as he glared out at the newcomers. The fox's eyes bladed, and his lip curled into a snarl. Glass spared the Umbreon a glance, stepping forwards just a little to push the fox back just a little. Cosmic growled, but stepped back, instead pacing behind the Absol, teeth shown with his fur raised right up. "Gabriel? Is that you?" Glass looked over to Mathias, then to Shadow. She shook her head, deciding to focus on talking to Cosmic.

    She motioned for the Umbreon to follow her aside, and while he hesitated, he followed after her. "What the hell happened? We left, and now there's another person.
    Are they safe?
    He asked, before getting a stiff nod from Glass. "As far as I can tell, he's safe, but I don't trust him." She said, getting a little growl from the Umbreon. "Right..."

    "My name is Shadow." Cosmic looked back, his hackles slowly falling as he swallowed to help calm himself. May as well try to be friendly. "My name is Yami. Hello! it's nice to meet you all!" The Umbreon gave a stiff nod, the bright glow from his rings dying down a little. "I'm Cosmic," he said, his voice wary and stiff.

    "And I'm Glass. If you are going to stay, you better well fucking listen. I'm the one in charge here, and what I say goes. You have an issue with it? There's a big ass fucking desert outside that would love to see your ass." She said, narrowing her eyes. "With that said, I am not one to be an ass without reason. I was caught off guard before, so I was on alert. If you need shelter, and a group to stay with, feel free to join us, but if you try to start shit, I will have no issues with kicking your ass to the curb."

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:40 pm

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    The Under|Time Unknown

    Mathias looked at the purple charizard with a look that he is clueless of what is happening right now. Without a thought though, he soon went on to concentrating on the two new pokemon. "My name is Shadow." Who would name their pokemon that? Perhaps the coloring was a reason. That was until Shadow asked a question that was not something he'd expect from another charizard. "Who is this Gabriel you speak of? I have no idea who that is nor do I know of any clan." Still he was rather cautious of this one. Being the coloration that looks simular to the undead it would be hard to trust his words. "Gabriel? Are they lost?" Bastet was about to ask Mathias something else as Glass and Cosmic had walked away. Yet, it was better to speak psychically to Mathias. Do you trust his words Mathias? I know you are reeling from last night, but I have no reason to believe he's lying. Whatever you decide big brother I'll stand by you. Mathias didn't know what to think. Yet he felt his reason to be on guard was still up there. I don't trust him Bastet. My father's clan is known to be rash when it came to exiled members. I'm not going to take the chance to be caught off guard. For now lets watch him. Bastet nodded. As for the Liepard, it would be best to tell him not to bother looking for Gabriel.

    Glass came back out with Cosmic though they felt it wasn't needed to be silent on names, it was at least a shot to be nice. "I'm Cosmic," Then Glass had spoken [color:298c=
    #D3D3D3]"And I'm Glass. If you are going to stay, you better well fucking listen. I'm the one in charge here, and what I say goes. You have an issue with it? There's a big ass fucking desert outside that would love to see your ass." Ground rules already? Well looks like enforcing it will not be much of a problem. Especially with the three newcomers. "With that said, I am not one to be an ass without reason. I was caught off guard before, so I was on alert. If you need shelter, and a group to stay with, feel free to join us, but if you try to start shit, I will have no issues with kicking your ass to the curb." This made Mathias wonder if Forrik's death had an impact on her. Though he thought a bit about it he barely knew Forrik himself.

    Either way it wouldn't hurt to introduce himself as well as Bastet. "I'm Mathias and if you wonder, I'm from the Kanto Region so lets get that out of the way." He wasn't going to waste any words with introductions other than what he said. As for the Liepard's question, he best say it now before he goes into a suicide search. "You'd be better off not looking for Gabriel, if he learns of you being a human owned pokemon, he'll likely either attack you or kill you. Chances are he's likely searching for me or holed up in the mountains between Kanto and Johto with the rest of my father's clan. Someplace I can't step foot in nor fly near." Now even thinking about it, it would be suicide to even go there as punishment for exiles who try to disobey the clan's rules are often met with death. Outsiders was not excluded from this as any invading pokemon would either be chased out or killed. It was the way things worked.

    The espeon then went to introduce herself as well. "I'm Bastet and Mathias is my brother so Yami its nice to meet you." She made it short and simple. What about the Druddiking? He hasn't said anything since the little fire show. Perhaps a word would be so much as helpful. However, some new presences had been felt just now and not so much as a few minutes ago there wasn't anything other than the three that's here. "Huh? That's odd, something is above us on the next floor. It wasn't there before and now its there." Mathias looked at Bastet wonder if its just stress that made her miss something. "Did you miss anything when you was helping Glass sis? I would of known if I heard something while being up there with Cosmic." The psychic eeveelution shook her head as if she was sure. "I'm sure Mathias, I didn't feel anything until now. Its weird, but I kinda want to know." The charizard wasn't sure if that was a good idea. Perhaps it would be better to keep moving. "I don't think its a good idea Bast. Who knows what it could be or if its even something there. We should probably get moving since we need to pick up some other things." The water and medicine was already in their possession so that was off the list, but food being another thing that's needed. "Where should we look for food at Glass? Now that we have more pokemon to feed, we'll have to find someplace that has plentiful amounts." Bastet looked at the ceiling seeing something unusual with it. It was as if it was really weak from being stepped on from above. Whatever it was though anything that steps right on that area would make it collapse right in front of them.

    Last edited by ShadowCharizard on Sun Dec 24, 2017 5:59 am; edited 1 time in total

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    (ACE) The UNDER Team  - Page 30 Empty Re: (ACE) The UNDER Team

    Post by NyraXerz Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:47 am

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    The Under | Time Unknown | 14

    The unusual charizard steps out fully from the darkness, showing off his unfortunate shiny color. It's clear after the first few sentences out of his mouth that he is still in his right state of mind. Nova does his best to pay attention to the unfolding conversation. However, without the strong stench of undead on his purple stranger his guard lowers and interest drops to pebbles that had lodged themselves into the scales of his front feet. This wouldn't do. Carefully leaning back on to his hind legs the dragon picks and preens each little speck of dust from his hands. Claws scrape carefully around each indent finishing one hand fully before moving to the other. The back-and-forth of the rest of the group merely background noise.

    As the last scrap is removed, he holds them out, looking at them proudly from the front then the back. The only thing startling enough to break his focus is a, yet another, dragon bursting onto their floor. A bright orange fella that immediately demands to know what the hell is going on before almost instantly softening in expression as he looks to the purple charizard. Before Nova knows it, this calm in the storm sets off a cascade of introductions. Let's see...so the purple, not-infected one is Shadow, small cheery cat? is Yami...Cosmic is...was that fox always here? Bast... "And I'm Glass. If you are going to stay, you better well fucking listen. I'm the one in charge here, and what I say goes. You have an issue with it? There's a big ass fucking desert outside that would love to see your ass." 'Glass' said, giving each of them a hard look. "With that said, I am not one to be an ass without reason. I was caught off guard before, so I was on alert. If you need shelter, and a group to stay with, feel free to join us, but if you try to start shit, I will have no issues with kicking your ass to the curb."

    "And I, am Nova." He says as he stands up straight and puffs out his chest. "The druddiking."

    "Huh? That's odd, something is above us on the next floor. It wasn't there before and now its there." Nova looks up, following the espeo--Bast's gaze to the decaying ceiling. Noticing now for the first time how unstable the area looks he takes slow steps in the opposite direction. "I'm sure Mathias, I didn't feel anything until now. Its weird, but I kinda want to know." He leans as close as he dares and listens himself, but without psychic powers it's impossible to hear anything from here. "I don't think its a good idea Bast. Who knows what it could be or if its even something there. We should probably get moving since we need to pick up some other things." "If there is someone there, we have the element of surprise now. Which we won't have if we're split up looking for food. I think we should root them out right now."


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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